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Right? Even if Daniel and Nicole think that no one's noticed that they're always together, Turner straight up told Daniel that he and Nicole are safe. So their closeness is not a secret. 

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
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3 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Taylor now on the BY couch giggling. 

I like Taylor and she definitely didn't deserve any of the bullying, but she also truly is terrible at social cues.  When the entire house is upset and imploding, just lay low!  Don't giggle, don't smirk, just be cool for god's sake!  Don't even giggle when you are all alone because laughing lightens your mood and other, higher EQ players may pick up on it.

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I didn't turn on feeds because there was work I absolutely had to get done. It's a good thing I didn't because I would have been watching with my mouth wide open, jaw hitting my lap in amazement and joy.

Edited by Lamb18
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25 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

I wouldn't praise him just yet.  I'm not sure that she's totally buying it.

I think the point was he was being completely unconvincing. Because…”you have a fighting chance... you’re likable” is not exactly “oh, you totally have the votes, you’re fine.

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The pool scene is so peaceful. Air traffic is loud. A giant Pablo is floating in the pool. Someone's floating on him. Someone else's laugh sounds like one of my brother's cats when it's about to puke.

Kyle is on Pablo. Monte and Terrence are on identical blue-patterned inner tube floaties. Michael or Joe is on a whale (??) floatie. Brittany and Indie are in the jacuzzi. Taylor's lying on a pool chair. Jasmine, Nicole, Alyssa and Turner are on chairs, too. 

Terrence has to go to the diary room in his swimming trunks.

I think the whale is an airplane.

A little too serene - I need Daniel to come raging out in a pink tutu banging pots and pans.

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I used to like Ameerah...sort of...as a strategic player but holy moly when she is not in control she becomes a puddle of tears. " I can't even play for veto. I was backdoored!!!" Hmmm, I believe that was supposed to be Taylor's fate and she was gleefully fine with that. Suck it up cupcake. It's a game 

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And then Joseph came in and was sort of trolling them about staying inside and not being outside with the others. After he left Nicole said “SUCK MY DICK.”

Stay classy, Nicole. 

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Michael is ensconced with the girls, picking up info as they just blab on and on in front of him.

Jasmine says she'll try to get info from Turner, but in a moment of self-awareness says "I don't think he trusts me though."

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Just now, Lady Whistleup said:

Jasmine says she'll try to get info from Turner, but in a moment of self-awareness says "I don't think he trusts me though."

YER KIDDING!!!  😯😮😲😳🤣🤣🤣

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2 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Nicole is upset that she was giving "so much of herself" to this game, including offering to go on the block and getting Taylor out.

Yeah, because she was doing that for "the game" or for "the others", and not because of her weird Steve Moses grudge against Taylor.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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2 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Nicole is upset that she was giving "so much of herself" to this game, including offering to go on the block and getting Taylor out.

You'd think she was The Bachelorette. (Which I'm watching right now. )

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Holy crap, you guys!  I've been on a business trip for this last week, and I thought that would be OK, since a week ago this thread was incredibly slow moving for how early in the game this is.  Every day I log in to find several pages of posts!

I mean, yippee!  Great feeds!  But I also mean....damn, it is hard to keep up if I can only check in once a day!  I'm on team great feeds, all the time. but this was unexpected.  And awesome!

And after all this fantastic news of all the doings in the house, I am left with one question.  Or maybe one question with several parts.

What was Jasmine going to do if someone (Nicole?) actually brought her a cup to pee in?  Squat right there on the bed--which can't be good for her ankle--and pee into it?  In front of everyone?  Ask everyone to leave so she could have some privacy?  Ask those unfortunate ones in the bed with her to support her while she peed in the cup, so she didn't stress her ankle by squatting?  Did she also ask for toilet paper, or was she going to air dry?  Was she going to ask Nicole to catheterize her in order to pee in the cup, no squatting or supporting required?  What was she going to do with the cup full of pee, set it on the floor next to the bed?  Ask someone to dispose of it for her?  What if the cup was too small?

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2 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

I used to like Ameerah...sort of...as a strategic player but holy moly when she is not in control she becomes a puddle of tears. " I can't even play for veto. I was backdoored!!!"

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeaaaahhhh… that’s KINDA what the term “backdoor” means, honeybunny.  🙄

2 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

Hmmm, I believe that was supposed to be Taylor's fate and she was gleefully fine with that. Suck it up cupcake. It's a game 

Being able to take what you dish out has always been strongly recommended for HGs, but it is by no means a requirement.  Apparently.

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8 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Ameerah just flat out asked Turner if she's the target. Turner hems and haws and then claims he doesn't really have a target.


Well done, Turner Formerly Known As Matt. I'm positive she believes you.

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Looking back, I was disappointed that Turner gave Daniel a heads up because I really wanted that blindside, but it turned out to be a smart move.  It has cast a lot of suspicion on Daniel, and some of his allies are questioning Daniel behind his back now.  

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1 minute ago, Slider said:

Looking back, I was disappointed that Turner gave Daniel a heads up because I really wanted that blindside, but it turned out to be a smart move.  It has cast a lot of suspicion on Daniel, and some of his allies are questioning Daniel behind his back now.  

Well, Daniel didn't help himself by lying about what he knew and when he knew it to Jasmine.  Turner did well to tell Jasmine that he told 3 people ahead of time and Daniel was one of them.  

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1 minute ago, Slider said:

Looking back, I was disappointed that Turner gave Daniel a heads up because I really wanted that blindside, but it turned out to be a smart move.  It has cast a lot of suspicion on Daniel, and some of his allies are questioning Daniel behind his back now.  

I'm not sure Turner was actively trying to be smart, but it definitely worked out all the same.

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I finally get to tune in and nobody’s crying. Damnit.

Terrance and Ameerah wish each other luck. Ameerah doesn’t understand why anyone would consider her a threat. She’s been trying her ass off on comps and losing  while everyone else is throwing them! Alyssa is much stronger than her! 

Terrance exits and Kyle comes in. Ameerah tells him that Turner pretty much admitted he regrets putting her up. It should have been Indy, he just didn’t think of it in time? She says he changed his mind about Taylor because of the bullying and he just couldn’t do it. So basically she and Terrance were the default. She feels sorry for Terrance, who will sadly have his time cut short.

Kyle pretends to be just as shocked. They are both blaming the whole thing on Pooch and the ridiculous seeds he planted. Kyle agrees that Turner is being too emotional and he doesn’t know what he’s doing— why is he still playing Pooch’s game?? This is what happens when you spend all your time chilling and don’t think.

Is there a BB acting prize? I nominate Kyle.

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5 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Is there a BB acting prize? I nominate Kyle.

The guys (Turner, Monte, Joseph & Kyle) have been amazingly disciplined today in their handling of this blindside.  Turner has snowed Ameerah, Monte has snowed Indy and Alyssa, Monte has snowed Alyssa, etc.  I haven't seen any of what Michael or Brittany have said and Taylor has been lying low, but even when Nicole approached her this afternoon right after the feeds came back, she as basically "mmmhmming" Nicole's lame attempt to mend fences.  I'm really impressed with the entire Leftovers alliance, to be honest, with how they've played since they formulated the Ameerah blindside Saturday night.

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Ameerah, Jasmine and Alyssa compare notes. They all love Kyle and how he’s on their side. Jasmine says Turner essentially called Alyssa a winner and Terrance a floater. But not to worry, she’s hard at work playing his ass. 

At the same time, Jasmine is rolling her laundry into cylinders. “These pants are so wet! Do they feel wet to you?” Ameerah says yes, so of course Jasmine proceeds to roll them up tightly. Mold pants! Comfy.

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Joseph, Turner and Taylor quickly touch bases in the yard while being careful to appear like they’re not interacting at all. Taylor goes inside while the others hold back so they won’t be seen walking together. It’s like spy choreography. 

Cut to: Jasmine and Alyssa planning their wardrobe and makeup for the next broadcast. Priorities!

Edited by 30 Helens
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Jasmine thinks it’s so funny how she has Turner completely snowed. He doesn’t think she likes Indy, he has no idea she’s working with Ameerah. He thinks her only ally is Alyssa! She’s going to give him a break tonight, but she will get all the information out of him tomorrow. 

They are sure they have Kyle’s vote, and are pretty sure they can get Joseph’s. Ameerah is going to flirt with Monte (“I’m going to talk to him woman to man”) and see what comes of that. They think there is something off with Nicole. If Daniel knew, so did she, and she should have given a heads up.

I love how Daniel and Nicole are taking the heat for something they had absolutely nothing to do with. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer duo. Well played, Leftovers.

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Michael and Nicole hashing out the nominations. Nicole says that Turner made a game move rather than an emotional move.

Michael: "Do you think he has enough votes to get out Ameerah?"

Nicole: "No ..."

Michael then asks Nicole who Turner THINKS he has to evict Ameerah.

Nicole now says she's "super torn."

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YOU GUYS, THIS FLASHBACK IS SO GOOD. (Thank you for the flashback time, @Katesus7) Indy is sobbing, Jasmine is crying because the attention isn't on her, Brittany gets the Academy Award for Best Actress by shaking her head all bewildered in the background, Terrance offering to throw himself on the sword for dear, sweet Ameerah... and Taylor, unbothered, swinging in the hammock.

The big surprise was that someone said the news made them throw up... and it wasn't Jasmine! (It was Indy).

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On 7/24/2022 at 3:22 AM, 30 Helens said:

Notice to all women who might want to sleep with Daniel (a number that is shrinking by the second, I hope and pray): He doesn’t want to wake up next to you. He has a rule: be gone by dawn. You can stay and chill a bit, but if he sees you in the sunlight, he will be displeased.

As a gay man, Daniel is confusing my gaydar so much. Like, really? He's really not gay? 

Kyle also pings but I also think that's mostly because I watched Latter Days too much when I was 18 and thus have a gay Mormon fantasy in my head. LOL

This season has already been more interesting than 22 and 23 by miles. LOL

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Aww Terrance sadly counting the votes and falling ass backwards into the exact votes he actually has.
Nicole crying, saying she's the swing vote.
Nicole walks away from Terrance crying again. Jesus. It's not like you're on the block. Maybe show some compassion towards someone who is on the block for the second time in three weeks?

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Oh! We have crying! 
It’s Nicole. Because she is the swing vote. Everything rests on her weary shoulders! What is she supposed to doooooo.
Calm down, Sweetie. You have much less of a role than you think.

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5 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Jasmine continued to happen

There's something hilarious about someone who has so little self-awareness of how they come off to people which is why we need Jasmines on reality t.v. shows. (They can never bring her back, though, because she's going to be clued in and try to "redeem" herself, ala AbiMaria on Survivor Philippines.)

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I think what it is is that the dudebros are generally respectful people. That doesn't mean they are perfect, or that they can't be really annoying. But Kyle, Michael, Joseph, Turner, generally treat people in a respectful way.

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I had to go back to live time after skipping throughout the afternoon feeds and I came across Alyssa and The Turner Formerly Known as Matt in the HoH room.

"I heard that you said that I said that Indy said-"
*giggle* "No, I said that she said that I said that-"
"No, because I also heard that she said that you said that I said-"
*giggle* "OMG no, because I said that she said that he said that-" *hair flip*

I'll let y'all figure out who is who in this convo.

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Alyssa now buttering up Turner, who says that after he told her something and found out that she spread it around, his feelings were hurt and he didn't trust her anymore.

Alyssa saying that Kyle won't talk to her anymore, and she is crying hysterically over this.

Edited by Lady Whistleup
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I've wanted female players to get a clue and team up for ages, but not this way. Not. This. Way.

I'm ultimately for mature, smart players. This season so far, it's looking like that's mainly the guys (and Brittany). Perhaps another season, the stars will align for an awesome women's alliance, but I'm honestly just glad to have people who seem like they want to play and are at least trying to be intelligent about it.

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