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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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Brittany is the worse because all this time she pretended to be Taylor's friend.  Yet she is going around throwing her under the bus.  Game strategy?  Stupid.  Because Alyssa would just align with the guys.

Taylor talks a lot about Female Empowerment.  But REAL Female Empowerment includes cutting out - not enabling - toxic women - like Brittany.

Edited by twilightzone
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5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Ugh. That comp is filled with so many awkward pauses and dead air segments. It's a weird thing to complain about but I've always hated that. Also it's not funny.

I’ve always liked it, but primarily because the <BLEEP> fill-ins I come up with are generally SO much more entertaining than the real answers.  😉

9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It’s just scrambled eggs with tomatoes and jalapeños.

And bacon!  DON’T FORGET THE BACON!!!  


15 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I think Taylor made a frittata.

Don’t even ASK me why I read that sentence and my mind immediately jumped to, “baby made a poo-poo.”

  • LOL 4

Before kitten time, B told A she’s definitely voting to keep her and if Turner doesn’t do the same, it will go to tie, so unless Monte and Turner change their tunes before eviction, A is still going home but not in a 2-0. If it’s a 2-0, it will be Taylor. She may be acting hurt by Turner but I think she’ll get over it real fast when she’s out knowing she’ll soon see Kyle especially after she’s been huffing his blankie every chance she gets. 

Feeds are back! Back to the kitchen where Monte is looking for something in the refrigerator.

Taylor is in her room, I think she's going to pack. Taylor asks Brittany, "You still got me?" Brittany says, "Yes." Taylor asks, "Do you know what Turner is going to do?" A non-answer. Brittany moves away uncomfortably and starts looking for something in her drawers. An announcer tells her not to obstruct her microphone. Taylor says she'd like to see Brittany win HOH. "One or both of us," she says.

Continued discussion on how Turner will vote. Alyssa walks in and says, "The time has come, Taylor." (Meaning time to pack.) She said she took her suitcase out last night, then didn't do anything. But she needs to make coffee first! Brittany isn't feeling well. Taylor also plans to vacuum, shower, do her face. 

Let's see what the boys are doing.

Monte and Turner are in the living room talking about days. Alyssa is in the kitchen making coffee. She doesn't want to pack, she says. Turner says, "It's the second time. It should be easier since you know where everything is." Brittany says she has the chills and is hot, then cold. After she leaves, Turner says, "Maybe this is a good thing." "What?" asks Alyssa. "The sickness," says Turner.

Turner says Alyssa has circles everywhere (on her skin). She could tattoo over one of them and make a bubble. Discussion of fruit and melons. I guess Taylor and Alyssa beat Monte and Turner at spades. Turner said they came back big time. Alyssa laughs and says No. She and Taylor still won. Turner admits he prefers the blue cards. They are kind of flirt-talking here.

Brittany grabs Alyssa, brings her to the bubble room. She tells Alyssa that Turner is going to vote to keep Taylor. Brittany says she's going to vote for Alyssa (to stay). She told Taylor that this was a sympathy vote. She says she's going to have to talk to Turner.  She tells Alyssa she's 80% sure Monte would not vote for her to stay if there is a tie. Monte has betrayed everyone. Brittany whispers so fast it's hard to understand what she's saying. 

Conversation is done. I can't help if Brittany is pulling a double con here. It would be pointless, but it's Brittany . . . Now Turner can come in and sit and watch Alyssa pack.

Alyssa tells Turner that Brittany said she is going to vote to keep Taylor and apologized. She asks Turner "Are you still with me?" Turner says, "Yeah." Alyssa starts crying and tells Turner he is the best thing that's happened to her in this house, just being her friend. She promises she would take Turner to the end. If she's voted out, she will do damage control in the house for Turner.

Now she's going to pack. She's going to wear a pink long dress tonight. Turner offers to help fold stuff.

2 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Brittany grabs Alyssa, brings her to the bubble room. She tells Alyssa that Turner is going to vote to keep Taylor. Brittany says she's going to vote for Alyssa (to stay). She told Taylor that this was a sympathy vote. She says she's going to have to talk to Turner.  She tells Alyssa she's 80% sure Monte would not vote for her to stay if there is a tie. Monte has betrayed everyone. Brittany whispers so fast it's hard to understand what she's saying. 

Conversation is done. I can't help if Brittany is pulling a double con here. It would be pointless, but it's Brittany . . . Now Turner can come in and sit and watch Alyssa pack.

Decent gameplay by Brittany; she already knows her most likely route to F2 is to be dragged along as a goat, so her only winning strategy depends upon preemptively dropping poison pills to prospective Jurors against whoever might be occupying the other F2 chair.

Brittany is running a MAJOR risk of blowback, though, if (a) her poison pills are based even partially on lies and (b) the HG she’s lying on ends up making it to the JH.  For example: if Brittany fills Taylor full of lies about Turner - and then Turner gets evicted next go-round, gets in the JH, and finds out Brittany had been lying on him…?  I’d expect Brittany would find herself in a Q&A on Finale Night with an extremely crispy Jury.

However - will this next eviction be the last to make it to the JH?  The F3 evictee gets parked in (at most) a hotel room or (at least) a green room, don’t they?  Does the last evictee get ANY chance to converse with other Jurors prior to the final vote?


…maybe, juuuust maybe, this move isn’t as stupid as I originally thought…

5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

She's an energy vampire!

I love this so much.

No sexytime for Taylor last night. She wanted to rest up for the comp. She’s feeling a little too secure about staying, though. She said she she didn’t want to pack, but not in a “I don’t want to even think about leaving” way, more of a “it’s a waste of my time” kind of way. 

I think Brittany wants to at least force a tie and make Monte vote. That way juror Alyssa will have no doubt about who did not have her back.

I also kind of wondered last night if Brittany was faking her illness so others would underestimate her going in to the comp. It would be kind of diabolically genius, especially if it worked.

36 minutes ago, Never Again said:

Did they not play hide and go veto this year? Or did I somehow miss it?  I always enjoy that one but there too few people to play it now 

Nah, they played Hide and Go Turner instead.

  • LOL 1
3 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I also kind of wondered last night if Brittany was faking her illness so others would underestimate her going in to the comp. It would be kind of diabolically genius, especially if it worked.

I was just thinking that lol. She's such an insane liar I think she probably is faking it.

  • LOL 2
2 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Seems like they haven't done it because of COVID, but I am not sure why COVID would effect that veto. Didn't the houseguests clean up once it was over?

Production has to enter the house after each card is hidden and remove it - unless it's hidden in shit like Angela with the coffee ground in the oven. Then, once all cards are hidden, they go back and return them to their hiding places. It's to ensure no one finds one by accident while placing their own. But yeah, the HGs clean up after themselves. I think there were growing complaints about their clothes and shit getting ruined because of people tossing everything everywhere.


Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Production has to enter the house after each card is hidden and remove it - unless it's hidden in shit like Angela with the coffee ground in the oven. Then, once all cards are hidden, they go back and return them to their hiding places. It's to ensure no one finds one by accident while placing their own. But yeah, the HGs clean up after themselves. I think there were growing complaints about their clothes and shit getting ruined because of people tossing everything everywhere.

I remember Natalie's clothes getting ruined by Nicole Franzel in 18. 

4 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I remember Natalie's clothes getting ruined by Nicole Franzel in 18. 

Sam's Krafting Kloset got tossed and she was mad about that, too. And I know that Angela didn't clean the coffee grounds out of the oven that well and almost burned down the house which is a shame because we could've had a new house. And Tyler's hair probably would have gotten singed and that would have made me laugh.

ETA: I realize I made the joke about defense in the earlier post because that's what Brett kept saying when he absolutely buried his card in a mountain of mattresses, bed pieces, and anything else he could find but he really did break the comp.

Edited by Callaphera
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3 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Turner demonstrates a dance move by spinning in a circle. 

Wait, is this the same Turner who said in a video upthread, "I don't think any form of dancing is impressive, cool, or fun" after Ayssa's dance, and proceeded to go on an anti-dancing diatribe seemingly just to make her feel bad.  Hypocrite much.

Edited by Gemma Violet
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6 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

Wait, is this the same turner who said in a video upthread, "I don't think any form of dancing is impressive, cool, or fun" after Ayssa's dance, and proceeded to go on an anti-dancing diatribe seemingly just to make her feel bad.  Hypocrite much.

He. is. an. asshole.

This is funny though lol.

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44 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Nah, they played Hide and Go Turner instead.


25 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

The last time it was played was BB21. I wonder if they're retiring that one.

24 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Seems like they haven't done it because of COVID, but I am not sure why COVID would effect that veto. Didn't the houseguests clean up once it was over?

23 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Production has to enter the house after each card is hidden and remove it - unless it's hidden in shit like Angela with the coffee ground in the oven. Then, once all cards are hidden, they go back and return them to their hiding places. It's to ensure no one finds one by accident while placing their own. But yeah, the HGs clean up after themselves. I think there were growing complaints about their clothes and shit getting ruined because of people tossing everything everywhere.

I didn’t realize it’s been that long.  Man I am getting forgetful!  And after all these years of watching this show I have learned something new just now!  I had no idea they had to do all that with hiding and removing and then retuning the cards.  But once @Callaphera explained it, it makes sense. 

25 minutes ago, Callaphera said:
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10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Turner throwing his game away for Monte is so embarrassing. He sucks though so it's funny to me lol.

Throwing his game away like Scotty throwing chocolate milk around the kitchen during BB20's Hide and Go Veto.

I really just wanted a reason to bring that up because I still don't understand the benefit to him doing that, even if I picture him twirling like Maria Von Trapp with two gallons of milk in his hands to do it.

  • LOL 8
29 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I really just wanted a reason to bring that up because I still don't understand the benefit to him doing that, even if I picture him twirling like Maria Von Trapp with two gallons of milk in his hands to do it.

Didn't Scotty hide his under the bathroom sink and was trying to prevent someone from kneeling down?

I just remember the feeds coming back after being down for forever and a day and Scottie was on his knees, doubling fisting paper towel while the other side of the feed had people going "Who does that?! Why would he waste the chocolate milk?"

2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Didn't Scotty hide his under the bathroom sink and was trying to prevent someone from kneeling down?

I just remember the feeds coming back after being down for forever and a day and Scottie was on his knees, doubling fisting paper towel while the other side of the feed had people going "Who does that?! Why would he waste the chocolate milk?"

It's a valid question! To quote someone here (I'm sorry, I forget which one of you amazing people says which amazing phrase sometimes!): "what in the blue dilly fuck?"

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