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54 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Apparently it wasn't a team comp veto so it's really Daniel's veto so I think Kyle will just tell Daniel to use it or not use it.

I agree. If Kyle forces a veto then Nicole goes home, Kyle will make an enemy of Daniel. He might not care about that, but since Daniel likes him now and who knows what the future holds, he may not want to burn bridges. 

On the other hand, saving Alyssa will earn her undying loyalty and may give Kyle greater access to girl’s girls secrets. But it will probably also encourage Alyssa to do more licking and grabbing.

If I were Kyle, I’d stay out of it and secretly hope that the veto is not used and Alyssa goes.

7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

After a DR session, Daniel put some of the pieces together. 

Should I take this to mean that production is feeding him information? We’re finally getting a season where the blindsides are both fun and well deserved, and somebody wants to screw that up? What. The. Fuck.

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I mean, he has been putting things together since last week. He knew something was up. They probably asked him some questions in DR about it and that helped him confirm some of his suspicions.

I’m team good feeds/team chaos so I am all about this myself lol.

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I was listening to Daniel and Kyle talk about the veto comp earlier.  Daniel had to watch a video with a lot going on while Kyle was sequestered somewhere..i think in a tent.  Daniel had to relay everything he saw in the video to Kyle and then Kyle had to answer questions based on the video.  The other participants in the veto did the same thing.  In the group of 3, 2 watched the video and relayed info to the 3rd.

(I tried to post this about 10 minutes ago but I hit something on my laptop and it disappeared.  Then my internet flickered for some reason and the laptop shut down and I frigging forgot the password. I am so techno challenged...sigh)

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47 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don’t understand what Daniel means… what move can he make to keep monte and Joseph from getting the check?

what can Daniel do other than use the veto or not use the veto and how does that change monte or Joseph’s chance of winning?

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The issue with the Girls Girls is that they were so obvious with their Festie Bestie strategy. They so obviously chose their Bestie to be an "outsider" that the outsiders actually pieced together the puzzle and got together to form the Leftovers.

ETA: Kyle just articulated a strategy I wish more HG's would use. He said that he tends not to place importance on "talking game" and more on merely listening to others and observing.

Edited by Lady Whistleup
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20 hours ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

I don't know how reliable SpoilerkingBB is on twitter, but he says that both Nicole and Indy tried to quit yesterday. He says Nicole is a Grodner favorite (along with, shudder, Jasmine). 

Yep, I read that, too.  His latest is that Kyle is fast becoming Grodner's new favorite despite being the only house guest who cannot be manipulated in the DR.  Also, Turner received an IV due to being sick--possibly an allergic reaction to a slop ingredient.

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25 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

I don’t understand what Daniel means… what move can he make to keep monte and Joseph from getting the check?

what can Daniel do other than use the veto or not use the veto and how does that change monte or Joseph’s chance of winning?

Daniel thinks Monte, Joseph, Turner and maybe Michael are working together and manipulating Brittany and Taylor to swing Ameerah's eviction and control this eviction. He thinks Kyle is clueless and got swept up in the last minute flip.

Daniel thinks he can do what Kyle did last week...pull together Indy, Alyssa, Jasmine, Brittany, Kyle, and I guess Terrence(?) to vote out Taylor and save Nicole to screw over the guys. He is running the same argument that was run on him with respect to Ameerah winning because he only knows how to imitate others, not create his own path.

I don't think he has the charisma to do anything significant but, hey, watching him fail miserably will be interesting, at least.

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24 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

He said that he tends not to place importance on "talking game" and more on merely listening to others and observing.

Eyes open, mouth shut.*

- Danelle Reyes, BB3

*unsure if this is the exact quote, but she definitely had an ongoing thing about this with Lisa.

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1 minute ago, Sketcher said:

Daniel thinks Monte, Joseph, Turner and maybe Michael are working together and manipulating Brittany and Taylor to swing Ameerah's eviction and control this eviction. He thinks Kyle is clueless and got swept up in the last minute flip.

Daniel thinks he can do what Kyle did last week...pull together Indy, Alyssa, Jasmine, Brittany, Kyle, and I guess Terrence(?) to vote out Taylor and save Nicole to screw over the guys. He is running the same argument that was run on him with respect to Ameerah winning because he only knows how to imitate others, not create his own path.

I don't think he has the charisma to do anything significant but, hey, watching him fail miserably will be interesting, at least.

Thanks!   👍🏻
I agree I don’t think Daniel has the connections or the charisma to pull off a blindside or make any significant changes.… all Daniel can do is use or not use the veto everything else is up to Monte.

seems like Daniel and Nicole both have over blown opinions of their importance.

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I’m good with the veto not being used and Alyssa going home. This is a weird season for me in that I have no real rooting interest, I just want craziness and good feeds. Alyssa is boring. She is one note. Get her out, and let the volatile people stay. Hell, let Nicole/Daniel win HOH next week. I want Chaos!

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I find both Nicole and Daniel so toxic and completely unlikable, that I want them both gone ASAP.  Let the bullies feel the full karma effect of their actions. There's time enough for chaos after that.

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I agree. They’re both absolutely repugnant and deserve to be out of there before jury. I can’t believe I was actually rooting for Nicole to win the damn $750, 000. Now I want her the hell out of there next week to face the consequences of her hideously arrogant behavior.

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38 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Kyle and Daniel just talked. Daniel is pushing "dont use the veto" very hard.

I'm not sure it really matters how hard Daniel pushes it. The rest of the Leftovers very much want it used (even Taylor), and I don't see any wavering on Kyle's part in his commitment to them. 

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Either one can use it.  Kyle was telling the LOs that he expects Daniel to try and push him to talk first on the decision to use it or not.

Newsflash- Jasmine says she got hurt again.

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I'd like Alyssa to stay because Kyle will be associated with her and make a "pair" and when the besties split apart, I want Kyle thrown on the block with her, since I think they will be smart enough to take the opportunity to send Kyle out. Kyle as an individual will be seen as less threatening than Brittany and Michael or Taylor and anyone she talks to, so I need him marked by Alyssa. The fact that he knows that is the worst thing for him once they reach jury is exactly why I want her there.

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21 minutes ago, Sketcher said:

I'd like Alyssa to stay because Kyle will be associated with her and make a "pair" and when the besties split apart, I want Kyle thrown on the block with her, since I think they will be smart enough to take the opportunity to send Kyle out. Kyle as an individual will be seen as less threatening than Brittany and Michael or Taylor and anyone she talks to, so I need him marked by Alyssa. The fact that he knows that is the worst thing for him once they reach jury is exactly why I want her there.

Well I like Kyle. I probably wouldn't like him in real life but I like him in the house. I appreciate his calm, methodical way of playing.

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Monte and Joseph are talking about getting Alyssa and Indy onboard for a unanimous vote against Nicole. Monte is waiting for Nicole to come to him asking for the noms to stay the same because she's worried she'll go. Michael told him earlier that Nicole is already using that argument on him. Monte says that's perfect. He'll go to Alyssa and Indy with that proving that they can not trust Nicole. Joseph is also planning to drop a bomb on Daniel right before the vote to try and flip him.

We will see if it all goes down like that.

ETA: Monte and Joseph also had a laugh about if Daniel announces he doesn't want to use the veto that Kyle gets to swoop in like Superman and save Alyssa.  

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1 hour ago, Lucas Rowan said:

But at least they're smart while being toxic and unlikable.  I'd rather have that than have someone who's dumb, toxic, and unlikable (like Jasmine).  If there's any chance of this not being a complete Leftovers steamrolling, they're probably the only hope for that.  And that's assuming that they can rally Jasmine and whoever survives out of Indy and Alyssa (likely Indy, as it's looking like) and try and make some inroads with the more flippable Leftovers (likely Brittany and Taylor, and potentially Michael).

I don’t think either Nicole or Daniel are all that smart. They’ve both been very wrong on their house reads until now. Yes, Daniel had a sense of “weird vibes” before the last vote, but he wasn’t able to actually put anything together. They both think Turner is dumb as rocks, they both think Kyle is too sweet and naive to have a game plan, and they are clinging so stubbornly to their Taylor hate that they can’t see past it.

I don’t think Daniel and Nicole would have much trouble recruiting Jasmine, Indy or Alyssa (assuming none of them can see where the wind is blowing, either). They might even get Terrance back, but they won’t even try because they don’t know they’ve lost him. Brittany and/or Michael eventually, maybe, but not yet. And I don’t see Taylor flipping anytime soon. The Leftovers had her back and the others most decidedly didn’t. Her memory isn’t that short, and she’s not that masochistic.

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Michael and Brittany are chatting in the kitchen while everyone else is outside. They think Kyle will use the veto so Nicole can be put up, even though they would prefer he didn’t. They would rather have Nicole on the jury. Brittany is still feeling like a bit of an outsider, and thinks recruiting Indy would be a better move.

Joseph comes in and confirms that Kyle is on board to use the veto. He strokes Brittany’s ego, which is precisely what she needs. He leaves, and she tells the camera that she feels much better about the plan. Joseph is a very good Brittany handler.

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24 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Michael and Brittany are chatting in the kitchen while everyone else is outside. They think Kyle will use the veto so Nicole can be put up, even though they would prefer he didn’t.

It's interesting that Michael was just the opposite earlier in the night to the guys in the LO up in the HOH. Word got back to him that Nicole was saying if she got HOH next week, she would backdoor Michael. He said that made it very easy for him to want her gone.

So I'm not sure where Michael really stands on what he wants. I haven't heard him discuss that part about Nicole with Brittany, which is also curious. I sorta think Michael is telling each faction in the group what they want to hear.

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Indy wants to do online sex classes. She wants to tell people how to have good sex, and teach men everything they don’t know about women’s bodies. She does not want to do one-on-one counseling, though. That would take too much time. She wants to have a family.

Turner understands about not wanting to work so much. He’s at his store all day.

Terrance wants to open a bar. He wants to have live music, and interview the musicians before they go on stage so people will be more engaged with them.

Jasmine wants to get a nail truck and go to nursing homes, to make the residents feel better about themselves. Because if there’s one thing people in nursing homes are pining for, it’s a French manicure.

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Jasmine is launching a whole line of DTC merchandise. She’s very big on DTC. DTC* is all the rage right now. She names her nails after strong women. Indy wants to know if she can have one named after her. Sure, but Indy has to design it. That’s what all the other strong women do.

Turner handpicks all the merchandise in his store. It’s all cool stuff that he would to see as a shopper. All the clothes he brought to wear are from his store.

*Direct to Consumer. Also known as a product web site. Previously known as mail order. It’s not a new concept, Jasmine.

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Nicole is shocked that Jasmine has a successful nail business. That’s so coool! She is not surprised that Turner has a successful thrift shop. She always knew he was smart! 

Jasmine would also like everyone to know she’s a very successful influencer. She also brokers deals for people, like her good friend who was on Masterchef. (I missed what the deal was.) She just got an agent, so now she can focus on helping more people.

Indy says she’s also an influencer, and Jasmine asks how many followers she has. Guess what, it’s not quite as many as Jasmine! But that’s ok, Jasmine will help her get more. Because that’s what she does. She’s a helper.

Turner asks Nicole about her background. She says she has a secret, but she can’t talk about it on live feeds. (You mean, again?) She does admit that a couple of people in the house know about it, because she slipped. (Like when she accidentally told Terrance “here’s my secret”.) 

Indy is dying to know Nicole’s secret, and Nicole is really stoking it. My prediction of Indy’s reaction when she finds out: “ ….. That’s all?”

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The backyard people are asking each other if it was the first time they applied for BB. I never realized how many people apply over and over. They're talking about how it's a two-year process. Getting blood work and psychological tests. Then we get cut off. I would rather be watching the Chinese checkers folks (six of the Leftovers, minus Turner) but they keep switching cameras. I have no idea why all 4 need to be on the same group. 

eta: several of them made it to almost the final cuts last year. I guess we lost the feed because of the production talk. 

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3 minutes ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

eta: several of them made it to almost the final cuts last year. I guess we lost the feed because of the production talk. 

Turner and Jasmine both said they were in the finals. Can you imagine Jasmine in the Cookout?

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Nicole tells Jasmine, Indy and Terrance that she is already campaigning. She is not going to wait until she’s on the block. She already tried to mend fences with Brittany, who may or may not have been receptive. “She can do whatever she wants,” Nicole shrugs. “She’s a grown-ass woman.”

For now, her main pitch to these three seems to be trashing Taylor. (Surprise!)

To me, this is the best reason for voting Nicole out immediately. I cannot listen to her campaign 2 weeks in a row.

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Joseph and Monte strategizing:

They’re not sure they need to worry about Nicole, because she is doing a good job of pooching herself. (I love how that has become a verb.) And if she refuses to go on the block now, what are Alyssa and Indy going to think about that, given she had previously volunteered?

They don’t understand Nicole’s problem with Taylor, since they were so close at first. They think Paloma targeted Taylor because Taylor didn’t want to work with her. Joseph thinks Taylor came in wanting to work with the guys. They both like her and think she’s funny.

Joesph trusts Brittany as an alliance partner. He actually liked Ameerah more on a personal level, but didn’t trust her.

Neither like the idea of an alliance that is based on gender lines. They didn’t come in looking for a guy’s alliance and have no interest in doing that.

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Monty and Joseph having “the Po” talk in the HOH and being honest about the Paloma being shady (and likely was targeting Taylor because of a comment she made to Joseph - “she’s going to pay for not wanting to work with me” is what Joseph said Po said.

Monty admitting to misunderstanding Taylor is the convo I hope makes the live show. From my perspective, he started/encouraged a lot of the initial Taylor mess.

Rewind to the earlier in their convo about Nicole, Per Monty, Nicole is blowing up her own game and trying to align with Brit and Michael “after the eviction” is LOL smiley face and I can’t wait to hear this convo. She wants to talk to Monty tonight possibly about not wanting to go up.

Joseph explaining that Monty is sharting after Monty disclaimer about hot farts lol.

This HOH convo is everything.

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Taylor’s plan - she’s talking alone in the one of the bedrooms.

1. get through this week

2. give my win revenge speech

3. send Nicole home

4. win HOH

5. Nominate the boys.

6. win the veto

7. Pick Indy and Alyssa as her Besties.

She was just rambling here plans off, in no particular order.

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Joseph, Indy, Michael and Brittney in the back yard talking. I like Joseph but he was saying the orange and pink (Dunkin’ donuts) are the best donuts?? Poor Jo. He needs better donuts. 

Terrence and Nicole are playing pool. With Monty down from the HOH room watching them play. (I didn’t see The stuff Nicole was saying to Terrence when he was in the block with Amerrah, i only read the updates here) but she is faker than a three dollar bill. It’s kind of cringey to watch. Terrence is too cool about it all.

i wonder where he will align in the house and if he will flip on the guys if given the opportunity. I hope he makes some game moves but don’t see him being assertive in his gameplay, or about anything unless he pulls out a HOH win, and that’s still a maybe.

edit: Monty is playing pool too. No game talk at all.

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Indy left the backyard.

The backyard hammock area is now Michael/Turner on the hammock, Joseph/ Britney on Beenies, and Taylor on the exercise bike. These 5 are really dope, grounded, humble individuals, diff  convos about family, home and life.

everytime I see an exercise bike I will forever hear Jasmine’s Voice telling Kyle the when she doesn’t eat, she gains weight, that’s why she doesn’t do intermittent fasting or whatever, and then his reply of “how does that work” while exercising on the indoor bike and mouthing (wtf) under his breathe will live rent free in my head for the rest of this season.

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Pool playing group heads in the house.

Remaining backyard group starts game talk with Turner asking “ who’s the target? Nicole”. 

Everyone supposedly admitted to what they all actually do for a living except Nicole. But I think everyone already knows she was a cop. 

Joseph talking: Ameerah had a crush on Joseph, thought he was cute. She’s 7 years older than him and he thinks she beautiful but he only see’s her as a friend. Jo explaining he liked her as a person and he has a flirty personality and gives all the girls compliments. Indy and Alyssa tried to set them up to sleep in the same bed even though he didn’t really want to. He didn’t want to make Ameerah think he was interested and wouldn’t have entertained her. He thinks the girls girls were trying to push Ameerah and Him hooking up, he thinks it may have been strategic on the girls part. He doesn’t/ wouldn’t have wanted a showmance. He said his goodbye message to Ameerah was “spicey”. He didn’t want to capitalize on her liking him. 

Taylor taking: Indy has told Taylor that she didn’t like her at first because she thought that Taylor thought that she wanted Monty. Taylor says, she wanted Monty “that one night” but “that’s over over”. 

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Nicole, Daniel and Terrance in the bathroom.

Nicole says her and her ex wife use to do something but she doesn’t want to say it on the live feeds, but she’ll tell in lockdown. It’s not about her being a cop tho. 

Nicole talking about Kyland being paranoid last season and almost getting kicked out of the Cookout. She understands now because she’s f’ing paranoid. 

I’m going to bed now. Thanks 🙏🏽 a million to everyone who updates the feeds regularly. I lurk all the time for updates, you are all appreciated. I couldn’t sleep tonight and remembered the wife has paramount+ for her Rupual’s DragRace obsession so I thought I’d earn my keep. 

Before I sleep, camera flips to Kyle and Alyssa in a hug/ body to body embrace type hug. He says she is so perfect. And he wants to lay down with her for a second. He thinks she is really cute and really fun. She’s rubbing him? And then he starts saying, stop, stop, stop. 
She says he’s always giving her a speech. He says, he’s just a weak, weak man.

 (I thought he didn’t like her advances. He’s encouraging her and then telling her to stop. I’m confused.)

Backyard group talking game:

They tell Britney and Michael, Nicole’s plan to join them as besties.

Joseph says Nicole was throwing Joseph under the bus to someone.

They are also talking about who they all want in the jury. Michael thinks Indy would be a bitter jury, but she’s not a threat to keep in the house. They say the next two evictees won’t be in the jury unless they shake something up.

Daniel would never vote for Taylor. They want jury members who will be fair and vote based on game play/ loyalty. They want people who will give them all a fair shot equally.

They want Jasmine, Terrence for sure in jury. Alyssa, Indy or Daniel in the jury depending on threat level.

The backyard / studio is loud, there is noise coming from somewhere off camera. 

Kyle joins them in the backyard, tells them about the crew in the bathroom. Kyle says they (Nicole and Daniel) voted to evict Terrance and now they won’t leave him alone and they are telling him they are good with him. Apparently, per Kyle, Terrence is pissed at them (they were mad that he wasn’t evicted) but is talking to them. 

Ok, I’m going to sleep for real this time.

Edited by Charas Bangs
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Alyssa is doing her best to get Kyle in bed. 
Kyle: “Stop… I’m weak… we can’t… it’s bad for our game.”
Alyssa: “No it’s not… come on… why not… you’re so boring…”

He says he wants to wait until jury house. And then he says he wants to wait until she’s HoH. And then he says he wants to take a cold shower.

And all the time, she’s pulling him towards her, kissing his back and arm, flipping her hair, writhing on her bed. Girlfriend wants it bad.

I didn’t get the sense that Kyle was turned off, at all. I got the sense that he is trying to protect his game and not be distracted, but he is very, very tempted. If Alyssa stays in the house, I don’t think he’ll be holding out for long.

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The last stragglers head to bed. Turner is distracted by a box of Cocoa Pebbles and stands on the staircase, staring at it, for a very long time. Finally he puts it down and goes upstairs. Maybe he was just putting off being in a room with Jasmine for as long as he could.

Taylor preps for bed in the bathroom while giving an extended monologue. She describes the house schedule: what days they do comps, when veto ceremony is, etc. What are we, new? She talks about how nice it’s been to relax for the last couple of days, after the hell she went through for weeks. She really likes and trusts her alliance, and after this she doesn’t expect to be on the block again for a very long time. 

Any time the cameras shift away, she calls them back. She’s not done talking!

She says we may see her practicing her speech over the next few days, and promises it will be scathing. She’s going to shine a spotlight on her fellow nominee, who used and manipulated her, and is now getting what she deserves.

Taylor says she’s going to win the next HoH. Her full alliance is behind that, and it’s going to be so sweet to be the one to get out Daniel.

After telling us her game plans, Taylor describes her bedtime beauty ritual as she does it. She wraps up her hair, blows kisses to the camera, and shimmies through the living room on her way to bed.

I love that you’re feeling good, girl. You’ve earned it. But don’t get cocky. It’s not a good look, and it’s not smart play.

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

[Joseph] strokes Brittany’s ego, which is precisely what she needs. 

Joseph is very into gassing people up and because they tend to cast people that are insecure and/or need their ego stroked, it works really well for him lol.

8 hours ago, vb68 said:

I sorta think Michael is telling each faction in the group what they want to hear.

100%. I feel like he hasn't done a cam talk in awhile and he needs to so we can hear where he really is currently.

6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Can you imagine Jasmine in the Cookout?

Jasmine would have blown it up immediately. She admittedly doesn't choose to associate with other Black people.

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Jasmine wants to get a nail truck and go to nursing homes, to make the residents feel better about themselves. Because if there’s one thing people in nursing homes are pining for, it’s a French manicure.

Ok this one thing makes me like her a bit, though it is like my billion dollar mega millions winning odds bit. Just a small thing like that can have a huge impact, and men need nail care too but almost never get it. She could set it up as a charity, like the man who recruits kids across the country to help elderly and disabled neighbors care for their lawns, rake leaves and shovel snow. Other than that, she's just a mess.

Yeah, Daniel and Nicole are the opposite of smart. Their egos have taken their gameplay out back and beaten it to a pulp.

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2 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

The leftovers really seem to enjoy each other. It’s so refreshing from the bitch fest on the other side. 

it is one reason I really like them.  The other side has the usual BB backstabbing negativity thing going, but the LO took so much joy from their Ameerah yet never really seemed mean about it.  I've never liked as many houseguests as I do right now.  And it warms my Cold Dark Heart (because I can be mean :-) ) that Daniel's "America", as represented on Joker's, has Taylor near the top of popularity while he and Nicole seem to have settled permanently at the bottom. 

I was just watch the morning grooming session.  I wish one of the houseguests would take Turner in hand and cut his hair.  Apart from being mean, I'm old.  He'd look so much better with shorter hair IMHO.  

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