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S42.E06: You Can't Hide on Survivor/S42.07: The Devil You Do or the Devil You Don't LIVE CHAT

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3 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Hai wants to work together with Lindsey and Drea with the amulet advantage, rather than target each other.  

Mike and MaryAnne are talking about fewer people knowing about the idols the better.  Maybe they should have kept that info to themselves in the first place.

LOL.  MaryAnne actually reframed from telling him that her whole tribe knows about her idol, and I think they know who has the other idols too because they knew the phrase that pays.  

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1 minute ago, Lantern7 said:

Was Ben the last alpha dude to win? Does Tony count?

I'd probably say Tony if we are using Mike's example.  Physically strong is tough, as I'd put Jonathan in a category with the likes of Ozzy or Joe, but Tony wasn't a comp beast but could still be called an alpha male.

Jonathan just showing how much more awesome he is.  Hopefully the tribe keeps in mind they'll starve if he isn't around.  

Okay, Hai isn't opposed to working with Jonathan.  I knew I liked that guy.  

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Rocksroy has a great attitude.  Yeah, you may not win the game but you are on one of the most beautiful places on the planet.  Remember and enjoy it forever.


I am really loving this cast.

Bond between Mike and Jonathan!  We'll see whether it lasts.


Finally, it appears that everyone hates Tori.

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Omar was willing to trust Chanelle, until Hai got in his ear.  And now Omar is just realizing he won't have a vote at TC.  He brings up a good point about Chanelle not being the one to tell him he lost his vote, too.

Somehow I think Chanelle will be mentally kicking herself for a long time for risking her vote in an attempt to get an extra vote.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Oh, Omar.  Rocksroy will save you.  

Liked the two guy bonding moments.  And that they are realizing they might want to keep Jonathan around for a while so they can eat. 

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1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

Omar was willing to trust Chanelle, until Hai got in his ear.  And now Omar is just realizing he won't have a vote at TC.  He brings up a good point about Chanelle not being the one to tell him he lost his vote, too.

Somehow I think Chanelle will be mentally kicking herself for a long time for risking her vote in an attempt to get an extra vote.

Especially after the merge if Omar bands together with old orange.  

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Just now, mojoween said:

Omar and Chanelle went to the summit like a month ago and Omar is just NOW finding out he can’t vote.  Not going to Tribal is a blessing AND a curse!

I had actually forgotten about that.  I wonder if it crossed his mind to ask Chanelle, although he probably just assumed she wouldn't have risked her vote since she mentioned how important it was.  At least this gives him the chance to strategize around not having his vote.

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Just now, susannot said:

Prediction that Chanelle will be first merge boot.  No one seems to trust her.  I would prefer Tori, but we'll see.

I'd argue she'd be a target tonight if Rocksroy doesn't turn back the hourglass.  If he does, she should thank him.  I don't think she realizes how much danger she's in, because no one trusts her.

Wow, they are really stretching this two hours out.  I guess they forgot about Rocksroy on exile.

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Just now, susannot said:

Prediction that Chanelle will be first merge boot.  No one seems to trust her.  I would prefer Tori, but we'll see.

If Rocksroy breaks the hourglass, Chanelle will be on the safe team. Hope Jonathan can win individual immunity.  

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1 minute ago, DEL901 said:

If Rocksroy breaks the hourglass, Chanelle will be on the safe team. Hope Jonathan can win individual immunity.  

Agree!  I want to continue watching him on TV for as long as possible.

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5 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

If Rocksroy breaks the hourglass, Chanelle will be on the safe team. Hope Jonathan can win individual immunity.  

And watch Tori win immunity.

The votes seem too easy right now.

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Not sure it's fair to say Chanelle screwed Omar by risking her vote. They both picked risk your vote. I don't remember him telling him she wouldn't, he just made a bad call that she wouldn't be dumb enough to risk it. 

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Just now, vb68 said:

And watch Tori win immunity.

The votes seem too easy right now.

Because I want her or Chanelle gone, that'll be my luck.  Rocksroy is probably only going to turn the hourglass back because of her.  I mean, he might have regardless but Tori may be the driving factor.

Guess we'll find out now what his decision is.

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Everytime Hai complains about that tribal council, l am annoyed again that Lydia was saved and still there. So he should just quit whining about that.

Edited by argrow
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4 minutes ago, vb68 said:

And watch Tori win immunity.

The votes seem too easy right now.

I just hope this doesn't benefit Chanelle in the game where she sticks around long term.  I think she would have been gone tonight if she wasn't safe.  

Hee, Rocksroy did bring up Tori.  Tori ruins everything!  Though she gives pretty good eye rolls.

Though Rocksroy also brings up the even more important point that he will be safe if he breaks the glass, and I'd do it for that alone if I felt I didn't have allies.  He keeps saying that he has Drea and Romeo, but he may not know where they all stand.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I was half-expecting Rocksroy to be forgotten until he stumbled into Tribal Council. “What the fuck, Jeff?!? You forgot about me! I almost starved! I had to eat the sand in the damn hourglass!”

Edited by Lantern7
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If Rocksroy decides not to break the hourglass, I wonder--will Jeff tell everyone at the immunity challenge that he didn't do it?  Because if he does, Rocksroy is screwed either way.  (This twist really does suck on so many levels.)

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If Peachy didn’t gush over that impressive shelter Rocks threw together I would have been very annoyed.

Also annoying…this fucking hourglass.

Edited by mojoween
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Just now, susannot said:

Hai is showing himself to be a strategic thinker.  Need at least one every season.

He is running the risk of hubris, thinking he is in charge.  There is generally a revolution at some point if the self appointed leader gets too bossy…exhibit A, Shan.  

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Just now, DEL901 said:

He is running the risk of hubris, thinking he is in charge.  There is generally a revolution at some point if the self appointed leader gets too bossy…exhibit A, Shan.  

I'm just glad he wants to keep Jonathan around.  

Now I think it's Jonathan whose mentally kicking himself for not trading places with Rocksroy.

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I don’t root for rage moments, but if Jonathan loses his shit . . .

ETA: Seriously, nobody plays conservative. Step on the land mine, hope for the best.

Edited by Lantern7
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Sure Tori. You're so full of shit. I love how everyone is laughing their ass of at Tori's bullshit.

Just making it that much easier for everyone to agree to get rid of her. Of course now watch her win Immunity.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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1 minute ago, KaveDweller said:

Stop pretending the hourglass is a time machine. He didn't go back in time he just switched who had immunity.

For some reason, I imagine the Time Wizard card from Yu-GI-Oh.

I bet Tori asks to speak to managers a lot. I don’t mean that racially. She just seems like she’s easy to make unhappy.

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1 minute ago, vb68 said:

Tori's social game  is hysterical.

Even more hysterical that she actually thinks she has one.  She pretty much just proved to everyone that's been told not to trust to not trust her.

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