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S03.E05: Loose Lips Sink Ships

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While the sexual chemistry heats up on the boat, Ashley and Gabriela continue to be icy towards one another. From the galley, Marcos takes note of the competition unfolding between the junior stews and alerts Daisy, making for an unhappy chief stew. On deck, all seems to be going well, until Tom gets some devastating news from home. His distraction has a ripple effect, resulting in the most perilous situation Parsifal III has ever found itself in.

Airdate: 03/21/2022

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Wow! Daisy does not remember a thing about the intense make out session with Gary.  That's concerning.  I know she had to let off steam after that last charter, but blacking out is not a good sign.  I love her, though, and wish her the best for the future, including much LESS kissing with Gary.  Talk about beer goggles!

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How much did the guest Tyler drink in order for him to have passed out into a “coma” at dinner.  At one point I was thinking it was a scene from Weekend at Bernies’s and a nanosecond after that Captain Glen remarked Weekend at Parsifal. Touché Captain Glen!

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33 minutes ago, Koalagirl said:

How much did the guest Tyler drink in order for him to have passed out into a “coma” at dinner.  At one point I was thinking it was a scene from Weekend at Bernies’s and a nanosecond after that Captain Glen remarked Weekend at Parsifal. Touché Captain Glen!

Me too!

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Daisy needs to shut that shit down with Ashley.  Just like Chef says.  When Ashley was complaining she does not want to listen to Gabby, Daisy needed to remind Ashley that Gabby, as the 2nd Stew, does have some authority over her and she should be just as respectful to Gabby as she is to Daisy.  Even if Ashely thinks having a 2nd and 3rd Stew rankings is unnecessary.  I guarantee you if she had been assigned 2nd stew she would be giving Gabby lists.  She only thinks is stupid because she is 3rd stew.  

Um yeah the passed out Weekend At Bernie's guest was so drunk I was starting to worry about him being left alone on deck to sleep it off.  Very drunk people have been known to choke on their own puke and die.  Glad the crew did not leave him there for the night.

And Tom was not distracted by the death of this cousin's stepdad, but by making out with Ashley while the winds ramped up.  How did he not notice how much the boat was moving with the wind?  He was awake!  Guess Ashley found a way to like a boy her age.  Rather quickly too!

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16 minutes ago, gaPeach said:

Daisy needs to shut that shit down with Ashley.  Just like Chef says.  When Ashley was complaining she does not want to listen to Gabby, Daisy needed to remind Ashley that Gabby, as the 2nd Stew, does have some authority over her and she should be just as respectful to Gabby as she is to Daisy.  Even if Ashely thinks having a 2nd and 3rd Stew rankings is unnecessary.  I guarantee you if she had been assigned 2nd stew she would be giving Gabby lists.  She only thinks is stupid because she is 3rd stew.  

Um yeah the passed out Weekend At Bernie's guest was so drunk I was starting to worry about him being left alone on deck to sleep it off.  Very drunk people have been known to choke on their own puke and die.  Glad the crew did not leave him there for the night.

And Tom was not distracted by the death of this cousin's stepdad, but by making out with Ashley while the winds ramped up.  How did he not notice how much the boat was moving with the wind?  He was awake!  Guess Ashley found a way to like a boy her age.  Rather quickly too!

I remember Kate and one of her British male stews had to deal with a bratty, spoiled passed out drunk girl and Kate's first thought was to turn the hose on her, lol.  There is a real worry about that guy rolling overboard or waking up disoriented and stumbling overboard, no way were they going to let him stay there.

Ashley is that classic third stew, too good for doing menial tasks, thinks she should have a higher rank (for no reason), stinks at the job she was hired for and complains to everyone about it.  Gabby was being nice to her, politely asking her to do both sides of her list and even helping her with tucking in the corners of the bedding and telling her why...she is a good 2nd stew, Ashley does not like to be told what to do by anyone, so why did she want to be a stew?

Tome ignoring the wind speed was so dangerous and stupid, Glenn is a nice guy, laid back and all but if he keeps Tom on board it is a liability.

The beach picnic looked horrible, did they even play badminton? The 007 dinner/Spanish food dinner should have been two separate themes because there really was nothing themey done for 007, Kate would have had the crew in costume and reenacting something from the films and the theme song playing.

Ugh, Gary.  What is so attractive about him, I am not seeing it, not even if I were drunk.

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Ashley does not like to be told what to do by anyone, so why did she want to be a stew?

She is very immature. I'm not sure what more Daisy can do with her, frankly. She already told her that she may not like the way Gabriela works, but that's her prerogative and if she were 2nd stew she might have different ways the third stew wouldn't like. At this point Daisy could sit them both down and read Ashely the riot act but I don't think it will improve the situation, and Gabriela hasn't done anything wrong. Hell, Gabriela is probably the best stew they've had on the entire franchise. How did she slip through the casting process?


I know these people are young but after a night of drinking to the point of blacking out, how do they get up early the next morning and work? 

I don't get this either. First of all I have a hard time believing Daisy was so drunk she doesn't even remember making out with Gary. And yeah, I wouldn't be able to get out of bed the next morning if I was that drunk.


Tom ignoring the wind speed was so dangerous and stupid, Glenn is a nice guy, laid back and all but if he keeps Tom on board it is a liability.

To be fair I think that might have been some creative editing. There was a time lapse of Tom working throughout the night with a caption of the wind speed. I'm not convinced he was actually distracted by Ashley when the wind speed picked up enough to set off the alarm, and even if he was, there wasn't much he could do about it. The alarm got everyone up.

These guests are so much nicer than the last batch; too bad they never got their sail on.

Is every episode going to be a "to be continued?"

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2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I know these people are young but after a night of drinking to the point of blacking out, how do they get up early the next morning and work? 

It looks like it might be easier for Daisy, I never see her doing anything.

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Daisy wants to be the fun chief stew who is everyone's favorite drinking buddy.  She does not want to make Ashley mad by telling her to do her job and quit bitching about Gabriella. Daisy is not a good manager. She wants to be the party girl. 

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I like Daisy however she definitely needs to cut down on her booze consumption. She will look like age 55 when she is age 40. Daisy, stop all of the smoking and boozing, soon. You still have a nice look about you. Start taking better care of yourself.

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14 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

Wow! Daisy does not remember a thing about the intense make out session with Gary.  That's concerning.  I know she had to let off steam after that last charter, but blacking out is not a good sign.  I love her, though, and wish her the best for the future, including much LESS kissing with Gary.  Talk about beer goggles!

I'm not so certain she was being truthful there.  Even way back in my drinking days, I never had so much to drink that I blacked out on entire events.  I'm wondering is she's trying to save face by claiming that she doesn't remember.  IF she is being truthful, she needs to realize she has a problem and stop drinking.   (Of course some of these folks drink as if they are headed to the executioner the next morning.)  

8 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I know these people are young but after a night of drinking to the point of blacking out, how do they get up early the next morning and work? 

Not just that but I wonder about the legalities and responsibilities of having a still-intoxicated crew working on a yacht.  Captain Sandy made this an issue (as she should have) with a deckhand whose name escapes me at the moment, several seasons back when Hannah was the chief stew.  Travis maybe?   

So Tom has a best friend whose father is dying?  I am not questioning it or being snarky in any way but is it a requirement that every season has to have at least one crew member who has a family member/friend sick/dying or something?  

Ashley is THE. WORST.  So she has no time for Tom until she's drunk off her ass and Gary is ignoring her,  After banging it out in the guest cabin (did she ask permission?) now suddenly, Tom's not so bad.  Run, Tom, run!  #FreeTom  And for the love of God, I hope you wrapped it up.  

And she is the third stew, which means you are under the second stew.  Was this never explained to her?  I don't understand what is so egregious about Gabrielle writing out the to-do list.  If it were me, I would appreciate having a list, not just to keep myself on track but also as a CYA in case something wasn't done.  Ashley's tits seem to have sucked all the oxygen away from her brain because she can't seem to figure that out.  

Daisy is partly to blame because she isn't squashing this immediately.  She doesn't need to give a kindergarten pep talk about how everyone should get along during a tip meeting and in front of everyone else.  She needs to sit Gabrielle and Ashley down and explain very clearly to Ashley that she is the third stew and therefore under Gabriella.  I also think she needs to say that they need to just do their jobs and STFU but that's just me.  

That beach picnic was an embarrassment.  Totally with Gabriella on that.  At least get the chairs set up and a tablecloth on the table.  Maybe the tent should have been last?  Of course, if Ashley or Kelsie had their radios on, they would have heard the guests were preparing to depart the yacht and could have asked for more time -- and help.  This isn't rocket science. 

Colin continues to be awesome.  Loved his poking fun at the "dad bodies" of the deck crew.  Ha ha.  

Marcos also continues to be awesome.  His food and its presentation delivers.  

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Daisy thinks the vague statement at the tip meeting is enough and that she will have a proper meeting after the charter. Marcus is right, she needs to deal with it now. Ashley is a bad apple and is not there to work.

Poor Gabriela is reminding me of the Mackenzie? with the horrible chief stew who just chatted in the galley  with her equally horrendous chef Adam leaving Mackenzie to do all of the work. Only this time, Daisy is not as bad just not a good leader. Glen’s compliments were undeserved. 

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Daisy remembers what she did.  She wouldn't be laughing about it if she can't recall at all.

It's a way to not own up to making out with Gary.

Ashley going to have fun on the boat.  Wasn't it verboten on one of the BD shows to have sex in one of the passenger cabins?  But Glen doesn't care, as long as he's being paid for the use of his yacht.  Gabriela better make sure Ashley cleans up, changes the bed in that cabin.

Daisy hates beach picnics.  It's a way for Bravo to make the crew jump through some hoops.  The dining experience would have been a lot better on the yacht, especially people complaining about the heat.  The tent was nice but they could have gone in air-conditioned cabins.

Or ride jet skis rather than play badminton.

This is how you know the preference sheets are all fiction.

Kenzie said the paella was prettier than her, even though she flossed with her hair.


Speaking of dental hygiene, they conk out from the drinking and making out.  Nobody showering or brushing their teeth.


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That beach picnic was an embarrassment.  Totally with Gabriella on that.  At least get the chairs set up and a tablecloth on the table.  Maybe the tent should have been last?  Of course, if Ashley or Kelsie had their radios on, they would have heard the guests were preparing to depart the yacht and could have asked for more time -- and help.  This isn't rocket science. 

The beach picnics deliberately set the crew up to fail and the show clearly loves the chaos. It's completely avoidable too. Whoever is sent ahead to prepare should know how to erect the tent. That was absurd. You don't send two green crew members who've never set it up before. The show did this on purpose because they think crap like this makes good TV. It doesn't.


Colin continues to be awesome.  Loved his poking fun at the "dad bodies" of the deck crew.  Ha ha.

Golly. If this is how Colin looks when he says he's "out of shape" I'd love to see what he looks like when he's not. 😉

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4 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

 And she is the third stew, which means you are under the second stew.  Was this never explained to her?  I don't understand what is so egregious about Gabrielle writing out the to-do list.  If it were me, I would appreciate having a list, not just to keep myself on track but also as a CYA in case something wasn't done.  Ashley's tits seem to have sucked all the oxygen away from her brain because she can't seem to figure that out.  

Daisy is partly to blame because she isn't squashing this immediately.  She doesn't need to give a kindergarten pep talk about how everyone should get along during a tip meeting and in front of everyone else.  She needs to sit Gabrielle and Ashley down and explain very clearly to Ashley that she is the third stew and therefore under Gabriella.  I also think she needs to say that they need to just do their jobs and STFU but that's just me.  

That beach picnic was an embarrassment.  Totally with Gabriella on that.  At least get the chairs set up and a tablecloth on the table.  Maybe the tent should have been last?  Of course, if Ashley or Kelsie had their radios on, they would have heard the guests were preparing to depart the yacht and could have asked for more time -- and help.  This isn't rocket science. 

Colin continues to be awesome.  Loved his poking fun at the "dad bodies" of the deck crew.  Ha ha.  

Marcos also continues to be awesome.  His food and its presentation delivers.  

I agree that Daisy needs to take charge, immediately if not sooner.  First she needs to sit down with Gabriella and Ashley and be explicit about the chain of command.  I would love to see Daisy coming up with some lists for them to accomplish.  That takes the pressure away from Gabriella and gives Ashley one less thing to gripe about.  Also, Daisy needs to take her team to the beach picnics and properly train them on how to set up a nice experience for the guests.  Once they can do it competently, THEN Daisy can hand off that unpleasant task to the other stews.

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I'd rather watch a whole hour of Daisy and Gary making out in the hot tub than a minute of that guest passed out with his neck bent like that.  It looked like his neck was broken!  

So you know how horrifying I found it because...I don't really ever want to see Daisy and Gary making out again.  Don't care if they do kiss each other, don't really want to watch them sloshing around.   Maybe just show Colin's reactions to everything!  

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Unpopular opinion but I don’t like how Colin stirs up shit 
Specifically when he was asking Ashley if they do the same job last episode. He should know the chain of command and not encourage Ashley’s opinion that it is irrelevant. There was a marked difference in how Gary handled Gabriella venting about Ashley to how Colin asked questions.

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Like sand in the hourglass…… this sand will get in your crack….  All comments in order of scenes shown….

Colin, quote of the ep:  “The rest of this charter season is going to sh*t!”  Yep.

The improbable meets the ridiculous – this last night brought to you by Alcohol.  Alcohol – when you don’t want to take responsibility for your actions.

Gabriella – I love you, you’ve been the superstar of the stew set so far, but please don’t take this wrong – NO ONE is going to notice the direction of the hospital corners of the bedding.

Ashley is demonstrating her true skills… as someone who has no true skills…

Oh, Gary, you insufferable idiot.  Meet people on an alcohol-free playing field and see how you do.

Ashley:  “It’s going to be there in the back of your mind.”  So what’s it like in the back of beyond?

So what the heck is with the unconscious charter guest at dinner – weekend at Bernie’s?  OK, no wait, the while Tyler guest thing is fake.  No one takes a pounding like that and still sleeps.

What do you do on a sailing yacht when there’s no wind?  Oh, yeah… NOT SAIL.

Next week – will the wind be a problem?  Will Daisy remember the day before?  Will charter guest Tyler wake up?  Stay tuned…..

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On 3/23/2022 at 7:10 PM, Tanukisan said:

Gabriella – I love you, you’ve been the superstar of the stew set so far, but please don’t take this wrong – NO ONE is going to notice the direction of the hospital corners of the bedding.

For what it’s worth, I think between 5-20% of the population are detail oriented will see all the little things wrong. 
I would notice on the second or third day.

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