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S05.E14: Hell in a Handbasket


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When things from Billie's past begin to come to light, she is the subject of whispers and stares around the hospital and the team struggles to find the best way to support her. With the nurse shortage in full swing, a simple cleaning job turns into a horrific disaster that calls for all hands on deck. Meanwhile, Trevor discovers a shocking secret and Padma has a proposal for Leela.

Airdate: 02/22/2022

32 minutes ago, SuzieQ said:

I really enjoyed this episode.  I'm so glad that psycho Porter will go down in flames, Trevor and Billie both did the right thing and they didn't drag it out to infinity!  Glad Bell is getting the Medical Board job, since he shouldn't be anywhere near an OR.

This is true, BUT there are too many unsolved issues. 1) How does Billie get back in the good graces of the medical community? You can't erase the "mean tweets." 2) Porter should be arrested and put on trial and convicted. 3) How will this ultimately affect Trevor. You know he'll have after the fact issues. 4)Conrad & Billie walking arm in arm and spending a day together. Where's that going??

Do/can nurses really get $7500. a week with some additional huge perks thrown in????

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This was a good episode, I am really glad that they did not drag this out any longer than they did. 

I am glad Trevor figured it out on his own and no one had to be the one to tell him. But I'm also glad he went to the hearing and wiped the smirk off that asshole's face. Did he actually try to suggest to Billie that anything that happened was consensual?

Good for Jessica for getting herself a raise out of the other job offer. I am glad she and her husband (who's name I'm forgetting) are staying.

Leela has an interesting decision to make. I always thought being an egg donor would be really hard, but the twin thing makes it a little different.

1 minute ago, preeya said:

Do/can nurses really get $7500. a week with some additional huge perks thrown in????

I have no idea, but did the recruiter really say they were going to pay for their housing the whole time she worked for them? That works out to a lot of extra money.

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I have to say, Billie has grown on me after acting like an entitled bitch on her first day there.   I still don't want her and Conrad to get together because that would be too predictable.  I hope they remain friends and she finds another love interest (because you know they just have to have love stories on medical dramas, lol).

I'm not looking forward to Leela and her sister and the whole egg donor story.  Things aren't going to go well with Leela and Devon if she agrees to it.

I missed the part about Jessica leaving.  Where is she going?

Edited by Crashcourse
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14 minutes ago, preeya said:

1) How does Billie get back in the good graces of the medical community? You can't erase the "mean tweets."

You reveal the reason the mean tweets were made and then touch on how she took ownership at the time.

15 minutes ago, preeya said:

2) Porter should be arrested and put on trial and convicted.

Its probably past statutory limits. That *his* career is effectively over is nice and hopefully other victims will step forward. 


18 minutes ago, preeya said:

3) How will this ultimately affect Trevor. You know he'll have after the fact issues.

I am sure he will angst mightily about having the rape gene. On an aside, I never notice how weird his eyes are, one always half open and slightly lower than the other....

20 minutes ago, preeya said:

4)Conrad & Billie walking arm in arm and spending a day together. Where's that going??

Mad sex most likely. Athough isn't he a little young for her?

I do like that they didn't drag this out.

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The scene where Trevor puts two and two together is intense and heartbreaking, am glad AJ is there for him. Hope the mother and son duo will slowly heal, emotionally.

Billie and Conrad walking hand-in-hand, together, hmmm 🤔 

On top of her double-board certification arc, why Leela gets to have another arc, the “egg-donor” storyline? I want more Devon, NOT Leela. Ugh!

This episode is directed by Dr. Haircut, good job! 👏🏻 


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15 minutes ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

This episode is directed by Dr. Haircut, good job! 👏🏻 

That explains why he was barely in it!

I thought that both the directing and the writing of this episode was good. The Billie/Porter story was wrapped up to a hear-warming conclusion and I'm glad that it was Trevor who figured it out himself (although it's weird that Trevor just appeared at the special hearing, how did he know where and when it was, and why didn't he talk to Billie first, and cheers for Jessica for negotiating her way to

Good casting too, Miles Fowler really does look like he could be Scott Cohen's son. (There was something weird going on with his right eye though, it was bloodshot and looked droopy.)

Ir struck me as strange that Billie would want to become a doctor after it was a doctor who had raped her but then I thought that maybe she had wanted to be a doctor before and that was his way in to seduce her.

Ironically the only story I wasn't interested in was the medical one of the window cleaner.

Is this the season finale?  (Last season only had 14 episodes.) If so, it's going out on a satisfactory note.

3 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I'm not looking forward to Leela and her sister and the whole egg donor story.  Things aren't going to go well with Leela and Devon if she agrees to it.

It's really nothing to do with Devon though. Padma asked for an egg, not a fertilized zygote. It seems like a good solution to me especially since if Leela wants to double board, she's going to be a geriatric pregnancy by the time she carries one of her own if she can even get pregnant then.

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I am a simple girl. This show set up a storyline and paid it off. No need for a shocking twist or an unexpected revelation. Just set up, conflict, climax and denouement. Watching Trevor show up and take down that criminal was delightful. 

Jessica's story was the most interesting. I loved that she was looking out for herself. You always should. I did hate Bell's whole "but we're a family" schtick. No. You're a business and if you needed to cut Jessica, you would. Still she got a raise, secured more staff for the departments (how they will hire these nurses, who knows?) and has a classy and supportive husband. She's a winner.

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14 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Athough isn't he a little young for her?

Matt Czuchry is 44 and Jessica Porter is 36 though I think the characters are supposed to have gone to school together and should be closer in age.  


1 hour ago, vibeology said:

Watching Trevor show up and take down that criminal was delightful. 

Everyone around the table:  those are serious allegations

Trevor:  Test my DNA against his

Everyone around the table:  Ok, we're good.  

1 hour ago, vibeology said:

and has a classy and supportive husband.

Those two are adorable together.  


14 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I am sure he will angst mightily about having the rape gene.

I was hoping Billie would call Dr Theo after that meeting and tell him to reach out to the kid.  

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12 hours ago, Rae Spellman said:

In California it's possible if not typical. My question is whether salaries at public Georgia hospitals are negotiable to the degree that she negotiated.

I got curious about your question. I found something about how public employees have a hard time negotiating salaries, even through Unions. Georgia politics indicate that it would be very hard for the nurses to have an upper hand (I haven't watched it yet though, so I am not sure of the degree of the negotiation in the episode). I also found this:

"Georgia came in at No. 31 on the list—eighth for opportunity/competition and 47th for work environment.

Analysts also noted the state, home to one of America's 10 best nursing schools, has one of the lowest projections for percentage of nurses 65 and older by 2030.

Georgia’s dismal rank in work environment may be something employers want to make note of. Here are some of the factors that go into the environment rank: overtime restrictions, ratio of nurses to hospital beds, nurses job growth, quality of public hospital system, average number of work hours, friendliness toward working moms and regulatory requirement for nurse practitioners."

15 hours ago, preeya said:

2) Porter should be arrested and put on trial and convicted

Statute of limitation. Rapists get a get-out-of-jail free card if they manage to avoid prosecution after  just a few years. Even though it is not pedophilia, someone should make a case for it, I am sure there are loopholes in the laws. I don't know if the crime of pedophilia "expires".

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4 hours ago, circumvent said:

I got curious about your question. I found something about how public employees have a hard time negotiating salaries, even through Unions. Georgia politics indicate that it would be very hard for the nurses to have an upper hand (I haven't watched it yet though, so I am not sure of the degree of the negotiation in the episode). I also found this:

"Georgia came in at No. 31 on the list—eighth for opportunity/competition and 47th for work environment.

Analysts also noted the state, home to one of America's 10 best nursing schools, has one of the lowest projections for percentage of nurses 65 and older by 2030.

Georgia’s dismal rank in work environment may be something employers want to make note of. Here are some of the factors that go into the environment rank: overtime restrictions, ratio of nurses to hospital beds, nurses job growth, quality of public hospital system, average number of work hours, friendliness toward working moms and regulatory requirement for nurse practitioners."

Statute of limitation. Rapists get a get-out-of-jail free card if they manage to avoid prosecution after  just a few years. Even though it is not pedophilia, someone should make a case for it, I am sure there are loopholes in the laws. I don't know if the crime of pedophilia "expires".

Ask Prince Andrew about that.  Oops 12 million pounds sterling made that issue go away.

I don't know what the writers and producers see on Matt Czuchry but it is not there. Bad actor, not attractive in any way imaginable (to me) and with one frozen facial expression. But obviously, they have to get him to be the super doctor who MUST know everything that is happening at the hospital and he works out SO HARD!

AJ to Trevor: you don't know your boundaries! - as he invades Trevor's personal space and takes the laptop Trevor is holding. Sure AJ, boundaries.

Jessica's story was a let down. Sure, she got a raise but she didn't get all the extra staff she wanted. Good for her, bad for nurses as a class, worse for the patients. Individualism is not good in a fucked up system.

The whole outrage about Billie's medical error was ridiculous. Medical errors are the THIRD leading cause of deaths in the United States but of course, this type of reality needs to stay away from our collective brainwashing. Instead, we get heroes that go to the end of the universe to save lives. 

Trevor, Porter is not a pedophile. He raped a 13 year-old who got pregnant. Pedophiles prey on pre-pubescent children. Pre-pubescent children don't get pregnant. 

49 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I mean, I consider raping a 13 year old an act of pedofilia...that she got pregnant doesn't mean she wasn't legally a child.

Legally yes, but scientifically, attraction to pubescent youth is not called pedophilia, it is called Hebephilia. The DSM-5 does not include pubescent children in the pedophilia diagnosis.

It is just something that I think deserves more attention, in particular in a show about the medical profession. 

Hebephilia should be more discussed because there is a lot of abuse. Think about all the cases of men (rock stars in the 70's, for example) that would have all those young girls in their entourages - Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley even before the 70's. Recently, Epstein and his famous friends apparently having the same attraction. If popular culture helps with the education, at least by using the correct nomenclature, maybe it raises the interest of people in learning about this and hopefully seeing the crime of predators that go after very young people

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9 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I mean, I consider raping a 13 year old an act of pedofilia...that she got pregnant doesn't mean she wasn't legally a child.

And we really have no idea what Billie looked like at age 13. Just because she was able to get pregnant doesn't mean she'd fully gone through puberty or looked like a woman. 

But I'm not sure it matters.....whatever you call it, raping a 13 year old is a terrible crime.

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45 minutes ago, MsTree said:

While that may be true, how many TV viewers would have recognized the term Hebephile?

That's my point. I didn't even know the actual nomenclature. TV can be a tool for education but often is a tool for nothing at all. I don't think many people knew the term "statute of limitation" until watching L&O SVU. If they just took the 10 seconds that would take to clarify that pedophilia and Hebephilia are two distinct things every time pedophilia comes up - and I think it comes up a lot - then the term would be incorporated to the daily jargon of the larger audience. Maybe there would be more outrage and less handwaving when cases of hebephilia involving the famous and powerful came up. There is a lot of blame put - specially - on girls who are used and abused by older man. It is the "she looks so mature" excuse. 

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On 2/24/2022 at 5:19 AM, circumvent said:

I don't know what the writers and producers see on Matt Czuchry but it is not there. Bad actor, not attractive in any way imaginable (to me) and with one frozen facial expression. But obviously, they have to get him to be the super doctor who MUST know everything that is happening at the hospital and he works out SO HARD!


What are you talking about?  Conrad Hawkins is by far the coolest guy on TV.   He is the second most coolest ever, behind only Horatio Caine. 😎

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Some states removed or suspended the statute of limitations for child rape cases. Georgia's statute of limitations is 11-20 years depending on the crime. However, in some cases, it only starts when DNA is tested - https://www.rainn.org/state-state-guide-statutes-limitations

I hope the Leela egg plotline doesn't go crazy. However, I am guessing she will agree, go through the hormones with the intention of wanting to give a few to her sister and freeze some of her own, and then she will want to get a baby of her own and see if Devon is up for trying for a baby.

I hope that Billie and Conrad do not end up together.

Also, with travel nurse pay - it can be over 5k a week in California https://www.americanmobile.com/travel-nursing-jobs/locations/california

Padma REALLY needs to ditch the van life, get a job and a house/apartment, settle down and spend some time adulting and being responsible and THEN bring a child into the picture. Show that you can be a grown up, take the time to sort things out and get your shit together before you add the incredible responsibility of raising another human from birth. 

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I'm glad Trevor now knows and while I respect Billie for not wanting to damage her relationship with him or cause him more pain, I think she underestimated him and should have told him herself. I just wonder what did Dr. Porter really think would be a viable defense for having sex with a 13 year old? It's no longer acceptable to claim consensual relations with a 13 year old, no matter how "mature" she may have looked. The only defense would be to claim that Billie was outright lying. I thought Billie backed down too easily. I know she didn't want to put Trevor in the crosshairs, but all she had to do was threaten Porter that she had actual proof and that she would use it and call his bluff. He didn't know she had proof - would he really have taken that risk? 


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