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S16.E20: Live Evictions #7 and #8


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I assumed that the second of the two eliminations would be a standard one-person HoH because there's just not time in a one-hour live show to have two HoHs nominate two people each, do the BoB comp and then a veto and then an eviction. But I agree with everyone else that I don't understand why they're going back to the dual HoHs next week. When Julie mentioned it was a solo HoH just for this one time, I was flabbergasted. This was the perfect point to transition back to the solo HoH. I mean, in another week, the two HoHs won't even have to really think about who to nominate because everyone else in the house is going to be a nominee.


I wondered if that was Arianne Grande in the audience looking sullen sitting among the masses. But then I wondered why she would be sitting in the audience. I get that they might have invited her to the show in case something interesting actually happened on this season and someone made a move and got Frankie evicted, but I figured they'd let her sit backstage in a VIP green room. Oh wait, this is Big Brother. They don't have a VIP green room!


I was a little confused by that second eviction, though. When they put up Hayden and Donny, I assumed the plan was to backdoor Nicole. And then when they put her up as the replacement, I thought that was it for her. But then they evicted Hayden? Bwah? Do they not think Nicole was the one making the decisions? Are these guys so sexist that they just assumed Hayden was pulling her strings? Sigh.


I don't watch the live feeds, so I look forward to the edited version of all the shouting that was going down at the end of the live show. And then I look forward to coming in here after Sunday's episode so I can find out what REALLY went down!


(Oh, and I agree with the person upthread who believes that the whole "You might be able to get back in the game" twist is so that just in case Frankie is actually evicted in the next couple weeks, they can put up three people for America to vote back in knowing that they'll put Frankie back in the house and their preening little peacock can have another chance at the prize.)

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People I want to stick around: Cody.  He's in the groups but not a "puppet master" or a big mouth.  He plays the game but stays nice.  Kind of a dark horse in this game to maybe go far and win because he keeps things pretty even.  And he's just so darn gorgeous.


Agreed on all counts.


This show, like The Bachelor franchise, is SO manipulated by production... but the difference is that these people win money at the end.


To be fair, which would you rather have? $500K, or Juan Pablo?


(Oh, and I agree with the person upthread who believes that the whole "You might be able to get back in the game" twist is so that just in case Frankie is actually evicted in the next couple weeks, they can put up three people for America to vote back in knowing that they'll put Frankie back in the house and their preening little peacock can have another chance at the prize.)


TOTAL safety-net, in case Frankie (or maybe Donny?) gets evicted, they can get right back in. (Did I mention lately how I much how I loathe Frankie and his narcissistic self and over-the-top antics?)

Donny is more of a favorite of the audience than Frankie, so if Donny were to go, and IF there is an audience vote that's on the up-and-up, Donny would certainly be the one to come back. If it's a competition though, it completely depends on the type of comp. If Frankie's been booted by that time, it will probably be a selfie-taking comp.

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I've been saying a little prayer each night that Frankie gets evicted, but now that a jury member is going to reenter the game at some point, I'm feeling less inclined to have him shown the door (until that particular twist plays out). I would be livid if we had a situation in which he's evicted to great fanfare, only to reenter the game the following week. And with my luck (or lack thereof), there's no doubt that that's what would happen.

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(Oh, and I agree with the person upthread who believes that the whole "You might be able to get back in the game" twist is so that just in case Frankie is actually evicted in the next couple weeks, they can put up three people for America to vote back in knowing that they'll put Frankie back in the house and their preening little peacock can have another chance at the prize.)


Well, someone's definitely going to come back into the house, regardless of whether Frankie is evicted or not. They wouldn't have brought it up otherwise. The question is how they go about doing it. They could wait until there are four people on the jury and then all four of them can compete to get back in, or they can wait until the fourth is evicted and he/she can go up against "America's Choice" from the previous three, like they did when Brendon battled Lawon. Which makes sense, production wise, because I don't think anyone's all that interested in seeing Jocasta, for example, come back into the house. It's not like she can do anything. But if "America" gets to vote between Donny or Frankie, I'm betting Donny wins that vote.

I sure do hope it's a popular vote for a returning houseguest, as I would like to see Donny return were he to be ousted, which I'm almost sure is going to happen soon, unfortunately. :(

I'm very disappointed in Christine---I honestly thought she had a genuine alliance with Nicole and Hayden, then she goes and blows it all up with the very rookie mistake of trying to drive a wedge between the two of them. What she needed to do was continue to ingratiate herself with all sides, playing both ends against the middle (like she had been doing) for as long as she possibly could. Oh, well. Looks like we're going to be stuck with someone from the "boy's alliance" as a winner---my money's on the undercover cop (Derrick?). I may not especially care for him, but I have to admit he has been playing a super-smooth game so far.

Edited by Kittykatkins
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Last night I gave up on this show for good.  Like an earlier poster said, I'll check back here but I won't be watching another episode.  And I won't even check in on future seasons.  The reason?  Idiot contestants!  I believe that out of the vast pool of applicants for this show, there have to be some that are both eye candy AND smart!  Can't they give an IQ test or something?  If they believe America will only watch people with 6-packs, can't they find some people with both a 6-pack and an IQ over 100? 

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I think the one-two punch of terrible casting (especially on the women's side) and the inane double HoH 'twist' has brought us here to the most boring season ever. There's wayyyyy too much power in the double HoH that allows those in power to continue to run the game. This fed into the Boys Club year we are seeing as there are simply too many egotistical/misogynist muscleheaded 'bro's' in the house and they've just run rampant.


I think a year with casting "normal" people again and no dual HoH can still "heal" what ails the show currently but this year's snoozefest should sound the warning bell that gets them to look at how they got to this point and make some changes and not be so in love with every new idea they come up with to present game 'twists'.


They also need to ban the usage of the word "blood on my hands" and the crippling effect that's had on this season where more people are nominated than ever but the same people were always put up no matter who was HoH. The dual twist in connection with this has permeated this year's game that punishes big moved and encourages "voting with The House".

Edited by Wandering Snark
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And screw everyone for not even giving Jocasta the respect to watch her fade to black and white on the memory wall.

Plus no one answered her as she called a last cheery goodbye on the way out the door.

Last year was the record for most racist pigs, but this year may be the record for the most self-centered narcissists. I think Victoria would be happy to spend the rest of her life, alone, in front of a mirror. She thinks she's drop dead gorgeous and doesn't even care whether anyone else does or not. Christine is pleased as punch to be the only girl on the boys team, no doubt thinking it's because she's such a naked-time, sexy person. Caleb appears to be keeping his head covered for the next three months because his hair isn't prefect, and Zach and Frankie are head over heels in love with themselves and each other. Cody is a little more subtle about it but he wouldn't be giving stripper dances as gifts if he didn't know he was the cuteness.

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I wondered if that was Arianne Grande in the audience looking sullen sitting among the masses. But then I wondered why she would be sitting in the audience. I get that they might have invited her to the show in case something interesting actually happened on this season and someone made a move and got Frankie evicted, but I figured they'd let her sit backstage in a VIP green room. Oh wait, this is Big Brother. They don't have a VIP green room!




Ariana Grande Visits 'Big Brother' Set to Cheer on Frankie


in another week, the two HoHs won't even have to really think about who to nominate because everyone else in the house is going to be a nominee.

The producers might cut it to one nominee each with the winning HoH getting to pick a replacement nominee, but allowed to keep the losing HoH's nominee. I'm surprised they aren't making an adjustment already; two thirds of the house being either HoH or a nominee is a bit much.

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I've given up on feeling disappointed by these people and just assume the worst will happen. That helps keep double eviction night slightly fun.


I do like Donny the best as a human being in this house, but damn, man, try not to embarrass your fellow 42-year-olds! Was he seriously THAT dead and winded after what had to be about a 100-second veto comp? It looked like jumping over the hump was tough, but good gravy!! Friggin fish gasping for air, too weak to even give a little fist pump of excitement at winning... gotta step up the pace on those backyard-circling walks, Donny.


Frankie can go to hell. At first I could find him entertaining, even if over-the-top, but I've had it with his fake-fucking-fake-fakeness. His effing balletic leaps, heart-shaped hands in the DR, co-preening with Julie - just stop. For the love of all that is holy on Broadway, STOP. If he were so flamboyantly fantastic at all times, it would be one thing - annoying, but at least consistent. He of all the HGs is most aware of when he has a chance of being on t.v. (ex. the singing along of the "who wants to see my HoH room!" music), and I think he plays it up to the third power on the broadcast shows. From the pink rooster mohawk (which is looking worse and worse as his natural color comes in more), to the fakest fucking smile after the DE HoH, to the disingenuous and ubiquitous hugging... Seriously, his "smile" at Caleb didn't even reach his lips, let along his eyes - it was like a monkey-grimace of teeth. (But maybe that's just the botox.) If I were in that house, I would seriously tell him to never touch me again.

Edited by Dewey Decimate
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I've had it with his fake-fucking-fake-fakeness

Amen and amen! It's really tiring to watch/be innudated with and the show has obviously done nothing but encourage it in this broadway play narrated by Frankie himself. He really made me uncomfortable talking about how erotic it was that Caleb was getting his hair shaved. This was just another in a long line of "moments" that had NOTHING to do with Frankie yet still became Frankie Moments™ as he draped himself all over Caleb and rubbed his half-exposed chest...

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Didn't we used to get to see at least some of the high-speed scrambling before nominations during these? Now they just cut straight to commercials, commercials and more commercials, so for all we know someone got called to the DR and given instructions. Or maybe I just zoned out.


Sometimes they show that, and sometimes they save the footage and show it on Sunday. I know they did that in Season 14 when Ian won the short HoH, and Dan took him into the storage room to talk strategy. I remember that the nominees (or the replacement nominee after the PoV) were a surprise, and that conversation explained them. 


Plus no one answered her as she called a last cheery goodbye on the way out the door.


Yes, that seemed really cold. I know they had to get out in the backyard in a hurry for the HoH competition, but that was barely a goodbye. And who was panting loudly into his mike as she left? I'm assuming it was Zach, because it was nonsensical, annoying, and done solely for effect (an effect that only means anything to Zach). 


He of all the HGs is most aware of when he has a chance of being on t.v. (ex. the singing along of the "who wants to see my HoH room!" music), and I think he plays it up to the third power on the broadcast shows. 


He also seems to believe he's entitled to hang out in the HoH room, no matter who is in power. 

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I do like Donny the best as a human being in this house, but damn, man, try not to embarrass your fellow 42-year-olds! Was he seriously THAT dead and winded after what had to be about a 100-second veto comp? It looked like jumping over the hump was tough, but good gravy!! Friggin fish gasping for air, too weak to even give a little fist pump of excitement at winning... gotta step up the pace on those backyard-circling walks, Donny.


Including Donny, the last six contestants over forty-years-old that have been cast by Robyn Kass include Paul from BB Canada 2 who couldn't pull himself up a rope ladder, Jodi from BB14 who was in the house for less than six hours, Chef Joe from the same season who was as useless as anyone ever cast on the show, Shelly from BB13 whose strategy was to chain smoke, and Kathy from BB12 who won nothing and did nothing in her season.


Donny has as many challenge wins as all these contestants combined.  Now how is that for pathetic?

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I always feel bad for the person who goes home 2nd during double eviction. They don't get a chance to sway votes or campaign. I liked Hayden, he seems genuinely nice. I can't believe Derrick (who is playing a great game) isn't being exposed. Frankie...he is up everyone's behinds. If you watch After Dark he is always hopping from person to person. Drives me nuts. On the CBS show, we haven't seen any real fights or outbursts. Is this editing due to last seasons negativity? Or do they all mostly get along?

Amen and amen! It's really tiring to watch/be innudated with and the show has obviously done nothing but encourage it in this broadway play narrated by Frankie himself. He really made me uncomfortable talking about how erotic it was that Caleb was getting his hair shaved. This was just another in a long line of "moments" that had NOTHING to do with Frankie yet still became Frankie Moments™ as he draped himself all over Caleb and rubbed his half-exposed chest...

I agree. Frankie is not endearing or funny. He's annoying & if I were in there & he followed me around all the time I would tell him to back off. I can't stand people who over compliment or over cheer too. Like he was happy about who won HOH, no he wasn't. 

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So, I’m not sure if this is a real thing or not, but just something I wanted to throw out there that I was wondering about. Does it seem like men get cut more slack than women for being floaters and not playing that much of a game? In this case specifically, I am thinking about Christine vs. Cody. I know Christine doesn’t have that pleasant of a personality and Cody does. As far as game play, they seem about even though. They both got lucky by basically being able to have these alliances just fall into their laps.  And from watching last episode, I thought it was interesting to see just how much Derrick made the strategic decisions and Cody just went along with them. Derrick took a shower, changed his mind, informed Cody of his new position, and Cody just immediately fell in line with it, without really too much discussion or debate-- other than the fact that he “literally” just shat his pants, that is.


So, I don’t know, if this is just my reading too much into things, but it seems like women, even when they’re in alliances, don’t get as much credit as men for their “game play.”  On Big Brother it’s a little different, because of course Cody, is very personable and easy to like and Christine seems a bit grating, so I don’t really want her to win either.  Also, I don’t really have a problem with floating as a strategy, I think it’s as good as any other and can actually be hard to maintain. I guess I might just be thinking about other instances, like on Survivor, where women who were in alliances but didn’t “lead” the alliance get called out for doing nothing, especially by the jury, but they actually did quite a bit of behind the scenes stuff. It just seems like they don’t get any respect, but men in a similar situation do get a little?

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