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Guy's Chance Of A Lifetime - General Discussion

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5 minutes ago, johnmiller said:

Plus, the editing, as usual, was odd. They left the last team off until next week. And, in the same episode, it sounds like they're going on to Nashville?

Yes.  The episode stopped almost in mid-sentence without so much as a "to be continued."  I wondered what happened.

I still don't like Eboni but, on this episode, Chelsea was worse.  She seems to have no idea that she isn't perfect and she certainly can't take criticism.  Her hero worship of Guy is pretty suspect and a bit creepy.

Cayton's menu was very well done but I imagine his falling apart and crying after the evaluation has put him out of the running. 

16 minutes ago, Grizzly said:

Kevin has me going back and forth. He'll say things that make him sound like an egotistical  jerk and he looks pissed all the time. And then he'll smile.

Exactly.  He's my favorite though.  I like him and I've always been a sucker for a deep voice.  



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That was really a hot mess.  I'm not crazy about Clayton, but would like to see how he worked with another partner.  His response seemed way over the top, but some of it surely was anger at Chelsea.  And then there's Chelsea.  In my previous work life I did a lot of interviewing, training, and evaluating and she would be gone in a heartbeat.  At this point, I wonder if she can make a comeback.  It's almost as if she believed because Guy was her idol, he would evaluate her differently.  But at least Eboni and Chelsea were color coordinated with matching hair and lipstick.

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19 minutes ago, howiveaddict said:

Chelsea has to act oh so cool, with that blue hair.  Then Eboni had to try to up her and put on blue lipstick.  Neither look was professional to me.  I'd have issues being managed by either one. Just hard to take blue hair seriously.

As hard as I try I simply can't "relate" to the contestants on this show. 

As a matter of fact, the entire concept of the show has left me "cold."  This is in contrast with Guy's other shows that I enjoy and heartily endorse.  

I guess, at this point, I'll just check out on the show and check IN to this board to see who eventually wins.  








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This episode left me downright shocked at the behavior of Chelsea and Cayton (that name, ugh.) I didn’t like either of them before but their collective temper tantrums/meltdowns were revolting. You had a bad experience. You didn’t do well and you’re an adult, suck it up and move on and try better next time. Are either of them going to dissolve into tears and throw themselves on the ground every time they have a difficult customer or a bad online review?

For all the big game they both talk, you’d think they would have thicker skin from years in the restaurant industry. If I were Guy or any of his business partners I would tell them to take a hike. What completely childish behavior. Antonia even told Cayton before that it’s not ok to throw things around when you’re upset, during the timed food preparation challenge. 

Cayton is 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 central. He’s got that used car salesman oiliness and he’s so smug that I could slap those gigantic teeth right out of his head. He thinks he’s so much better and smarter than everyone else. He goes from 0 to 60 when he doesn’t get his way. I wouldn’t let him run a bath, let alone a multi-million dollar business with my name on it. 

Chelsea: bratty and annoying. She seems to think asking 50 million questions and being a suck up will make Guy and co. have stars in their eyes. Someone, somewhere once told Chelsea she was smart and she’s ran with that ever since. I’ve worked with many girls like her (yes, girls, not women - people like her are in a state of arrested development. Mentally Chelsea acts 15-17) and they always crash and burn when they encounter even the tiniest of failures. 

Phil seems only vaguely aware that he’s in a competition. While Eboni was running around in the kitchen doing a million things he was wandering around the restaurant mumbling hello to people. Um, what? He didn’t even look like Guy! His presentation was funny but quirky only gets you so far. He seemed lost in the restaurant kitchen. I understand that he has anxiety but you really can’t just freeze up when you’re 50 tickets deep into the dinner rush. Overall, I thought they did pretty well though. 

I’m not a huge fan of Eboni nor do I think she will win, but I do appreciate her resilience. She had her meltdown then she bounced back and recommitted herself. 

Also something I find so interesting is this show really shows you TV personality Guy vs restaurant Guy. You know Guy didn’t get where he is today with goofy and dorky “Mayor of Flavortown” persona you see on GGG and DDD. The real Guy Fieri is a ruthless businessman who takes no shit. 


One thing that annoys the hell out of me, not ONE of these people has proper food safety coverings or apparel. None of the men have on beard nets, none of them (usually) has on hairnets or hats, Eboni has on a million bracelets and necklaces, and none of them has on proper footwear. And fucking Phil with the sunglasses on! 

ETA: I was watching Brave yesterday and I realized that Cayton’s meltdown reminded me of the tantrum that the son with the blue warpaint had when he missed his archery shot, and Merida goes, “oh that’s attractive!” 😂

Edited by novemberjenny
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12 hours ago, novemberjenny said:

One thing that annoys the hell out of me, not ONE of these people has proper food safety coverings or apparel. None of the men have on beard nets, none of them (usually) has on hairnets or hats, Eboni has on a million bracelets and necklaces, and none of them has on proper footwear. And fucking Phil with the sunglasses on! 

I noticed that too and it was one of the reasons the show didn't interest me enough to stay tuned....

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I'm guessing the people Chelsea works with were celebrating her being gone during the taping of this show.  It was rude of both Chelsea and Cayton to interrupt someone's time.  I would have just said no you aren't cutting into our time and I would have over talked both of them until they left.  

She not only did a bad job she went and blamed someone else to Guy and expected him to fix it.  It should have been at that point Guy turned to her and said this job isn't for you and shown her the door. Cayton had a nice flyer but he doesn't have the patience/tolerance to be running something like this.  This is the second time we've seen him.

Maybe it's just me but I didn't think that was a compliment to Guy when Phil did that character.  Phil wasn't much of a help to Eboni either.

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20 hours ago, xaxat said:

I'm still unclear as to what the prize is. Is it ownership of a franchise site, with real estate, franchise fees etc. paid? Or are they all competing to work 60 hour weeks as a manager at one of Guy's restaurants?

Just paid attention to the wording in the promo commercial. Guy says "RUN my newest restaurant." Not OWN one. So, I am going with option B.

Edited by emmawoodhouse
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Again, the editing is NUTS in this show! As someone who has taken filmmaking courses and has worked as a recording engineer, I notice almost instantly when something is dubbed in. And in this show it happens A LOT! In Episode 6, when Guy is making his judgment of the contestants in Branson, it seemed that every other sentence was dubbed in. And then, soon after, you are still getting that. Antonia is just talking about the next challenge outside Nashville, and even in that, there is stuff being dubbed in.

On 1/26/2022 at 11:49 PM, emmawoodhouse said:

Just paid attention to the wording in the promo commercial. Guy says "RUN my newest restaurant." Not OWN one. So, I am going with option B.

The fact that, close to this show's end, we STILL don't really know what the heck the "prize" really is, what are they doing in this show?

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33 minutes ago, johnmiller said:

Who wants to bet that the pumped-up ex-Army guy is going to win? This seemed almost guaranteed from the beginning.

And I'm fine with that. Him or Chase are the only ones I think would be capable of actually running something.

Did Eboni say she's a grandmother? She's not even 40!

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Kevin and Chase definitely seem to be the front runners.  I think Phil is a good guy but he hasn't made much of an impression.  Cayton has a big ego along with a juvenile level of emotional maturity.  He's a mess.  I don't like Eboni but, if I had to choose between her and Chelsea, I'd take Eboni.  There isn't a single thing I like about Chelsea including the way she was talking about and behaving with her husband.  Totally inappropriate.  I'll be happy if either Kevin or Chase wins.

I agree with johnmiller above that the editing is terrible.  I don't know anything about film making and even I can tell that a lot of comments are dubbed in.  Also, the episode just stopped abruptly (again) with no smooth transition to "to be continued."

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, johnmiller said:

Who wants to bet that the pumped-up ex-Army guy is going to win? This seemed almost guaranteed from the beginning.

I love his voice. I’d be fine with Kevin or Chase winning.

Chelsea and her husband need to grow up. I hope her fries are mucho soggy.

Cayton is a big crybaby and has skin as thin as tissue paper. I wish Eboni had lit into him, but I guess she is more mature than he is.

1 hour ago, Ciarrai said:

And I'm fine with that. Him or Chase are the only ones I think would be capable of actually running something.

Did Eboni say she's a grandmother? She's not even 40!

Multiple generations of teen mothers.

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, xaxat said:

So we're headed to the finale?

It's weird because this challenge has very little relationship to running an established franchise. Managers have to go through corporate to do most things associated with the running of the restaurant. So no self promotion or local advertising and no control of menu recipes.

That's why I discontinued watching and just check the board from time to time.

The show is utterly detached from reality so serves no purpose.

I know that Guy recently signed an $80 million multi-year contract with FN so I'm thinking that in order to entice them to offer him that much moola he had to pitch a # of new shows and this was one of them. 

Whomever thought this show had potential to grab a big audience must have been smoking something "funny."😄

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I thought Eboni was OK this week, Phil is a nice guy who is way out of his element, Chelsea and her husband were creepy, Cayden/Clayton (never clear on the name) would have done us all a favor and left the show as he seemed to want/need to in the opening of episode #1.  Kevin or Chase for the win.  




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I think that if this show is to get another season there needs to be a major overhaul on it.  State clearly what the winner gets. Get better candidates.  Is it a job working for Guy, is it money, do they get a real store to run, etc?  I don't like the money accumulation when it should be performance base.   Chelsea clearly can't handle being told she is  doing badly, Cayton cries when he gets bad news. If these were the top two money earners would you want them in a leadership position in your store?

Caden was hilarious when he said they did great in their team effort with Chelsea.  If you are so deluded to think that then I wouldn't want you anywhere near a store I had. And then go on to say Eboni is the only one not qualified?  

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One of the contestants (Chase I think) said they win a Chicken Guy franchise with Guy footing the bill for it.  So I think they become an owner of a new franchise without having to pay the franchise fee and potentially the building costs.  But it's not clear from the show and they definitely should have cleared up what the prize actually is.

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Guy getting 80 plus million for going around the country stuffing his face and hosting stupid food game shows doesn’t surprise me in an era  where Kardashians and Tik Tok stars become millionaires for dancing for 40 second videos !

It’s amazing how someone who dresses and cooks like a middle aged frat boy and has stupid abbreviations for everyone and  everything like ICAG ( iron chef Alex Graurnaschelli ), and has crappy restaurants, is so rich  on a food network ! 
He may be a nice guy , but I can’t tolerate 24/7 repeats of his shows .

Also, it looks like Guy is gaining more and more weight and looking super bloated and unhealthy in his pictures for the new food festival .   Sadly , he may suffer major health issues and possibly not enjoy his millions if he doesn’t give up his teenage earring habits since he’s now in his 50’s ! 

  • Love 1

Watched the final episode on discovery+, and then looked online to see if the winner's Chicken Guy franchise location has opened (non-shocker: it has not). What I noticed was that the franchise fee value/ price Guy states in the final episode is twice as much as the stated franchise fee listed on mashable.com and another website I found devoted to franchises. And then there are substantial additional costs borne by the franchisee, so maybe we won't see the non-winners open a CG anytime soon, if ever. (This also assumes Guy's company is going to fully fund the winner's operation from building to licensing fees to annual royalty payment -- I don't see any of these cheftestants having deep enough pockets or a well-organized partnership with investors to fund the first year or five before it turns a profit.)

So much oddness around all of this, from poor editing to the confusing "grand prize" at the end. I like Guy well enough as a personality as well as this somewhat new side we get to see as a business owner/ fast food concept mogul to keep an eye open for his next televisioon program concept, but he needs better advisors to make a truly coherent new venture for FN.

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On 2/4/2022 at 4:33 PM, orangekit said:

Guy getting 80 plus million for going around the country stuffing his face and hosting stupid food game shows doesn’t surprise me in an era  where Kardashians and Tik Tok stars become millionaires for dancing for 40 second videos !

It’s amazing how someone who dresses and cooks like a middle aged frat boy and has stupid abbreviations for everyone and  everything like ICAG ( iron chef Alex Graurnaschelli ), and has crappy restaurants, is so rich  on a food network ! 
He may be a nice guy , but I can’t tolerate 24/7 repeats of his shows .

Also, it looks like Guy is gaining more and more weight and looking super bloated and unhealthy in his pictures for the new food festival .   Sadly , he may suffer major health issues and possibly not enjoy his millions if he doesn’t give up his teenage earring habits since he’s now in his 50’s ! 

It's like Joe Rogan. The dumber their product, the more money they make.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, johnmiller said:

Also, it looks like Guy is gaining more and more weight and looking super bloated and unhealthy in his pictures for the new food festival .   Sadly , he may suffer major health issues and possibly not enjoy his millions if he doesn’t give up his teenage earring habits since he’s now in his 50’s ! 

Guy is a smart guy and I strongly admire his generosity in civic causes (fire fighters and COVID assistance to restaurants).

Regardless of the latest $80M multi-year FN contract Guy s a multi-millionaire many times over. 

That's why I don't understand why he is apparently so dismissive of the jeopardy he's probably putting his health in due to his eating habits.  

I hope he starts taking better care of himself as I consider him a great family guy who's riding his "schtick" appearance into the sunset at his own peril.

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Kevin won. We all knew it from the first episode that he was going to win. Ex-military, pumped up, a winner all day.

Not that I thought that any of the others should have won over him. But it was a typical Reality TV thing where you know they have decided who's going to win from the beginning, and unless they really mess up, that person will win.

And we still have next to no idea what Kevin won. Are they buying him the land the building goes on, the building, all of the equipment, everything? Just some of it? We still have no idea.

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That Alex Guarnaschelli competition show that just came on recently is a Guy Fieri product. Knuckle Sandwich productions, I think.

"Guy's Chance of a Lifetime" is of course one of his productions.

Since Antonia Lafaso is one of his posse, I am pretty sure that the "Julia Child" challenge show advertised tonight will be one of his.

So it sounds like Fieri is cranking through his contract as quickly as possible. Maybe just so he could retire and be done with it?

It's clearly quantity vs. quality.

31 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

Guy is a smart guy and I strongly admire his generosity in civic causes (fire fighters and COVID assistance to restaurants).

Regardless of the latest $80M multi-year FN contract Guy s a multi-millionaire many times over. 

That's why I don't understand why he is apparently so dismissive of the jeopardy he's probably putting his health in due to his eating habits.  

I hope he starts taking better care of himself as I consider him a great family guy who's riding his "schtick" appearance into the sunset at his own peril.

If he's eating his own food, he's REALLY in trouble! :-)

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2 minutes ago, parrotlover said:

This was such a train wreck of a show but I had to tune in to see who won…no surprise there.
So let me get this straight….  if everyone got the franchise fee paid……isn’t that what the winner won? So confused.

This show needs to be one and done.

I am guessing that there is more than that he is getting. I think that they said his "first year salary" was included. But, beyond that? No one knows. Maybe not even Guy.

6 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Did the winner get to choose the location of the new restaurant, or was that pre-detetmined? 

It was chosen for them. It is Philadelphia.

Edited by johnmiller
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4 minutes ago, johnmiller said:

And we still have next to no idea what Kevin won. Are they buying him the land the building goes on, the building, all of the equipment, everything? Just some of it? We still have no idea.

Good question. Maybe Kevin is getting nothing but the cost of a franchise paid for. 

I haven't watched every (few) episodes of this show, so what exactly IS the uniqueness of Chicken Guy restaurants? Is it simply the celeb status of Guy? Are the chickens free range and raised humanely? 

How much does Chicken Guy charge for a simple chicken sandwich? Yeah he's gotten chubby. Maybe call his new franchise the Chicken Gut.

And last but not least, I am so tired of seeing Guy on the Food Network. It's nothing but DDD on the weekends. And f him with his red classic camaro. I got one for a graduation gift and my car was so much prettier than his. It was a Rally Sport with hidden headlights. And I looked a lot sexier in it than Guy! Lol.

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I was sort of surprised that the person who most deserved to win actually did.  I've seen too many FN competitions where the obvious person/team came in second.  Good for Kevin!  I was rooting for him all along.  

One small detail that bugged me all along................. Why did no one tell Chelsea the obvious:  saffron is much too expensive to use in fast food?

  • Love 6

 I thought Guy made it pretty clear what Kevin won:  The franchise fee paid, the restaurant built out, the staff hired and trained and a salary the first year.  Basically he's supposed to be able to walk in and start business and still have something to live on during the start up phase.   If you do a franchise yourself, you have to pay the franchise buy in and deal with the legal paperwork, find a place and buy/lease it, build it out (to the franchisor's specs and likely buying some or all of the equipment and decor from them at a nice markup), hire and train staff, order product and advertise.   You're out a huge sum of cash for months if not over a year before you can even open your doors.  And as the franchise owner, you only get paid after all the other bills do.   I don't know what he has to give up for that though.   What happens if it's not turning a profit after a year?  Does he just get fired?  Is he on the hook for the building lease and other leveraged costs if the location folds?  The old saying is true, there's no such thing as a free lunch.  

 As for the $40k, big whoop.  I assume that's a one time buy in fee.  But as mentioned above, it costs a LOT to start up a franchise And the franchisor still get a ton of money.  You have to get your product from and usually equipment from the,--at whatever price they set.  They get advertising fees, royalties, licensing fees.  It's different with different companies but there's always multiple fees that they charge.  So if someone did take advantage of the $40k, Guy's restaurant group isn't going to be hurting.  And realistically, most of these guys aren't going to take advantage of it.   If Phil is working at a bakery and 911 to make ends meet, how is he going to have the time or money to startup a franchise.   

 I'm pretty sure Kevin had already been hired before the show started.  It only ran over the course of two weeks and you don't decide to open a new restaurant location in that time when it's a new market you're trying to enter.  

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Want to know why Phil's chicken stand came in last with the public?  Because he was singing the whole time.  Geesch, why did he think that was a good idea?  On several of the reality shows I watch (Project Runway), the contestants think that the audience wants to hear them sing.  Maybe some viewers do, but not me.  Especially if they are off-key or a bad singer.

I really don't understand what the point of the final challenge was-Kevin, who won, created a dish that while good would be too expensive and labor intensive for the Chicken Guy restaurants.  If Guy was looking for new recipes to incorporate, it just isn't fair that he could take the contestants' recipes for free.  Oh, and waiving the franchise fee does not equal paying them or even a cash prize.  And yet they all seemed so super excited about the waiving of the franchise fee.  Maybe these contestants don't understand what a franchise is and how the fees/royalties work.

I don't see how there can be multiple seasons of this.  Maybe it was a one-off solely to advertise the restaurant?

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14 hours ago, parrotlover said:

This was such a train wreck of a show but I had to tune in to see who won…no surprise there.
So let me get this straight….  if everyone got the franchise fee paid……isn’t that what the winner won? So confused.

This show needs to be one and done.

I tuned it out after the first episode as it didn't have anything interesting to capture my attention and the concept of the show didn't warrant my time.  It's definitely "one and done" IMO.

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Outside of providing content for FN, I really don't know what this series was designed to do. Outside of the name drooping, it certainly wasn't a good promotion for the chain. I had to go to the website to actually see what they serve.

And the finale made me even more confused because everybody was doing their own thing. I was rooting for Kevin (and agree that the fix was in) but if Guy wandered into a Korean version of his chain he would probably shut the thing down. And while I'm not a fan of Eboni, I felt bad that she got criticized for doing what a good franchisee should do, execute the founder's menu, not her own.

Quail eggs? Saffron?

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I'm so happy Kevin won.  He deserved it.  Chase was a favorite too.  I'm so glad Cayden didn't win and you can see he was so upset too. I have to agree with him though on the franchise fee.  I wouldn't want that.  Ok you get that but you still have to put in money and when they can put that money into their own and not Guy.  Phil was a nice guy but his main thing during this was to be a gimmic and nothing more.  Let's sing, let's be a chicken, let's be a parody of Guy.

I think Guy is producing of of his many shows for that Julia Child for Antonia.  Seems like he would be.  Ugh I wonder how many or what ones will be for the Petroni guy.  He seems to be everywhere now.  He is all over Chopped, Beat Bobby Flay, and Guys shows.

Hunter, you look like a deer in headlights when the camera is on you.  I wonder if he wants this or if Guy wants this.  I watched the Grocery Games before this show aired and then this one and his face is the same.  Wide eyed, oh no camera is on me face.  

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27 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Speaking of Hunter, he served absolutely zero purpose on this show. Guy made a comment aimed at him once last night, but other than that, he was just...there.

That is true.  He was hovering around holding a clipboard to make him look like he was doing something or standing next to Guy during decision times like he'd actually done something.  He's a little more active on GGG but he isn't doing a single thing Guy hasn't been doing all by himself.

  • Love 5
20 hours ago, Maverick said:

 I thought Guy made it pretty clear what Kevin won:  The franchise fee paid, the restaurant built out, the staff hired and trained and a salary the first year.  Basically he's supposed to be able to walk in and start business and still have something to live on during the start up phase.   If you do a franchise yourself, you have to pay the franchise buy in and deal with the legal paperwork, find a place and buy/lease it, build it out (to the franchisor's specs and likely buying some or all of the equipment and decor from them at a nice markup), hire and train staff, order product and advertise.   You're out a huge sum of cash for months if not over a year before you can even open your doors.  And as the franchise owner, you only get paid after all the other bills do.   I don't know what he has to give up for that though.   What happens if it's not turning a profit after a year?  Does he just get fired?  Is he on the hook for the building lease and other leveraged costs if the location folds?  The old saying is true, there's no such thing as a free lunch. 

Was that on the final episode that Guy said all that? Or was it earlier? Or was it on his website or something? I would say that I would go back through the final episode to see, but I deleted that baby from both my DVR and from the Trash bin as quickly as possible. :-)

8 hours ago, mlp said:

That is true.  He was hovering around holding a clipboard to make him look like he was doing something or standing next to Guy during decision times like he'd actually done something.  He's a little more active on GGG but he isn't doing a single thing Guy hasn't been doing all by himself.

Did you watch Hunter "try" to introduce the guest judges on Sunday's GGG episode? He had to keep looking over at the teleprompter throughout the one minute of introducing the judges. Because memorizing one minute of material is too much for the "Heir Apparent."

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Want to know why Phil's chicken stand came in last with the public?  Because he was singing the whole time.  Geesch, why did he think that was a good idea?  On several of the reality shows I watch (Project Runway), the contestants think that the audience wants to hear them sing.  Maybe some viewers do, but not me.  Especially if they are off-key or a bad singer.

I really don't understand what the point of the final challenge was-Kevin, who won, created a dish that while good would be too expensive and labor intensive for the Chicken Guy restaurants.  If Guy was looking for new recipes to incorporate, it just isn't fair that he could take the contestants' recipes for free.  Oh, and waiving the franchise fee does not equal paying them or even a cash prize.  And yet they all seemed so super excited about the waiving of the franchise fee.  Maybe these contestants don't understand what a franchise is and how the fees/royalties work.

I don't see how there can be multiple seasons of this.  Maybe it was a one-off solely to advertise the restaurant?

I'll bet that contestants for this had to sign a CRAZY contract, likely ensuring that Guy could do anything he wanted with their ideas and not compensate them beyond the minimum union day rate for each day they were on the show. If the show was union. Otherwise, it was even less.

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