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The Human Beings Known as the Arnold-Klein Family

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Update: the prompting post was rephrased and we're going to move on. Pictures are wonderful to share!


What she said, and plus, that picture that LegalParrot81 posted?  It was about the cutest thing ever!  That face!!! 


All I can think when I see Zoey's hair is, dang, I wish I had natural curls like that.  ::giggle::

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We're about to start some education with them from their countries


From the article that auntl posted. 


Can I just saw awwwwww.  I am in the middle of learning a new language, it aint easy.  Congrats to Jen for keeping their home countries in mind when thinking about their future education. 

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I always love seeing new pictures of the kids; it's such a pleasure to see how they are thriving. Of course, now I'm dying to know how they're doing at school -- if they are making friends and adjusting to the learning/socialization environment with their teachers as well as other children their age. This is the only show I really miss when it is the off-season.

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This is my favorite part of the article:




What can I do to encourage my child to stop thumb sucking?

Consider these techniques:

Don't mention it. In some cases, paying no attention to thumb sucking is enough to stop the behavior — especially if your child uses thumb sucking as a way to get attention.


Consider me on board for virtual support!

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wrestlesflamingos, on 06 Oct 2014 - 9:39 PM, said:

People see stuff through their own lens, if your life is negative, you see harm. If your life is happy, you see joy. 

I love this!. And by the way, my daughter still sucks her thumb sometimes when she falls asleep.....she's 21!  She was never by any means, "delayed".

Edited by Honey

I’m guessing that Jen and Bill don’t think it’s a big deal to post an occasional picture of Will sucking his thumb, since there are plenty of other non-thumbsucking posted shots of him playing with his beloved cars, “reading”, dancing, or engaged in various other activities. He’s still just a little boy, a preschooler, not a teenager, so I don’t think he’ll be embarrassed when he sees these pictures later on in life. If anything, he can claim bragging rights with that latest one where he’s chilling out in the White House on that gorgeous red sofa. How many of his friends will be able to top that?

Also, Jen recently posted that her chemo port was removed on October 1. This was a major milestone in her recovery and a day for the whole family to celebrate. Really great news!

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As I recall, Jenn was all about getting that thumb out of Will's mouth on Day One, and it seemed for a while that he was making amazing progress and thriving!  Then along came the "adoooooorable" Zoey.  Adoption experts, and especially those in the field of international adoption, caution against adopting one too soon after another, and it's as clear as day that Will has regressed since that event.  It's been great for ratings, though!  Not sure what would have happened had Zoey not turned out to be quite so very beautiful and photogenic?  Horrors!


I'm curious to know if they're actually in school - meeting all the criteria thereof - or if it's more of a daycare situation.  Hang in there, Will!

"If anything, he can claim bragging rights with that latest one where he’s chilling out in the White House on that gorgeous red sofa. How many of his friends will be able to top that?" 


Since he's too young to remember any of this (and it's not a competition for the most prestigious sofa sitting among his peers), I'd suppose that he'd rather be chillin' with his Baba and toy cars at home rather than jet-setting all over the country.  But just my opinion!

Edited by joanofarch4
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I don't think thumb sucking when a 4-year-old child is kind of resting is very unusual. One of our daughters sucked her thumb until right before kindergarten then went cold turkey because now she was five. She actually was reading chapter books at 4, thumb often in mouth while reading. She's managed to become a pretty competent professional. 

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I'm so glad you guys are here, and I'll tell you why. You help me to stick with my resolve not to watch the show anymore. At the same time, you let me know that the kids continue to be shown growing and progressing, albeit not at the rate some of us would hope. As inspiring as Jen and Bill are on their own, I just can't with the kids. See my previous comments – – don't bother, really – – about the sad fate of the Dionne quintuplets.

I will say that while it's a shame that Zoe's entrance seem to cause a setback in Will's development, I really can't fault the couple for going ahead with her adoption. It's kind of like, when a couple have children unexpectedly close together, or have a second child at an unfortunate time in the first one's childhood, sometimes the timing just can't be helped.

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I'm so glad you guys are here, and I'll tell you why. You help me to stick with my resolve not to watch the show anymore. At the same time, you let me know that the kids continue to be shown growing and progressing, albeit not at the rate some of us would hope. As inspiring as Jen and Bill are on their own, I just can't with the kids. See my previous comments – – don't bother, really – – about the sad fate of the Dionne quintuplets.

I will say that while it's a shame that Zoe's entrance seem to cause a setback in Will's development, I really can't fault the couple for going ahead with her adoption. It's kind of like, when a couple have children unexpectedly close together, or have a second child at an unfortunate time in the first one's childhood, sometimes the timing just can't be helped.


The Dionne quints indeed had a sad life in the public eye.


I agree re the timing of Zoey.  I think it was best to continue on the course of adoption for her sake.  I guess what Bill and Jen could have done to avoid or reduce Will's forecasted delays due to the timing of it was to provide more in the way of care for him instead of "Will have you got your monkey bag?" for his next trip in the public eye.  


The next season will tell the tale very quickly.  Zoey is thriving with all that money can buy yet Will is not as evidenced by the photos they keep posting on public forums.  


And there is no way those kids are going to "school!"   Who sends a 2 and a 4 year old to school???  Daycare, yes, but school?

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As for the timing of the adoption, no doubt Zoey is better off -- at least materially speaking.  My objection is that it seemed primarily intended to fulfill Jen's dream of a "girly-girl" mini-me she could dress up and show off (with the name already chosen, decades earlier) and I'm not sure how much thought or weight was given, in considering the matter, to Will's adjustment; as I recall, Bill was hesitant.


Certainly carting two such kids all over creation and selling their images to the media is controversial and not too far from Dionneland.

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And there is no way those kids are going to "school!"   Who sends a 2 and a 4 year old to school???  Daycare, yes, but school?


3 and 4 year olds can go to pre-school or early head start programs. Given Will's situation - coming from a non-English speaking country, early on hearing difficulties - he would probably qualify for early head start even if they don't meet the income requirements. 

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And there is no way those kids are going to "school!"   Who sends a 2 and a 4 year old to school???  Daycare, yes, but school?


Do you really believe the Kleins are attempting to decieve the public into thinking the kids are enrolled in kindergarten? I mean, my logical thought process when I saw the school talk was "Huh, they must mean pre-school". And what is the end game for the Kleins if they are lying about "school" and merely shuffling the kids to day care? My coworkers btw call dropping the kids off to daycare interchangable with dropping them off to "school".  This isn't as hard as it's being made. 


And Zoey is now three so any eligability issues for two year olds seems moot.

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Not sure about Texas but up here in MD we do have a program in a few private schools for a "pre-school" for 2 and 3 yr olds, it runs thought a normal school year (September - June) but is more slower pace than a Pre-kindergarten.  I am pretty sure that Zoey is in something like that and Will may be also, or may be in more of a Pre-Kindergaten type classroom.  Also just a note about not as many pictures of Will, it was Zoey's birthday month, and I am famous for during one of my kids birthday months I only post pictures of the birthday child.  Could be a situation like that, or maybe Will is not as much of a fan of getting his picture taken, who knows.

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We are back in business. I closed the thread because I felt some posts were baiting members into an argument. Please do not do that. This isn't a deposition, its a chat thread. Offer your opinion, clarify some points if you like, but please do not answer every critique or attempt to rally others to your point. If you find yourself typing angry, please close your browser.


Please forgive me for the interruption and welcome back!

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