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The Human Beings Known as the Arnold-Klein Family

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I'm glad to see that Jen is getting her hair back and not wearing the wig all of the time.  It must be very hot in the summer months and she has the self confidence to go without it when she wants to.  I don't know if I would be able to do that but I guess we don't know unless it happens to us.  Probably a lifetime of curious looks has made her ignore most everything.

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Well, her hair's grown back now; previously, as I recall, she would never leave the house without the turban or (preferably, it seemed) the ginormous long-haired blonde wig that seemed to swallow her whole.  She'd remove it once inside, but always wore something outside.  Her hair now is the length many women actually choose to cut theirs (!), and I agree that it looks great on her.  I like the darker shade, too; it looks more natural.

Edited by cassaundroll
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And a great time was had by all!  Not a smile to be seen!  I hope the episode is happier!  


I guess one of the white haired gents on deck is Stevie?  No idea, don't follow him, only his wonderful hair!  LOL


Jen does look so much better with her hair short, goes more with her body and not so severe.  Her recent Twitter pics are showing she is back to being a blonde much more so than she ever was.   

Little kids can get cranky and tired on a day-trip. I remember our preschool class was invited to a Christmas party at a castle (Oheka, if you know Long Island) but the whole thing was a disaster. They were stuck on the bus in the parking lot while photographers were getting photo ops of the celebrities there; the whole venue was crowded, noisy and hot, then we were stuck at the end waiting for a bus to come back to pick them up. It was awful.


But the next day, when we were discussing the various parties they had attended, I asked which was their favorite one, and all of them answered, "The Castle!" 


You don't know how children are processing events and what they'll remember. I'll bet Will will be talking about the pirate ship as if it was the best day of his life.

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Who knew it only takes 3 or 4 pics to determine that the kids were miserable the ENTIRE day.  Can't wait to hear how 4 pics show it's ALLLLL about Jen too!  Exciting stuff!


But seriously, anyone can pull a couple of pics from every family vacation where someone looks miserable for one reason or another.  It doesn't sum up the entire experience for anyone. 

  • Love 9
Well, her hair's grown back now; previously, as I recall, she would never leave the house without the turban or (preferably, it seemed) the ginormous long-haired blonde wig that seemed to swallow her whole.


Except, of course, the large number of times millions saw her completely bald on TV.  Not quite like she was hiding anything!

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Who knew it only takes 3 or 4 pics to determine that the kids were miserable the ENTIRE day.  Can't wait to hear how 4 pics show it's ALLLLL about Jen too!  Exciting stuff!


But seriously, anyone can pull a couple of pics from every family vacation where someone looks miserable for one reason or another.  It doesn't sum up the entire experience for anyone. 

Aren't these just long shots taken by press not associated with them? Such shots notoriously catch people with repose faces. 

Why did they schedule this event during nap time? 

How do we know this was nap time? How do we know what their nap time is? 

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When we travel with our kids, we often keep them on our home time zone instead of switching to the new time zone, especially for a short trip of a few days.  So it's slightly possible the cruise wasn't during their TX naptime.


Also, sometimes we skip naps for things that can't be rescheduled or special events.  We've skipped naps for Disneyland, family parties, live shows, etc. And we are a family that are totally dedicated to naptime and bedtime at home.

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And how do we know that 12:15-2:45 is exactly when Bill & Jen set nap time?  Just because that is the "typical" nap time doesn't really mean squat. 


By age 4 my kiddo had decided that naps weren't his thing & we ditched it.  Not everyone follows the same routine, schedule, or parenting styles.  Doesn't make them bad parents or minions of the evil spoiled pushy Jen. 

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Let's hope he can find the words......



I love snark as much as the next person, but making fun of a four-year-old, recently adopted, special needs child for the speech delay he is currently working on is something else.  I feel quite certain that Will could express his joy perfectly with that big beautiful smile of his.


In contrast, on the Duggar forum, Josie isn't mocked for her preemie delays.  Her delays are pointed out like they are here.  But I'd venture to say people are more harsh in blaming Will's parents for his delays than they are Josie's parents.  So yeah, as a reader of both forums, I'd say what I learned today is that some people think Bill and Jen are worse parents than Jim-Bob and Michelle (something that boggles my mind!), and that kids are open season for meanness.


I know I've been on a defending-the-Kleins kick lately, so let me throw something in to show that I'm not a blind worshipper.  As the mom of two sons, it did hurt when Jen said "Wait until Zoey gets here."  I love my boys, so anything that hints (or comes right out and says!) that a mother-daughter relationship is somehow MORE than a mother-son relationship was painful to me.  And I do wish that they wouldn't pair up into Dad/Will and Mom/Zoey quite as often, at least based on what we see.  I know that might just be editing, or even logistics, or even a phase.  Sometimes one of my boys is better handled by me, so I end up taking most of the responsibility for him for a while, then we switch.  So I might be reading into it based on Jen's past comment.  I have no problem with Jen and Zoey bonding over tea parties or dress-up, though.

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Seeing Jen's hair growing in thicker and fuller to me is just another reminder of the fact that her cancer is in remission and she's getting back to her old self, which is great.


I think it's good that the kids get taken to some pretty neat field-trip like locations, which should help with their socialization out in public and being around strangers.

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I have hidden a few posts because they have gone beyond the snark zone.  They will be hid until I can consult with the mod team. 


Until then, I am going to strongly encourage you to use the ignore feature.  I will also ask that you use the report feature when things are out of line.


There is snark and then there is being a dick.  Don't be a dick is our #1 policy around here.  And yes, we mods understand that dickish behavior can flare tempers up quite easily, but instead of engaging, please report. 


If you absolutely must engage, then engage the behavior and not the poster.  There is a difference between saying that's messed up and you are messed up.


Carry on...

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"Making memories!"  Kate Gosselin's favorite rationalization...  I mean, quote.  Actually, again not to rain on the TLC parade, but children actually don't retain many memories "made" before the age of five.  Of course, they'll have these episodes to look back on!  Whether with delight or abject horror remains to be seen...

Except, of course, the large number of times millions saw her completely bald on TV.  Not quite like she was hiding anything!

Exactly.  So why take such care to wear the turban or wig every time she left the house?  I was SMH at that!  But, of course, it's her head and her hair.

Edited by cassaundroll

Seeing Jen's hair growing in thicker and fuller to me is just another reminder of the fact that her cancer is in remission and she's getting back to her old self, which is great.


I think it's good that the kids get taken to some pretty neat field-trip like locations, which should help with their socialization out in public and being around strangers.

The problem with these field trips is that they are really a television production in progress. The adults and kids are being told where to go, what to do and sometimes what to say. There is also dub ins when they want to embellish even more.   So, I don't see where socialization can happen. Strangers are going to stare sadly without the show, so what they are doing with continuing the show is creating more stares from crowds of strangers and isolation for the kids.   So, instead of going on this pirate ship, meeting other families and letting the kids play together, they are actually at work and have a bodyguard to keep people at a distance. 

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"Making memories!"  Kate Gosselin's favorite rationalization...  I mean, quote.  Actually, again not to rain on the TLC parade, but children actually don't retain many memories "made" before the age of five.  Of course, they'll have these episodes to look back on!  Whether with delight or abject horror remains to be seen...

Exactly.  So why take such care to wear the turban or wig every time she left the house?  I was SMH at that!  But, of course, it's her head and her hair.

As I recall she was sick during the winter. Maybe her head got cold without the turban or wig.
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Exactly.  So why take such care to wear the turban or wig every time she left the house?  I was SMH at that!  But, of course, it's her head and her hair.


Are we really questioning why someone with a bald head from cancer would willingly display their bald head at times but in every day life would choose to wear a turban or wig?


Frankly I just assumed she didn't want to be "the cancer patient" for a bit,.

  • Love 15

If you will recall in that episode Bill and Jen were both wearing winter coats. As a life long SoCal resident, it does get cold here sometimes. I also get when you are going through a trauma like Jen did you try to make things as normal as possible.

Perhaps, but it's Houston.  As I recall, during the episode in which she got the wig, Bill remarked that wearing it enabled her to forget she was sick or feel well or something to that effect.

"Making memories!"  Kate Gosselin's favorite rationalization...  I mean, quote.  Actually, again not to rain on the TLC parade, but children actually don't retain many memories "made" before the age of five.  Of course, they'll have these episodes to look back on!  Whether with delight or abject horror remains to be seen...

Exactly.  So why take such care to wear the turban or wig every time she left the house?  I was SMH at that!  But, of course, it's her head and her hair.

I beg to differ, as I have clear memories of times before I was five, including the day my mother went into labor with my brother and the day he was born (I was 3 1/2) and my fourth birthday.


I, thankfully, have never battled cancer.  But I know and love many who have.  I don't begrudge any of them anything that makes them feel beautiful, "normal", less like they have to think about cancer every second of their lives ... whatever helps them get through is okay. 

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I base the memory retention comment on studies I have read; there are always individual differences from person to person, but the majority don't form until age five.  Ergo, all of the "memory-making" trips the Gosselins took resulted mostly in ratings, alas.  I, too, have a FEW isolated memories from when I was four and even three: my mother leaving and my being terrified that she wouldn't return; being traumatized by the loud foghorn on the coast; being nearly swept away by a rogue wave at the ocean.  I hope these kids aren't making the kind of "memories" that are the result of something truly unforgettable -- and not in a good way -- happening to them. 


Of course I am not begrudging any cancer patient -- or non-cancer patient -- wearing a wig or not wearing a wig or a Carmen Miranda headful of fruit, if they like; that's everyone's personal choice.  I was merely speaking to the comment that Jen was self-confident enough to venture outside without a wig (not until it grew out, as I recall) and also the interesting -- to me, anyway -- inconsistency I found in her donning head covering to ride in a car from one place to another and then removing it once she was inside, although ALL was being filmed for a national viewing audience ("the show must go on").  The gesture simply puzzled me.  YMMV

Edited by cassaundroll

This thread has spun out of control VERY quickly. The mod team has dealt with the problem posters accordingly. We are reopening this thread with the explicit warning: THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE. Learn to play nice with others, or there will be no place left to play.

Follow these two simple requests, and this thread will remain open:

We once again ask you to use the report function if a post is offensive. DO NOT ENGAGE.

We once again ask you to use the ignore function if you just can't stand to read someone's posts any longer. DO NOT ENGAGE.


If you aren't sure about something, PM a mod. We're not hard to find.

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So, I don't see where socialization can happen




Well just in general with them meeting new people, other kids, while they're out. They aren't in such a controlled environment that they are kept completely isolated from other families, workers, etc, even with safety concerns. Yes they're being directed at times, but they're not in protective bubbles, people can and have approached them and talk to them, and I am sure plenty goes on when they aren't filming as well, when they take breaks, and are just hanging around as it were. So I do think there would be a few opportunities for mingling with the public, etc.


Overall my thinking is that the kids are being introduced to different things and people in a safe enough manner, they have their parents and whatever other adults to lend a hand for safety while they're getting to explore areas and situations that can help their little, no pun intended, worlds to grow.

That's all fine and dandy, but it would be even better if they weren't doing it because some producer told them to do it, they weren't being paid to do it, and they weren't being filmed while doing it.  You know; like non-TLC families do!  It would be interesting to hear from some of the other tourists on the boat how much interference there was with "normal life" for the sake of getting just the right shot or comment.  And, yes; that looks like Steve-O in the black shirt with his back to the camera (on the left-hand side of the boat).

Edited by cassaundroll
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cassaundroll, on 22 Aug 2014 - 4:09 PM, said:

"Fun" for whom?  I would prefer to see them stay home for a change and concentrate on raising these two children they worked so hard to acquire in a private, peaceful environment.  Or is being a celebrity followed by the press a new full-time career for both of them?  Sure seems like!

Fun for me and I would guess millions of other people.  To each their own.

xldb2004, on 22 Aug 2014 - 4:27 PM, said:



Great pic of Z.  Future doctor. 

Love it!  What a great life those kids have.  In my opinion.

Edited by Honey
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Exciting day in my little distraction home.  I'm breaking some kind of wall here and making a personal, non-mod plea.  I like chatting about this show and would like to have a spot to do that.  If it remains so contentious in here we will not have a here. So throw me a bone and lets get along.  I really have been trying and a few others have too, so thanks.


Ending my begging, I hate that color on Jen.  I think blonde or red but not in between would work best.  The short hair is perfect though and I hope she leaves it short intentionally for a while.

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Thank you. Very cute, for sure. Now I'm hoping we'll see Jen and Bill now and then on The View. I can imagine Rosie following them. Wouldn't that be fun?


The kids were super cute in that video.  From what Jen said, it sounds like the plan was for the kids to pour the ice and water over their heads, too. Obviously that didn't pan out, as Will dumped his on Bill.  Zoey looked quite alarmed during the whole video. LOL

Unlike some other shows I do appreciate that the family does avoid having filming on important family occasions.  We did not see Christmas, christenings, etc.  I wonder if that was something that was negotiated with TLC.  

I don't know how reliable this info is, but I have read that TLC doesn't film on holidays.  If there is an episode where it is Christmas (or any other holiday) it is supposedly staged and filmed on another day.  I know The Little Couple had a Christmas episode, that aired in March or April (I hate the delays!) but that was  Christmas Eve, and they didn't pretend it was actually Christmas. Actually, I think there were 2 Christmas-y episodes.

I've seen a whole bunch of these from friends on my Facebook feed and the toddlers Zoey's age always seem to be scared or flat out start crying. I don't know how many scared and/or crying toddlers I've seen now, and I've even seen two separate five year olds run the opposite direction when it got to be their turn. One involved the mom screaming at the husband to not let him get hit by a car when he ran to the front of the yard! LOL! He was perfectly safe, he still had a sidewalk and tree lawn between him and the street and he didn't set foot on the sidewalk, he was very careful to stay in the yard, but away from the water. He wasn't having it. I've also got a friend whose baby has SMA and his wife was doing the smashawaysma challenge, or rather doing it to their other kids. I've never met the wife, but have developed quite a dislike of her from what I've seen of her on his FB page and their baby's page. Knowing full and well one of their other daughters hates to get dirty or wet, she took a little too much glee in smashing a pie pan of whipped cream in the little girl's face while she cried and then moved on to the other kids. It's like the little kids just can't process the idea of doing something they obviously wouldn't be allowed to do on a normal basis and can't understand why it's okay this one time. 

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I hope we'll be allowed to express an opinion other than "her hair looks good" without being accused of creating contention, because I - for one - believe there are more important issues to discuss.  For one thing, at what price are these children being paraded before cameras for our viewing pleasure, and is it healthy - for them OR us - to become so emotionally invested and "greedy to see" other people's children?  As for Zoey "taking after" Jen, it's quite a leap from a toddler looking at a picture book to one following in her adoptive mother's footsteps, but I realize that this was the plot line they were pushing on us last season.  As for the ice bucket challenge, I can just see Will taking his next glass of water and dumping it on Jen's designer fashions with that big, beautiful smile and laugh and what would ensue!  The scripts they're forced to follow to produce these shows -- and to remain in the public eye between seasons with this and that publicity stunt for paps -- must surely confuse these small children at times!  But anything for our "fun."  I must confess, now that I've seen them, that I like Jen's blonde highlights, too!  It looks a lot like Ellen D's hairdo, and I know from comments that she, herself, has made over the years that Jen would love to follow in HER footsteps with her own talk show.  And who would be better qualified?  I'd be all for that, as well.  Maybe then the children could fade gracefully from public view and be able to enjoy more normal childhoods...

Edited by cassaundroll
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"I thought Stephen Nield was back with Kate + 8." 


I haven't heard or seen anything to that effect, but even if he were assigned to the Gosselins for one of their infrequent specials (and I'm sure he would be Kate's first choice; heh!), that likely wouldn't interfere with his regular assignment to the Arnold-Kleins.  But, like you, I don't spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about what ole' Steve-O is up to.  I hope, for her sake, his wife doesn't, either!  That surely looks like him, however, and it's simply fascinating how all TLC shows and families eventually seem to follow the same predictable progression.

Edited by cassaundroll
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