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The Human Beings Known as the Arnold-Klein Family

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I'm kind of disappointed that they are following the book for profit pattern.  


I was also disappointed too at first, but then I thought - at least it's a book. When one of them puts his/her name on a fragrance, I'm outta here - and I know that would be pretty weird, but it still happens. I read somewhere that believe it or not, even B and C-list celebrities can make far more $$ hawking a fragrance than doing what they actually do, whatever that might be. And without doing anything more than signing their name on a contract. That's why they ALL do it.


All except my hero - Meryl Streep - a class act from head to toe.

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I was also disappointed too at first, but then I thought - at least it's a book. When one of them puts his/her name on a fragrance, I'm outta here - and I know that would be pretty weird, but it still happens. I read somewhere that believe it or not, even B and C-list celebrities can make far more $$ hawking a fragrance than doing what they actually do, whatever that might be. And without doing anything more than signing their name on a contract. That's why they ALL do it.




Yes the Kleins are no different than anyone else capitalizing on their moment(s) of fame in any way they can.  A book has been the next expected journey into that income.  I can't recall other reality personalities hawking fragrances but the Kleins do offer mugs and t-shirts and throw pillows!  I wonder how successful that was. I won't be paying a dime towards their beach house in Galveston!  

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If you are a fan of all of those crazy TLC reality shows, you’re in luck: A huge block party is shaping up at The Great Plaza at Penn’s Landing, and all of your favorite personalities from the network will be on hand.

Lisa Miller of Philly nominated the City of Brotherly Love in a nationwide contest to win the block party, and out of over 5,000 entries, Ms. Miller’s was selected, according to the party promoters:

“Lisa hails from the Pennypack neighborhood of Northeast Philly, which she says is founded on the belief that its members come together, share responsibilities, and make a better life for everyone, rather than go it alone. Lisa is a single mother who recently has gone back to school to earn her college degree in Autism Studies. Now that her son is in high school, she is focusing on her health, education and happiness and wants to give back to the members of her community.”

Guests to the free event on May 30th will be able to meet the Duggar family from 19 Kids and Counting, Kate Gosselin from Kate Plus Eight, Buddy Valastro from Cake Boss, Whitney Thore from My Big Fat Fabulous Life, the Roloff family from Little People, Big World, Randy Fenoli, Monte Durham and Lori Allen from Say Yes To the Dress, and the Hamill Family from Our Little Family.

Read more at http://www.phillymag.com/ticket/2015/04/27/kate-gosselin-the-duggars-and-other-tlc-personalities-to-host-huge-block-party-at-penns-landing/#qYQ8eUKLSFx8k3aZ.99


Bill and Jen are obviously not the biggest fame-whores at TLC. 

Edited by xldb2004

The Gosselins and The Hamills live within driving distance to Philadelphia, so it is easy for them to show up at the block party.


So the Gosselins and Hamills *aren't* whoring out their kids at a TLC function?


I mean, the Roloffs are flying in and the Duggars - are *they* on the hook for being fame whores? While the Hamills aren't whores because they didn't have to fly to show up at the TLC media event?


Mind you - I think it's entirely possible the Kleins aren't coming due to their book. I just don't understand how the Gosselins and Hamills cramming their kids into a car so they can put themselves and their kids on display at a TLC media event isn't the Gosselins and the Hamills being fame whores and whoring their kids out to TLC.


I mean, your point seems to be that if its *easy* for the Hamills and Gosselins to *exploit their children for money* then its ok.

Edited by ZoloftBlob

The Gosselins and The Hamills live within driving distance to Philadelphia, so it is easy for them to show up at the block party.

I honestly believe that the Kleins are not participating in the block party because they will be busy selling their book. After I made the post about the book not involving the children, I thought that even though the children weren't involved in writing the book, they would probably be used to sell it. So in hindsight maybe the book wasn't a way for the Kleins to make money that didn't involve using the kids. We will see...

Has there ever been evidence, or even an argument, that it harms children to accompany parents on a book tour? It is fairly common for couples to write books together. Often they have young children. It is probably better to have your young children accompany you than to leave them at home. I don't see this as a problem. 

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Then can we have a mortorium on speculation on how awful it is that the Kleins MAY be doing something terrible and abusive and money grubbing to their children on a book tour that we don't even officially know the kids are attending? Because all the hand wringing and worry and criticism is all over something that has not happened or been announced as far as the Kleins are concerned. The Kleins *aren't* attending this TLC media event where the families of other TLC shows are attending? How exactly is that bad? Oh right - because we're making up in our heads how there might be something bok related and that *might* involve the kids and is THEREFORE AWFUL and now lets bitch about that thing - even though no one complaining is providing any factual evidence that a) the Kleins aren't attending the TLC media for any reason other than personal choice b)The Kleins have any sort of book related publicity occuring that weekend and c) The Kleins have indeed stated their children will be shilling their books with them on tour.


I thought the new guidelines were set in place so that people wouldn't speculate and go crazy with it.

  • Love 4

Since they film her getting on the plan, clearly she isn't flying solo because the camera crew was there and I would presume a producer would have been as well. I understand Steve to be a bodyguard? That doesn't mean he will help Jen if she's throwing up in the bathroom or take care of her in the same way Judy or Bill would. If she were to pass out would he take care of her? That's not what he is hired to do. For me when they went on about her flying ALONE I interpreted that to be without her support system of family. 

  • Love 8

TL C ran a few shows in rerun yesterday. On rewatch I noticed how much they all lie. A perfect example - when Jen left India early because she was sick, both Bill and Judy were saying how worried they were that Jen was traveling sick and ALONE. They went so far as to show Bill tracking the movements of the plane the whole night so that he would know if something happened to Jen. In spite of all the Jen traveling alone talk, TL C didn't even bother to hide Steve Nield getting on Jen's plane. TL C continually insults the viewers intelligence.

I saw most, if not all, of the marathon yesterday too. Respectfully, I think it's reasonable to assume the viewers would know Jen wasn't truly ALONE, since they had been in India to take custody of Zoey (& that was being filmed for the show) &, now that she had fallen ill & a return to Houston was recommended for medical reasons, some of the crew probably would want to return with her/would be sent back to Houston with her by TLC/the producers to cover that development, if they could, because it sounded (& ultimately proved to be) serious.

My interpretation, in this case, of Jen being "ALONE" was that she was going back *without her family/loved ones, or even Kate (at her insistence, as I remember)*. I didn't interpret "ALONE" as Jen, & only Jen, flying home unaccompanied. And I can totally see that "ALONE" meaning "without family" interpretation. I've seen that interpretation of "ALONE" in other families, occasionally also my own. You're not truly alone; you're just not with the people you might want to be with, or who might want to be with you--especially in times of personal or other family emergency situations.

Bill & Zoey had to stay in India, because they were still waiting on the results of Zoey's TB test & the final visa/other paperwork necessary to bring her into the US. But Bill & Jen also talked about having Will &/or Kate fly home with her, because Bill was worried about her flying ill for so long & not having family or Kate with her if something happens & she needs assistance before getting to Houston, & Jen specifically *didn't* want any of that; she wanted them all to stay in India until Zoey could go home to Houston as intended.

She felt she was well enough to travel without being accompanied by someone from her family or Kate--&, as a trained doctor, you'd think she'd know if it was OK or not. As it is, if the crew traveling with her/the family had been around them long enough, someone on it may know enough to have been able to give at least basic info on Jen in an unexpected medical emergency.

If you see "deception" in their usage of "ALONE" in this situation, that's fine. I see none, based on my interpretation of the word & the situation, as I've stated above.

Edited by BW Manilowe
  • Love 13

TL C ran a few shows in rerun yesterday. On rewatch I noticed how much they all lie. A perfect example - when Jen left India early because she was sick, both Bill and Judy were saying how worried they were that Jen was traveling sick and ALONE. They went so far as to show Bill tracking the movements of the plane the whole night so that he would know if something happened to Jen. In spite of all the Jen traveling alone talk, TL C didn't even bother to hide Steve Nield getting on Jen's plane. TL C continually insults the viewers intelligence.


I completely agree that TLC insults the intelligence of many viewers. On a regular basis. But also agree with other posters that in this particular case, Jen's traveling back to Houston "alone" meant without the family or even Kate - without anyone from whom she could derive emotional comfort and support. I never noticed Steve Nield myself, but wouldn't have been surprised to see him. I would have thought "Oh, now he's assigned to the Kleins. Better deal for him..."

  • Love 4

I suppose its a matter of how literal and strict you want to be on "She was alone". I admit, BW Manilowe's interpretation and Welfleet's is where I fall - I think it's rather obvious she had a camera person with her. As for Bill checking on her flight's progress - I doubt it was for show - at the end of the day, lets remember his wife was *bleeding* and they were sending her home something was really wrong. Unless we're now on to suggesting the public cancer diagnosis was a lie/exaggeration for attention.


And no, I don't think she did a round of chemo with two new little ones in the home just because it made good tv.

  • Love 10

Jen has shared that during her initial treatment and recovery she often cried throughout the night while Bill was by her side comforting her. I am sure she felt less alone in those moments that when she was on the plane traveling with however many crew, assistants or bodyguards may have been present. In this instance, I believe that TLC was actually crediting the audience with the intelligence to understand how devastated a husband or parent might feel about their seriously ill loved one traveling on such a long journey without their support when it was most needed.

  • Love 10

Never once in the entire episode when Bill and Judy were talking about Jen being alone, did they say anything like "she's all alone with no family or friends".


Right. I don't think there's any disagreement that Bill and Judy never specifically acknowledged that at least one person on the camera crew had to have flown back with Jen if just to get the filmed flight scenes. On the other hand, that doesn't mean she flew that flight with a family member or a trusted friend.


To think that the TL C camera crew, producers, or bodyguard would just sit there if Jen was in danger is ridiculous.


In fact, I am pretty positive TLC's position was that Jen HAD to go home in order to minimize their liability. We'll never know, of course, but I totally can see TLC production insisting the talent go home ASAP and get medical care. I really don't understand what your point is here.


Since TL C has repeatedly staged scenes, lied, and created drama on all of their shows, I have no reason to believe that they weren't trying to con us this time.


In this example - Jen's flight back from India - what do you think TLC lied about? That she did have friends and family on the flight? Because I don't think that happened. That there was a TLC employee on the flight? How can they be lying about that when there's obviously footage of Jen on the plane in flight.


I mean, if we're going to play the literal game - Jen was never alone at any point on the flight because flying commercially is by it's very nature a social activity. She wasn't "alone" in the airport, she was surrounded by people who could have called for help if she collapsed. She was on a commericial flight with people in the seats, she was never physically alone on this journey. Is that what you think is the lie?

  • Love 4

No, you're saying TLC *lied* about her being alone and staged a scene. You said:


TL C has repeatedly staged scenes, lied, and created drama on all of their shows, I have no reason to believe that they weren't trying to con us this time.


I just don't agree with your assumption that Steve Neild, a TLC hired hand, is someone that Jen considers friend and family enough to not consider herself "alone" on the flight. TLC certainly wasn't *hiding* that Steve was there if you actually saw him in show footage and since they DO have the power to control the narrative - if they genuinely wanted to con us and lie and create drama, why include any footage of Steve at all?


I vaguely recall a scene of Jen sitting in a plane voiceovring how nervous she was but I also freely admit I haven't watched the episode recently.

Edited by ZoloftBlob
  • Love 3

No, you're saying TLC *lied* about her being alone and staged a scene. You said:

I just don't agree with your assumption that Steve Neild, a TLC hired hand, is someone that Jen considers friend and family enough to not consider herself "alone" on the flight. TLC certainly wasn't *hiding* that Steve was there if you actually saw him in show footage and since they DO have the power to control the narrative - if they genuinely wanted to con us and lie and create drama, why include any footage of Steve at all?

I vaguely recall a scene of Jen sitting in a plane voiceovring how nervous she was but I also freely admit I haven't watched the episode recently.

The voice over you speak of may have been during the trip to India (I'm pretty sure they showed at least some of that flight, as I remember Bill talking about poor Will getting airsick twice on the way over), or maybe something you might be remembering from the trip to China when they took custody of Will--they showed bits of that plane trip as well.

Once it was decided Jen needed to return to Houston early, to get the bleeding checked out, all we saw of that trip was Bill dropping her off at the airport in Delhi (New Delhi?)--I know they weren't in Mumbai anymore; it was like when they got Will... they picked up the kid (as it were) in 1 city & had to go somewhere else to get the final medical check & visa/other paperwork for their new child to emigrate to the US--then we saw Jen at the airport in Houston, I think on an elevator, going down to Baggage Claim where I think her voice over said she asked her parents to meet her (although that was really probably their only choice for a meeting place in the airport anyway, for an arriving passenger, what with security as it is & Jen maybe having to go through Customs to re-enter the US [?]). If they filmed anything on Jen's trip home "alone", they didn't use it.

There was absolutely no footage of Jen on the flight. I was just pointing out that Jen did not travel alone. There was at least one person there (Steve Neild), that she knew, to stay beside her, and support her during her trip.

I think it is assumed other people were on the plane to do their professional duty. She wasn't alone. There was the pilot, the stewards, TLC staff member(s). That was a given. No one was traveling with her that wasn't paid to be there. That is a usage of alone most of us use. 

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Love Zoey in Ballet

I'm guessing you saw the *cute* pics Jen posted to her Twitter & Instagram of Zoey's (& it sounds like Will's too--she captioned a pic or 2 like he's also taking it, which I think is cool; especially if he wanted to do it 'cause Zoey was & Jen didn't make him/just arbitrarily sign them both up for it) ballet recital over the weekend?

In case someone missed them & wants to see them, here are the links to the Tweets containing the pic links:






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