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S09.E02: The Skinner, Conclusion


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Red made me laugh when he casually said he had been struck by lightning while playing golf.

Cooper's convo with Panabaker also was pretty well written. I know, surprise!

While I thought he looked okay last week, this week Ressler looked like a serial killer that I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley somewhere. Creepy.

So plastic got thrown over the bleak federal office equipment in the Post Office while no other department was moved in there in two whole years. That's not like the federal government, to let space go to waste. And Cooper expected his booze to still be there. You mean you didn't take it with you?

I knew the new (heh) Skinner would be Red. But isn't the area shaved before applying a tattoo? At least clip back that arm hair dude.

I was actually liking Red's new squeeze. She's no Anne, but she has SPUNK!

Edited by saber5055
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From the amount of times "The Washington Monument" was shown, I get the feeling that was NBC's way of giving the middle finger to the viewers.

After that cringe Red/Alberta kiss and hearing what "dries' her up , viewership had to have dropped by the millions. That was NBCs contribution to the spirit of Halloween. I will have nightmares tonight.!

Dembe reveals one of the reasons he became an agent is because of Ressler. From previous seasons, deep down Dembe was never impressed with Ressler, thought he can do a better job than him, wanted to test his theory and joined. I still want to know how he passed the background check.

How does "outsider" Red jump the line to now be head of the Skinners? I am sure the guy that killed Anderson also did it with the intent he would impress the former bosses and be elevated to that position. First thing on Red's Skinner agenda should be to eliminate him. That dude must be seething.

Lesser known Skinners have the tattoo on their arm/hand displayed openly. Red must not be too proud to be a Skinner to have the tattoo on his leg. Red does not wear shorts.

Does Dembe have any superiors to report to? He is supposed to be benched at this time. Last episode, it was sad that  no one from the FBI visited him in the hospital.

"3rd degrees burns and biggest pain I got is you" . Nicely said Dembe!

Good to know it was Panabaker that disbanded the misfits. Her only fault was taking a long time to do it. Not sure why she was giving "retired" Cooper the time of day. Just tell him to "fuck off".

Great! Now she's giving them money, access to files and the Post Office. Not sure why the writers decided to go the route of a 2 year gap, have people leave the FBI, if they are back in same place by the end of the 2nd episode.

Red told Ressler: "Just go slowly it will come".  I am sure Ressler heard that many times from his "paid" dates and girl he took to the prom.

Fantastic!!! The bastards took Cooper's Scotch! LOL Earlier he told Park "we're on the clock" but his thirsty ass was dying to sit in his office and drink while the others worked. Hypocrite!

Dembe had the funniest face after the girl told him she knows what Red "likes". Don't be jealous Dembe!!!

Only Red can talk about being struck by lighting and turn it into some creepy tale! TMI with being stroked by a Raven haired woman. C'mon! Surprised he didn't end the story stating he had a volcanic eruption in this pants.

So what will happen if soon to be ex husband Peter finds out Park is in the field? Is he an agent too to know of what happened? Why is the secrecy so important?

Park tells Chen" we know what we're doing". Chen should have demanded his release as soon as he heard that declaration. At least Chen was nice enough to not RUB in Park's face: that his wife was shot in the leg and the only reason they are all alive is because the former Skinner bosses and Red showed up and not from anything the 3 blind mice (who surrendered), Cooper and the always no show or late SWAT team accomplished. 

I am hoping the pills Ressler had is filled with cyanide.

Did Red seduce Panabaker in order to get these misfits back in the FBI? She looked like she was giving the "walk of shame" towards Red before the commercial break.

Edited by mxc90
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9 hours ago, paigow said:

Panabaker has her own Blacklist of needs... that only Red Katerina can satisfy...

I'm going to start referring to Red as Rederina now.

And I'm still cheesed that they canonized Lizzie last week. Over the first 8 seasons she was just as ruthless as Rederina, but they all conveniently forgot that she strung up her husband and tortured him for awhile in the early seasons and she ran her own international crime ring last season, among other things.

Edited by NeenerNeener
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So if the ex-Skinner's predecessor (The Captain) had died, which would not be unusual, the Charter could no longer be invoked and the current Skinner would be unremovable?  The process depends on 2 elderly people never dying? Or in the distant past, it depended on a new Skinner coming to be not because the past one had died in action, but because he retired?  How likely was that? After all, they were brigands!


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9 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

How in the fuck did PANABAKER become a Senator? 

Stranger things have happened in real life.

1 hour ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

So if the ex-Skinner's predecessor (The Captain) had died, which would not be unusual, the Charter could no longer be invoked and the current Skinner would be unremovable?  The process depends on 2 elderly people never dying? Or in the distant past, it depended on a new Skinner coming to be not because the past one had died in action, but because he retired?  How likely was that? After all, they were brigands!

What? Trying to make sense of this show's writing and plots? LOL!

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I'm glad this was wrapped up in two eps and not dragged out.

So Red who wanted some peace in his life finagled his way into becoming head of the Skinners?  Of course he did and with more only Red stories and shenanigans.  And of course he has to stay around for Agnes (gag me).

I was waiting for someone to shoot the young head Skinner so glad that panned out.

Panabaker as senator doesn't necessarily surprise me but I'm curious as to what Red said or has on her.  Obviously, the Task Force was going to be given the go ahead to come back full time and Red's pardon was going to be put back in place.  Again, looking for logic or how or why is pointless with this show (or any show/movie for that matter).

So far I'm only liking Dembe as far as our agents go.  Cooper getting Panabaker to go along with letting them back into the black site didn't surprise me because she obviously saw an advantage to her and the U.S. (assuming they could pull it off without getting everyone killed and if it went sideways it's not like she could just disavow it).  I did like that he gave the information back to Chen even though yes, in real life, never would have happened.  I see an issue with Aram's business venture and Park's marriage somehow being put on the sideline or brushed under the rug completely.  Ressler needs to get a grip and they need to stop with the deification of Liz.  Enough show.  I know a lot of people thought the show worked better with her and Red working together but she's gone so let's move on shall we?

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Just catching up on this season I didnt know had started. So glad to see my beloved James Spaders face again. I really could have lived without the scene where Prunella Alberta forced him to kiss her “with tongue” in order for him to gain the ends he was seeking. I am still puking and probably will be for a very long time. 🤮🤮🤮🤮

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