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S06.E17: I Believe In A Thing Called Love


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Lex Luthor in love is amusing me more than it should. 

I did like the kid's excitement that Alex and Kelly had the same plan (which I'm sure we all called when Al said the place was booked for a private event). And that she called in Supergirl for a rescue, although I question the wisdom of getting her out of there right after. Maybe keep her near the person who gives her invulnerability? And I guess if she's the new love totem she's getting kidnapped soon. 

I legitimately forgot Andrea had powers. Have we seen them at all this season? I am not keeping up with the ongoing plots this season at all, so I very well could have missed it. 


  • Love 3
21 minutes ago, bettername2come said:

I legitimately forgot Andrea had powers. Have we seen them at all this season? I am not keeping up with the ongoing plots this season at all, so I very well could have missed it. 


Yes a few episodes ago she used them to break into Lex place and get files, though she seems to have completely missed who the superfriends really are. 

  • Useful 1

We're heading towards the end, it's a race for MacGuffins between the heroes and an antagonist introduced this season . . . so why not bring back Lex?

Oh, and he's from the future.

And he's in love with Nyxly.

That Flash "event" is looking better and better.

I know, not fair, and Jon Cryer brings his A-game as always . . . but it just feels like stuff to tide us over until the finale. One would except pure sap to ooze from the TV watching Alex and Kelly (dammit, had to look up her name) try to surprse each other with proposals, but it was nice. Esme, though, is still supplying way too much sugar. And now she's got what looks like a Love Totem growing out of her neck.

Ha! I was right that you can't just destroy a totem like that! Otherwise, sooo many questions on everything else....

Wow, so really just Alex & Kelly and Nia & Brainy are getting development this season. Well, I guess Lena too; but I think the witch thing is stupid.

I don't even really remember where we left off with Lex last time we saw him, so him coming back and being from the future(!!) was so random. How - when - why did that happen?? Where is the Lex of the present?

The love totem just disappears and reappears -- sure, let's have random different rules for each totem!

It seems William is now the official pep-talker on the team.

Got to see J'onn in his Martian form, so that was nice.

And Esme is the cutest! So of course she's a target now. ::sigh:: I wonder what kind of the gauntlet the love totem has?


I've had this earworm in my head since I first heard about the title of this episode, so I have to share:


  • Love 4

Can someone just shoot Lex? Just shoot him dead the moment he shows up. A new Lex from a new timeline pops up? Shoot him too. Right away. I get that it's murder and I don't care. I am so sick and tired of Lex Luthor and I cannot believe we're spending time on him again! Lena had the right idea. Just shoot him dead.

I feel like Kara is barely a character anymore but lets spend time on Lex. I might not make it to the end.

  • Love 7

Given that we had to have Lex, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I think we got the right dose of Otis to balance things out.

Thing is, if I'm Nyxly, I'd be like, "You're from the future? So tell me exactly what happened in your future now so I can avoid those mistakes. Where exactly can I find the totems?"

Also, if Lex is from a future where he and Nyxly assembled the Allstone and thus became all-powerful, what killed Nyxly? Why doesn't he just use the Allstone to bring her back, or go back in time to a different point to avoid whatever happened?

Supergirl still is a guest in her own show because so many other plotlines have to be serviced. 

Are we going to literally end up with each of the Super Friends being a guardian of the Brand X Infinity Stones?

Dreamer will presumably get the Dream totem. Presumably either Kelly or Alex will eventually get Love from Esme.

That leaves Kelly/Alex, along with Lana, Brain, and possibly William/Andrea to get the rest, 


  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Thing is, if I'm Nyxly, I'd be like, "You're from the future? So tell me exactly what happened in your future now so I can avoid those mistakes. Where exactly can I find the totems?"

Also, if Lex is from a future where he and Nyxly assembled the Allstone and thus became all-powerful, what killed Nyxly? Why doesn't he just use the Allstone to bring her back, or go back in time to a different point to avoid whatever happened?

Lex said she didn't assemble it correctly (wrong order maybe?) and that the result was fatal.

  • Love 1

This week in the series called "Supergirl" (but in reality a show about a bazillion of other characters):
For me this was  the best episode of the season so far. To my surprise, I quite liked it, even if I was really cautious about Lex appearing again.
But the show managed to sell me his love for Nyxly to the point that I wouldn't mind those two ending happy together.

What the show continues to fail selling to me is everything related to Alex and Kelly's relationship.
I was watching those two saying all this cliche words about their love and I was feeling nothing at all, well except frustration that the show keeps spending time on a relationship never really cared to build up (unlike Alex's first love in the show for which I cared about).
And Esme,  I love kids in her age, but  I despise TV kids of her age saying things like "you had the same plan, it is fate". So logical. Hey super logical 5y old, have you asked your moms how they gonna raise you while being simple humans playing the super heroes? I bet you probably gonna join them very soon anyway, saving them with your super powers.

Edited by Zaffy
  • Love 5

So Lex has been hiding in the future this entire time and the reason he's backing Nxy is because, well, he apparently will fall in love with the Nxy in the future.  But she ends up dying because she didn't assemble the totems correctly or something, so he's back to give her a happy ending (along with what I imagine is the added bonus of taking out Kara as well.)  Yeah, I'm not sure what to make of any of this.  It just feels like they really wanted to get Lex back into the thick of things since we're getting closer to the endgame, but they couldn't find any other way to do it.

Fun seeing Otis again too, but I really hope for a Lillian reappearance.

I guess using the totems as weapons wasn't half of a bad idea, but they just needed to find a way that didn't take what felt like several minutes to actual work, since the only reason it didn't work was because Lex was able to recover and save Nxy at the end.

Alex and Kelly are now engaged and they; along with Esme; continue to see if they can truly overdose the audience with sugary, sappy sweetness.

Kind of laughed during the one shot where most of the Superfriends were all decked out in their uniforms, only to pan the camera and see Lena still in her normal wear.  Let Lena get with the program, show!  Go full-blown meta and have Kate McGrath dust off her Morgana outfit again!

Andrea is back to being lame, but at least she's actually taking an active part now instead of just throwing her weight around behind a desk.

William is going to get himself embedded into Luthor Corp.  Yeah, that's not going to end well.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Alex and Kelly are now engaged and they; along with Esme; continue to see if they can truly overdose the audience with sugary, sappy sweetness.

They're prepping the audience for a truly sappy wedding that will do its best to put all other Arrowverse ceremonies to shame.  You have to ease into that much sap.  At least Esme was smart enough to call for Supergirl - Kara really should talk to Clark and get some of those fancy signaling devices he uses on his show.

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

Kara really should talk to Clark and get some of those fancy signaling devices he uses on his show.

Kara does have those devices. James used it when he was shot and Kara gave another one to Lena after the big reveal. Seemed more like Kelly and Alex just wanted to try and hold off Nxly on their own.

I wasn’t looking forward to Lex coming back but lovesick Lex was amusing. I love evil power couples and if these weren’t Supergirl’s final episodes I wouldn’t mind that kind of team up. But because there’s so little time left it feels like a distraction.

  • Love 3

With the show winding down....has Kara really developed that much between the 6 seasons or has she kind of been stuck in stasis? Just thinking from this episode and all the way to the back it seems like Alex has had a bigger journey, gone through more change, gotten more development compared to Kara whose still just a sweet, well mannered reporter who saves the day.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

With the show winding down....has Kara really developed that much between the 6 seasons or has she kind of been stuck in stasis? Just thinking from this episode and all the way to the back it seems like Alex has had a bigger journey, gone through more change, gotten more development compared to Kara whose still just a sweet, well mannered reporter who saves the day.

Kara's character development has regressed in this part of the season 😅 Either full of self-doubt or "yeah, let's go stop Nxly!".

14 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

With the show winding down....has Kara really developed that much between the 6 seasons or has she kind of been stuck in stasis? Just thinking from this episode and all the way to the back it seems like Alex has had a bigger journey, gone through more change, gotten more development compared to Kara whose still just a sweet, well mannered reporter who saves the day.

Kara went through a fair amount of development but plateaued and hasn't done much lately.  Early Kara was nervous, uncertain, and hellbent on proving herself as more than just a pale imitation of Superman.

And speaking of looking back, I bet no one from S1 would have guessed that Alex would be the Danvers sister who'd end up marrying an Olsen.  Of course, no one could have guessed that Kara would suddenly decide she wasn't into black guys (only half kidding about that one).

  • Love 3

So, Supergirl gives a speech about how she had to quit her job at CatCo because the current menace is so awful they can't be distracted by anything, but 37 seconds later her stupid sister distracts them by saying she's going to propose to Kelly and they all decide to drop everything they're doing for that? 🙄

Edited by Gharlane
8 hours ago, Gharlane said:

So, Supergirl gives a speech about how she had to quit her job at CatCo because the current menace is so awful they can't be distracted by anything, but 37 seconds later her stupid sister distracts them by saying she's going to propose to Kelly and they all decide to drop everything they're doing for that? 🙄

Kara and Alex just aren’t on the same page. They haven’t really spoken to each other and we don’t even know if Alex is aware that Kara quit CatCo. And I can’t take it seriously when Kara says Nxly is the worst threat ever since Rhea, Reign, and even Lex have caused more problems. So I don’t have a problem with Alex taking a moment to propose.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, BaggythePanther said:

Kara and Alex just aren’t on the same page. They haven’t really spoken to each other and we don’t even know if Alex is aware that Kara quit CatCo. And I can’t take it seriously when Kara says Nxly is the worst threat ever since Rhea, Reign, and even Lex have caused more problems. So I don’t have a problem with Alex taking a moment to propose.

Other villains have caused more problems, yes. But there was an upper limit to the problems Reign and the others could/would cause. At worst, Reign would destroy Earth and some number of other planets. And there was always the potential to stop her through brute strength. 

By contrast, Nyxly on her own pretty much can do whatever she wants (at least, without another 5th Dimensional being or beings to keep her in check) when she has her normal powers. With the brand X Infinity Gauntlet Allstone assembled, she would be completely unstoppable and would represent a threat to not just Earth and all the planets in the Prime Universe, but every dimension that is. I can buy that Supergirl sees Nyxly as so much more of a danger than what she has faced till now, although honestly, I think Nyxly's actual documented bodycount is low, and may even be zero, at this point. At least, I cannot remember Nyxly actually directly killing anyone on screen, and such actions that she took like collapsing the building were not explicitly shown to have resulted in any deaths. Same with all the stirring up of things due to the various totems. People just were fist-fighting and looting, but were not shown to have actually killed anyone. 

That said, there is pretty much nothing that Sentinel/Guardian bring to the table either in trying to search for Nyxly/totems, or in being able to contain Nyxly should they find her. Begrudging them a night to celebrate and propose, or even what time it will take to get married, seems a little unfair.

Alex and Kelly's engagement was intensively adorable, the sugar alone should worry all viewers about the possibility of cavities, especially with resident cute kid Esme here to give them her adorable blessing. I like Alex and Kelly alright, but for some reason they just never spark for me. Probably because until recently Kelly hasn't had a ton to do or has had a lot of personality, and now that they have finally given her some its usually separated from Alex in her own subplots where she punches bad guys to defend low income housing. They set up this whole romantic sitcom scenario and keep telling us over and over how perfect and in synch they are, but we don't really see a lot of that, to me they don't even seem serious enough to get engaged. They only just had their first real talk about Kelly's experiences as a black person about a week ago! But the show probably wants to end with a wedding and since none of Kara's love interests have panned out and Nia and Brainy are probably even less prepared to get married, this is their best shot. And Esme is pretty cute.

Not a bad episode, I was apprehensive about the return of Lex but i think it actually went well, smitten Lex is surprisingly hilarious, and I always enjoy an evil power couple. I was also happy to see Otis again, one of my favorite henchmen, the look on Lex's face when Otis told him that Lilian gave him a seat on the board killed me. And Nxy is so awesome i can see why Lex is in love with her in the future. 

Oh right, Andrea has powers. I thought her only power was being bad at her job or ignored the rare times she isn't.

It feels like Kara was hardly in this episode, which isn't great so close to the end. I know this show is an ensemble, but she is still Supergirl. 

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 3

I like Alex and Kelly alright, but for some reason they just never spark for me. Probably because until recently Kelly hasn't had a ton to do or has had a lot of personality, and now that they have finally given her some its usually separated from Alex in her own subplots where she punches bad guys to defend low income housing. They set up this whole romantic sitcom scenario and keep telling us over and over how perfect and in synch they are, but we don't really see a lot of that, to me they don't even seem serious enough to get engaged. 

I agree. The writers approach to this couple is to tell us about how great their relationship is and how in love they are instead of showing us. 

Edited by Oreo2234
  • Love 2

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