shantown October 18, 2021 Share October 18, 2021 Quote One player makes a devastating mistake at the "Satellite Sabotage" mission that could put his team in jeopardy. A Rookie makes a bold, but questionable, move. Two players battle for survival in the classic elimination game, "Pole Wrestle." Expand Airs 10/20/21 Link to comment
AntFTW October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 1) "Mucus Plug" is a very apt title for this episode. 2) Sad to see Ed go. He brings a good vibe to the show. 3) The players playing with the water hose and spraying their opponents seemed like the most fun they've had all season. 9 Link to comment
Lantern7 October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 (edited) Is it possible Kyle planned out what happened tonight? Here's my thought process: he hates Ruby Cell. He probably wants to bail on it. So he knowingly sabotages the mission, pulling a "plug" where TJ said that players had to make a "leap of faith." That winds up costing Ruby the mission and immunity. Ed gets voted in by the Agency, and he winds up picking Kyle over Cory. Kyle wins, defects from Ruby, and shoves Nelson where he once stood. I realize that Kyle would have left so much to chance if this was indeed his plan. I don't think he's genius enough to think of such a scheme. Hell, I don't think anyone could think of that. Ed had to be picked, he had to be too nice a guy (passing on gimpy Logan because Logan didn't throw him to the wolves in a prior episode), and he had to weigh whether to face Cory or Kyle in what was going to be a physical battle. I can buy Kyle faking guilt over costing his team the win, though. Not much else to add. Mission looked fun, even if those working the hoses got way too into trying to knock their opponents off the beams. Ed is probably going to be a fixture in future seasons. And while I get how bringing up family is usually cause for an instant eyeroll, I liked the phone calls we got to see. Or maybe I just liked seeing footage of a phone call where one person isn't constantly berating what's supposed to be his girlfriend. Yeah, Zach, I see you. Edited October 21, 2021 by Lantern7 3 Link to comment
xhoipolloix October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 I'm no huge Kyle fan, but his speech about what his grandfather told him on his deathbed was hilarious. And another Kyle comment, I don't get why CT and Nelson were so upset about the infiltration. They just finished bashing Ed for being the nice guy to his own detriment and then they bash Kyle for doing what is best for himself? Wouldn't Nelson want to be on Ruby with Corey? 5 Link to comment
aghst October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 DIdn't TJ said the team who goes the farthest and fastest? Even if Kyle doesn't get credit for the plug, he went further than anyone else who didn't get a plug. Who knows how they decide the winners of these things. Then they had several of them FaceTiming with people back home, like they all had to win the money. Cory didn't FaceTime but he had a stack of prints of his children's photos. Maybe if he ever wins the big money, he can get a large screen phone with a big cloud account so he can always access photos of his kids. He organized boot camp for the Ruby Cell so MTV would have some filler footage to fill this episode. I don't know that Ed had an easy opponent, though he may have been able to beat Nelson, Cory and maybe CT. Probably Logan too, though I don't think the hamstring would have mattered that much in Pole Wrestling. They did all those glam shots of Ed flexing his biceps and he goes 0-2. He did burn himself up while Kyle preserved his energy. Strange that Kyle didn't infiltrate Emerald, though there probably would have been resentment. But CT also wasn't too happy to get Kyle either. 2 Link to comment
DEL901 October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 Ed made a dumb choice for an honourable reason. He seems like a great guy. I like him and I’m happy TJ made it clear they want him to come back. Kyle was just as dumb, though, not following instructions. I don’t believe he is enough of a strategist to have planned things. And now he has annoyed CT. 7 Link to comment
AncientNewbie October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 I've been in a miserable mood this week, so I welcomed Wednesday and the cast of this show with open arms. There was guaranteed to be some silly comments, boneheaded moves and self-owns for my viewing pleasure. I just didn't expect Ed to deliver the whole bunch at once... 1 2 Link to comment
AntFTW October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 If anyone remember’s the plunger move that Laterrian did on Ace during their pole wrestle, that’s the same thing Ed did to Kyle. Even though Kyle won, Ed was just thrashing Kyle. I’m sure that had to be a painful win for Kyle. 2 Link to comment
GodBless13 October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 Just like many others I was sad to see Ed go. He's such a nice, positive guy. Glad TJ wants him back. As someone else posted Kyle mentioning the grandfather joke was hilarious. He's too much. As for Kyle, I personally don't understand why he didn't get on the Emerald team. That would've been a power move to shake things up on a team who has clearly won back to back daily challenges and feel as though they are untouchable and the best. Kyle always wants to be with CT lol but the feeling wasn't mutual with CT. Just like CT said Kyle comes with a lot of baggage because of how he plays the game. I know he has to play based on what will benefit him but I think the better move would've been Emerald. In terms of which guy he could've swapped places with there's a lot of scenarios for that one that would've been interesting. Looking forward to next episode. 3 Link to comment
erikaelvis October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 Im a big CT fan but his consternation about kyle switching teams was ridiculous. Ct said Kyle did this without any care as to how we would feel about it. UMMMMMMM last season with Big T. When he dumped her for Kam and did so in a very nasty way! Double standard much! Also Josh acting like he is so amazing in that win last night. He contributed nothing to that win. I cant take him. 12 Link to comment
AncientNewbie October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 On 10/21/2021 at 3:16 PM, GodBless13 said: I personally don't understand why he didn't get on the Emerald team. Expand If I had to guess, the social ties of the Emerald men are such that one would be an instant target for messing with Josh or Devin's alliance and Emanuel, well, he seems plugged in for a rookie and may in fact be a vampire. 2 4 Link to comment
GodBless13 October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 On 10/21/2021 at 3:57 PM, AncientNewbie said: If I had to guess, the social ties of the Emerald men are such that one would be an instant target for messing with Josh or Devin's alliance and Emanuel, well, he seems plugged in for a rookie and may in fact be a vampire. Expand That's a good point. It would be a target for Kyle for messing with the Emerald men's alliance. But with Kyle being on the Sapphire team - clearly CT is not happy about it - seems like either Kyle put a target on his back there too and they will find a way to get rid of him or will this have CT change teams. LOL at the vampire joke - when Devin initially mentioned it so serious I cracked up lol 4 Link to comment
AntFTW October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 (edited) On 10/21/2021 at 4:29 PM, GodBless13 said: That's a good point. It would be a target for Kyle for messing with the Emerald men's alliance. But with Kyle being on the Sapphire team - clearly CT is not happy about it - seems like either Kyle put a target on his back there too and they will find a way to get rid of him or will this have CT change teams. LOL at the vampire joke - when Devin initially mentioned it so serious I cracked up lol Expand The thing about it is… Nelson and Cory are on island on their own. The only person that would be pissed about Nelson is Cory, and vice versa. I don’t think CT and maybe Ashley and Amanda are upset specifically because they lost Nelson, it’s moreso because they don’t want Kyle. Kyle has the reputation of being a not so trustworthy person. For example, everybody would be mad if you sent Josh to a different team. You would rip Josh from the team that wants him and that Josh wants to be on, and put him on a team that didn’t want him (I imagine). In such a scenario, nobody’s happy. Devin and Kyle are actual friends. I think if circumstances were different, Devin would gladly take him on his team. They don’t want Kyle not because they don’t like Kyle but because they’re winning. Emerald is sitting pretty. They’re on a winning streak and they’ve been in a pretty powerful position. They want nothing to change. If Emerald were losing constantly like Ruby, they would gladly shake up the team and make a switch. Edited October 21, 2021 by AntFTW 2 Link to comment
CrazyDog October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 (edited) I love Ed and his unabashed love for his mom. A season full of Eds wouldn't be great TV but having one decent, goofy rookie who has a heart isn't a bad thing. I'm sure if he returns, he may be a little more cutthroat. Cutthroat for Ed, at least. Briefly seeing Kyle humbled by his own dumbass move was fun. But the teeth...yikes. Why. And the conversation with's 2021, is it possible he's that clueless about pregnancy and childbirth? I kind of feel bad for his partner. Hopefully he was just playing it up for the cameras. I also love Emanuel the vampire. Devin continues to crack me up with his comment about there being physical strength under "all of this" or whatever he said. lol. It was amusing watching multiple competitors fall right at the beginning of their runs, plus the sheer glee of those working the hoses was pretty entertaining. It seemed like they had to take breaks or something with the water too, but it wasn't clear. And sorry, but I cannot take Big T seriously. She seems to get a lot of love online, but whenever she talks about being there to win, I roll my eyes. Edited October 21, 2021 by CrazyDog 1 4 Link to comment
aghst October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 Yeah I noticed how unnaturally white and bright Kyle's teeth were. If he wins the big prize, he might blow it on more cosmetic procedures. Though who knows if he will get serious with the baby momma and actually try to have a more family lifestyle. 2 Link to comment
AntFTW October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 On 10/21/2021 at 6:43 PM, CrazyDog said: I love Ed and his unabashed love for his mom. A season full of Eds wouldn't be great TV but having one decent, goofy rookie who has a heart isn't a bad thing. I'm sure if he returns, he may be a little more cutthroat. Cutthroat for Ed, at least. Expand This time he came for the fun. Next time, he’s coming for the money. Like you said one Ed isn’t a bad thing… especially among a group of cutthroat assholes. 5 Link to comment
LaurelleJ October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 (edited) Such poetic justice for Kyle to be so disenchanted with his team, but then end up costing them a win with a prize attached. How does he repay them? By choosing to switch to Sapphire(CT), anchoring himself to CT. I think that Switching with Nelson actually made Ruby stronger. Now Emerald has 2 wins and a big ego. I could see Ashley pulling a snake move and then all a sudden trying to get a spot on Emerald and steal the spot for Nany. I liked Ed, sad to see him go. I like Logan too, but he is an easy target for the next elimination. Is he the last rookie male left? ETA: I just remembered Emmanuel. Edited October 21, 2021 by LaurelleJ 1 Link to comment
xfuse October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 On 10/21/2021 at 7:58 PM, LaurelleJ said: Is he the last rookie male left? ETA: I just remembered Emmanuel. Expand But he's a vampire so he's in a category by himself. 7 Link to comment
millennium October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 CT's comments and expressions during the satellite mission were pretty funny. Cory's Boot Camp was also good for a laugh, mostly because Cory was the only one taking it seriously. Does Big T really think she stands an ice cube's chance in hell of winning? Why is she here? Tori is just nuts. Call me a cynic but I'm tired of the "doing it for my family/baby/parents/Romania" song and dance. Give me Ashley any day, who'll be the first to tell you she's doing it all for herself. The over-produced, light-saturated Eliminations make me miss the days when the Challengers would watch the bouts from a rickety-looking wooden catwalk with only about 20 feet separating them from the action. No love for the slow-mo glam shots of the competitors either. The show seems to have lost its heart and soul somewhere along the way. 2 Link to comment
AntFTW October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 (edited) On 10/22/2021 at 6:24 AM, millennium said: Call me a cynic but I'm tired of the "doing it for my family/baby/parents/Romania" song and dance. Give me Ashley any day, who'll be the first to tell you she's doing it all for herself. Expand Ashley will also say that she’s doing it for her family. She just won’t say it in a “sob story” or sympathetic way. I remember once she said she was there to win again because she has her mother and grandmother to take care of and “these bitches are expensive.” Edited October 22, 2021 by AntFTW 3 4 Link to comment
joanne3482 October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 On 10/22/2021 at 6:24 AM, millennium said: Does Big T really think she stands an ice cube's chance in hell of winning? Why is she here? Expand To me it just seems like it would be a great time. She gets to hang out with friends. She seems to get free booze and food. She gets to go places and do things she may never have a chance to do otherwise. I'd do it were I significantly younger and significantly more fit. 3 Link to comment
AntFTW October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 On 10/22/2021 at 1:42 PM, joanne3482 said: To me it just seems like it would be a great time. She gets to hang out with friends. She seems to get free booze and food. She gets to go places and do things she may never have a chance to do otherwise. Expand …and flirt and cuddle with cute dudes. 5 Link to comment
LBS October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 Ed is on Bananas podcast this week and it’s pretty interesting. He comes off extremely likable and smart. Two points he made that pertains to this episode: 1. He didn’t think Kyle should of been DQ’d and 2. Editing made it look like he knew it was going to be the pole challenge before he picked Kyle but actually TJ announced it after the pick. He also said if he gets to come back, he’ll be not so much the nice guy. 1 6 Link to comment
Fretful October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 (edited) The way they decided the winning team of the challenge was just BS. They won because they fell off faster. It should have been which of the tied teams got along the course the farthest. ETA: or was it that the two people who made the leap of faith did it the fastest?, in which case: Never Mind. Edited October 22, 2021 by Fretful Thought about it for a minute 1 1 Link to comment
DEL901 October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 I liked Big T last season, but it doesn’t seem like she has made any improvement to her strength or fitness. And this season, she doesn’t have a CT to protect her. 2 Link to comment
joanne3482 October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 On 10/22/2021 at 4:07 PM, Fretful said: ETA: or was it that the two people who made the leap of faith did it the fastest?, in which case: Never Mind. Expand Yeah I wasn't sure how they did it either. Were they timing from the moment each person started their attempt or were they using time as a whole? It was unclear. It also seemed unfair for Ruby because (not that any team even came close to 6 wires) because if the other two teams were able grab all 6 wires, Ruby wouldn't be able to. Link to comment
AntFTW October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 (edited) On 10/22/2021 at 4:07 PM, Fretful said: The way they decided the winning team of the challenge was just BS. They won because they fell off faster. It should have been which of the tied teams got along the course the farthest. ETA: or was it that the two people who made the leap of faith did it the fastest?, in which case: Never Mind. Expand I’m confused on that as well. I thought they may have DQed Kyle’s round entirely. I was thinking that maybe Ruby would still win because they had 3 people go the furthest as opposed to Emerald’s 2 people… and then they announced Emerald had won. Edited October 22, 2021 by AntFTW 2 Link to comment
RedbirdNelly October 23, 2021 Share October 23, 2021 On 10/21/2021 at 6:43 PM, CrazyDog said: And sorry, but I cannot take Big T seriously. She seems to get a lot of love online, but whenever she talks about being there to win, I roll my eyes. Expand Same here. I like her--she seems nice--but all she seems to do in the game is complain that people think she is weak without getting any air time showing her playing the game aggressively or demonstrating strength. I'd like to see more than what she does (or at least what gets on air). I assumed Devin had conversations with Kyle and maybe others pre lair on not infiltrating them. Some type of bargaining on not breaking them up for now. Maybe I'm wrong. As much as I understand not wanting to stay on Ruby, Kyle moved from a team with 3 guys and 2 women to a team with 2 guys and 3 women--one of which is Betina who hasn't really impressed so far. At least week, we didn't see any accommodations made for a team having only 5 players compared to 6 on the other squad or the woman/man break down. I'm not sure moving to a team with just 2 guys is smart--especially if Logan is actually getting better. If Kyle felt like he was not on the verge of full strength, it made more sense. 1 Link to comment
mojoween October 24, 2021 Share October 24, 2021 Ed may be nice, but without my glasses and in the dim lighting of the challenge, he looks way too much like John for comfort. I love Kyle, but I don’t have a million dollars and yet I am not living in a refrigerator box under the highway. I think his girlfriend will be ok even if he doesn’t win. 1 Link to comment
MaggieG October 26, 2021 Share October 26, 2021 On 10/21/2021 at 4:16 AM, xhoipolloix said: I'm no huge Kyle fan, but his speech about what his grandfather told him on his deathbed was hilarious. And another Kyle comment, I don't get why CT and Nelson were so upset about the infiltration. They just finished bashing Ed for being the nice guy to his own detriment and then they bash Kyle for doing what is best for himself? Wouldn't Nelson want to be on Ruby with Corey? Expand Yeah I thought that was dumb too. So Kyle is supposed to take their feelings into consideration? Since when has Kyle done that? Shut up Kaycee. I feel like this whole thing with Nany is going to blow up in Nany's face and she's going to get her heartbroken by Kaycee 1 Link to comment
sara416 October 28, 2021 Share October 28, 2021 I liked Ed from the minute he appeared. He reminds me of the old school challengers, the ones who had a sense of humor about themselves and didn't take this whole thing too seriously. I hope he comes back. And I love Kyle and have no problem admitting it. I thought his line about his dying grandfather was hilarious as well, and I love it when TJ is genuinely entertained by these fools. 4 Link to comment
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