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So, in a few of the trailers that I have seen, there is a shot of Jamie staring intensely at Claire while she begins unbuttoning his shirt.  It looks like it may take place after some sort of big party/celebration thingy because Claire has her hair done up and she's wearing the same earrings that she was wearing in the trailer when they show her at the party where Jamie was dressed up in his full Highlander regalia.  So anyways, I'm just wondering what is going on there with her unbuttoning his shirt.  Are they psyching us out and she's just going to be checking the dressing on his wound or something??  There was some extreme eye sex going on there.

The video with this article has some new footage that haven't been seen in any previews before. It's focused on Black Jack, so it has some of Jamie telling Claire about him and more of the flashback to the attack at Lallybrach and also Claire meeting Randall when she goes with Dougal during the rent collection. He looks super creepy.



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Episode synopsis from SpoilerTV. All here so I can use it as a reference for episode topics:


Episode 1.05 - Rent - 07.09.2014

Claire is brought along on the MacKenzie rent-collecting trip; Dougal uses Jamie's scars to drum up sympathy for the Jacobite cause; Claire remembers that a famous moment in Scottish history will soon occur.


Episode 1.06 - The Garrison Commander - 13.09.2014
Claire has an unexpected meeting with a British general; Capt. Jack Randall is determined to uncover Claire's secrets.


Episode 1.07 - The Wedding - 20.09.2014

Claire and Jamie's unfolding marriage causes deeper feelings to arise; Claire finds herself torn between two men in different times.


Episode 1.08 - Both Sides Now - 27.09.2014
Frank searches for his missing wife; a life-changing opportunity arises for Claire as she attempts to come to terms with her marriage to Jamie.

Sorry for the double post, but I didn't want this article to be buried. It's an interview with Tobias Menzies with the Hollywood Reporter about this latest episode and his portrayal of the two characters of Frank and Black Jack.


It has very interesting spoilers for episode 8 in it, so be warned. Also it has big book spoilers in it, so if you haven't read the books and don't want to know, this is a warning. (Frankly, I wasn't sure which thread to put this in since this article straddles show *and* book spoilers.)



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I'm excited that from the picture that have been posted it looks like we're going to get a flashforwardback to Claire and Frank's wedding too! Double the fun.


Ever since it was clear that we would continue to flashforwardback to Frank in episode 2, I've been hoping that we'd get to see some of Claire and Frank's wedding. It just works out too well for them not to do it.

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A preview clip from "The Wedding"! It's of Murtagh and Jamie and the most interesting thing is that it seems we have moved away from Claire's POV!





I have to say it feels a little weird to have a scene without Claire around.


I'm excited that from the picture that have been posted it looks like we're going to get a flashforwardback to Claire and Frank's wedding too! Double the fun.

The scene with Murtagh and Jamie might not include Claire, but it could be in flashback during a conversation between Jamie and Claire.  

I forgot where I heard it now, but I did read that they stop doing it from just Claire's POV at some point.  Now I am kicking myself for not saving the link. 


I saw another clip where Ned is talking to Dougal, Murtagh and Jamie about the marriage contract.  I think Starz put it up prematurely, because a second after I clicked off of it, it was unavailable.  I guess I have great timing.  It's in the same setting as the Murtagh/Jamie scene.  Jamie is scandalized again at the word "consummate", LOL.

Edited by mybabyaidan
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I forgot where I heard it now, but I did read that they stop doing it from just Claire's POV at some point. Now I am kicking myself for not saving the link.

I saw another clip where Ned is talking to Dougal, Murtagh and Jamie about the marriage contract. I think Starz put it up prematurely, because a second after I clicked off of it, it was unavailable. I guess I have great timing. It's in the same setting as the Murtagh/Jamie scene. Jamie is scandalized again at the word "consummate", LOL.

I read that also. I think it was an interview with Caitriona Balfe but I don't remember where or when.

The content is sweet but it had the feel of a "very special episode". I'm guessing because I'm seeing it out of context.

I hope.

Edited by peacefrog

Wow. I thought they would go there but it sounds like they are really going to go there. I don't know if I can watch that. I mean, the flogging was bad enough.

It also sounds like the mid season cliffhanger is BJR recapturing Claire during her aborted run toward Craig Na Dun.

Edited by ohhellsyeah

Rotten Tomatoes just tweeted another new clip from Episode 7. This one is also Claire-less.


Sneak Peek: A Very Special Outlander


"Persuasion," heh.


Our crusty old Murtagh is waxing sentimental- warms my heart, it does.

But next to him Jamie sure looks like a puppy-boy.

Not that there's anything wrong with that- puppy-boys certainly have their own appeal  :)

Just oh my what a contrast!

So those pictures would seem to rule out the blazing red tartan from the book.

Yeah, and if Terry's posts on Twitter are any indication, there are a lot of people very concerned about the pearls. Doesn't look like a pearl necklace to me.


I really don't get them sometimes, because they seem so in touch with fans and with Diana, and then they go and change the most iconic things like it's no big deal. I don't believe that Diana never told them, "Hey guys, those pearls come up very often in later books, you might want to just throw them on, just fyi." I mean, I'll live, but I just don't get their logic sometimes.

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Yeah, and if Terry's posts on Twitter are any indication, there are a lot of people very concerned about the pearls. Doesn't look like a pearl necklace to me.



No it doesn't.  But it also doesn't make sense for Jamie to be carrying around his mother's pearls in his sporran while out on the road for weeks collecting rents with the Mackenzie.  

I don't get it either.  I don't care about the clan tartan because I've seen arguments either way about how big a deal that sort of thing truly was at this time period.  I really don't care.  But the pearls do come up again in this book and in subsequent books.  They're kind of important.


I don't mind the preview of Jamie and Murtaugh talking about the brooch either for what it is, but why a brooch?  Why make something up wholesale when there's already an established recognizable piece of jewelry from Jamie's mother in the series?

Edited by nodorothyparker
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So is that the actual dress or is that like the under-structure of the dress, because that seems like A LOT of boob to be showing in 18th century Scotland. I mean that last picture...wow.

Yeah, that looks really sheer and incomplete for an actual dress.  The boobage actually looks about right but the sheer sleeves are weird to me for some reason.

No it doesn't.  But it also doesn't make sense for Jamie to be carrying around his mother's pearls in his sporran while out on the road for weeks collecting rents with the Mackenzie.  

Where else would he keep something that important? He's basically a homeless nomad right now and it's not like they had safe deposit boxes where he could just drop something off until he could go back and pick it up. On his person is probably the only safe place for anything.


I don't mind the preview of Jamie and Murtaugh talking about the brooch either for what it is, but why a brooch?  Why make something up wholesale when there's already an established recognizable piece of jewelry from Jamie's mother in the series?

So true. Good point. Urg.

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I'm guessing that since Jamie's in a state of mild undress and since they are in the bedroom, this is not the full dress but actually the wedding night lingerie.  A dress like that inside a church would take me completely out of the scene.  I would have to suspend a lot of disbelief even if the dress were completely white.  It's too much if that photo is really the dress.  

Edited by bluebonnet

We're not really supposed to do book talk in here, it says in the top post, so I'm taking my response to the book comparison thread.


As for the second sneak peek- "not rape, persuasion" - yuck.  Look, I find the actor incredibly engaging and enigmatic, and Dougal is a complex and interesting character both in the books and on the show, but there's a reason I can't get behind the people who have raging crushes on him.  He has many facets, and at least one of those is skeezy and gross.  No thanks.  Interesting to watch, not anyone I can be interested in, not in *that* way. 

Edited by CatMack
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Ahhh, Terry says...


Terry Dresbach ‏@draiochta14 3h

I have absolutely no problem with people thinking that is the dress. It will make next 2 days much easier.


And Yahoo has yet another preview clip, where you can see a hint of silver I think.



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