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S04.E01: More Joy


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09/21/2021 (10:00PM - 11:00PM) (Tuesday) : Max and Sharpe wake up to a new, more personal dynamic. Iggy calls upon an old contact to help with an explosive situation at the hospital. Bloom begins a tricky dynamic with her new Emergency Department residents. Reynolds finds himself in an awkward position with Dr. Baptiste and his wife, Dr. Lyn Malvo.


Edited by DanaK
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5 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

so....unless "New Amsterdam" is going to become "Old London," I don't see this working out very well. 

And I don't think they're going to write Ryan Eggold/Max Goodwin off the show, since he's #1 on the cast list.

Yeah, they're not going to have him leave for good the place the whole show is named for. So what's the point?

  • Love 6

Bloom – totally idiotic to state Leyla was her girlfriend.  To try to “chastise” her at the end fell flat, imo (damage is done)

Reynolds – Just break up with Malvo already.  Not a fan of this relationship

Iggy – He just seems so gullible and easily manipulated with the prisoner.  I don’t believe he’ll be a good teacher but I’m certain they will redeem him.

Sharpwin:  Damn – that was some frickin’ rollercoaster ride!  Started out beautifully but then - WTH!!!   I was truly hoping for more love and joy in the first episode and was a bit disappointed with everything that was unpacked.  Is it just me or did Helen not seem as happy as Max?  She felt indifferent to everything he said.   Sharpe seemed so in love with Max for 3 season and even though she said she loved him here, it just felt off--after everything that had transpired.  Did the wedding ring debacle cause her to decide to go to London even though they were/are finally together?  Couldn't that have been discussed/approached in the 2nd or 3rd episode?? Even with him desperately trying to work out a schedule for them, the preview for next week—her “partner” statement--was disheartening but, of course, it may have been taken out of context.  I’m a bit conflicted on whether I liked this episode considering all the trailers, promos and pics and now the direction it has taken.  I wasn't expecting their relationship to take this turn so soon and am not to thrilled with it.   I’ll try to remain hopeful for the upcoming episodes but the showrunner and writers better make a quick 180 ASAP for Sharpwin.

Edited by cathmed
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1 minute ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

So I guess they are going to drag out the Max/Helen breakup. Max can't actually be in London on a show based in a fictional NYC hospital. Not cool show.

Is she leaving the show? Or will she change her mind after some time in London?

I don't like Bloom and girlfriend. Announcing their relationship like that without consulting her because she's "working her steps and putting it all out there" was not cool. Also not interested in seeing her either favoring or being harder on her.

And the only way to profile an arsonist was to bring in a pyromaniac from prison? Really? And now she's gonna be a patient because of course.

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20 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Why are they ruining the relationship as soon as it gets started?  I don’t get the writing . This may be a season that I just can’t watch.  Too much strife for Max.  First he had cancer, then his wife died and now he loses his new love.  Not to mention covid.  😩

Agreed.  This episode was so disconcerting that we're almost back to WTWT but now is WTWT break up?  Makes no sense.  I hope the writers/showrunner don't ruin this after 3 years of them finally getting together.  Do we really need angst this soon for Sharpwin??

  • Love 6
Just now, cathmed said:

Agreed.  This episode was so disconcerting that we're almost back to WTWT but now is WTWT break up?  Makes no sense.  I hope the writers/showrunner don't ruin this after 3 years of them finally getting together.  Do we really need angst this soon for Sharpwin??

Exactly!  These writers are pathetic.  I suppose I’ll have to write this one off.  Let’s see…there’s Chicago Med and The Good Doctor…..hope they have improved.  

I’m starting to think the same writers who wrote the later seasons of ER that were also a hot mess have gotten their hands into this show. Complete with a hospital explosion. I was half waiting for a helicopter to land on Max, I swear. 

I was so confused about the timeline. It made no sense to go from an explosion in the hospital to Sharpwin having sex. What an inappropriate tonal shift. 

It’s such a disappointment that after all the Sharpwin hype that the writers immediately are trying to break them up. I can’t see a London subplot/cross working well if this episode had ADHD.

I am Team Leyla in the Leyren showdown. Why would Lauren embarrass her like that in front of the whole ED and then keep publicly slamming her work and humiliating her? 

Why are TPTB trying so hard to get us to care about Floyd and Lyn? Nobody cares. The actress who plays Lyn is just also kind of blah to me. If it were a better actress it might be more interesting but even she seems bored with her part. 

If they break up Sharpwin, I am not going to keep watching. I selfishly want my ship to be happy. (My favorite one on ER bit the bullet too, while my other favorite only got one season and then I had to watch my least favorite get all the screen time.) Hopefully the SVU premiere on Thursday goes better for my ships. 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Exactly!  These writers are pathetic.  I suppose I’ll have to write this one off.  Let’s see…there’s Chicago Med and The Good Doctor…..hope they have improved.  

I am so disappointed and had such hope (and joy) for S4.  I don't like the way it's begun so as mentioned, hope the writers/showrunner can quickly do a 180 to get back on track.  I don't believe this is what most Sharpwin fans signed up for this season.  I'm about finished with Chicago Med and I used to love that show!

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Is she leaving the show? Or will she change her mind after some time in London?

I don't like Bloom and girlfriend. Announcing their relationship like that without consulting her because she's "working her steps and putting it all out there" was not cool. Also not interested in seeing her either favoring or being harder on her.

And the only way to profile an arsonist was to bring in a pyromaniac from prison? Really? And now she's gonna be a patient because of course.

If I was an intern and heard Bloom talk the way she did….I’d think she was crazy, very unprofessional and have zero respect for her.  The attempt to recover at the end by criticizing her not putting equipment away was so so juvenile.  Would a professional writer for a major network think that was clever?  Who are these people 14 year-olds?  

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4 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Just reading the recaps the timeline was confusing. It was the morning after last years' finale, then three weeks?

I loathe those time jumps--then flash forward/flash backward!   Ridiculous and yeah, can be confusing!

Just now, SunnyBeBe said:

Let’s see how it goes and if it’s too bad, we can create a petition.  Someone needs to answer for this crap.  

I honestly can't believe the writers went here so soon!   Everything I read and saw over the summer didn't indicate this--at least not this soon!  Course correction needed ASAP!


oh god the episode is starting out with music... but it isn't their usual discordant jazz? DID THE SHOW FINALLY GET A MUSIC BUDGET?

i hope this sharpe stuff leads to her and max not being an item anymore, this relationship was never interesting to me and now it is just more boring

Three weeks later? It looks a bit longer than three weeks.

Ok, is this season going to start off with some ridiculous crusade? Based on the employee feedback... is he just going to focus on improving employee morale? Maybe get a gym in the hospital?

Floyd's boss peer pressuring him into disclosing his love life is definitely... something - based on how quickly everyone in that OR raised their hands, I am guessing he does that often.

oh no, max's crusade is going to be joy

well that is certainly a bit of a blaze.. you think they would've paged the medical director so he wouldn't have to go down a few floors and head outside!

why does Bloom remember how much she lost in a betting pool 10 years ago

uh oh, chief resident is having the residents do things and they are going very quick, i'm guessing they overlooked something in their haste.

oh bloom is angry at them for going too slow? ok sure

oh god i don't need more Reynolds love life drama please save me

um max you should know that forensic psych is a very specialized field

iggy do not consult a prisoner about arson, this prisoner is not hannibal lecter 

ok this new oncology doctor seems decent so far, but max please stop resting your chin on your hand and covering your mouth

max why do you have a separate hematology and oncology departments, they are combined everywhere else

so she is going to end up being iggy's mother, right? 

how would a homemade accelerant mean the arsonist is educated? they literally could've googled it or just tested lighting stuff on fire

oh my god this iggy plot is just dumb

what is with the cinematography this season? just random camera angles and zooming in on faces during the "cutting open gout guy" scene
oh hey more fire

um that fire went over Reynolds and the woman doctor and engulfed most of the highway

uhhhh if they aren't both severely burned this show has decided the laws of physics do not apply in new amsterdam, which tbh I would not be shocked about

max you're a bit obsessive about Helen

um why is new oncologist giving advice like that

oh is her translator lighting the hospital on fire, or maybe construction guy at the start?

oh hey look Reynolds is a bit injured, but not very

reynolds this is not going to end well for you

ummm how did that doctor not update the gout guy's file when it was at least an hour between him getting the meds and returning? i've been in the ER multiple times and they usually my record 10-45 minutes after seeing me

bloom, this is not a professional way to treat your resident, she needs to establish boundaries

oh hey there she is, establishing boundaries

no iggy, you don't give into her demands

max you don't run into a room of kids and yell that they need to get out, the security guard was right next to you 20 seconds ago, you yell for her

so max is/was dating his (former) employee, bloom is dating her resident that she gave a bribe to get a spot for, is iggy's husband going to work for the hospital soon so everyone can be dating someone under them?

ok they got the arsonist... but why didn't the hospital shut down after the first terrorist attack? or at least the second?

oh hey it wasn't that a resident screwed up, the athlete apparently has severe dyslexia... that came out of left field (ha ha ha sports joke)

and that was a pretty obvious dressing down of your girlfriend for show, Bloom

reynolds oh no please do not tell your boss that you want to bang his wife in the middle of a surgery please please please let me be wrong

oh ok thank god he didn't

oh hey the actress who plays the new oncologist is actually deaf!

oh she is not accepting the offer? damn

wait max are you saying that season 2 and 3 took place in 18 months? damn, covid was very short in the new amsterdam universe

so obviously max isn't going to leave

okay, so um that was an episode

Now, who wins the first WORST DOCTOR award of the season?


Okay, so Iggy is obviously pretty bad for, you know, the whole "I'm gonna consult with a psychopath" thing when he KNEW it would set back her progress in therapy - but Bloom was pretty bad with outing her girlfriend first thing.

It's a touch battle, but I think the first worst doctor award of Season 4 goes to....



Edited by bros402
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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Exactly!  These writers are pathetic.  I suppose I’ll have to write this one off.  Let’s see…there’s Chicago Med and The Good Doctor…..hope they have improved.  

Well, April and Natalie will be gone so we can hope!

1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

Who knew Kapoor was so important?

I miss him so much!

  • Love 6

Did anyone else notice that right at the beginning Helen asks Max, "What about Luna?" and he pauses and looks off into the distance trying to remember who Luna is?

And then this idiot who spends zero time with his child because he spends 20 hours a day/seven days a week badly running a hospital suddenly thinks it's a good idea to think about dragging his already unsettled toddler to and from London every other weekend?  And the flight may be 6 hours, but that doesn't take into account travel time to and from airports, hideous waits at Customs and Immigrations, additional Covid restrictions, etc.  (Because apparently Covid is now back at New Amsterdam, but it's fine for Max to take his unvaccinated child on an international flight.)

And I know it's only episode 1, but not even a throwaway line about the grandparents?


Edited by Leeds
Because if you ask a question you should include a question mark.
  • Love 9

For an episode titled "More Joy", this episode lacked it, bigtime. Helen and Max were disappointing, like the show will move to London.  I wanted to see her challenge in at work even more, and actually have a relationship.  Bloom was horrible in the ER. I think they should have stretched the Bloom/Reynolds relationship rather than push him into a love triangle with a married couple and make her a lesbian.  Making her a lesbian was as bad as making Callie one on Grey's Anatomy 15 years ago, even though it eventually grew on me.  Everything just made Reynolds - meh.  Iggy (I had to think to remember his name, which tells you my thoughts of his storyline arc) really is lost without his sidekick Kapoor.  He was terrible last season, but even more so in this first episode.  

I am very disappointed.  I think they could have at least dragged out the pyromaniac storyline a little way, at least that was a tad more interesting, until they solved it almost immediately.  

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, bros402 said:

so she is going to end up being iggy's mother, right? 

I was totally expecting that.

7 hours ago, bros402 said:

how would a homemade accelerant mean the arsonist is educated? they literally could've googled it or just tested lighting stuff on fire

How would she know it was homemade based on pictures?

7 hours ago, bros402 said:

ok they got the arsonist... but why didn't the hospital shut down after the first terrorist attack? or at least the second?

Are different floors/areas of the hospital so self contained that a giant fireball explosion affects no other parts of the building? 

6 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Lord knows what Gwen and Calvin will have to say about Max moving Luna to a whole different country to be with Helen, someone that isn't Georgia.

I was thinking the same thing. Wonder if we'll even see them again now that their drama is done.


  • Love 3
6 hours ago, LittlePeas3 said:

For an episode titled "More Joy", this episode lacked it, bigtime. Helen and Max were disappointing, like the show will move to London.  I wanted to see her challenge in at work even more, and actually have a relationship.  Bloom was horrible in the ER. I think they should have stretched the Bloom/Reynolds relationship rather than push him into a love triangle with a married couple and make her a lesbian.  Making her a lesbian was as bad as making Callie one on Grey's Anatomy 15 years ago, even though it eventually grew on me.  Everything just made Reynolds - meh.  Iggy (I had to think to remember his name, which tells you my thoughts of his storyline arc) really is lost without his sidekick Kapoor.  He was terrible last season, but even more so in this first episode.  

Precisely - couldn't agree more!   After 3 years of WTWT, they  skip over showing a real relationship between them and just go to London??  After making fans wait 3 months, with a 180 turn, in the wrong direction--imo, for Sharpwin?   Made zero sense.   No need to rehash Bloom (unprofessional/unethical and really didn't care for the lesbian angle--why couldn't they just have been friends?), Reynolds (lost all integrity/self-respect) and Iggy (incompetent, gullible and easily manipulated) as I feel the same about their situations/characters.  I don't' know where the hell the writers are going this season or why this path.  Everything I've read states the actors are not leaving the show.  Appears fans are in for a very bumpy and unpredictable ride this season.  I hope I'm wrong and this Sharpwin is resolved quickly; fans just may leave if it isn't.  The heart-soul of this show is about Sharpwin - PERIOD

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

I was thinking the same thing. Wonder if we'll even see them again now that their drama is done.

I wouldn't put it past this show to bring them back to cause trouble. They already dislike Max, blame him for Georgia's death, and think he's unfit for Luna, and now for the first time since Georgia he's dating someone seriously. Add in the race angle of Helen being African-American whereas Max and Luna (and Georgia) are white... 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

I wouldn't put it past this show to bring them back to cause trouble. They already dislike Max, blame him for Georgia's death, and think he's unfit for Luna, and now for the first time since Georgia he's dating someone seriously. Add in the race angle of Helen being African-American whereas Max and Luna (and Georgia) are white... 

Yeah I don’t see them not coming back. I felt like when Max picked up Luna in S3 that this was not settled and those grandparents aren’t going to back down that easy. 

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

I guess the FDNY doesn’t have its own arson investigators. 🤦‍♀️

Spinoff: Iggy and PsychoPyro investigate fire crimes. No police necessary until it's time to drag off the perpetrator at the end of the episode.

Who's paying for her to be locked up in the psych ward at the hospital? The state? I'd think prison would cost less and she can still get treatment there. Why would they agree to move her to NA?

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I'd think prison would cost less and she can still get treatment there

A million times no. Prison system in this country already is the biggest mental health facility ever, and the prisoners get absolutely zero services. Prison guards are not trained to help anyone, they are trained to demand and enforce compliance. 

Mental health services in the US are already underfunded and scarce, throwing someone in a place where they will be kept in isolation - which is torture - is not a solution to anyone. Systemic change is supposed to improve things, not to make them worse

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7 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I was thinking the same thing. Wonder if we'll even see them again now that their drama is done.

I was also wondering if there’d be more grandparent drama over this. I hope not - can’t stand either of their self-righteous asses.

When Max and Helen were comparing schedules all I could think was, you guys claim to love each other but you can’t manage to move anything around? I get the professional obligations, but a visit to Mina could be rescheduled.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, circumvent said:

A million times no. Prison system in this country already is the biggest mental health facility ever, and the prisoners get absolutely zero services. Prison guards are not trained to help anyone, they are trained to demand and enforce compliance. 

Mental health services in the US are already underfunded and scarce, throwing someone in a place where they will be kept in isolation - which is torture - is not a solution to anyone. Systemic change is supposed to improve things, not to make them worse

All true, but my question was about why the state would spend the money (what's special about her? have we even seen her before? I don't even remember) to move her to an inpatient (public, underfunded) hospital rather than keep her where she is to serve her sentence (I mean, Iggy didn't seem too optimistic about her chances for rehabilitation, at least when he first went to talk to her). Regardless, since they are doing it, I hope Iggy's residents are better doctors than he is.

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5 hours ago, LexieLily said:

I wouldn't put it past this show to bring them back to cause trouble. They already dislike Max, blame him for Georgia's death, and think he's unfit for Luna, and now for the first time since Georgia he's dating someone seriously. Add in the race angle of Helen being African-American whereas Max and Luna (and Georgia) are white... 

I am really curious as to how this won't affect NA if Sharpwin actually go to London.  Will they actually try to shoot scenes in London?  Will there be another time jump and Sharpwin is back at NA?  Will they actually go to London now/6 months from now (in TV time, who knows what 4 or 6 weeks mean?)  I think this is a monumental mistake for the show to write this storyline and perhaps even write off these 2 actors--even for a brief time.  It's just illogical, irrational, truly unnecessary and beloved shipper suicide, not to mention a precipitous drop  in ratings.

  • Love 3
32 minutes ago, CarpeFelis said:

I was also wondering if there’d be more grandparent drama over this. I hope not - can’t stand either of their self-righteous asses.

When Max and Helen were comparing schedules all I could think was, you guys claim to love each other but you can’t manage to move anything around? I get the professional obligations, but a visit to Mina could be rescheduled.

Right there with you, and we've never seen Max's parents!

I thought the same thing about Mina; she's a college student.  Do you really think she'd be upset if you didn't visit that weekend?  Even Max's "Colorado conference", which we know from the past, he'll miss board meetings, etc., if he wants.  It's not like the fundraiser he reluctantly attends.  Just sounded like poor excuses--I mean "reasons", LOL!🙄

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, cathmed said:

I am really curious as to how this won't affect NA if Sharpwin actually go to London.  Will they actually try to shoot scenes in London?  Will there be another time jump and Sharpwin is back at NA?  Will they actually go to London now/6 months from now (in TV time, who knows what 4 or 6 weeks mean?)  I think this is a monumental mistake for the show to write this storyline and perhaps even write off these 2 actors--even for a brief time.  It's just illogical, irrational, truly unnecessary and beloved shipper suicide, not to mention a precipitous drop  in ratings.

The synopsis in the Guide for next week says "Max and Sharpe go public with their relationship at the hospital," so who even knows? And why would that little clinic in London care that they are dating when they barely know Helen and don't know Max? So that implies they are at New Amsterdam.

Edited by LexieLily

I don't know where to start. Hopefully soon they will realize that no one is interested in Floyd, Iggy or Bloom to a lesser extent. 

In what professional environment would it be o.k. to announce your love interest like that, and they remain under your supervision?  It is the clear absurdity of it that gets me.  I am also tired of the "gruff" person barking orders to the newbies like they are in boot camp, scenario that they try to build into shows like this.  Time to show that you can train, teach/inspire people without yelling at them and humiliating.   Bloom used to be my least favorite character until I started paying attention to Iggy...

Why are we discussing our love lives in the OR...just why?  Have they telegraphed it any more that husband will figure out what is going on when he hears his wife listening to one of Floyd's playlists? Ugh....no one in that storyline remotely interesting.  Floyd has always been a no where character to me, and with his mommy issues, uh no.  Remember when he hired three women, have we ever seen them again?

As usual, I forward through Iggy scenes but I am sure whatever he was doing was ridiculous.  He is a waste of time on this show. 

Max and Helen.....hmmm, so if after intimacy the first response is "I should never have let you in" I don't think that is a positive sign.  This is such an unnecessary storyline.  Why they thought it was a good idea to finally have them get together only to cause angst mere moments later!   Personally they write Max so erratically that I cannot really support a relationship between them because I constantly think she can do better.  He is not that attractive and his life is a mess. They are trying to go for genius with a good heart, but it comes across as a person with no direction that can't complete anything.  Regardless of what reason they don't go, it is always going to be her putting his needs first and she did that before they were in a relationship. At this point I wish they would have Max realize that he has ADHD and get on medication or go to therapy.  In fact, did they ever show him seeking therapy?  I really hope Freema is leaving after this because she is the only reason I watched the show from the start. 

Did I miss anyone? 

P.S....how crazy to use MINA as a reason they could not get together? And how they acknowledge COVID, but not COVID accommodations.  Most conferences have been offering an online option to attend remotely. 

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This show, Brooklyn 99 and The Blacklist were the last shows I was watching on network or cable TV. Everything else I watch is on a streamer. B99 has ended and I wrote off The Blacklist last year when they killed off both Lizzie and the whole reason for the show to exist. After this first episode, I should start sharpening my cord cutting scissors. 

  • Love 2
52 minutes ago, Johnny Dollar said:

This show, Brooklyn 99 and The Blacklist were the last shows I was watching on network or cable TV. Everything else I watch is on a streamer. B99 has ended and I wrote off The Blacklist last year when they killed off both Lizzie and the whole reason for the show to exist. After this first episode, I should start sharpening my cord cutting scissors. 

I’m thinking of getting rid of cable myself and just getting Hulu Live. There is so little on cable worth watching. 

16 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I was totally expecting that.

How would she know it was homemade based on pictures?

Are different floors/areas of the hospital so self contained that a giant fireball explosion affects no other parts of the building? 

yup, all of this was going through my head too. Apparently Bellev-- New Amsterdam must be fireproof?

So I must just be burying episodes of this show in the deep recesses of my brain, but we haven't had an episode yet where the presidential suite they mentioned in the pilot has been used yet, right? iirc the line was something like "and we are even a hospital that can operate on the president" - you think they would have had that by now, at least during Sweeps

12 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Spinoff: Iggy and PsychoPyro investigate fire crimes. No police necessary until it's time to drag off the perpetrator at the end of the episode.

Who's paying for her to be locked up in the psych ward at the hospital? The state? I'd think prison would cost less and she can still get treatment there. Why would they agree to move her to NA?

It didn't look like she was at the hospital - I think Iggy visited her in prison, which is why she had guards with her - but then how did they justify giving her a field trip?

8 hours ago, cathmed said:

I thought the same thing about Mina; she's a college student.  Do you really think she'd be upset if you didn't visit that weekend?  Even Max's "Colorado conference", which we know from the past, he'll miss board meetings, etc., if he wants.  It's not like the fundraiser he reluctantly attends.  Just sounded like poor excuses--I mean "reasons", LOL!🙄

If they were already going to do London-NY/NY-London flights back and forth, it wouldn't make much difference for Helen to fly from London to Colorado. She could meet him for the weekend at his conference. See? I already gave them one weekend.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, ams1001 said:

All true, but my question was about why the state would spend the money (what's special about her? have we even seen her before? I don't even remember) to move her to an inpatient (public, underfunded) hospital rather than keep her where she is to serve her sentence (I mean, Iggy didn't seem too optimistic about her chances for rehabilitation, at least when he first went to talk to her). Regardless, since they are doing it, I hope Iggy's residents are better doctors than he is.

I don't know why the writers even included the character, maybe they will have her being another one that haunts Iggy, who knows. The writing in pretty bad. I get your point and I wish that, if they had included just a little sentence about how this is the appropriate way to treat mental ilness, and that's why the overfunded private prisons should do. Since the show is so engaged in virtue signaling, they could add another one. Also, I believe a prisoner who is so obviously mentally ill - which is the case here - has a constitutional right to treatment. Maybe her sentence includes that. It wasn't well done, the character was just thrown there, no background, no explanation why she could help - I mean, it is preposterous that she knew the ethnicity of the guy by looking at photos for two minutes.

So, they gave us the annoying Mina character for no reason last season, we thought we got rid of her and now she has to come back to make our watching annoying? Why is Helen so invested in an adult she barely knows, just to make her own life much more complicated? They are making her a version of Max, a hero complex who has to all of a sudden upend her life to save a relationship that didn't exist until less than a year ago, and to force two people who dislike each other to be grandmother/granddaughter? Oh, show! I am not a shipper, I am not invested in the Max/Hellen pairing (don't care if they are together or not) but there are few worse cliches than "life is too complicated for us to stay together even though we are crazy about each other, and even though we are manufacturing the complications, we must keep on complicating things for the sake of wasted drama and wasting the patience of our audience".

Bloom's relationship is juvenile and boring. She disclose a relationship without even considering her girlfriend, and then the girlfriend seems to be satisfied with the little bullshit stunt with the fake chastising? WTF?

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