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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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2 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Novi doesn’t want to be an old father. Umm, he’s 31 fucking years old. What’s the rush? And babies are not tools to help you fix a brokeass marriage.

Jovi doesn't want to be a father of any kind. He hardly ever interacts with his daughter. He's an asshole. 

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I really don’t like Yara. No one forced to shack up with this guy, marry him, have a kid, move to the US etc.

oh joy…Sumit and Jenny.

I never thought David and Annie and Loren and Alexei were interesting enough to warrant their own shows…

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1 minute ago, kacesq said:

I really don’t like Yara. No one forced to shack up with this guy, marry him, have a kid, move to the US etc.

oh joy…Sumit and Jenny.

I never thought David and Annie and Loren and Alexei were interesting enough to warrant their own shows…

Sharpe is squeezing this puppy dry

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Well, don't hate me.  There is a point to having children close together.   They have a close bond and playmate/friend.  If they're 6 or more years apart, they would have to wait to grow up to have a friendship.

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5 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

Hang in there @suzywriter, things will settle down.

Thank you...I'm rattled for sure. Also, the porch roof is leaking and the icemaker has already broken.

And like a damned fool, I also planned a Christmas craft party for 12 kids next weekend. I do the party every year so my nanny kids (I nanny on the side) can make presents for their parents...this year it's twice the normal number of kids because those blasted adults keep making/fostering/adopting more kids. 

They have some nerve!

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Just now, SunnyBeBe said:

I’m just surprised that people still think that having another child will repair a struggling marriage.  Wasn’t that myth debunked in the 80’s?  Lol

He knows if he keeps her barefoot and pregnancy she wont run away 

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14 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I was just watching The White Lotus ..those people are all awful but these are real people…I wonder if the writers watch reality TV and take notes 

Showrunner Mike White has a background in reality TV, among other projects. I love The White Lotus.

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1 minute ago, Doublemint said:

Well, don't hate me.  There is a point to having children close together.   They have a close bond and playmate/friend.  If they're 6 or more years apart, they would have to wait to grow up to have a friendship.

I agree with having them close. My sisters were a year apart. I came 7 years later, and never did figure out how to connect with "the big ones".

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I won't be here next Sunday! Going to Florida to make a total ass of myself in front of yet another cute guy. Last time I saw him, it was 1998 and I tried to strike up a conversation and in the middle of it, I realized that my brain broke and I couldn't stop talking and he was way too good-looking.  And I vowed to never speak to him again.  Anyway, here we are.  Going to Epcot and Gatorland lol.  Wish me luck!

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Just now, Eldemarge said:

I won't be here next Sunday! Going to Florida to make a total ass of myself in front of yet another cute guy. Last time I saw him, it was 1998 and I tried to strike up a conversation and in the middle of it, I realized that my brain broke and I couldn't stop talking and he was way too good-looking.  And I vowed to never speak to him again.  Anyway, here we are.  Going to Epcot and Gatorland lol.  Wish me luck!


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1 minute ago, Eldemarge said:

I won't be here next Sunday! Going to Florida to make a total ass of myself in front of yet another cute guy. Last time I saw him, it was 1998 and I tried to strike up a conversation and in the middle of it, I realized that my brain broke and I couldn't stop talking and he was way too good-looking.  And I vowed to never speak to him again.  Anyway, here we are.  Going to Epcot and Gatorland lol.  Wish me luck!

You got this, @Eldemarge.

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1 minute ago, Eldemarge said:

I won't be here next Sunday! Going to Florida to make a total ass of myself in front of yet another cute guy. Last time I saw him, it was 1998 and I tried to strike up a conversation and in the middle of it, I realized that my brain broke and I couldn't stop talking and he was way too good-looking.  And I vowed to never speak to him again.  Anyway, here we are.  Going to Epcot and Gatorland lol.  Wish me luck!

Wishing you all the luck

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Oh noes…will Sumit’s mommy and daddy finally accept their son’s geriatric wife? And Jenny, you are…in Yara’s world…a grown ass woman. Why do you care? But lol at the idea Sumit wants to go to the US.

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Heaven help us. I am so glad I have never had to attend a social gathering that made me think "Well, we'll hope for the best", or "I hope no one gets confrontational" "I hope no one starts throwing furniture". JUST SHUT UP EVERYONE. 

And Jenny is going to "take Sumit to America"? She's going to stuff him into her suitcase or what? 

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2 minutes ago, Eldemarge said:

I won't be here next Sunday! Going to Florida to make a total ass of myself in front of yet another cute guy. Last time I saw him, it was 1998 and I tried to strike up a conversation and in the middle of it, I realized that my brain broke and I couldn't stop talking and he was way too good-looking.  And I vowed to never speak to him again.  Anyway, here we are.  Going to Epcot and Gatorland lol.  Wish me luck!

He’s obviously still interested or he wouldn’t be meeting you. Just try to relax and take it minute by minute. Have a good time. 

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4 minutes ago, Eldemarge said:

I won't be here next Sunday! Going to Florida to make a total ass of myself in front of yet another cute guy. Last time I saw him, it was 1998 and I tried to strike up a conversation and in the middle of it, I realized that my brain broke and I couldn't stop talking and he was way too good-looking.  And I vowed to never speak to him again.  Anyway, here we are.  Going to Epcot and Gatorland lol.  Wish me luck!

Try stuffing a whole muffin in your mouth. Its a sure winner. 

And have a great time!

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Heaven help us. I am so glad I have never had to attend a social gathering that made me think "Well, we'll hope for the best", or "I hope no one gets confrontational" "I hope no one starts throwing furniture". JUST SHUT UP EVERYONE. 

And Jenny is going to "take Sumit to America"? She's going to stuff him into her suitcase or what? 

That was EVERY social gathering in my family! I never understood when I went to friend's houses and nobody was lecturing anybody.

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5 minutes ago, Eldemarge said:

I won't be here next Sunday! Going to Florida to make a total ass of myself in front of yet another cute guy. Last time I saw him, it was 1998 and I tried to strike up a conversation and in the middle of it, I realized that my brain broke and I couldn't stop talking and he was way too good-looking.  And I vowed to never speak to him again.  Anyway, here we are.  Going to Epcot and Gatorland lol.  Wish me luck!

Good luck meeting Billy…er, nevermind.

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2 minutes ago, kacesq said:

Oh noes…will Sumit’s mommy and daddy finally accept their son’s geriatric wife? And Jenny, you are…in Yara’s world…a grown ass woman. Why do you care? But lol at the idea Sumit wants to go to the US.

You will do great on your first day of work.  And your second, third, etc.....

Random photo of me in Glacier in 2016.  



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