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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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I don't want to step on anyone's beliefs, honestly.  I don't see the reasoning behind studying big balls of glowing gas in random arrangements for clues on your life on Earth.  Stars in constellations have no association with each other, and have moved in the last 3,000 years or so of astrology.  Cleo melts down over something not solid.

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Just now, greekmom said:

Gino's shit ass grin on ejaculating for the first time in a long time is looks like when a toddler finally did his poops in the toilet instead of a diaper.

Jasmine has to work on her peeing, though.

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4 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Here comes the shittiest apology ever.

Riley, he's a master of the non-apology apology.   The old "I'm sorry you feel that way" line. 

That blue and white dress Jasmine's wearing is awful.  I didn't need to see Gino getting his nose hairs trimmed.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Just now, Auntie Anxiety said:

Well, Cody still has one more wife to alienate so…..

I don’t think Robyn is ever leaving Kadouche. She won. Of course now she has to deal with him all the time so…is it really winning lol?

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Just now, kacesq said:

I cannot believe there’s a new season of Sister Wives. Let it go, TLC! 

Actually, I'm interested in seeing the Original Sister Wives Greek Chorus (Meri, Christine and Janelle) all hand Kody his extensions while Robyn sobs. 

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Just now, Angry Moldovan2 said:

Just popping in to let you guys know I’m in the country celebrating my 51st birthday. No reception for TV☹️ but some knock fff champers! I miss you guys and see you next week!

Yay…have the best time!!! We will miss you!!!

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