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S37.E04: Messy

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Okay I actually loved this episode!
- People hating on Kyle
- Fessy shooting himself in the foot like a big bumbling moron
- TJ being annoyed by Josh
- Hughie surprising everyone doing well in the elimination, surprising no one by messing up in elimination, and then playing a smart game by aligning with a better liked Vet
- Vets actually playing strategically in making Vet-Vet pairs and Rookie-Rookie pairs

This season would have really benefitted from a casting special or something because I continue to be surprised by new faces even though I should have a better idea of who people are by now.

  • Love 12

The expletives that I shouted at the screen when Fessy chose Amber B. I continue to say that it is his ego. He dumped Amber B last year and is continually reminded of that this season, so she cannot be in the game. What a tool. I'm also mad at him for making agree with Josh. When I saw him shouting in the trailer for last week I thought eff Josh. Now I'm thinking eff yeah Josh! Seriously, your ego is so big that you will screw me over by trying to get revenge? Yet if Amber was in power and chose to throw you in first, you would be crying fowl. Josh wouldn't have let that happen. On some level though, Fessy knows that Josh and Amber are a strong team for the simple fact hat Amber is one of the strongest girls. he was trying to break up that strong team too. Some "friend". To think they were singing Fessy's praises before, saying that he was better this season. 

I really wanted Amber to pick CT, but that would have put a HUGE target on their backs. Better to save strategic partner swapping like that for the end. 

I really like Jeremiah and Amber B together. Hot couple. 

Edited by LaurelleJ
  • Love 15

Kyle, totally not buying that you got confused in the heat of the moment. That was ridiculous, and Kyle has proven to be a snake in the game before. Thought that was going to end up with Kyle being in the elimination but then Amber B came up. By the end of the episode, I had forgotten that it happened.  I think if it were Hughie and Bettina, then Corey L and Michelle win. I'm disappointed, I liked that team. 

  • Love 1

1) I'm so sad to see Michele go 😔... but I'm also happy that Amber won.

2) Messy Fuckin' Fessy! This is the most drama Fessy has ever caused in a single season. This was more drama than when he got himself voted into elimination against Nelson. I fail to understand why he feels so threatened by Amber.

3) What has Amber done for them not to trust her? I'm not getting it. I'm missing some context and MTV is not filling in the blanks.

4) Last week, I watched the aftershow and listened to the podcast. The consensus seemed to be that if Tori broke the "Veteran Truce" then Tori would have been next on the chopping block. Now that Fessy was the first to break that truce, I'm curious to see if he'll be the target now (I doubt it).

  • Love 6

I feel gross, I feel dirty, I feel like I need a bunch of showers…I agree with Josh. Fessy was being selfish and paranoid. Even Tori put aside her revenge against Big T to keep the vet alliance going one more week. I don’t understand why Kaycee was confused at Josh blowing up his game for Amber. But why was Fessy blowing up the vet game for himself? Looking at the Big Brother alliance the only one of them that actually finished the finale and won, who was it again? Amber B. So why wouldn’t Josh want to keep her in the game with him as his partner. The only true Big Brother alliance is Kaycee and Fessy and I think Josh just figured that out.

That rookie girl who got mad at Michele for “throwing her under the bus” in the deliberation. Girl, you are one of the only two rookies left that she could throw in there. I would have been throwing everyone in.

Kyle is a snake and Devin should have known that already.

Hughie heckling Corey L was cracking me up. I can’t believe he dropped the key because he was fighting so much. But doing the splits to get it back and Amber flipping over the pole was too good. Good for both of them for winning.

7 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

4) Last week, I watched the aftershow and listened to the podcast. The consensus seemed to be that if Tori broke the "Veteran Truce" then Tori would have been next on the chopping block. Now that Fessy was the first to break that truce, I'm curious to see if he'll be the target now (I doubt it).

Yeah, I doubt they will put in Fessy because a lot of the guys are scared of him physically and I can't think of any girl that intimidates the others right now.

  • LOL 3
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1 hour ago, LaurelleJ said:

I'm also mad at him for making agree with Josh. When I saw him shouting in the trailer for last week I thought off Josh. Now I'm thinking eff yeah Josh! Seriously, your ego is so big that you will screw me over by trying to get revenge?

Me and both, This is the first time I've sided with Josh. I was yelling at my screen "YES! Fuck him! You tell his MFing ass!"

What exactly is Fessy getting revenge for? What did Amber do to him?

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

Yeah, I doubt they will put in Fessy because a lot of the guys are scared of him physically and I can't think of any girl that intimidates the others right now.

They shouldn't be now that elimination is not a requirement.

In the previous seasons, I think Fessy was spared the typical rookie treatment that they're giving the rookies on this season, because it was a requirement to go into elimination to have a possibility of winning the game. Fessy is physically intimidating, so everyone wanted to make sure Fessy was out of the way for their turn to go into elimination. Now, no one is required to go in. Take the shot. Throw him in. He might lose. If he wins, throw him in again. This is a season where you can throw in others to do the dirty work.

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

Hughie heckling Corey L was cracking me up. I can’t believe he dropped the key because he was fighting so much. But doing the splits to get it back and Amber flipping over the pole was too good. Good for both of them for winning.

That was hilarious! I was like "Hughie, this is not the time. YOU'RE WINNING!"

I couldn't believe he was stopping to fight with Corey during an elimination... while he's winning! 🤣🤣

Hughie gave me the most laughs this episode. Fighting with Corey, and him being scared about the heights over water challenge. You can see the fear in his face and his reactions are hilarious. Ashley telling him "I don't give a fuck. Get your ass up there" was also hilarious!

When Big T cries because she's afraid of heights, my heart breaks for her but with Hughie, it's so funny.

  • LOL 2
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Just now, LaurelleJ said:

Made him look bad because he dumped her as a partner and she won with CT while the partner he screwed her over to get couldn't finish the final. 

That's his dumbass fault. Nobody made him switch. He didn't bother getting to know her and learning the fact that she happened to be the fastest runner with the most endurance out of all the girls (and I think she outran everyone including the guys) or the fact that she's kinda scrappy and can win.

  • Love 7
41 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

Kyle, totally not buying that you got confused in the heat of the moment. That was ridiculous, and Kyle has proven to be a snake in the game before. Thought that was going to end up with Kyle being in the elimination but then Amber B came up. By the end of the episode, I had forgotten that it happened.  I think if it were Hughie and Bettina, then Corey L and Michelle win. I'm disappointed, I liked that team. 

I thought for sure they would have picked Bettina to go in.

Kyle knew what he was doing. He wanted to win. I don't understand Kyle. Kyle is a pretty likable guy. Kyle and Tori are the only two people (that I can think of) that split their social game and political game. For most people, that's one and the same. Kyle's social game is amazing! People love him personally but his political game is fucking terrible. He can't translate that personal love into loyalty in the game. He screws over people that would genuinely be willing to play the game with him, and gets his feelings hurt when they are all of a sudden not willing to anymore.

I'm with you, by the end of the episode, I forgot all about the drama with Kyle.

  • Love 7

I heard that the ratings have been lower than usual. I don't think the show is going anywhere, and I think tonight's episode might bring back viewers.

Fessy continues to work on being the biggest asshole on the show . . .  and with Devin and Josh as regulars, that's some feat. I can see Esther tanking a mission so a guy could steal her away from Fessy. He's become that toxic . . . and when he and Josh were comparing dick sizes (as Teege texted quietly), Fessy managed to look like as big a moron as Josh.

Seriously . . . while I think Amber lucked her way into winning last season, it would have sucked for her to lose in the Lair with Hughie as her partner. I don't think he's useless, but he's just so tiring. He actually admitted voted for himself and Ashley last week . . . to other people. While Ashley was standing there. I'm not an Ashley fan, but I liked her telling Hughie, "I love ya, but no" when he was asked if he wanted to switch partners. I'd be shocked if she didn't refer to him as a "leprechaun" at least once.

Also messed up: by way of missions played, Jay is the best contestant from Survivor. That's over three former champs and Michaela.

Dyle . . . no. Just  . . . no. Naturally, Kyle winds up screwing Devin, but then Amber picks Kyle as her new partner, so he's okay. I'm still irritated with him. Way too thirsty for Johnny's clout.

Ashley has gone from Hughie to Josh. Not much improvement. Meanwhile, I think Emy will cheer up when she hears the music played as the wind blows from one of Gabo's ears to the other.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, AntFTW said:

2) Messy Fuckin' Fessy! This is the most drama Fessy has ever caused in a single season. This was more drama than when he got himself voted into elimination against Nelson. I fail to understand why he feels so threatened by Amber.


As others have pointed out, I think it is because she won and he did not.  Granted that was his fault but when you have an ego the size of his, well sometimes you can't see the clouds from the trees (I totally did not mean to sound like Dr. Phil right there.).  Also the core of that alliance was and always will be Fessy, Josh, and Kaycee.  Amber, as she realized, is just a number to Fessy and Kaycee.  I do think Josh actually likes Amber and wants to work with her and it is not just because of her being one of the best female athletes on the show.

Plus Fessy and Kaycee are probably always going to have each other's backs even over Josh because they were on the same season of Big Brother and people tend to form stronger bonds with people who they were in the fox hole with so to speak.

I have to say, Amber looked crazy hot in that blue dress at the club.  She always looks good, but that was just next level.

I went from not liking Kyle when he first showed up to having him be one of my favorite players.  I love how he will snake anyone and often without any reason and he does give some of the funnier talking heads. 


  • Love 8

I think Fessy and Kaycee also didn't have a problem throwing Amber in because as much as they are aligned with Josh, they see Josh and Amber as a strong team. No way will the two of them sit back and let Amber get too far in the game, where she can eventually partner with CT and try to repeat last season, or another strong guy. Remember, CT and Amber were SO far ahead of everyone else in the previous final. Amber plus a strong guy equals major competition at the final, and they can't have that. Oh I'm throwing Amber in because EYE can't trust HER. Well she clearly can't trust you bud, and neither can anyone else in the house. First Nelson, now Josh. Fessy is the new Kyle. 

Edited by LaurelleJ
  • Love 10
5 hours ago, BK1978 said:

As others have pointed out, I think it is because she won and he did not.  Granted that was his fault but when you have an ego the size of his, well sometimes you can't see the clouds from the trees (I totally did not mean to sound like Dr. Phil right there.).  Also the core of that alliance was and always will be Fessy, Josh, and Kaycee.  Amber, as she realized, is just a number to Fessy and Kaycee.  I do think Josh actually likes Amber and wants to work with her and it is not just because of her being one of the best female athletes on the show.

Plus Fessy and Kaycee are probably always going to have each other's backs even over Josh because they were on the same season of Big Brother and people tend to form stronger bonds with people who they were in the fox hole with so to speak.

I have to say, Amber looked crazy hot in that blue dress at the club.  She always looks good, but that was just next level.

I went from not liking Kyle when he first showed up to having him be one of my favorite players.  I love how he will snake anyone and often without any reason and he does give some of the funnier talking heads. 


I don’t disagree with any of that.

  • Love 2
29 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

Amber plus a strong guy equals major competition at the final, and they can't have that.

Well, a strong guy whose a well rounded player.

She needs a guy like CT that can do the puzzles and math really fast, because that’s not her strong suit at all, and who can also be a garbage disposal for eating challenge.

38 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

Oh I'm throwing Amber in because EYE can't trust HER. Well she clearly can't trust you bud, and neither can anyone else in the house. First Nelson, now Josh. Fessy is the new Kyle. 

Fessy said in the aftershow that him and Amber never sat down and talked about working together. He says he didn’t really make the effort to talk to her and patch things up so therefore he still didn’t trust her.

I had no real opinion of Amber until the final challenge last season. Now I like her and I’m glad she’s back especially now because she’s an underdog, which she shouldn’t be. Even though she’s a Challenge champ now, she needs to up her political game. She’s still kind of a political rookie. She has political capital. She just needs to know how to spend it beyond the BS big brother alliance.

As a side note, Fessy said once that Amber lucked into her win. Funny enough, I kinda think Fessy lucked into the final challenges he’s been in.

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

Well, a strong guy whose a well rounded player.

She needs a guy like CT that can do the puzzles and math really fast, because that’s not her strong suit at all, and who can also be a garbage disposal for eating challenge.

Absolutely. I consider a strong player as a well rounded player. Doesn't matter to me if you are big and strong, if you lose your mind at puzzles, or are scared of the eating challenges. 


12 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

Fessy said in the aftershow that him and Amber never sat down and talked about working together. He says he didn’t really make the effort to talk to her and patch things up so therefore he still didn’t trust her.

So Amber talked to Josh, she talked to Kaycee, but never talked to Fessy. He had the plan to get her out as soon as he saw her come in. 


16 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

As a side note, Fessy said once that Amber lucked into her win. Funny enough, I kinda think Fessy lucked into the final challenges he’s been in.

100% agree. He threw himself in when he saw it was a hall brawl. No one wanted to go against him in case it was another hall brawl. He got lucky, but I think he has proven that he won't be a good partner in the final. He doesn't have to worry about getting stolen, but if he makes it to the end, history will repeat itself because he will try to dump his partner. 

  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

So Amber talked to Josh, she talked to Kaycee, but never talked to Fessy. He had the plan to get her out as soon as he saw her come in. 


I think that’s because Amber relied on Josh as the go-between or as the messenger. I feel like Josh told Amber “don’t worry about Fessy because he’s loyal to me” and Josh also told Fessy “trust me, don’t worry about Amber she’s loyal to me so she won’t target you” or something to that effect.

I can see the possibility that Josh overplayed his hand and thought he had that under control. Amber trusted Josh on that but Fessy, not so much.

That seems like the most plausible scenario to me. Obviously, there’s A LOT that they cut and that we probably don’t see but the little bit we do see is Josh being a messenger in the middle with him practically begging Fessy not to throw Amber in at one point.

Edited by AntFTW
  • Useful 1
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My favorite part was Fessy miserable when Amber won.  Fessy’s misery will always make me happy.  But I confess I also loved watching Josh realize yet again that his brilliant mastermind puppeteering, his position as Master and Commander of the challenge contestants, is nothing but a complete delusion in his own mind. So satisfying for me!  Great episode 

  • LOL 4
  • Love 13

Never thought I'd be lamenting Michele's departure, but here we are. She seemed to be implying that there was something physically wrong with their locks (as in, an equipment malfunction). I'm curious what came of that. Obviously nothing, but she did seem pretty insistent something was up with the equipment vs she and Corey couldn't get the timing right.

Boy, for all the hay made about the Survivor alliance, they sure fizzled out quickly.

Josh has these weird "a stopped clock is right twice a day" moments of strategic brilliance, and his advice to Devin was one of them. Then he couldn't resist going into "meatball" mode with Fessy.

I can't think of any girl that intimidates the others right now.

Kaycee is pretty intimidating. Former football player, lots of brute strength, quickness. I'm not sure many women would want to face her.

  • Love 5


19 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Josh has these weird "a stopped clock is right twice a day" moments of strategic brilliance, and his advice to Devin was one of them. Then he couldn't resist going into "meatball" mode with Fessy.

Yes, lost in the sauce yesterday was the weird alliance of Josh and Devin. I can't decide whether I like it or not. Standby. 

  • LOL 3
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:


Yes, lost in the sauce yesterday was the weird alliance of Josh and Devin. I can't decide whether I like it or not. Standby. 

The worst part was that merged photo showing Dyal.  Ugh!

And I’ve never had a problem with Kaycee until this episode.  What a snake in the grass…almost as bad as Fessy.   When Josh looks good, you know you suck.  

  • LOL 3
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I love Hughie and his butt implants! I’m sad to see his pairing with Ashley end. I know everyone hates Ashley, but I find her funny, and seeing her exasperation with Hughie has been great. Her encouragements/admonishments are all done with a smile and while laughing. It’s telling that she and Hughie get along well. 

Devin and Josh’s alliance being based solely on them acknowledging they can’t beat any strong competitor in a final is actually quite admirable. I still hate Josh, but at least he’s not quite as boring as Fessy and Kaycee(by far the most boring person in the show’s history). 

I was wrong about Michelle going far. The producers must really like her to feature her so much as an early boot. I was torn between rooting for her and Hughie in this elimination. But ultimately pulled more for the entertainment of Hughie. 

This season has been good, but the vets cast is really weak. The rookies are strong and more interesting than the majority of vets. I like CT,Kyle,Ashley, and Devin. That’s it. Nelson is hit and miss. Never liked Corey. 

  • Love 5

I liked that Hughie and Corey at least made peace before he left. Hughie cracked me up. He seems scared and like he won't do well, but maybe he's one of those people that performs well with his back against the wall. He was like that too on the daily when they had to swim into the cave. He was terrified but got it done once he got in the water.

TJ gave me life when he started looking at his phone during the Fessy/Josh argument. Ugh Fessy. He's the worst. I'm glad Amber won. The way they hyped up the whole Kyle/Devin thing I kept thinking that Fessy would try to get those two in an elimination. 

I said it before and I'll say it again, the rookies are dumb that they didn't team up from the beginning to not vote for each other.

What was wrong with Emy at the end? It looked like she needed help coming down the stairs and was leaning on Gabo (who is adorable by the way). 

  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

What was wrong with Emy at the end? It looked like she needed help coming down the stairs and was leaning on Gabo (who is adorable by the way). 

My guess--another paroxysm of emotionality at losing Devin/becoming part of a rookie-rookie team.  She may be strong, but she is not very stoic emotionally.

Michele, I don't mind you (though you and Tommy should have stuck strong with Michaela IMHO), but I was glad Amber won.  But it was kind of funny when Emanuel ran down to give you a kiss goodbye, and you said it meant so much that someone cared that you lost a chance at a (second) million dollars.  No, I think Emanuel wants that for himself, but I'm pretty sure his feelings for you, at least as someone he likes a lot, are genuine.  

Big T and uh, is it Logan?, having that little cabana in the middle of the pool as their special place.  cute.

Damn you Fessy making me side with Josh!  Augh!

I'm thinking Amber was at least contemplating going back with CT because of last season, but followed his hintful pointing at Devin and Josh's bellowed guidance.

  • Love 6

Again, both daily challenge and elimination, they put some thought into it and came up with creative designs.  Not to mention they actually had to build or implement the games, requiring more effort on the crew.

Esther is under the radar, not physically imposing (though she threw fast balls at Fessy with accuracy, which allowed them to win the previous daily) but she's got good puzzle/memory skills.

As for the failed BB alliance, Amber knew she was #4.  And Fessy thought Kaycee was the best woman athletically, though he got mad at her for getting injured.  So I don't know why they are still loyal to each other.  Fessy blamed her for getting injured and she didn't want to quit but Fessy wouldn't eat.

Actually that obstacle course in the elimination probably favors smaller people, with shorter arms and flexibility to climb up, over and through some of the portions.

That might be one of the few elimination games where that's the case, being larger is a disadvantage.

I think the vets will keep targeting rookies despite the blowup in this episode.  Only Amber was the non rookie out of the 4 players in the elimination.

Michele is photogenic and seems reasonably athletic.  Sounds like they will have her back.

Hughie is emotional but he's more athletic than he seems.

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, aghst said:

I think the vets will keep targeting rookies despite the blowup in this episode.  Only Amber was the non rookie out of the 4 players in the elimination.

Yup. That's why they created a new rookie-rookie team. Fessy broke that "Veteran Truce" and he won't be punished for it like Tori supposedly would have been last week if she chose a vet instead of Berna.

  • Love 3

it feels so weird to find myself agreeing with Josh. I do like Devin's (I'm just assuming it was entirely his idea) to have an alliance of essentially non-dominate guys. Keep your numbers, all go into the final and have a shot. Makes some sense.

Fessy is such an idiot--or has decided to just play stupid as a means to get invited back for drama. He always makes an unnecessarily divisive move overly early in the game. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, RedbirdNelly said:

it feels so weird to find myself agreeing with Josh. I do like Devin's (I'm just assuming it was entirely his idea) to have an alliance of essentially non-dominate guys. Keep your numbers, all go into the final and have a shot. Makes some sense.

Fessy is such an idiot--or has decided to just play stupid as a means to get invited back for drama. He always makes an unnecessarily divisive move overly early in the game. 

I’m taking the position that Fessy won’t get any blowback from putting Amber in. The thing about Fessy’s move is that I don’t think people care enough about Amber even though she’s a vet by their definition. Even though she’s a Challenge Champ, she’s only done 1 season. If Fessy decided to throw in Aneesa, Ashley or CT (or any other player that has done a few seasons) there may have been more of an uproar and shock for Fessy to put a target on his back.

Devin’s plan is a solid one and he’s right, also assuming that it was 100% his plan. Then you have people like Kyle who said on the after show that he didn’t wanna drop Fessy in the daily challenge because it was likely that Fessy would win again and he basically didn’t wanna piss off Fessy. Kyle’s mentality throws plans like Devin’s out the window.

Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 3
25 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

Devin’s plan is a solid one and he’s right, also assuming that it was 100% his plan. Then you have people like Kyle who said on the after show that he didn’t wanna drop Fessy in the daily challenge because it was likely that Fessy would win again and he basically didn’t wanna piss off Fessy. Kyle’s mentality throws plans like Devin’s out the window.

Wow. This actually makes Kyle's move a bit more sensible. No use in pissing off Fessy because clearly he has a long memory. If Kyle knew the chances of him and Devin winning this mission were slim, then go ahead and make that choice. Maybe Kyle pulled Devin to the side and explained his rationale, because I thought Devin kind of forgave him quickly and easily. But that could have also been editing. But it makes perfect sense for the less athletic guys to stick together. Make the more athletic guys take each other out. The final is just as mental as it is physical. 

Edited by LaurelleJ
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

Maybe Kyle pulled Devin to the side and explained his rationale, because I thought Devin kind of forgave him quickly and easily.

I think that the circumstances make it so that Devin doesn't really have a choice. Devin can't let a rift occur in the group. That makes them easy divide and conquer targets... and it also could be editing like you said LOL. On the podcast, they said Devin was actually heartbroken that Kyle did that and that Devin cried. Devin and Kyle are apparently actual friends. For Kyle, friendship in this game means nothing unless Kyle needs something.

8 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

But it makes perfect sense for the less athletic guys to stick together. Make the more athletic guys take each other out. The final is just as mental as it is physical. 

I feel like that should be the starting plan. This should also apply to the women. Josh should get on board with this plan as well. Josh seems more athletic than Devin but Josh's chances of winning a final, if he makes it there, are also not high.

Even Kelz at the beginning of the season was like "ONLY I CAN TAKE OUT FESSY!"


However, everyone is in a bubble. Their starting thought is the final challenge and themselves in it, because there is no other possibility. To build on this dream of them being in the final, assuming it's a two-person team final, who will be by their side that can carry them to the win as they claim that final prize money. Even for the less athletic women, they believe a big strong muscly guy will get them to that win at the end so they will protect the more athletic men (would pick CT or Fessy over Devin for a final any day of the week). For the less athletic men, a strong woman will be the ones to take them to that win (like with Kyle and Aneesa last season or Josh throwing Aneesa into elimination in season 35). While thinking of the final, they lose sight of the politics that it takes to get there. While thinking about step #2 (win the final), they forget step #1 which is make it to the final.


Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

Wow. This actually makes Kyle's move a bit more sensible. No use in pissing off Fessy because clearly he has a long memory.

It really wasn't because he Fessy wasn't winning, Devin was. He could have dropped one of the other teams and still not do anything to Fessy. He would have come out of it with his best friend winning.

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1 hour ago, RedbirdNelly said:

also--I agree that Fessy won't get huge blowback on tossing in Amber except that he has solidified his "unreliable/can't trust him" reputation which makes it easier for others to target him.

The Fessy situation is different than with Tori. Chances are that Fessy would win any physical challenge so they can't just throw him in because he would come back. His reputation for throwing friends and allies over does make him a target but they will have to wait for a elimination challenge that they think is not physical to throw him in. The agency will have to do it and if they can pair him with a 'weaker' female they will. 

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, xfuse said:

The Fessy situation is different than with Tori. Chances are that Fessy would win any physical challenge so they can't just throw him in because he would come back. His reputation for throwing friends and allies over does make him a target but they will have to wait for a elimination challenge that they think is not physical to throw him in. The agency will have to do it and if they can pair him with a 'weaker' female they will. 

If he wins, throw him in again assuming everyone is on board with that plan to follow through with it. So far the guys that have been eliminated seem like people that would win physical eliminations (specifically, Kelz and Corey). Fessy is not to be excluded. He can lose. Most games haven't been physical.

Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 2
8 hours ago, xfuse said:

It really wasn't because he Fessy wasn't winning, Devin was. He could have dropped one of the other teams and still not do anything to Fessy. He would have come out of it with his best friend winning.

Ah I didn't see this, didn't know that Devin was winning. Damn you Kyle. 

1 hour ago, AntFTW said:

If he wins, throw him in again assuming everyone is on board with that plan to follow through with it. So far the guys that have been eliminated seem like people that would win physical eliminations (specifically, Kelz and Corey). Fessy is not to be excluded. He can lose. Most games haven't been physical.

That's a great point. Eliminations this season have been great, and other than the very first, have not required one to be the biggest or strongest. I would be interested to see if Fessy goes in, who would he pick as a partner, or would he stay with current partner. 

Edited by LaurelleJ
  • Love 1
57 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

Ah I didn't see this, didn't know that Devin was winning. Damn you Kyle.

In my opinion, it's unclear that Devin was winning among everyone in their heat but my understand is that he was at least ahead of Kyle. No one really specified or stated who was in the lead while the game was happening. My understanding of their plan was to not sabotage the teams that are ahead so that any of the vet teams in their heat could win the overall challenge with the best time. I'm thinking that Devin and Emy were one of the teams that were ahead. On top of that, Devin and Kyle are supposedly each other's #1, so that's a double whammy for Devin.

Truthfully, there's no indication that anyone else other than Kyle and Devin was participating in this plan. Tori was telling Kyle to knock out Fessy and Esther and that throws me off as to who was a part of this plan. Fessy and Esther won the challenge so they had to somewhat be ahead of other teams, or ahead of everyone so why knock them off... if the goal is to have a team with a vet win the daily challenge.

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At least the way it was edited, it seemed like Esther was just faster (I typed it "Fasther," heh) at getting the last code and unlocking.  They cut in scenes of her running with scenes of Kyle running and then looking like he had to go back?  So maybe Amanda was almost there also but he just blew it.  Or, y'know, not, because of editing.  

Forgot to mention Priscilla [Ed.: Berna] saying it was problematic for her because she normally says points and--lines, I think?--instead of dots and dashes.  First of all, dot and dash are from Morse code, not US words for the punctuation marks--we'd say "period" for the dot.  But why couldn't she just say point and line and at least see if her partner got it okay, if it really was confusing her to "translate" it to dot dash?

It was funny Amanda yelling to shore rather than using the walkie-talkie (or in this case crab crawl upside downie-talkie).

Oh, speaking of which, in the long shot--Gabo just flying across the grid--that was impressive!

Edited by Jobiska
got the name wrong!
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