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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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Is Britini still clueless about being the target this week? I would turn it on to check but I literally cannot listen to Kyland ever again and between tonight and tomorrow, it's going to be a one-on-one marathon session with him. I'm practicing self care and staying away from the rest of his HoH reign barring house meetings or bad haircuts or whatever. (Feel free to call me on my shit in six hours when I'm bitching about listening to Kyland.)

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Tiff: mmm hmmm.
Tiff: mmm hmmm.

Britini is trying as hard as she can, as energetically as you might expect, and Tiffany could not be more disinterested. She finally broke away by saying she had to go to the bathroom.

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I would be 100% good with an X win especially if he's next to Ky or Derek F, I just don't see how the women's game's even Azah's isn't better without them. I think it's question mark  how much better she'd do, but she'd be equally attractive/dangerous to take to a final whether with a CO or non CO, but probably not a great idea to put her next to you so it's kind of push for her between the two paths. Hannah and Tiff do best in F2 with one another, then possibly in F2 with Claire, and then Derek F, then Azah, but I'd rather lose to Azah than Derek F. I feel like sometime that's something the players don't ask themselves enough, and maybe that's why I do like the CO so much because they all decided we can handling losing, but only to one another. 

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Ky had a one on one with Derex, who looks more like Baby D right now. Damn, that haircut. Highlights:

  • Ky doesn’t understand the custom of voting with the HoH. The HoH is the most vulnerable once their week is up, so they should spend their time picking the brains of their underlings. (Basically what he said)
  • Ky wants to sit next to a real competitor at the end. He would rather lose to Paul than to Josh. He definitely doesn’t want to sit next to Victoria. In a final 3, he would choose Baby D over Vict- er, SB.
  • Baby D doesn’t judge a strong player by comps, but rather by strategy. He would happily lose to a player who out-strategized him. (Foreshadowing!)
  • Baby D was worried about the Claire nom, because it looked like Ky was abandoning the Derectives. He also thought it looked like Ky was getting too close to X. Ky does his word cloud thing and hypnotizes Baby D into trusting him again.
  • They agree that X is crazy likable. Ky proposes trying to work with him, and Baby D agrees.
  • Ky had a conversation with Britini after he learned she accused him of reneging on a deal. He advised her that it would be better if “we” didn’t campaign against him right now. It would be better if we took a night and thought about it. Then, she could come after him if she wants, but it might not be the best move for us. But he’s totally not threatening her /us. (And now I really want Brit to win the vote so we /Ky can fail.)

I forgot to set the timer, but that clocked in at at LEAST 1 hour. My hat’s off to you, @Callaphera. I don’t know how you do it.

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

I forgot to set the timer, but that clocked in at at LEAST 1 hour. My hat’s off to you, @Callaphera. I don’t know how you do it.

You'd be surprised. There were a lot of times I thought talks went forever and the timer would only have it at like 27 minutes. It's the Kyland Effect - even though Frenchie started this stupid one-on-one business meeting nonsense back in the first week and it should technically be named after him but I'm still hung up on him lying about his kid being a Baby Robyn Kass. Of all the things this season has brought us, I still think that's at the top of the very small WTF pile. I'm still surprised at the lack of scandals from the HGs this season. Casting did a really good job.

I feel like I just Kyland'd this comment. FML it's spreading. The next symptom is making friends with women named Tara that you don't kiss.


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Good morning! All is quiet in BB land. Camera 1 shows Derek X asleep in the Cross bedroom, wearing his glasses. As a glasses wearer myself, it's hard to imagine sleeping in them because of bending or even breaking the frames. Or the front part of the glasses getting readjusted so the lens' distance from the eye changes. If you're always on your back I suppose not much happens, but I'm a side sleeper and it would be uncomfortable besides treacherous for my glasses. Derek is on his side now, but his back is to the camera so I can't see the effect on his glasses.

Camera 2 zooms out to show most of the Cross bedroom. The one on the left is Alyssa, I think. One of the others is Derek, I think he's on the bottom of the screen. I can't tell who the one on the right is. Maybe Claire.

Camera 3 shows Kyland alone in his HOH bed. The room is very tidy. I don't think anything is hanging from the orchid. Camera 4 shows another angle of HOH and the only belongings of Kyland's you see are his shoes neatly side by side.

Back to Camera 2 and the Cross bedroom. I'll let you know if anything happens.

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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

OK, I am seeing on BB chat that Britini assigned or called Sarah Beth "sloth" , and SB got mad and ran off. Did anyone see that? I guess they were assigning animals to each other. Britini likes sloths, so I don't think she meant it in a demeaning way. I guess the game started around 9:00 last night.

You can call me a sloth😎  I thought I could be a finalist in "The Laziest Man" Competition, but I think Deref will take the prize.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

It seemed like a joke on SB’s part. It was funny 

This clip and Britini's clip make me REALLY wish I had the feeds this season, not for the first time. I'm missing so much. 

But full disclosure - the #1 reason I don't have the feeds is that I know I'd be a feeds addict, up all night watching. No question. So I decided to only be addicted to this thread. Most of the time, it feels almost as good, till I see funny or interesting clips, then I start thinking, "I should get the feeds. I'm sure I could watch them moderately." 🤣🤣🤣

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59 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

This clip and Britini's clip make me REALLY wish I had the feeds this season, not for the first time. I'm missing so much. 

What’s kind of fascinating is the difference between this thread and the episode threads, in terms of player perception. Tiffany, for example, seems to be very disliked by most broadcast-only viewers, and there seems to be a growing consensus that this is one of the worst casts ever. Blame it on the editing, I guess? Because I think most people here think this is a great cast. (Me included.)

The episodes are just supplementary to me now. Sometimes I don’t even watch them for a couple of days after. I feel like I get the real show from the feeds (and here, via feeds reports).

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Claire, Derek X and Alyssa are having fun determining what kind of plants the house guests are. Xavier is a red oak. Britini is a strawberry plant. Claire is a fern. Whitney is a red rose. Travis is a hibiscus. Frenchie is a Venus fly trap. Brent is poison ivy. Tiffani is a sunflower. Claire says Kyland is grass. Alyssa says like the grass in the back yard. Derek says artificial turf.

Now they're doing gifts for under $50. Brent gets a sewer rat shirt and a DVD of Ratatouille. Big D gets a necklace with a diamond couch.

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12 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Aw they switch to the fun kitchen up to Kyland aka Grass talking to himself or someone else while moving his chess pieces around. He says that if Xavier does not win HOH he needs to go home. He's thinking of Xavier vs Derek X. 

If he isn't severely overthinking, then Kyland isn't thinking at all. 

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15 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Big argument that Victoria and Rachel can't be Queens if Beyonce and Rihanna are Queens. Janelle is a BB queen. But, according to Hannah, Tik-Tok defines a queen as a hot mess, so Victoria can be a queen.

Thus we have proof that TikTok is dumb and knows nothing, lol. 

Edited by HighQueenEB
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Looks like Derek F is going to do his one on ones in alphabetical order, starting with Alyssa. 

BUT, as Hannah was explaining, calling Victoria a queen is a Gen Z thing because she is the opposite of a queen. Gen Zers will make the least likeable person the most popular. The underachieving will get the most likes.

Edited by Lamb18

I feel like I should be watching these feeds instead of responding to stupid people sending me ridiculous work emails. I did one on one's with 2 of my staff today and couldn't help but think about how bad Kyland is at them. Are all the houseguest over him at this point?

As much as I am down for the Cookout, part of me wouldn't mind seeing Derek evicted just to see how everyone would react.

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18 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Derex and Claire are really catching on. Derex actually walked in on X and Tiff talking about evicted him. I wasn't sure if he heard but I think he might have because he seems to be buying a clue. 

Hopefully they know that the only way they can really make any sort of move is if a non-Cookout member wins HoH this week. Otherwise, what can they even do?

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Hello Big Brother Feedsters!

First off, we appreciate how dedicated and how passionate you are about the season. We all love commenting on the feeds and the episodes and it feeds into some great discussions. However, we are going to have to say that there is no live posting during the East Coast airings of the episodes in this thread. Besides the Thursdays live eviction, the feeds are still on during the episode so any live posting about the episodes on here would be technically off topic.

We understand that you are all excited to chat about the episode as it airs, but we are going to have to ask for no Live Posting during the episodes in this thread. Posts about the episode do not belong here. We typically only allow Live Posting for the premiere and the finale. 

You can save your comments for the episode thread once they unlock after each episode.

Thanks so much for your cooperation!

-Big Brother Mods

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42 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Well yea exactly. The only way they can do any damage is to win back-to-back HOHs. And I don’t think Claire is any good at comps. The steamroll is pretty much inevitable at this point unfortunately.

Even winning just THIS ONE HoH could theoretically change the game. But they won't. It'll be X. 

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Otherwise, what can they even do?

I mean they can do a lot and you never know what might work, and even if it doesn't at least they tried. I think Claire/DereX have pretty good reads on Hannah/Tiff despite not catching on to CO until it's smacking them in the face. The difficulty is pulling the right thread that makes the CO unravel w/o letting them know you know (now thinking of the Friends ep!) Don't tell them that we know that they know that we know! Also even though they've caught on that isn't the same as having the actual information (aka the interpersonal issues that have threatened the CO so far), so yeah I think they just have to exploit the lack of trust that any hammy takes through the game I'd work to exploit the Ky/Tiff conflict and heal the Azah/Tiff issues especially since they are both pretty fucking sick of Kyland.

But yeah Brit's prolly going home and then it's 6-4 so they are pretty much burnt toast, so they need to clue in Alyssa and SB now, make sure they lie it's 7-1 and then they have: Alyssa/SB/Claire/DereX/Azah boom she stays. That's a lot to do in less than 24 hours and they really really need to fake the funk as good as the CO has to them. 

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7 minutes ago, blixie said:

I mean they can do a lot and you never know what might work, and even if it doesn't at least they tried. I think Claire/DereX have pretty good reads on Hannah/Tiff despite not catching on to CO until it's smacking them in the face. The difficulty is pulling the right thread that makes the CO unravel w/o letting them know you know (now thinking of the Friends ep!) Don't tell them that we know that they know that we know! Also even though they've caught on that isn't the same as having the actual information (aka the interpersonal issues that have threatened the CO so far), so yeah I think they just have to exploit the lack of trust that any hammy takes through the game I'd work to exploit the Ky/Tiff conflict and heal the Azah/Tiff issues especially since they are both pretty fucking sick of Kyland.

LOL - are you in my head, blixie?  I had the exact same Friends "they don't know that we know!" quote going through my head when I threw out my hypothetical "how do Derex/Claire" break up the CO without letting on that they KNOW about the CO last weekend!  I'm not sure how aware they are of they Ky/Tiff conflict, but I'd absolutely lie my ass off to the CO members when I threw two of them up there (make Tiff, X and Azah choose amongst themselves since none of them have been on the block yet) and tell them they are both pawns, the real target is SB (with Alyssa as the backup should SB win the POV).   

The absolute worse case scenario is that the Roulette Replacement Wheel selects Claire or Derex as the replacement nom but the odds of that happening are 1 in 10 and I'd take those odds.  Next worse case scenario is that you wind up with Alyssa & SB on the block together (one as the Roulette Replacement nom, the other as a POV replacement nom) and at least then the CO gets what they want in sending SB out the door next week.  Any other scenario has a higher odds of happening (two CO members on the block) and your best case scenario results in X and Ky on the block together.  

But, you have to convince the CO that your target is SB for as long as possible and not let on that you'd like to see one of the CO go until you've managed to get two of them on the block.  The other possible nominations from a Claire/Derex HOH would be Deref & Azah, on the pretext that they've never worked with them or been allied with them, but I think the rest of the CO would do whatever they need to do in order to keep the entire CO safe, which leads me to conclude that telling the CO that my target is SB with Alyssa as backup is the best way to play this.

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47 minutes ago, blixie said:

But yeah Brit's prolly going home and then it's 6-4 so they are pretty much burnt toast, so they need to clue in Alyssa and SB now, make sure they lie it's 7-1 and then they have: Alyssa/SB/Claire/DereX/Azah boom she stays. That's a lot to do in less than 24 hours and they really really need to fake the funk as good as the CO has to them. 

Azah is never going to vote Derek F out over Britni. The best Claire and Derek could get this week is a tie with Kyland breaking the tie to vote out Britni and then losing any possible element of surprise.

Their only shot is winning HoH this week and hopefully turn the CO against each other this week. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Heh. I'm still confused about everything to do with High Rollers so I'm confused about how that week works, there is still a Veto so is the Veto holder off the table for Roulette Replacement Nom? If it's non CO HoH might be better to nom two non CO's so at least one of them is off the table and then your down to mostly CO's for the wheel, right? RIGHT?! This is when the math gets weird for me, and by weird I mean too hard. I guess you want the scenario that makes the most amount of CO's on the wheel the least amount of CO's who can vote.



Azah is never going to vote Derek F out over Britni.

Oh I thought there was actual game talk on the feeds amongst the CO about letting her give Brit a sympathy vote. 

Edited by blixie
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Tiff/X will snuff it out

heh now I always have hope, at least when it's not a bro down. ::fondly remembers when June put Ally Irwin on the block and she went to work campaigning:: truly amazing and hilarious. Jun v. Ally is the only BB face off I have no idea who I'd have voted for, and because I haven't watched every season is that the last time it was woman player v. woman player F2?

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I guess it's the halfway party tonight? I bet nobody gets wasted like they used to. Boo. I want another drunken Grandma Meg situation. All I'm going to get is Deref crying over Frenchie's face on a leftover piece of memory wall cake. Maaaybe Alyssa Lady-Thing callously devouring Christian's Girly-Girl's face while she giggle hair flips about her ex some more. Actually that last one could be fun.

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Deref and Alyssa are cleaning the pantry, getting rid of the spoiled and expired food. WON’T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE ANTS?

Meanwhile, Britini continues to spiral and try to make it all make sense. She is blaming herself for previous week mistakes. Azah makes robotic “mm hmm” noises and inwardly begs for this to be over so she can stop feeling guilty and 

KITTENS! I don’t know why there would be kittens now, but they are adorable.

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Back from kittens, and Britini still thinks she has a chance because people are listening to her and telling her she makes good points. She does not yet realize they are just humoring her. She wants to talk to Ky again to tell him thanks for letting her campaign? or something. Azah crawls under her pillow and just wants someone to kill her now.

Tiff and Hannah wash dishes while Alyssa rearranges the refrigerator. Claire is sweeping. Must be housecleaning night. X is walking around the kitchen but appears to be doing nothing. 

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It’s the Big Blue Couch! They let Britini sing the theme song. Then Tiff sings while Brit conducts. 

They tell tales of HoH room. Tiffany says she spent 5 hours up there and told all her secrets. Deref wonders if Chex mix and Froot Loops were involved. Someone says it’s like being in detention. Tiff does an impression of paranoid Ky checking for eavesdroppers in the shower, under pillows, etc. “Would you like M&Ms? No? Take four, you’ll need them.” 

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Oh FFS, Azah is again asking Ky about the HoH comp. “Did you not think I was fit for it?” But that’s ok, she prayed on it and she’s over it. 

BUT she still doesn’t understand. But she’s not bitter. But she would like to know why he did that. Although she’s moved past it. But maybe he could explain it again, in simple terms? 

He tries: It’s not that he didn’t think she was capable of making good decisions. He just didn’t think of it in binary, yes/no terms. (Whatever that means.) As for their conversational disconnect, he thinks it’s more honest to tell her ALL the thoughts in his head that led to a decision, and that’s why he can’t be brief and to the point like she wants.

And Feeds Operator thinks this is as pointless as I do, because he sends us back to the Big Blue Couch, where they are discussing past HGs. Britini thinks she and Brittany would get along really well. She likes Natalie from 18. Tiff prefers James. Alyssa thinks she would get along with Da’vonne. X would be friends with Cody, and Victor. They all think they would get along with Enzo. Nobody wants to know Christine, or Nicole F. 

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

On one feed: Kyland Kylanding.
On the other feed: Britini singing.


Azah: "Personal game information."
Christmas and Da'Vonne somewhere in the world: triggered.

Callaphera - at some point, you have to choose to save yourself.  You can do it!  It's only maybe 15 hours until the feeds are off until after tomorrow night's show.  Just close the browser and step away from the computer.  Fight the temptation to tune in for more Kylanding.  Fight the temptation to tune in for more Azah not understanding (though, to be honest, after watching Sunday's episode, I'm with Azah in not really understanding his logic in not throwing it to her).  Fight the temptation to tune in for more of Britini in denial that she's going (though, to be honest, I give her and Christian props for two straight weeks of not rolling over and letting death take them).  You can do it!  We believe in you!  Save yourself!!!!!

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Deref and Tiffany were arguing in the storage room about something (Deref keeps talking about her tone - I think it's still over the whole Britini thing during last week with Christian) loud enough that Azah warned them to keep their voices down. Deref is apologizing and talking about mutual respect. Tiffany still has that directness that she gets when she's over your shit. This is extremely brave of Deref to do while on the block and I know they're not going to break up the Cookout early because of this but at least the show has some footage of another maybe-but-not-really eleventh hour vote flip for tomorrow's show.

Britini, Claire, Derex, and Hannah are listening at the storage room now. Someone kicked something and made too much noise so they ran back and whispered for a bit before coming back to listen again.

Hannah keeps directing traffic. "They're talking about each other's moms." she says. "I don't feel like I should listen." Deref was talking about Tiffany reminding him of his mom and respect and blah blah blah. Claire said she had been listening for awhile because she had been coming from the bathroom and heard them. Hannah took them back into the coral room to give them privacy to fight. Smart move on Hannah's part whether intentional or not. Shitty for Britini, Derex, and Claire who might be able to piece some things together.

ETA: Tiffany went to her bed in the hall bedroom after the fight. Hannah walked up and explained how she chased everyone away so they didn't hear anything. So yeah, props to Hannah for being quick enough to get the other three away from there.

Edited by Callaphera
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Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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