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BB Anticipation: New Season, New Houseguests

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1 hour ago, vb68 said:

Woah. What happened with Marvin?

That's super disappointing. I was hoping for a different perspective with Marvin being from Nigeria than we usually get on this show.

I don't remember them yanking someone right after their intro video but before the show started. I wonder if they caught him breaking a rule like trying to communicate with another player or something.  

Per the comments on the Big Brother FB post announcing Marvin's replacement - he was on AGT season 17, so the speculation is that there was some contract issue.

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33 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Per the comments on the Big Brother FB post announcing Marvin's replacement - he was on AGT season 17, so the speculation is that there was some contract issue.

Now I have to know what kind of talent we may have missed. Would he have done card tricks for the camera? Sung everyone to sleep with a gentle lullaby? Done back flips off the roof through hoops of fire?? Aw, Marvin. We hardly knew ye.

2 hours ago, vb68 said:

The only thing I have so far is that I just can't take someone who goes by "Pooch" seriously even by BB standards. Just no.

Oh, and boy do they like the name Brittany. If there isn't another Nicole, there has to be a Brittany. It's like an unofficial rule.

The Brittany thing is not really surprising. There was a stretch of time where I think it was a law that every 3rd baby girl had to be named Brittany/ Britney. 

As for Poochie…  the name keeps reminding me of Frenchie, when it’s not making me think of this:


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5 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Now I have to know what kind of talent we may have missed. Would he have done card tricks for the camera? Sung everyone to sleep with a gentle lullaby? Done back flips off the roof through hoops of fire?? Aw, Marvin. We hardly knew ye.

Alright, you asked for it, but I'm warning you, it's cringeworthy, hilarious and completely WTF!

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5 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

We are never, ever, ever getting back together rid of the albatross that is Derrick Levasseur. Never. I could cry.

Derrick was unlikeable and annoying as hell but his strategy won him the game. These people care for the money so it's natural they will try to use a successful strategy. I can't blame them to be honest.

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3 hours ago, escape said:

Is Derrick his favorite player too? Is this just a lateral move? Probably.

48 minutes ago, vb68 said:

And they didn't realize that until the 11th Hour? SMH.

It's Big Brother. We're lucky they didn't realize as he was stepping foot inside the house.

17 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

Derrick was unlikeable and annoying as hell but his strategy won him the game. These people care for the money so it's natural they will try to use a successful strategy. I can't blame them to be honest.

Just thought you should know that I read your name and start singing it to "Summer Breeze" by Seals & Crofts.

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Seems a little light on bros, but casting photos can be misleading.  Maybe this is the season of the power girl alliance.  Ha!  Who am I kidding....they'll be working for the showmance in hopes of the Rachel Reilly, Nicole Franzel, or <<shudder>> Swayleigh influencer fame.  Blech.

I see one obvious first out.  I'm not seeing the 47yo bus driver relating well with the marketing rep, interior designer, personal trainer, private flight attendant, entrepreneur types.  I could be wrong...from his photo he looks nice, and as a bus driver he needs to read people quickly and defuse situations.  If he survives the first vote where he'll be chosen as the obvious outsider, he might have time to work some magic and hold on.  Until a wall comp.

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 I don't feel like most of them care about the money.  If they did, they wouldn't vote with the house to further someone else's game.  Or worse, to keep things chill.  I get sick of the egomaniacs who think everyone else is there to help them win and the spineless sycophants that do their bidding and are just happy for the "privilege" of making it to jury.  They have to be intentionally casting these weak willed fools to foster along their chosen winner. 

 As for being dropped at the last minute, if AGT is really the issue my guess is he lied on his application about being on other reality shows and no one in BB casting watches AGT (or the person who vetted him was a straight guy that went for a beer when he was flexing).  Either AGT called the minute they saw him to complain about contract violations, he did something to piss AGT off and they dropped a dime on him or someone immediately posted his audition and he was sacked for lying to BB. 

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5 hours ago, DEL901 said:

And the lawyer with the pink cat shirt…. Um, yeah. 

The ghost of Andy Herren (and his endless whining about being an underrated winner that was totally against all the horrible things said during his season) continues to haunt the Big Brother house.

re: Kyle the not!Ken doll. Maybe if I were on my 9th beer? And I was squinting? In a dark bar? And I had eye problems? But I peeped the hometown, had to do a double take (we also have a Bountiful in B.C. and it's where the creepy FLDS families marry their daughters) and now I assume he's an militant virgin who lives with Mommy and wears temple undergarments and only drinks Diet Coke so the drunk in the dark bar scenario no longer applies. No one tell me if I'm wrong, I'm too amused by my invented backstory now.

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7 hours ago, vb68 said:

Woah. What happened with Marvin?

That's super disappointing. I was hoping for a different perspective with Marvin being from Nigeria than we usually get on this show.

I don't remember them yanking someone right after their intro video but before the show started. I wonder if they caught him breaking a rule like trying to communicate with another player or something.  

Could just be he flicked his final Covid test…

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12 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Could just be he flicked his final Covid test…

I don’t see how that could be. Unless I’m mistaken, they’re sequestered in a hotel for about 2 weeks before the show starts. I don’t think they can even leave their rooms. Where is anybody going to pick up Covid, unless they’re breaking free somehow and licking the elevator buttons? 

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50 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I don’t see how that could be. Unless I’m mistaken, they’re sequestered in a hotel for about 2 weeks before the show starts. I don’t think they can even leave their rooms. Where is anybody going to pick up Covid, unless they’re breaking free somehow and licking the elevator buttons? 

Or sneaking out and breaking quarantine.  

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12 hours ago, vb68 said:

I don't remember them yanking someone right after their intro video but before the show started. 

It happened just last season with Christy, although I think we found out she was replaced like the next day as opposed to 3 hours later lol.

I haven't watched or read any interviews. It just seems pointless since it starts tonight. But based on pics I think everyone is boring and there are no attractive men yet again lol.

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It's so good to read how many of them will go with the house vote, lol. Never change, BB.

Indy is already annoying.

Daniel the "insanely loud" projecting Vegas Performer is going to blow out all our eardrums in the Diary Room talking heads.

The lawyer guy who plans to eat all the food, and not sleep, is really going to win over the other HGs.

I do like that many of them are older.

Edited by CrazyDog
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Tickles me too!  However....  ::clears throat::

I am here to declare on the record that my BB24 resolution will be to not mention that obnoxious homunculus troll in any of my BB musings or postings.  I vow that he will be in my rear view mirror from this time forward.  I've given the little turd too much rent-free space in my head.  I need that space back to have enough room to appropriately hate on Jackson and Jack.

(But that clip of abject tearful disappointment when Josh is declared the winner will still be deliciously appreciated whenever it gets posted.  Just sayin'...)

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2 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

...in a good way. After Andy, Derrick, Jackson, two seasons of Paul, and All-Stars 2, the universe owes us a few more not-horrid summers.

I'm not nearly as hopeful as I used to be.  It seems that for the last several US seasons I've checked out earlier and earlier in the season. But dang it! I'm with you - the universe owes us!

I always kept up here regardless though, you guys are apparently a harder habit to break.

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7 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

Quoting myself because—would you believe—that was my 666th post on this site.

Anyway, #solidarityindisappointment, y'all.

Appropriate that your 666th post mentions who it does.


There's no one else I'd rather be sorely let down by this show with, than you folks - the family who didn't ask for me, but had me barge on in anyway.

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Bumping this thread up for the upcoming season, starting in just a few short days. I am surprised we haven't gotten the cast yet (I'm guessing that will be revealed either today or tomorrow).

So, not only do we have photos of part of the BB25 house (just the loft and living room), we also have a confirmed finale date: November 9th, which means the season will be 100 days, which likely means at least one battle back, but possibly two.


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On 7/27/2023 at 6:15 PM, Maverick said:

 Between that cake and the logo that is supposed to have clues to the season, the theme looks like comic books.   Which also doesn't fit with the house design. 

I guessed action hero (Batman) and Back to the Future on another thread, but comic books makes sense because of all the dots in the solid colors. I used to be intrigued by those dots when reading the funnies as a kid.

Meet the new BB25 Houseguests!

First impressions with the little information we have?


And our first Sikh houseguest for US BB!

Oh, and yeah, there's Cirie's son.

This....I dunno, just based off of appearances, it seems like they tried harder this year, though not really, at the same time.

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Ok, so extremely quick first impressions before actual interviews start piling out:

  • America is 100% teaming with Reilly and potentially Kirsten and Mecole and complaining about them being the Pretty Girls if they're targeted early.
  • Red is either gonna be a Donny or a Frenchie, and I'm leaning Frenchie. And he'll be a Screamer in the DR.
  • I was gonna hate Matt for being the Stereotypical Surfer Bro, but him being hearing impaired just earned him a second chance (as someone who is also hearing impaired, I'm happy there's FINALLY some deaf/HOH representation after 25 seasons)
  • Blue seems like she'll be a pre-jury boot.
  • I like Bowie, and she does NOT look 45, goddamn.
  • This Cameron better do better than the other Cameron.
  • Look, two houseguests who are related to Survivor alumni. Granted, one of them was a first boot, but still.
  • I'm almost certain I'm gonna hate Luke, sorry.

Let's see how the interviews change my entire perspective on these people, though. 

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Now that I've seen the videos, here's more of my first impressions:

  • America is gonna be that girl who annoys the hell out of me. I predict she'll get into a showmance and/or be one of the cattiest women in the house, leading her to stay much longer than anticipated OR be an early jury boot.
  • Not much to go off of Blue, but I don't think her strategy will pay off. She could be an early boot OR be part of the majority alliance and get 6th. I'm leaning the former, though. I don't think she'll be making it to jury.
  • I change my mind on Bowie; I'm not so sure about her, anymore. I think she'll go mid-way through, maybe early jury but could also be first or second boot. I think she has some charisma to get her past the first few votes, though. 
  • Cameron reminds me of Christian from BB23, which isn't a good thing. He also seems chill but doesn't seem too assertive. I think he'll either be dragged along before taken out as an easy target, or be first boot. 
  • Cory made me laugh, but no surprise, given he's the brother of Survivor 42's Zach, who was equally as funny. He could do quite well, actually. Zach got unlucky in 42, rather than him making a significant blunder so Cory could do well if he can find himself an alliance early on. The worry is actually finding that alliance. I think he'll get decently far, probably past jury, maybe to the endgame.
  • Felicia didn't give too much, so she's probably gonna be an early boot or a goat to drag to F3. I haven't decided which. If she's too laid back, she's gonna be first or second boot, and that's not good for her.
  • Hisam seems knowledgeable and strategic, so you all know what that means: early boot! He's gonna 100% play too hard, too fast, annoy the houseguests, and be out third. I'd be surprised if he makes jury.
  • Izzy seems fine, but reminds me a bit of Kaycee from BB20. So either I'm gonna really like her or really want her gone early. And I think she could be one who gets far. 
  • Jag's gonna be interesting to watch. Unfortunately, I don't trust BBUS contestants so I fear he'll be a pre-jury boot, no matter what he does. He needs to find that majority alliance and stick with them super hardcore. But he does seem fine and could be fun to watch for however long he's around.
  • Jared's gonna do well for the fact that he's had his mother as a mentor. Despite Cirie not playing Big Brother, she's played other social strategy games, and he's gonna have a MASSIVE leg up as a result. He's gonna get very far just based on him having a fantastic mentor to have given him tips. Aside from that, he'll also do well based off of this first video. He seems personable enough to connect with people, which is a huge advantage. I see winner potential in him.
  • Kirsten has the right idea, I guess, but I really get turned off by the whole "we're gonna steamroll as a big alliance!" Well, until said big alliance has to pick each other off. Kirsten seems like she's gonna go midway or just before jury, being one of the first in said big alliance to be picked off. Or she won't even be a part of the big alliance and is left on the outside of votes.
  • Luke....oh, he has glasses. He's gonna be like a Kyle, isn't he? I do not get great vibes from him, and I actually don't think he'll do that well in a cast like this. I thought he would be more dudebro, he seems more surfer bro. He might do fine, or he'll be pre-jury. It really depends if he finds people to connect with. 
  • Matt seems fine. I do think him being hard of hearing helps me connect with him more so I may be more lenient with him longer, but he does seem to have a good enough plan. He's not super strategic, but flexible in his plans and still has an idea of how he wants things to go. I could see him getting to jury, but probably not to the endgame.
  • Mecole is also likely to fall the way America is for me. Likely gonna be catty, likely going to annoy the hell out of me, and is probably going to get decently far but not to the endgame.
  • At least Red isn't yelling like I thought he would (yet?). He seems better than I thought. He seems less Frenchie, more....not quite Donny, but somewhere in the middle, I guess. Maybe more like BB19 Kevin? I think Red will be an earlier boot; I think he's gonna have trouble connecting with people in the house.
  • Reilly doesn't seem as bad as I thought she would be. I could see her getting the farthest out of all the women if she plays her cards right. However, just because she seems fine now to me, doesn't mean she's going to be great to watch. She might be that "I'm not like other girls" girl and connect with the men, who get her far (potentially to the endgame), or she'll connect with America or Kirsten and get rid of the other women before being taken out themselves by the men halfway through.

Overall, I get better vibes from the men than the women. 

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Quick thoughts based solely on that Parade article:

I want Bowie to be named for David Bowie and I want her to live up to the name and be awesome. And she doesn't look 45.



Cameron's hair has some serious '70s rock band energy.

WE HAVE A WOMAN IN HER SIXTIES! Let's do this, Felicia!

"Professional Flutist" is not a job you hear every day.

I see Cirie (feels like a tongue twister) in Jared in his smile.

Kirsten is pinging my "you look like someone else from another reality show, but I'll be damned if I can think of who" radar something fierce.

Luke Valentine over here thinking he's The Rock.

The first hearing impared contestant should be interesting, since he theoretically could be good at lip reading, which would make whispering around him more difficult.

Here we have Red, the obvious boot for week one.

... And here we have (Not Rachel) Reilly, who gives me major week two boot vibes, unless she gets into a showmance.


I look forward to being wrong across the board.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
first "i type too fast" edit of the season, and the season hasn't even begun!
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IDK, I try to reserve judgment as much as I can. Pre-game press never gives me anything meaningful and initial impressions can be very off (I liked Ameerah those first couple of weeks, LOL). I really need to see them in the mix and fucking up—and how they get out of those fuck-ups, or don't—before I start choosing a side. I'll just enjoy my 24 hours of pre-season optimism while I can; they'll be crapping on it soon enough.

...that said, based on the EW clip, America's DRs are gonna be painful to listen to and I'm already biased toward Jared because #cirie4eva.

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I will be highly disappointed if at least one person doesn't say "Bye, Felicia!" when she inevitably gets voted out.

So we have a Red, Blue, and an America? Okay.

Early fave is Cory, although I kinda hope Jared goes far as well. I've never seen Survivor (I know) but I saw Cirie play on Traitors and she was AMAZING. The only thing I worry about he said he planned not to reveal who his mother was. Buddy, take a cue from Willie and reveal that shit on Day One or you are doomed. 

Edited by Ivana Tinkle
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