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BB Anticipation: New Season, New Houseguests

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1 minute ago, silverspoons said:

Why do people count out Hannah in the all girls alliance. Maybe it is because my daughter just applied to top STEM programs/IVY/T20 last year that I see Claire and Hannah  as the most similar. UChiago (Hannah) was the most selective T20 college last year, UMich (Claire) was usually the backup choice of many but still a top school in CS. Hannah going to UChicago at 16 and in STEM means she has to be incredibly smart. I honestly did not know how hard it was to get into UChicago until I started seeing people whio got into to Ivy league sad that got rejected from UChiacgo CS with 1600/36 4.0 and stacks of awards. 

Maybe it is because Hannah looks young? and is young. 

I mean, technically, I didn't count Hannah out of the All Women's Alliance; just counted her out as the person to rat out the All Women's Alliance. She's one of the least likely, imo, to rat it out. 

I think it's likely that Claire, Hannah, Azah, Britini and potentially Sarah try to form an all women's alliance. I forgot about Alyssa, but I think she's most likely to join up with the men...although I guess that makes her also likely to rat out the all women's alliance if someone ropes her in.

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28 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Has there ever been a successful female alliance in BB or Survivor? I'd like to think there has been, but I can't think of one. I mean one with more than two people. 

The Black Widow Brigade in Micronesia. "Hey, Erik, can Natalie see your immunity necklace for a sec? Thanks! Erik with a K, right?"

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So Claire describes herself as spunky, huh?


Nah, she seems cool.

I couldn’t watch all of the HG videos. Britini!(haha!) talked too long and annoyed me and I had to exit. Doesn’t bode well for her future in this game, unless she learns to tone it down. As for everyone else I didn’t see, I figure they’ll all get a chance to annoy me soon enough.

The bedroom with the ropes looks handy for anyone who has a sudden desire to hang themselves. (Maybe after a conversation with Britini! ?)


The cast for “Big Brother 23” was recently revealed and it looks like a fun group. Dr. Will Kirby, who is probably returning as the “Big Brother” neighbor this year, actually told us he is “really optimistic that this will be a great season … possibly be one of the best seasons that we have seen in years!”


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5 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I guess the Friendship was all women after Cappy left, or am I misremembering? 

I think they were more bonded due to being in a cult more than anything.

36 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I personally look forward to seeing Dr. Will because I like to bet with myself as to his level of shine and plasticness. I think his eyeballs are the only original parts left on his face.

Slap a little makeup on him and he's basically Mrs. Tredoni from Alice, Sweet Alice.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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I watched the USweekly mini interviews and read the parade interviews and looked closer at social media I could find. Britini fell on my list. I was worried will she be annoying or fun and I think she might be the annoying first boot now. Brett went slightly up, not my favorite but I do not think he will be one of the first to go. He played football (I believe by one of the videos I watched his dad died when he was in high school), weightlifts but is more soft spoken then I thought. 

Travis gave the best answer to who are you looking for in an alliance partner. Everyone was saying loyal, trusthworthy etc. Travis said someone with oppsoite him is skills and life so he wanted to pick a older person, someone married, maybe with kids and life experience. Good answer but imagine there is only one older married guy with kids! Frenchie and Travis. Un expected and probably not going to be a fan favorite combo. 

My daughter loves Sarah but I think she is way too sweet and fragile.

Hannah was missing from both interviews? I hope she is okay. I was really looking forward to seeing her. 

Derik F, seems super nice. I get the feeling he might be the person that gets taken as F3 with others F2's he seems like he would be fun to have around, easy going, cool, but not a comp threat. Maybe this year the F3 comps won;t be so physical and anyone who gets to the F3 could win if they have the knowledge of the season. 

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I've always been bothered by them lounging around in the bathroom and judging by the furniture this year it's even more likely. Maybe it's just me but I'd be so worried and self-conscious that everyone could hear me using the toilet. Go hang out somewhere else and give me some damn privacy! I'm also really sensitive to smells and there's no way bad odors aren't wafting out into the rest of the bathroom, which would make it too unpleasant for me to just sit and socialize there. Not to mention suffering secondhand embarrassment for whomever was currently using the toilet and no doubt desperately trying to do it quietly. Overall, it's just not a hygienic space!

Edited by Scout Finch
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5 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

I've always been bothered by them lounging around in the bathroom and judging by the furniture this year it's even more likely.

I actually think they've made it less likely for them to lounge in the bathrooms and here's why. Yes, there are two lounge chairs. There are also two high chairs. So maybe that'll be a room where two people could sit and chat with two other people, but there's also the fact that they've changed the design around where the gym is also RIGHT THERE and that room is gonna get real stinky real fast, especially with four days of them being locked indoors. Nobody is going to want to hang out in the bathrooms for a long amount of time except for maybe later at night. 

I think we're going to see a lot more moving around in smaller groups. I think people are likely to either chat in the living room (the most comfortable place in the house at the moment) or in the Poker Parlour, despite that being right outside the HOH room. They've gotten rid of comfortable places to chat and I think the bathroom will have less actively than in other seasons due to their changes, and despite the fact that they added a door to the bathroom/gym area. Again, it's gonna get real smelly in that area and I doubt anyone will be chatting in there for hours unless it's close to bedtime, or right in the morning.

5 hours ago, silverspoons said:

Britini fell on my list. I was worried will she be annoying or fun and I think she might be the annoying first boot now.

I hope she's first boot now, because her rambling is going to get on my nerves. I definitely see her as a prejuror with how much she talks, and how much she's likely to spill. 

5 hours ago, silverspoons said:

Travis gave the best answer to who are you looking for in an alliance partner. Everyone was saying loyal, trusthworthy etc. Travis said someone with oppsoite him is skills and life so he wanted to pick a older person, someone married, maybe with kids and life experience. Good answer but imagine there is only one older married guy with kids! Frenchie and Travis. Un expected and probably not going to be a fan favorite combo. 

Travis says that now, but judging from his Instagram posts, he's a DudeBro, so he'll more than likely shackle up with the likes of Christian and Brent. He might try to connect up with one of the women, but it's probably going to be Alyssa. That being said, I do hope he does what he says because, if he really IS wanting a completely opposite from him ride or die, then I think Tiffany would be an excellent choice. She's older than him, has kids, and seems to share different interests than him. 

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6 hours ago, silverspoons said:

Hannah was missing from both interviews? I hope she is okay. I was really looking forward to seeing her. 

It was said that they weren't able to interview her due to time constraints, presumably because Britini (and Brent) talks way too much lol. I feel bad for Hannah that she got screwed like that.

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8 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Think of the field day Raven would have had.

If you don't look at each house reveal since Raven's season and point out all the new places where she could dramatically hurt herself for sympathy, are you even a Big Brother fan? She would weep with joy over that coral feature. And then promptly throw herself on it like it was her sword and she dishonored her family. "I'm all right, y'all! That's why I've got two hearts!"

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Also, since we're talking about Raven and her ability to throw herself down a spiral staircase in the blink of an eye because another HG broke their foot and was getting all the sympathy, did anyone else notice that they added no-slip strips to the stairs this year? Gonna be harder to do a header to the first floor this year.

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Wow on those pics of the HOH bedroom.  Not because of the bright color scheme, but because how the angles in the photos clearly showed the ratty, nasty, studio ceiling tiles.  There's just no ignoring or getting around the fact that the hamsters are living in a studio set, is there?  Also, with no ceilings, and the walls just free standing there, how has it been that voices don't carry and HOH conversations aren't overheard on a routine basis?  Are the downstairs rooms likewise without ceilings and therefore open for eavesdropping?  Can there be eavesdropping if there are no eaves?

And I agree with whomever up thread mentioned the uncomfortable furniture in the HOH bedroom.  And the floor looks pretty hard too.  Either production is looking to discourage lengthy cabal meetings that just degenerate into boring sitting around of the power alliance or production is trying to keep hard surfaces in the HOH room to allow for easier sanitation.

Aren't the hamsters occasionally locked down in the HOH bedroom for production stuff?  That looks to be a horrible place to cool your heels for a couple of hours.

I'll get my yearly HOH rant out of the way right now:  Why do the HOHs always allow all those people into their private space?  Why do they let other hamsters just loll around their HOH room even when they're not there?  Why do some HOHs just let the alpha douchecanoe from the power alliance remain the de facto HOH, up to and including subletting the HOH room to them?

And my yearly "why, oh why, oh why, does BB always have to degenerate to a re-hashing of everyone's worst middle school year?"   I'll bet on Wednesday we'll see the house quickly sort itself out into the usual middle school cliques.  We'll have the jock-y douchecanoe douche-bros gravitating toward each other, with the pretty and vacuous (and expendable) girls revolving like satellites around their sun.  Then there will be the boring middle group who aren't jock-like or pretty enough to be in the popular crowd, but they all aspire to be there, so they never really band together to form an alliance which could really take out the douche-bros.  Then there will be the inevitable small group of outcasts who can see this all happening again, and who can't believe it is happening to them.  They try to get the middle group to see reason, but the individuals in the middle group are too busy trying to get into the douche-bro group.

And a douchecanoe will coast to the win, because nobody wants to "go against the house."



See you in the feed threads tomorrow!

Edited by HurricaneVal
to eliminate redundancy and to remove some extra redundant words
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15 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

I'll get my yearly HOH rant out of the way right now:  Why do the HOHs always allow all those people into their private space?  Why do they let other hamsters just loll around their HOH room even when they're not there?  Why do some HOHs just let the alpha douchecanoe from the power alliance remain the de facto HOH, up to and including subletting the HOH room to them?

I think you've put your finger exactly on why BB casts such young people. People with more life experience would be way less likely to put up with any of this. 

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Who are you most excited to see in the house this summer?

The ants. Like there could be any other answer.

I'm so pumped to see all the familiar faces showing up here. It's like a family reunion barbecue but the potato salad is better, the booze is plentiful, and our squabbles are usually over before one branch of the family tree declares war on another branch and we all get along five minutes later. Pass me a slippery wiener, I have some dignity left. Is it too early to start a prayer circle?

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30 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Finally, we get to see Hannah and Claire in a video!

Thoughts on the video:

  • Brent: *deadpan* "My friends would call me outgoing, passionate..."
  • I do like Hannah, now that we're seeing her in a video. 
  • Frenchie saying he holds grudges...I guess he is not gonna be happy to find out he's one of the most unpopular houseguests pre-season.
  • Seeing Claire in action...all I see is me in her mannerisms.
  • Tiffany sparked something in this video that makes me think that she'll make an impression in the house. Whether that's good or bad is to be determine
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1 hour ago, HurricaneVal said:

I'll get my yearly HOH rant out of the way right now:  Why do the HOHs always allow all those people into their private space?  Why do they let other hamsters just loll around their HOH room even when they're not there?  Why do some HOHs just let the alpha douchecanoe from the power alliance remain the de facto HOH, up to and including subletting the HOH room to them?

It's why, for all the MAJOR flaws of BB20's Sam, her not letting anyone in the HOH room the week she was HOH was so iconic. I would be limiting the time of people in my HOH room, I would definitely not be letting anyone sleep in the HOH room (because I like my privacy) and I would definitely need a couple of hours in between hang-outs/gametalk, to recharge on my own. 

1 hour ago, HurricaneVal said:

And a douchecanoe will coast to the win, because nobody wants to "go against the house."

It's why I predict at least three of Travis, Brent, Christian, Whitney, and Alyssa will get to jury with ease, but most likely almost all of them. I could see one of them slipping through the cracks and getting evicted pre-jury, but no more than that. And one of those above are getting to F3, for sure. 

Not that any of them are for sure douchecanoes, but they're the Big Brother Stereotypical Pretty People. 

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Frenchie saying he holds grudges...I guess he is not gonna be happy to find out he's one of the most unpopular houseguests pre-season.

He's a super fan who named his baby after Robyn Kass - he never stood a chance with the fandom. The only thing worse would be naming your kid after Grod.

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On 7/3/2021 at 9:50 AM, Lady Calypso said:

I try to give people some lenience on things they genuinely can't control, so annoying voices are annoying, but minimal for me. I'm not gonna judge someone that harshly based on things they can't control. Then again, I am quite aware that my voice could be deemed annoying because of some medical issues from birth, so I talk weird (listening to myself through a recording is almost torturous for me).


The naturally annoying voices mostly get a pass from me (yes, even Nicole F.) It's the affected upspeaking, vocal frying, exaggerated glottal stopping annoying voices that I judge quickly and harshly. Just stop it!!

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On 7/5/2021 at 9:11 AM, Callaphera said:

Boy, people in this thread that have tattoos are probably feeling excellent reading this right now.

ETA: This BB forum has traditionally been really hard on tattoos and people with addiction problems in their past. It's... interesting.


I thought most people who get tattoos didn't care what others thought of them? My friends don't give two hoots if people love or hate them.

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Britini's full interview is out on her local Buffalo news channel. She sinks to the bottom for me. I just hope she does not stick to Hannah early on and bring her down. 

It is not just the long winded talking.  It is piecing together her story, and I feel she has been told she is the best all her life and likes to brag. She has lived at home her whole life. By the sounds of it lives in a nice home with a good standard of living. She went to a smaller private local college. She has never actually worked as a teacher just student taught. It is like she is an overconfident Nicole A? Nicole A went to a small private college and had a 4.0 and had a teaching degree but had not had a classroom yet and lived at home. 

I worry a little about Claire. I am sure she knows the game. I have seen people wonder why she was not choosen and was an alternate. Could it be because she is social awkward? or not as comfortable with cameras? My daughter knows big brother inside and out, watches the feeds usually 8+ hours a day and has watched as many feeds as she can find from seasons when she was too young to watch. She has a Janelle shrine. My daughter also has piles of computer and science competetion wins and had millions in scholarships to top colleges  but could she play BB? I don't know. There is a certain type of person it takes to be on camera 24/7.  I listened to a producer from married at first sight. She said there are many good people who apply to the show that are 100% ready for marriage and would make great spouses but they fail the testing to be able to be filmed 24/7. I think that is why we get so many want to be IG social media stars, they are comfortable in front of the camera. I have watched reality Tv film and it is tiring. I;m glad I can go home and have no idea how the families who put their lives on TV can stand the 12-16 hour days of filming. I can't imagine 24 hours a day. 


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3 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

I have seen people wonder why [Claire] was not choosen and was an alternate. Could it be because she is social awkward? or not as comfortable with cameras?

Definitely a strong possibility but I also wonder if it's because of how big a fan she is. I think, in general, TPTB don't particularly care for superfans like that, especially ones who watch the feeds. They don't like the HGs being that in the know lol.

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2 hours ago, silverspoons said:

There is a certain type of person it takes to be on camera 24/7.

This is so true. I was thinking about our earlier discussion about why people would allow others in their HOH room all the time, and I realized that the kind of extreme extroverts who want to be on BB probably need very little personal space or privacy. But they're not exactly typical. 

As you say, lots of smart, nice, wonderful candidates are going to be either too awkward on camera, or too overwhelmed by the lack of escape from people and cameras. 

Claire looked amazing to me on paper, but she could crash and burn fast, or the others might just not like her, especially if she can't hide how smart and prepared she is. 

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1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

This is so true. I was thinking about our earlier discussion about why people would allow others in their HOH room all the time, and I realized that the kind of extreme extroverts who want to be on BB probably need very little personal space or privacy. But they're not exactly typical. 

As you say, lots of smart, nice, wonderful candidates are going to be either too awkward on camera, or too overwhelmed by the lack of escape from people and cameras. 

Claire looked amazing to me on paper, but she could crash and burn fast, or the others might just not like her, especially if she can't hide how smart and prepared she is. 

I'm an only child and pretty much have just lived alone after moving away from home, aside from a few short-term roommates due to financial necessity. While I truly enjoy getting together with family and friends for holidays or on a vacation, at some point, I just have to disappear for a few hours to a quiet space to basically recharge. Too much stimuli, especially noise, can wear really wear me down, and I'm just not used to being with people 24/7. I went to Disneyland with my best friend a couple of times in the last 10 years and we shared a hotel room both times. I did have fun at the park but, yeah, talk about stimulation overload! I'd stay up way too late back in our room because she goes to sleep around 9:00 and I'd just want to sit over in the opposite corner of the room with one light on to read and/or bask in quiet time for a few hours.

I cannot imagine living in the Big Brother house. There'd be a lot of "Where's Scout??" as I'm hiding out behind a chair or a potted plant. If I were HOH, no one would be hanging out in there for more than a couple of hours a day and definitely not spending the night! 

The other part I would hate the most is just not being able to read. I think they're able to bring in the Bible, though. It's not like I have anything against it but the only reason I'd be bringing one is just to have something--anything--to read. (I've already read the entire thing once, after turning 13 my non-practicing/non-churchgoing/very lapsed Catholic mom still felt it was important for me to know what was in it and gave me a very beautiful one, which we read from every night. I think it took us about a year to finish it!)

Edited by Scout Finch
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36 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

I'm an only child and pretty much have just lived alone after moving away from home, aside from a few short-term roommates due to financial necessity. While I truly enjoy getting together with family and friends for holidays or on a vacation, at some point, I just have to disappear for a few hours to a quiet space to basically recharge.

I am an extrovert (not far end) and even I need my own space to recharge and relax.

My husband, the introvert likes mostly his own space. But COVID even did a number on him without being able to socially interact (I’m high risk, so we were extra cautious).

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