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BB Anticipation: New Season, New Houseguests

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8 hours ago, LoveLeigh said:

Will there be Big Brother After Dark? 

I feel like there wasn't last season so I assume no for this season.

7 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

Looking forward to meeting a new colony of ants though.

Of course. Love those little buggers.

17 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

So if we sign up for Paramount+, then we automatically get the live feeds on our tv? Or lap top?

You can get the feeds on the Paramount+ website on your computer or the app on your phone/smart TV/roku/etc.


Just a heads up for anyone who has Amazon Prime... One of their "Prime Day" specials is a 2 month subscription of Paramount Plus for $.99/month.  As long as you cancel before the third month rolls around, it's a pretty decent price and will cover at least the first half of BB.  I wish I'd known about it before I ditched Hulu and signed up for PP at full price.

I should add that Prime Day is over in about 11 hours, so that offer may be gone soon.

Edited by leocadia
1 hour ago, leocadia said:

Just a heads up for anyone who has Amazon Prime... One of their "Prime Day" specials is a 2 month subscription of Paramount Plus for $.99/month.  As long as you cancel before the third month rolls around, it's a pretty decent price and will cover at least the first half of BB.  I wish I'd known about it before I ditched Hulu and signed up for PP at full price.

I should add that Prime Day is over in about 11 hours, so that offer may be gone soon.

Thank you for this! Just signed up. 

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6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Why don't you get the feeds? Just don't want your life taken over by a bunch of horrible people that you hate but can't stop watching?

Never have, never will.  😄    I will say, though, the loss of BBAD has had significant impact upon my desire whether or not to watch the series at all.

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

If this season ends up being like last season, where it seemed like some house guests were more interested in being social media influencers instead of playing the game, then it just might be a season where I quit watching.  

It's been like that for so long that I just can't see it changing tbh. I do have some hope since it's a new casting director. But the problem is Allison Grodner is still the person in charge so it probably won't matter. Sigh.

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There's a commercial playing on Global promising an all-new, no returnees cast for BB23. It's possibly the best Big Brother commercial I've ever seen. I was scared that Grodner was going to hold Angela Mother at gunpoint to force Tyler to do a third season so she can finally hand him the win. I'm also super excited to not have to play Which Nicole Was It? this season. I mean, I fully anticipate the cast sucking hardcore like always but at least it'll be all new faces sucking hardcore and not the same old sad sacks we really want to be rid of.

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12 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't know who it was that made the decision to bring on a new casting director.  If it was someone above Allison, I wonder if Allison will feel as though she needs to make some adjustments in terms of how BB is being run? 

Didn't Kass leave on her own accord? I think that's what she said. 

I don't think CBS gives a shit what AG does. I doubt they pay much attention to BB. It gets them solid ratings every summer and probably some additional Paramount+ subscriptions so they likely ignore it. Plus, AG like owns the format in the US so it's completely her show, unfortuantely.


If Twitter doesn't turn on a HG, suddenly get new information and cast them as the hero, and then turn on them one more time before the season starts, is it even Big Brother?

I saw rumours that sequester started yesterday since it's still plus an extra week for the 'rona. It's time to start adding Big Brother sites and social medias back into my daily online rounds. I can't wait to hate strangers again! (I say that like I don't regularly hate on Real Housewives and the cast and crew of The Handmaid's Tale on a regular basis.)

Edited by Callaphera
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Call me superficial but I really hope this summer we won’t be subjected to hideous tattoos. OK, I’d prefer that none of them had any tattoos at all but that’s probably asking too much.

As for Kass I’ll repeat an opinion I’ve previously expressed on this forum-her insistence on cultivating personal relationships with the HGs was unprofessional in the extreme. And it apparently led her to be extra lazy and cast some HGs via previous HG’s recommendations. I’m looking at you, Porsche.

Edited by TimWil
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Ew, Brent lol. Although, I'd rather see him on BB since he was insane on Sequester.

5 hours ago, himela said:

Do you have a link for this? I'm really stunned. I wish he is but I wish he is not also cause who will do the live feeds morning updates?

Just the usual rumors that come out because people say they're 'moving across country/going on vacation and won't be online' that happens every single season lol.

On 6/24/2021 at 5:22 PM, icemiser69 said:

I take everything I read on the internet with a massive grain of salt.  I don't know what to believe.

If Brent says she was fired, it's probably true. Mind you, since then Brent himself has been fired from RHAP, but not for lying. 

I also believe Brent's post about Taran NOT being on BB23. Everything he says about Taran is true. He's really the last person who'd want to be on the show. 

  • Useful 1
17 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

No one on the cast would know who he is to vote him off- it's still going to be a bunch of IG models who can't spell CBS but they're pretty in a bathing suit so it's all right. BB21's Kat Dunn was a rare recruit who actually did the reading and research. Most of them just show up for "fame" and "fortune".

Then I'm out. :(


I really don't think much is going to change in the casting aside from the promised 50% BIPOC representation (BBUS is also doing it this season, right? I tried BBCAN but the abandoned Zellers that they turned into the BB house was too Canadian for me). It's still Grodner pasting HG faces on her Trapper Keeper so she can write "Mrs. Alison Crispen" all over them and it's probably the same assholes in the DR that tell the Black girls to be more sassy and bitchy.

...she totes has a picture of Angela and Tyler with Angela's face scribbled out in her desk. Well, maybe not after last season but I wouldn't be surprised.

Edited by Callaphera
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Fuck! I forgot all about the start date while I was melting in the 40 degree heat (pls send help) (or ice and wine) (or ice wine) and won't be able to redeem the free month code for Paramount+. Hopefully there will be another one or else I might just have to suck it up and (ew) pay regular price. The disappointment has already started here! The BB Gods are blursing me already. *sniff* They didn't forget who I am!

ETA: Nope, I'm a day ahead. I might be able to sneak it in - I have to wait 24 hours for the prepaid Amex to activate since it's either that or iTunes and I've successfully avoided all iProducts so far in life.

Edited by Callaphera
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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Everything will be just peachy, as long as they don't start going on and on about real world shit.  I watch this "shtuff" as an escape from the real world.

They're filmed 24/7, there's no way to avoid discussing 'the real world.' Of course, they barely show that kind of stuff on the televised show.

On 6/22/2021 at 10:10 AM, peachmangosteen said:

Why don't you get the feeds? Just don't want your life taken over by a bunch of horrible people that you hate but can't stop watching?

I do not get the feeds because for the most part i find them totally boring and their conversations are never interesting. It is like watching paint dry unless there is heavy drama. However having said that, I do like BBAD because I am a night owl and that defined 3 hour format gives me just the right dose and measure of the "inside look and peek" I need to sustain my interest in the broadcast segments. 

Last summer, I sporadically watched the show because there was no BBAD and I knew the episodes were heavily edited. 

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My reaction to the Teams concept - greaaaat...  We can have the BroDudes and the GirlPower and the GeeksOutcasts and the PageantGirls separated out into their natural alliances automatically from the get go.  Maybe the GirlPower and GeekOutcasts will finally grow a clue that they're not ever going to be anything other than pawns to the BroDudes and PageantGirls.  Or, you know, we get more of the same shite we get every summer with this show.  

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12 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

What are the chances that the HOH team and the team that wins safety form an 8 person alliance week 1?

Well, according to Meehan and Grodner...  Not at all likely.  Because, you know, the big power alliances really don't last and form, and even if they do, they make for "interesting" gameplay.  

Meanwhile, I'd like some of whatever they're smoking or drinking - it might make the boring power alliance more interesting to watch.  Or not.  Because, BB.

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