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Not Like Ships In The Night: Shippers

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This is an area to discuss 'ships. No, not those things that travel in water. I am talking about fictional romances. Any fictional character is game (TV, movies, or books fom the small screen, big screen or print pages, and in the night time, daytime, or anytime) whether they actual became a couple or you just wanted them to be a couple.


Please do discuss your 'ships but try not to spoil major plot points over all. With that said, please be aware if someone is dicussing a character, certain things you may have not known just may be spoiled. Proceed with caution.

I have one couple that comes to mind off the top of my head and that is True Blood's Tara and Sam. 

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Community cannot do romance and shouldn't even try (and I love the show). However, if I absolutely had to choose, then Jeff/Britta, because Jeff/Annie, I felt, was positively sunk in "Virtual Systems Analysis" (which is my favorite episode of the show, coincidentally) and trying to revive it feels like pandering. Also, I can't help but see it as creepy due to the age difference, which is, what, 18 years? Way too big, anyway.

Jeff and Britta are pretty funny together as friends and rivals, I enjoy their scenes, although I kinda hated them back in season one (but I didn't really like most of season one anyway).

Edited by FurryFury
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Gotta say, Jeff/Annie all the way.


While I enjoy the bickering sibling vibe between Jeff and Britta, there's kind of a mean-spirited edge to it that I can't get behind. And this from someone who would normally be rooting for Jeff/Britta. The truth is, I disliked it even back in season one back when I shipped absolutely nobody. I didn't even start shipping Jeff and Annie until season three, so it's not at all about Jeff/Britta being a rival ship.


Also, I'm curious why you believe this:


I felt, was positively sunk in "Virtual Systems Analysis" (which is my favorite episode of the show, coincidentally) and trying to revive it feels like pandering


Because going by all the episodes that came after VSA, it's pretty obvious that Jeff/Annie was never sunk and that Annie was outright lying to Abed. In fact, Dan Harmon has famously said that he never left Jeff/Annie as a potential for a romantic pairing.


Annie's continued to flirt withJeff, and she was devastated in the final epiosde of season five when it looked like Jeff and Britta were getting married. So, while it wasn't clear at the time VSA aired, everything Annie has said and done since then with respect to Jeff pretty much spells out that she wasn't telling the truth. This was capped in the final episode of season five when, in her Winger speech which was a thinly disguised speech about her feelings for Jeff, was that no matter how much she cared about him, she was willing to accept that Jeff didn't want her in return and that he should pursue whatever it is he actually wants.


Plus, from Jeff's end we know he has feelings for Annie. At the end of S4, he had an elaborate fantasy where Annie wasn't just his partner in crime, but also his sexual partner and apparently in a monogamous relationship with her. At the end of S5, we had confirmation that Jeff felt something a whole lot more for Annie than just mere "friendship," when thinking about her was enough for him to reboot the school computer. (It was confirmed by the writer of the episode on Twitter that it was Annie, not the group, that allowed Jeff to reboot the computer and allow them to escape.)


So, yeah. It actually wouldn't be forced if they went ahead with Jeff/Annie in season six because they've been building up that pairing all along. Now is it likely it'll happen? Probably not. Dan Harmon likes writing the tease, but there's no way he's going to go through with the execution.


Plus, Dan Harmon and Gillian Jacobs pretty much confirmed at ComicCon that Jeff and Britta are over and done.

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Mulder and Scully from the X-Files. Not perfect, but one of my favorite ships, none the less.


Della Street and Perry Mason -- my first ship. Hands down. Grew up watching the movies and got hooked from there. Back then I was really young, so it was just due to it being something special. Now that I'm older I can appreciate the relationship as a whole.

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A ship I wasn't even thinking of until I saw the characters on-screen together: Jenny Mills and Captain Frank Irving of Sleepy Hollow! The pair just seemed to have chemistry from their first scene and there's been snark and grudging respect for each other since!  This can be a slow-burn because there are all sorts of things that need immediate attention, like Horsemen of the Apocalypse and his ex, The Attorney. *g*


I like Perry Mason and Della Street, but Perry seemed so unwilling to think about Della as a possible girlfriend, I like Della and Paul Drake a bit more.


I was glad that Agents of SHIELD had Melinda May/Grant Ward quietly have a thing.  It was refreshing. Then the thing with Ward happened and it made it better and worse, but I'm still glad that history is there. 

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I actually don't actively ship all that much. I'm pretty much good to go on whatever is put in front of me, and I'll usually go with whoever is put together on-screen.


Although my fave canon couples are April and Andy from Parks and Rec; Helo and Sharon (Athena) from Battlestar Galactica; Hank and Marie from Breaking Bad, two characters I haaaaated at first, but grew to adore over the course of the series, both separately and together; B'Elanna and Paris from Voyager (I know! I know! Voyager! But I'm a Star Trek junkie, see?); Monica and Chandler from Friends...you get the idea.


I might be okay with Peralta and Santiago on Brooklyn 99, depending on how that plays out. I wasn't in love with the idea at first, but since they backtracked on "the bet" they talked about in the pilot and changed it from she has to go on a real date with Peralta to she has to go on a really horrible joke date with Peralta I find myself warming to the idea.


Jeff and Annie from Community is kind of a combo-breaker for me because they're not canon in that they haven't crossed the line (yet) from friends to in a romantic relationship.

Edited by ScaryFairy1
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Boogieburns, since 'shipping is not for everyone, and I admit most fandoms who 'ship annoy me to high heaven (but not necessarily the 'ship itself, even ones I don't like), this thread is for those who want to talk about all things 'shipping but, hopefully, people will not join to say just a general "I hate 'shipping" with nothing more to add. Now, to nonconfontationally disparage about certain 'ship fandoms is fine. Hope that makes sense.


So a specific 'ship you love, hate, couldn't care less about, or a reason why a specific 'ship fandom is ruining your viewer or forum experience is welcomed too.

May I add, please try to keep things civil here.

Edited by Enigma X
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A ship I wasn't even thinking of until I saw the characters on-screen together: Jenny Mills and Captain Frank Irving of Sleepy Hollow! The pair just seemed to have chemistry from their first scene and there's been snark and grudging respect for each other since!  This can be a slow-burn because there are all sorts of things that need immediate attention, like Horsemen of the Apocalypse and his ex, The Attorney. *g*


I like Perry Mason and Della Street, but Perry seemed so unwilling to think about Della as a possible girlfriend, I like Della and Paul Drake a bit more.


I was glad that Agents of SHIELD had Melinda May/Grant Ward quietly have a thing.  It was refreshing. Then the thing with Ward happened and it made it better and worse, but I'm still glad that history is there. 

I think that was in part due to the author and his wife not wanting the characters to be involved with each other :(. Yea Paul was pretty fun ;). Kind of viewed him as somewhat of an older brother type in regards to her though.

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I like a good ship but I'm having bad luck with them lately.

I still ship Jenna and Jake (Awkward) even tough I know it won't happen again.

I actually liked Victoria first round in How I met your mother and wanted her to be Ms. Ted Mosby.

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I have different degrees of shipping. Usually ships can make but not break a show in my eyes. Most of the time I might enjoy a certain ship but if it weren't there anymore I'd still watch the show. This list would include Vauseman (OITNB), Erica and Frankie (Wentworth), Hoyt and Jessica (TrueBlood), and Mulder and Scully (X files).


Then I have ships that really stick with me. They are the ones I seek out fanfic and/or fan videos for. The list is Cophine (Orphan Black), Dana and Lara (The L Word), Willow and Tara (BtVS), Xena and Gabrielle (Xena), and Helen and Nikki (Bad Girls, but I didn't find them until their time on the show was over). When I like a ship this much, the two characters are usually my 2 favorite characters on the show. Once 1 or both to them are gone my interest in the show can wane pretty fast. If one of them is killed off that is a deal breaker. I will walk away and never look back.... unless they were killed at the end of the series (damn you Xena!).


I can't say there are any ships that made me stop watching a show, but there are some ships that just rub me the wrong way. I am not one to blast what some people like because I know damn well my ships are not always everyone's cup of tea. This list would be Sookie and Bill (Trueblood), Dexter and Hannah (Dexter), and Spuffy (BtVS).

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My most disliked 'ships are Bill and Sookie (True Blood), Rose and the Doctor (Doctor Who), and Kate and anybody (Lost).


My favorite 'ship and couple of all tv time are Desmond and Penny (Lost).

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I have this stubborn quality where I dislike ships that I feel the show is pushing really hard or that has a lot of fandom love. I don't know why that is. And it's true even with ships I initially liked. I think it may be because I generally root for underdogs or because I like romances when they feel organic and not inevitable or forced.


I think the couple I shipped the most was Jack/Kate on Lost--I screamed with joy when Kate finally told Jack she loved him. Now, this ship might seem to fall under the ships I discussed above--the pilot of Lost certainly seems to introduce the inevitability of Jack/Kate. I think the reason why it never felt inevitable to me is because I started watching the show when it was in its 3rd season and, by that time, the triangle was in full effect. Unlike many triangles, Kate/Sawyer seemed just as, or even more so, possible than Jack/Kate. Add to that the fact that most of the fandom was against Jack/Kate, I never felt sure that they would be together and was really rooting for them.

Edited by Hava
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The couple I've shipped the most has to be McDanno (Steve & Danno) from Hawaii Five-0. Pretty much got sucked in from the first episode and while I know CBS will never allow the show to actually go there, I just love them. Alex plays Steve like Danny is everything to him. Steve looks at Danny like he's all the gifts he's ever wanted to find under the Christmas tree. They regularly tell each other they love each other and are like an old married couple. 


Also, as a little kid, I shipped Brenda/Sonny from General Hospital so much that it hurt when the tiny moobster kept hurting her again and again. Ah fond childhood memories. The masochist in me still hopes for a reunion, after of course he proves he can treat her right this time!

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So when Hoyt showed back up on True Blood, I was happy to see one of my favorite characters again. Never did I imagine that the Jessica/Hoyt ship could happen again. I thought they'd just have Hoyt and Jessica meet briefly to reinforce that the glamour was still working. Jessica would be a bit sad but happy that Hoyt was doing well. Color me very very surprised (and happy) that they had more interaction then that. Hoyt just can't help himself. He's drawn to Jess ( and Jason somewhat) even when they are "strangers". Their scenes are one of the few bright spots this season. Those scenes bring back the feelings of the early years.

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I know that m/m ships tend to be extremely popular in fandom, but I’ve found that I couldn’t be less interested in most m/m shipping. I think it’s interesting how a number of girls say that they prefer m/m to m/f or f/f because, with m/m, they don’t have to deal with the same tiresome gender politics that they face IRL. However, personally speaking, for whatever reason, a ship usually has to have at least one female character for me to become invested in it.


I can’t think of the last time I shipped m/m. Maybe I thought Kurt and Blaine were cute for a red hot second, until they and everything else on Glee turned awful. (Damn you, Ryan Murphy.) And I wouldn’t mind Stiles getting together with a guy on Teen Wolf - hell no to Sterek, though - but I doubt I’d care as much as I do about other ships. It'd be more of a mild, "Yeah, they're cute, I guess..."

Edited by galax-arena
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My first ship ever was Cory and Topanga on Boy Meets World, who I loved even before I knew what shipping was. I just saw an episode of the spin off, Girls Meets World, and my shipper heart soared to see them happily married with kids! The first really was the best.

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Buffy and Angel (BTVS)

Brenda and Jax (GH)

Ned and Chuck (Pushing Daisies)

Zack and Kelly (SBTB)

Zoe and Wade (HOD)

Abby and Ichabod (Sleepy Hollow)

Joey and Pacey (Dawson's Creek)

Brenda and Dylan (90210)



Buffy and Spike (BTVS)

Angel and Cordelia (Angel)

Dylan and Kelly (90210)

Dawson and Jen (Dawson's Creek)

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Why is it so hard for TV writers to continue the sizzling-hot chemistry between characters once they hook up? Especially since the sexual tension is usually created by the natural chemistry between the actors, which theoretically shouldn't change. Examples that come to mind: Castle and Beckett, Alicia Florrick and Will, Veronica Mars and Logan--characters who did have chemistry in the movie, but they'd been broken up for years.


--So while I'm shipping Abbie and Crane on Sleepy Hollow, I really don't want them to get together (which would only happen after Crane's wife dies/turns into an animal/divorces him).

Edited by topanga
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Why is it so hard for TV writers to continue the sizzling-hot chemistry between characters once they hook up? Especially since the sexual tension is usually created by the natural chemistry between the actors, which theoretically shouldn't change. Examples that come to mind: Castle and Beckett, Alicia Florrick and Will, Veronica Mars and Logan--characters who did have chemistry in the movie, but they'd been broken up for years.

That's a really good question, actually. I wonder if it's the old adage of "you really want what you can't have. Once you have it, it no longer holds any value." It's almost like the writers stop putting in things that have any flirty actions, longing looks, show of desire, unexpected romantic gestures. I don't watch the ones you mentioned except Castle in the past, and apparently once Caskett got together, they became like an old and stale married couple.


--So while I'm shipping Abbie and Crane on Sleepy Hollow, I really don't want them to get together (which would only happen after Crane's wife dies/turns into an animal/divorces him).


So then you are really not shipping them, right? Or shipping them as friends only, which they already are.

Would you want them to get together if he were single?


I definately am shipping them as romantic. Can't be helped. Too much there not to ship, as much as the show tries to deny it. Sometimes I wish I didn't ship them.

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So then you are really not shipping them, right? Or shipping them as friends only, which they already are.

Would you want them to get together if he were single?


I definately am shipping them as romantic. Can't be helped. Too much there not to ship, as much as the show tries to deny it. Sometimes I wish I didn't ship them.


Yes, to all of the above. I'm shipping them, but I'm trying not to. I like them as friends, but I can easily imagine them having hot, time-shifting sex. Crane being married makes their friendship "safe" in a way because them getting together right now would be wrong. And it lets me try to convince myself not to ship them. Try being the operative word. If Crane were single, this would be harder.

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Yes, to all of the above. I'm shipping them, but I'm trying not to. I like them as friends, but I can easily imagine them having hot, time-shifting sex. Crane being married makes their friendship "safe" in a way because them getting together right now would be wrong. And it lets me try to convince myself not to ship them. Try being the operative word. If Crane were single, this would be harder.


Heh. If Crane were single now, it would be a lot easier! Because then the earth-shattering sex would actually be a possibility. It's why I wish I didn't ship them. I've forever been ranting that the show keeps denying the chemistry/connection, but then the show gives me scenes or gives me dialogue that says otherwise - both season 1 and some of the spoilers I've seen for season 2. Please stop that, show. It's very, very annoying.

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That's a really good question, actually. I wonder if it's the old adage of "you really want what you can't have. Once you have it, it no longer holds any value." It's almost like the writers stop putting in things that have any flirty actions, longing looks, show of desire, unexpected romantic gestures. I don't watch the ones you mentioned except Castle in the past, and apparently once Caskett got together, they became like an old and stale married couple.



So then you are really not shipping them, right? Or shipping them as friends only, which they already are.

Would you want them to get together if he were single?


I definately am shipping them as romantic. Can't be helped. Too much there not to ship, as much as the show tries to deny it. Sometimes I wish I didn't ship them.

Yea that's kind of frustrating :(. Not always true for every couple. M & S were handled ok in that regard (in IWTB especially), any impliedness aside imo. At least it showed that they cared for one another and they still played with one another  >:). 

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Yea that's kind of frustrating :(. Not always true for every couple. M & S were handled ok in that regard (in IWTB especially), any impliedness aside imo. At least it showed that they cared for one another and they still played with one another  >:). 


With Mulder and Scully though, it was almost an afterthought. Chris Carter was so against it and verbalized so many times that they were "friends" that when it did happen it was like, What? The surprisingthing (at least how I see it) is that him denying the romantic aspect of the couple actually improved the show, since it didn't de-volve into relationship nonsense and forced interactions. However, season 7 was my last so I cannot speak for season 8 or 9.

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With Mulder and Scully though, it was almost an afterthought. Chris Carter was so against it and verbalized so many times that they were "friends" that when it did happen it was like, What? The surprisingthing (at least how I see it) is that him denying the romantic aspect of the couple actually improved the show, since it didn't de-volve into relationship nonsense and forced interactions. However, season 7 was my last so I cannot speak for season 8 or 9.

Good point. It did kind of seem that way. Like "So many fans are shippers... there's just no other way to go now..." <-- for lack of a better way of putting it. Definitely. We didn't need to see that. Just the fact that they cared for one another and loved one another was enough.


As for 8 and 9... hated Whiny Scully. Got on my nerves. Didn't mind season 9 as much as 8 though.

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I'm pretty pitiful because I ship(ped) alot of couples.

Oliver and Felicity-Arrow

Mindy and Danny-The Mindy Project

Abbie and Ichabod- Sleepy Hollow

Cam and Arastoo-Bones

Aidan and Sally-Being Human

Virginia and Bill-Masters of Sex

Nikita and Michael-Nikita

Hoyt and Jessica-True Blood

Todd and Evangeline- OLTL

Nick and Phyllis-Y&R

Annie and JR-AMC

Coop and Ashley-GL

John Ross and Pamela Rebecca-Dallas

Daniel and Lily(Davetta Sherwood's Lily)- Y&R

Billy and Mac (before they made Jill and Katherine related. When they were teens.)

Charlotte and Harry-SATC

Edited by Francesca007
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Francesca007 (and others), I am also an Ichabod and Abbie shipper. What possessed me to comment is your Todd and Evangeline ship. Last I watched a soap was about the mid 00s, and I think Todd and Evangeline was my first true 'ship. I never expected anyone to bring them up here.

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Enigma X Ohmigosh Todd and Evangeline! I was obsessed with them. So much so they are the only couple I've ever written fan fiction about. I still have episodes of them on VCR tapes. I cried on thier last episode and went down with the ship.

I'll go the corner now.

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I know that m/m ships tend to be extremely popular in fandom, but I’ve found that I couldn’t be less interested in most m/m shipping. I think it’s interesting how a number of girls say that they prefer m/m to m/f or f/f because, with m/m, they don’t have to deal with the same tiresome gender politics that they face IRL. However, personally speaking, for whatever reason, a ship usually has to have at least one female character for me to become invested in it.


I can’t think of the last time I shipped m/m. Maybe I thought Kurt and Blaine were cute for a red hot second, until they and everything else on Glee turned awful. (Damn you, Ryan Murphy.) And I wouldn’t mind Stiles getting together with a guy on Teen Wolf - hell no to Sterek, though - but I doubt I’d care as much as I do about other ships. It'd be more of a mild, "Yeah, they're cute, I guess..."

With rare exception (almost exclusively belonging to the Bleach anime, because the cast is too huge NOT to ship at least one or two M/M pairings), I tend to agree. I've been on LJ comms that think those that would like a warning about reading slash are homophones, and it's like....no. Sometimes, you just want a Batman/Joke fic to be about the two dueling with fists and not tongues. :/


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I really wish people would get on board with the concept of 'Ship and let ship'. I've seen so much viciousness just because someone doesn't like the same pairing as someone else. I mean if you want to ship Monica Gellar with K.I.T.T., well that's your prerogative.


I don't have anything against M/M or F/F pairings (I even like some), but I've found that a lot of the fans of those pairings tend to be pretty militant. It's like, if you dare take a character and ship them with someone of the opposite sex, then you're labeled a homophobe. I'm glad I wasn't involved with the online Xena fandom back in the day because my love for Gabby/Joxer (and Xena/Ares) probably would've gotten me a lot of hate. Funny thing is, now, the most popular Xena pairing I've been seeing, at least as far as fanfic goes, is Ares/Xena. How things change.

Edited by Gumdrops
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Mulder and Scully from the X-Files. Not perfect, but one of my favorite ships, none the less.

Thank you!! They were awesome. Second only to my favorite ship, Sam and Ainsley of West Wing. To my embarrassment they got me into fanfic. My secret shame.



Brenda and Jax (GH)

 Yes please!!



A ship I wasn't even thinking of until I saw the characters on-screen together: Jenny Mills and Captain Frank Irving of Sleepy Hollow!

I thought I was the only one who liked them. Missed opportunity.


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I really wish people would get on board with the concept of 'Ship and let ship'. I've seen so much viciousness just because someone doesn't like the same pairing as someone else. I mean if you want to ship Monica Gellar with K.I.T.T., well that's your prerogative.


This, so much. I guess it can get tedious when people are like, "Oh, wow, this couple or that couple looked at each other and then talked for five seconds, so obviously they're going to fall in love!" for however many pages, but I've seen some people get annoyed by even the concept of shipping, as if it personally offends them or something. Some pairings I don't care for and some I do, but the ones that don't cannot leave me scarred for life unless I let them.

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I was trying to think the other day what my first ship was and I realized I was indoctrinated pretty young.


Gem / purple haired guy.  Sailor Moon / black haired guy.  Elisa/Goliath and Demona/Xanatos (Gargoyles).  Rogue/Gambit and Jean/Logan (X Men).  Yes, I apparently shipped cartoons.

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I was trying to think the other day what my first ship was and I realized I was indoctrinated pretty young.


Yes, I apparently shipped cartoons.


Hey, you're not the only one. I think my first actual ship was probably Shaggy/Daphne (rather than Jason/Kim on MMPR ) from Scooby Doo.

I guess I just went for non-canon straight from the start.


I don't need a couple to ship, but I find that it enhances my enjoyment of a show to have a couple to root for. Even if it's just never gonna happen on-screen. That's not always a bad thing though, because sometimes a show's writing just gets so bad that seeing your couple become canon on screen becomes a double-edged sword, ya know?

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I don't need a couple to ship, but I find that it enhances my enjoyment of a show to have a couple to root for. Even if it's just never gonna happen on-screen. That's not always a bad thing though, because sometimes a show's writing just gets so bad that seeing your couple become canon on screen becomes a double-edged sword, ya know?


This is where I admit my secret shame.  Yes, I watched Gossip Girl.  I quit because I hated Serena when she went all Paris Hilton 'IT' girl.  I always loathed Chuck. 


I secretly entertained the idea that Dan and Blair would make an entertaining couple (never said it, that kind of thing did not go over well until much later).  This was because I kind of loved the way they schemed to take down Serena's enemies.  They were entertaining when they did that but it was really refreshing that Dan would just go to Blair and say 'you are the evil genius, you are in charge, please go forth and destroy thy enemies'; and then tell everyone how evil genius savior like Blair was and that she could help them too.  A refreshing change from what I saw as a toxic relationship between Chuck and Blair.


But really I was just 'friend' shipping.


And then, one day, the 'it will never happen' happened.  Dan and Blair became a thing, a marvelous thing.  But the show had a way things were supposed to play out and that ship wasn't it; and boy did the show suck even harder after the non-canon couple that became a couple disintegrated.

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Sometimes it would be easier if I didn't ship anyone. You could just enjoy the show and not get frustrated/upset/homicidal that your OTP isn't getting together and/or broke up. Shows were I don't have a couple to ship (Golden Girls/Blue Bloods) are easier to just enjoy when you don't really care about who hooks up with who. Also easier to watch in reruns when you are not constantly reminded of your failed ship.

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Sometimes it would be easier if I didn't ship anyone.


I can't even imagine being invested in a show without a ship.  Its because I don't see shipping as purely romantic.  A lot of times there is a couple I ship.  But when there isn't, there is usually a familial relationship or a friendship that I favor and want to see more of relative to everything else.  I think the closest I get is when I hit that rare thing where I end up liking a character and miraculously end up shipping every relationship they are in but am weirdly ok when they move on.


Monica on Friends was one of those.  I tended to like all her relationships but I was always on board for the next one.

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toxic relationship


Aw toxic relationships. I vacillate back and forth on those.


If I like the actors and their chemistry enough, I can just ignore that an actual relationship between the characters would be a damn trainwreck, and I ship them anyway (I thin Xena/Ares qualifies here. They were just so sexy together and he was honestly, really bad for her, but whatever. X/A forever!).


But then, there are couples like Ross/Rachel who I felt had no romantic chemistry. The show's writing for them really presents them in a bad light as a couple imo, while at the same time acting like they're more meant to be than Romeo & Juliet (another horrid pairing). Everytime they were together Ross turned into this scary control freak and Rachel would always regress into this childish, selfish, brat. I really could never stand them and I always hated how they were dragged out for all the season premieres/finals and ignored for the most part in the interim.

Edited by Gumdrops
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About the only kind of couples I can't ship are ones where one person is married to someone else. Hence -- no Ichabod/Abbie shipping for me. It just makes me squirm, a lot. And I know, KATRINA SUCKS and all, but still.


I like to ship different couples, canon and non-canon couples alike. I agree with the mantra "ship and let ship." Though sometimes I think some ships are really dumb, particularly when one character is violent/abusive/demeaning/etc. Those are the ships I cannot fathom. Go ahead and ship them, but..I won't understand it. Like Chuck/Blair on Gossip Girl, or Belle/Rumple on Once Upon a Time.



. It's like, if you dare take a character and ship them with someone of the opposite sex, then you're labeled a homophobe.


I've seen this happen in Teen Wolf and Once Upon a Time fandom.


ParadoxLost, I'm totally with you on Dan and Blair. I wish the Gossip Girl writers had never put them together, because what a disaster it was. I had read somewhere that the initial plan for that show was to have the triangle be Blair/Dan/Serena, but the writers went in another direction based on fan reaction to Chuck. *Sigh*

Edited by Minneapple
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Oh, come on, DiamondDoll, you don't want to see Linda drop Danny in favor of Frank? *giggle*



Lols. I can't unsee that now, thank you very much. A lot of people apparently ship Jamie with Janko and that thought makes me wanna spork myself. Blue Bloods is just not a shippy show and I kinda love it for it.

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My problem with shipping on many shows is that so many shows use the "will they/won't they" trope that the show itself becomes less enjoyable because of it. Also, I find myself hating it often because in many cases the will they/won't they ends up damaging the characters (in many cases, unfortunately, the women) in order to keep the UST alive. In NCIS, Ziva spent a few seasons either being obsessed with Tony's love life or just being horrible to his character. In House, Cuddy became laughable in the later seasons because I just couldn't take her seriously as House's boss. When the character's popularity seems to exist solely for the ship, that's when I have a problem because if they don't get together, it's almost like there's nothing else for their characters. Then there's when it seems to bring episodes to a grinding halt. In Psych, Shawn spent an entire episode (where his best friend was being held hostage during a bank robbery) obsessing over Juliet's new boyfriend than worrying about his friend (not to say he didn't worry, but when the show is about his friendship with him, maybe save the boyfriend obsessing for another episode?)


Two examples of ships I can get behind because the shows avoid this are Jaime/Brienne from Game of Thrones and Jake/Amy from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Sure, Brienne was stuck when asked if she loved Jaime but she got over it and has her own story that doesn't revolve completely around him. She has more important things to deal with. Same with Amy in B99. There is so much to love about her character and her interactions with the other characters that I've seen a lot of people name her as their favorite in the show because of her, and not because of her relationship with Jake.


Overall though I don't tend to ship often. Unless they're friendship ships. In that case, look out! 

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In NCIS, Ziva spent a few seasons either being obsessed with Tony's love life or just being horrible to his character.


I did mildly ship Tony and Ziva.  What annoyed me about this, and part of the reason I quit NCIS, is that every time they needed a finale they would do a Tony and Ziva episode.  It was really manipulative towards the audience and nothing ever changed in the relationship as a result.  There were a couple show there for a while that I thought had showrunners who shared the same brain because they would all pull the same trick at the same time with the UST couple.  Bones is the other one that comes immediately to mind.


Overall though I don't tend to ship often. Unless they're friendship ships. In that case, look out!



Friendships are my kryptonite.  That is really what I ship and when I ship a couple, you can be pretty sure that there was a friendship at the core of the relationship before the romantic stuff got started.  Those are the ships I don't tend to sway from and can get annoyed enough to quit a show if they destroy the relationship in a way that also kills the friendship.  I swear when I watched soaps when I was younger, I was constantly annoyed that they spent all this time on the couples and three scenes a year on friendships.

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familial relationship

That's the best part of a show sometimes. Like on Switched At Birth, Toby/Bay is totally my fave relationship.



kills the friendship


That makes me think of Pretty Little Liars, sorta. When they put Toby & Spencer together, it's like, TPTB forgot that Toby and Emily were friends. I haven't watched in a long time though. Maybe the writers remembered. I know you were talking about something else, but it still bugs me when characters aren't allowed to be friends with others anymore because they've been thrown into a relationship.

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I did mildly ship Tony and Ziva.  What annoyed me about this, and part of the reason I quit NCIS, is that every time they needed a finale they would do a Tony and Ziva episode.  It was really manipulative towards the audience and nothing ever changed in the relationship as a result.  There were a couple show there for a while that I thought had showrunners who shared the same brain because they would all pull the same trick at the same time with the UST couple.  Bones is the other one that comes immediately to mind.




Friendships are my kryptonite.  That is really what I ship and when I ship a couple, you can be pretty sure that there was a friendship at the core of the relationship before the romantic stuff got started.  Those are the ships I don't tend to sway from and can get annoyed enough to quit a show if they destroy the relationship in a way that also kills the friendship.  I swear when I watched soaps when I was younger, I was constantly annoyed that they spent all this time on the couples and three scenes a year on friendships.

It's funny you mention that about Tony and Ziva, cause the season six finale was on the other day and I just rolled my eyes and thought "oh God, not them again". And unfortunately, I feel that the writing was never on Ziva's side, cause while her character always seemed to be front and center, she never came out good at the end of these arcs. These character went through big things together and you're right, nothing changed.

As for friendships, I think what makes me love those more is that you see them build up over time and they tend to add to the show instead of take over. Whether they become romantic or not, I find friendships more entertaining.

It's funny because this reminds me of the ship drama over The Walking Dead about Daryl and frankly, I think his best relationships are FRIENDSHIPS (with Rick and Carol), not romantic ships.

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I did mildly ship Tony and Ziva.


I did too for a while.  I soon got tired of the will they/won't they stuff.  Either put them together or stop playing around with the idea.  It turned me off of the entire relationship, which is too bad because I actually think the actors had great chemistry.  At least, far more chemistry than MW did with Sasha Alexander.



Friendships are my kryptonite.  That is really what I ship and when I ship a couple


For the most part, I agree.  There are definitely pairings I want to see end up together romantically.  But, on the whole when I fall for a pairing it's because they have a great friendship.  



Then there's when it seems to bring episodes to a grinding halt. In Psych, Shawn spent an entire episode (where his best friend was being held hostage during a bank robbery) obsessing over Juliet's new boyfriend than worrying about his friend (not to say he didn't worry, but when the show is about his friendship with him, maybe save the boyfriend obsessing for another episode?)


Oh, my God.  I will never stop being bitter about that episode.  That was the beginning of the end for me.  I never was interested in the Shawn/Jules pairing but once that episode aired, I could see the writing on the wall that they were going to be the end all/be all of the show and I bailed shortly after that.  I loved the Shawn and Gus friendship, the Lassiter and Juliet partnership, and the Shawn and Henry father/son relationship.  So, pretty much every relationship on that show was great for me except the one they were forcing down my throat.  Too bad.  That was such a fun show in the first few years.

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Friendships are my kryptonite. That is really what I ship and when I ship a couple, you can be pretty sure that there was a friendship at the core of the relationship before the romantic stuff got started. Those are the ships I don't tend to sway from and can get annoyed enough to quit a show if they destroy the relationship in a way that also kills the friendship. I swear when I watched soaps when I was younger, I was constantly annoyed that they spent all this time on the couples and three scenes a year on friendships.

It's a good thing you stopped when you did,as it's only gotten worse, even on the soaps that actually made an effort at developing friendships.

The Bold and the Beautiful, while still the only soap I tune into every now and again, is the absolute worst in this regard. The only friendship they've paid lip service to in the last ten years was Stephanie and Taylor's, and that was all about keeping Brooke away from Ridge the mullet king.

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I'm going to guess that you weren't heavily into Harry Potter fandom and never came across Hagrid/Dobby fanfic?

"Dobby stretches, sir!"

I see your Dobby/Hagrid and raise you a Giant Squid/Hogwarts tentacle porn.

And by Hogwarts, I mean the actual physical building itself.

It wasn't the worst Harry Potter fic I've come across,to be honest.

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It wasn't the worst Harry Potter fic I've come across,to be honest.


'My Immortal' wins that one doesn't it? Unless there's something worse out there? and if so, point me towards it please. :D


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