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Katie and Travis: Young Love?

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Oh dear God, why?!!!!!!

They're really going to take that little girl away from the grandparents who adore her? And for what? So they can live the sorority girl/frat boy life with Evan and Carlin? Katie's gonna be in for one rude awakening. Kelly is not going to help the way Mrs. Clark does and Josie's had dibs on Michael for a while. Good luck finding a sitter for their thrice weekly date nights. 

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1 minute ago, Salacious Kitty said:

It makes absolutely no sense. 

Apparently her followers share your sentiments. There's a lot of half-hearted congratulations followed by how sad they feel for Travis' parents. Someone even pointed out how uncomfortable Hailey seemed with Gil and Kelly in the birthday video. Nobody said anything mean, but it wasn't quite the love fest I'm sure Katie was expecting. 

Oh and Evan's comment was "Let the party begin!." 🙄🙄🙄. Should we take bets on how fast Trav tires of the Stew Crew? 

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WTF!?!? Katie was making forward progress in NJ - with inlaws who actually showed her what it's like to care about their kids and about her. With inlaws who walked into the hospital when she had the baby and went straight to HER to ask how she felt, rather than just rushing to grab a photo opp with the baby. With a MIL who camped out at her house for the first few weeks, brought meals etc. so Katie could recover and get some rest. With inlaws who engage with, talk with, and play with her kid - in ways that show they want to teach her and care about her development - not just the grandparent photo opps.

But hey G&K's lord of the flies parenting is something to go running back to. I mean these are the same jobless people who couldn't be bothered to stay 24 hrs after their other daughter's heart surgery; nope no need - just fly in, get the pics praying over her, and Gil takes off before she's even out of the recovery room, and Kelly leaves as soon as she's in her hospital room. Same parents who couldn't be bothered to come sit at Carlin's house, nor help pack up her house and move her when she was mysteriously ill and they needed to get out of their rental. Same parents who apparently didn't support Erin after her surgeries bc her MIL moved in with them from Oklahoma. But hey the party party with Carlin & Evan is def worth all this. 🙄

Katie is - like all the other girls - NOT an independent thinker at all. She is totally swayed by her environment. So when she was in NJ with Travis' 2 siblings and a MIL who had 3 kids, she saw the value of having only 3 kids and having the resources to have a nice house, nice things for the kids, trips, ACTUAL medical care at major health systems. She and Trav focused on things like bedtimes and mealtimes for Hailey, not just letting their kid stay up until all hours and letting her sleep on the floor anywhere just bc they needed to party party.

I do think as soon as she's back in Tenn and sees Whit with 5 kids, Tori with 5+, Josie eventually with 5, Carlin eventually with 4-5 - their 3 kid plan goes out the window bc omg EVERYONE is having babies . . . . Plus Kelly will be in her ear re how it's God will for her to have more blah blah. And while I realize Trav has family money and Tenn is cheaper, but the more kids he has the more that resources are stretched thinner. Plus will there be family pressure that not every kid needs their own room, that any kind of health care is all the same, etc? And will there be Carlin/Evan pressure to just be hanging out all the time, even if it means their kids are sleeping on the floor at 10 pm just bc OMG party party, we're making pizza rolls and playing monopoly!?

If Trav cares about his kids are raised - and I think he does - he's going to have to set some boundaries. After all Z&W, while still being friendly with C&E, also seem to have established their own lines re their families - i.e. weeknights/Saturdays spent at kid activities; holidays, bdays, and movie nights are just for THEIR family - C&E not invited; and none of this midnight ice cream run bullshit with C&E - seems like Z&W even if they visit, they are gone before bedtime.

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1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

So the next question is, will they go with a humble abode like they have now, something like the Stews, or a McMansion?

Oh no, there's not a house recently sold on C&E's street, is there?

Even if they just rent out the NJ house, they could rent something much larger in TN. Maybe something on the Stew's street. 

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I think Travis is too passive and PWed to set any "boundaries." Sorry, Hailey, you just became a Bates. I hope you weren't planning on getting any attention or support until you're engaged/married/delivering. And bring a set of earplugs for the few occasions when you spend time with your idiot grandparents. That time will only be for photo ops, though. 

Travis and Katie are stupid. 

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I'm extremely disappointed with this news.  

I do not want to watch the "party party" with Carlin and Katie.  

And I feel so badly for Hailey.  What happens when Katie has her next baby?  Does she not remember all the complications she had after she had Hailey?  How much help she needed and how Travis' family stepped up to the plate and were there for them.  Her mom won't be there to help, her sisters won't be there to help (well, probably Michael will) and she and Travi will have Hailey to deal with next time too.  Just not interested in watching their life in TN.  

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What the hell? This is a really stupid idea. They are much better off in New Jersey. Away from the craziness of the Bates. Surrounded by people who actually have stepped up to help Katie and Travis after Hailey was born. It's much better for Hailey. She was surrounded by grandparents who actually love her. What are they thinking?

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Maybe Papa Clark figured that to stop Katie’s whining about how she misses her family, Tennessee etc etc was to let them move there. I think the Clark’s are very involved in each other’s lives and the Clark family church & school business funds some of Travis’s expenses. And Travis may be pushing this move as good for his music career. So Papa Clark agrees to let them try it figuring reality will set in the first time Katie needs a babysitter or someone to take their dog. 

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3 hours ago, ozziemom said:

Maybe Papa Clark figured that to stop Katie’s whining about how she misses her family, Tennessee etc etc was to let them move there. I think the Clark’s are very involved in each other’s lives and the Clark family church & school business funds some of Travis’s expenses. And Travis may be pushing this move as good for his music career. So Papa Clark agrees to let them try it figuring reality will set in the first time Katie needs a babysitter or someone to take their dog. 

Good theory. I think the big tell will be if they sell their Jersey house. Travis owns it free and clear, so I could see his dad telling him to hang on to the asset and rent it. It would provide steady income and also give them a place to return to when things eventually crash and burn in Tennessee. 

Like all of you pointed out, the reality check is going to come when Katie has baby #2. Mrs. Clark will probably stay for the first week, but Katie won't have months of consistent help. And this will also be happening right as Hailey is hitting the Terrible Two's. Cranky toddler plus newborn for parents who've never really done anything on their own? They're going to lose their minds. Addie and Ellie may be conscripted into service, but they seem content to rotate down to Florida. Also, the one who just hit 18 will likely be courting soon. 

I don't doubt that Gil, Kelly, Carlin and Evan were in their ears during ILYD and the previous visit. It's too bad we don't get to see Hailey more! Don't you miss this?! If you lived closer, Layla and Hailey could play together all the time! You can do YouTube from anywhere! Poor Katie fell into the trap. 

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3 hours ago, ozziemom said:

Maybe Papa Clark figured that to stop Katie’s whining about how she misses her family, Tennessee etc etc was to let them move there. I think the Clark’s are very involved in each other’s lives and the Clark family church & school business funds some of Travis’s expenses. And Travis may be pushing this move as good for his music career. So Papa Clark agrees to let them try it figuring reality will set in the first time Katie needs a babysitter or someone to take their dog. 

“Let them?” You think his parents still have that much control over him? Maybe they do. 

19 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Good theory. I think the big tell will be if they sell their Jersey house. Travis owns it free and clear, so I could see his dad telling him to hang on to the asset and rent it. It would provide steady income and also give them a place to return to when things eventually crash and burn in Tennessee. 

Like all of you pointed out, the reality check is going to come when Katie has baby #2. Mrs. Clark will probably stay for the first week, but Katie won't have months of consistent help. And this will also be happening right as Hailey is hitting the Terrible Two's. Cranky toddler plus newborn for parents who've never really done anything on their own? They're going to lose their minds. Addie and Ellie may be conscripted into service, but they seem content to rotate down to Florida. Also, the one who just hit 18 will likely be courting soon. 

I don't doubt that Gil, Kelly, Carlin and Evan were in their ears during ILYD and the previous visit. It's too bad we don't get to see Hailey more! Don't you miss this?! If you lived closer, Layla and Hailey could play together all the time! You can do YouTube from anywhere! Poor Katie fell into the trap. 

How does he own it free and clear??

20 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Good theory. I think the big tell will be if they sell their Jersey house. Travis owns it free and clear, so I could see his dad telling him to hang on to the asset and rent it. It would provide steady income and also give them a place to return to when things eventually crash and burn in Tennessee. 

Like all of you pointed out, the reality check is going to come when Katie has baby #2. Mrs. Clark will probably stay for the first week, but Katie won't have months of consistent help. And this will also be happening right as Hailey is hitting the Terrible Two's. Cranky toddler plus newborn for parents who've never really done anything on their own? They're going to lose their minds. Addie and Ellie may be conscripted into service, but they seem content to rotate down to Florida. Also, the one who just hit 18 will likely be courting soon. 

I don't doubt that Gil, Kelly, Carlin and Evan were in their ears during ILYD and the previous visit. It's too bad we don't get to see Hailey more! Don't you miss this?! If you lived closer, Layla and Hailey could play together all the time! You can do YouTube from anywhere! Poor Katie fell into the trap. 

Didn’t Katie say she didn’t really like doing YouTube videos?

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2 minutes ago, AstridM said:


How does he own it free and clear??

Didn’t Katie say she didn’t really like doing YouTube videos?

To your first point, the Bank of Daddy. When Travis initially found the house, the original owner didn't want to sell. Mr. Clark went over there and talked to him, and next thing you know Travis is getting it for a steal. I think he (or his family) paid something like 80 or 90k, cash. It was a bit sketch at the time because it came across like Pa Clark made the guy an offer he couldn't refuse (wink, wink). Some people speculated Travis bought the place with his music earnings, but I'm doubtful. He's a small Christian artist, not Harry Styles. 

With regards to YouTube, yes, Katie has said she doesn't like doing it and that it was Travis who pushed to start the channel. I think she doesn't mind Influencing, because that's just recording short videos and posting, but YouTube is more time consuming and stressful. There's pressure to churn out content and you get a lot more negative feedback. 

I think Travis has his own ulterior motives with this move. It wouldn't surprise me if his father is like, okay, you've had your fun, but it's time to stop dicking around and join the family empire. At some point, the Clarks need their sons to take over if the generational wealth is going to continue. If Travis wants to do his own thing, that's his right, but I get the sense it isn't so much that he doesn't want to work for the church as it is he doesn't want to work, period. Telling his parents God called him to Tennessee gets him out of it for a while. 


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23 minutes ago, AstridM said:

“Let them?” You think his parents still have that much control over him? Maybe they do. 

How does he own it free and clear??

Didn’t Katie say she didn’t really like doing YouTube videos?

Yup I think the Clark parents and Travis’s grandfather Clark are very much in control of $$$ that funds a lot of T&K expenses. Plus they act very much like patriarchs. During the summer there are beach vacations that are family traditions, trips to the recording studio etc. The Clark family seems to spend a lot of time together, funded by Papa Clark. So maybe T&K will now be visiting NJ as much as they currently visit Tennessee. 

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@BitterApple makes a good point. I seem to recall some suggestions that the Clarks - after seeing Katie being a falling apart mess when she moved and before she got pregnant - decided it was ok for their son to just focus on Katie and the baby full time for a while after he graduated college - to help her adjust. However he's been married 2 years now and clearly there's no end in sight to that arrangement because it'll always be - aw Katie is pregnant or nursing or taking care of a newborn or taking care of 3 kids or whatever - so I need to be home.

It's very possible that the Clarks are now telling Trav that one of them need to be involved in the school full time - say come summer camp season or maybe in the fall. I mean they likely did not expect to be handing over a monthly check for life as he sits around making videos and impregnating his wife every year. IDK if his brother works at the school FT but the brother's wife is a FT kindergarten teacher so of that couple, at least one of them is contributing to the school.

4 hours ago, ozziemom said:

Maybe Papa Clark figured that to stop Katie’s whining about how she misses her family, Tennessee etc etc was to let them move there. I think the Clark’s are very involved in each other’s lives and the Clark family church & school business funds some of Travis’s expenses. And Travis may be pushing this move as good for his music career. So Papa Clark agrees to let them try it figuring reality will set in the first time Katie needs a babysitter or someone to take their dog. 

In one way I could see this. As Katie likely whines and is ungrateful for all the help they provide, maybe Ma and Pa Clark think - fine go do it on your own for a while. Meanwhile they know their pampered 23 yr old son + DIL can't handle it on their own for long esp not with kid #2, #3, etc. And I think the Clark TOTALLY see the Bates for who they are. Katie romanticizes her family life and Trav I think just thinks it's super fun bc it's big and loud, compared to his small quiet family. But Mrs. Clark figured out who G&K are that damn baby shower when they showed up early, did NOTHING to help, parked themselves in the yard with a pizza that they brought FOR THEMSELVES. And I'm pretty sure it didn't go unnoticed that Kelly parked herself at Katie's for weeks before the birth but the moment the kid arrived, she squealed at the hospital, took IG pics and left, while Mrs. Clark moved in for weeks taking care of Kelly's daughter.

I wonder if the Clarks secretly watch the Bates' YTs to get a sense of the family. If they do, they know in a very real way who G&K are and how K&T are NOT going to have help there beyond 18 yr old sister moms. I mean when life got tough - Erin, Carlin, Alyssa - all turned to their ILs as their parents were no where to be found. 

I think when baby #2 comes, Mrs. Clark still moves in for a week or two but it won't be the same bc at some point she'll leave and it's not like after she leaves she can stop in three days later with a lasagna in hand. I'm sure the Clarks are not going to let Trav sell a house he owns mortgage free in NJ - he'll just put in a renter - which then always leaves open the possibility that if things go wrong or just if they get tired of handling it alone with kid #2, 3, 4 etc (and now there will be more kids bc of the peer pressure), they can always decide it's god's will to go back to NJ while the kids are young.

5 minutes ago, AstridM said:

It sounds more like Travis wants Katie to work. . . 

My sense is Trav has gone down the Evan road. I mean he was always a spoiled rich kid to start with but now seeing bestie Evan doing nothing all day besides sticking cameras in his wife/daughter's faces, he may be thinking that life is ideal. Why should he have to show up at the family school and teach a music class every day or be music director or be an administrator, when he too can stay home and put his and Katie's life on film?

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9 minutes ago, cereality said:

As Katie likely whines and is ungrateful for all the help they provide, maybe Ma and Pa Clark think - fine go do it on your own for a while. Meanwhile they know their pampered 23 yr old son + DIL can't handle it on their own for long esp not with kid #2, #3, etc

But will they continue sending them the monthly checks for doing nothing? This is why they should’ve waited to get married and start having babies, FFS.

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I'm just guessing here but I think it is unlikely that they are moving to Tennessee just so that Katie can be close to her family. It's possible that they are moving to Nashville because Travis got a recording contract. He does write, record and sell his music.  He has a recording setup  now in their house And he actually has talent unlike Lawson. It was mentioned upthread that Nashville is a market for Christian music. If this is the case I can see the Clarks being OK with the move even though they will miss Haley terribly.   

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3 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I'm just guessing here but I think it is unlikely that they are moving to Tennessee just so that Katie can be close to her family. It's possible that they are moving to Nashville because Travis got a recording contract. He does write, record and sell his music.  He has a recording setup  now in their house And he actually has talent unlike Lawson. It was mentioned upthread that Nashville is a market for Christian music. If this is the case I can see the Clarks being OK with the move even though they will miss Haley terribly.   

He could have a recording contract and still live in NJ. Lots of musicians do that 🤷‍♀️

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I recall Travis first saying he worked remotely for the school and focused on his music. At a later time he said he does all the technical and business stuff for Katie's influencing, while he still does his music. Its also a possibility he gets some monthly cash (interest?) from a trust fund from grandpa.

I suspect they will travel back to NJ frequently and the Clarks will come to TN.

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3 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I recall Travis first saying he worked remotely for the school and focused on his music. At a later time he said he does all the technical and business stuff for Katie's influencing, while he still does his music. Its also a possibility he gets some monthly cash (interest?) from a trust fund from grandpa.

I suspect they will travel back to NJ frequently and the Clarks will come to TN.

Their family music group has CDs and YouTube videos with a lot of views, so he would be entitled to a share of that income.

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