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Trials and Tribulations of Juicy and Tre...

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Teresa looking at a house for sale was interesting. Why take Gia? Isn't there enough going on without involving her in more make believe? The "agent" kept comparing the house they were looking at to the house they now have. What a bunch of nonsense filler crap. Joe saying they could sell their house for much more than the new house would cost and pocket the rest was one of the most hysterical things he has said.

  • Love 3

I think so too. I could well imagine a scenario where say, Joe uses his brother, Pete, as a middle man to privately and quietly sell off items from the house: tools, furniture, bric a brac, appliances, chandeliers, etc. Stripping the house and property. Wonder what Teresa might find left when she returns at the end of her prison sentence. Wonder if he'd sell off her personal stuff too, ...i.e. designer name handbags.


I also can't help but wonder how the heck they pay for stuff during did they this phase of sentencing, with big money owed to the court. How do they keep on living and paying for normal family stuff. I know the court allows them some money just to live, but I think of:


 - Groceries for a family of 6

 - Utility bills, electric to cool and heating for that monstrosity....NJ summers are stinking humid....and the last few winters have been fucking COLD (l live in NJ). I would bet that monthly utility bills almost year round are into the 4 figures. 

 - What about healthcare for the girls? dental bills? orthodontics? clothes? haircuts?

 - And of course, the cars and gas and maintenance

 - And car insurance. NJ has the highest car ins. cost in the US. 

 - Paying for the girls' school and activity needs? Do the girls get to continue in the standard activities that do have out of pocket costs: cheerleading, dance, music, clubs, Brownies ? 



And never forget the budget for 2-4 bottles of wine for Juicy every night. Even if he is drinking the cheap stuff, that adds up.  


I am sure that Tre would say the pedi's were comped, but I don't really care. She needs to start preparing her girls for the reality that their lives have changed. Yep, it sucks but it is a reality. When my parents divorced when I was young we had to move out of the modest home and into an apartment complex. There were no more ballet classes, no gymnastics, no cheerleading, because all of that stuff cost money that we no longer had. We were all in on the sacrifices that had to be made and all understood the reality of our situation. No vacation homes or trips to the beach. She has done her girls no favors by continuing to live a life they cannot afford. 


Oh, and I cannot believe that she said on WWHL that Juicy still has his Rolex.  Dumb bitch. 

  • Love 4

Joe saying they could sell their house for much more than the new house would cost and pocket the rest was one of the most hysterical things he has said.

Except he meant it. They really do live and think like this. Bills are for other people. Esp. past due bills. Debt. Creditors. Obligations. Forgetaboutit!

  • Love 5

Oh, and I cannot believe that she said on WWHL that Juicy still has his Rolex.  Dumb bitch.

Maybe they tried to sell it on eBay, along with Juicy's old Corvette, but there were no takers. There were so many mind-blowing nuggets from that interview that some of them got lost. Apparently, their only attempt to raise money to pay off their debt and meet their financial obligations was to put an old car of Joe's on eBay! Except it didn't sell, so whattaya gonna do?

  • Love 4

The Juicys are not employees of Bravo so no taxes are withheld. BRAVO sends a 1099 form for all amounts paid. Theoretically one is supposed to make quarterly payments of amounts anticipated to be paid for taxes - Federal and State. Federal taxes are a bit higher for independent contractors since you are responsible for FICA payments for both employer and employee (Medicare/SS).


Bingo on the taxes. The top tax bracket is almost 40% plus around 15% for independent contractor FICA means Theresa's $650k paycheck was spent quick. Plus NJ taxes! They must have been bringing in serious cash from appearances for their everyday expenses.

I rewatched season one and am still amazed at how these people spent. One scene Theresa brought Gia to take modeling photos and they brought suitcase after suitcasr of clothes and accessories. Like 10+. I remember thinking that was so many clothes for an oldest girl to have, since I'm used to clothes being passed down so the youngest sister ends up with the most amount of clothes, with each wearer adding a few new items but for the most part everything used. I really see how they could spend all that money and having almost nothing to show for it.

  • Love 2

I think so too. I could well imagine a scenario where say, Joe uses his brother, Pete, as a middle man to privately and quietly sell off items from the house: tools, furniture, bric a brac, appliances, chandeliers, etc. Stripping the house and property. Wonder what Teresa might find left when she returns at the end of her prison sentence. Wonder if he'd sell off her personal stuff too, ...i.e. designer name handbags.


I also can't help but wonder how the heck they pay for stuff during did they this phase of sentencing, with big money owed to the court. How do they keep on living and paying for normal family stuff. I know the court allows them some money just to live, but I think of:


 - Groceries for a family of 6

 - Utility bills, electric to cool and heating for that monstrosity....NJ summers are stinking humid....and the last few winters have been fucking COLD (l live in NJ). I would bet that monthly utility bills almost year round are into the 4 figures. 

 - What about healthcare for the girls? dental bills? orthodontics? clothes? haircuts?

 - And of course, the cars and gas and maintenance

 - And car insurance. NJ has the highest car ins. cost in the US. 

 - Paying for the girls' school and activity needs? Do the girls get to continue in the standard activities that do have out of pocket costs: cheerleading, dance, music, clubs, Brownies ? 


I always wondered if the Tre and Joe even bothered with silly health and car insurance. Or did they let that slide too. Did they pay their doctors and dentists with cash !? Imaginary scenario: Joe to dentist, " hey, ....about we settle Milania's cleaning and two fillings; and call it just an exam and one filling, and I 'll pay in cash. Deal?" 


Hey and just how do they handle PAYING property, state, and federal taxes from here on. Well, now that I think of it, federal taxes are automatically deducted from Teresa's Bravo checks. But what about NJ local property taxes, also one of the highest in the US.


Is 13 year old Gia going to have to get a part time job? I say that with no snark and no malice against her. And nothing wrong with a teen getting a little job for pin money. Of course it builds character. But will it even be enough for a normal teenage girl whose parents have no extra to supplement her activities and needs. I truly feel for her the most. She is entering high school shortly with the usual peer pressure and this nightmarish family scandal will hang over her entire teen years. "Normal" teen years can be tough. I do hope her teachers and parents of her circle of friends support and protect her. I think this awful mess her parents created will be hardest on her. But she does seem like a bright, talented, and aspirational young lady. I hope she gets scholarships. Be strong, Gia. Stay gold....

They did NOT have health insurance for anyone, not even their daughters and 3 of them are active in sports. SMH


Will Joe and Teresa serve their entire sentences, or will they get time off for good behavior, jail overcrowding, etc?


Watching Teresa at the spa and getting her pedicure was a little shocking last night when you consider how much trouble they were in financially at the time. Of course, they threw a big party right before sentencing too. Even if Bravo and/or someone else paid for all that, it just LOOKS bad. Really bad. I know Teresa is an idiot, but you would have thought that fixer chick they showed on one of the entertainment shows who Teresa hired would have told her that. Or that her lawyer would have told her that.


And both Teresa and Joe act like this is a case of them not understanding paperwork, but the news sure makes it sound like this was a willful and deliberate act committed repeatedly.

Teresa will serve 13+ months even with time off for good behavior. She will not get out until sometime mid Feb. 2016. Joe will serve 3 years with time off for good behavior AND alcohol/drug rehab then face deportation. He will go from prison to the immigration holding facility and stay there until they decide if he will be deported. 


The Juicys are not employees of Bravo so no taxes are withheld. BRAVO sends a 1099 form for all amounts paid. Theoretically one is supposed to make quarterly payments of amounts anticipated to be paid for taxes - Federal and State. Federal taxes are a bit higher for independent contractors since you are responsible for FICA payments for both employer and employee (Medicare/SS). 


Any creditor with a judgment can slap a lien on payments owed the Juicys but I would imagine the bulk of their payment for this season came before this was possible since the bankruptcy wasn't dismissed until fairly recently (well after payment for the season) and the restitution/fines etc. were imposed fairly recently. Any FUTURE earning streams are subject this.


The Juicys actually owed relatively little to individuals except for the judgment owed to Juicy's business partner which was about $300,000. Most of the amounts owed were for the mortgages on various properties and then a relatively small amount - i.e. $100,000 or so owed for consumer debt to Nordstroms. 


The Juicys have supported their lifestyle because they are spending all of the amounts that are coming in. I would imagine between paychecks - personal appearances and any kind of ancillary income streams their income was more than enough to support their current expenditures. Of course, that didn't factor in making payments to their creditors or saving for restitution. I think they have managed to pay their mortgages; lease their cars and pay their lawyers with money for blowouts, pedicures and clothing. I think they are dead broke at the moment and I don't see any income streams coming in for the near future. On the other hand, I can certainly see Teresa being paid a LARGE advance for a tell all book after she gets out of prison.



As has been stated numerous times, in the Federal prison system, prisons get 15% off for "good behavior" so Tre will serve a minimum of 13 months. 

Of the $13.4 million the Giudice's owe, just over $5 million is for the mortgages on their 3 houses. The rest is owed to lawyers, not their recent ones, small businesses and private individuals. The Feds only concerned themselves with the banks/mortgage companies and their fraudulent BK petition not the bulk of what Teresa/Joe tried to get out from under. There is a long list of victims on their BK petition paperwork! In short....5+ million owed to banks/mortgages with   8+ million owed to many people/businesses.

  • Love 1


The Juicys are not employees of Bravo so no taxes are withheld. BRAVO sends a 1099 form for all amounts paid. Theoretically one is supposed to make quarterly payments of amounts anticipated to be paid for taxes - Federal and State. Federal taxes are a bit higher for independent contractors since you are responsible for FICA payments for both employer and employee (Medicare/SS).


Thanks for the very cogent explanation on taxes, amarante. 

Edited by Bossa Nova



RealityTea just confirmed that you were right on the money.  She was paid $750,000 (plus bonuses) for S6.  I guess they throw that "bonus" incentive out there to get the cast to step up the drama.


There's a few interesting tidbits in this article.....including the visitation setup.  Apparently, it's only 4 hours per month.  I didn't realize that Joe would be handcuffed upon his release and handed over to immigration.



Since the great Jac no-show Season 3, RH have made payments in increments to ensure cooperation.  The payment everyone keeps talking about for the interview is mist likely the balance of her Season 6 contract.  If bonuses are based on ratings-there would be none for the cast this year.  Some of the newer RH have benchmarks and if things don't work out the are cut from payroll after the first or second installment.


I have a problem with this article- Joe's attorney never said he smelled of alcohol in court-he said Joe had come to his office smelling of alcohol.  Had Joe been under the influence they would have postponed sentencing.

  • Love 1

Question: I am sure this has already been answered but I missed it......


Why is Teresa going to prison first? Is that a court decision? A request by their attorney?

Their Attorneys request staggered sentences and Teresa's is shorter plus Joe faces deportation after he serves his sentence. I believe/think, when Joe is finished with his Federal time, he will be taken straight from prison to the immigration holding facility and stay there until his fate is decided. 

  • Love 2

I agree with you about Joe not being able to make that trip without help. I'm not sure if he's allowed to leave the state or not. Whoever is "supervising" him while he's waiting to be imprisoned, would probably have to OK it. No one has mentioned this so it may not be true but I always thought that convicted felons were not allowed to visit inmates in any correctional facility whether it be federal, state or county.

It depends upon the crime and each individual situation. It's not a blanket rule for every felon.

LOL-Joe does give off the permanently embalmed state of existence.    I just wonder if Joe's 10 piece suit collection for $250.00, is actually woven from Odor-Eaters. 

He probably substitutes his wine/scotch intake with mouthwash that contains alcohol when out and about, like when he is coaching the girls soccer team.

  • Love 1

According to the RealityTea article Joe's lawyer said he smelled of alcohol on sentencing day.  



What his attorney said is that Joe came to his office smelling of alcohol.  Of Joe had been under the influence or had his attorney said that in court the sentencing would have been continued.  It irks me when these so-called journalist skew the stories.

  • Love 2

What his attorney said is that Joe came to his office smelling of alcohol.  Of Joe had been under the influence or had his attorney said that in court the sentencing would have been continued.  It irks me when these so-called journalist skew the stories.



No one would know that from reading that piece so thank you for clearing that up.

I hate being late to the party because everything gets said but my stupid job kept me from watching part 2 of their interview.  I almost felt bad for Joe with all the questions to Teresa about whether she blames him, mostly because I don't think he'd have been this kind of criminal if he weren't trying to get her all the material crap she needed in order to be happy.  Shame Andy didn't seem to ask him about his feelings, beyond whether he feels guilty.  I'm not trying to excuse him; just thought she got a bit of a pass on things.  


Question- so with Joe's next case...the prison sentences will still be staggered?  That seems weird to me, that you could get a delay in reporting to prison for one kind of crime because your wife was also convicted in a separate case.

  • Love 1

I hate being late to the party because everything gets said but my stupid job kept me from watching part 2 of their interview.  I almost felt bad for Joe with all the questions to Teresa about whether she blames him, mostly because I don't think he'd have been this kind of criminal if he weren't trying to get her all the material crap she needed in order to be happy.  Shame Andy didn't seem to ask him about his feelings, beyond whether he feels guilty.  I'm not trying to excuse him; just thought she got a bit of a pass on things.  


Question- so with Joe's next case...the prison sentences will still be staggered?  That seems weird to me, that you could get a delay in reporting to prison for one kind of crime because your wife was also convicted in a separate case.

I think staggered sentences for couples with kids is common with the Feds for white collar crimes. Joe's DL Fraud case looks like it will be rolled into his Federal time with no additional time in State prison at all, which makes me suspect they really do plan on deporting him after his sentence is complete. Why waste more taxpayer money on him when he will be going Bye, Bye in the end.

  • Love 1

It seems a little bit self-defeating to me for Joe and Teresa to see an anger management counselor when he's still drinking.  Alcohol often is the reason for outbursts.  Why doesn't he get off the booze first, then attack his anger problems?  I think he may be putting the cart ahead of the horse.

Absolutely agree....alcohol will exacerbate any emotion, particularly anger.

  • Love 2

Who would be fool enough to hand over $50,000.00 to these people?  Thank you for the link.  I am assuming Teresa must have some more money coming down the pike to re-pay the fool.  I thought Teresa was barred from having any lines of credit.  Hmmmm




The new pup will be ok but the guard dogs are the big question. The only ones able to handle them are Joe and Gia, Teresa is terrified of them!

Bernie Kerik might take them off Teresa's hands.

Edited by zoeysmom
I am not reading about any upcoming interviews with the Giudices so I am wondering if they have possibly priced themselves out of interview market or  there are no takers.  Maybe a story when they move out of the mansion.



Maybe the magazines do not want it in the official record how much they pay for interviews, and therefore won’t play, knowing any interviews they do will trigger documentation in the public record? 

$150,000 from a contract advance?* What magazine, publisher, network, or company is hiring Teresa? I bet this is b.s. They had the money all along.

* I hope Teresa read the contract before she signed it. Because, of course, that was the one and only lesson she learned from this whole debacle.

This makes me wonder if the rumors about filming being set to begin in 2 weeks are true! If it is true, it may be an advance on her Bravo pay and Andy maybe the "lender" of the extra $50K she needed. She needs to spend her last 2+ months at home with her kids, NOT filming a show that she told the Judge did NOT matter to her!  I get she needs the money but it is her and Joe's fault that they are in this position! SMH

  • Love 5

Very interesting indeed.  At the very least, it sounds like the Giudice family is out of money, or is done loaning it to these two. Wonder who the friend is? 


I think the advance is for the book she has no doubt promised to write (kudos to Caroline who saw it all so clearly years ago), or from Bravo. I completely believe they will start filming right away and will take it right up to the day she packs her bags and leaves for college.  Actually, I think they are probably already filming. 

  • Love 3

This makes me wonder if the rumors about filming being set to begin in 2 weeks are true! If it is true, it may be an advance on her Bravo pay and Andy maybe the "lender" of the extra $50K she needed. She needs to spend her last 2+ months at home with her kids, NOT filming a show that she told the Judge did NOT matter to her!  I get she needs the money but it is her and Joe's fault that they are in this position! SMH

Okay so she made the deposit-now she has November and December payments ahead of her.  If I am not mistaken it is generally 25% of whatever she makes.  Now there is the IRS payments and of course living expenses.  They better sell a lot of Fabellini in the next couple of months.  I still don't understand what part of no credit she doesn't get. I too, am curious what friend would "loan" her money with her track record.  If she doesn't have access to her money from the deals, I would think her "friend" would be at the back of the line. 


I do think Bravo paid her for the next couple of months-serves them right when it all ends up on the cutting room floor.  Unless there is a book advance-I can't imagine what she will say since she knew nothing I see an end to the Teresa rainbow.  Teresa might as well have the prison expert write her story.  I don't see anything genuine or new in future interviews or books.


There is nothing going on in Teresa's life that makes filming interesting.  How many "talks" can she and Joe have?  She and DIna?  She and Victoria Gotti?  I guess they will film the kids getting ready for Halloween.  Thanksgiving with the Giudices and no Frank.  Christmas with the kids and  New Years.  Teresa packing to go to prison.  Wait a second-that is far more than she did all of Season 6.  Not to be unkind but what if a RH died? bravo is making her far more indispensable that common sense should permit. 

  • Love 1

When I read the original sentence, I didn't realize that the $200,000 was part of the restitution.  I thought it was fines.  There are hefty court fines but I haven't seen or heard anything about what they are.  If Tre pays $200K and Joe pays $200K who pays the remaining $14,588?


My money is on the $150k advance coming from Bravo.  There's no way Bravo (or the Guidices) are going to pass up the opportunity to film the next few months.  While I can understand they're thinking about the need to have money coming in to live on and pay their huge debt, what happened to "my daughters are THE MOST important thing" in my life.  These girls are scarred enough without being filmed during Tre's "pre-college" months.


A few posters have mentioned the possibility of Teresa writing a book about all of this.   Isn't there a law that prohibits those convicted of a crime from doing that?  I thought they couldn't "profit" from their crime by writing a book.

  • Love 2

I agree that they were lugging something besides gaudy clothes in all of that luggage.

The thing is, they had actually already filed for BR when they filmed these scenes in Italy, it just hadn't been reported yet. They filed for BR in October of 2009, but the news came out in July of 2010. That particular episode aired in August 2010, so they had already filed for BR at that point (even if it was filmed months before). This is one of the things that always bugged me so much. When Teresa was running down the streets looking for Chanel, she thought that she had filed for BR and her debts would be basically forgiven. Time to go shopping. We learned later that even though they had filed for BR protection 8 months before it was reported in the media, that none of her co-stars had known that they had filed. They went to Italy not knowing that the Giudice's were basically broke.

This is weird but I have to say thank you for using BR for bankruptcy. Shortening it to BK never made any sense to me.

  • Love 5

I agree with zoeysmom that the Giudice homefront stories are played out. It would be one thing if the family opened up about their "ordeal," but of course they don't. Both individually and as a couple, Teresa and Joe don't talk about what they did or acknowledge anything, let alone talk about prison or anything else in their future. Remember, this is a couple who live "day by day." Heck, they don't even seem to talk to eachother. Plus, they haven't told the kids anything, and I'm sure don't plan to. So what are they going to film?

I think the $200 k came from Bravo - payment for the sit-down interview with Andy. Or they had the money all along, but the judge's incredulous and stern warning at the hearing scared them. And there was no "friend" - unless that's code for a brown paper bag full of cash hidden in a chicken coop.

  • Love 6

This is weird but I have to say thank you for using BR for bankruptcy. Shortening it to BK never made any sense to me.

It is just the way it has always been BK.  Maybe because BR is often an abbreviation for bedroom or brothers?  http://www.allacronyms.com/bankruptcy/abbreviated

When I read the original sentence, I didn't realize that the $200,000 was part of the restitution.  I thought it was fines.  There are hefty court fines but I haven't seen or heard anything about what they are.  If Tre pays $200K and Joe pays $200K who pays the remaining $14,588?


My money is on the $150k advance coming from Bravo.  There's no way Bravo (or the Guidices) are going to pass up the opportunity to film the next few months.  While I can understand they're thinking about the need to have money coming in to live on and pay their huge debt, what happened to "my daughters are THE MOST important thing" in my life.  These girls are scarred enough without being filmed during Tre's "pre-college" months.


A few posters have mentioned the possibility of Teresa writing a book about all of this.   Isn't there a law that prohibits those convicted of a crime from doing that?  I thought they couldn't "profit" from their crime by writing a book.

Teresa is still on the hook for the other $214,000.00.  Joe is still on the hook for the balance as well.  The Court made them both responsible for the entire amount because it makes no sense to order Joe to pay anything.  Joe has a fine of $10,000.00 he is responsible for and Teresa has a fine of $8,000.00 she is responsible for-the are not responsible for the others' fine.

Random thought on the Giudices:


So Teresa paid the entire advance towards the fine-what about the $50,000.00 or so she will owe in taxes? We are near the end of 2014.


So if the house sells for $1 million over what they owe-Joe will still have an IRS bill to pay.  My guess is they will also have to pay some capital gains taxes.


Season 7 and most of 8 will film without Teresa-will anyone really miss her?  The show has to build again without her-it is not as if she can show up for the Reunion of Season 7.  By the time Teresa gets out February of 2016 they would have to film an entire season and not get it on the air to fall of 2016-I don't think the show could take that kind of hiatus.  Sirens media has to show a profit and they don't make money when the show is on hiatus.


if Teresa is telling the truth (fat chance) does anyone really want to see mellow Teresa or go through the motions of her visiting Joe in prison?  Or maybe Teresa divorces Joe does anyone want to see Teresa seeking a new husband-her preference seems to be a Jewish man?


To me it seems if Bravo or anyone else is really interested Teresa's next reality TV gig will not have a RH title in it. 

  • Love 1

The $414,000 amount is how much they both owe the court (now minus $200 k, I guess). Not each, but jointly. That TMZ article (and others) was wrong in how they interpreted the wording - they have to keep their business accounts separate from their personal accounts, not separate from each other. (Although yes, the fees are separate).

So I decided after all to tell my father his take on Joe Giudice was well received here. As I suspected, he now thinks he's cool... And instructed me to say how the long time catering halls in NY/Nj are "mobbed up", everyone on HW should be in jail for something but the Manzos have been around too long they'd be the last ones to be caught, and he believes that Joe probably could have given the Feds *something* on them, but " as stupid as he is he's not THAT stupid... Its one of the few things he does know."

  • Love 8

So I decided after all to tell my father his take on Joe Giudice was well received here. As I suspected, he now thinks he's cool... And instructed me to say how the long time catering halls in NY/Nj are "mobbed up", everyone on HW should be in jail for something but the Manzos have been around too long they'd be the last ones to be caught, and he believes that Joe probably could have given the Feds *something* on them, but " as stupid as he is he's not THAT stupid... Its one of the few things he does know."

Another cool point for your dad, because I totally agree with this! Makes sense.

  • Love 2

I hope she'll remember to bring the extra long twin sheets.  Perhaps we should send her an "off to college" checklist from Bed Bath and Beyond.


OH, OH, OH,  I made a mistake ordering my son's college dorm bedding and accidently ordered two!  Does the prison allow black sheets?  (Boys - LOL)  I will happily send the box which includes a comforter and a pillow.   I really should send it to her.  Anyways, if anyone needs dorm bedding PM and I'll send it to you.  It's sitting in my closet  ;)

  • Love 1

It is just the way it has always been BK.  Maybe because BR is often an abbreviation for bedroom or brothers?  http://www.allacronyms.com/bankruptcy/abbreviated

Teresa is still on the hook for the other $214,000.00.  Joe is still on the hook for the balance as well.  The Court made them both responsible for the entire amount because it makes no sense to order Joe to pay anything.  Joe has a fine of $10,000.00 he is responsible for and Teresa has a fine of $8,000.00 she is responsible for-the are not responsible for the others' fine.


Yes, when I was a legal secretary and single, I use to work late for a BK attorney on our floor and would type up the paperwork - this was before computers.  LOL 


It's still used to this day - BK     I never thought it would be anything else.  (Used loads of white out (blow to dry) back then but it always was interesting to type out those petitions.  I may have gotten carpal tunnel typing out the Juicy's Petition.)


I love Gigi's father :)  Give him a show!

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 1

Hmmm, it seems that the $150K was her WWHL AND her reunion paycheck! Also TT says that the $200K was for the IRS and NOT part of the restitution to Wells Fargo, which makes sense because the Government/IRS always gets paid first! TT did not say who lent Teresa/Joe the extra $50K they needed, I still think it was Andy.



  • Love 2

Hmmm, it seems that the $150K was her WWHL AND her reunion paycheck! Also TT says that the $200K was for the IRS and NOT part of the restitution to Wells Fargo, which makes sense because the Government/IRS always gets paid first! TT did not say who lent Teresa/Joe the extra $50K they needed, I still think it was Andy.



The IRS was present in court and I think that led to some confusion, in the plea agreement it clearly states it is deposit towards the forfeiture fund. Page 5 third paragraph  http://www.justice.gov/usao/nj/Press/files/pdffiles/2014/Giudice,%20Teresa%20Plea%20Agreement.pdf  I like TT but I think she was got that one wrong.

Hmmm, it seems that the $150K was her WWHL AND her reunion paycheck! Also TT says that the $200K was for the IRS and NOT part of the restitution to Wells Fargo, which makes sense because the Government/IRS always gets paid first! TT did not say who lent Teresa/Joe the extra $50K they needed, I still think it was Andy.





IMHO This makes a lot more sense.  I just couldn't understand why the two payments didn't add up to the 414K.

The Court can order Teresa to file and pay taxes, because she agreed to in the plea agreement (or work out an agreement for a payment plan with the IRS) but the court does not have jurisdiction until she fails to do so.  I think that is why at the beginning of the hearing the judge was upset Joe had not filed his tax returns.  Had he filed them the Court could have ordered that he pay as part of his guilty plea, an exact amount.

  • Love 1

I think the hardest part of all this, if I were Teresa, would be the thought of just going to prison, but the other daunting part would be how to explain this to the younger kids.  How in the world do you ever tell them that you've done something so wrong that you have to go to prison for it -- and that their dad has to go for even longer?  If my parents had ever told me that, I'd have thought they were kidding me.  Despite the fact that Joe and Teresa are getting what's coming to them, there's a real human tragedy here that has to be dealt with.  I don't envy them!  I think they might be wise to consult a child psychologist before they talk to their little ones.

  • Love 4

The IRS was present in court and I think that led to some confusion, in the plea agreement it clearly states it is deposit towards the forfeiture fund. Page 5 third paragraph  http://www.justice.gov/usao/nj/Press/files/pdffiles/2014/Giudice,%20Teresa%20Plea%20Agreement.pdf  I like TT but I think she was got that one wrong.



Does anyone know what the total dollar amount of the forfeiture is?

Maybe Teresa and Joe should start worrying about this:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2011/09/26/when-loans-are-taxed-as-income/


I have wondered if some of their lines of credit they defaulted on would be converted to earnings. 

Does anyone know what the total dollar amount of the forfeiture is?

$414,000.00 and the Court retains jurisdiction for 90 days to add to the amount.

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