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Trials and Tribulations of Juicy and Tre...

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How can Teresa sit there and say she didn't understand her plea deal. 


The same way Juicy can claim he had no clue he wasn't an American citizen. The pair lie through their teeth and have no qualms in doing so. Joe should at least be brought up on perjury charges for the citizen ordeal, and his lawyers censured with a strike against their license to practice for even daring to make that argument in court.

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Didn't I read or hear somewhere that there are prison coaches, like a life coach, except for, you know, the obvious? Teresa needs to find one who takes IOU's.

Teresa has had one since she pled guilty-Wendy Feldman.  You can see her walking into the court-long blonde hair.  She served time for ripping people, including her family for over 4 million.

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They way I took what Tre was saying wasn't so much blaming the lawyers, which she did also, but more that she's still throwing Joe under the bus. The statements about "I need to read what I sign,understand what I sign, not trust people, have a lawyer read it before I sign" sounded to me like she was insinuating Joe put papers in front of her and asked her to sign without reading them. Even IF that were true she's still at fault. I never, ever sign anything I haven't read and fully understand even if it's my husband asking me to sign.


That's one fundamental difference between you and Teresa; you understand the legal ramifications of slapping your signature onto any sort of official government document, binding contract or financial form.


Honestly, seeing Teresa in this setting made me realize she's even stupider than I initially thought. That said, she is absolutely lying about not knowing any of the legal repercussions of the plea bargain. I also suspect she knew  full well she was spending money she had absolutely no right to.

  • Love 2

It definitely will be easier than state pen, but she will have the hardest time dealing with four teen or near teen girls who will almost be running wild for a year. Poor Gia really has had her childhood ripped out from under her.

Teresa kept talking about how hands-on she is as a mother as she stayed on script re: how hard it will be to be away from her daughters, but in the process, she really threw Joe under the bus in terms of his parenting skills. She made it sound like he does nothing with them or for them ever. Which is probably true. But not a word out of him about how he's going to step up and take care of things. Wow, is that household in trouble.

I didn't see one ounce of remorse from either of them on WWHL.

This. x 10.

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 4

Ugh where to begin?


I can't tell if Teresa is just playing dumb, or she is actually that genuinely dumb. Maybe both.


Gotta give props to Andy for asking the questions every viewer has been asking. No it won't be a pleasant interview, but these are the questions we've all been asking, that deserve answers. Of course the Guidices just play dumb to all of them.


I cannot stand how Teresa kept mentioning "her daughters" over and over in this interview, as if suddenly now she realizes how important they are to her. Why wasn't she thinking of them before all of this? Irritating.


My heart goes out to Gia and her sisters. That poor girl. I can't imagine what she is going through right now. Her parents seem to have shown no remorse for what they have done and don't think they've done anything wrong. Meanwhile Gia is the one who has suffered the most. I'm glad she has several family members who can look out for her and her sisters. I'm glad she feels like she has responsibility to take care of her sisters now but it's all too much for a 13 year old to handle. I feel sorry for HER, do not feel an ounce of sympathy for her thoughtless parents.

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I would spend time researching who I need to pay to keep me safe for 15 months.


SInce they're white collar criminals and will be housed as such is this even an issue? I thought they'd be in a minimum security where they won't be housed with violent felons and have to worry about stabbings, beatings, rapes, just living amongst other financial scammers and non tax payers.

I checked the Camp Cupcake (WV) handbook regarding phone calls. For outgoing it looks like they are set up an account, credits are purchased thru commissary account. It doesn't say how much credits cost. They are allowed to make 300 minutes of calls per month from 6 am til 11 pm except 15 minutes prior to head counts. 15 minute time limit. Can be direct or collect calls, they can request up to 30 numbers in account. Can't make 3 way or conference calls or 800,900 or 976 phone numbers.

I'm still checking on email.

I could only watch about 15 minutes of part I - Lying, Liars Who Lie.  


Teresa, yes, you were just a little lamb who didn't know what was going on ever.  The "people" had you sign papers.  You never asked what they were for, why you were signing your name, nothing.  You trust.  You just love, love, love.  You're too trusting.  You never asked your lawyers to explain the plea deal that would impact your and your daughters lives tremendously.  You didn't even seem to understand that omitting items from the documents required for court would end up biting you in the ass.


Joe, when asked about the fraudulent loans, seemed to try to say that the banks gave him the forms.  I'm sure they gave your BLANK forms, they didn't fill out fraudulent forms so you could get a fraudulent loan.  


Were both of these people dropped on their heads as infants?  I think they only live for today, for themselves, and screw tomorrow.  We'll just do whatever later.  Well later is here.


How is Joe going to get the girls to see her - at college?  His license I believe is suspended.  How does he get them to school, to dance lessons, cheerleading, etc.?

And all the kids at school know what is going on - they may not say anything at school per se where adults can hear, but I am sure there is plenty of talk among the kids. 


In a preview for next week's episode, Teresa is pissed off at either Dina or Melissa.  She says something to the effect I have my plate full, I don't want to deal with this. My comment - you certainly bellied up to the buffet and YOU loaded up your plate.  Stop acting like this was a vendetta from haters who wanted to take you down.  

YOU ARE NOW A  FELON, so lay off the high and mighty attitude.

  • Love 9

Came across Camp cupcakes visiting schedule:

Monday: 8:15 am to 3:15 pm

Friday: 11:15 am to 6:30 pm

Saturday: 8:15 am to 3:15 pm

Sunday: 8:15 am to 3:15 pm

Holidays: 8:15 am to. 3:15 pm

Handbook says visits begin & end in Visiting Room. There is also an outside fenced visiting area behind the visiting room. Kissing, embracing & hand shaking are allowed only on arrival & departure. Only physical contact allowed is hand holding. Says displays of affection must be within bounds of good taste.

Edited by Barb23

She followed the script of lies her attorneys told her to follow. I don't know how much if any is a written script they memorize (that would leave evidence of fakery) but they are told what to say and how to react. One HW, can't remember who or what franchise, said many of the TH's are actually cue card they practice and film.


I'd like to see the more literate and intelligent Howives from different franchises band together to find a loophole in their Bravo contracts and write a tell-all for public consumption. Andy swears minimal producer intervention but he's teetering on lying to the public nearly as much as his esteemed guests tonight.


I so hope Jenji Kohan is watching this circus and inspired by the ordeal enough to add a disgraced reality TV "star" housewife in season 3 of Orange is The New Black!

  • Love 2

This might be putting the cart before the horse, but...what happens after Joe has been deported back to Italy? Someone up thread mentioned that Italy does not permit convicted felons (like Teresa) to establish residency there. Presumably, most other western countries have similar policies. Does Teresa visit Joe on a short term tourist visa from time to time? Can he visit her in the U.S.? Do they move to a different country altogether where their criminal pasts don't preclude them from settling down permanently?

This assumes, of course, that they even have an appetite to see each other by then. My money is on a divorce within the next 24 months. Either way, it cannot be said enough: those poor kids.

  • Love 1

I doubt Joe will be deported considering all the scum that is now let into the country. The FBI just said any American fighting for ISIS will be allowed back into the counrty (WTF?). I feel safer with Joe the non-citizen felon in this country than I do an American traitor fighting for ISIS. I don't think what Joe did warrants deportation. He needs to serve his sentence and pay back those he scammed.


I also doubt Joe will be deported. By the time his hearings with the INS come up, it will be about 5 years from now, and these people will be afterthoughts. Therefore, the Giudices will no longer serve as actors convenient in cautionary tales authored by the Federal Justice System and disseminated to the media. Joe has been in the US since he was 1 years old and probably retained Italian citizenship for strategic reasons (he wanted to flee to Italy in case his crimes caught up with him and try to avoid extradition.) Deportation could happen, but I wouldn't bank on it. Even though Teresa was born stateside and, I don't believe has secured Italian citizenship, she (and hence her children) are entitled to it based on their parentage. I don't know if Italy would prevent her from obtaining citizenship based on her felony conviction. I honestly think Teresa has the best chance for replicating her former lifestyle on Italian soil, even if Italy is now cracking down on corruption and organized crime. Joe could very easily set up a crooked contracting business in Campania, with the help of relatives. If you know the right people, you can get away with a lot of crap there.


If Joe does get deported and Teresa is prevented from establishing Italian citizenship through her parents due to her felony conviction, I think they will get divorced and Joe will find a new wife in Italy, and Teresa a new husband in Jersey. Perhaps there is a third country Teresa and Joe could defect to, where felons can resettle, and where their knowledge of Neapolitan and Jerseyese will get them a long way? Argentina? Paraguay? Moldova? Malawi?

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 4

Were both of these people dropped on their heads as infants? I think they only live for today, for themselves, and screw tomorrow. We'll just do whatever later. Well later is here.

I think this is such a good point. It describes them so well. They are selfish, immoral people who want what they want, get what they want, and live in the moment, without ever thinking long-term. Boo hoo - all this money going to our lawyers when it should be going to the girls' college fund. Yea, right - like a college tuition fund was ever even thought about.

Reality is going to hit Teresa when she enters prison, but I think she'll face an even harsher reality when she's out and Joe goes in and she's broke.

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 6

I found the Email info for Camp Cupcake (WV)

Says there is a program for it called Trulincs that inmates have to request approval for. Available 7 days a week 6:30 am to 8:30 pm. Cost is $.05 per minute.

I'll check the visiting hrs, phone calls & email info tomorrow for Camp Fed (CT) & let you know. (Unfortunately I have too much time on my hands)

  • Love 1

Thank you for Andy for giving me the laughs I needed to end my day. 

"But the info on the forms from the bank were illegal, right?"

"I paid taxes on my suit."

"Why did you accept a plea deal that would send you to prison for 27 months?"

He's definitely not taking it easy on them.


And Gia does not need to be the mother to her sisters.  She needs to focus on being a 13/14 year old, and they should be telling her that, not say how cute it is that she wants to use this to practice being a mom.  Juicy needs to step the fuck up. 

Edited by luckyroll3
  • Love 5


This assumes, of course, that they even have an appetite to see each other by then. My money is on a divorce within the next 24 months. Either way, it cannot be said enough: those poor kids.


I too think they will be divorced. Joe said he was trying to do what he could to keep Tre out of prison (taking the blame) but if I were him I would be pissed as hell at Tre's continued insinuations that Joe "tricked" her into signing papers. It's over, she's doing time, stop with the blame Joe routine. It didn't work in court and it's not working with the public. I can understand the Blame Joe defense (since he agreed to it) as a way to keep Tre out of prison for the kids but at this point her continuing to throwing him under the bus (WWHL) is just a way to save face in public and a shitty thing to do to the man who was willing to fall on his sword for her. I think Joe will become resentful if she keeps it up and divorce her.


If Joe doesn't file for divorce I think Tre will after she's released and take a page from what she claimed was Melissa's book of "Find a Richer Man." Joe will be lucky to barely scrape out a living after his prison term. Tre knows the HW bandwagon will eventually end. Andy will most likely try to squeeze another season out before Tre reports on Jan 5 and may use Joe as a HW in place of Tre and maybe, just maybe Andy will try a Tre as SIngle Mom show when she gets out/Joe goes in (after all, Caro and her loser spawn have a show) but that's as long as she can hope for a HW paycheck. I can't see Tre living the life of the typical middle class woman who has to live on a -horror of horrors - budget. She'll be on the hunt for a rich guy to take Juicy's place.


I also think she'll divorce Joe as a way of continuing the allusion of innocence. Distancing herself from him and proclaiming she had no idea he was a criminal and he's not the man she married.

Edited by happykitteh
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I also doubt Joe will be deported. By the time his hearings with the INS come up, it will be about 5 years from now, and these people will be afterthoughts. Therefore, the Giudices will no longer serve as actors convenient in cautionary tales authored by the Federal Justice System and disseminated to the media. Joe has been in the US since he was 1 years old and probably retained Italian citizenship for strategic reasons (he wanted to flee to Italy in case his crimes caught up with him and try to avoid extradition.)


The INS are a tenacious bunch. They will file and flag the Fraudice case for pursual the moment Juicy's sentence is nigh. Mark my words.


As for Italy, it's out of contention as an option for Joe since the US and Italy have an extradition treaty. Rome made a stink about not wanting the Jersey shore trash. No way they're taking these stinkers.

  • Love 3

While deportation sounds harsh and unlikely, the former Assistant U.S. Attorney writing for CNBC states that's is pretty much an inevitability for Joe:

"One of the factors that Judge Salas took into consideration in sentencing Teresa Giudice is the near-certainty that her husband is going to be deported to Italy after he completes his 41-month sentence. Giuseppe was brought to the United States by his parents as a 1-year old child, has long held a green card as a lawful permanent resident and had a right to become a citizen at any time before his prosecution. Had Giuseppe taken the step of becoming a citizen, there would be nothing the United States could do to deport him. Instead, because he failed to apply for citizenship before his conviction, there is nothing that Giuseppe can do to avoid deportation, because his conviction for fraud exceeding $10,000 constitutes an "aggravated felony" requiring deportation.

When I was an AUSA, I often saw defendants who had fallen into this situation. They were brought to the United States as a child, legally, and became green-card holders. Although they could have applied for citizenship at any time, they elected not to - either (1) because their family did not want to pay the citizenship filing fee or (2) out of a sense of allegiance to their home country. This is the height of folly, which I have seen have tragic consequences dozens of times.

Once a person is convicted of an aggravated felony, deportation is automatic after the sentence is served. It does not matter that the person has not lived in the home country for decades, does not speak the language or has no family in that country. There are virtually no circumstances that would allow an immigration judge to overturn the deportation order.

So, Teresa Giudice faces two unpleasant possibilities at the end of her husband's incarceration. Either she is going to raise her children on her own in the United States OR she is going to pack up her entire family to Italy, where her hard-won fame will disappear."

At least this guy leaves open the possibility of Teresa moving to Italy (which I'm still not sure will be possible). She had better brush up on her Jer-talian.

  • Love 5


And Gia does not need to be the mother to her sisters.  She needs to focus on being a 13/14 year old, and they should be telling her that, not say how cute it is that she wants to use this to practice being a mom.  Juicy needs to step the fuck up.

It sounded like Gia is being made to parent Teresa as well.  If I were Gia, I'd probably resent the hell out of this for the rest of my life, but then again, in high school I was voted "Most Likely to Hold a Grudge."  We've probably all been humiliated at some point or other, but never on such a wide scale in front of a large audience.  I doubt that any of the four beautiful daughters will go unscathed.  But Teresa and Joe love their children, dontcha know.

  • Love 9


I also think she'll divorce Joe as a way of continuing the allusion of innocence. Distancing herself from him and proclaiming she had no idea he was a criminal and he's not the man she married.


I think this should be her strategy to get from under all of this if I were a sociopath.  Heh, she will be highly motivated to pursue this course once she sees herself with gray hair and no makeup.  I think Bravo would give her a show exploring the aftermath of Teresa and her girls surviving life after the sentence.

Edited by ToukieSmith
  • Love 1

I think this should be her strategy to get from under all of this.  Heh, she will be highly motivated to pursue this course once she sees herself with gray hair and no makeup.

After all the hard work this season to lighten her hair, soften around her features and get rid of the shoe polish black look Teresa tonight looks like hell.  Back off the oil and work on that part.  She looks like a greasy nightmare.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 1

While deportation sounds harsh and unlikely, the former Assistant U.S. Attorney writing for CNBC states that's is pretty much an inevitability for Joe:

"One of the factors that Judge Salas took into consideration in sentencing Teresa Giudice is the near-certainty that her husband is going to be deported to Italy after he completes his 41-month sentence. Giuseppe was brought to the United States by his parents as a 1-year old child, has long held a green card as a lawful permanent resident and had a right to become a citizen at any time before his prosecution. Had Giuseppe taken the step of becoming a citizen, there would be nothing the United States could do to deport him. Instead, because he failed to apply for citizenship before his conviction, there is nothing that Giuseppe can do to avoid deportation, because his conviction for fraud exceeding $10,000 constitutes an "aggravated felony" requiring deportation.

When I was an AUSA, I often saw defendants who had fallen into this situation. They were brought to the United States as a child, legally, and became green-card holders. Although they could have applied for citizenship at any time, they elected not to - either (1) because their family did not want to pay the citizenship filing fee or (2) out of a sense of allegiance to their home country. This is the height of folly, which I have seen have tragic consequences dozens of times.

Once a person is convicted of an aggravated felony, deportation is automatic after the sentence is served. It does not matter that the person has not lived in the home country for decades, does not speak the language or has no family in that country. There are virtually no circumstances that would allow an immigration judge to overturn the deportation order.

So, Teresa Giudice faces two unpleasant possibilities at the end of her husband's incarceration. Either she is going to raise her children on her own in the United States OR she is going to pack up her entire family to Italy, where her hard-won fame will disappear."

At least this guy leaves open the possibility of Teresa moving to Italy (which I'm still not sure will be possible). She had better brush up on her Jer-talian.


If it is so certain that Joe is going to be deported - which is where the evidence seems to point - does anyone have time to look up whether Italian citizenship by blood/marriage is withheld if you have a felony conviction?

Also, from a quick perusal of this document - http://www.paep.uscourts.gov/images/Travel%20Restrictions.pdf - it appears Teresa could at the very least visit Italy on short-term tourist visas, even if she fails to obtain citizenship. She wasn't convicted of a violent crime. However, she won't be traveling to the UK, Canada, or Australia any time soon...

Somebody's gotta come up with a good drinking game for Part II.


Take a drink every time Tre does the backhand "jazz hands". 


Or, every time Juicy wipes the sweat off his brow. 


Or, every time Andy looks like he's creaming in his pants. 


Too much? 


I kind of like the look on Tre's face every time Andy says 'prison'.   Heh.


If we do "daughters" I may never wake up to pick up lil Miss Lab from school at 3pm.

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 5

The INS are a tenacious bunch. They will file and flag the Fraudice case for pursual the moment Juicy's sentence is nigh. Mark my words.

As for Italy, it's out of contention as an option for Joe since the US and Italy have an extradition treaty. Rome made a stink about not wanting the Jersey shore trash. No way they're taking these stinkers.

I agree. I had a friend some years ago who was born in France. She came here when she was around 6 months old. Her mother, I guess feeling the need to assimilate never even taught her French. Long story short, she was convicted of defrauding Medicare of alnost a million dollars through a company she owned. She did her 54 months, was held somewhere after release, and was summarily sent back to France.

She had no criminal record at all prior to this conviction.

  • Love 2

I wish I knew what this meant. Sounds ominous.


From my vast knowledge of the law gleaned from watching Judge Judy and Law & Order, I think the issue is that when you plead guilty (as in a plea agreement), you must indicate to the court your understanding that you are acknowledging your guilt and what that means legally. Teresa playing dumb publicly could void that agreement since she is now stating she didn't understand what happened.

  • Love 3



From my vast knowledge of the law gleaned from watching Judge Judy and Law & Order, I think the issue is that when you plead guilty (as in a plea agreement), you must indicate to the court your understanding that you are acknowledging your guilt and what that means legally. Teresa playing dumb publicly could void that agreement since she is now stating she didn't understand what happened.


Now that would be a truly juicy development in this case.

  • Love 4

It sounds freaking awesome! I don't think the US federal court will take kindly to Teresa publicly denying any real culpability after accepting a plea bargain in hopes of leniency. If they have grounds to haul her ass back in for a harsher sentence, I'm all for it.

I'm with you, but I don't understand on what grounds. There might be something there - she outright said she didn't understand the plea deal, which is in stark contrast to telling the judge she signed the agreement under her own free will, understood the terms, and wasn't bribed or coerced. But she played this dumb act on a TV show - can that get her in trouble? I wish the guy who tweeted this had explained what he meant.

P.S. On a related note, remember during the hearing, the judge stated she was so disgusted by the pre-sentencing report that she mentioned perjury charges! What happened with that?

From my vast knowledge of the law gleaned from watching Judge Judy and Law & Order, I think the issue is that when you plead guilty (as in a plea agreement), you must indicate to the court your understanding that you are acknowledging your guilt and what that means legally. Teresa playing dumb publicly could void that agreement since she is now stating she didn't understand what happened.

I'm going on even less knowledge than you (!), but my guess is the worst that could happen is some kind of post-sentencing hearing with the judge, where she'd be forced to clarify her remarks. Which I know would be a struggle for Teresa, but maybe she'll use a cheat sheet.

Honestly, I have no idea. I'd love to know what the tweet meant.

What in the fuckety fuck fuck?? Is Teresa claiming she didn't understand what pleading guilty meant?

Way to throw her attorneys under the bus. That is how she operates though. She is never the one to blame. It is Bravo, her attorneys, the mystery people handing her shady contracts to sign, etc.

And still they lie and lie. Yuck. They make me sick. They belong in prison and their sentences were way too lenient.

Edited by Brooke0707
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I think when their fake eyelashes are too heavy and thick, it causes them to do that.

And some people blink a lot when they lie and everything this bitch said was bullshit.

They still haven't taken responsibility. These people are something else. I agree with other posters, fuck them!

Andy looked like he didn't believe a word that came out of their mouths. He looked as disgusted as I did.

I was yelling so loud in disgust at the TV that I scared my dog, and she's 18 and deaf.

  • Love 6

I watched WWHL again.  It was jarring that apparently these two felons haven't spoken to each other.  Oh, Gia's counselor called and said... 


Then Joe said Milania came up to him and asked him if he needed to tell her something. 


There was so much disconnect.  They obviously did not speak to each other the day after the sentencing, the day of this filming.  Re-watch it. 


Juicy, 'If you stick  me with a knife I wouldn't feel it."  I'm guessing you would Juicy because I don't think you can be sauced up in the coop.  IMO


I'd go to a book signing and say PRISON PRISON PRISON and give her some pony tail bands. 


Tre's tan is now almost past orange - on her way to purple.

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 6


Interesting take from Vinnie Politano he claims the judge could call Teresa back into court and cancel her plea deal. http://realmrhousewi...hat-may-happen/

I don't see how this is true since Double Jeopardy would attach. You cannot retry someone for the same offense and once a verdict is rendered either by judge or jury and a sentence is pronounced it's a done deal. A judge cannot go back and give a new sentence even if a murderer found innocent says after the verdict, "Ha ha suckers! I did it!" Since I wasn't certain I looked it up and found that "In a trial before a judge, jeopordy attaches after the first witness takes the oath and begins to testify."

If it is so certain that Joe is going to be deported - which is where the evidence seems to point - does anyone have time to look up whether Italian citizenship by blood/marriage is withheld if you have a felony conviction?

Also, from a quick perusal of this document - http://www.paep.uscourts.gov/images/Travel%20Restrictions.pdf - it appears Teresa could at the very least visit Italy on short-term tourist visas, even if she fails to obtain citizenship. She wasn't convicted of a violent crime. However, she won't be traveling to the UK, Canada, or Australia any time soon...

That's a good question, and one I can answer since I'm in the long dual-citizenship process myself. I had always assumed Teresa has dual citizenship via her parents. If that's the case, via jus sanguinis (bloodline), no criminal record is taken into consideration. If she were only applying now via marriage...then yes, her record will now likely impede her chances. 


I didn't think Giacinto and Antonia Gorga became citizens---anyone know for sure? They don't strike me as much different than the Giudices. But I could be wrong. Teresa would have been (extra) dumb not to have obtained citizenship for herself since having non-naturalized parents is a total cake-walk in the process (as opposed to grandparents, great-grandparents, one naturalized, one didn't, no records etc). Ditto for the girls. I have only assumed, again, the girls have their Italian passports due to Juicy. I really really hope Joe and Tre weren't just too lazy to every get their documents in order, or Joe saying "they're Italian citizens, I'm their dad, so ya know."  sigh


I don't believe Italy strips people of their citizenship unless they have committed treason.


ETA: Someone upthread mentioned Rome and Jersey Shore. That's neither here nor there. "Rome" was acting as the city, not the State gov't. Florence played the good whore and took JS and the money along with it. It wasn't about keeping Americans out, so I doubt they would reject Juicy. There are heavier problems the country is dealing with, lol. 

Edited by diorella78

Those two are truly a match made in heaven, I'll give them that. Immoral, amoral, barely literate, uneducated -- stupid and stupider combining to make the SUPER-stupidest.

And, I'm sorry but, not one of those four daughters is "beautiful," in my opinion. It's like when Teresa and Joe procreated, their stooopido genes banged and knocked together so violently that the uggamugga just could NOT contain itself. Those children are cursed in more ways than one, poor things. I do feel very sorry for them, however. Their world will be dramatically and harshly turned upside down come January. Stupid, selfish, myopic parental failures!

How did those two felons meet? Geez, kismet is for real.

Edited by sleekandchic

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