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The "Sex & the City" Movies: Comparing & Contrasting the TV Series

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Ugh. This is really leaving a bad taste in my mouth. To have a hit job on an actress for exercising her absolute right to refuse to perform in a third movie of a series that ended over a decade ago. The People article features Garson concern-trolling that the "crew" has been waiting and is out of work. Oh, please. For a production that didn't nail down its leads, let alone even plan filming, only the regular cast members and highly paid head writers and directors and like, Pat Fields can consider themselves disappointed. There is no "crew" yet on this project. 

And KC just gave TPTB carte Blanche to cast someone else as Samantha or do without the character. 

Edited by Melancholy
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2 hours ago, Melancholy said:

Ugh. This is really leaving a bad taste in my mouth. To have a hit job on an actress for exercising her absolute right to refuse to perform in a third movie of a series that ended over a decade ago. The People article features Garson concern-trolling that the "crew" has been waiting and is out of work. Oh, please. For a production that didn't nail down its leads, let alone even plan filming, only the regular cast members and highly paid head writers and directors and like, Pat Fields can consider themselves disappointed. There is no "crew" yet on this project. 

And KC just gave TPTB carte Blanche to cast someone else as Samantha or do without the character. 

Precisely. They are trying to poison the water so that when they kill off Samantha we'll all be relieved. Even if KC was negotiating her salary, that's her right. If her magic number was $10 million to do the picture and they couldn't meet her demands, then whatever. This isn't a passion project for KC. She doesn't get along with SJP. SJP continues to treat her horribly. I never gave much thought to SJP, but she's really soured me with this campaign to ruin Kim.

The last film was awful and they did everything within their power to humiliate KC and the Samantha character. The second movie made 30% less than the first one. It made almost all of its domestic box office in the first two weeks. I can't see how that box office slide won't continue, especially now that SJP had chummed the water.

Edited by HunterHunted
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As far as I'm concerned, Kim Cattrall is doing the world a favor. I say this as one that loved the series, had some issues with movie #1 (no WAY would Steve cheat on Miranda - NO WAY! And Miranda was always direct but not such a callous bitch; Carrie's bridezilla act complete with ugly bird veil, Big being a dick just before the wedding...I can go on!), and basically hated all of movie #2 (UGH!).

Sometimes, less really is more. And as someone in her 40s now herself, I'd never say mature women cannot be sexy, but as written as they were in the prior movies, the script would no doubt make Miranda, Charlotte, and especially Samantha, somehow trying to "recapture their youth" or acting like imbeciles, while SJP would probably try to have Saint Carrie as a voice of reason or whatever.

No one is clamoring for a third film. Especially after movie #2. Let it go, folks. Live off show DVD residuals or whatever.

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12 hours ago, mtlchick said:

This is rude and bitchy of me, to be sure, but Garson is probably crying at the $$$ he won't see from a third movie. Kim. Doesn't. Want. To. Do. A. Third. Movie.

Get over it, sit down, and shut up already.

Besides, do SJP or Willie Garson think their snide comments and shade will induce Kim Cattrall to change her mind? If anything, that would just make me dig in my heels even deeper and say "fuck you". Cattrall owes neither of these people anything.

She acted the role to the best of her ability, the show ended. They're lucky she did two movies. Go find new acting opportunities. It's not Ms. Cattrall's responsibility to keep your asses employed.

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the script would no doubt make Miranda, Charlotte, and especially Samantha, somehow trying to "recapture their youth" or acting like imbeciles, while SJP would probably try to have Saint Carrie as a voice of reason or whatever.

There would be at least 3 or 4 characters telling Carrie how beautiful/desirable/sexy/fabulous/God's-gift-to-whatever she is...

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Seriously, I'm a show fan who actually enjoyed both movies((even though I know the 2nd one was total shit, I still was entertained by it)), and even *I* kinda hope there isn't a 3rd film.

Let it go and let us have our memories of the gals at their youthful best---I really don't want to think about the possibility of a dead Samantha and the other ladies suddenly making menopause jokes and settling into "Golden Girls" territory. It's dead, it's over, it's done: move on, already SJP and Bitchy Garson!!

I'm so upset on the behalf of KC too---how completely rude and unprofessional to call her out like everyone has. If she doesn't care to go back and rehash a character she's mentally done with, let her have that peace. Team Cattrall!

Edited by Sun-Bun
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I'm with you all.  Totally support Kim's decision not to do a third movie that I don't believe would do all that well at the box office.  I agree that movie #2 was awful.  I accepted movie #1 only because it did seem that the "story" wanted to finish Carrie and Big's getting married.  I don't think there really is a need for movie #3.

I do think that the reason they want Kim so much is because she's so good in the part.  I honestly can't see how anyone could really replace her and any movie would be less if she wasn't in it.  But if she doesn't want to do it, I totally accept that decision.

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18 hours ago, BBHN said:

Wow. Who knew he could be bitchier than Stanford?

Ha!  Love this.

From the article: 


Parker told Extra that Sex and the City 3 had a "beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story."

Wow, that sounds like overselling.  While sort of admitting long after the fact that SATC 2 stunk, she said in a Vanity Fair interview earlier this year:



“I understand, I actually get it,” she told host Adam Moss, New York magazine’s editor-in-chief. “I can see where we fell short on that movie, and I’m perfectly happy to say that publicly.”

However, she personally hasn’t soured on the 2010 movie after all these years. “The experience of making the movie was supreme,” Parker said. “We were in Morocco . . . for almost two months.” It was a “meaningful time” for the cast, who essentially lived together throughout filming. “I found [Morocco] to be haunting, beautiful, unforgettable. Like no place I’ve ever been,” Parker continued.


Well, as long as she gets her meaningful experiences (and payday), then I guess all is right with the world!

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It's not clear what motivates SJP to make a stink about this movie. SJP is not a has-been and she doesn't need this movie to be rich or famous or still acting. She's currently starring in Divorce, an ok/amusing HBO series built around her. She supposedly did well on Broadway and could return, possibly with her husband. She never became a mega rom com movie star or long-term spokeswoman for luxury beauty/fashion products- which she clearly made a bid for at the height of her fame when SATC ended.  But really? That's enough to try destroying a co-star for exercising a basic right? Because she thinks a third movie will put her at the top of the fashion and entertainment zeitgeist as opposed to just in the upper mid rungs? Jeeze. I understand and sympathize with it more from a true has been like Garson who could use the work. 

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15 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I hate that all the crew and support staff were on hold to film and then poof. A lot of people were depending on those paychecks that they would have received. 

Maybe they shouldn't have expected anything until things were finalized. I know that sounds cold, but in the business they are in, they should know better. Acting is a fickle business and, with that, so too are jobs for any crew.

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23 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I hate that all the crew and support staff were on hold to film and then poof. A lot of people were depending on those paychecks that they would have received. 

If you're getting this based on Garson's statement, it feels like a myth. If the four main actresses weren't nailed down (when apparently one's refusal could kill the movie), why would they ask crew to be on hold? Without the four main stars agreeing, how do you even begin to draw up a schedule to disseminate to the crew? If TPTB just asked the crew to put an indefinite hold on their professional lives with no commitment or schedule, than they're the assholes, not KC for refusing to justify their controlling megalomania. But even then, I don't think a series creator and his producers with a studio head would do something so silly. 

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Willie Garson is not an objective 3rd party. He and SJP used to date. They've been friends for more than 30 years. If someone like Chris Noth who also seems to be mostly over it spoke up and said that KC had been negotiating for 6 months, I'd believe him. However if they couldn't meet KC's demands, I don't care. KC shouldn't be forced to work on a project she's unhappy with in circumstances she's uncomfortable with for pay that is unsatisfactory.


However, she personally hasn’t soured on the 2010 movie after all these years. “The experience of making the movie was supreme,” Parker said. “We were in Morocco . . . for almost two months.” It was a “meaningful time” for the cast, who essentially lived together throughout filming. “I found [Morocco] to be haunting, beautiful, unforgettable. Like no place I’ve ever been,” Parker continued.

Listen, congrats to her that she got paid millions to hang with friends and visit Morocco. I paid $10 to watch beautiful clothes in an movie that is so unforgettably bad that its sheer awfulness will haunt me forever.* But good for her. Maybe she could just plan to have lunch with Cynthia and Kristin every 6 months from now on.

*I didn't actually pay $10 to see the movie. I watched it on TV recently. Every cent spent on electricity and cable to watch it was a waste.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Also, the bashing is contradictory. I could sort of understand if they held crew because they thought the movie would happen because they were super close in the negotiations. I'd still think KC has a total right to back out with no penalty until she signed a contract and I'd still think TPTB were the irresponsible ones to ask non-profit participants to put their professional lives on hold without the principals nailed down. But I'd get the frustration if they were super close to everyone agreeing and TPTB acted in reliance of that but KC backed out over small difference. However, KC is being bashed for making ridiculous diva demands that no one, no way, no how was ever going to give into. If that was the case, what the fuck were the profit participants doing dictating the crew into putting their lives on hold for a pie in the sky project?

Edited by Melancholy
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After the second movie was crap, I could care less if they make a 3rd movie.  That being said.

I thought KC said she was a firm "no" on the 3rd movie from the beginning and that she had no interest in it whatsoever.  However, WG is saying she was in contract negotiations as late as this summer.  So which is it?  If KC was in contract negotiations she should just be honest about it. 

However, if they couldn't meet her demands, they couldn't meet her demands.  KC should not be blamed for that or be considered a "diva."   Its a free market and this is what she's charging for her participation.   

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2 hours ago, Melancholy said:

If you're getting this based on Garson's statement, it feels like a myth. If the four main actresses weren't nailed down (when apparently one's refusal could kill the movie), why would they ask crew to be on hold? Without the four main stars agreeing, how do you even begin to draw up a schedule to disseminate to the crew? If TPTB just asked the crew to put an indefinite hold on their professional lives with no commitment or schedule, than they're the assholes, not KC for refusing to justify their controlling megalomania. But even then, I don't think a series creator and his producers with a studio head would do something so silly. 

Garson was not my source. Nor did I place blame on Kim Catrall for the crews unemployment. 

I just stated that it was sad for all the people working behind the scenes trying to get it made  

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I'm not sure what to make of the comment about this putting the crew out of work. As far as I understand, crews can work on multiple shows or movies. Without a long-term contract, crews are not held to any specific production. Despite what SJP is trying to spin right now, this was not close to any stages of final so the crew was not out of work cause this was not an active production.

I think what happened was that they knew she didn't want to do another movie. She said no immediately. They may have kept going back to her with different types of offers to see if anything could move her over the next 6 months. She doesn't want to work on this movie. In what world are we obligated to work on something cause someone else is demanding it? I'm genuinely baffled by this. She was offered a job, she said no. Now they want to bully and harass her into taking the job? Umm, that doesn't seem like it would work!

I just can't understand the end game SJP is going for with this. Unless she knows and has always known that there will be no 3rd movie and she can forever say "well the rest of us would have done it, but what's her name kept making all these crazy demands". 

I agree with the rest of you who say this has really changed your opinion on SJP. This is terrible behavior. 

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I can feel sorry for the crew in a general sense, but the reality of entertainment is that movies and tv series often are planned and never actually happen, for a variety of reasons. Any crew that have worked in entertainment more than 6 months should be aware of this and plan accordingly. In this case, I also suspect that SJP and TPTB were proceeding on the assumption that even if Kim had stated last year that she didn't want to do a third movie, that she would eventually cave and agree to it. If they kept bugging her about it, I can see her facetiously responding that sure, she'd do the role if they offered her some insane amount of money and script approval, etc., and those comments being twisted into "demands" that she was making. I vaguely recall one delay on the first movie came because she wanted to see the script before signing, or wanted script approval; she stated at the time she had some qualms about how Samantha would be written in the movie, given some of the story line decisions that had been made for the last couple of seasons. But ultimately for me it comes down to this: whether she said no last year and never deviated from that response, or whether she said no and they attempted to negotiate with her and the negotiations fell through, she has the right to refuse to take the part.  Obviously there are some fans who would like to see a third movie, but the franchise has hit the point of diminishing returns. I don't think a third movie is going to do major box office in any event.  And to whomever predicted upthread that the movie would be full of various people telling Carrie/SJP how beautiful she was, you're probably right. During the last year or so of the series, there was a print article with an interview with SJP; the person doing the interview commented that during the last couple of seasons it seemed as if characters were frequently telling Carrie how beautiful she was, etc. And SJP flatly stated that was a deliberate request from her to the writers, because if she could create the perception among the audience and entertainment people that she was considered beautiful, then that would open the door for her to do more rom-com movie roles in the future.  FWIW, I think SJP is adequate at acting and sometimes quite good, but if you are not in fact beautiful, having a gazillion characters say you are on a tv series does not make it so.

ETA: I no longer have the print source for the article; it was one of many published during the last season.  I might be able to find a reference to it by searching archives at both the HBO board threads and the TWoP boards; another poster had mentioned the article and that was what prompted me to go buy the magazine.  Given how many years ago that was, I don't remember too many specifics from the article, but her statement about deliberately having herself referred to as beautiful stood out to me as confirming my sense that there had been a shift from the earlier seasons. Taken out of context, the comment does seem odd, but IIRC, it occurred during a discussion of what she would be doing post-SATC, and SJP was explaining that she took a very active role in managing and planning her career rather than just leaving things to chance. That particular item, having characters in the show tell her she was beautiful, seemed to be part of her overall effort to have herself branded as beautiful because it would widen the range of roles she might be offered. I don't remember thinking it was something she should be embarrassed about; it seemed more like a very analytical business decision or part of a career plan.  I believe in that same article, she discussed that she had insisted on being an exec producer on the show before she would accept the role, because that would give her more control over some aspects of the show and it was also part of her career plan. Her tone throughout was pretty matter-of-fact; she wasn't really discussing her acting as an art but as a career that she wanted to control as much as possible.

Edited by BookWoman56
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2 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

During the last year or so of the series, there was a print article with an interview with SJP; the person doing the interview commented that during the last couple of seasons it seemed as if characters were frequently telling Carrie how beautiful she was, etc. And SJP flatly stated that was a deliberate request from her to the writers, because if she could create the perception among the audience and entertainment people that she was considered beautiful, then that would open the door for her to do more rom-com movie roles in the future.  FWIW, I think SJP is adequate at acting and sometimes quite good, but if you are not in fact beautiful, having a gazillion characters say you are on a tv series does not make it so.

Wow. I kind of figured this was the case but it surprised me that SJP would confirm it like that to the public. Know where this interview is?

To add, KC had a quote explaining her reasons for not doing the movie as "62 isn't 50 isn't 41." There's also been gossip that she was unhappy that Sam wasn't treated with enough dignity in the movies. I think it's very probable that she didn't want to strip or carry on as much sexually, given her age. And she was not allowed to exercise that script control. Which makes SJP even more of a hypocrite because SJP always insisted on a modesty provision. This is why it's hard to do the movie without KC. She brought a lot of the sex part of Sex and the City. She'd be the one carrying on, as opposed to her married friends in a third movie. Giving up a Samantha character is surrendering a lot of the series' edge and just hoping that AT BEST, SATC 3 is a Nancy Myers movie. It makes it even more icky and exploitative, especially from SJP. SJP got to headline a groundbreaking series for its frankness on sex based on the courage of her costars, especially KC. However after all of that work, KC is slammed and TPTB make a concerted effort to hurt her reputation because she doesn't want to trot out her 62 year old ass to have physically demanding stunt sex while plot-wise Carrie looks down on Samantha for being slutty and menopausal at the same time? It's disgusting and feels abusive. 

Edited by Melancholy
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Does no one else see the irony that the producers who purported to celebrate strong, independent women and female empowerment with their tv series are now trying to shame/nag a woman into going along to get along?   How dare she take a stand for what she believes is best for her and her career?

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Yeah, I just caught up with all the news (didn't know they were ever that close to 3); obviously I've been living in some sort of SATC-free bubble (join me, won't you??).

I can't add much to what this page has already said*, and said eloquently.  I never wanted a film in the first place -- and IIRC, there's a post somewhere in TWoP airspace that will attest to this.  After the series finale, I wiped my eyes & blew my nose and declared: "Perfect!"  I didn't think they needed a film because I loved the endings as given, and preferred the girls' history to live on in my imagination.

But when the first movie rolled out, I donned my highest heels, did my face up nice, and went to opening night.  I didn't like it much, but it was an okay way to spend an evening.  I even mused on how, as we get older, there's so much that's sad & bad in our lives, and the film managed to reflect that.

Then 2 was here, and I said, "You're fucking kidding me, right?"  But I went.  I am the target audience after all.  I felt guilted into doing the whole "Let's support Women of a Certain Age in Film!"  

Barf.  I lived in the Middle East for years, and called Bullshit! on a number of the plot twists.  When it reruns on E! now, I tune in & out for house porn only.

Cheers to the poster who dubbed 3 a Nancy Meyers film.  And pbbbt to Kristin's description of how we're missing out on Teh Best Story Ever.  Michael? Darren?  Where was this perfect script when people were planning 2?

Pull a sheet over its head: it's *done*.

*oops.  Guess I had more to say than I thought.

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And SJP flatly stated that was a deliberate request from her to the writers, because if she could create the perception among the audience and entertainment people that she was considered beautiful, then that would open the door for her to do more rom-com movie roles in the future. 

I think I'd have to see the source on that.  That seems like a strange thing for her to admit to doing. 

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On 10/5/2017 at 11:23 AM, Melancholy said:

[SJP] never became a mega rom com movie star or long-term spokeswoman for luxury beauty/fashion products- which she clearly made a bid for at the height of her fame when SATC ended.  

Rereading posts, and this reminds me that I *did* really love her signature perfume.  Which I don't think they make any more.

Also, I see I need to credit @Melancholy for the "Nancy Meyers film" zinger.  Wish I'd though of it.

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5 hours ago, voiceover said:

Yeah, I just caught up with all the news (didn't know they were ever that close to 3); obviously I've been living in some sort of SATC-free bubble (join me, won't you??).

I can't add much to what this page has already said*, and said eloquently.  I never wanted a film in the first place -- and IIRC, there's a post somewhere in TWoP airspace that will attest to this.  After the series finale, I wiped my eyes & blew my nose and declared: "Perfect!"  I didn't think they needed a film because I loved the endings as given, and preferred the girls' history to live on in my imagination.

But when the first movie rolled out, I donned my highest heels, did my face up nice, and went to opening night.  I didn't like it much, but it was an okay way to spend an evening.  I even mused on how, as we get older, there's so much that's sad & bad in our lives, and the film managed to reflect that.

Then 2 was here, and I said, "You're fucking kidding me, right?"  But I went.  I am the target audience after all.  I felt guilted into doing the whole "Let's support Women of a Certain Age in Film!"  

Barf.  I lived in the Middle East for years, and called Bullshit! on a number of the plot twists.  When it reruns on E! now, I tune in & out for house porn only.

Cheers to the poster who dubbed 3 a Nancy Meyers film.  And pbbbt to Kristin's description of how we're missing out on Teh Best Story Ever.  Michael? Darren?  Where was this perfect script when people were planning 2?

Pull a sheet over its head: it's *done*.

*oops.  Guess I had more to say than I thought.

Enjoyment of the movies has so little to do with the plot. You watch for the clothes and the banter. I went to the theater for 1. I got dressed up and went with friends. I smuggled bottles of Champagne in my Louis Vuitton knockoff. I didn't love it or even like it. When 2 came out, I asked why and shrugged. I finally saw it on tv. It was dreadful. The things that bother me the most about it are that it undoes that very powerful message from the show that gays couldn't just be paired up without regard to common interests and attraction. That was powerful stuff, but by the movie it was "our gays are getting married!!!!!!" Secondly, Samantha's quest to stay sexual during menopause turned into this ridiculous comic plot where they seemed more intent on humiliating her instead of realizing that a lot of women who identified with Samantha will have some of her same issues themselves. Charlotte was written as pretty stupid too. The film did the legacy of the show a disservice.

We live in a spoiler filled universe. Michael Patrick King, Darren, and SJP should spoil the Samantha plot to see if fans care. Hell, spoil the whole damn script to see if fans are clamoring for 3. Put it online to see if we care or if we don't give two shits about it. 

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Oh maaaaannnn!!!  Smuggling in champagne? U R genius.  Bet it made the movie a little easier to digest.

If the script is truly all they say, we may very well see pages online -- though it could be HepburnStanwyckDavisLoy-worthy, and I still wouldn't care.

Of course, it's better for those you mentioned if they just let the world pine over what could have been.  Remember what happened when a certain Wonder Woman script leaked.

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15 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I smuggled bottles of Champagne in my Louis Vuitton knockoff.

14 hours ago, voiceover said:

Oh maaaaannnn!!!  Smuggling in champagne? U R genius. Bet it made the movie a little easier to digest.


It did make the movie easier to digest. Although no amount of booze could make Jennifer Hudson's terrible line readings palatable.

Off topic:

I have relatives who were arrested for shoplifting 2 live lobsters, champagne, and caviar that she stuffed into a real designer handbag that cost many thousands of dollars. My relative is an attorney. Her husband has a Ph.D. in economics from Wharton.

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On 10/7/2017 at 4:52 PM, HunterHunted said:

It did make the movie easier to digest. Although no amount of booze could make Jennifer Hudson's terrible line readings palatable.

Dear God YES!!! The entire time I saw her onscreen((and I say this as someone who's always liked JH and her amazing voice)), I just kept thinking to myself "This chick won a friggin' Oscar?!"

I don't know what it is about her acting, but she seems so hollow and wooden to me. Like there's no THERE behind her eyes or her lines---even in "Dreamgirls", she just seemed like she was acting, but I'm convinced she only won that Oscar due to her singing...and when she was acting alongside the likes of Beyoncé and Eddie Murphy, her rough charm likely suited the role. But she was outmatched in every scene with the seasoned acting masters/Broadway & stage veterans of this cast. Way to play up the obvious token role with that random casting, producers.

Speaking of obvious token...Liza Minnelli singing  "All the Single Ladies" at Stanford's wedding in the second movie? Ridiculously pandering---I could've used a barfbag as soon as I saw her tired ass shuffling across the screen.

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Seriously, this nonsense about "whose fault it is that there won't be another movie" just won't stop. 

I've been Team Kim this whole time and I'm so firmly in on her side at this point. I don't even care if she was a crazy diva making demands about how SHE wished to have her character (one that she originated 20 YEARS AGO!) be portrayed in the movie. SJP is a producer so her "demands" aren't seen as such since she ultimately gets to decide for herself. Kim and the rest of the cast have to beg for better or suck it up. 

I guess SJP and her side of this petty mess just want to grind Kim into the ground over this and what...exert their power over her again? Kim was able to put the kibosh (I have waited YEARS to be able to use that!) on the project, which is a huge power play and I'm projecting that none of the other producers took kindly to that.

Do your movie anyway, start it with both Sam and Big dead --- btw, they hadn't even reached out to Chris Noth yet, so if that "beautiful" story was even real, (highly dubious) they probably had it so that he had passed, and Carrie was single again (gag & boring). Those would be huge, life-altering changes for the story if they want to continue the saga.

Otherwise, as Elsa said...LET IT GO!


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I hate that all the crew and support staff were on hold to film and then poof. A lot of people were depending on those paychecks that they would have received. 

There is zero evidence of that. Movies do not spring up overnight. They go through extensive pre-production before principal photography (everything from writing to scouting locations to building sets to casting to making costumes) and pre-production on major movies are announced in the trades. Even before pre-production, a movie like another Sex and the City would have had its director, writer, producers, production companies and tentative filming date announced in Variety by the studio once contracts were signed. THAT is when crews and production staff are hired and given schedules. (Especially important as SATC filming has always relied on NYC locations which have to be approved by city/state government in advance). None of that happened. There was no movie in pre-production. People like Garson trying to imply that there were literal crew members standing around the streets of New York City ready to shoot and Kim Cattrall suddenly backed out is a lie. It's very simply a total and utter lie. 

In addition to all of the above, we also know it's a lie because there wouldn't be this desperate flailing by SJP in the press, there would simply be a studio threatening to sue/actively suing Kim Cattrall if she had signed a contract and backed out of it. She didn't. 

There was no third movie, there was simply the fantasy of a third movie only in the minds of SJP and her posse. There may be a script floating somewhere, as SJP mentioned, but given how much she talked up the second movie's script in advance we cannot trust her judgment on quality. She and Patrick Michael King may have approached the other women but I guarantee you it was tentative and only because they needed to lock down all four women before they could even think of making a pitch to a studio. The real facts are that the second movie performed badly, both with critics and at the box office. There is no demand for SATC anymore - the people that want to relive the nostalgia have the DVDs and their HBO Go passes. Getting any interest from a major film studio would be a giant uphill battle considering the already wasted money spent on the past movie - and the fact that studios are not exactly rushing to release big budget movies with four female over 40 leads anyway. Keep in mind that SATC2 cost $95 million seven years ago, not including the promotional budget. It cost $30 million more than the first movie and only made half as much - these movies are not cheap and have diminishing box office returns with a cast that is not getting any younger, based on a TV series that premiered 20 years ago. Today's young women are too young to have watched the series in its prime, and add to that that the show has aged badly with the new "woke" generation. There's the rampant racism and Islamophobia of the second movie, plus the lack of nonwhite characters on the series, the dated gay/trans stereotypes, the fashion that's now out of date, the rampant consumerism and how it looks to young millennials who are now the first generation to make less money than their parents, etc. 

I think what happened is pretty simple: SJP and Michael Patrick King failed to garner any interest in their supposedly fabulous script and couldn't get the other ladies to sign on. Since SJP hates Kim, she started leaking all of Kim's supposed "diva" demands in the misguided thought that the public would turn on Kim and "pressure" her into signing out of guilt, so that SJP and MPK could go back to the film studios and present them with commitments from all four actresses in the hopes that would sweeten the pot. (I don't think Cynthia Nixon is any more interested than Kim, but she's easygoing and wasn't as bullied as Kim was by SJP and probably said she'd consider it if the other three signed on.) 

Chris Noth said he was never approached for a third movie, so I believe the theory hatched at Celebitchy: the "heartbreaking" script concerned Big's death and Carrie getting to relive her single days again, thus they cannot simply kill off Samantha because two deaths would be too dark for a supposed comedy. So it's essential Samantha be a part of it, thus why SJP is flipping out so bad. 

Edited by Drapers4thWife
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For me, it ultimately comes down to one thing: Kim has the right to refuse to do another sequel, for any reason or no reason.  If there truly was this "beautiful" story to be told, then FFS go ahead and make the movie.  They don't even have to kill off Sam as a character; they could refer to her as being in LA or wherever if they don't want the story to have a lot of sadness/grief in it.  If they had not even reached out to Chris Noth, then it does sound as if the plan was to start the movie with him dead, and Carrie having to deal with being single again.  What's ironic for me is that if that had been the point of departure for the first movie, I probably would have gone to see it. But at this point, sure, I am curious to know what Charlotte, Miranda, and Sam are doing with their lives. After listening to Carrie whinge about her love life for 6 seasons or however long it was, though, I have zero fucks to give about what Carrie is up to these days.

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4 hours ago, Drapers4thWife said:

There is zero evidence of that. Movies do not spring up overnight. They go through extensive pre-production before principal photography (everything from writing to scouting locations to building sets to casting to making costumes) and pre-production on major movies are announced in the trades. Even before pre-production, a movie like another Sex and the City would have had its director, writer, producers, production companies and tentative filming date announced in Variety by the studio once contracts were signed. THAT is when crews and production staff are hired and given schedules. (Especially important as SATC filming has always relied on NYC locations which have to be approved by city/state government in advance). None of that happened. There was no movie in pre-production. People like Garson trying to imply that there were literal crew members standing around the streets of New York City ready to shoot and Kim Cattrall suddenly backed out is a lie. It's very simply a total and utter lie. 

In addition to all of the above, we also know it's a lie because there wouldn't be this desperate flailing by SJP in the press, there would simply be a studio threatening to sue/actively suing Kim Cattrall if she had signed a contract and backed out of it. She didn't. 

There was no third movie, there was simply the fantasy of a third movie only in the minds of SJP and her posse. There may be a script floating somewhere, as SJP mentioned, but given how much she talked up the second movie's script in advance we cannot trust her judgment on quality. She and Patrick Michael King may have approached the other women but I guarantee you it was tentative and only because they needed to lock down all four women before they could even think of making a pitch to a studio. The real facts are that the second movie performed badly, both with critics and at the box office. There is no demand for SATC anymore - the people that want to relive the nostalgia have the DVDs and their HBO Go passes. Getting any interest from a major film studio would be a giant uphill battle considering the already wasted money spent on the past movie - and the fact that studios are not exactly rushing to release big budget movies with four female over 40 leads anyway. Keep in mind that SATC2 cost $95 million seven years ago, not including the promotional budget. It cost $30 million more than the first movie and only made half as much - these movies are not cheap and have diminishing box office returns with a cast that is not getting any younger, based on a TV series that premiered 20 years ago. Today's young women are too young to have watched the series in its prime, and add to that that the show has aged badly with the new "woke" generation. There's the rampant racism and Islamophobia of the second movie, plus the lack of nonwhite characters on the series, the dated gay/trans stereotypes, the fashion that's now out of date, the rampant consumerism and how it looks to young millennials who are now the first generation to make less money than their parents, etc. 

I think what happened is pretty simple: SJP and Michael Patrick King failed to garner any interest in their supposedly fabulous script and couldn't get the other ladies to sign on. Since SJP hates Kim, she started leaking all of Kim's supposed "diva" demands in the misguided thought that the public would turn on Kim and "pressure" her into signing out of guilt, so that SJP and MPK could go back to the film studios and present them with commitments from all four actresses in the hopes that would sweeten the pot. (I don't think Cynthia Nixon is any more interested than Kim, but she's easygoing and wasn't as bullied as Kim was by SJP and probably said she'd consider it if the other three signed on.) 

Chris Noth said he was never approached for a third movie, so I believe the theory hatched at Celebitchy: the "heartbreaking" script concerned Big's death and Carrie getting to relive her single days again, thus they cannot simply kill off Samantha because two deaths would be too dark for a supposed comedy. So it's essential Samantha be a part of it, thus why SJP is flipping out so bad. 


4 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

For me, it ultimately comes down to one thing: Kim has the right to refuse to do another sequel, for any reason or no reason.  If there truly was this "beautiful" story to be told, then FFS go ahead and make the movie.  They don't even have to kill off Sam as a character; they could refer to her as being in LA or wherever if they don't want the story to have a lot of sadness/grief in it.  If they had not even reached out to Chris Noth, then it does sound as if the plan was to start the movie with him dead, and Carrie having to deal with being single again.  What's ironic for me is that if that had been the point of departure for the first movie, I probably would have gone to see it. But at this point, sure, I am curious to know what Charlotte, Miranda, and Sam are doing with their lives. After listening to Carrie whinge about her love life for 6 seasons or however long it was, though, I have zero fucks to give about what Carrie is up to these days.

Oh, I could see that happening. Big drops dead from a massive heart attack from non-stop working, going out clubbing and partying all night long and taking Carrie on vacations while blowing his money on her wardrobe. Carrie inherits all of his money but is still angry at Big for never being there when she truly needed him. She'll have her three best friends to assure her how right she was even though she never has to work again. They rush to comfort her and help her relive her single days or be reintroduced since she is now single! Single! Who cares about careers, kids and husband when Carrie needs something. They rush out to clubs and bars to find men who will find Carrie hot. Surely, there's tons of men out there who can't wait to date a 50 plus woman with a tendency to stalk their exs, their mothers, flips out at them no matter what they say, and gives all the signs of insane or needing restraining orders as her way of "dating".  At some point Carrie and Charlotte get into a fight. Maybe Charlotte under her breathe says something about never being paid back for that apartment while Carrie's blowing Big's hard earn millions and Carrie can't believe Charlotte is being so selfish while Carrie is a suffering widow set for life.

3 hours ago, Hanahope said:

I loved the series , but have no desire to see a Carrie pity party again. 

Neither do I. You couldn't pay me to sit through another movie with Carrie. 

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33 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:


Oh, I could see that happening. Big drops dead from a massive heart attack from non-stop working, going out clubbing and partying all night long and taking Carrie on vacations while blowing his money on her wardrobe. Carrie inherits all of his money but is still angry at Big for never being there when she truly needed him. She'll have her three best friends to assure her how right she was even though she never has to work again.  

The only way I would contemplate seeing an SATC movie is if your scenario were slightly modified: Big drops dead of a massive heart attack from non-stop working, etc., but it turns out he never updated his will after marrying Natasha, and all his money goes to Natasha instead of Carrie, or possibly split between Natasha and his first wife.  Alternatively, a contributing factor to his heart attack is financial pressure from major investments having gone bad, and Carrie finds out that she is not in fact a wealthy widow, because all Big's money is gone and any properties he owned are mortgaged to the hilt.  So after years of living in luxury (and bitching and moaning about it because nothing was ever going to be good enough), she now has to live like a normal person and work to support herself.

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12 hours ago, msani19 said:

Seriously, this nonsense about "whose fault it is that there won't be another movie" just won't stop. 

I've been Team Kim this whole time and I'm so firmly in on her side at this point. I don't even care if she was a crazy diva making demands about how SHE wished to have her character (one that she originated 20 YEARS AGO!) be portrayed in the movie. SJP is a producer so her "demands" aren't seen as such since she ultimately gets to decide for herself. Kim and the rest of the cast have to beg for better or suck it up. 

I guess SJP and her side of this petty mess just want to grind Kim into the ground over this and what...exert their power over her again? Kim was able to put the kibosh (I have waited YEARS to be able to use that!) on the project, which is a huge power play and I'm projecting that none of the other producers took kindly to that.

Do your movie anyway, start it with both Sam and Big dead --- btw, they hadn't even reached out to Chris Noth yet, so if that "beautiful" story was even real, (highly dubious) they probably had it so that he had passed, and Carrie was single again (gag & boring). Those would be huge, life-altering changes for the story if they want to continue the saga.

Otherwise, as Elsa said...LET IT GO!


I agree. Admittedly, I was never a superfan and I've only seen the show in syndication/on E!, etc., but I've enjoyed it enough to watch (and obviously enough to read this board!). So this may be taken with a grain of salt, but... I think at this point it's better to create a brand-new show that has SATC's spirit, but a different cast, different characters, and a different set of storylines. Or even a reboot of sorts. At this point, dragging the original cast together again seems like an exercise in futility with a less-than-appealing payoff. It doesn't help the legacy of this show to keep trotting everyone out in broader and broader characterization each time.  

I say all this like it's easy ;)

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This is auxiliary, but I didn't see a book thread, so I'm going to pop this in here.  Mods, please move/delete if appropriate.

Anyone out there read any of Candace Bushnell's non-SATC novels?  Because I did.  And there's a recurring character that seems so. Obviously.  Harvey Weinstein.  So without rereading her books, I'm hazarding a guess that Candace knew & put it in print.  And I wonder if "Janey" = Georgina Chapman.


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I can get behind a third movie that punishes/challenges Carrie. My plot? Carrie and Big start the movie divorced, after a short but terrible marriage where they both cheated on each other and grew to hate each other. However, Carrie was her type of fucking moron. She had an iron clad prenup for the failed, bird-on-the-head first marriage that guaranteed her some money if the marriage went south. However, it expired by the time of the second spontaneous marriage and Carrie walked away with very little after a 4-year marriage where she and Big already had their separate businesses and they never had children together. So, Carrie is left back where she started. Single and supporting herself with her column and books. 

As we've seen before, this kind of hardship brings out the worst in Carrie. But this time, Charlotte and Miranda had enough. They have their own families to worry about and they've drawn closer to each other (as seen in the second movie) than Carrie. They try to be there for Carrie but tension and resentment builds and eventually, they rebel against being on call for Carrie to whine about Big or Carrie trying to borrow more money so she can live a lifestyle comparable to when she was with Big. Samantha sticks by Carrie for longer as Sam tries to draw Carrie into trawling for young studs. At first, Sam is glad that Carrie is part of the Old Single Gal's Club. However, as she does, Carrie is priggish and judgmental about joining Samantha into that swinger's lifestyle which Carrie regards as loserish when a woman is into her 50s/60s. Carrie had been increasingly priggish and bitchy about how Samantha lived from S5 on, but her stress over definitively losing Big and the money and her depression about being dragged into that strange party-woman set leads Carrie to openly slut-shame Samantha. Then, Samantha had enough of Carrie. There are most scenes of Miranda/Charlotte or Miranda/Charlotte/Samantha alone without Carrie than ever in canon. 

However because I'm a softie and these movies need to end on a note of friendship where Carrie is included to justify her role as the omniscient narrator, Carrie gets a nice ending. Her resolution at the end of this movie isn't about forgiveness/reconnection with Big as it was at the end of the series and both movies. It's about forgiveness/reconnection with her friends. Carrie apologizes to everyone and there's some ending that Carrie has made her peace with how her friends are all more conventionally successful than her but those three women were the best things about her life and she's not going to lose them on account of jealousy or judgment or failing to appreciate them anymore. 

Edited by Melancholy
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3 hours ago, BBHN said:

Carrie apologizes to everyone

I dunno about Carrie apologies---lest we remember that disastrous time she desperately pursued Natasha for her big self-serving apologetic moment, only for Natasha to triumphantly shoot her down with her own apologetic blast: "I'm sorry I married a cheater. I'm sorry I ended up with a broken tooth due to chasing your cheating ass out of my house. And now I'm sorry you've ruined my lunch." 

That was some brilliant writing that for once actually revealed what a selfish scumbag Carrie truly could be.

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7 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

I dunno about Carrie apologies---lest we remember that disastrous time she desperately pursued Natasha for her big self-serving apologetic moment, only for Natasha to triumphantly shoot her down with her own apologetic blast: "I'm sorry I married a cheater. I'm sorry I ended up with a broken tooth due to chasing your cheating ass out of my house. And now I'm sorry you've ruined my lunch." 

That was some brilliant writing that for once actually revealed what a selfish scumbag Carrie truly could be.

All hail Natasha!! The only time in the series I remember rooting for a character so hard.

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On 10/13/2017 at 8:36 AM, Melancholy said:

Carrie apologizes to everyone

I picture her inviting the girls over, sitting them down and going, "You have to forgive me. You have to forgive me! YOU HAVE TO FORGIVE ME!!".

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Rereading some of these posts, I'd forgotten that Carrie basically low blowed Miranda about Steve cheating on her after finding out that Miranda had vented to Big about marriage and it being a mistake.  I think it funny she blamed Miranda for Steve cheating, but of course, once a mistress always a mistress.

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In trying to evaluate how much Carrie is deliberately set up as wrong, it's interesting that Miranda tells Charlotte exactly what she told Big at the rehearsal dinner. And Carrie-partisan Charlotte who does want to believe in the Carrie/Big love story and Reformed!Big pooh-poohs that Miranda had anything to do with Big leaving Carrie at the alter. Charlotte very reasonably takes the attitude that Big always had problems with marriage. The whole point of marriage is serious commitment through odds to the point that it's laughable that a fiancé is supposed to be "protected" from news or comments about failing marriages from the bride's friends. Like twice divorced worldly Big was supposed to be shielded from Miranda's unhappiness because no one was supposed to give him ideas that marriage's failures can embitter people. And yes, it's beyond vile that Carrie chooses to deliberately hurt Miranda out of vengeance by weaponizing Miranda's hurt and struggle at dealing with Steve's cheating versus the difficulty in leaving the marriage and Brady's father.  

Carrie pretty much never apologized well- with sincerity and a genuine desire to do better and never preempted/rescued from feeling all of the guilt she should have felt by the apology-receiver brushing past the mistake or apologizing themselves. Charlotte did- to Harry at the mixer and Samantha for the slut shaming after Samantha slept with her brother. Miranda did- to Carrie after being harsh about how long it was taking Carrie to mourn Big, to Carrie for the rehearsal dinner comment to Big, a LOT to Steve. Samantha did to Smith after cheating with Richard. 

Edited by Melancholy
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Rereading some of these posts, I'd forgotten that Carrie basically low blowed Miranda about Steve cheating on her after finding out that Miranda had vented to Big about marriage and it being a mistake.  I think it funny she blamed Miranda for Steve cheating, but of course, once a mistress always a mistress.

I thought we were supposed to take away the idea that Miranda's lack of interest in sex and the relationship was a reason he had cheated.  I mean, didn't she essentially tell him to get it over with like right when they were in the middle of things?  That's not generally a sign of a healthy relationship. 


And while I don't think Miranda had any real blame for Big's not showing up for the wedding, I did see why Carrie might see it that way.  Miranda was such a drama queen about telling Carrie, and acted as though she was at fault, I can see why Carrie went with it. 

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19 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

And while I don't think Miranda had any real blame for Big's not showing up for the wedding, I did see why Carrie might see it that way.  Miranda was such a drama queen about telling Carrie, and acted as though she was at fault, I can see why Carrie went with it. 

I mean, I “see why” Carrie jumped on blaming Miranda. It’s easier to blame Miranda than to continue taking responsibility for being out of synch with your Great Love (I.e.  the giant wedding) or heck, easier than continuing to place all of the blame on Big and admit that you chose your Great Love poorly or your Great Love is a shit. Miranda gave up herself as a more convenient scapegoat. That all said, that doesn’t mean Carrie was at all right, reasonable, or understandable to blame Miranda. A reasonable person, including Charlotte, would say it wasn’t Miranda’s fault. Yes, Carrie got a scapegoat but blaming Miranda was unjust and mean. I also don’t know how Miranda was supposed to bring it up. If she brought it up to Carrie in a breezy, guiltless way, Carrie would have exploded even worse. Anyway, I say Miranda is entitled to feel terrible about how her comment precipitated such misery for her friend without said friend brutally punishing her for her empathy and extra-responsibility. 

Edited by Melancholy
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