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S36.E15: Never Say Never Again

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This episode was one of their last chances to flip the game on its head... and EVERYBODY chose not to do that. I'm so disappointed! Everything about this episode was so predictable.

I'm sad to see Aneesa go. Aneesa had to sway 5 people from Big T to Nany and I think she could have done that with herself, Amber, Big T, CT and Cory. If the house vote was Nany, Leroy would have DEFINITELY thrown his vote to Big T because he would have wanted Nany to have the easiest chance possible, which everybody assumed was Big T. I think Nany would have also had a hard time in this elimination. Big T seemed to have performed better than all the other girls that did this elimination before. Big T seemed to have picked up the technique better than Natalie did against Ashley.

I wouldn't have wanted to see Nany in the elimination either but I would have definitely been entertained had Aneesa actually whipped up the votes to throw Nany in.

Big T should have chosen anyone else besides CT or Kyle to be her partner because that just makes them easy targets. Fessy, Kaycee, Cory, Kam, Leroy and Nany aren't voting for each other. Kyle, Amber, CT and Big T are sitting ducks unless they win.

Lastly, as much as I like Big T and was heartbroken by how terrified she was, CT is right about what to expect in the final. That performance would not win them a final.

Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 13

I felt bad for Aneesa. I’ve always liked her and wanted her to win one. That was just the worst potential elimination for her. However, it’s also clear that she’s not in shape for a final. Kyle and CT shouldn’t have been assholes about it, but facts are facts. 

Kyle ping pongs every week between being decent comedic relief and being annoying. Tonight, I thought he was annoying.

Fessy....shut up until you win something! 

Big T should’ve picked a new partner. I was surprised that she didn’t.


  • Love 13
9 hours ago, Jess14 said:

Fessy....shut up until you win something!

Right! Did he not just lose to grandpa John just last season?

Fessy: I'll beat you in anything... just not in knee-deep snow | Me: 😑

I hate that Fessy was like “you haven't beat any newer people.” He beat Leroy and Kam, and outlasted Nany and Kyle in his most recent season win... and that was just season 34. Also, Kyle beat Fessy in the last final.

9 hours ago, Jess14 said:

Big T should’ve picked a new partner. I was surprised that she didn’t.

She should have. They're easy targets now.

Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 10

Another season with promise and innovation skids into the final episodes. Yeah, six players leaving the game fucked things up, and those left in the game were so certain TJ was going to send them to the finale. Instead, we get the promise of at least one more Crater, and the dread that BMP ran out of tricks after the double Crater.

Tula vs. Aneesa was practically pre-ordained. The mission involved running, and that took both girls out of the game. As happy as I was for Big T getting her Skull, I felt bad for Aneesa. She's in a weird place . .. . she's been doing this show since forever and has never won, she doesn't get fit as intensly as the others . . . but I can't pity or hate her. She is what she is . . . entertaining yet maligned. Seriously, if she kicks in Kyle's teeth at the Reunion, would that be a bad thing?

You think BMP pays Fessy to be a bigger asshole since Josh is gone? He really stepped it up. And as much as he made points where puffing his chest at CT . . . .no. Just . . .no. I know CT has lost a lot of his shine this season, but Fessy looked like the bigger asshole. And I was hoping that Tula would make him her new partner. We might have gotten the first suicide attempt in Challenge history.

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Man my heart breaks for Aneesa because I would love it for her to just get to a final for once but I think it's over for her. I did like her calling everyone out for shitting on her to her face during the group circle. Just because it's true, doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Also I liked her pointing out how it was all WOC. It used to be barely any women and rarely any WOC got any respect in this game and look at the past few seasons? Kam and Kaycee are in demand. That very rarely happened in the past.

I hate that Big T stayed with CT. I would have dumped him again. He did that whole show of picking her again at the beginning of the show and then started crapping on her for not running fast enough during the challenge. Ugh.

I'm hoping the final has nothing to do with partners and it's every person for themselves.

Fessy is starting to feel like the new Zach.  A dude who thinks because he's big, he's the shit. But he hasn't proven anything yet.

  • Love 12

Aneesa probably knew deep down that she's not made for this game.  She couldn't run that 1/2 mile and she barely moved off the starting line in the elimination.

Even if she survived this elimination, she'd be put in again the next time.

So with 5 pairs left and 4 more episodes left, that means either 2 or 3 more eliminations?  Because this was episode 15 out of 19 total.  If the Final is the 19th episode, 3 more episodes left.  If the Final is a two parter, there are 2 more episodes and eliminations left.

They're going to have 3 teams in the Finals then?

I thought the Daily challenge was good, if simple and straightforward, had to spend some money on the plane and the filming crew filming them during their jumps.  You obviously can see the puzzle key from the ground so it's about the run and a pretty simple puzzle.

So that means in the crater, the elimination games are repeated a few times.  Maybe the logistics in Iceland during a pandemic doesn't allow them to build some elaborate climbing walls or similar setups we've seen in previous seasons.

Big T seemed scared to toss up the house by stealing another partner and breaking the alliance.  Guess she didn't get that she would be put in elimination again if she stayed with CT.

So CT may be put in elimination vs. Kyle and the smart move for him would be to steal someone in case there are more eliminations and he has a partner who's a part of an alliance.



  • Love 2
1 minute ago, aghst said:

Aneesa probably knew deep down that she's not made for this game.  She couldn't run that 1/2 mile and she barely moved off the starting line in the elimination.

Even if she survived this elimination, she'd be put in again the next time.

So with 5 pairs left and 4 more episodes left, that means either 2 or 3 more eliminations?  Because this was episode 15 out of 19 total.  If the Final is the 19th episode, 3 more episodes left.  If the Final is a two parter, there are 2 more episodes and eliminations left.

They're going to have 3 teams in the Finals then?

I thought the Daily challenge was good, if simple and straightforward, had to spend some money on the plane and the filming crew filming them during their jumps.  You obviously can see the puzzle key from the ground so it's about the run and a pretty simple puzzle.

So that means in the crater, the elimination games are repeated a few times.  Maybe the logistics in Iceland during a pandemic doesn't allow them to build some elaborate climbing walls or similar setups we've seen in previous seasons.

Big T seemed scared to toss up the house by stealing another partner and breaking the alliance.  Guess she didn't get that she would be put in elimination again if she stayed with CT.

So CT may be put in elimination vs. Kyle and the smart move for him would be to steal someone in case there are more eliminations and he has a partner who's a part of an alliance.



Well, I imagine that includes a reunion episode for one of them.

  • Love 1

It makes me so sad how they treat Aneesa in this game. Every season it ends like this for her and it’s so maddening. Growing up and watching as a little black kid, it was never lost on me that they sent the black people in first when their backs were against the wall. I believe with everything I have that this is a big part of the reason why Leroy and Aneesa are still fighting so hard for their first challenge win.  I really liked that Aneesa pointed out that all of the women left are WOC. That’s so important and it’s such a big change. WOC hardly got any respect until recently, and even then they had to prove themselves over and over again.  So while I have a bad taste in my mouth about how they treat Aneesa every season, I’m so happy to see the WOC left up there. 

  • Love 10
15 minutes ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

I'm hoping the final has nothing to do with partners and it's every person for themselves.

I’m hoping... and only a single winner regardless of gender. I need a twist because, respectfully, the people that are left are boring.


Fessy is starting to feel like the new Zach.  A dude who thinks because he's big, he's the shit. But he hasn't proven anything yet. 

With the exception that Zach has at least won one.


  • Love 4

Again, the show doing nothing to prove to me the final isn't going to be every single elimination set on fire. This is the third time they've used this elimination? (Natalie vs Ashley, Leroy vs Jay). Can we predict what the next one is going to be? "Throw balls through the wall, but the wall is twenty feet high and you have to swing on ropes?"

And the daily challenge was "Mission Spy Dive" (blech) when "Spyfall" was right there?!

I actually wasn't surprised Big T stayed with CT, which is why it kind of cracks me up watching Nany have such buyer's remorse over Fessy. Nany discovered too late what Big T already knew: that "talent" has nothing on team chemistry.

Edited by Eolivet
  • LOL 1
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8 hours ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

Fessy is starting to feel like the new Zach.  A dude who thinks because he's big, he's the shit. But he hasn't proven anything yet.

Yep. The thing is, I think Zach actually believes it. He is a true asshole in every possible way. With Fessy, what makes him so tedious is that it seems like he is trying to play a role (and playing it badly, I might add) that he thinks will get him booked more often. It’s like he said “damn....my showmances are gone, so I gotta stay relevant somehow; let me pick a stupid fight with CT.”  Fessy is just boring and more of an annoyance than anything. I hope they don’t keep casting him. I don’t really see what he brings (there are way more interesting BB players than him). 

  • Love 8

Leroy and Kaycee are by far my favorite team this season. I actually like the team of Kam and Cory, I think it's a good pairing. The other teams are meh.

I'm so happy for big T but really sad for Anessa. If she comes back, hopefully it's a format where she can actually thrive. I wonder how long the actual elimination lasted, I wish they put a time stamp on the end. 

Big T choosing another partner would have definitely shaken up the house. Despite what everyone says, out of all the guys left, the last one I would choose would be Fessy. He seems like he would be a terrible partner for a final. The only person I think he would be ok with in the final is Kaycee. I would prefer to be partners with Cory or Leroy, even CT is a good partner in the final. 

As badly as I felt for Big T when CT was telling her about her performance, he was correct. If you cannot run half a mile, what do you think you will do in a final? IMO, running half a mile on flat land would be the easiest part of a final. This challenge really showed who was in at least decent shape. 

Enough of the guys saying who they want to run with and who they don't. If you want so badly to control your fate in the game you should win a daily challenge, throw yourself down into elimination and win, and then handpick your partner of choice. Guys gas out in the final all the time. 

  • Love 12

this show

I actually liked the daily challenge for once and I felt for Big T. Jumping was seriously scary and I was glad she did it

That being said

* I don't understand showing up on this show without being able to run at least 1/2 mile on flat land. I'm a slow runner but I can currently run 2 miles without stopping. If I was going on this show, I would at least work my way up to 3 miles since a 5K would seem to be within what you might expect in a final. I don't understand anyone not being able to run 1/2 mile without stopping and going on this show. I like you Big T and Aneesa but seriously?

* they've shown Aneesa on a treadmill before--which leaves me wondering exactly how long did she run on that treadmill? just a few seconds for filming? again 1/2 mile is not a long distance.

* this show needs people who are willing to play a strategic game. I don't mean backstabbing meanness but there is nothing wrong with making strategic choices that help you game. Aneesa wasn't willing to do it any time she had power. She could have shook things up with Kyle--but stuck with "X is my friend" even though she knows none of those people will pick her above others in situations like last night. If you are going to be on this show, please be more strategic (and get in shape ahead of time to at least run 1/2 mile)

Big T--also unwilling to play a strategic game. Putting aside CT being a jerk to her--sticking with him makes no strategic sense at all. 

Edited by RedbirdNelly
  • Love 14
10 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

Leroy and Kaycee are by far my favorite team this season. I actually like the team of Kam and Cory, I think it's a good pairing. The other teams are meh.

I'm so happy for big T but really sad for Anessa. If she comes back, hopefully it's a format where she can actually thrive. I wonder how long the actual elimination lasted, I wish they put a time stamp on the end. 

Big T choosing another partner would have definitely shaken up the house. Despite what everyone says, out of all the guys left, the last one I would choose would be Fessy. He seems like he would be a terrible partner for a final. The only person I think he would be ok with in the final is Kaycee. I would prefer to be partners with Cory or Leroy, even CT is a good partner in the final. 

As badly as I felt for Big T when CT was telling her about her performance, he was correct. If you cannot run half a mile, what do you think you will do in a final? IMO, running half a mile on flat land would be the easiest part of a final. This challenge really showed who was in at least decent shape. 

Enough of the guys saying who they want to run with and who they don't. If you want so badly to control your fate in the game you should win a daily challenge, throw yourself down into elimination and win, and then handpick your partner of choice. Guys gas out in the final all the time. 

I wish that Aneesa had taken a little bit more initiative on having Nany be the house vote. I understand that we’re not shown everything that happens in the Challenge house but it just seems like she started but just didn’t try hard enough... not that I want to see Nany down there either.

I wanted to see Nany, Leroy and Aneesa all make it to the final. It’s time these 3 take home a win. Maybe we’ll see that soon for one of them.

I agree on Fessy. Fessy is a shitty and selfish partner... but to have a better chance to at least get to a final, Fessy is the best choice because the other teams aren’t voting against each other. CT and Big T are easy to vote in, as well as Kyle and Amber. These two teams are at the bottom. Fessy’s “shitty-ness” as a partner is a bridge you can cross once you’re in the final. Also, for the greatest entertainment value, it would have been awesome if Big T chose Fessy.

I also thought about that as much as I like Leroy and Kaycee as a team, they both seem to suck at math and puzzles. That might cost them in the final.

CT is good at puzzles and math. He just needs a partner that can outpace or at least keep up with him. I thought CT and Nany would make a good match. Plus, that would have shielded CT from votes from Leroy, Kam and Kaycee.

I mentioned in my previous post that it was heartbreaking watching how terrified Big T was and while I sympathized with her, I thought CTs criticism in that moment was reasonable and justified. He was harsh but he wasn’t a dick about it.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, joanne3482 said:

Admittedly, it was 11 years ago (I had to look it up) but until Fessy picks up a struggling Johnny Bananas (or someone equally his size) on his back across a line, he can shut up about CT.  (Season 20, episode 8 Cutthroat). Wasn't he the one who was only interested in going to the crater if it was Hall Brawl?



Fessy: If the final was a hall brawl and not in knee deep snow, it would be an even playing field


  • LOL 4
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1 hour ago, RedbirdNelly said:

this show needs people who are willing to play a strategic game.

Theresa sends her regards. (even though I thought her move was stupid at the time). This season has played out much like a newschool season of Big Brother. There's an unspoken hierarchy, and you don't go against the hierarchy. If you don't fight your place in the hierarchy, you're quietly led to your doom when your time comes. If you fight the hierarchy, you're gaslit into thinking you betrayed an alliance you were never a part of.

Although Kyle is one to talk about "strategy," Kyle who is STILL holding on to the fact that Aneesa blindsided him when he got his gold skull, like nine days into the competition. He hung onto that through the entire show.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Eolivet said:

Theresa sends her regards. (even though I thought her move was stupid at the time). This season has played out much like a newschool season of Big Brother. There's an unspoken hierarchy, and you don't go against the hierarchy. If you don't fight your place in the hierarchy, you're quietly led to your doom when your time comes. If you fight the hierarchy, you're gaslit into thinking you betrayed an alliance you were never a part of.

Although Kyle is one to talk about "strategy," Kyle who is STILL holding on to the fact that Aneesa blindsided him when he got his gold skull, like nine days into the competition. He hung onto that through the entire show.

I get the feeling that Kyle is playing it up for the cameras. I’m sure he knew the votes were going to Big T and CT and the vote for himself and Aneesa wouldn’t change the outcome. I don’t think he is that great at strategizing but rather he just wants blow up everything. Sure, he wants to win but I get the impression that his prime objective is to give a good show. He wants to wreak havoc and cause chaos (...or so he says)... and I’m with him on that. Every opportunity to blow up the game was not taken by ANYBODY.

Aneesa didn’t campaign hard enough to sway 4 other people to vote for Nany. Big T wanted to be the house vote knowing full well she was going in regardless. Everyone went along voting for Big T. Big T kept her partner. Every chance to shake up the game was passed over. That annoyed me so much.

The goal of Theresa’s move was good but it was poorly executed. It was sloppy. How does everybody agree with you that Ashley needs to go and you come out with more “enemies” after that goal is accomplished?

Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 6

Man, Kaycee may be the most boring competitor ever on this show. She has dominated this season, yet she is basically invisible. 

I like Aneesa, but what does she expect? Of course no one would want to be her partner in a final. It’s a certainty that she will not be able to win. 

I’m assuming CT vs Kyle will be the next men’s elimination. If CT wins, does he switch to Kam? I feel like he wins this season if he gets Kam back. It’s either LeRoy or him. 

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

I'm so happy for big T but really sad for Anessa. If she comes back, hopefully it's a format where she can actually thrive.

I know that this show has steadily become more about strength and muscle over the years, but I would love to see a format where it's not just athletic competition, athletic competition, puzzle for a speedbump, athletic competition. The drone challenge earlier on was fun because it required some different skills and would put most teams on a pretty even playing field. They definitely could get more creative than activity X, activity X but in the air, activity X but on fire - and that would allow for a wider range of participants. I think they really lose something fun with this show when you have a cast full of Fessys. (I think he's absolutely awful)

  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, shantown said:

I know that this show has steadily become more about strength and muscle over the years, but I would love to see a format where it's not just athletic competition, athletic competition, puzzle for a speedbump, athletic competition. The drone challenge earlier on was fun because it required some different skills and would put most teams on a pretty even playing field. They definitely could get more creative than activity X, activity X but in the air, activity X but on fire - and that would allow for a wider range of participants. I think they really lose something fun with this show when you have a cast full of Fessys. (I think he's absolutely awful)

Allegedly, the reasoning behind The Challenge OG that will be showing on Paramount + was to counter that. They were going to return to the old school less physical strength challenges and a variety of challenges. I don't know how it will pan out but it is supposed to be a more balanced Challenge. Of course, you have to subscribe to Paramount + to see it so there's that... 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

Man, Kaycee may be the most boring competitor ever on this show. She has dominated this season, yet she is basically invisible. 

I like Aneesa, but what does she expect? Of course no one would want to be her partner in a final. It’s a certainty that she will not be able to win. 

I’m assuming CT vs Kyle will be the next men’s elimination. If CT wins, does he switch to Kam? I feel like he wins this season if he gets Kam back. It’s either LeRoy or him. 

Kaycee is not fun to watch. She has no drama. She's so laid back that it's disgusting. She's just been fortunate enough to come in the game with numbers, and same goes for Fessy.

For the next elimination, here's what I'm thinking... I think it's gonna be a hall brawl because we're due for a men's hall brawl.

As far as teams, we have: (Cory and Kam) (Fessy and Nany) (Leroy and Kaycee) (Kyle and Amber) (CT and Big T)

If Cory and Kam, Fessy and Nany, or Leroy and Kaycee win the next challenge, the Double Agents will pick either Kyle and Amber, or CT and Big T and one of these two teams will also be the house vote.

I think the only way Kyle and CT are safe is if they win the daily challenge.

If they win, they could blow up the game. This is the time where being the Double Agents will have the maximum amount of leverage. They could say "if I don't get X as house vote, I am absolutely 100% throwing you in." But that has to be reasonable. For example, you can't tell Leroy that you want Kam and Cory as house vote or you're throwing him in because he will never do that no matter what... but Leroy might budge for Fessy and Nany, and convince Kam on that vote. Leroy has demonstrated that his mindset this season is "it's me and you until it's me or you" so he might be approachable.

Edited by AntFTW
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20 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I'm sad to see Aneesa go. Aneesa had to sway 5 people from Big T to Nany and I think she could have done that with herself, Amber, Big T, CT and Cory. If the house vote was Nany, Leroy would have DEFINITELY thrown his vote to Big T because he would have wanted Nany to have the easiest chance possible, which everybody assumed was Big T. I think Nany would have also had a hard time in this elimination. Big T seemed to have performed better than all the other girls that did this elimination before. Big T seemed to have picked up the technique better than Natalie did against Ashley.

I just wrapped up the Challenge podcast and Aneesa confirms that Big T went faster than any other girl that did this elimination before. Aneesa says Big T went faster than both Natalie and Ashley.

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I don’t think Aneesa had a chance to change anyone’s vote here. It’s so close to the final; everyone is playing to protect their own route there. Big T WANTED to go in. A vote for her was a clean, inoffensive vote. A vote for Nany would be a huge risk, given the likelihood of her beating Big T and of winning the next challenge if she’s still with Fessy. Defensive play is less interesting to watch, but it was smart for everyone who wasn’t Aneesa to vote Big T as requested.

22 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Right! Did he not just lose to grandpa John just last season?

Fessy: I'll beat you in anything... just not in knee-deep snow | Me: 😑

I hate that Fessy was like “you haven't beat any newer people.” He beat Leroy and Kam, and outlasted Nany and Kyle in his most recent season win... and that was just season 34. Also, Kyle beat Fessy in the last final.

She should have. They're easy targets now.

This is the same logic that awful Paulie used, and it is the height of narcissism. To say that someone’s previous wins don’t count because they never beat you is so stupid. There were amazing competitors on this show for its entire duration. You don’t get to elevate yourself by saying you’re the standard of who needs to be beaten to have a “true” win when you’ve done nothing but gas out in a final. Even if you’ve won one, which neither Fessy nor Paulie has. Maybe win three, and then we can talk. That goes for both men with this attitude. 

20 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

It makes me so sad how they treat Aneesa in this game. Every season it ends like this for her and it’s so maddening. Growing up and watching as a little black kid, it was never lost on me that they sent the black people in first when their backs were against the wall. I believe with everything I have that this is a big part of the reason why Leroy and Aneesa are still fighting so hard for their first challenge win.  I really liked that Aneesa pointed out that all of the women left are WOC. That’s so important and it’s such a big change. WOC hardly got any respect until recently, and even then they had to prove themselves over and over again.  So while I have a bad taste in my mouth about how they treat Aneesa every season, I’m so happy to see the WOC left up there. 

I found that moment very touching also. There used to be such amazing WOC competitors on this show back in the day—Veronica, Ruthie, Ellen, Coral...I mean, Roni! Anyone else remember Roni? She was AMAZING! And then I feel like we went through this series of years where the WOC cast on the challenge were more mid-tier competitors, not bad, but not Roni. I’ve been really happy to see a return to casting really competitive WOC, and while I like her, when I look at our lineup of remaining women I’m so happy they chose to alternate Jenny this season. 

12 hours ago, Jess14 said:

Yep. The thing is, I think Zach actually believes it. He is a true asshole in every possible way. With Fessy, what makes him so tedious is that it seems like he is trying to play a role (and playing it badly, I might add) that he thinks will get him booked more often. It’s like he said “damn....my showmances are gone, so I gotta stay relevant somehow; let me pick a stupid fight with CT.”  Fessy is just boring and more of an annoyance than anything. I hope they don’t keep casting him. I don’t really see what he brings (there are way more interesting BB players than him). 

I completely agree. I imagine Fessy got some feedback last season that he was boring (which he was), and this is his response to keep the calls coming. It’s unnecessary, and dumb, and very transparent IMO. Every episode it’s like he’s trying to hit a quota. “Hook up with girl. Start fight with big dude. Hook up with girl. Start fight with big dude.” Unfortunately, Fessy is not interesting and no number of hookups or fights will make him interesting. Also, really Fessy? You’re good at math and puzzles? ...okay, whatever. (Cue the “it could be a puzzle” meme here.)

4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

If she doesn't have a woman to gaslight then there's nothing to show lol.

Ha! Point of interest; social media is speculating that Kaycee and her long term girlfriend, who stuck with her during the Nany scandal despite being publicly angry with her, have now broken up. 

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

I don’t think Aneesa had a chance to change anyone’s vote here. It’s so close to the final; everyone is playing to protect their own route there. Big T WANTED to go in. A vote for her was a clean, inoffensive vote. A vote for Nany would be a huge risk, given the likelihood of her beating Big T and of winning the next challenge if she’s still with Fessy. Defensive play is less interesting to watch, but it was smart for everyone who wasn’t Aneesa to vote Big T as requested.

1) I think Aneesa had a chance. It just required getting Big T on board with that. If Big T was okay with that plan, CT was locked in and she could have also convinced Amber. Cory would have given Aneesa what she wanted. I think ultimately, it was up to Big T who she wanted to go against, Nany or Aneesa. Big T was friends with everyone and didn't really want to make the choice. However, if Big T wanted to make Nany the house vote, I think she could have made that happen.

Leroy and Kaycee would have absolutely thrown Big T in because that would have been the safe and clean vote for them as it was for the house vote.

2) Call me crazy. Maybe I'm on an island of one, but given the performance I saw from Big T, I actually think she could have beat Nany in this. I think she performed on that elimination better than any other woman ever... and I'm including Nany and Nia's performance in Exes 2. She picked up the technique rather quickly. I expected her to struggle a little but she didn't.

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Kaycee is not fun to watch. She has no drama. She's so laid back that it's disgusting. She's just been fortunate enough to come in the game with numbers

Welcome to Kaycee's entire game. That's how she played Big Brother, and won $500,000. She's brilliant at winning competitions and keeping coalitions of people together. Leroy is an upgrade from Tyler, and the partner competition complicates things, but she's following the same blueprint: surround herself with numbers, pick one ride-or-die and stay loyal to them. The Challenge suits Kaycee's skillset (winning comps and not pissing people off) even more than Big Brother. Even if she didn't come into the game with numbers, I have no doubt she'd amass them, because that's what she does. And then she keeps winning, so you can't get rid of her, and she's intimidating to face in elimination, so nobody wants to throw her in even if they should.

She's fascinating if you like psychology, because she's pretty much a low-key cult leader. Not so much if you like drama.

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Welcome to Kaycee's entire game. That's how she played Big Brother, and won $500,000. She's brilliant at winning competitions and keeping coalitions of people together. Leroy is an upgrade from Tyler, and the partner competition complicates things, but she's following the same blueprint: surround herself with numbers, pick one ride-or-die and stay loyal to them. The Challenge suits Kaycee's skillset (winning comps and not pissing people off) even more than Big Brother. Even if she didn't come into the game with numbers, I have no doubt she'd amass them, because that's what she does. And then she keeps winning, so you can't get rid of her, and she's intimidating to face in elimination, so nobody wants to throw her in even if they should.

She's fascinating if you like psychology, because she's pretty much a low-key cult leader. Not so much if you like drama.

I think you’re right for this season that if she didn’t come in the game with numbers she would have amassed them.

I also think it was good timing during her rookie season. She came into the game at a time where it’s a requirement to go into elimination. If it was a normal ‘skate to a final’ season, I think she would have a harder time.

I don’t watch BB but as I understand it, the contestants are usually all strangers whereas the Challenge brings back the same people with built in relationships along with introducing new people. The ‘name of the game’ before was throw in the rookies and then rivals, never go into elimination and skate to a final, if you can help it. That “traditional” rookie season is something she didn’t go through because the dynamic of the game changed. Last season, Jay went from being thrown in because he’s a rookie to being thrown in because he’s an “easy skull” after finding out about the twist. Rookies were thrown in no matter how intimidating they looked. 

Kaycee is definitely more athletic than most of the girls so the other girls have to ensure that Kaycee stays out of the elimination when they go down (which I’m sure Kaycee appreciates). That’s how they started the game off last season in the first episode, rookie against rookie, because they didn’t know about the skull requirement until after the elimination was over.

Edited by AntFTW
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22 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

Allegedly, the reasoning behind The Challenge OG that will be showing on Paramount + was to counter that. They were going to return to the old school less physical strength challenges and a variety of challenges. I don't know how it will pan out but it is supposed to be a more balanced Challenge. Of course, you have to subscribe to Paramount + to see it so there's that... 

That was how the show was originally pitched to the cast but surprise when they got there it was basically the same type of challenges and finals they do on the main show.  Not everyone was happy about it. I know Trishelle has said she didn't even train because she was told it would be like the old days where they could sit around the pool and drink and do an occasional mission.  But based on what has been said since, it was the same basic show as the main one just condensed to a few weeks rather than 2 months.

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Based on what Anessa said it sounds like Big T probably would have beat anyone in this since her time was MUCH faster than the ones who did it before.  To quote TJ, she killed it.  

I think Tula is better than it looks because her biggest issue is confidence (and cardio) but from what I have seen when she stops overthinking things and just does it, she does well.  If she put in some real time working on cardio and training in between seasons, she wouldn't seem like the layup she is considered.


Just my opinion.

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13 minutes ago, Unclejosh said:

Based on what Anessa said it sounds like Big T probably would have beat anyone in this since her time was MUCH faster than the ones who did it before.  To quote TJ, she killed it.  

I think Tula is better than it looks because her biggest issue is confidence (and cardio) but from what I have seen when she stops overthinking things and just does it, she does well.  If she put in some real time working on cardio and training in between seasons, she wouldn't seem like the layup she is considered.


Just my opinion.

Completely agree!

Also, I can see how pole dancing helps in an elimination like the one Big T won.

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2 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

That was how the show was originally pitched to the cast but surprise when they got there it was basically the same type of challenges and finals they do on the main show.  Not everyone was happy about it. I know Trishelle has said she didn't even train because she was told it would be like the old days where they could sit around the pool and drink and do an occasional mission.  But based on what has been said since, it was the same basic show as the main one just condensed to a few weeks rather than 2 months.

Well, that's unfortunate because that's what I was looking forward to. 

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21 hours ago, Jillibean said:

Ha! Point of interest; social media is speculating that Kaycee and her long term girlfriend, who stuck with her during the Nany scandal despite being publicly angry with her, have now broken up. 

Was this related to last season?  I skipped because I loathe Bananas.  Is there a site I can be pointed to that explains this?

And specifically re this season:  What was the knee-deep snow reference about?  Also last season, or does Fessy chill easily?  The only thing I can think of re snow and CT is that he didn't win the finale when he was paired with Diem (I didn't see that finale, but that is my understanding) and that was in a cold setting, I think?  So why would he beat Fessy in snow?  

I think of boomboxes as being just as much from the 1970s as the 1980s, but that's because I'm old, I suppose.  I wish the scenes of them showing off their garb had been a touch longer.  Also, speaking of 80s, I'm intrigued with how many 80s songs or unusual covers of 80s songs they've had on the last few seasons!  

17 hours ago, Jobiska said:

And specifically re this season:  What was the knee-deep snow reference about?  Also last season, or does Fessy chill easily?  The only thing I can think of re snow and CT is that he didn't win the finale when he was paired with Diem (I didn't see that finale, but that is my understanding) and that was in a cold setting, I think?  So why would he beat Fessy in snow?   

Yes, also last season.

In last season’s final, it was on a mountain and in snow. The snow was about knee deep, more or less, and they wore snow shoes. Fessy basically says in this episode that without 3-feet snow, it would be an even playing field and he would beat CT.

In this final on a mountain with deep snow, Fessy took the lead on the last leg after completing the final checkpoint faster than everyone else. Fessy had one job now, make it to the finish line before anyone else. He was lapped by Johnny, Kyle and then Cory. They walked right past his slow walking ass. Therefore, he came in fourth.

Edited by AntFTW
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On 3/26/2021 at 9:02 PM, AntFTW said:

So is Amber not white? I thought she was 🤔

She’s biracial. 

On 3/26/2021 at 7:02 PM, Jobiska said:

Was this related to last season?  I skipped because I loathe Bananas.  Is there a site I can be pointed to that explains this?

Yes. Kaycee had a serious relationship coming into last season (Total Madness). She and Nany developed a very close “friendship” over the course of the season and there were multiple scenes of them cuddling, wrestling, talking about how they had crushes on each other, and hinting at the fact that they had kissed (“I never kissed you.” “Well maybe just a little.” “Maybe a lottle.”). Kaycee also chose Nany in the game over Bayleigh, her friend from her BB season coming into the game, which was a whole thing. Aneesa, trying to look out for Kaycee, told her more than once that her behavior wasn’t going to look good to her girlfriend at home even if it was innocent. Nany became infuriated each time and told Aneesa  to stay out of it (in my opinion because she was terrified it would result in a change in Kaycee’s behavior). It led to a big rift between Nany and Aneesa. When the episodes aired, it really blew up and Kaycee ended up doing a live saying that it looks bad but she never cheated, but admitted her girlfriend was very upset and that she understood why her girlfriend felt that way. But she was very clear in her statement that it was nothing, which in turn seemed to hurt Nany’s feelings. Nany went on to say at the reunion, when Kaycee again denied that anything at all had happened, that Nany had romantic feelings for Kaycee and Kaycee had been aware of that. Kaycee’s girlfriend ended up staying with her, but people are now thinking (a bit less than a year after all of this went down) that they have broken up. 


And specifically re this season:  What was the knee-deep snow reference about?  Also last season, or does Fessy chill easily?  The only thing I can think of re snow and CT is that he didn't win the finale when he was paired with Diem (I didn't see that finale, but that is my understanding) and that was in a cold setting, I think?  So why would he beat Fessy in snow?  

As noted, this is a reference to Fessy finishing the Total Madness final, which was on a mountain in snow, fifth out of six players (only Kaycee finished after him). At the time I had no particular feelings about it, but as we have gotten to know Fessy better it gives me unending delight that the self-proclaimed best player of all time finished behind a) a woman, b) a 37 year old , c) Kyle, and d) someone who timed out on the math section. Saying it was because of the snow is such a logical fallacy. It’s like saying “well I would have won the final if it had been a hall brawl” or “I would have won the final if it had been a three point five mile race on a flat surface.” That’s nice. It wasn’t. Every single person who hasn’t won a final could have theoretically won if the circumstances had been altered to more specifically fit their skill set. 

Edited by Jillibean
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20 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

As noted, this is a reference to Fessy finishing the Total Madness final, which was on a mountain in snow, fifth out of six players (only Kaycee finished after him). At the time I had no particular feelings about it, but as we have gotten to know Fessy better it gives me unending delight that the self-proclaimed best player of all time finished behind a) a woman, b) a 37 year old , c) Kyle, and d) someone who timed out on the math section. Saying it was because of the snow is such a logical fallacy. It’s like saying “well I would have won the final if it had been a hall brawl” or “I would have won the final if it had been a three point five mile race on a flat surface.” That’s nice. It wasn’t. Every single person who hasn’t won a final could have theoretically won if the circumstances had been altered to more specifically fit their skill set. 

I’ll give Cory credit for the math checkpoint. He shockingly did not time out. He was slower than all the guys and Jenny, and took more time to figure it out but somebody somewhere said a prayer and he did figure it out.

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5 hours ago, Jillibean said:

finished behind a) a woman, b) a 37 year old , c) Kyle,

Thanks Jillibean and AntFTW for the explanations, and Jillibean for the value-add laugh here!  

Yeah, there are people who can do anything physical but are laid low by the gross food challenges, etc. etc. Fessy can take several seats in knee-deep snow here.

Now that I know the background, I wish I had been able to pay attention to the interactions between Nany/Josh/Kaycee, since Josh and Kaycee are close and Nany lurrrrvvves Josh (like a brother) (bluh, either way).  But they would have had to show Kaycee for more than 2 seconds per episode for that.  

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