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S01.E10: The Beginning

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This episode should've been titled We Have No Fucking Idea, Either.  It's almost as if they fired the writing staff after the first nine episodes and brought in someone with a peripheral knowledge of the story to finish it.

The cave paintings were interesting. "All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.  Sol say we all."  😜

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7 hours ago, paigow said:

Odd that androids can express false optimism... They just figured out that the children will:

  • Inevitably DEVOLVE
  • Continue to be hunted by Mithraics AND humanoid creatures
  • Have no advanced transportation

LOL. Excellent point. "Wow, this area was overrun with creatures, who we've just figured out were humans who have devolved, and the kids are going to be left with one human woman on the run from their cult, but Campian's got this! Time to die."

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3 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

What's even more confusing is that folks on Twitter think this was the most brilliant finale EVAH! I just can't.

Here are some answers....kinda:


The article says "You’re seeing all of these iconic elements — the serpent, the garden, Adam and Eve — but they’re not the versions we know". I am wondering why keep the icons, but mask the religion they belong to?

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The entire story arc needs at least 5 seasons according to a different interview in Collider. So expect more questions and no answers next season.

  • "First and foremost, Guzikowski reiterated that there is a five- or six-season arc planned for Raised by Wolves as a whole, and he already knows how the show will end assuming HBO Max allows the show to go on for that long"
Edited by paigow
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This is about as crazy an episode that I have ever seen.  In a planet where there were never any humans, humans are devolving!!!  There were apparently some neanderthals there at some point.  Then, you have a flying serpent with no obvious means of flight (but it flies anyway),  You have a super-intelligence that was able to deceive and impregnate "Mother", you have a spaceship that flies through the core of the planet that should be in tens of thousands of degrees and comes out unharmed but it is broken up by the serpent!!! Then, there is another spaceship around....and the kids are alright!!!  It feels like Ridley Scott got some pieces of "Alien", threw in some "Prometheus" and lots of crazy ideas (jealous androids).  If one was looking for a cohesive story, well, one would not find it there.  It seems that the writers were not particularly clear as to what they were doing....how come these androids with substantial technology did not figure out that the plants had radioactive seeds....(bananas are also mildly radioactive but we eat them). 

The show started with some promise but ended up totally confused and confusing.  I expected better!!

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When Sol has you tripping balls. Marcus, my guy, it's just sunstroke. Drink some water. 🙄

Father was jealous! Yep, Mother was a skanky, cheating android heaux. Immaculate conception her plastic ass.

And finally Paul spills the tea about fake Sue and Marcus. And Mary/Sue's like, "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child whose real parents I murdered."

Ridley: You thought Alien's chest-burster scene was the most shocking sci-fi birthing moment ever committed to film? Hold my Guinness.

So Mother gave birth to Satan instead of a cute little doll baby. Hah, hah! She was overdue for some ego deflation AFAIC. 🙂

Kind of a disappointing season finale to me. I'm guessing they knew they'd been renewed and wanted to leave some weird cliffhangers. Good luck in the contract renegotiations, cast members! 😉

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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If nothing else, the show finally made some reference to 'raised by wolves' by mentioning Romulus and Remus - when someone found the tooth. 
There could be a link to Rome and the religion of Mithraism.  But it is all very muddled and nothing seems to follow any known legend.

It always seems to snow at night. It was even snowing inside the cave when Mother was about to give birth. 
Everyone seems to prefer to sleep out in the open even tho there are caves and a lander vehicle available.

Mother is standing on the edge of one of the bottomless holes when she is attacked by a humanoid.  Then Mother and Father decide to dispose of the body by burying it in a shallow grave. Too bad there is a not a bottomless hole they could use.. 

The show went completely off the rails for the last two episodes. Paul is getting info from Sol (or is  good at eavesdropping).  Marcus has gone full nutso. Mother and Father abandon the children to fly through the core of the planet (which is not a long journey, apparently). 
And that thing that Mother gave birth to was not a snake - - but whatever. 

Unfortunately, there was nothing about the show that would make me want to see more. 


Edited by shrewd.buddha
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Disappointing ending. A little better if they knew they were being renewed. If not, the writers are assholes.

I really liked the show and thought the first few episodes showed a ton of promise. Some good sci-fi concepts and they built a world I really want to know more about. Mother and Father are good characters. But as others have said it got quite a bit worse as the season went on and the last episode was just ludicrous and nonsensical.

Travis Fimmel was wasted as soon as he "went insane" - that is not playing to his strengths.

In for next season but definitely less optimistic.

By the way, the intro theme, art and general concept is one of my favourites of any show in recent years.

Edited by pfk505
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I got HBO Max right before Xmas because I have  Roku device and this show was on my watch list for a while, finally binge watched it...saw all ten episodes in three days.


I am so here for this show! Cannot wait for season 2!!!!!


I'm slightly biased (and strange) because one of my all time favorite movies is Aliens and only Aliens, did not like Alien and Alien 3/4 sucked balls....and another two movies on my all time favorite list is Terminator 1 and 2....I won't give my thoughts on the movies past Terminator 2


So, naturally, I would be into this...and i was SOOOO into this....


but, it had some flaws...for one, the radioactive soil/crops....okay, you got two androids with one being the MOST ADVANCED android and those two didn't think to test the soil and land around them before they planted those crops???? poor writing there...very poor


On 10/19/2020 at 12:53 AM, ADRz said:

In a planet where there were never any humans, humans are devolving!!!  There were apparently some neanderthals there at some point. 

Well, we don't know that for sure....I think....humans MIGHT have been on Keppler 22 B, or Aliens were and those Aliens eventually got to Earth....there are TOO MANY similarities between this and Prometheus/Alien franchise so......lots of theories here....if it is true the Mitharic really had no clue what they were building when they built the necromancers, then obviously an advanced species had to have left something for them...could have been human...or alien


But if you know the Alien franchise, one would say....alien!


I know this last episode was really strange/weird/out there....but sometimes strange is good....the serpent thing, I think some have talked about, I'm guessing represents the "snake" in the garden and Mother and Father are "Adam/Eve" especially now that they are in the tropical zone....but...i'm sure they won't be staying, gotta get back to the children! unless the plan is to try to kill "the baby"


I'm actually kind of relieved the "baby" ended up a trick and she gave birth to the big bad for next season......and I will say, while the writing could have improved in some areas, I think the writing, acting and overall story showed excellent character growth in Mother/Father and the children....in the beginning, i could not stand Campion, Hunter, Paul (at times), Tempest, the other older girl-Holly? but by the end, I was rooting for all of them, loved seeing Hunter bonded with Father...and was soooo happy when they were all reunited briefly, only to be separated again....that to me is good writing, for me to be fans of a character when I could not stand them at first....


The one i am still on the fence about is  Caleb/Marcus....while I did not like Mary/Sue in the beginning she grew on me, and I am assuming she will remain part of the "group"....their backstory and the stealing of the identities was interesting

Edited by snickers
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