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23 minutes ago, Stillhoping said:

I for one want to see a success. I am hoping for 2 success actually. I remain surprised when people complain about Tom and Lilly kissing and lovebugging...isn't that what these people signed up for?

I think the past 2 flop season did make the 2/3 new expert team try harder...and even then Derek and heather flopped. Using pics of exes and more interviews helped but there is still the elusive chemistry factor.

I dated a great looking nice guy with great job and style (Architect) but only a few times and I ended it...he repulsed me cause frankly he sweated and sweated had clammy hands.. we made out a bit but I felt...wet ..with his arms around me..ugh. shallow...yeahh..maybe he had a medical condtion   ? Well I didnt stick around to find out

On the other hand I have has a couple well remembered guys who were mr wrong in most respects but their touch..smell..sound of voice whatttever...yum haha.

Maybe derecks whiney voice and the smell of his whatever smoke on his breath and clothes were a huge turn off?

I think the kissing with the 2 doesn't equal that it will work out. Yet it doesn't mean it won't either. For me with those 2 its him that will ruin it in the end if he doesn't smarten up and get off that high horse of his. I think they are moving to fast and we have seen how that usually ends up though too. Slowing it down wouldn't hurt some. 

And yeah I think it couldn't be many things that are a turn off when it comes to Derek. LOL Sort of like for you with the sweaty hands guy...which yeah I can see how that would be a turn off. I just think in the end we all have things that can pop up in a relationship early on that are deal breakers. Just with this they are married without knowing those things are going to pop up. 

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On 8/24/2016 at 3:06 PM, mbarry said:

It's pretty common knowledge that she tried using this show for fame and it back fired so he can say whatever he wants when he wants 

Again...where is this a fact? Why do you say this? Any links? Thanks

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1 hour ago, ctbabe said:

Tom is a douche, he is such a controlling toad I do not like him at all. They have been married a week, he springs a bus on her and then goes straight into I need to protect my businesses. Did Lilly even suggest they combine finances because I am betting that the thought never entered her head, if it did I would have some serious concerns about her sanity. The way he speaks it the car redux, he sets her up that if she says no then she is a gold digger and poor put upon Tom was saddled with another materialistic woman.


Run Lilly run you are way too good for Tom

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10 minutes ago, crazychicken said:

Tom is a douche, he is such a controlling toad I do not like him at all. They have been married a week, he springs a bus on her and then goes straight into I need to protect my businesses. Did Lilly even suggest they combine finances because I am betting that the thought never entered her head, if it did I would have some serious concerns about her sanity. The way he speaks it the car redux, he sets her up that if she says no then she is a gold digger and poor put upon Tom was saddled with another materialistic woman.


Run Lilly run you are way too good for Tom

I am not getting that vibe too but I don't trust this preview.. 

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1 hour ago, ctbabe said:

I'd be like, "Hell yeah I want a post-nup. I don't want your loser ass getting any of my shit when I peace out of this 'marriage'."

Editing to add that we don't know how successful she is or what she has put away in investments. She may be making a lot of money in real estate so it's pretty annoying that he assumes she wants anything from him but companionship.

Edited by Nowhere
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19 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

I am not getting that vibe too but I don't trust this preview.. 

I agree previews are often misleading it is the way he phrases his statements that set off alarm bells in me, he starts with a put down then asks the question in such a way that if she does not agree then in his mind he is justified in dismissing her as materalistic/gold digging. Last week when he had doubts about Lilly because she took offense to be lumped into the materialistic category was telling for me, she had a normal response and calmly challenged him and he did not like it.

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2 hours ago, Stillhoping said:

Again...where is this a fact? Why do you say this? Any links? Thanks

You can't sign up for the process then the second you get on a show you shit down and don't go through with the process I've worked as a intern on reality tv since I was 19 years old I'm 24 now I know what cast members are trying to get on a show to get on a show I bet if you ask the production crew privately they would say the same thing as me

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6 hours ago, ctbabe said:

Preview for next week. Tom asked for a post nuptials. Emmmm


I'm trying to figure out just how many conversations they spliced together to come up with Tom's statement on the bus. Way too choppy to be a fluid convo.

Also weird watching tweets back and forth with Nick & Sonia where she jokes he's into beastiality because he loves his dogs so much. Hoping it's funny playful joking but I'm also getting the season 2 hurt feelings vibe. Also isn't that just kind of weird to joke about? They're both quirky so hopefully they are just messing with us :) also Nick twerking with a broom.. Amazing how different he is in real life compared to how he's portrayed on the show so far.

Edited by red.
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31 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I'd be like, "Hell yeah I want a post-nup. I don't want your loser ass getting any of my shit when I peace out of this 'marriage'."

Editing to add that we don't know how successful she is or what she has put away in investments. She may be making a lot of money in real estate so it's pretty annoying that he assumes she wants anything from him but companionship.

He mentioned in the preview that she came into their situation "in a lot of debt." At least I think that's what I heard him say. I'm thinking that's why he's asking for the post-nup? That said, I think he MAY have a little money. I would have to go back and watch the show when they were selecting the candidates but I seem to recall the "experts" mentioning a) that Tom is well educated and b)that his business is very successful. If true this is likely where the post-nup discussion is coming from.  Like someone else said though his approach and tone was off putting. Perhaps it's the editing and it won't come off that bad in the episode, but we'll see.

6 minutes ago, mbarry said:

You can't sign up for the process then the second you get on a show you shit down and don't go through with the process I've worked as a intern on reality tv since I was 19 years old I'm 24 now I know what cast members are trying to get on a show to get on a show I bet if you ask the production crew privately they would say the same thing as me

Personally I don't think any of these people came on the show to find a spouse. I think they all have agendas that have nothing to do with falling in love. 

Regarding Heather specifically, I think she was willing to play the game. She was a little uncomfortable at the wedding, but who wouldn't be? She laughed with Derek, talked with him, they even spooned on their wedding night but as someone said in another thread something happened to turn her completely off of him, something that we didn't see.  Maybe it was the smoking. Maybe it was something else. I just don't think her agenda is any different from the other participants on the show.

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28 minutes ago, mbarry said:

You can't sign up for the process then the second you get on a show you shit down and don't go through with the process I've worked as a intern on reality tv since I was 19 years old I'm 24 now I know what cast members are trying to get on a show to get on a show I bet if you ask the production crew privately they would say the same thing as me

What other cast members from past seasons do you believe signed up just to get on the show?

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7 minutes ago, CindyK said:

What other cast members from past seasons do you believe signed up just to get on the show?

Ashley for sure they even leaked it or mentioned that she was doing it as revenge to her ex boyfriend you don't go through hell and meeting after meeting if your not motivated 

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1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

I'd be like, "Hell yeah I want a post-nup. I don't want your loser ass getting any of my shit when I peace out of this 'marriage'."

Editing to add that we don't know how successful she is or what she has put away in investments. She may be making a lot of money in real estate so it's pretty annoying that he assumes she wants anything from him but companionship.

Heck yeah she should. IF anything she should cover her ass. We really have no idea how either one is with money or their finances and I have to wonder if they have even discussed it. Yet it does come off in bad light. Honestly the show should go in with some sort of a prenup to begin with anyway. 

8 minutes ago, red. said:

I'm trying to figure out just how many conversations they spliced together to come up with Tom's statement on the bus. Way too choppy to be a fluid convo.

Also weird watching tweets back and forth with Nick & Sonia where she jokes he's into beastiality because he loves his dogs so much. Hoping it's funny playful joking but I'm also getting the season 2 hurt feelings vibe. Also isn't that just kind of weird to joke about? They're both quirky so hopefully they are just messing with us :) also Nick twerking with a broom.. Amazing how different he is in real life compared to how he's portrayed on the show so far.

The editing in this is really one of the worse for sure. And agree that is not exactly something one should really joke about...even after that odd video of him twerking in the poor dog's face with a broom in hand. ugh

12 minutes ago, Enero said:

He mentioned in the preview that she came into their situation "in a lot of debt." At least I think that's what I heard him say. I'm thinking that's why he's asking for the post-nup? That said, I think he MAY have a little money. I would have to go back and watch the show when they were selecting the candidates but I seem to recall the "experts" mentioning a) that Tom is well educated and b)that his business is very successful. If true this is likely where the post-nup discussion is coming from.  Like someone else said though his approach and tone was off putting. Perhaps it's the editing and it won't come off that bad in the episode, but we'll see.


I didn't watch the preview but I wonder if she did or not though or he just assumes if that is what he said. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a little money stashed away or he is trying to protect something he is hiding. I'm thinking for someone that is hating on those with money though and being materialistic that its an odd thing to be asking someone to do a post-nup. I didn't think he had his own business(es) but that he worked for someone else. I guess it could be he does it on a contract and made up some name to claim its his business but who knows. Interesting though because of that Confessions episode he was going off about those people wanting money are faking it to make it and that he was afraid Lily was that way too. Wonder now how much he is the one "faking it to make it" as he says...Shall see how that next one goes I guess with this.

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After seeing the confessions and the preview, I am really hating Tom. Talk about judgmental. Maybe he'll come around but he seems incredibly committed to his lifestyle. How did he think he was going to find someone who has his same philosophy on a show like this when he can't find someone IRL? I hope Lily has the cojones to stand up to him.

I was kind of hopeful for at least one or two of these couples in the beginning but now I wouldn't bet money on any of them staying together.

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5 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

I think they sign prenups before the weddings, at least in the past that has been reported, and that would make sense. 

Agree it would make sense, even if they don't have much but just to cover their butts on the shows end of things and make sure the people on it are covered as well. I couldn't remember if they had in the past or not but agree it would only make sense. Yet, sadly, this show doesn't match with any sense so who knows. 

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30 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

I think they sign prenups before the weddings, at least in the past that has been reported, and that would make sense. 

You are correct. They sign prenups before the wedding 

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@Enero @Evil Queen I don't think there's anything wrong with a prenup that protects all parties. Maybe he has a lot of money and she doesn't or vice versa. But if he wants to say, "If you leave me you get nothing from me", then the pre/post-nup should also say, "If I leave you, you get (blank)." That way if he decides to go to work one morning and never come back, she is somehow protected and not left high and dry. And vice versa.

And if I were her I still would say hell yes to it just to put a glimmer of doubt in his mind like maybe this woman has something I don't know about and enough confidence to say she wants to protect herself too. Possibly I shouldn't be an asshole.

If I were Lily, I wouldn't have discussed any finances with Tom until the show was over.

11 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

You are correct. They sign prenups before the wedding 

Then why was it brought up on the show like they've never discussed it before? They freakin confuse me.

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52 minutes ago, gingerandcloves said:

After seeing the confessions and the preview, I am really hating Tom. Talk about judgmental. Maybe he'll come around but he seems incredibly committed to his lifestyle. How did he think he was going to find someone who has his same philosophy on a show like this when he can't find someone IRL? I hope Lily has the cojones to stand up to him.

I was kind of hopeful for at least one or two of these couples in the beginning but now I wouldn't bet money on any of them staying together.

Why did the "experts" even choose him?? Because they don't really care about people and this show is bullshit. 

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20 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

@Enero @Evil Queen I don't think there's anything wrong with a prenup that protects all parties. Maybe he has a lot of money and she doesn't or vice versa. But if he wants to say, "If you leave me you get nothing from me", then the pre/post-nup should also say, "If I leave you, you get (blank)." That way if he decides to go to work one morning and never come back, she is somehow protected and not left high and dry. And vice versa.

And if I were her I still would say hell yes to it just to put a glimmer of doubt in his mind like maybe this woman has something I don't know about and enough confidence to say she wants to protect herself too. Possibly I shouldn't be an asshole.

If I were Lily, I wouldn't have discussed any finances with Tom until the show was over.

Then why was it brought up on the show like they've never discussed it before? They freakin confuse me.

Tom said post nuptials not prenup. 

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5 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

Tom said post nuptials not prenup. 

I was using the two interchangeably since they both serve the same purpose. But if the show makes them sign a pre-nup, what's the point in the post-nup? Just to be more of an asshole? What could he possibly add that he didn't already include in the pre-nup?

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18 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I was using the two interchangeably since they both serve the same purpose. But if the show makes them sign a pre-nup, what's the point in the post-nup? Just to be more of an asshole? What could he possibly add that he didn't already include in the pre-nup?

Maybe he is trying to test her. To find out if she is materialistic 

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18 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I was using the two interchangeably since they both serve the same purpose. But if the show makes them sign a pre-nup, what's the point in the post-nup? Just to be more of an asshole? What could he possibly add that he didn't already include in the pre-nup?

To create more fake drama.  I doubt he's even that committed to living in the bus.  I think they'll play up nonsense so it looks like the couple has to overcome some obstacles to stay married. 

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The post up is more protection for the assents created during the marriage 

In order for someone to agree to do the show the producers guarantee a signed prenup and pay all the cost of the divorce so you really have nothing to do at all unless you really against getting a legal divorce 

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9 minutes ago, mbarry said:

The post up is more protection for the assents created during the marriage 

In order for someone to agree to do the show the producers guarantee a signed prenup and pay all the cost of the divorce so you really have nothing to do at all unless you really against getting a legal divorce 

Well this would make no sense if they already signed a pre-nup. Its the same thing with the only different being one is signed before and one is after getting married. There would be no reason to sign another one when the first would cover it all to begin with.

I agree that its more for the show and trying to create some stupid drama. 

Edited by Evil Queen
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2 hours ago, ctbabe said:

Maybe he is trying to test her. To find out if she is materialistic 

You're probably right, but to me asking for a post-nup only makes HIM look materialistic.  And like a tool.

I loved Lily's reaction, it was like "WTF, he lives in a BUS and HE asks for a post-nup"?

I hope she has tons of money stashed away just to prove him to be the total douche I already think he is.

Between this and keeping his bus lifestyle a secret I'm beginning to doubt this is all some kind of fake drama.  If it is, they're taking it one step too far.  I could see Tom being that kind of total douche, though.

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12 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I'd be like, "Hell yeah I want a post-nup. I don't want your loser ass getting any of my shit when I peace out of this 'marriage'."

Editing to add that we don't know how successful she is or what she has put away in investments. She may be making a lot of money in real estate so it's pretty annoying that he assumes she wants anything from him but companionship.

I feel the same way.  I don't get why people think a man is abusive if he's stating his opinion.  Why does that ring alarm bells?  Do we think that men should just, do what we want?  I wouldn't want that, life would be boring.  I believe in pre-nups BTW.

I also understood what Tom meant about people being materialistic because I agree with him.  Some people feel they need to get a large house and drive an expensive car because that's the only thing that makes them feel okay, they feel they're not anybody unless they live in a 5,000 square foot home with a pool. 

I have a friend whose husband's family (and her family too) call both of them losers because they live in a small, older home and have no pool, but they are able to travel every year, and take two cruises a year if they want, because they're not spending every penny they earn on a large house.

Edited by Neurochick
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From the executive producer Chris Coelen:

2. What about prenuptial? Some of the cast own New York City real estate and have established careers beyond the default reality show model/actor/bartender tropes.

“There is a prenup that is built in,” Coelen said. “It’s a very short, brief prenup. It basically says what they walk in to [the marriage with], is what they walk out of the marriage with.”

“We want to give them some protection walking in,” he explains. “If for some reason it does not work out, at least you are protected with this basic form. You are not going to get yourself in to any legal trouble. Once they are in to the marriage, everything is completely up to them.


So apparently the postnup is either just to add some drama, or Tom is being a major ass.  

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5 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I feel the same way.  I don't get why people think a man is abusive if he's stating his opinion.  Why does that ring alarm bells?  Do we think that men should just, do what we want?  I wouldn't want that, life would be boring.  I believe in pre-nups BTW.

Mini alarm bell went off when he said it was a lie that an estate agent needs a new car to sell off a property. Though to her face, he acted like he understood. 

Prenups are fine but post nuptials are dicey. 

Edited by ctbabe
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The discussion about Nick's clothing line is making me think about who may have gone on the show for reasons other than finding a spouse.

First season:  

Jamie and Doug both got a second show, and Jamie published a book, started a jewelry line and does interviews for the show.  

Cortney and Jason both got a second show.

Vaughn ?, Monet got a second show.


Second Season: Other than Jaclyn maybe getting  more publicity for Tito’s Vodka, I can't think of anything

Third Season: 

Tres may have gotten a little more business selling cars.

Vanessa started a life style blog and got a second show.

David got a second show.

Ashley, Neal, and Sam, I can't think of anything.

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The prenup doesn't do the full job it covers what they walk into the marriage with it doesn't cover the assets made during the marriage so let's say they are married a couple of years and good money is made the other partner may be in for that money so a post prenup makes clear any money made during the marriage stays with the person it's made with

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Nick is proving himself to be quite the Kardashian...

clothing line

instagramming with doggies

cross promoting his airbnbs

hobnobbing with other celebs...barely celebs, cable tv grade

Thinking he could be promoting club openings, introducing DJs like Scott Disick

Repping a local gym franchise since he has dropped pounds since his bedtime dessert days on the honeymoon

Maybe Waist Corsets for the Bros. not unlike Khloe, yes, it is a thing, Google waist trainers for men

Edited by humbleopinion
watching my p's and q's
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^ I say more power to him. Do you. These "reality" shows aren't pulling any punches creating cheap entertainment for big profits while making a mockery out of marriage. If Nick or anyone else wants to use the show to boost their own agendas I say go for it. 

53 minutes ago, henrysmom said:

The discussion about Nick's clothing line is making me think about who may have gone on the show for reasons other than finding a spouse.

First season:  

Jamie and Doug both got a second show, and Jamie published a book, started a jewelry line and does interviews for the show.  

Cortney and Jason both got a second show.

Vaughn ?, Monet got a second show.


Second Season: Other than Jaclyn maybe getting  more publicity for Tito’s Vodka, I can't think of anything

Third Season: 

Tres may have gotten a little more business selling cars.

Vanessa started a life style blog and got a second show.

David got a second show.

Ashley, Neal, and Sam, I can't think of anything.

I think all the participants likely benefited from a more enriched dating life after their seasons ended. They probably had the pick of the litter as will these singles when S4 ends. 

Edited by Enero
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I don't think getting a second show is evidence of a bad motive for going on MAFS.  It's either the result of a successful marriage (Cortney/Jason) or an unsuccessful one (David/Vanessa).  What is problematic is the people who go on MAFS with no intention of working on their marriage, or to promote themselves from the beginning.  With the exception of Jamie, I don't think any of the people who have gotten second shows really fall into that category.

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14 hours ago, Nowhere said:

... "Hell yeah I want a post-nup. I don't want your loser ass getting any of my shit when I peace out of this 'marriage'."


This would protect Lily after she finishes med school and decides the bus/beach life is no longer her preferred life style.

Be careful Tom, you could end up with no more than a surf board and bus.

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Getting a second show just tell you who the heads of the network and the producing company liked and that may tell you who they think went on the show for the right reason I can tell you they didn't like the cast of davina Jessica or the Ryan's they did like David 

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14 minutes ago, mbarry said:

Getting a second show just tell you who the heads of the network and the producing company liked and that may tell you who they think went on the show for the right reason I can tell you they didn't like the cast of davina Jessica or the Ryan's they did like David 

That's my take too.

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I understand Tom wanting a postnup bc it is the general understanding that the prenup only protects the assets they each had prior to the wedding. I bet Tom gets paid out or a bonus per job.  In the 6 wks of the marriage he may be signing a contract to get $$$ to do a yacht. Without the postnup she would be entitled to some of that bc the assets came into play post prenup. On the other hand, Lilly is working less during the 6 wks bc of filming so likely selling fewer condos and less $$$ coming in for her. It all may be due to the timing of how they get paid for their normal jobs during the "experiment". 

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2 hours ago, ctbabe said:

Mini alarm bell went off when he said it was a lie that an estate agent needs a new car to sell off a property. Though to her face, he acted like he understood. 

Prenups are fine but post nuptials are dicey. 

Agree...IMO the only reason someone would all of a sudden want one is they find out there is money or something of worth to keep to themselves and don't want to tell that person out of fear they take it all. IMO Lilly doesn't come off as if she would be like that but in the end you just never know with people I guess. I guess I could have asked for one years later since I had no clue that when my Grandma died she had set up her living trust to give us grandkids part of things at 45. She covered things pretty well in the trust that no one could have it unless we each stated so and who. Otherwise it goes back into the trust and split up again to everyone else still living. Which I have been married to long that I wouldn't even have though to bother or cared to. Yet with this show, like I said, I think its to create drama between them. 

1 hour ago, henrysmom said:

The discussion about Nick's clothing line is making me think about who may have gone on the show for reasons other than finding a spouse.

First season:  

Jamie and Doug both got a second show, and Jamie published a book, started a jewelry line and does interviews for the show.  

Cortney and Jason both got a second show.

Vaughn ?, Monet got a second show.


Second Season: Other than Jaclyn maybe getting  more publicity for Tito’s Vodka, I can't think of anything

Third Season: 

Tres may have gotten a little more business selling cars.

Vanessa started a life style blog and got a second show.

David got a second show.

Ashley, Neal, and Sam, I can't think of anything.

Sam does a blog now too doesn't she? SMH I think Nick is the worse with doing this though. While some got things out of it after the fact, they weren't promoting (aside from Jacklyn) businesses. What they got was after the shows and they would have had no clue those things were to come. IMO though it comes off in VERY bad light seeing people promote their businesses and that is when you start to question the person's motive. 

1 hour ago, mbarry said:

The prenup doesn't do the full job it covers what they walk into the marriage with it doesn't cover the assets made during the marriage so let's say they are married a couple of years and good money is made the other partner may be in for that money so a post prenup makes clear any money made during the marriage stays with the person it's made with

Honestly unless we see it we have no clue. Sure we know it covers what comes in since its been said but I bet if they ask to cover anything during the show that it would be as well since they could be working their everyday jobs on top of filming and probably wouldn't want to share even that. I just call this all created drama though.

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3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I feel the same way.  I don't get why people think a man is abusive if he's stating his opinion.  Why does that ring alarm bells?  Do we think that men should just, do what we want?  I wouldn't want that, life would be boring.  I believe in pre-nups BTW.

I also understood what Tom meant about people being materialistic because I agree with him.  Some people feel they need to get a large house and drive an expensive car because that's the only thing that makes them feel okay, they feel they're not anybody unless they live in a 5,000 square foot home with a pool. 

I have a friend whose husband's family (and her family too) call both of them losers because they live in a small, older home and have no pool, but they are able to travel every year, and take two cruises a year if they want, because they're not spending every penny they earn on a large house.

I'm so into the idea of a minimalist lifestyle and I have been for years. I can't live in a bus because I have almost adult children and I don't push my beliefs on them. But I've controlled MYSELF to point that my house and car are payed off. I drive a base model and people always ask why I don't want a different car and they criticize my car because, even though it's a 2012, it doesn't have auto Windows and it's a five-speed. So I get what your friend has to deal with. Fortunately, if I want to go see my aging mother or take a trip with the kids, I can do that. My daughter gets to take a choir trip to Italy and sing at the Basilica this summer, so anyone who looks down on me can think again and kiss my ass. 

i don't have a problem with a pre-nup. I have a problem with Tom because he's creepy. Not that he's abusive. The post-nup, now that I'm reading that they already signed a document, I don't get. I just don't understand why. But she should have no problem if it protects her too. Not just him. 

I don't know if you watch 90 day fiancé but the 58 yr old man wouldn't marry his 19 yr old fiancé unless she signed the pre-nup. I can see him wanting to protect himself but he should also say, "if I decide to leave you I will give you what you may need to re-establish yourself, but if you leave me you get nada."

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37 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

What does it mean when I go to like something and I get a pop up that says "you are not allowed to like content from this user."

I've had that happen when my browser was too slow and I clicked more than once on the "like" button because I didn't think my click had gone through.

About Tom and the postnuptial, if he really doesn't care about money, then why does he push this? Who's materialistic now?

Or is it because of Lilly's debt and him not wanting any part of that?

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3 hours ago, Enero said:

^ I say more power to him. Do you. These "reality" shows aren't pulling any punches creating cheap entertainment for big profits while making a mockery out of marriage. If Nick or anyone else wants to use the show to boost their own agendas I say go for it. 

I agree, how much $$$ do you think the show's producers and the network are making off them.  This is NOT a social experiment, this is an entertainment show.

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I don't think Tom is ridiculous for wanting to make sure both parties are protected with finances. I did the same (prenuptial). What I find shady and odd is why he didn't tell her on the honeymoon he lives in a bus. Surely they would've discussed where they live on the honeymoon, right?

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Last day of the honeymoon...

Tom: Lily do you have any extra room in your suitcase?

Lily: Sure.

Tom: Pack the towels, the robes, the sugar packets, sweet n low packets, mini ketchups from the breakfast, soaps, shampoos, conditioners, the hair bonnets and sewing kits for me.

Lily: Oh, how sweet you are...donating all of these toiletries to the women's shelter when we get home.

Tom: Um, no...

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