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And she is unbelievably naive if she thinks there aren't people who would go through all those psychological tests just to get on TV.  Does she even have a CLUE how a narcissist LOVES that kind of attention?  She really needs an education in reality TV.

My guess is that most "authentic" people don't have the patience to go through a battery of personality tests to find a mate, unless they are desperate or bored.


Pepper Schwartz: I understand your curiosity but I just need to close the doors on season 2 and embrace one and three.I would just say that I think some compassion for Sean and Ryan R could also be argued


Wow. She views Ryan R and Sean as the ultimate victims? Geez these experts are so freaking blind. Sean's bullshit can be smelt from miles away yet they continue to defend him. 

I notice that Pepper left Ryan D off her list of men who could use some compassion.  Jessica engaged in physical violence (breaking objects) and Ryan D did not, yet Ryan D is being labelled an abuser.  By breaking objects and by manipulating and goading Ryan D, Jessica revealed that she has a potentially abusive personality.  He generally responded by shutting down and leaving, which is more avoidant than abusive.


Overall, Pepper's comments (these and earlier) support the theory that Davina was sandbagged because she blamed the "experts" for pairing her with Sean.  It's unfortunate that the fans are blaming the men more than the "experts".  I agree that the men deserve some compassion since they didn't pick themselves to be on MAFS,

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Pepper Schwartz: I understand your curiosity but I just need to close the doors on season 2 and embrace one and three.I would just say that I think some compassion for Sean and Ryan R could also be argued


Wow. She views Ryan R and Sean as the ultimate victims? Geez these experts are so freaking blind. Sean's bullshit can be smelt from miles away yet they continue to defend him. 


Yeah, really.  And to think she didn't even learn that it might be a better idea to continue to keep her mouth shut after the other two made themselves look like complete a-holes online.  It boggles!

Overall, Pepper's comments (these and earlier) support the theory that Davina was sandbagged because she blamed the "experts" for pairing her with Sean.  It's unfortunate that the fans are blaming the men more than the "experts".  I agree that the men deserve some compassion since they didn't pick themselves to be on MAFS,


Actually they did sort-of pick themselves by applying to be on the show.  Nobody twisted their arms to do that.  I'm not letting them off that easy.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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As far as I'm concerned, the producers wanted hot bodies and fireworks. Then they decided ahead of time that one wife would get the shrew edit, one husband would get the beast edit, and the third couple would fall madly in love. It didn't matter what any of them did, the video clips would be edited to make the viewers see two couples in conflict and a third fall in love, with hopefully a little "taming of the Shrew" and "beauty and the beast " thrown in for fairy tale endings.

As for Peppers claim that Season 3 is going great, I am more inclined to believe they picked three "ain't shit" men

  • Love 4
Be rest assured that we do not pick actors and actresses.


I will politely not correct Dr. P's grammar here (she does better than Basement, after all :)  I found Season 1 enjoyable and hope those couples are happy, but I'd like to point out that for Season 1, in addition to an aspiring model/TV personality who had appeared on The Bachelor franchise twice, they also cast an unemployed aspiring stand-up comic, a burlesque showgirl, a show-style wrestler, and another model.  Season 2 merely had an actor, actress and aspiring "reality show" character.  So whatever, Dr. P - if you can't be honest in the obvious things, no one is going to believe you in the details :(

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It sounds like a lot of speculation and more bad grammar:   




Married at First Sight" season 3 is reportedly just got cancelled. Following the highly controversial split of season 2 couples, Davina and Sean, Jaclyn and Ryan R, Jessica and Ryan D, the network was having second thoughts of renewing the series.

Edited by rulesoftravel

Well, looks like that site was translated (badly) to English.    When the English translation makes it almost impossible to read, I sometimes feel compelled to laugh at it.


I just think it's speculation, since part of the link refers to them still interviewing for Season 3 and I believe we have posts on this very thread about Atlanta marriages already performed.  Will they ever be seen on TV?  Who knows.  I just don't think this link is totally accurate.


That sentence works for me.


What doesn't work for me is the unwavering support of all the experts for the phony men that showed up for Season 2. (AKA Married to a Phony).    The lack of support for the women who wisely chose to get out of these "marriages" is just mind boggling.  

Edited by rulesoftravel

If you google it you see speculation that suggests the sponsors might drop the show, due to viewer dissatisfaction with Season 2.

Another possibility is that Season 3 couples returned from their honeymoons, saw the results of Season 2, entertained no delusions of having been matched for any reason other than maximum incompatibility, and called their lawyers.

By now, dr Pepper is trying to solve all their problems with cooking classes and dr slut is passing out the fishbowls full of homework.

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I asked myself why is it every reality TV show forum on this site full of wild speculation,gossip and general cattiness.......Then I realized I don't hangout with women enough.

LOL !       I can't imagine what else you were expecting to find on a Reality TV show forum.for this goofy show.  But!  you may wish to know that the deep philosophical and heady psychological discussions  are on the  "Baby" forums.. where Dr.C and Logan give their expert insights to their very respectful and insightful fans.  

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So FYI has a ten minute show scheduled Tuesday called Married at first sight: The First Year: A Look Ahead"

The description says 'An update with the couples; new season of Married at First Sight: the First Year.'

Do we know what this might be about?

It says it's new and it is following a replay of part two of the six month reunion of season 2

I suspect the season 3 couples will be told if they don't stay married, the show will never be aired. The producers will hope they will be so anxious to appear on TV they will submit to all manner of humiliation. One of the women will get the bitch edit, one of the men will get the schmuck edit, but in the end, hoping to get their fifteen minutes of fame, they will all stay married, at least until the reunion show.

I think I am now completely done with this show as they are now even tainting the much better first season and turning it into a completely staged reality show rather than a 'social experiment' as they love to drum into our heads.  For a ten minute show, they wasted the first minute of it telling us what we are going to see is typical reality show filler...but again...its ONLY ten minutes!  Do you REALLY need to 'fill' it with a 'coming up on Married at First Sight: The First Season: The Next Generation: Deep Space Nine...' when it's only ten minutes?  And it was an unwatchable staged commercial for their new horrific show where now they are out to destroy existing marriages..rather than destroying fake ones they created.  Yes Jason, I REALLY bought your 'Hey...ever wonder what it would be like to switch partners?' crap...you TOTALLY came up with that and were not fed a line from the producers....jeez!

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I notice HBO is planning to do a movie about Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill. It's sort of the classic dilemma faced by professional black women. I watched the confirmation hearings and concluded that Hill was very attracted to Thomas, followed him from one job to another, and actually enjoyed the familiarity (characterized by a few dirty jokes and office banter) because she thought he was flirting. But when he came up for the SCOTUS, she found out he had married a white woman, and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and suddenly, what she thought had been flirting was viewed as sexual harassment. It'll be interesting to see what HBO makes of the story but I'm sure it's not going to be favorable to Thomas.

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I've been convinced Vaughn and Monet were put together just because they wanted a black couple in the mix. Others have said on the board and I agree, first the producers or whomever sort of the bad looking/over weight/not TV friendly (or god forbid a disabled person, those physically different must be shunned to shows to specifically look at how they exist at all) and then do what they do with the rest. Vaughn and Monet were probably just the best of the pickings.


It's one thing if a person says they prefer one race but get another. If they state what they don't want, however wrong that may be to discriminate, and its true the show puts a couple together despite that, that's really showing their hand of this being all for good TV, quality matches be damned.


The full backlack towards the "experts" came at Reunion time and season 3 had already just begun filiming, right? Whatever the matches are, I wonder if the "experts" are now mad/really regretting what was done now that they're in so much need of rehabbing their images and all 3 couples have officially failed.

Edited by Gigi43

One of the things that really bothers successful black women is that successful black men all want light skinned wives. I think the producers knew that in Season 1 with Vaughn but didn't get enough mileage out of it. So this time they must really be going for it. I would love it if Monet would chime in here!! I bet she'd have plenty to say!

One thing that bothers successful black women is having to "marry down." Black women are more educated than their male counterparts (due to many reasons that re beyond this thread...I recommend reading The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander). I've seen a bunch of interesting articles and conversations about this issue on facebook.

If this season is going to be focused on race/intra-racism/plain ol' racism then I'm tuning out. I like to escape from reality when I watch reality tv (ironically)



I think Monet was initially disappointed that Vaughn was not more established in his career.  I think this threw Vaughn for a loop, because according to him, all the previous women in his life (this includes everything from his ex girlfriends to his mother) have worshiped the ground he walks on.  I think this is when he started throwing out there that he really wanted a Paula Patton look alike.

He probably did prefer a lighter skin woman, but would have probably kept it to himself if he did not feel so insecure.  I have no idea what he told the experts.


This is my two cents and is purely based on speculation.


Also, as we know from season 2, people can lie like a cheap rug and it seems the experts will believe them if that is what the producers want.


There are grammatical errors in this and I haven't seen this info. anywhere else so I'm skeptical.  It looks like it was just made up as click-bait.

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Today is 6 weeks since the season 3 weddings. I am convinced that if they can't get anybody to stay married this time they will cancel it. So the results will be a reflection of how badly these people want to be on tv, not whether or not they actually like each other.


And how ridiculous the "experts" are with their insistence that they're always right.

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I like this part: 

Despite the fledgling nature of their relationship, Sam McDonald and Jack Finn-Kelcey already agree on many things. And one issue resoundingly so. ‘We are both incredibly glad we didn’t do it,’ says Sam.


They also say that if there had been cameras recording their every move and conversation, they would not have had the talks that are getting them closer.

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Dr Pepper just said on FB that there will be a very good third season late Fall early winter and another season of season one couples in the Fall


Thanks for the update, strangely I find myself less interested in the Season One couples.  


Jamie's loyalty to the poseur experts is certainly a contributing factor.  Strongly suggests to me she is in it for the wrong reasons.  Wonder what she has in mind for her mother this time.

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