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No more Rachel's gift basket of sex toys?


Imagining Cody and Danielle in a session with a trauma therapist...

Cody (holding a boy doll): Danielle wouldn't let me put my special boy parts near her special lady parts...

Danielle(holding a girl doll): I offered access to my lady parts on the honeymoon but you rejected me...

Therapist...Thought bubble....What did I get myself into?.....

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, Gobears said:

So it seems like Cody is now dating Jordan from Second Chances. Has he moved to Atlanta?


Well if they are dating and happy then good for them. Maybe they became good friends though through all this bs that MAFS has become. Either way I hope both find some happiness that they were never going to find from MAFS/2C

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

Well if they are dating and happy then good for them. Maybe they became good friends though through all this bs that MAFS has become. Either way I hope both find some happiness that they were never going to find from MAFS/2C

Bonding through traumatic events perhaps...

1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

Betcha the happy couple are looking for a way to wiggle themselves back on to a TV show...any show.

I love... LOVE! (sarcastically... with lots of shade and side eye thrown in...)

That's where my thoughts go. Hopefully we won't see them again until their wedding announcement on SM.

  • Love 1

Here are some scary quotes about life coaching from NBC News:

"Unlike a doctor or a counselor, life coaches don’t have to back up their titles with a degree. They can also earn some kind of certificate in just a couple of days."

"While illicit activity can happen in any industry, life coaching is particularly susceptible because it is unregulated and anyone can say they’re a life coach and establish a practice, experts say."

Basically, so-called life coaches are like snake oil salesmen.

Edited by Gobears
  • Love 2
8 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Good you got a screen shot for future reference.

Sounds like a class act, that one, already attacking people on SM, & the show hasn't even started yet.

Can't imagine Twitter this season.

8 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Too defensive, too early in the process to have such a big chip on your sleeveless shoulders, bride of Jefftee.

Exactly! Nice screenshot for sure since how many times over the past seasons does this happen before the show airs or as the first one airs? Then as you watch you can tell that isn't happening and why. LOL And agree attacking people now and nothing has aired.....says something not only about her but that maybe its not as great as she wants people to think. If you have to get that defensive before it airs something is a miss. Wonder what led that to happen though? Hmmm

  • Love 2
On November 24, 2017 at 4:06 PM, Evil Queen said:

As for Sheila, she should be going off on those "experts" and producers for putting her with Nate and in that whole situation. Its disturbing and shitty the way they play with these people....more so those that might go in serious on it. The fact he had those shoes from some woman in his car's trunk and pepper laughing it off said it all. Then his having his whole conversation at the bachelor party about his "player" name being put away...which obviously it wasn't. Signs that he was not meant for this show at all but he was picked more because it would hopefully create drama with who he was matched with. Well they got it and it left a made taste in my mouth the whole time with how it was edited for tv. I'm really on the fence with watching another season of this show since it seems with each season it gets more and more disturbing with how they play with these people. SMH


On November 24, 2017 at 5:03 PM, gonecrackers said:

On the other hand, it's rather difficult to feel too sorry for anyone who signs up for a TV show, thinking they will truly find their soul mate through some TV personalities 'experts'.  They need to do their research; it's not difficult. Watch the show, read the back stories - we can find info so they can too. In the end they have to take responsibility for themselves, since they are the ones willingly signing their lives away giving a TV show control over their persona & life events.

Here's how I feel about this show.  Everybody who signs up for this show is an adult.  This show has been on for many seasons and if anybody watched one or more seasons, they could see how manipulative it is.  

In the movie "To Die For" Nicole Kidman's character says, "you're not anybody unless you're on TV."  A lot of people do feel that way, and will go on TV no matter what the cost.  So to me, no TV producer can play with you without your permission.  I mean, if I asked people on this site, "would you go on this show?" most folks here would say, "hell no."

  • Love 4

Interesting they are set to private but who knows. I am surprised they are allowed to do that considering how this show seems to make them push the show on SM and the seasons that follow and ones from before. As well as anything else the show thinks should be put on there. *rollseyes* Yet if he wanted students (and parents, coworkers) not in his business he shouldn't be doing a tv show like this. JMO though. 

I don't read to much into the pics we see posted at this point. We have no idea when they are taken and how staged they could be so they have pics to post during the airing of the season, kwim? Seen to much posted where its assumed all is good with a couple and how cozy they must be to see over the season that is far from how it was really for the couple...then they split. Since not much as been seen of them together yet its a wait and see like always...of course at this point with MAFS I am not buying most of what they are trying to and will be trying to sell us viewers. 

  • Love 6

This nothingburger article from IBT has some mild spoilers (a certain couple "goes through difficult times" -- duh), but this part caught my interest:

"For Jaclyn, who married Ryan Buckley, balancing her full time job as a sales representative with her reality TV gig was a lot to handle. 'My biggest struggle was juggling a full time job with filming and also finding time to truly get to know Ryan off air, as he has a very packed schedule,' she told IBT in a separate interview."

Sounds like he kept up his two job workload ...

  • Love 2

I disagree about Shawniece. I think she may be talking about people in her life that has judged her for getting married this way. It makes no sense otherwise. I don't know but I had a good feeling about them even before seeing them together so hope its the real deal and not a Nate/Sheila or Tom/Lillian thing where they seem to stay together despite the fact  its better for them to leave but for camera or some odd belief they're supposed to they stay toether knowing it will end.

  • Love 3
On January 8, 2018 at 0:58 AM, Gobears said:

This isn't about season 6 but didn't know where else to put it:

Sam from season 3 got engaged!


On January 8, 2018 at 0:58 AM, Gobears said:

This isn't about season 6 but didn't know where else to put it:

Sam from season 3 got engaged!


On January 8, 2018 at 0:58 AM, Gobears said:

This isn't about season 6 but didn't know where else to put it:

Sam from season 3 got engaged!


5 hours ago, Lovecat said:

Her dude looks nice, too, as much as you can tell from one photo.  He's got that nerdy-cute good guy thing going on.


5 hours ago, Lovecat said:

Her dude looks nice, too, as much as you can tell from one photo.  He's got that nerdy-cute good guy thing going on.

Hope the new guy likes candle wax.

  • Love 1
On 1/5/2018 at 10:47 PM, 2727 said:

This nothingburger article from IBT has some mild spoilers (a certain couple "goes through difficult times" -- duh), but this part caught my interest:

"For Jaclyn, who married Ryan Buckley, balancing her full time job as a sales representative with her reality TV gig was a lot to handle. 'My biggest struggle was juggling a full time job with filming and also finding time to truly get to know Ryan off air, as he has a very packed schedule,' she told IBT in a separate interview."

Sounds like he kept up his two job workload ...

Wondered how that would work out. First I don't think they should have been matched for the fact of her loss and his risky jobs (yes construction is risky and one of the jobs that ranks high in risk factor) but the fact he always was doing something made it questionable. IMO if he truly wanted to find someone to be his wife he would have cut back on the work of the 2nd job, at the very least, to date. Since he didn't and took this route and still isn't cutting back...well I hope he learns that in order to get to know a partner he will have to do so. As well as to make a relationship work at all. SMH

  • Love 1

I am going to say its not much of a spoiler really when they can't give it away and have to play along until the show is done. Plus I have had many people mail me thinks with my husband's last name but I don't use it. Even my mom does it. So if someone sent her a gift card they are probably assuming on the last name thing. Which I would hope none of them EVER change their last names until well after the 1st year at the very least.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

Sheila changed her name. Just sayin'. 

If they make it well past the first year (you know, when the money runs out) then maybe there's something.

Which I will bet was a producer trick of course too. I know she supposedly was using it in her job and such but anyone can ask to be referred to by their married last name and keep things as their maiden as well. I just think its, first, to early to read into things and more so on SM but secondly, the show wants these people to not give how things end so appearances on SM is everything. I wouldn't be surprised if the producers or some other sort of hired hand watches over that stuff like a hawk. 

  • Love 3
42 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

I wouldn't be surprised if the producers or some other sort of hired hand watches over that stuff like a hawk. 

Of course they do. That's how they knew to muzzle Sheila on Twitter.  She can't post on an account associated with MAFS, & I'm sure her own accounts are monitored so she doesn't spill any interesting beans on them.

They're probably tightening up those NDA's more every season.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 5
On 1/13/2018 at 5:31 PM, gonecrackers said:

Of course they do. That's how they knew to muzzle Sheila on Twitter.  She can't post on an account associated with MAFS, & I'm sure her own accounts are monitored so she doesn't spill any interesting beans on them.

They're probably tightening up those NDA's more every season.

Oh for sure they are. Every new issues that pops up that they didn't expect and its added into to those contracts and so on that have to be signed. So I am sure that no matter the situation, its harder to leave the marriage as its filming and blast the producer on camera there is probably going to be a consequence there...as well as how they behave/talk about the marriage on SM and any place else. So what new thing could pop up this season that hasn't yet? LOL 

  • Love 1
On 1/9/2018 at 8:43 PM, Evil Queen said:
On 1/8/2018 at 10:09 PM, gingerandcloves said:

Good for her. I hope she treats her new husband better than she treated her first one.

I'd say I hope so too but sadly she came off such a way on the show and in SM that I doubt it. All I can say is good luck to him and hope he stands up for himself to her crazy. LOL

Well at least she chose this one, so, it's her own fault if she can't stand him this time.

I hope he comes out in a "Big Spoon" onesie on the wedding night.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 2
On 1/15/2018 at 1:04 PM, gonecrackers said:

Well at least she chose this one, so, it's her own fault if she can't stand him this time.

I hope he comes out in a "Big Spoon" onesie on the wedding night.

She'll just do what she does best if she can't stand him. Her NPD will shine through to him then if he hasn't seen it yet. 

  • Love 2

I'm really so not into seeing these couples interact together. This is not going to do this show any good having this happen. Maybe if Molly knew what has gone on with Shawneice she might not be so quick to judge him....plus things like this are EXACTLY why its not a good idea to mix them together during filming. Yet obviously all this show gives a crap about is what kind of drama can they get from this or that and nothing more. I am going to bet we will have a lot of edit in this to NOT give the real picture on what went on but instead make him look like a jerk. SMH If others can't see how this show places things by now then I don't know what else to say. I just predict some hate on him depending on how it all shows. Yet if you can't see the water below you to make sure its ok to swim in then its generally not a good idea to do what she did and I don't feel much pity for her on not taking the warning he gave. 

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