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S15.E11: Live Show 1

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And we're live! Hope Simon will be okay. They say he's doing fine but he had a steel rod put in his back; this morning on the radio they said there is still a 2-3 week window before they can be confident that he won't wind up in a wheelchair.

  • I've heard the phrase "Bob's your uncle" but never "Bob's our llama"...
  • Aw, bebeh pigilette!
  • Um...I'm with Howie. I got bored.
  • Howie is talking like he's hearing the audience booing in his mind.
  • Who's clapping? The crew? 
  • Did we see this ukulele kid? I honestly don't remember. (Can we not see him again, please?)
  • I feel like Shakira's music was louder than her...
  • What is Heidi wearing...?
  • Salsa Kids Backlot Tour: I sincerely doubt these kids care about the clock tower from Back to the Future, or Home Alone 2.
  • Terry: "How have your lives changed since your first audition?" Me: *mute*
  • Contortionist reconnects with his family. Why do we need to see this?
  • (His sister's baby is cute, tho.)
  • Bello and his daughter are still here? Huh.
  • Seems they both should have practiced more...
  • I think I've established that I'm not a fan of danger acts to begin with, but watching her spin around and walk on a wheel is kinda boring.
  • Roberta...was okay? I went to get ice cream.
  • I guess we had to get at least one covid story, right?
  • Stop saying "that's right." 
  • The only thing funny about the twins' intro package was the boyfriend's facial expressions.
  • The less I say about the actual performance, the better.
  • I can't watch sword swallowing, or crossbows, but I like Brett. He's funny and personable and doesn't seem to be trying too hard. Him trying to get Sofia to follow instructions was annoying, tho. Calm down, woman.
  • Um...the prison guy sang last, right? I just realized the show's been over for an hour and I still haven't actually posted this...

I liked the auditions without the audience but this live show felt off, somehow.

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5 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

And we're live! Hope Simon will be okay. They say he's doing fine but he had a steel rod put in his back; this morning on the radio they said there is still a 2-3 week window before they can be confident that he won't wind up in a wheelchair.

  • I've heard the phrase "Bob's your uncle" but never "Bob's our llama"...
  • Aw, bebeh pigilette!
  • Um...I'm with Howie. I got bored.
  • Howie is talking like he's hearing the audience booing in his mind.
  • Who's clapping? The crew? 
  • Did we see this ukulele kid? I honestly don't remember. (Can we not see him again, please?)
  • I feel like Shakira's music was louder than her...
  • What is Heidi wearing...?
  • Salsa Kids Backlot Tour: I sincerely doubt these kids care about the clock tower from Back to the Future, or Home Alone 2.
  • Terry: "How have your lives changed since your first audition?" Me: *mute*
  • Contortionist reconnects with his family. Why do we need to see this?
  • (His sister's baby is cute, tho.)
  • Bello and her daughter are still here? Huh.
  • Seems they both should have practiced more...
  • I think I've established that I'm not a fan of danger acts to begin with, but watching her spin around and walk on a wheel is kinda boring.
  • Roberta...was okay? I went to get ice cream.
  • I guess we had to get at least one covid story, right?
  • Stop saying "that's right." 
  • The only thing funny about the twins' intro package was the boyfriend's facial expressions.
  • The less I say about the actual performance, the better.
  • I can't watch sword swallowing, or crossbows, but I like Brett. He's funny and personable and doesn't seem to be trying too hard. Him trying to get Sofia to follow instructions was annoying, tho. Calm down, woman.
  • Um...the prison guy sang last, right? I just realized the show's been over for an hour and I still haven't actually posted this...

I liked the auditions without the audience but this live show felt off, somehow.

Wow I hadn’t heard that about Simon’s condition.  Prayers.

Not too much rhyme or reason in my voting.  Piglettes, Roberta, comedian, Frenchie, Archie.

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My top 5:  Shaquira McGrath; Simon and Maria; Roberta Battaglia; Brett Loudermilk; Archie Williams.

I also like Feng E. and Double Dragons. 

Did not think Michael Yo was funny; Pork Chop Revue was boring; FrenchBabyy's routine is repetitive; Bello and Annaliese - ugh that he is injured...I have never liked his act though. 



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I voted for the piggies and bendy dancer.

Call me cynical, but I thought the whole Bello is injured was crap, so daughter could perform on her own to prove that she's just as good or whatever.

Overall, boring show, but Kelly was delightful, as usual. The only thing I don't like her in, is her own talk show (when in the studio), because she's just too damn loud!

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Wow! It's been a long time since I've posted anything on this forum. Maybe it's because AGT just isn't the same anymore. It's not fun anymore now with the every contestant having a sad story. Here is my top 5 I think will go on to the next round.

1. Brett Loudermilk - I thought his act was the most entertaining one of the night. He mixes magic with comedy. My clear winner of the night!

2. Roberta Battaglia - Usually I don't think much of young singers, even if they have good vocals. But Roberta was an exception. Her voice sounded like a season singer. She had control and didn't sound shouty. She's my 2nd best pick, although she probably won't win since I don't remember her having a sad story.

3. Shaquira McGrath - Another very good singer that deserves to go through.

4. Feng E - I vaguely remember his audition, but man this kid can play! I enjoyed his performance very much!

5. Archie Williams - Ok. The man has a good enough voice to stay. But come on now! The judges saying that he deserves to go through because of what he's been through is not playing fair is it? What does being wrongly accused of a crime having to do with a talent competition? The judges and viewers will be voting based on his story and his emotions during his performance. I have to give him credit though. He's taking advantage of the situation.

Could go through - Double Dragon.....I liked them but the only thing about their performance is I don't know what they're trying to be. A singing comedy act or a serious singing act. They sing, dance, and entertain good enough to go through the next round but I don't know if America will take them seriously.

I actually liked the show without Simon Cowell. Maybe it's because Simon isn't the same Simon of the American Idol days. He's too nice. Besides, we weren't interrupted by him wanted a singer to do a do over.

Also, I didn't miss the audience either. AGT actually showed the performances in full.   


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I also do not understand the Michael Yo love? I so want a comedian to win but not him. I did not laugh. I think I heard him say Simon in his act? Could he not change it up?  There are several others coming up? Tonight seemed to not have many Wow acts so I bet he gets top 5. 

I think Archie, Roberta, The nooks, Simon and Maria and Michael Yo will go through. 

I voted for Archie and Feng. No real favorites on tonight. 

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My random thoughts:

  • Overall, boring. It started off very awkward, and then got a little better. 
  • Pig act was boring. Like someone said, it was a bad dog act, and I don't like dog acts. 
  • Pink hair guy: I like his act. The trick of "is this your card?" has been done a million times, but this was slightly different, and his personality makes it. 
  • Michael Yo: Not even a little funny. Did he actually tell any jokes, or did he just make observations? And I'm all in favor of men showing emotions, but I've seen this guy full on blubbering twice now. 
  • Double Dragons: I'll get flamed for this, but I love these ridiculous girls. I would totally watch their show, which would be a mid-season replacement on Fox. The show would be terrible and get cancelled after 6 episodes, but I'd still watch it. 
  • Archie: again, I'm sorry what happened to him. I do not like his singing at all, but I'll give that his voice has a pleasant tone. 
  • Bello & daughter: if he was faking it, I'm impressed, because it looked like he was in terrible pain. I thought it was decent for a danger act. 
  • Contortionist can really do only one thing, right? It seemed like we watched him bend his arm into a funny shape over and over. 
Edited by Superclam
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Yikes about Simon's condition: I hope he is OK!  I voted for Archie(I like his soulful voice), Roberta(amazing full voice for so young), Double Dragons just because I get a kick out of them, definatly a Novelty act, and the Kid Dancers: their routine thru the Back Lot was fun & energetic.  But, My Hubby did not care for anybody last night....sooo, different strokes for different folks 🙂

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In this lousy season, it is no surprise that we had an alltime turrible 1st Live show.  

I can't think of a single "artist" who would have survived this first Live cut in earlier years.  

Roberta's voice has an unusual clarity and fullness.  She might could become darn good.

Archie's song choice was among the most atonal pieces I have ever heard, in any context.  The message was on point, I'll give him that much.

Loudermilk and Sofia milking the faux ditzy fear is already old.  She is very good at it, but it went on far too long.

I enjoyed that the so-called comedian name-checked Simon, who was not present, in his routine.  You know what else wasn't present?  Any hint of an understanding of humor.  

At least the boars got a workout.

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Call me cynical...

You're cynical, but the challenge of being a danger performer is that there's doubt in how dangerous an act can be (either you get hurt, or it doesn't appear as dangerous as it first seemed), so even an actual injury can appear faked.  (Even so, I hope he feels better soon.)

This was unquestionably, a show that happened.

I thought Simon & Maria were talented, but I got distracted wondering if that was the same diner set from Kingsman:  The Golden Circle. (It wasn't, but hey, that's how it goes.)  Also, if you're calling for a medic, and you're outdoors, you can take off your mask.



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My second post here today...I will be bitter (lol) if Pork Chop Revue and Michael Yo (he is a good host on the entertainment shows/interviews he does, but he is not funny - so much so that it is pure cringe) go through to the semi-finals.

I do not care for Annaliese and dad's act, but I suppose many enjoy the danger acts. I like Brett Loudermilk more for his personality...I close my eyes once it gets to the "scary" parts. Not a fan of Frenchie Babyy's act, as there is not much variety. He seems like a great young man...reconnected with family. 

Cannot wait to see Mat Franco tonight! He is my second favorite magician after Shin Lim. I think Cody Lee is also on tonight. 


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This was actually not bad, from a production standpoint. People really performed live and you could hear the virtual audience cheering and clapping. It would be cool if they kept some performances out on the lot in future seasons. The acts however are a whole 'nother story. They let the pigs go through, but cut the Siberian shaman band? Boooo. The sound mix for two out of the three solos singers was terrible, with the vocals being drowned out by the music track. Double Dragon, not the best singers but they come off as genuine and seem to be having fun. Sure, why not I'd watch their show too. Except it would probably be on TLC and I try not to watch most of their programming.  Brett Loudermilk has an okay act with a great personality. Not surprisingly, he's already a cast member in a Las Vegas show. Archie's performance was kind of flat but his story will push him through.

Bello Nock is the literal incarnation of "I'm too old for this shit."

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48 minutes ago, Archer27 said:

My second post here today...I will be bitter (lol) if Pork Chop Revue and Michael Yo (he is a good host on the entertainment shows/interviews he does, but he is not funny - so much so that it is pure cringe) go through to the semi-finals.

Something I thought of but didn't comment on last night, but they just showed the recap on the results show, and when he was doing his "my wife and I just had a baby" bit, he's talking about his son, but the baby they just had (just before the first audition, IIRC) was his daughter. As we saw in his intro package last night, his son is a toddler. Not that it changes the premise of the joke (if you can call it that; perhaps "story" is more accurate), but it was just obviously something that was written a couple years ago and not even updated to be current (and wouldn't have been noticeable except for the fact that they had just shown his package that featured his kids). That combined with the line that addressed Simon, that he didn't change when Simon wasn't there (and which could have been substituted with any of the judges, I believe) makes him seem...not very adaptable.

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17 hours ago, rr2911 said:







5. Archie Williams - Ok. The man has a good enough voice to stay. But come on now! The judges saying that he deserves to go through because of what he's been through is not playing fair is it? What does being wrongly accused of a crime having to do with a talent competition? The judges and viewers will be voting based on his story and his emotions during his performance. I have to give him credit though. He's taking advantage of the situation.




My toughs exactly-his voice isn't that great to me.

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On 8/11/2020 at 7:59 PM, ams1001 said:

And we're live! Hope Simon will be okay. They say he's doing fine but he had a steel rod put in his back; this morning on the radio they said there is still a 2-3 week window before they can be confident that he won't wind up in a wheelchair.

  • I've heard the phrase "Bob's your uncle" but never "Bob's our llama"...
  • Aw, bebeh pigilette!
  • Um...I'm with Howie. I got bored.
  • Howie is talking like he's hearing the audience booing in his mind.
  • Who's clapping? The crew? 
  • Did we see this ukulele kid? I honestly don't remember. (Can we not see him again, please?)
  • I feel like Shakira's music was louder than her...
  • What is Heidi wearing...?
  • Salsa Kids Backlot Tour: I sincerely doubt these kids care about the clock tower from Back to the Future, or Home Alone 2.
  • Terry: "How have your lives changed since your first audition?" Me: *mute*
  • Contortionist reconnects with his family. Why do we need to see this?
  • (His sister's baby is cute, tho.)
  • Bello and his daughter are still here? Huh.
  • Seems they both should have practiced more...
  • I think I've established that I'm not a fan of danger acts to begin with, but watching her spin around and walk on a wheel is kinda boring.
  • Roberta...was okay? I went to get ice cream.
  • I guess we had to get at least one covid story, right?
  • Stop saying "that's right." 
  • The only thing funny about the twins' intro package was the boyfriend's facial expressions.
  • The less I say about the actual performance, the better.
  • I can't watch sword swallowing, or crossbows, but I like Brett. He's funny and personable and doesn't seem to be trying too hard. Him trying to get Sofia to follow instructions was annoying, tho. Calm down, woman.
  • Um...the prison guy sang last, right? I just realized the show's been over for an hour and I still haven't actually posted this...

I liked the auditions without the audience but this live show felt off, somehow.

Ukulele Kid from Korea Taiwan was new to me too.  Wonder how he slipped in.  Maybe because Simon was gone?

I was wondering the same thing about Heidi's outfit.  What a hodge podge of prints.

You missed the Attack of the Butterflies when you got ice cream.

I like Brett too.  I wonder how he keeps his cool having to deal with Sofia and his magic trick/trying not to get killed by a distracted Sofia.

I think that without Simon there we didn't get the full effect of The Boss being around.  I liked Kelly though.

Edited by CrystalBlue
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On 8/11/2020 at 9:22 PM, tinkerbell said:

Michael Yo. Really?  That was funny?  Lame. Why are the judges falling all over him?

I don't know.  Was it the COVID-19 survivor factor or the reverse sob story?  I don't think my wife just had a baby and I connected with our newborn is particularly funny.  Boring material.  Sorry not sorry.

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I'm late to the party since I was in the middle of the storm that hit the Midwest on Monday and we've all been without power (and some without houses) since. Power is still off in vast portions of Illinois and Iowa, five days later. I'm one of the lucky ones, power is back, although I keep getting automated calls from ComEd informing me that they have no idea when power will be restored.

*knock wood*

I thought the pig act really got the screws put to it. Everyone else had professionally produced videos with editing and zoom-in camera work while the pigs flat had to perform in real time without benefit of anything. The refusing pig could have been edited out, the film sped up and so on and so on. But no. TPTB wanted the pigs to be slow and boring (boaring ... ha). I did get a kick out of the hog doing dog agility stunts, the tunnels, weave poles, triangle climb. I could have edited that footage to make that act fun and exciting, but no one asked me. *sigh*

Next we get Ukulele Boy who has a professionally produced music video complete with lighting and film edits and multiple cameras and sound mixing. Eh. All that could have help the pigs.

Nice house, Shaquira. Wish my parents were that wealthy. And thank you Kelly for noting that she was flat and out-of-tune at the end of her song.

The salsa kids ... WTH. They, too, get a professionally produced video that would have complemented Beyonce. No way was that "live," it's not dark in LA at 5:30 p.m. Then they freaking appear ON STAGE? WTH? Why did they get a pro video when they were there live the whole time. I call cheat. Poor pigs indeed.

Now estranged-from-his-family Frenchy is all tight with the sisters again? I call BS on that. Those chicks just wanted to get on AGT/national tv and got back with you, Frenchy, for their own fame. They don't give a care about you. Unless you win the million. Then count on being invited to come live with them, they forgot how much they loved you during those decades when they shunned you. Make sure to put those loving sisters in your will, Sucker. I mean, Frenchy.

He does need to learn to do something besides put his left shoulder out of the socket though. *yawn*

Bello and his daughter finally get on teevee! Yeay! Although those two creating the Wheel of Death for this act is a bunch of bull. Bello did Wheel of Death all by himself when he auditioned several years ago. They neglected to show THAT audition. I thought the brother (Petey?) was very good filling in for Bello, I caught a few glimpses of him. It should have been a brother/sister act.

Now the hilarious comedian is cracking us up, we're ROTFL at his hysterical story of getting COVID and nearly dying. His tears are SO FUNNY! Then the story of his wife giving birth, he says "Push" multiple times, then the baby holds his finger. OMG, I am laughing so hard my sides hurt! The world is shaking from the mirth pouring forth from America, we all NEEDED this bright spot during These Trying Times.

How does Kelly know Michael Yo? Inquiring minds want to know.

The two Silver Singer ladies ... I liked the Ninja Twins better. Don't hate me. But again, why do they get a professionally edited video when there they are, standing on the stage. WTH is this imbalance about?

Thank goodness for the Sword Guy, who is a billion times funnier than the comedian. Although a mosquito bite is funnier than the comedian. Still, Sword Guy gave me some laughs, although his schtick with Sophia got a little edgy, like she wasn't following the script well enough. One of my fav acts of the night.

Meanwhile, Heidi is still a dick.

Archie ... my choice to win this show for so many reasons.

I tried to vote but couldn't access the vote page online even though I tried multiple browsers. Twitter also did not allow me to vote. I guess I'll have to trust you guys to not put the comedian through.

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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I'm late to the party since I was in the middle of the storm that hit the Midwest on Monday and we've all been without power (and some without houses) since. Power is still off in vast portions of Illinois and Iowa, five days later. I'm one of the lucky ones, power is back, although I keep getting automated calls from ComEd informing me that they have no idea when power will be restored.

*knock wood*

I thought the pig act really got the screws put to it. Everyone else had professionally produced videos with editing and zoom-in camera work while the pigs flat had to perform in real time without benefit of anything. The refusing pig could have been edited out, the film sped up and so on and so on. But no. TPTB wanted the pigs to be slow and boring (boaring ... ha). I did get a kick out of the hog doing dog agility stunts, the tunnels, weave poles, triangle climb. I could have edited that footage to make that act fun and exciting, but no one asked me. *sigh*

Next we get Ukulele Boy who has a professionally produced music video complete with lighting and film edits and multiple cameras and sound mixing. Eh. All that could have help the pigs.

Nice house, Shaquira. Wish my parents were that wealthy. And thank you Kelly for noting that she was flat and out-of-tune at the end of her song.

The salsa kids ... WTH. They, too, get a professionally produced video that would have complemented Beyonce. No way was that "live," it's not dark in LA at 5:30 p.m. Then they freaking appear ON STAGE? WTH? Why did they get a pro video when they were there live the whole time. I call cheat. Poor pigs indeed.

Now estranged-from-his-family Frenchy is all tight with the sisters again? I call BS on that. Those chicks just wanted to get on AGT/national tv and got back with you, Frenchy, for their own fame. They don't give a care about you. Unless you win the million. Then count on being invited to come live with them, they forgot how much they loved you during those decades when they shunned you. Make sure to put those loving sisters in your will, Sucker. I mean, Frenchy.

He does need to learn to do something besides put his left shoulder out of the socket though. *yawn*

Bello and his daughter finally get on teevee! Yeay! Although those two creating the Wheel of Death for this act is a bunch of bull. Bello did Wheel of Death all by himself when he auditioned several years ago. They neglected to show THAT audition. I thought the brother (Petey?) was very good filling in for Bello, I caught a few glimpses of him. It should have been a brother/sister act.

Now the hilarious comedian is cracking us up, we're ROTFL at his hysterical story of getting COVID and nearly dying. His tears are SO FUNNY! Then the story of his wife giving birth, he says "Push" multiple times, then the baby holds his finger. OMG, I am laughing so hard my sides hurt! The world is shaking from the mirth pouring forth from America, we all NEEDED this bright spot during These Trying Times.

How does Kelly know Michael Yo? Inquiring minds want to know.

The two Silver Singer ladies ... I liked the Ninja Twins better. Don't hate me. But again, why do they get a professionally edited video when there they are, standing on the stage. WTH is this imbalance about?

Thank goodness for the Sword Guy, who is a billion times funnier than the comedian. Although a mosquito bite is funnier than the comedian. Still, Sword Guy gave me some laughs, although his schtick with Sophia got a little edgy, like she wasn't following the script well enough. One of my fav acts of the night.

Meanwhile, Heidi is still a dick.

Archie ... my choice to win this show for so many reasons.

I tried to vote but couldn't access the vote page online even though I tried multiple browsers. Twitter also did not allow me to vote. I guess I'll have to trust you guys to not put the comedian through.

I'm so glad you've weathered the storm, saber.  Stay safe!  You're after me own heart:  in the pigs' corner.  I haven't even finished reading your post yet but love you telling like it is, or was.  Good points on the production "help" for "some" of the acts.

ETA:  You are too right on everything!  I didn't vote at all and I too wouldn't mind if Archie wins the whole thing, or the Pork Chop Review.

Edited by CrystalBlue
Additional comments after finished reading post.
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2 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

I'm so glad you've weathered the storm, saber.  Stay safe!  You're after me own heart:  in the pigs' corner.  I haven't even finished reading your post yet but love you telling like it is, or was.  Good points on the production "help" for "some" of the acts.

ETA:  You are too right on everything!  I didn't vote at all and I too wouldn't mind if Archie wins the whole thing, or the Pork Chop Review.

Just wondering about something. You said you wouldn't mind if Archie wins the whole thing. Is it based on talent or what he went through?

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16 hours ago, rr2911 said:

Just wondering about something. You said you wouldn't mind if Archie wins the whole thing. Is it based on talent or what he went through?

All of the above. It's nice to see an older gentleman singing with a good voice, not screeching and shouting nor being required to have a Minnie Riperton five-octave range displayed in every song. Sinatra didn't have to shout or screech or sing soprano to have a successful career as an easy-listening vocalist. I not a fan of little kids "amazing" us with their "grown-up" vocal range. I enjoy his voice and his songs.

His back story doesn't hurt, for sure. It's the best one ever on this show, and TPTB makes sure everyone has a back story. I liked Kodi Lee regardless of his story, I would go to one of his concerts (if he even does them). I don't remember Shin Lim (SHIN LIM!) having a "story," nor Darcy the puppet girl, but I liked them too. But Archie's story is tragic, and let's face it, more compelling than Shaquira's "I was fat" and the ever-popular "I was bullied." I might even award Archie the first-place prize if he didn't sing at all. If this were strictly a "talent" show, most of these contestants wouldn't even be on, so there's that. Oh, and Archie also doesn't currently have a show in Vegas or anywhere else, unlike some of the other "talents." This show doesn't distinguish between amateur and professional "talent." Professionals are solicited to be on this show every season. JMHO, of course!

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On 8/15/2020 at 11:43 AM, saber5055 said:

All of the above. It's nice to see an older gentleman singing with a good voice, not screeching and shouting nor being required to have a Minnie Riperton five-octave range displayed in every song. Sinatra didn't have to shout or screech or sing soprano to have a successful career as an easy-listening vocalist. I not a fan of little kids "amazing" us with their "grown-up" vocal range. I enjoy his voice and his songs.

His back story doesn't hurt, for sure. It's the best one ever on this show, and TPTB makes sure everyone has a back story. I liked Kodi Lee regardless of his story, I would go to one of his concerts (if he even does them). I don't remember Shin Lim (SHIN LIM!) having a "story," nor Darcy the puppet girl, but I liked them too. But Archie's story is tragic, and let's face it, more compelling than Shaquira's "I was fat" and the ever-popular "I was bullied." I might even award Archie the first-place prize if he didn't sing at all. If this were strictly a "talent" show, most of these contestants wouldn't even be on, so there's that. Oh, and Archie also doesn't currently have a show in Vegas or anywhere else, unlike some of the other "talents." This show doesn't distinguish between amateur and professional "talent." Professionals are solicited to be on this show every season. JMHO, of course!

Ok. I respect your answer and I think a lot of people feel the same way as you do. (Sigh),...I admit that I have an issue with someone advancing to the next round or winning the whole enchilada based on a backstory. I can't even imagine what Archie went through. Being in prison for 37 years for a crime he didn't commit must have been horrible! But in a competition where talent is suppose to be priority, someone's adversity shouldn't play a part. That's just my thinking and my opinion of course. I'm all about being fair to all contestants. There are lots of contestants that are hoping for their big breakout just like Archie. If Archie is going to be sent through each round, AGT might as well give him the trophy right now and stop wasting the rest of the performer's time. Last season, Kodi Lee won in the same manner that Archie will win this season. Make no mistake, Archie will be in the finale and probably will win. Archie and Kodi both have good voices. Both have talent, but I don't think Archie's the best this year and I didn't think Kodi was the best last season. But I'm sure I'm in the minority on this.


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Maybe this has been discussed before, but has anyone here questioned the "bottom three" during the results show? Let me explain. Brett Loudermilk, Feng E, and the Double Dragons made up the bottom 3. So, I'm assuming these are the three with the lowest votes. While the bottom three are in the back room, Terry Crews is announcing who is advancing to the semifinals. Crews is calling in groups of 2 or 3 at a time. So, the ones that are eliminated actually had more votes than the bottom 3 right? But two of the bottom three will advance  even though they had low votes? It almost seems better to be in the bottom three. You have a better chance of advancing! I guess AGT does this in order to save the contestant the show picked to win or at least wants to focus on.


Do I have this right? 

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26 minutes ago, rr2911 said:

But in a competition where talent is suppose to be priority, someone's adversity shouldn't play a part. That's just my thinking and my opinion of course. I'm all about being fair to all contestants.

I know exactly what you are saying and agree with you. It's the show's mindset, though, for there to be sob back stories, and the sobbier the better. I guess that's for ratings. While I don't quite remember Ted Mack's Amateur Hour, I think then people just came out and did their act. These days of reality teevee, that's not "good enough" any more. You are not alone in your wish for this to be a real best-talent-wins show. Check out how many viewers totally FREAKED when Bobby Bones, the worst dancer, won DWTS. People are still mad about that. But ... voters.

So I do admit Archie's history has hooked me and I hope he wins. Whereas Shaquira's "Everyone called me fat" does nothing for me. And that other singer who said she was "bullied" because she wears guy clothes ... eh. Who cares.

Although speaking about being fair to all contestants, I'm still irritated that the pigs had to perform with one take via an amateur cellphone video while other acts got the professional Hollywood Beyonce video editing with multi-takes, aerial views and sound mixing. What's up with that. So there's reverse unfairness on this show too!

ETA: The acts that do not win are still being seen around the world, and on YouTube, so they aren't exactly going to disappear if they do not win -- unless they want to disappear, of course. While many American Idol winners have disappeared, some who were eliminated earlier are now big stars. So there's that upside to not winning too!

Edited by saber5055
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14 minutes ago, rr2911 said:

Maybe this has been discussed before, but has anyone here questioned the "bottom three" during the results show? Let me explain. Brett Loudermilk, Feng E, and the Double Dragons made up the bottom 3. So, I'm assuming these are the three with the lowest votes. While the bottom three are in the back room, Terry Crews is announcing who is advancing to the semifinals. Crews is calling in groups of 2 or 3 at a time. So, the ones that are eliminated actually had more votes than the bottom 3 right? But two of the bottom three will advance  even though they had low votes? It almost seems better to be in the bottom three. You have a better chance of advancing! I guess AGT does this in order to save the contestant the show picked to win or at least wants to focus on.


Do I have this right? 

I always thought the acts in the Dunkin Save were those who were 4th, 5th and 6th in the voting. I think Terry says that when he announces it. That way they top 3 and 2 out of 4, 5 & 6 go through. 7-10 are eliminated when they announce the top 3. 

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3 hours ago, Superclam said:

I always thought the acts in the Dunkin Save were those who were 4th, 5th and 6th in the voting. I think Terry says that when he announces it. That way they top 3 and 2 out of 4, 5 & 6 go through. 7-10 are eliminated when they announce the top 3. 

Oh ok. That makes sense! I probably heard wrong. But....the 4th or 5th place contestants, one of them might get screwed! The Dunkin save might go to the 6th place contestant who has fewer votes. Again, I think it's a safe guard feature just in case for someone like Archie is in danger. I think AGT should just pick the 5th contestant going through like all the other ones, by their vote count. 

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59 minutes ago, rr2911 said:

Oh ok. That makes sense! I probably heard wrong. But....the 4th or 5th place contestants, one of them might get screwed! The Dunkin save might go to the 6th place contestant who has fewer votes.

Yes, if the act who came in 4th loses the Dunkin save and then the judge's vote, they're out. The judge's vote is where real producer shenanigans can happen. 

Edited by Superclam
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On 8/12/2020 at 7:39 PM, Vermicious Knid said:

This was actually not bad, from a production standpoint. People really performed live and you could hear the virtual audience cheering and clapping

Not all of it was live.  Clearly the Wheel of Death part was pre recorded. They even admitted it (I'm glad they did since it was so obvious). 

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On 8/14/2020 at 2:27 PM, saber5055 said:

The salsa kids ... WTH. They, too, get a professionally produced video that would have complemented Beyonce. No way was that "live,"

It was no more live than the Wheel of Death thing. The difference is because Kelly wasn't there they were forced to admit that other one was pre recorded. 

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On 8/14/2020 at 2:27 PM, saber5055 said:

Now estranged-from-his-family Frenchy is all tight with the sisters again? I call BS on that. Those chicks just wanted to get on AGT/national tv and got back with you, Frenchy, for their own fame. They don't give a care about you. Unless you win the million. Then count on being invited to come live with them, they forgot how much they loved you during those decades when they shunned you. Make sure to put those loving sisters in your will, Sucker. I mean, Frenchy.

They're gonna be disappointed when they find out it gets paid out over 40 years. If my math is right that works out to about 12 bucks an hour (1M/40 years = 25K a year/52 weeks = 480ish a week/40 hours = 12.something an hour) and that's before taxes. Or they can choose to take the current cash value of the annuity which, according to the first google result I got, was about 300K when Darci Lynn won (again, pretax).

On 8/17/2020 at 2:55 PM, Superclam said:

I always thought the acts in the Dunkin Save were those who were 4th, 5th and 6th in the voting. I think Terry says that when he announces it. That way they top 3 and 2 out of 4, 5 & 6 go through. 7-10 are eliminated when they announce the top 3. 

That is correct.

On 8/17/2020 at 6:11 PM, rr2911 said:

Oh ok. That makes sense! I probably heard wrong. But....the 4th or 5th place contestants, one of them might get screwed! The Dunkin save might go to the 6th place contestant who has fewer votes. Again, I think it's a safe guard feature just in case for someone like Archie is in danger. I think AGT should just pick the 5th contestant going through like all the other ones, by their vote count. 

Yep. I don't like it, either. They make such a big deal about the audience voting and then they let the judges pick the last act (unless they judges tie and then the audience vote goes, anyway). The judges get their say in deciding who goes through the auditions; let the audience pick the rest.

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