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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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4 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Bayleigh says she also Hardly knew anyone coming into the season. So they need to take things into their own hands before they get picked off.  

 I read that as Bayleigh knew Hardy coming into the house.   There was rumor floating around about him just before the premiere.  Please tell me he was going into quarantine then and is about ready to be sprung on the house.  Maybe we get to vote for who he replaces.

 What is up with the commercials for the show this year?  It's just quotes from the diary room interspersed with dramatic quotes about quarantine.  No music, no sound effects.  It's weird, like they're trying to be oh so serious or riff on something.   One of them is all about Kevin doing Anita Veto saying 'these boys can't handle this'.   I'm not really into drag, but Anita would totally be laughed off RuPaul's Drag Race, right? 

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Bayleigh that her last season "she played a scared game," implying it's different this time. 

...And then proceeds to say that somebody is going to have to go up against Kaysar if she wins HOH. After her and Da'Vonne both acknowledged he would never go after them. 

C'mon, Bayleigh! Even if she thinks the Slick Six are real for some bizarre reason, there's HGs to go after that aren't actively trying to work with her. Can I interest her in a little Christmas target at least?

Edited by mooses
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48 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Even just reading the tweets about this shit is enraging. What a colossal failure this season is. Thanks, Derrick.

It's Dan's fault, too. But yes, fuck Derrick. My estimation of him as a winner (which was small to begin with because he lucked out with the group of HGs that he got) is getting smaller and smaller. You wanna prove you're the best Big Brother player? Play again. But stop playing in the shadows and ruining our entertainment. Raven is the only new school puppet master we accept in this house. 

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It's Dan's fault, too. But yes, fuck Derrick. My estimation of him as a winner (which was small to begin with because he lucked out with the group of HGs that he got) is getting smaller and smaller. You wanna prove you're the best Big Brother player? Play again. But stop playing in the shadows and ruining our entertainment. Raven is the only new school puppet master we accept in this house. 

I know, and I don't want to be a hypocrite re: Dan even though I'm admittedly less angry at him just by way of being Dan. But still - thanks, Dan. But I'm still not as angry as I am at Derrick because it's Derrick and screw that guy.

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Enzo is cracking me up. He was talking with Cody about British people sounding American when they sing. They were using Adele as an example. Enzo: “When she’s human, she’s British but when she sings, she’s American. When she’s alive, she’s British.” When she’s human? I don’t know why that hit my funny bone so hard, but I’m in tears over here.

Also, I enjoy that Cody, Janelle, and Enzo were sitting around shooting the shit about bars and restaurants in New York. It’s nice when people don’t completely ostracize the person who’s about to be voted out.

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Much like how Angela's HoH letter that she wanted CBS/Big Brother to show Tyler reading on the broadcast show was basically a plug for her/their businesses for free publicity, I didn't miss how Precious Cinnamon Roll Eeyore Nicole Anthony made sure to say that she was going to answer on her podcast where she has an unlimited amount of time to speak. I'm sorry, I'm not here for your engagement score - I will not be giving her clicks or views or temporary follow numbers to "hear her truth". 

I'll let someone else listen and summarize it on Reddit, thank you very much.

Edited by Callaphera
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I'm not going to blame Derrick for this mess. First of all, it would feed way too much into his ego. But it's also not his fault so many of these players are playing the slip-to-Jury-and-see-what-happens game.

There hasn't really been a power shift yet, so it's not like the "outsiders" have had a chance to really change their fate. Cody nominated a pair, Memphis' plan was foiled when Christmas saved Ian, and Tyler had to nominate Janelle/Kaysar. Still, it's frustrating that it seems like nobody is even willing to take a shot when they get the chance! They are all just scavengers looking for the protection scraps that Cody/Nicole F./Daniele can offer. They spill their guts uncontrollably and then create an alliance with one, two or all three of them. It's like instead of everyone thinking, "There's trouble," they think, "How can I most effectively be the fourth wheel?" It's way too many "too soons" for my enjoyment.

Of course, it's only Week Three and there's still a real big chance anybody can make it to the Final Two. But, their chances of having a case to actually win is diminishing with each week they let all these other HGs call the shots. I get starting out under-the-radar and ramping it up, but, with so many of these HGs having such control over the game (and, eventually, actual real-life friends in Jury), it's getting to be a lot of dragons to slay if they can't take a shot soon.

Edited by mooses
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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

In two weeks, I'm going to start ironically rooting for David like I did with Raven and Victoria, right? I've been here before, I know how it goes. I should just give in and let it happen.

Do that, and I may just have to hit you with an appropriately sized stick.

1 hour ago, Dmarie019 said:

Anyone catch while Day is irritated now after talking to Kevin?

David opened his mouth, maybe? That usually does it for me.

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14 minutes ago, mooses said:

I'm not going to blame Derrick for this mess. First of all, it would feed way too much into his ego. But it's also not his fault so many of these players are playing the slip-to-Jury-and-see-what-happens game.

Ironically, it's a lot like his season. Yes, his pre-gaming has been a huge help for Nicole and Cody (that's why I don't credit Dan too much, as it seems like the extent of his pre-gaming for OTHER people was a generic "Hey, look out for my buddy, Memphis," while Derrick went all out for Cody and Nicole), but that's only because the morons are playing into it. 

Just like how Grodner's pre-gaming of BB16 worked because the morons played into it.

My issue there (and the reason why I think Derrick is still an excellent winner - not a Tier 1 winner, but still an excellent winner) is that every year they're morons, so it wasn't like Derrick had a uniquely dumb group of HGs. He just had a lot of things go his way outside of his control (Grodner's general pro-guy rigging, America's Player forcing Frankie to work with Derrick and not split until it was too late and, the most underrated, the fact that he was planning a bro alliance until Devin moronically added THREE people to the alliance, and the least notable one at the time, Christine, turned out to a pivotal member of Derrick's whole alliance, as she prevented the others from ever coming together). But the stupidity of his HGs were pretty standard, I think. 

By the way, as an aside, it was gross how many boos Christine got in BB16. That was kind of fucked up by the producers to let her get booed like that. Especially because it led to Frankie grossly saying, "See, that proves we did the right thing." Fuck you, Frankie. You're terrible.

That said, Christine's talk with Julie is exactly what we'll be hearing from Day, Bay, etc. "Yeah, I probably should have gone against the main alliance that clearly didn't include me."

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Michichick said:

Enzo is cracking me up. He was talking with Cody about British people sounding American when they sing. They were using Adele as an example. Enzo: “When she’s human, she’s British but when she sings, she’s American. When she’s alive, she’s British.” When she’s human? I don’t know why that hit my funny bone so hard, but I’m in tears over here.


I remember asking that exact same question to my mother, well not the human part, when I was a kid.  I always wondered why Paul McCartney did not sound British when he sung. 

An aside, one of my friends came to the realization that Paul McCartney from Kanye West's Four-Five-Seconds was the same guy that was in the Beatles.  Okay now if he was younger it might be excusable, but the dude is forty.  How do you not know who Paul is?  Even if you did not know his Beatles stuff, his duets with Michael Jackson were all over the radio when we were kids, or how about his Wings stuff.  No, he only knew him from the worst song Paul ever took part in. 

Edited by BK1978
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8 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Ironically, it's a lot like his season. Yes, his pre-gaming has been a huge help for Nicole and Cody (that's why I don't credit Dan too much, as it seems like the extent of his pre-gaming for OTHER people was a generic "Hey, look out for my buddy, Memphis," while Derrick went all out for Cody and Nicole), but that's only because the morons are playing into it. 

Just like how Grodner's pre-gaming of BB16 worked because the morons played into it.

My issue there (and the reason why I think Derrick is still an excellent winner - not a Tier 1 winner, but still an excellent winner) is that every year they're morons, so it wasn't like Derrick had a uniquely dumb group of HGs. He just had a lot of things go his way outside of his control (Grodner's general pro-guy rigging, America's Player forcing Frankie to work with Derrick and not split until it was too late and, the most underrated, the fact that he was planning a bro alliance until Devin moronically added THREE people to the alliance, and the least notable one at the time, Christine, turned out to a pivotal member of Derrick's whole alliance, as she prevented the others from ever coming together). But the stupidity of his HGs were pretty standard, I think. 

By the way, as an aside, it was gross how many boos Christine got in BB16. That was kind of fucked up by the producers to let her get booed like that. Especially because it led to Frankie grossly saying, "See, that proves we did the right thing." Fuck you, Frankie. You're terrible.

That said, Christine's talk with Julie is exactly what we'll be hearing from Day, Bay, etc. "Yeah, I probably should have gone against the main alliance that clearly didn't include me."

This is why I wished each finale would be like BB4 and the jury could watch the season before finale night. I think it would stop some of the  booing because most of the time the houseguests aren't held accountable for their behavior. I do feel bad for Christine that she wanted to be the next Janelle and invited back a bunch of times and is jealous of Franzel because she is the one from that season who was on The Amazing Race and Big Brother 3 times. 

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4 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

This is why I wished each finale would be like BB4 and the jury could watch the season before finale night. I think it would stop some of the  booing because most of the time the houseguests aren't held accountable for their behavior. I do feel bad for Christine that she wanted to be the next Janelle and invited back a bunch of times and is jealous of Franzel because she is the one from that season who was on The Amazing Race and Big Brother 3 times. 

Oh man, I forgot that aspect of BB4. That was GLORIOUS. It was SO FUCKING GOOD. 

Jun was amazing. She's in my Tier 1 with Dan and Will. I can't pick a top player out of those three. 

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3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Oh man, I forgot that aspect of BB4. That was GLORIOUS. It was SO FUCKING GOOD. 

Jun was amazing. She's in my Tier 1 with Dan and Will. I can't pick a top player out of those three. 

Jun is an amazing winner. I have her third after Will and Dan. I know she was asked for All-Stars, but her dad was dying at the time. She would have been amazing on that season if she had come back. 

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Oh man, I just realized who Nicole reminds me of - Joanie from Happy Days.

I don't think Nicole is a bad person, but she is handling being Queen Bee really poorly and it's all so awkward that it reminds me of when Richie left Happy Days and then Joanie and Chachi were the new co-leads with Fonzie and suddenly Joanie fucking Cunningham is the most popular girl in school and it all made no sense. 

That's what Nicole's current perch as Queen Bee is like to me. It's as unnatural as Joanie Cunningham being Prom Queen.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I could be down for a twist where the HGs are confronted by the ghosts of their former showmances. If nothing else, it'll cause Franzel to melt down like a toddler that had too much sugar and needs a nap. 

How great would it be to have a season of former showmances? Just like the season of exes where Erika was pissed off all the time.  While Will and Shannon plot to ruin each others’ games, McCrae and Amanda hold bitter DR sessions, Cody continues to fend off a still-thirsty Christine, Zakiya gets revenge on Paulie, and Janelle and Mike sit back and laugh at everyone else because they’re grownups and hold no grudges. I know nobody would ever agree to it, but for me it would even be worth sitting through Franzel a third time—provided Corey/ Hayden got to vote her ass out.  (Hell, bring ‘em both back to team up against her.)

6 hours ago, Christina said:

 Between the poor audio and the super annoying voices of Dani and Nicole, which are always on the feeds when I try to watch, I've barely watched at all this year.

Whyyyy would you sayyy that? That’s so meean. I don’t understaaaand.

I know, right? Like, totally. <giggle> Some people are, like, jerks. We are sooo awesome and so cute and, like, everyone should, you know, listen to us all the time ‘cause we’re also, like, really smart. <giggle> Riiiiiight?

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Dani just loves being the only woman around men. It's so embarrassing.

I can't wait for the inevitable blood bath between Dani and Nicole over who gets to be the sole woman in the alliance of men.

26 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

I remember asking that exact same question to my mother, well not the human part, when I was a kid.  I always wondered why Paul McCartney did not sound British when he sung. 

An aside, one of my friends came to the realization that Paul McCartney from Kanye West's Four-Five-Seconds was the same guy that was in the Beatles.  Okay now if he was younger it might be excusable, but the dude is forty.  How do you not know who Paul is?  Even if you did not know his Beatles stuff, his duets with Michael Jackson were all over the radio when we were kids, or how about his Wings stuff.  No, he only knew him from the worst song Paul ever took part in. 

I always loved in "Polythene Pam" how John sang with a little Liverpudlian accent.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Every season lol.

Apparently, she didn’t watch last season and see the viral picture of Kemi, Ovi & David. Even, the fact just to pretend to look good to the viewers wouldn’t hurt Dani or Cody but they are to blind to the idea. Seriously, it’s like wash, rinse and repeat. Why didn’t Dani just say, “Basically, all the minorities can be used as noms”?.?.

  • Love 1
31 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Oh man, I forgot that aspect of BB4. That was GLORIOUS. It was SO FUCKING GOOD. 

Jun was amazing. She's in my Tier 1 with Dan and Will. I can't pick a top player out of those three. 

I was thinking about Jun and Alison's alliance in BB4 - they actually hated each other, right? But knew they were the best chance for each of them to get to the end after their original alliance crumbled?

It feels like a relationship that doesn't even seem possible on Modern Big Brother. It seems like the alliances formed on Week One are the ones that really stick - HGs aren't really willing to shuffle things up, or "backstab" an alliance member until they're "forced" to. Even when Bayleigh/Kevin were talking about this season, Kevin said, "I need an alliance," and Bayleigh laughed at him saying it's too late. It's Week Three!

Edited by mooses
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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

*decides to check in on the feeds*
*sees that Christmas is saying that she's Kaysar's new Janelle*
*shuts down the feeds and decides on the third period of the hockey game and a bubble bath instead*

Yaknow, laughing while simultaneously throwing up in your mouth a little is very difficult.

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2 minutes ago, mooses said:

I was thinking about Jun and Alison's alliance in BB4 - they actually hated each other, right? But knew they were the best chance for each of them to get to the end after their original alliance crumbled?

Yep, that's exactly what happened, They realized they were each other's best bet to win and that it made the most sense for them to work together. This happened late in the game - something like F6, I want to say? None of this would happen today. Either they wouldn't recognize who they should take to the end because they have terrible reads, or they wouldn't be willing to make the move because the fans would hate them for being duplicitous or something. Especially not if that move needs to happen more than halfway through. Hell no.

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21 minutes ago, mooses said:

I was thinking about Jun and Alison's alliance in BB4 - they actually hated each other, right? But knew they were the best chance for each of them to get to the end after their original alliance crumbled?

It feels like a relationship that doesn't even seem possible on Modern Big Brother. It seems like the alliances formed on Week One are the ones that really stick - HGs aren't really willing to shuffle things up, or "backstab" an alliance member until they're "forced" to. Even when Bayleigh/Kevin were talking about this season, Kevin said, "I need an alliance," and Bayleigh laughed at him saying it's too late. It's Week Three!

 Yes, they will tend to stick unless something forces them not to.  It's literally Survivor 101....where the term Pagoning came from.  Ever since, production is always throwing monkey wrenches into the game to keep the contestants from being too complacent and the show from becoming predictable.  Sometimes despite their best efforts they can't shake things up.  A few seasons ago, an original day 1 tribe stuck together no matter how much they mixed them up...and it was ridiculously boring.  I check out of BB earlier and earlier each year not because of horrible people (because real talk, no one they cast are saints) but because it's painfully obvious which alliance is going to run the table and nothing is going to change it....and the winning side is always arrogant about it.    

 It would be so easy to mix this game up, keep the HGs off balance and force alliances to constantly shift.   But the producers of this show have all the creativity of a brown paper bag so the most interesting thing we get is the umteenth variation of a unitard.....that was maybe funny once.  A decade ago.  

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38 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Apparently, she didn’t watch last season and see the viral picture of Kemi, Ovi & David. Even, the fact just to pretend to look good to the viewers wouldn’t hurt Dani or Cody but they are to blind to the idea. Seriously, it’s like wash, rinse and repeat. Why didn’t Dani just say, “Basically, all the minorities can be used as noms”?.?.

Because Dani is the type of person who would never accept that she has some implicit biases. And in fairness to her in BB13 her allies were Kalia and Lawon and she's still close to them, and her husband is an Asian-American.

I think the BB house this year is just extremely toxic with its ostracizing of the "outside" people. Day 1 a six person alliance formed and they're all white and blond. Are they racist? They wouldn't think so. But this house's personalities find any reason to shun someone not with the big six and Dani is one of the most toxic personalities in there. 

I think Dani is definitely one of the people who would have been abusive in the Stanford prison experiement.



Edited by Growsonwalls
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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

By the way, as an aside, it was gross how many boos Christine got in BB16. That was kind of fucked up by the producers to let her get booed like that. Especially because it led to Frankie grossly saying, "See, that proves we did the right thing." Fuck you, Frankie. You're terrible.

That said, Christine's talk with Julie is exactly what we'll be hearing from Day, Bay, etc. "Yeah, I probably should have gone against the main alliance that clearly didn't include me."

Honestly, the more I hear Christine talk about her now-ex-husband who was apparently abusive to her, the more Christine's behaviour in the house makes sense. And I still think it's super fucked up that Cody took none of the heat for their "flirtmance" because he wasn't the one who was married. Even Cody's Zing, as legendary as it was, was more for Christine than it was Cody. And I already see it happening again where people are already accusing Dani of damned near cheating because she's married but Cody who is in a long-term relationship? Tee hee, it's not his fault, he's the guy, he can't help himself. 

I took a bubble bath and listened to the new Taylor Swift and drank wine - I thought that was supposed to make you calm and happy but nope, here I am, angry about something that happened six years ago. "Eucalyptus essential oil clears the mind. Spearmint essential oil soothes and uplifts." My ass.

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1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

Dani: Don't worry about it. Just uninvite her to your wedding in your goodbye message. You have to. I don't want you to be, like, mean. I want people to think it's hilarious.

For some reason, my eye skipped over this tweet when I posted last. Oh. OH. This is fucking rich. This from the woman who was crying in the first week about David calling her mean as a joke and wanting to be a good example for her daughter. What the fuck ever, Evel Dani. Your dad must be so proud of you. Also it's not hilarious, it's childish. And foolish because you're uninviting the person who would probably drop the $400 for that crystal punch bowl you have on your registry that everyone else sees and goes "Why?" (Franzel is so the person to return it and get gift cards or store credit to buy something stupid instead, like a farmhouse A frame sign for her IG photos and a "gather" sign to hang on the wall with an fancy arrow pointing at the dining room table.)

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I have no idea but I think Kevin and David are accidentally trying to flip the vote? And somehow Tyler is involved and now Da'Vonne may be targeting him? And now Tyler is giving David shit in the HoH room? I have no idea what happened but TEAM CHAOS 2020.



Edited by Callaphera
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OH. Tyler told David that Da'Vonne was rallying votes against David last week but the information originally came from Franzel and Dani. David went to Da'Vonne to fact check and may or may not have blown up Tyler's part in this. AT THE SAME TIME Kevin was telling David that Kaysar was responsible for trying to flip the vote and keep Nicole Anthony last week and all the confusion was because of Kaysar claiming they had enough locked in votes, not Janelle. THEN Tyler saw David being "sketchy" with Bayleigh and realized that David was leaking eeeverything.  Now Da'Vonne is questioning Janelle about whether she was the one who said Da'Vonne was trying to flip votes. 

So David is blowing up everyone and his own shit. I think I've untangled the spaghetti. 

David: "I suck. I suck at lying."

Meanwhile Janelle is dragging David to Da'Vonne.

Janelle: "Someone is in his head. Something is wrong with him."

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LOLOL Janelle to Da'Vonne: "No offence, [David] is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to players. And why should we be dealing with a newbie on an All Star season?"

David to Tyler: "I have no value added."
Yes, you do!

Tyler: "Whatever. I don't want to go to jury anyway."

Edited by Callaphera
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I gotta say, I have no idea what David's play was here, but I can't say I'm not entertained.

He basically blew up two of his closest allies...by accident? He told Bayleigh that Janelle told him that Da'Vonne was trying to flip the vote. From what I understand, Janelle did say that Nicole A. was always leaving, but her and Da'Vonne did "discuss the pros and cons." In reality, Tyler told him last week that Da'Vonne was trying to flip the vote and said to not tell anyone. When Bayleigh mediated a discussion with Da'Vonne, he threw Tyler's name out there. And maybe Cody's. And Kaysar's. Then, he begged Da'Vonne not to fact-check with Tyler, and instead ran up to Tyler to confess.

Now, Tyler and Da'Vonne are pissed at David. He asks Tyler if anything like this happened his season so early - Tyler says it did, to the other side that got picked apart. And, of course, David realized he screwed up, but his conclusion is that it's somehow still Janelle/Kaysar's fault. Ha! 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

So David is blowing up everyone and his own shit. I think I've untangled the spaghetti.

Daddy Tyler is not mad, but he is very, very disappointed.

It took me awhile to figure out what this was about, too. Mostly because before David admitted what he did, he was spending a lot of time trying to shift the blame onto Kaysar. (Of course.) “He backed me into a corner!” “Janelle and Kaysar are out ther stirring shit up!” To Tyler’s credit, he brushed all that aside and made David take responsibility for his own fuckup.

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