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S02.E11: Playthings

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You know I like this episode. I don't know why but I do. My favorite scene is Dean and the old guy talking and drinking and walking around that hotel.

I do find it odd that more of the hotel wasn't packed up before this. Was she planning on leaving the old family photos etc?

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This is a solid ghost story, but not an episode that really stands out for me. There's nothing wrong with it per se, just nothing that makes me anxious to watch it either. That being said, I do like Dean trying to deal with a drunk Sam (even though I think Jared overplayed the drunkedness a bit) and Dean chiding him the next morning is even more endearing to me.


I really love Sherwin--he was a perfect mix of quirky local color and creepy old guy--I love him and Dean drinking and talking. Also, I usually don't care much about children on TV because I find that most the kid actors aren't experienced enough to hold their own, but I think both those girls not only hold their own, but played their parts really well.


The art department did some really messed up and awesome work on those creepy dolls and that hotel replica was a thing of beauty. Even their room was all sorts of weird and whack-a-do that I find delightful.


Overall, not a bad one. Maybe what it needed was a good old fashioned digging and salting and burning, though. Hee!


Amusing asides: I do find it amusing that Dean says he's not dying and neither is Sam....oh, Deano, if you only knew how wrong you would be many times over! And I read somewhere once that Jared and Jensen were really creeped out by those dolls and kept daring each other to poke them--I think Jared put a few of them in Jensen's trailer as a prank, too.

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This one definitely isn't a special favorite, but I always find myself liking it more than I expect to. I'm a sucker for the 'imaginary friend who it took me way too long to figure out was imaginary' thing, I love the setting/atmosphere, I'm sufficiently creeped out by dolls and, oh yeah, there's a Scooby Doo reference!  




I really love Sherwin--he was a perfect mix of quirky local color and creepy old guy


He was perfect! I even love his name :) 


even though I think Jared overplayed the drunkedness a bit)



Oh, lord, yes! I'm usually thrilled when we get to see naturally exuberant JP do something other than frown and sulk and fret and snap, but I cringe my way through those scenes.





I do find it odd that more of the hotel wasn't packed up before this. Was she planning on leaving the old family photos etc?


Hee---now that you brought this up, it will never not bug me!





Overall, not a bad one. Maybe what it needed was a good old fashioned digging and salting and burning, though. Hee!


You're such a purist ;) 

Edited by mstaken
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This one definitely isn't a special favorite, but I always find myself liking it more than I expect to. I'm a sucker for the 'imaginary friend who it took me way too long to figure out was imaginary' thing,


I still really like this aspect even though I had an inkling she was imaginary the first scene we see her in (only because the mother doesn't actually speak to her, just the other girl.) It's really straight-forwardly played and their not trying to be so overly cute or coy about it that sells it for me--even after I've seen it a few times.


You're such a purist ;)


Why yes I am! ;)

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Man, this is one of my favorites of season 2 and I can't explain why. The creepy little girl from the 4400, the "I'm not going to poke her with a stick!" The Shining-esque bar scene. Dean making Sam out to be a doll collector. "Big time". It stole my heart when I first watched it.

I didn't like Sam pressuring Dean at the end, wailing about his DESTINYYYYYY, and I hated that he got all drunk and whiny, but I love this episode.

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The creepy little girl from the 4400, the "I'm not going to poke her with a stick!"


It was bugging me when watching that I couldn't remember where I'd seen that girl before. Of course, I promptly forgot that I needed to look it up once I finished watching, so thanks for that @Cee23.


I love the whole "she might be faking"..."what, you want to poke her with a stick...dude, you're not going to poke her with a stick" exchange. That's probably the highlight of the episode for me!

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I just watched this episode with my mom this past weekend.  Deep into S10 rewatch, I just wasn't in the mood and wanted something else.  I personally do not like dolls at all (due to a children's story my brother and I both read in grade school about a doll that comes alive at night, grows long fingernails, and claws people's eyes out), but I do like this episode quite a bit.  I will watch the entire episode just to see the hangover scene, which I ADORE.  I just love the way it's shot, with the camera on the mirror showing Sam in the bathroom, instead of directly on the bathroom.  I had to watch it several times to figure out that's what was going on, I kept thinking I was crazy since the location of the bathroom didn't fit what I was seeing.

I also have to say that the first time I watched this (and whenever I watch it again after a LONG break and forget), I thought "drunk Sam" was actually "drunk possessed Sam" because of his comments.  What he says, and how he says it, reminded me much more of a kid, especially the "You're bossy" comment.  I thought for sure Maggie had taken control.

Mom pointed out a few things as we were watching:

  • Why were all the family pictures left at the end when she was leaving in the cab?  I'm guessing because she was getting daughter out of town and planned on having a moving company box them up.  But as mertensia pointed out above, why were they still out to begin with?  You'd think those would be the first things she'd pack up.
  • Why did Sam & Dean just leave, without taking care of the ghosts?  They're obviously still there, and who's to say they won't get violent in the future?  Even if the building is torn down, I assume they'd be able to haunt whatever is built in its place.
  • Even Mom thought the dolls were creepy, but said she'd definitely take the Maggie-doll.
  • How exactly was the ghost killing folks?  The dolls in the dollhouse became the accidents, but was she causing the accidents with the dolls, or doing it directly?  We never see Maggie at all.  Mom pointed out there was no car out front of the dollhouse to run anyone over.
  • And what's up with no first aid given to Tyler?  Not even turning her and pounding on her back?  You'd think with "saving people" as the family motto that one or both of them would've taken a course in CPR at some point (maybe Sam in college, since he apparently took everything in college)

I also love Sherwin and his stories.  Dean's thoughtful face as he's thinking about poking her with a stick.  And every time Sam jumps into the pool I say out loud "But what about your cast???"

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2 hours ago, pixelcat said:

  You'd think with "saving people" as the family motto that one or both of them would've taken a course in CPR at some point (maybe Sam in college, since he apparently took everything in college)

I have NEVER understood why the boys don't have CPR training LOL. It's so basic for these guys that 'Save People, Hunt Things' and especially for Dean who tends to be the 'caregiver'/EMT/ and who wanted to be firefighter.

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On 7/19/2016 at 2:20 PM, catrox14 said:

I have NEVER understood why the boys don't have CPR training LOL. It's so basic for these guys that 'Save People, Hunt Things' and especially for Dean who tends to be the 'caregiver'/EMT/ and who wanted to be firefighter.

This is why I liked


Krissy's band of merry men, and the girl who immediately jumped in to stabilize the vampire victim until the ambulance got there.  I thought, how smart is that, have a field medic with you ALL THE TIME.

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I always forget about this episode, because so much of Season 2 is badass, and it's followed by Nightshifter, which is basically perfect.  But I love it.  It's creepy AF, and I adore the Shining references.  It's a reminder of early brilliance, because it probably wouldn't even crack my Top 10 of Season 2, and yet I enjoy it more than 90% of post-Kripke episodes.  It's just right in the pocket of when the show was at its best.

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I had completely forgotten the guy's death in the opening, so his mouth still moving slightly with his neck twisted around is supercreepy. And the hanging guy I had forgotten was in this episode. I just remembered them using the clip in the epic "God's Gonna Cut You Down" promo. Original watch memory: Dean and I said "What the-" at the same time upon seeing the dress pinned to the wall. Ah, good times. Why do I feel increasingly like an old woman reminiscing about my youth as I rewatch this?

"We've got to save as many people as we can." "That attitude is way too healthy. I'm officially uncomfortable, thanks." I love this exchange. Almost as much as "You're bossy. And short." "Are you drunk?" "Yeah. So? Stupid." God, that scene and how quickly it goes from the comedy of drunken Sasquatch to Sam's issues thinking he has to save more people to change his destiny (boy, does that thread carry over into the future) to Dean's issues with having to take Sam out if he must and his family shouldn't ask that of him.

Dammit, Maia, you were supposed to use your powers for good! She's a great actress though. I wish she were in more stuff. And the creepy old woman is surprisingly compelling in a non-speaking role.

Sam diving in and pulling Tyler out of the water is one of my all time favorite rescues. The slow motion, the underwater shots. Gorgeous. And I love that this is the last episode where Sam/Jared wears the cast. Like "all right, cast is coming off anyway, let's get the damn thing wet."

This never makes my list of favorite episodes, but it's just such a solid episode. Good mystery, creepy child, creepy deaths, a little humor, a little angst, wrangling a ginormous Sam into bed, a fantastic rescue, and if I may say so, the best haunted hotel Supernatural ever had. What's not to like?

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And don't forget the "Dude, you're not gonna poke her with a stick!" exchange.

I was amused by the whole dynamic of Sam jokingly suggesting it and Dean considering the practicality of it all while Sam is horrified. Hee. And ah, Sam was still somehow a little innocent back then. Nowadays,


he'd likely consider the practicality of it just as Dean had.

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I was inspired to watch this again last night thanks to @bettername2come's comment.  :)  

I don't remember being bothered by this the first time I watched, but last night it really struck me: I can't believe they didn't do any thing more about the vengeful spirit after Tyler said she couldn't see her any more!  Maggie killed 2? 3? people.  She tried to kill the mom and the little girl.  And okay - they left so they were safe and the inn was allegedly going to be torn down - but would that stop the ghost?  What was she tied to?  Was it the creepy doll that looked like her or the house itself?  If the doll, then wouldn't her spirit have followed wherever that family heirloom ended up?  If the house, even if it was demolished, couldn't she have haunted the new place (because of a remnant of the foundation or something)?  What if plans changed and the inn was never torn down?  We know Maggie was happy (for then) because she now had Rose to play with, but Dean and Sam didn't know that!  And what was to stop Rose from eventually turning into a vengeful spirit because she was mad about being trapped with Rose and never able to see the rest of her family in the afterlife?  Argh!  See what this show has done to me that I now think of things like this?  Pretty poor case resolution fellas!  Should have dug up that kid's grave and salted and burned her bones to be on the safe side!

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"who knows what I might become?" my brother and sister laugh at that line because jared sounded so country lol. it sounded like "who knaows whuat ah maight becaum?"

my sister also melted at dean putting sam to bed. she loves that.

my favourite line however isn't "I'm not poking her with a stick!" but "What did you mean we looked the type?" 

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On rewatch, I knew about the imaginary friend, so it wasn't as much of an ahhhhh moment. Totally agree with why NOT salt/burn the the bones? That creepy doll made me think about the doll with its owner's hair from S1, and I was sure it had to go.  But, nope.

The scene with the spirit trying to temp the daughter into the pool still gives me the creeps. The rescue scene made me think that now both brothers have a miracle save in the water-- Dean from the lake, and now this. And I loved the grandmother, such convincing work without a single word. 

Drunk Sam, while maybe a bit over the top, is adorable. Dean harassing him with hangover cure? Also adorable. I remember liking this more the first time, but still a good watch.

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3 hours ago, Zipper said:

Drunk Sam, while maybe a bit over the top, is adorable. Dean harassing him with hangover cure? Also adorable. I remember liking this more the first time, but still a good watch.

I'm posting 100% from memory here,  but I seem to remember a debate on the IMDb boards over 'Sam's' cast in this scene. It appeared to be on the wrong arm, but then some thought we were seeing him in a mirror. I can't recall if it was resolved, lol.

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I loved the hangover cure scene and Dean running his hands through his while hair trying to figure things out. OTOH, I hated Sam(of all people) reiterating John's words to Dean about ending Sam. I felt so bad for Dean and how his family thought of him in this early episode and, sadly, things haven't changed much in that regard since then. I'd hoped they would by now, but they haven't.

Hope springs eternal at this point, I suppose.

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7 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

I loved the hangover cure scene and Dean running his hands through his while hair trying to figure things out. OTOH, I hated Sam(of all people) reiterating John's words to Dean about ending Sam. I felt so bad for Dean and how his family thought of him in this early episode and, sadly, things haven't changed much in that regard since then. I'd hoped they would by now, but they haven't.

Hope springs eternal at this point, I suppose.

I agree with all of this but this episode also gave me one of my favorite " pretty Dean *sigh*! " shots: tumblr_lw05ugeF4D1qfjlsko1_500.jpg

Edited by DeeDee79
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15 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I'm posting 100% from memory here,  but I seem to remember a debate on the IMDb boards over 'Sam's' cast in this scene. It appeared to be on the wrong arm, but then some thought we were seeing him in a mirror. I can't recall if it was resolved, lol.

That's weird. It was an actual cast for a real broken arm, why would it be on the wrong arm?!? Conspiracy theory, like the moon landing?

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16 hours ago, Myrelle said:

Yeah, these dolls are not creepy at all...*loves*...

I remember them saying at one convention that a JP prank against JA was to move all those dolls into JA's trailer when he wasn't looking. LOL!

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On 9/8/2018 at 12:41 PM, Zipper said:

That's weird. It was an actual cast for a real broken arm, why would it be on the wrong arm?!? Conspiracy theory, like the moon landing?

IIRC, the cast was removed during the shooting of the episode because the break had fully healed. It makes sense since Jared jumped into the pool to save the girl, which I can't imagine them having him do with a needed cast on his arm. So, the "cast" probably was just to keep consistency throughout shooting the episode, and just either a fake or lightweight version. I remember thinking that the cast was on the wrong arm as well in that scene, but then someone from the cast (heh), said that it was a mirror shot. Who knows, they could have put it on the wrong arm by mistake.

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On 9/8/2018 at 4:22 PM, Res said:

I remember them saying at one convention that a JP prank against JA was to move all those dolls into JA's trailer when he wasn't looking. LOL!

Oh, hee! My husband would've been freaked out if that happened to him. He is so creeped out by dolls

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On 7/15/2014 at 7:12 AM, mstaken said:

Oh, lord, yes! I'm usually thrilled when we get to see naturally exuberant JP do something other than frown and sulk and fret and snap, but I cringe my way through those scenes.

Yeah, the drunk acting wasn't that great. I totally thought he was possessed instead. The hangover acting was, though. 

On 7/19/2016 at 10:49 AM, pixelcat said:

I just watched this episode with my mom this past weekend.  Deep into S10 rewatch, I just wasn't in the mood and wanted something else.  I personally do not like dolls at all (due to a children's story my brother and I both read in grade school about a doll that comes alive at night, grows long fingernails, and claws people's eyes out), but I do like this episode quite a bit.  I will watch the entire episode just to see the hangover scene, which I ADORE.  I just love the way it's shot, with the camera on the mirror showing Sam in the bathroom, instead of directly on the bathroom.  I had to watch it several times to figure out that's what was going on, I kept thinking I was crazy since the location of the bathroom didn't fit what I was seeing.

I also have to say that the first time I watched this (and whenever I watch it again after a LONG break and forget), I thought "drunk Sam" was actually "drunk possessed Sam" because of his comments.  What he says, and how he says it, reminded me much more of a kid, especially the "You're bossy" comment.  I thought for sure Maggie had taken control.

Mom pointed out a few things as we were watching:

  • Why were all the family pictures left at the end when she was leaving in the cab?  I'm guessing because she was getting daughter out of town and planned on having a moving company box them up.  But as mertensia pointed out above, why were they still out to begin with?  You'd think those would be the first things she'd pack up.
  • Why did Sam & Dean just leave, without taking care of the ghosts?  They're obviously still there, and who's to say they won't get violent in the future?  Even if the building is torn down, I assume they'd be able to haunt whatever is built in its place.
  • Even Mom thought the dolls were creepy, but said she'd definitely take the Maggie-doll.
  • How exactly was the ghost killing folks?  The dolls in the dollhouse became the accidents, but was she causing the accidents with the dolls, or doing it directly?  We never see Maggie at all.  Mom pointed out there was no car out front of the dollhouse to run anyone over.
  • And what's up with no first aid given to Tyler?  Not even turning her and pounding on her back?  You'd think with "saving people" as the family motto that one or both of them would've taken a course in CPR at some point (maybe Sam in college, since he apparently took everything in college)

I also love Sherwin and his stories.  Dean's thoughtful face as he's thinking about poking her with a stick.  And every time Sam jumps into the pool I say out loud "But what about your cast???"

I thought he was possessed too. Agree about them pretty casually leaving the ghosts. This wasn't a kind and benevolent spirit. They should have had a throw away line that they thought the grandmother had banished the spirit like their mother did that poltergeist. Then they have misinterpreted events. 

Agree on the CPR. Hell, nobody even calls 911. They all just stare at her.

On 7/19/2016 at 1:20 PM, catrox14 said:

I have NEVER understood why the boys don't have CPR training LOL. It's so basic for these guys that 'Save People, Hunt Things' and especially for Dean who tends to be the 'caregiver'/EMT/ and who wanted to be firefighter.

This seems like a pretty useful tool for people who are in danger every 5 minutes

On 5/25/2017 at 9:38 AM, RulerofallIsurvey said:

I was inspired to watch this again last night thanks to @bettername2come's comment. 🙂  

I don't remember being bothered by this the first time I watched, but last night it really struck me: I can't believe they didn't do any thing more about the vengeful spirit after Tyler said she couldn't see her any more!  Maggie killed 2? 3? people.  She tried to kill the mom and the little girl.  And okay - they left so they were safe and the inn was allegedly going to be torn down - but would that stop the ghost?  What was she tied to?  Was it the creepy doll that looked like her or the house itself?  If the doll, then wouldn't her spirit have followed wherever that family heirloom ended up?  If the house, even if it was demolished, couldn't she have haunted the new place (because of a remnant of the foundation or something)?  What if plans changed and the inn was never torn down?  We know Maggie was happy (for then) because she now had Rose to play with, but Dean and Sam didn't know that!  And what was to stop Rose from eventually turning into a vengeful spirit because she was mad about being trapped with Rose and never able to see the rest of her family in the afterlife?  Argh!  See what this show has done to me that I now think of things like this?  Pretty poor case resolution fellas!  Should have dug up that kid's grave and salted and burned her bones to be on the safe side!

I addressed this above and totally agree. It wasn't clear if this was a cursed object situation or an inn haunting. Maggie seemed to think she couldn't leave but they sure panned to that freaky doll several times. 😬

On 9/8/2018 at 3:22 PM, Res said:

I remember them saying at one convention that a JP prank against JA was to move all those dolls into JA's trailer when he wasn't looking. LOL!

All the nopes on nopesville. I hate dolls. I think it is because I had a talking doll that spontaneously went off even when turned off. Or I am just logical and hate those dead dead creepy eyes. My new baby is a girl and people have already sent her dolls. They creep me the hell out. 

Sadly, Netflix is super spoilery in its descriptions so I knew she was imaginary. Not sure if I figure it out otherwise. I am a fan of the classic horror tropes, so this was obviously a good one for me. I liked the guest actors and thought the story overall was pretty entertaining. I did want to see what happened next. Do people start mysteriously dying during the demo? Do the ghosts follow thr doll? Inquiring minds want to know. The resolution was surprisingly touching, though. 

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14 hours ago, The Companion said:

thought he was possessed too. Agree about them pretty casually leaving the ghosts. This wasn't a kind and benevolent spirit. They should have had a throw away line that they thought the grandmother had banished the spirit like their mother did that poltergeist. Then they have misinterpreted events.

They're going to tear the building down, though.  They can't haunt a house if there's no house to haunt.

14 hours ago, The Companion said:

Sadly, Netflix is super spoilery in its descriptions so I knew she was imaginary. Not sure if I figure it out otherwise.

I didn't.

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

They're going to tear the building down, though.  They can't haunt a house if there's no house to haunt.

Well, we have seen spirits stick around and haunt a subsequent place like No Exit. The spirit on that episode was able to inhabit the sewers and upper floors of the building put on top of the field where he died.

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I watched this episode this morning. 

I really liked the scene between Dean and Sherwin in the bar.  That is how you pay homage to a classic.

I didn't read spoilers back then and I had no idea that Maggie was imaginary. 

"Wouldn't you be sad leaving the only home you ever knew."

"I never really knew one."

Dean's promise to Sam. 

Oh Dean, I wasn't using my heart anyway.  😭

Edited by ILoveReading
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1 hour ago, ILoveReading said:

I didn't read spoilers back then and I had no idea that Maggie was imaginary. 

I think they did a really good job with that.  Susan, saying "you watch your mouth, too, Maggie."  Maggie and Tyler running past them when they're checking in. You really did think she was real. Or not a ghost.  technically I guess she was real.

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I'm not even really sure what good that would have done.  She'd had a stroke.  She wasn't dead.  A stroke victim would also react to a stick poke.  I mean I guess if she got up and started wailing on them, but if she was committed, she would have just flinched and maybe shoved it away with her hand.  They didn't know how incapacitated she was.  I know, I know, once again overthinking. It's what I do.

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