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Married At First Sight (Australia) - General Discussion

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57 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

And lucky for them both, Stacey is exactly what Michael wanted, and Michael has exactly what Stacey wanted!

I think the "After the Show" should have warned about having spoilers. 😟

 I think she was lying when the question was asked if his money was the big draw.  If she was matched with someone without she would have no interest. Didn't she really soon tell him he needed to give her a credit card and shower her with nice gifts? If she's so self-sufficient why does she need his credit card?

And Steve, yuck.  What a sour, dishonest and unpleasant man.  Just tell her she just doesn't do it for you, not physically your type and be done with it.  

  • Love 6

 I didn’t  view Connie writing “stay” every week as somehow empowering or a confidence booster. Based on the fact that Jon didn’t want to be with her, I think it made her look pathetic.

Steve hightailing it when he saw his 49 year old blind date, should have told Mischel all she needed to know. I noticed they weren’t shown in the coming attractions,

  • Love 5

Steve has kind of blown my mind.

I have never posted this because, in considering if the situations were reversed, I know this wouldn't have crossed my mind, so it didn't really seem fair, but, at this point, meh:

Throughout the season, I had frequently wondered if he had a medical history that contributed to either a lack of libido or inability/difficulty to perform and didn't want to say as much on TV. At first I couldn't figure out why he couldn't find a way to communicate this Mishel off-camera. Then I saw Michael and Stacey Go to a Dinner Party, Parts I-XXIII, and, fuck no, I wouldn't be sharing nothing I didn't want making it on air with any of the trashbuckets on this show.

Relatedly. I also thought he was significntly older than MisheI and was floored to learn that he's 53(?), only 4-5 years older than she. I had assumed he was at least 65. (I'm admittedly pretty terrible at guessing others' ages, but I'm just a few years younger than Mishel, so it's not like I'm some teenager who thinks everyone over 25 is An Old. I also sing in a choir that is otherwise all members of a retirement community and a frequently shocked to learn that someone I thought was in their early 60s is in their 80s; most of them look and seem younger, more active, and less set in their ways than he does. Although, I also thought Stacey was around my age, so maybe my agedar is just askew).

So, when he comes in requesting someone in her 30s (and I learn he's 10-15 years younger than I'd thought), out go any stories I've created in my head about this poor man who's had cancer or is on some libido-eradicating antidepressant or has some more extreme version of ED (sorry, I don't really know how this shit works; I do girls 😉 ) and now I just think he's an asshole.

However, I thought everyone else was the asshole when they kept pressing him about the attraction thing. Maybe he brought it on himself for saying what he did, fairly indelicately, while continuing to dangle the glimmer of potential in front of her, but he never said he didn't find her attractive; he said he wasn't attracted to her. To me, those can be quite discrete opinions.

If he were an even bigger shit who'd flat out said he thought she was unattractive, eh, hammer away. I'm still not sure there's an inherently concrete answer there (think of all the studies they've done where's they've combined "the best eyes" and "the perfect nose" etc.. and that resulting image is rated among the least attractive; the whole is more than just the sum of the parts). But, when it comes to one person's attraction to another? That's so much more complicated. I could look at a picture of someone I agree is one of the most attractive people on the planet, but they might not be someone to whom I'd BE attracted (but I'm obviously a far greater slut than Steve, because, attraction or not, yeah, if the opportunity presented itself, much less threw itself at me, I likely wouldn't say not to a shag...)

Whatever it is, no one came out looking good here. We may joke about how the American version seems to cast people just to ensure they fail, but, while the experts may be incompetent, at least they allege to give them support throughout "the experiment." Did the "experts" here ever do anything to support the couples or individuals? As far as I can recall, all they did was sit behind their police interrogation room window, making snide comments, and occasionally popping face to face at a dinner to stir the pot more than Michael.

Edited by methadonna
  • Love 4

Watching the host flirting with the men on the after show was extremely uncomfortable. Not to mention Johnny reciprocated, which basically confirms everything we already know about where Connie/Johnny end up.

At least I feel like I get Connie/Johnny as a conceptual pairing. Johnny presents as a nice, laid-back guy, and the experts probably thought he'd calm Connie's anxiety and patiently bring her out of her shell, but it's clear from her weepy audition she never should've been cast. Both the experts/producers and Connie expected this total stranger to heal her and fix all her emotional problems and relationship insecurities, which was unfair to Johnny even if he turned out to be a bit of a self-centered ass. With that said, Connie trying to frame knowingly serving herself up for increasingly humiliating rejections every week as some sort of loyalty to herself or "the process" is painful. She's desperate to cling to Johnny as long as she can, even though he's given her nothing for weeks.

But WHY would they pair Steve, who bragged about being repulsed by a 49-year-old on sight, with a 48-year-old woman? He strikes me as someone who still hits on 25-year-olds, but claims to date mid-30s to seem more acceptable. So he's as much of a horndog as Mishel after all, he just finds women over 40 grotesque. Guaranteed he would've been all over Haley or Poppy - or probably more accurately, Cathy or Connie. Not to be shallow, but he looks rough for 52 and has the personality and temperament of someone in their 70s. Steve has a lot of gall waltzing in there demanding a 35-year-old.

Drew seems to have one foot out the door with Kasey, which is surprising because she seems totally smitten with him. I've warmed to her in recent episodes. Throwing away his stuff wasn't cool at all, but he seems to still be fixated on her love of the Instagram lifestyle. At a certain point it's like...dude, she's way out of your league and willing to FLY to you every weekend on her own dime, let her enjoy her LV handbags and shit in a bucket if you need to feel so superior about materialism. It's not like she's salivating over him as another walking credit card like Stacey.

18 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

But WHY would they pair Steve, who bragged about being repulsed by a 49-year-old on sight, with a 48-year-old woman? He strikes me as someone who still hits on 25-year-olds, but claims to date mid-30s to seem more acceptable. So he's as much of a horndog as Mishel after all, he just finds women over 40 grotesque. Guaranteed he would've been all over Haley or Poppy - or probably more accurately, Cathy or Connie. Not to be shallow, but he looks rough for 52 and has the personality and temperament of someone in their 70s. Steve has a lot of gall waltzing in there demanding a 35-year-old.

Steve looks like a man who partied too much when he was young, because it always shows on your face eventually.

18 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Drew seems to have one foot out the door with Kasey, which is surprising because she seems totally smitten with him. I've warmed to her in recent episodes. Throwing away his stuff wasn't cool at all, but he seems to still be fixated on her love of the Instagram lifestyle. At a certain point it's like...dude, she's way out of your league and willing to FLY to you every weekend on her own dime, let her enjoy her LV handbags and shit in a bucket if you need to feel so superior about materialism. It's not like she's salivating over him as another walking credit card like Stacey.

I'm surprised Drew even bothered with KC.  KC acts like someone who stayed TOO long in LA and now wants the Hollywood lifestyle, she's a more subtle version of Stacey.  

Michael and Stacey are perfect together because each of them has what the other wants.  I hate to say this, but I think a lot of marriages are that way, at least they start that way.  

  • Love 1

I will never understand the weirdness that is Connie and Jonny. She's heartbroken, IMNSHO, putting her new-found brave face on it, and he still behaves like he's attracted to her ("Damn, you look sexy!"). 

 Connie's mother caught the TV bug, ditching her specs and dyeing her hair!

Drew, I believe, is staying in order to try to persuade KC to do the moving "for love." He doesn't want to leave his beloved Cairn to get any closer to her materialistic lifestyle. If KC wants Drew, she'd best learn to simplify and appreciate him. 

What can be said about Stacey and Michael that has not been noted? They each found their match, so good on them! 

Awww, next week Steve cries at the short separation from Mishel. I would think he'd feel well rid of a wife for whom he felt zero physical attraction. This isn't "BFF At First Sight"!

To be fair, Seb weeps a bit, too, at seeing Lizzie depart for rumination. But he seems a man in love,  so there's that. 


  • Love 4
1 hour ago, greeneyedscorpio said:

I thought Johnny was kind of a jerk on the Aftershow.  Felt like he was kind of making fun of Connie. 


I didn't watch the Aftershow. What did he say?  I still don't understand what went wrong with their relationship. I wish I hadn't been so quick to delete each episode after viewing b/c maybe I could have gone back, watched again and tried to make some sense of it. Connie is a lovely woman, very smart and very pretty. Johnny could do much worse. I honestly don't know what he was looking for, unless of course, it was a chance to be on TEE VEE and get his 15 minutes of fame. Curse you, Johnny for breaking Connie's heart. I've felt very protective and motherly towards her after watching her audition video.  Such a sad, lonely gal with apparently no friends and no one to pal around with, let alone a boyfriend. She fell hard for John.  🙁

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

Johnny could do much worse. I honestly don't know what he was looking for, unless of course, it was a chance to be on TEE VEE and get his 15 minutes of fame. Curse you, Johnny for breaking Connie's heart. I've felt very protective and motherly towards her after watching her audition video.  Such a sad, lonely gal with apparently no friends and no one to pal around with, let alone a boyfriend. She fell hard for John.  🙁

Sometimes I think that attraction has nothing to do with logic.  People are attracted to who they're attracted to, that's it.  I also wonder if people have been too influenced by romantic comedies, you have to feel that spark but I get that.  Someone might be perfect on paper, but in the flesh, not so much. 

Johnny didn't break Connie's heart.  He kept writing "Leave," she was the one who kept pushing.  Maybe she was the one who wanted to be on TV.

  • Love 4
Just now, Neurochick said:

Sometimes I think that attraction has nothing to do with logic.  People are attracted to who they're attracted to, that's it.  I also wonder if people have been too influenced by romantic comedies, you have to feel that spark but I get that.  Someone might be perfect on paper, but in the flesh, not so much. 

Johnny didn't break Connie's heart.  He kept writing "Leave," she was the one who kept pushing.  Maybe she was the one who wanted to be on TV.

I agreed with everything except your last sentence.  I have no idea why she signed up for this, but i think the end result was that it helped her start to accept appreciate herself more and that makes it worth it for her. I didn't get the idea that she wanted to be on tv, but i guess we will see if she does anything after this show that settles it.

I really don't see any of these couples making it long-term, but maybe i am just seeing problems where they don't exist.

On 9/18/2020 at 9:43 PM, ECM1231 said:

 Connie is a lovely woman, very smart and very pretty. Johnny could do much worse. I honestly don't know what he was looking for, unless of course, it was a chance to be on TEE VEE and get his 15 minutes of fame. Curse you, Johnny for breaking Connie's heart. I've felt very protective and motherly towards her after watching her audition video.  Such a sad, lonely gal with apparently no friends and no one to pal around with, let alone a boyfriend. She fell hard for John.  🙁

???  I'm not totally convinced that Connie was "Such a sad, lonely gal with apparently no friends and no one to pal around with, let alone a boyfriend."  I DO believe the truth of her sadness as she spoke of "men's lack of interest in her" during her audition piece. ☹️  BUT -- I am still mulling over that episode with her genuinely close mates (BBFs) during their pub meeting with Johnny.  Her friends' excessive distaste for him seemed obviously the result of Production bits that we had never seen OR 'stuff' that Connie had privately shared with then.  ANYWAY!  My comments here are mainly to support Connie's assertions that she DID have real friends in her life. And I hope that they are all there for her now!  ☺️

  • Love 2

Wow, I thought Johnny and the after show host’s behavior in the segment discussing his final vows was really disgusting. The host immediately implied that him being “forced” to stay with Connie was akin to a hostage situation. Johnny complained  how tired he was of her and how uncomfortable it was to share a bed (which I get). And then he and the host both implied that they’d LOVE to share a bed with each other. 

What happened to all that bullshit about friendship and how much you cared for her, Johnny?  To me, that childish and immature performance on the after show totally undercut what I thought was a surprisingly kind and graceful ending to their final vows. Connie’s vows were amazing, even if the empowerment stuff was a little heavy handed and revisionist history to buoy her ego past months of unrequited attraction. Johnny was wise to smile and nod and actually very gracious in the way that he supported her and encouraged her speech and her growth. But nope, then we backslid into high school shit talking about how “cringe” and unstable and unbearable Connie is. That host was all too happy to enable him. The host allowed her bizarre need for male validation at work and her obvious attraction to Johnny to override professionalism. She couldn’t wait to throw Connie under the bus to kiss Johnny‘s ass. 

We could all see Connie was desperate and clingy and over emotional, but she still seems like a fundamentally nice person if a little annoying and she gave him months of her time, even if he didn’t want the last month lol. As if we needed proof that all that wind bagging and tap dancing about ultra magical, super special friendship that can conveniently only be forged through a complete lack of romance is total bullshit. Of course I never believed they would actually stay in close contact after the experiment (same for Steve and Mishel), but at a bare minimum you can do them the courtesy of not shit talking them on TV behind their back. Fuck Johnny.  

Looks like Mishel will be giving Steve an epic “the reason you suck” speech next episode. 

12 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Wow, I thought Johnny and the after show host’s behavior in the segment discussing his final vows was really disgusting. The host immediately implied that him being “forced” to stay with Connie was akin to a hostage situation. Johnny complained  how tired he was of her and how uncomfortable it was to share a bed (which I get). And then he and the host both implied that they’d LOVE to share a bed with each other. 

What happened to all that bullshit about friendship and how much you cared for her, Johnny?  To me, that childish and immature performance on the after show totally undercut what I thought was a surprisingly kind and graceful ending to their final vows. Connie’s vows were amazing, even if the empowerment stuff was a little heavy handed and revisionist history to buoy her ego past months of unrequited attraction. Johnny was wise to smile and nod and actually very gracious in the way that he supported her and encouraged her speech and her growth. But nope, then we backslid into high school shit talking about how “cringe” and unstable and unbearable Connie is. That host was all too happy to enable him. The host allowed her bizarre need for male validation at work and her obvious attraction to Johnny to override professionalism. She couldn’t wait to throw Connie under the bus to kiss Johnny‘s ass. 

We could all see Connie was desperate and clingy and over emotional, but she still seems like a fundamentally nice person if a little annoying and she gave him months of her time, even if he didn’t want the last month lol. As if we needed proof that all that wind bagging and tap dancing about ultra magical, super special friendship that can conveniently only be forged through a complete lack of romance is total bullshit. Of course I never believed they would actually stay in close contact after the experiment (same for Steve and Mishel), but at a bare minimum you can do them the courtesy of not shit talking them on TV behind their back. Fuck Johnny.  

Looks like Mishel will be giving Steve an epic “the reason you suck” speech next episode. 

It really was gross and cruel.  He said, "yeah, I was wondering (during Connie's final vows) if 'this person' was going to write 'Stay' again".  Thought she was so special and such a dear friend, Johnny--now she's "this person"?   The host (whoever the heck she is) sucks.  She was so snarky about Connie and just egged Johnny's bad behavior on.  

  • Love 4
On 9/19/2020 at 6:44 PM, cinsays said:

I agreed with everything except your last sentence.  I have no idea why she signed up for this, but i think the end result was that it helped her start to accept appreciate herself more and that makes it worth it for her. I didn't get the idea that she wanted to be on tv, but i guess we will see if she does anything after this show that settles it.

I really don't see any of these couples making it long-term, but maybe i am just seeing problems where they don't exist.

She signed up for a TV show.  She wanted to be on TV.   

  • Love 3
On 9/23/2020 at 8:26 AM, Boo Boo said:

She signed up for a TV show.  She wanted to be on TV.   

You can disagree or take this with a grain of salt, but Connie's the participant who I think cared the least about the TV aspect. I think she was simultaneously consumed by her desire for a relationship and her anxiety, so she found it comforting and appealing to have others not only hand pick her match, but monitor and guide her for months afterward. She probably saw the process as the handholding she needed. She knew she would be on TV yes, but I never got the sense she was gunning for new Instagram followers or reveling in camera time like Stacey, Kasey, Lizzie, and Michael. And most of the guys were there for sex and attention but I always got the impression Connie, Mishel, and Cathy were the most sincere participants who genuinely wanted actual relationships (and arguably Amanda too, but it took her all of two seconds to spiral). 

Edited by Guest
1 hour ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

You can disagree or take this with a grain of salt, but Connie's the participant who I think cared the least about the TV aspect. I think she was simultaneously consumed by her desire for a relationship and her anxiety, so she found it comforting and appealing to have others not only hand pick her match, but monitor and guide her for months afterward. She probably saw the process as the handholding she needed. She knew she would be on TV yes, but I never got the sense she was gunning for new Instagram followers or reveling in camera time like Stacey, Kasey, Lizzie, and Michael. And most of the guys were there for sex and attention but I always got the impression Connie, Mishel, and Poppy were the most sincere participants who genuinely wanted actual relationships (and arguably Amanda too, but it took her all of two seconds to spiral). 


I'm sure she wanted a relationship, but she's taking advantage of her fame.  Not blaming her for that, just saying that I'm sure fame, sponsorship was a big motivating factor in her joining the cast.

Edited by Boo Boo
  • Useful 1

Well! The previews for next week's dinner reunion totally put tonight's episode in the shade! Stacey's been a bad, bad girl, and the Schadenfreude hits the fan!

Tonight: Mishel finally found her voice and backbone, thank goodness! Hit the bricks, Steverino! 

Seb and Liz, starring in "The Ginger Prince Charming and the Dark-Haired TV Celebrity: A Love Story." The "poor man's version," hee! 


  • LOL 3

What I love about this series is that everybody understands that they're in a "bubble."  A lot of people meet while in a bubble (on vacation is an example) and when they try to take the relationship to the real world, it doesn't work.

I was glad Mishel said she she said to Steve, she was able to because she was outside the bubble.  She saw Steve for what he was, a lonely man who wanted to string her alone so he wouldn't be alone anymore.  Maybe Steve was one of those people, who, as a child was taught that if you tell people your truth you'll be rejected and abandoned.  Had Steve told Mishel (off camera) that he just wasn't attracted to her and maybe they should just leave the experiment as friends, Mishel might have been upset, it's a risk when you tell the truth, but if the other person can't deal with it, then it's their problem not yours.  Steve didn't do that, he just strung the woman along.

I don't like Mishel because I dislike "all or nothing" type of people, very few things are black or white.  I wonder if Steve had given Mishel a good fuck, how she would have felt.  Men can have sex with you without being attracted to you and if Steve had that much power to make Mishel doubt her attractiveness, then she needs therapy because at her age, she should have told him to fuck off and then left the experiment.  I just got sick of Mishel yammering on about what Steve did TO HER.

To me, Steve was stringing Mishel along, but she was playing with that string.  She chose to believe the bullshit he was telling her, and I think a lot of that had to do with them being in a "bubble."

Edited by Neurochick
  • Useful 1
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Could someone please tell me where I can find the After the Show episode that was mentioned up thread? All I see coming up next looks to be the final dinner party from hell. 

The After the Show episode was part of the two hour finale episode last night. After Seb/Lizzie and Steve/ Mishel spoke their peace, they aired the segment with host Michelle Collins. The guests were Michael, Seb, Johnny, and KC. Then at the end Lizzie made an appearance. Then Michelle showed a clip from next week. A final dinner party where EVERYONE  comes back.

  • Useful 1
2 hours ago, Boo Boo said:

I loved this series when it first started.  The finale bored me.  A bunch of famewhores who had nothing to lose.  The speeches at the altar seemed scripted by production.  

agreed.  was not much to enjoy about this episode, especially with all the commercials pretty much telling you all you needed to know about Michel's decision.  liv and seb, could care less.  her overly pumped up lips are so distracting and, gee, could we have any more shots of sheb with his shirt off?  i don't see them lasting, but what do i know.  i will watch the final dinner because i have suffered thru it this far, but i can't say that i care about any of these mostly shallow people. 

  • Love 3

I haven’t posted, but watched today .. the last episode?  It was too long and drawn out I think.  I won’t watch again.  TheAmerican version is much better.  Michele hung around too long.  She was attractive, but not for him.  He wants younger and slimmer.  Lots of luck with that, unless he has lots of money.  Steve wasn’t in love with her, but I believe he liked having her for a friend.  That’s it.  He’s going to miss her, but she deserves more .. a real marriage.  It’s very insulting to a woman when the guy isn’t physically attracted to her.  She stayed too long.  He used her for company, and she stood too long.

  • Love 3

One more thing.  You would think that production would have stopped to spray that damn bug away.  That bug was all over Steve’s face and then Michels.  It was annoying to say the least.  I didn’t care for the people, all the fake lips, the clothes were horrible, and the makeup crew should be fired.  They couldn’t cover up the acne on the girls?  Bad makeup jobs.  The whole show was really dragged out.  That’s all.

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

I haven’t posted, but watched today .. the last episode?  It was too long and drawn out I think.  I won’t watch again.  TheAmerican version is much better.  Michele hung around too long.  She was attractive, but not for him.  He wants younger and slimmer.  Lots of luck with that, unless he has lots of money.  Steve wasn’t in love with her, but I believe he liked having her for a friend.  That’s it.  He’s going to miss her, but she deserves more .. a real marriage.  It’s very insulting to a woman when the guy isn’t physically attracted to her.  She stayed too long.  He used her for company, and she stood too long.

I like this version better than the US version because they can walk away in this version without having to divorce. 

Mishel needs therapy.  Steve flat out told her that he wasn't attracted.  Why did she stay so long?  Steve was lonely, he liked Mishel as a friend but that was it.  I don't know if Mishel deserves more.  I mean who knows what a person deserves? 

To me Mishel was just an older version of Connie.  Stayed too long at the fair.  And I didn't like her "I am woman" speech at the end. 

If Steve told her that he WAS attracted to her and refused to kiss or sleep with her, that would be one thing.  But the man flat out said he wasn't attracted.  Mishel got upset but she kept hanging around.  Nope.

  • Love 11
33 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I like this version better than the US version because they can walk away in this version without having to divorce. 

Mishel needs therapy.  Steve flat out told her that he wasn't attracted.  Why did she stay so long?  Steve was lonely, he liked Mishel as a friend but that was it.  I don't know if Mishel deserves more.  I mean who knows what a person deserves? 

To me Mishel was just an older version of Connie.  Stayed too long at the fair.  And I didn't like her "I am woman" speech at the end. 

If Steve told her that he WAS attracted to her and refused to kiss or sleep with her, that would be one thing.  But the man flat out said he wasn't attracted.  Mishel got upset but she kept hanging around.  Nope.

Yes, but Steve kept saying that he was feeling more involved with her as time went on and made it sound like he thought it might develop into love. I think that is what kept her in, but, yeah, glad she finally got tired of it and moved on. 

I think she deserves different than Steve, someone who feels more loving and will act like it.  Sleeping in different beds, no show of affection? yuck.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, cinsays said:

Yes, but Steve kept saying that he was feeling more involved with her as time went on and made it sound like he thought it might develop into love. I think that is what kept her in, but, yeah, glad she finally got tired of it and moved on. 

I think she deserves different than Steve, someone who feels more loving and will act like it.  Sleeping in different beds, no show of affection? yuck.

If someone tells you they care, but acts like they don't.  Pay attention to the actions.  Steve was lonely and just wanted company, and I think Mishel didn't want to admit that Steve just wasn't into her.

I also don't know what Mishel deserves, but she needs therapy.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 2
37 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

If someone tells you they care, but acts like they don't.  Pay attention to the actions.  Steve was lonely and just wanted company, and I think Mishel didn't want to admit that Steve just wasn't into her.

I also don't know what Mishel deserves, but she needs therapy.

I think you are right about the therapy. Add Connie, well, actually, there's a few others that could benefit from some kind of help. 

7 hours ago, Neurochick said:

If someone tells you they care, but acts like they don't.  Pay attention to the actions.  Steve was lonely and just wanted company, and I think Mishel didn't want to admit that Steve just wasn't into her.

To echo the words of a very wise woman, when someone shows you who he is, believe him.

  • Love 3

Yeah I was doing some heavy eye rolling at Mishell’s “I am woman” moment with the dramatic music. He told her he wasn’t attracted, she stayed. Then she started going on about it being like Stockholm Syndrome and I almost threw the remote. He said “I was just trying to be honest with myself and she snaps “it’s not all about you!” Well, it’s not all about you either, it’s about both of you but you need to start thinking of yourself. She’s so annoying. 

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, ShaNaeNae said:

Yeah I was doing some heavy eye rolling at Mishell’s “I am woman” moment with the dramatic music. He told her he wasn’t attracted, she stayed. Then she started going on about it being like Stockholm Syndrome and I almost threw the remote. He said “I was just trying to be honest with myself and she snaps “it’s not all about you!” Well, it’s not all about you either, it’s about both of you but you need to start thinking of yourself. She’s so annoying. 

The so called "experts" bugged me.  They acted as if Mishel was the "victim."  Lady, Steve TOLD YOU he wasn't attracted.  Why did she insist on staying?  Because HE SAID his feeling might change?  Nope, not good enought.

  • Love 6
23 hours ago, Neurochick said:

The so called "experts" bugged me.  They acted as if Mishel was the "victim."  Lady, Steve TOLD YOU he wasn't attracted.  Why did she insist on staying?  Because HE SAID his feeling might change?  Nope, not good enought.

Yes. And the previews. (Paraphrasing) “coming up...Mishel finally puts Steve in his place”. I knew at that point going in it was going to be an all about Mishell moment, and he was going to be the villain. 

When this show started, I said I thought it was better than the US version.  I was VERY mistaken.

The US version is a million times better.  For one, the participants, the women, don't all look like blow up dolls.  I honesty believe that all the fillers, botox and saline has done something to these women's brains.  Yesterday's episode made the women, especially the Junkie and Natasha, look like spurned lovers.

For one, who cares if Michael and Stacey have a fake relationship?  Can it be more fake than the relationship between grifters Ivan and Alekis?  

Here's my take.  I believe that Stacey probably did sleep with Mikey.  But when it happened Mikey and Natasha were off the show.  They probably asked the producers if she could come back or something, and the producers told them to wait until the tell all.  I mean what person would wait MONTHS with that information?  To me , Mikey looked like a pre-pubescent boy last night, running to get his phone, really? 

I feel Natasha and Mikey did this because they wanted to look good.  The last time they were on the show, Mikey was known as a "two second man" and Natasha was the witch who told everybody about him.  

I think the grifters Ivan and Alekis are angling for an HGTV style real estate show, kind of like Love it or List It.  If they are really "together" it's for business purposes only.  

What was that ugly outfit Cathy had on?  She said she was trying for the "mermaid" look?  Honey, you're not Beyonce, so don't try it.



Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 8
21 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

What was that ugly outfit Cathy had on?  She said she was trying for the "mermaid" look?  Honey, you're not Beyonce, so don't try it.

Not to fat shame anyone as I am a plus-sized woman, but how could she think that outfit was flattering? I've been amazed at the skimpy outfits Cathy had worn all season; she's a chubby gal. Hayley is slender but that was the miniest of mini dresses, ever!  I must be an old fuddy duddy but I hate the way these women dress.

This is my first time watching this series; I've enjoyed  it for what it's worth, but the American version is infinitely better. For one thing, the participants look somewhat normal, and there's this other little thing called a legally binding marriage. MAFS is more of a joke; how can they keep saying marriage when it's not? Oh and a big whoop de do about Liz/Seb's big news that they are moving in together. Don't most "married" people live together?

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

This is my first time watching this series; I've enjoyed  it for what it's worth, but the American version is infinitely better. For one thing, the participants look somewhat normal, and there's this other little thing called a legally binding marriage. MAFS is more of a joke; how can they keep saying marriage when it's not? Oh and a big whoop de do about Liz/Seb's big news that they are moving in together. Don't most "married" people live together?

I realize that the American version is better because there's more at stake.  

I did like the idea of a weekly dinner party, just to see how everyone was doing.  The experts are all MIA on the US version.  

I liked the idea of Cathy wearing skimpy outfits.  Why do we all think that they should ONLY be worn by size 00 people?  Who created that idea?

The problem with the mermaid outfit wasn't Cathy's weight, it was her size.  She looks short and that style only works on a tall person.  

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Well, I admire her confidence, I guess? Her ass looked as wide as a Mack truck. Personally, I don't find seeing someone's fat rolls, big belly, jiggly arms, or fat thighs as attractive. Save the skimpy outfits for your partner in the bedroom, if so inclined.  Again, I am a FAT woman. I've always been self- conscious about how I present myself. She's nowhere near my size but imo is quite chubby.  More power to her, I guess, but I don't find her way of dressing attractive , nor do I of the other more slender women. YMMV

  • Love 4

This show is nuts.  I agree that a lot of the women here look ridiculous, but mostly Stacey and Lizzie with their ridiculous lips.  

The dinner parties are all about drama, and to be honest, I'm here for it.  But man, the way they butt into each others lives and marriages is so weird.  Like they're all in a competition or something.  Well, we know Stacey and Michael are, since we've heard them say numerous times that everyone's jealous of them because they're the "strongest couple".  Like it's a competition and they're going to win a prize at the end?  My husband half watches with me and thought they were being mean to Stacey last night.  He hadn't seen all the dinner parties that Stacey and Michael stirred the pot.  IMO, they deserve what they got last night.  Maybe not Michael, he looked genuinely upset, but Stacey, take a seat!  She totally slept with Mikey.  Did you see how many texts there were between the two of them pre-hook-up?  A lot!  And I feel like he had to bring his phone out because Stacey was lying and denying everything. 

I'm over Connie's "I am woman, hear me roar" bit.  I like her, but stop!  And her making fun of Johnny's clean-shaven face was just to deflect  from her being crushed to see him again. 

Edited by greeneyedscorpio
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1 hour ago, ECM1231 said:

Well, I admire her confidence, I guess? Her ass looked as wide as a Mack truck. Personally, I don't find seeing someone's fat rolls, big belly, jiggly arms, or fat thighs as attractive. Save the skimpy outfits for your partner in the bedroom, if so inclined.  Again, I am a FAT woman. I've always been self- conscious about how I present myself. She's nowhere near my size but imo is quite chubby.  More power to her, I guess, but I don't find her way of dressing attractive , nor do I of the other more slender women. YMMV

Wide as a Mack truck?  Nope, didn't see that.  She's in no way fat, but compared to those 00 women, I guess she is. 🤪

Edited by Neurochick

I am having a hard time believing Stacey slept with Mikey. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to see Michael and Stacey get their comeuppance, but this doesn't ring true.  I was ecstatic when they said that Vanessa had a video of Michael and Hayley making out.  When he called their bluff, they had to confess that they were lying.  Let's not forget that Michael made Natasha cry, when he yelled at her for telling the other ladies that Mikey has a little wiener and underperformed.  I can see her trying to get back at him through Stacey.  Plus interestingly, all the others who knew about the alleged dalliance had a score to settle with Michael and Stacey.  I am sure Mikey was embarrassed after being outed on Australian television as being an underperformer with a small wiener.  I wouldn't be surprised if he made the whole thing up to try and save face.  

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Now if people stated that they were upset with Stacey for never trying to reign Michael in and wanted to get back at her for that reason, then I would get it but no one has clearly stated why they’re upset with Stacey. Like I said, I don’t remember Stacey ever starting anything but responding to people confronting her. Now if Mickey’s motivation was to take Michael down a few pegs, I get that and would have respected him being upfront about that rather than making it seem like he had this great truth about Stacey that EVERYONE needed to know. The whole group comes off very juvenile to be honest.

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On 9/25/2020 at 2:27 PM, cinsays said:

agreed.  was not much to enjoy about this episode, especially with all the commercials pretty much telling you all you needed to know about Michel's decision.  liv and seb, could care less.  her overly pumped up lips are so distracting and, gee, could we have any more shots of sheb with his shirt off?  i don't see them lasting, but what do i know.  i will watch the final dinner because i have suffered thru it this far, but i can't say that i care about any of these mostly shallow people. 

I said I wasn’t going to watch, but of course I did.  So, who is still married, or should I say together?  The Ukrainian guy and blondie big lips?  I watched from 9 to 11 pm.  Was that all?

12 minutes ago, BluBarbi98 said:

Now if people stated that they were upset with Stacey for never trying to reign Michael in and wanted to get back at her for that reason, then I would get it but no one has clearly stated why they’re upset with Stacey. Like I said, I don’t remember Stacey ever starting anything but responding to people confronting her. Now if Mickey’s motivation was to take Michael down a few pegs, I get that and would have respected him being upfront about that rather than making it seem like he had this great truth about Stacey that EVERYONE needed to know. The whole group comes off very juvenile to be honest.

Even if Stacey never wanted to reign Michael in, so what?  That's her choice, no one else's business.  This group is co-dependent and childish, maybe the fillers/Botox/implants cooked their brains.  

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Apparently, along with augmented lips* and boobs,** stripper fashion is all the rage in Oz! 

* Be prepared. Juviderm injections commercials are invading American airwaves, trying to get us to look like Stacey, Cathy, Lizzie, Natasha, etc. If it succeeds.....😲 💋

** Previously we had some posts on Lizzie's body type ("pear," essentially). Without silicone, more of the women there would be similar. 🍐

I had to laugh with Connie when she described clean-shaven Jonny as a "hairless cat"! I think he was taken aback by the no-longer-smitten Connie! 😹

Why is kissing-and-telling considered "speaking my truth," as if snitching is honorable? Yes, Stacey was brazenly lying regarding her one-night stand with Mikey, and why not? The past is the past, Michael (and Mikey) was no angel himself, and there's no videotape. What did Mikey want to happen, anyway? He behaved like a cad with his words at dinner. Did he seek a furious Michael telling Stacey he was dumping her? IDGI.  🙈🙈🙊

Steve wants a younger and slimmer woman? Steve the Old Stick-in-the-Mud? That Steve?! 😄 👴

I'm over Ivan and Aleks. Glad there was almost no focus on them.

Maybe I missed a lot, but I didn't hear much of any updates on those who left early. Like Gay Tash or Paul Bunyan Dave. 


Edited by LennieBriscoe
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 I didn't realize that part of my post was cut-off. Here was the whole thing:

I don’t even know how to describe what I just saw. It’s interesting to me that between Michael & Stacey, Michael was the active pot-stirrer (with Stacey silently supporting and being smug) but Natasha and Haley to a larger degree seemed to make it their job to take Stacey down. Now if people stated that they were upset with Stacey for never trying to reign Michael in and wanted to get back at her for that reason, then I would get it but no one has clearly stated why they’re upset with Stacey. Like I said, I don’t remember Stacey ever starting anything but responding to people confronting her. Now if Mikey’s motivation was to take Michael down a few pegs, I get that and would have respected him being upfront about that rather than making it seem like he had this great truth about Stacey that EVERYONE needed to know. The whole group comes off very juvenile to be honest. I would watch the Australian version again but I no longer think it’s the same show as the US version.

2 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Even if Stacey never wanted to reign Michael in, so what?  That's her choice, no one else's business.  This group is co-dependent and childish, maybe the fillers/Botox/implants cooked their brains.  

I agree that it's Stacey's business how she wants to react/interact with her husband. I was just frustrating to me that so many people were determined to bring her down without fully articulating the grudge they had against her specifically. It seems like a lot of the women, especially Haley, were upset that she chose to stay with Michael after the make-out scandal (again her choice). In fact, unless I’m misremembering, every confrontation between Haley & Stacey after the big reveal was started with Haley.

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On 9/25/2020 at 7:29 PM, Silver Bells said:

One more thing.  You would think that production would have stopped to spray that damn bug away.  That bug was all over Steve’s face and then Michels.  It was annoying to say the least.  I didn’t care for the people, all the fake lips, the clothes were horrible, and the makeup crew should be fired.  They couldn’t cover up the acne on the girls?  Bad makeup jobs.  The whole show was really dragged out.  That’s all.

I watch one of those Gold shows.  Those bugs are terrible over in Australia!  I'm guessing they did a really heavy spray to get rid of most of them!  What we saw was just a few!

When does this show end?  It just goes on and on and on!!!

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