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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Show was on my TV today as I was doing a fairly difficult crossword....Mariah/Faith/Nick all "Where oh where has Sharon gone, where oh where can she be ??"....6 clues later, they are still nattering about Sharon's whereabouts and mental health....Meanwhile, Sharon is sitting alone on a park bench having an intense conversation with "Mr Nobody".  The groundskeeper at The Park is circling the bench holding a large net at the ready, with GCPD nut ward on speed dial...More crossword clues later, I see TGVN leaning back in his throne telling the peasants how to order their little lives....

Waking from my nap, I see that all is right in the GC Corporate World since Billy has a Lily-approved logo for their company that is soon to be devoured by TGVN. Tomorrow maybe I'll try doing my crossword without TV...better chance of staying awake....

Keep watching Preverts.  I'll rely on your snark to follow the dra.....🥱💤

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I'm beginning to think Y&R is saving money on writers & camera operators by setting scenes where everyone is sitting down (or in bed) so it can all be shot with one camera on a tripod. And they recite the first draft of each boring conversation on Day 1, and the updated but still boring version on Day 2, etc., until viewers fall asleep or get busy doing other things so they don't notice it takes a week to cover a day of repetitions. Cast members must be bored out of their minds.

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15 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Billy’s ego is larger than ever.

All hat and no cattle.  I don't believe he does any actual corporate work at any company he's at.  (That's why it's so important to keep Lily, who actually does work.)  His sole purpose in life is to go around telling everyone how great the company is going to be (not how) and what he thinks everybody should be thinking about him.  Wonder if his swag has a an "I'm da bestest" logo under his picture.


11 hours ago, Denize said:

Cast members must be bored out of their minds.

Well, I know I am.  The repetition of dialogue and plots is getting more than sleep inducing.  I was on comatose level watching yesterday.  Even Sharon in her fugue state recognized that "something's wrong with me".  But the family is going to talk it to death before she gets help.  Same with Billy's insistence that "something happened".  FFS, spit it out already or shutthefcukup!

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18 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

And we get to see Sharon's dream Nick & real Nick, but both are dunces.

And she loves them both. Boring!   Then Cameron Kirsten walks in. How long before she tells Nick or the girls about that now that they are on to Sharon's problems? I'm guessing weeks. But evil for evil's sake with no real plot is not entertaining!

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Well, he may not have much corporate savvy to speak of but AFAIC Chance wears the hell out of a suit. And can also bring the lowkey snark directly to Billy's face. How you doin', Phillip IV?

Devon said Tucker has gone underground. Would that be the Paris catacombs or has Tucker dug down to the Earth's core? #bitemeshow

I was surprised how straightforward Devon was with Lily about Victor's plan to do a hostile takeover of CI. But geez, it took him long enough to get to the point. At least Lily is already proceeding with the original plan to let idiot Billy think she's on his side.

STFU, Summer. On what planet do you deserve to be happy with sole custody of someone else's child? Sounds scarily close to kidnapping to me.

I loved how Lily's reaction to Victor's warning sent through Devon was "Or so you thought." She is not out here trying bow down to Victor's malevolence.

Real talk from Daniel to his dim bulb sister on the war she's about to start between the Abbotts and Newmans. Too bad Summer doesn't seem to understand the concept of collateral damage.

What the what? Sharon thinks the answer to her mental issues is to go on a walkabout. Oy, IMO Sharon shouldn't be trusted to cross the street by herself right now, much less traipse off to "find herself."

False equivalence, Summer. Daniel was fighting to heal his troubled relationships with his daughter and his partner Heather. You're just determined to have your own way against the father of a young boy who still isn't a piece of property you can own. Grrr.

Man, if Billy was any more predictable he'd be considered a sucker bet. Oh wait...

Cameron Kirsten: dead man walking, literally. 🙄

I feel like JG has been trying to tee up cutesy air conditioning jokes with Billy's A-C nonsense. Nah, not gonna do it.

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If Summer❄️x8 gets custody of Harrison, I’m going to start every post I’ll make with 🐂💩 from then on. 

Back from the special report just in time to hear another rant from Summer❄️x9. Just like her mom, Summer❄️x9 can’t stand to be disagreed with. Support me even when I’m being a dumb shit.  Summer❄️x9, first of all you are not a mother. You are a mommy and not a good one at that. What mommy doesn’t really take Harrison’s best interest away because of being a jealous bitch.  Let’s face the facts. When life gets tough, the weak fuck the pain away. 

Billy👃Billy👃Billy👃, another dumb shit. I’m not afraid of Victor. WTF!  The last people to say that well let’s say didn’t fare well.  

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If Summer had two brain cells to rub together, she would walk away now.  That kid is a high-maintenance pain in the ass.  Let Claire worry about making every one of his days THE BEST DAY EVER!!!  Who has time for worm studies and caterpillar metamorphosis observation?  My nannies never did.  Of course, my nannies were Captain Kangaroo and Wile E. Coyote.  I guess Summer is one of these people who think that be being childless makes you less than. 😻😽🐈‍⬛.  Daniel should not feel guilty for not telling her what she wanted to hear.  

I'm thoroughly confused by Lily's super secret double-double agent counterstrike fake-out manoeuvring.  I lost track (or interest) three mergers ago.


Edited by Snaporaz
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3 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

I'm thoroughly confused by Lily's super secret double-double agent counterstrike fake-out manoeuvring.  I lost track (or interest) three mergers ago.

All those mergers and demergers and all we get is a lousy logo.

These business storylines are so captivating!!

I don't know where Sharon is going on her vacation but I have a feeling it involves going down a sewer to a place where a clown says

Makeup by Glissade.

Edited by boes
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With all the mergers and demergers and musical chairs with which nepobaby/nepowife gets to run which division for the month, it is amazing that any of these companies have loyal customers or any shareholders. The offices don't seem to have any staff - did they quit and none of the CEOs, CFOs, etc. has noticed yet?

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Dear Billy Abbott;

Hey, dipshit, I know I can tell you this directly and have it joyfully bounce off your pointy head: I’m just here to make sure you don’t try to make “Abbott Chancellor” go viral by flossing on TikTok or embezzle funds to buy a jerking off jet ski. I have to protect my genuine accomplishments from a slippery pillowcase full of bird poo who prioritizes designing a logo over actual work. If I need your help fending off Victor Newman, well, don’t expect to hear from me. Hyperactive jabonehead.

Lily, Buttbiscuit Mitigation Division

Dear Lily;

Your written assault on me is a crime of passion. I think we all know what’s going on here; you’ve been caught checking out the goods more than once. The longing for a firestorm of sexual gymnastics to ignite your loins is palpable, but workplace willy waxing can only distract me. I have a tremendous backlog of brilliant ideas, just pure, uncut, unfiltered genius untainted by any attempt to follow through. If you do succumb to the urge to tear off my clothes with your teeth, be especially careful around the pants area. I’m trying out booty boosting briefs for men and don’t want you to be alarmed when my peach like posterior reverts back to a flat, white piece of office copy paper. Taste the forbidden fruit if you need to, partner. I have a feeling Chelsea owes me one.

Dear Billy Abbott;

I think I know what I was doing during my so-called “dark period” that everyone talks about in the vaguest way possible. Clearly I was inhaling massive amounts of Pledge furniture polish in between magic mushroom smoothies. Dude, I can’t even tell the difference between my sister and mother anymore. I can be looking right at them and I just have no fucking idea which one is sitting across from me. My sister is all jazzed up about a custody fight, treating it like a high stakes game of blackjack instead of the fucking tragedy it actually is. And you best believe the only feedback she wants is mindless cheerleading. Then I nearly bumble into Sharon’s family talking about her grief-induced breakdown. I was able to launch Omegasphere - could a time machine be that much harder? Maybe Cassie’s death could be prevented along with the horrific chain of events it set in motion. I obsess about what might have been: no stepfather asking me to illustrate his Field Guide to Farts (did you know art was just a fart with no beginning? Yep, got that from my stepdouche) and no Summer. Summer would not exist. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep at night thinking about the beautiful gift I could have given the world had I not been a little jackass. To be fair, I’m already 75% of the way to sobbing into my pillow as I lay next to a woman with the personality of styrofoam packaging. Still… how can I deal with this guilt and shame?

Daniel, Hopeful Future Time Machine Inventor 

Dear Daniel;

I could tell you a few good ways to tell the difference between Phyllis and Summer, but they would be extremely inappropriate and you might punch me. Learning that you could have prevented the most profoundly sordid walk of shame I ever made after thirty seconds of hearing a woman call her own name in ecstasy makes me want to punch you. Like… I want to uppercut you into the sun, dumbass. I’d probably still bone your mom, as the demon possessing her can contort her body in some freaky fantastic ways. You know, Chance has been absolutely drained of vitality and sex appeal by that puffer fish sister of yours. You can’t imagine the pressure of being the office heartthrob now that my nephew has that crazy stank all over him. Frankly, I hope the guilt haunts you forever. I bet if I shipped your ass to the Hague, you’d do serious time for crimes against humanity. If somehow you do develop a time machine, going back and eliminating whatever ancestor passed down the broad nostril gene to me would go a long way toward absolution. Good luck!

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15 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Yeah, it'll be nice to see Dummer served up the shit sandwich that she deserves.  Still waiting for Billy to get his multiple shit sandwiches -- ah, and from so many!

I'm ready to pull a Food Truck right up into Chancellor Park that serves only shit sandwiches.  


2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I have a tremendous backlog of brilliant ideas, just pure, uncut, unfiltered genius untainted by any attempt to follow through.

And that's what makes our Billy special.  Good one, Ninja

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I have always liked "Sharon" and the actress who plays her.  And I don't blame her for trying cosmetic surgery.  It has to be difficult for any actress past her mid-30s; pressure to look forever young must be tough.  She has been absent from the show for seemingly months at at time, other than a quick scene here and there. Now she is in a big storyline, involving at least several different players. 

This fugue state that she is in is horribly conceived and implemented. The googly eyes, whispery voice, and blank expressions make me sort of embarrassed for her.  But it isn't like most of the storylines are any better. Wait, not "most" of them...all of them.



Edited by Kemper
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52 minutes ago, Kemper said:

I have always liked "Sharon" and the actress who plays her.  And I don't blame her for trying cosmetic surgery.  It has to be difficult for any actress past her mid-30s; pressure to look forever young must be tough.  She has been absent from the show for seemingly months at at time, other than a quick scene here and there. Now she is in a big storyline, involving at least several different players. 

This fugue state that she is in is horribly conceived and implemented. The googly eyes, whispery voice, and blank expressions make me sort of embarrassed for her.  But it isn't like most of the storylines are any better. Wait, not "most" of them...all of them.



I swear Sharon has acted like this the past 3 years. I think it is the actress as much as the script. Trying cosmetic surgery I understand. Overdoing it to that degree? Not so much. She is about the same age as MS and I think maybe AH (AH is maybe a little younger) and neither of them looks so swollen. Lauren (TB) does, though, for sure. lol

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so Daniel is onto Lucy. That took less time than I expected. And of course she won’t listen to him. She’s her mother’s daughter after all. She’s obsessed with faith, has been since she got back to town. I’d feel sorry for her if she wasn’t so obnoxious. I mean, I get it. Every kid wants to hang with the older, popular crowd. Very few actually do, because college students have no interest in hanging with high schoolers. Especially freshmen or sophomores.  At least faith is being nice. She clearly feels sorry for Lucy, but that’s going to get her in a world of trouble because Lucy has stalker written all over her.

its never been more apparent that EB is reading hs lines. He barely even looks at hs scene partner anymore. While talking to Nikki, he looked up at the ceiling, down at the table, across the room. Anywhere and everywhere except at MTS. It’s quite sad.

so the first thing Sharon did after her family left was to call the spa and make a reservation? I thought she was calling her doctor to get an appointment and figure out her meds. But then that would have been the smart thing to do…now Daniel thinks he can create a new video game to help her deal with cassie’s loss? Okay then.🙄


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Random thoughts on today's show:

Wonder what kind cologne Corpse Cameron is wearing, Eau de Death in a Sewage Pipe? He must've smelled fantastic in Sharon's hallucination.

The closed captioning said little Aria had started calling Sharon "Meh Ma" instead of Mee Maw. Out of the mouths of babies, lol.

Faith and Lucy were wearing the same colors. Hmm, how could Lucy have pulled that off? She must watch Faith's social media every waking hour. Yikes.

Has the show been chem testing Sharon and Daniel?

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Was Nikki caught in a cyclone on her way to Society today? What was with that hair? And as annoying as he is, Victor is right. Billy is nothing if not predictable. Victor is breathing down their necks, they are launching yet ANOTHER version of the company, Lily calls him with a problem from accounting and what does he do???

“Stop everything Lily! We’re throwing a party! And we’re gonna be klassy!”

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16 hours ago, boes said:

I don't know where Sharon is going on her vacation but I have a feeling it involves going down a sewer to a place where a clown says

I have a feeing she's taking a bit f time off to get even MORE fillers in that swollen tomato she calls a face.

8 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I lay next to a woman with the personality of styrofoam packaging.

best description ever!

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

he closed captioning said little Aria had started calling Sharon "Meh Ma" instead of Mee Maw. Out of the mouths of babies, lol

Hey--only Sheldon Cooper can call his grammy Mee Maw!

1 hour ago, pvandal said:

Was Nikki caught in a cyclone on her way to Society today? What was with that hair

I honestly lol'd at the gym today. Doesn't MTS have a mirror?

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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44 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

I honestly lol'd at the gym today. Doesn't MTS have a mirror?

Victor destroyed all the mirrors at the Ranch, just like he forbids all garlic and garden stakes are a no-no.

Jordan's basement prison room was also Victor's favorite bedroom, though getting earth from his native country is getting harder and harder to import.

1 hour ago, pvandal said:

“Stop everything Lily! We’re throwing a party! And we’re gonna be klassy gassy!”

Fixed that for you.

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A Brief Recap - Day of the Living Dead

See what happens when there’s no cops in Genoa City? Crimes are committed against rich dames’ hair.

Lucy graduates to stage 6 clinger. Every time she starts babbling to Faith, Faith looks like gas station sushi has just ambushed her colon.

Cameron Kirsten’s ghostie haunts Sharon and reveals that she conjured him up for some reason he won’t reveal. He might as well go back to his long dirt nap, because JG will churn out some faux deep psychological claptrap and call it a day.

Daniel drops in on Sharon while she’s between delusions and offers to desecrate Cassie’s memory by creating a game about her. You know, like the Princess Loser debacle, which I guess we’re still pretending a young person would play. Sharon luckily can pass that nonsense on to Mariah while she’s communing with cacti in the desert.

Imagine being so smug, entitled and completely full of shit that you make me reluctantly root for Billy Abbott to sneeze you to the other side of the planet. Nikki has the gall to sneer that Billy’s downward spiral has begun because he ordered a drink. Amazing. Victor mumbles at Billy, Billy postures back and Nikki sits there thinking she’s Queen Shit and deserves to have Lily’s job. Billy immediately pisses away any goodwill by deciding Abbott-Chancellor’s next move is a launch party instead of literally anything of substance.

Daniel busts Lucy on her pointless party lies and tries to break her fixation on Faith. Can’t she hang out with Johnny and Connor? How about Claire? She’s right around Lucy’s age.

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I’m wondering if there is room at Connor’s facility.  It has done wonders for Connor.  Bipolar and OCD are different mental disorders with the same symptoms. 

Billy👃trying to match whits with Victor is like begging a hungry Lion not to eat you.  

Again I have to say that Jill’s contribution to Chancellor is more important than Katherine’s contributions.  It’s only more important in Billy’s👃 way of thinking. In addition, Billy👃puts business on hold to plan a party. What a putz. 

Listening to Billy👃and the way her acts reminds  me of Carly Simon’s song “Your So Vain”. Billy👃 thinks he’s hot 💩 but he’s only luke warm diarrhea. 

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Billy. Goading Nikki is not the way you want to go. And certainly not in front of Victor.

Dang, Nikki served Billy all the facts about Kay and CI, with her unique type of thinly-veiled savagery. Too bad Billy wasn't quite sober enough to appreciate it.

Faith continued to handle Lucy's way overeager behavior with grace and generosity. Sigh, Faith, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

Victor actually said Nikki's name today. Several times. I'm scared.

Well, at least Daniel's found himself another job. Maybe he can get his girlfriend and his mommy on Sharon's payroll too. Sure.

Uh oh, Faith. You sure you want to go a concert with Lucy? Daniel's whacko daughter? NO! THE ANSWER IS NO! Listen to your instincts.

Sharon better check the weather in Sedona before she heads west. Sedona is having its rainy season right now.

Re the previews: anyone who didn't foresee Lucy having some kind of problem involving booze and Faith, raise your hand. Beuller? Beuller?

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Yes, that was quite the hairdoozy on Nikki today.  I imagine it took some scaffolding and a Vitamix to make that magic happen.  Nikki used to be appalled by Victor's more ruthless manipulations.  Now she's turned on by them.  Gross.  They really are two ghouls made for each other.

Why is Mariah only now coming to the conclusion that her presence may be causing Sharon some emotional distress?  That is literally the reason Victor brought her to town in the first place.

I always liked Daniel, and I'm not surprised that he immediately sees that Lucy is the Cassie in this scenario.

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2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Cameron Kirsten’s ghostie haunts Sharon and reveals that she conjured him up for some reason he won’t reveal. He might as well go back to his long dirt nap, because JG will churn out some faux deep psychological claptrap and call it a day.

The wildest speculation I've seen out in soap forum world is that this ghost guy is actually Cameron Kirsten's twin brother. Supposedly he's out to avenge CK's death by driving Sharon totally out of her mind.

I wouldn't it put past JG, though the storyline would be kind of similar to Alan/Martin vs. Ashley. Linden Ashby (Cameron) is Susan Walters' (Diane) husband so TPTB could be doing her another solid.

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Yeah, I have a hard time believing they only brought Linden back for a few eps, in such a lame one-note way.  Was noticing that Linden has aged in an interesting way.  Good for him that he let himself age, rather than going thru endless surgeries, botox, hair dye & wigs that so many other soapsters do. 

Linden's certainly not the preppy Ken doll he used to be, or the acting stiff he was in his younger days.  His acting has gotten better, but it's not his fault show wants to give him a predictable villain role in the mold of Jordan or Sheila.  Yawn.  He could be better utilized.  How about as the new Tuck?

Watching Nikki and her smug act with Vic was making me nauseous.  And man, fire the crazy stylist who did that to her hair!

Wowza, that Billy sure does work hard -- coming up with a logo, managing the swag & now organizing a party?  Very impressive.

Really bored with Sharon's dazed & confused act.  Was ready for Sharon to scream at Daniel the Dickhead to GTF outta her house.

There's more going on with Lucy than just stalker vibes.  She's reminding me of the annoying tag-along little sis.  But she's manipulative.  And she's a relentless liar -- even when caught lying, she still continues to lie.  But she's also a schemer.  She senses Faith will fall for whatever she wants, if she plays an act & works the guilt.  Lucy is trouble -- but I'm gettin' a real evil vibe on her.

The bullshit Lucy said to Faith about her knowing everyone in town while Lucy knows nobody?  Very purposely manipulative.  And it's not just about Daniel's valid concerns on Lucy wanting to hang with someone older.  We got the hint from the preview what it's really about.  It's about Faith unknowingly being forced into taking responsibility for a scheming minor looking for trouble.  Uh-oh.  Er, and where's Heather and her hair when this is going on?


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19 hours ago, Sake614 said:

so the first thing Sharon did after her family left was to call the spa and make a reservation? I thought she was calling her doctor to get an appointment and figure out her meds. But then that would have been the smart thing to do…now Daniel thinks he can create a new video game to help her deal with cassie’s loss? Okay then.🙄

After being alarmed by the state of Sharon during their mini-intervention, I was expecting at least one of them to accompany her to her doctor. Nope, they all just left her alone to halucinate and get more disturbed by her visions.

Edited by Denize
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8 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

NO.  TSJ--my ride or die character.

I think the actor who plays "Cameron" has a certain something something about him.  If Show brought him back (as undead) he would make an interesting leading man- of-a-certain-age.  Which would mean that he would go the way of Ashton, Tucker, and another one or two I can't remember. The powers-that-be (and possibly Eric B) just will not have it. Just my opinion.

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You know you've got it bad for Y&R when:

  • you're watching sci-fi/superhero series, The Boys;
  • a longstanding character named Victoria Neuman

gets brutally killed in the season finale;

  • and, you wistfully wonder why Y&R couldn't introduce a regular human character with chemically-enhanced superhero powers to, uh, handle annoying people and stuff.

Of course, this show would have to find a way to let Victor be the superhero. Or worse, Billy. 😏

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I want Tara Locke to show up in GC to reestablish a relationship with her son, who seems to have no recollection of his birth mother, probably because Summer passively-aggressively punishes him if he asks about her, and I want it NOW!  Summer is like one of those women who kidnap other women's newborn babies and lie to their victim about being their mother.

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Sharon absentmindedly clicking her pen. Isn't that often a sign of agitation? Faith definitely noticed but said nothing.

Yeah, Summer, little boys should love their mamas. But maybe not false ones who use them for selfish purposes. With encouragement from manipulative grandmamas.

Aww, their 1st anniversary. Were Diane & Jack too busy to go away to the Abbott cabin or something? I think even a honeymoon suite at the GCAC would've been better than their living room.

I'm with Heather: Lucy claiming Faith, a college coed, wanted to hang out with her was sus. If Faith was a guy Daniel probably would've been way less okay about it.

No, Faith! Follow your instincts and stay away from Lucy! Your mommy is loopy. Her advice only sounds reasonable because she knows how to talk like a therapist.

"No drinking, no smoking, no vaping." Sorry, Heather, but budding juvenile delinquent Lucy might try to do all three of those before dawn.

I didn't realize young people wear dresses and skirts to rock concerts now. 🤔 Whatever, kid Lucy basically told adult Sharon not to wait up. WTAF?

Good thing Harrison's grandparents weren't doing more than kissing on the couch when Summer barged in with him like she lives there. Gah she's so rude.

Diane. Harrison has plenty of time to develop a taste for caviar. Or not. I doubt Mrs. Martinez would approve. (And likely neither would Harrison's digestive system.)

Sounded as if Daniel has a GPS tracker on Lucy's phone. Does she know about it? Heh, apparently he needs a booze monitor on her too.

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I get the feeling that Summer❄️x9 and Phillis🕷️are trying too hard to entertain Harrison to the point of coming off absolutely fake. Especially Phillis🕷️

I said this before and I’ll say it again. Phillis🕷️thinks that he abandoned his little boy by going to Paris for work but Phillis 🕷️can’t fathom that Summer❄️x9 actually abandoned “her” little boy by choosing her mother over Harrison.  As I also said before, Summer❄️x9 lie to Kyle about her mother being alive causing the initial riffed in their marriage.  If I remember correctly, Summer❄️x9 eye fuck Chance before Kyle played hide the salami with Audra.  Phillis🕷️ reminds me of Lana Turner’s sister, Stomach Turner 🤢🤮.  

Summer❄️x9 thinks that Kyle loves himself more than Harrison?  Summer❄️x9, there is nobody that loves themselves more than you and Phillis🕷️ does.  


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So apparently everything Summer knows about being a mom she learned from Phyllis and Josef Stalin.  Any hint of disagreement and Summer is "Off with her head!"  Now, since the head in question belongs to Phyllis, I'm okay with it but seriously?  

I felt bad for Harrison.  Sitting across from Phyllis with those high gloss lips and that grimacing mouth full of all those shiny teeth is what nightmares are made from.

Sharon rounded out the bad mom day by that gobbledygook advice she gave to Faith about hanging out with Lucy.  She made about as much sense as Billy Abbott on any given day.  

Oh sure, Heather, you go ahead and order that salted caramel brownie, but I want to see you eat it all, every single bite.  My incredulity can ony stretch so far.

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3 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Wait, did Diane’s card say that she’s loved Jack for almost 25 years? Meaning Kyle is like 23? Please tell me I heard that wrong! 

Thank you!  The time warping on this show is making me crazy.  Diane has been in love with Jack since around 1982.  Daniel also said that Faith, who just finished her freshman year of college, is over 21.  ??  I don't remember her taking three or four gap years.  

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10 minutes ago, Snaporaz said:

Daniel also said that Faith, who just finished her freshman year of college, is over 21.  ??

Yes! I almost got whiplash from my head spinning! Like WHAT? When did Faith turn 21? That makes her a junior going into her senior year.  I wouldn’t mind it but didn’t she just leave for college last year? I mean, it would be easier to believe she’s 21 than Kyle being 23,even if he acts more like he’s 3. I seriously can’t with this show!

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21 minutes ago, Peppermint said:

You don't have to love someone to steal their sperm.  Maybe the love came later. If ever. 

Well, she thought she was stealing Victor's Olympic swimmers, so that doesn't really apply here.  Jack was the one who could never commit to her.

I found it pretty funny that while Phyllis was shining Summer on about what a wonderful mother she was, Summer shuffled Harrison off to go count the Ms on the jukebox the minute he started getting on her nerves.

Edited by Snaporaz
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Poor Harrison couldn’t find something that begins with H, despite hanging with a Horror and her Hellspawn. Phyllis is total dogshit. As loathsome as Kyle is, he didn’t abandon Harrison to caper about Paris with an ‘undesirable.’ Shut the fuck up, lady. Gosh, I wonder how Summer developed her narcissistic loyalty fetish?

I love Jack, but I’m not sure I like him in love.

I don’t think Daniel is taking Lucy’s lying and manipulating seriously enough. She’s just lying her ass off all over town. And I’m sorry, but we just finished a storyline featuring a blonde disaster slipping sips of nips out of her purse. Try something new.

I don’t know where this Sharon bullshit is going, but I do so enjoy that she has no time for Phyllis or her antics. 

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1 hour ago, Snaporaz said:

Daniel also said that Faith, who just finished her freshman year of college, is over 21.  ??  I don't remember her taking three or four gap years.  

Faith started college in 2022. (University of Michigan.) That would make her about to start her junior year. She born on September 30, which means she may have had to wait a year to start first grade. That would tie in with her being a slightly older junior in college.


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2 hours ago, Peppermint said:

You don't have to love someone to steal their sperm.  Maybe the love came later. If ever. 

I want that embroidered on a pillow, or on one of those plaques people decorate with. 

It'd be a nice change from "Eat, Pray, Love", or

"Dream Big", "Work Hard", or those appliques on cars that say "Baby On Board".

I'd slap "You Don't Have to Love Someone to Steal Their Sperm" on my car in a heartbeat.  That, and my senior sticker should get me a parking space and a wide berth.

Edited by boes
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The actress who portrays Lucy plays anxious, needy and clingy really well. I just get stressed watching her. I’m old so I never had this issue. That said, I didn’t have that many friend's so I didn’t have that issue from the end either. It was such a different time back then. Of course, I know it’s only a soap but I’m sure social media plays a huge part in image and being basically perfect looking. It is weird that Daniel has all the information and sees all the signs but still doesn’t seem to realize the extent of Lucy’s wanting to fit in. I like Reylynn Caster as Faith. I hope she gets a man in her next storyline. 

Ransom: Has anyone noticed that Rory Gibson’s picture (on the fireplace mantle) was front and center during all of the scenes with Sharon & Faith. Usually, they just hide ex members but he was up there all smiling. Personally, I’d like to see Robert Adamson back in the role of Noah. He and Josh Morrow were great together as father and son. Nice has too many woman around him. Since they aren’t showing Christian for another 10 years they should bring back Noah. 

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14 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Wait, did Diane’s card say that she’s loved Jack for almost 25 years?

Actually, Sake614, it didn't, when Jack read out loud from the card Diane gave him, he read the following "The calendar says we've been at this for one year, my heart says we've been connected since the beginning of time," after that there was no mention of numbers of years, so, yes, you did get that wrong - - come clean now, dear Sake614, were you trying to multi-task while watching the show?

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2 hours ago, Js Nana said:

Actually, Sake614, it didn't, when Jack read out loud from the card Diane gave him, he read the following "The calendar says we've been at this for one year, my heart says we've been connected since the beginning of time," after that there was no mention of numbers of years, so, yes, you did get that wrong - - come clean now, dear Sake614, were you trying to multi-task while watching the show?

25 years was mentioned earlier in conversation, though not when Jack was reading the card or his framed vows.  

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