MsMalin March 1, 2024 Share March 1, 2024 Nikki looked.great in that red pantsuit. That was something I could never carry off. 7 Link to comment
Waldo13 March 2, 2024 Share March 2, 2024 BlueFang🕷️, a choice between going back on tour and you 😂😂😂. Give me a fucking break. That like choice between heaven and hell. BlueFang🕷️ is so full of herself, she probably taljs through the best parts and then calls out her own name while having an orgasm. Where did Seth get the money to buy probably $300 bouquet of flowers? Claire said that she now has two brothers and a sister. So that would include Adam, Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍🦍, and Abby. Shouldn’t Det Deadwood (Dylan McAvoy ) be included? The plot thickens. Will it come to a conclusion by next week? What will happen to Claire after that? 4 2 2 Link to comment
Sake614 March 2, 2024 Share March 2, 2024 42 minutes ago, Waldo13 said: Claire said that she now has two brothers and a sister. So that would include Adam, Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍🦍, and Abby. Shouldn’t Det Deadwood (Dylan McAvoy ) be included? Those would be her uncles and aunt, not her siblings. She’s referring to Reid, Johnny and Katie. Although I thought Victoria only mentioned Johnny and Katie but left out Reid. Maybe I missed it? 13 Link to comment
Julyolo March 2, 2024 Share March 2, 2024 1 hour ago, Waldo13 said: BlueFang🕷️, a choice between going back on tour and you 😂😂😂. Give me a fucking break. That like choice between heaven and hell. BlueFang🕷️ is so full of herself, she probably taljs through the best parts and then calls out her own name while having an orgasm. Where did Seth get the money to buy probably $300 bouquet of flowers? Claire said that she now has two brothers and a sister. So that would include Adam, Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍🦍, and Abby. Shouldn’t Det Deadwood (Dylan McAvoy ) be included? The plot thickens. Will it come to a conclusion by next week? What will happen to Claire after that? She's probably begged to be written off of this "shew of shews." She might want an actual acting career, unlike the majority of female characters, that lost all other offers and hope, and grace our televisions daily. She saw what could be her future, and it wasn't a pretty sight. 8 Link to comment
Waldo13 March 2, 2024 Share March 2, 2024 4 hours ago, Sake614 said: Those would be her uncles and aunt, not her siblings. She’s referring to Reid, Johnny and Katie. Although I thought Victoria only mentioned Johnny and Katie but left out Reid. Maybe I missed it? Oh shit, I stand corrected. Thanks Sake614 5 1 2 Link to comment
boes March 2, 2024 Share March 2, 2024 (edited) So it seems that Claire was just bowled over by the Raunch and all its amenities. Isn't that special? Hopefully, she'll never end up staying at one of the better La Quinta motels because I'm pretty sure the continental breakfast spread there leaves the Raunch in the dust, and the decor is even klassier. But at least she gets to see all the fine art her gwampaw and gwamma picked up cheap at those airport art fairs. I hope somebody, anybody, warns her not to sit in Victor's potty chair, that one he always plops down on in the combo living room/liquor barn. He won't stand for that. Nina's advice to Cricket was pretty good, but I think Cricket's thought about stepping away completely is even better. Danny's too naive, too stupid, for her to be wasting any more time over. Let Phyllis have him, him and all that hair. If it's a hairdo she wants, Kyle and his bouffant are free for the harvesting. I was hoping we might get a glimpse of Chelsea, Adam and ButtBiscuit on the road together, see how they're passing the time on their way to see Connor. Maybe Adam and ButtBiscuit are counting out of state license plates, trying to be the winner, while Chelsea has her head out the window, tongue flapping in the breeze, waiting for that next rest stop. Or, perhaps the three of them have put aside their differences and are singing that wonderful road trip song, "A Hundred Bottles" while they drive.... "A 100 bottles of beer in his nose, a 100 bottles of beer, Take one down and pass it around, 99 bottles of beer in his nose". On the road again...... Or, maybe not..... Edited March 2, 2024 by boes 1 1 1 15 2 Link to comment
Chatty Cake March 3, 2024 Share March 3, 2024 How can Aunt Jordan be living it up at the dive bar when she’s a wanted fugitive? It shouldn’t take that much brain power to find her but I guess since Chance left the force we don’t have any police left? I never thought I’d say this but I’m sick of seeing Danny Romalotti and the confused look on his face every time he encounters Phyllis. Just put the viewers out of their misery and go on tour. 9 7 1 1 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie March 4, 2024 Share March 4, 2024 I was BORED the entire week. 7 1 2 2 Link to comment
tinderbox March 4, 2024 Share March 4, 2024 I’ve watched this show for years and watch it out of habit. I have come to the point where I FF through scenes/characters/storylines I care almost nothing about. I get through the show in less that 10 minutes now days and I’m actually shocked the show has been renewed. 9 2 3 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie March 4, 2024 Share March 4, 2024 Sally' s brassy red hair is killing me...but NOT in a good way 5 2 3 2 Link to comment
Denize March 4, 2024 Share March 4, 2024 3 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said: Sally' s brassy red hair is killing me...but NOT in a good way I come from a family of redheads ranging from strawberry blonde to dark auburn and brown with red highlights. Sally's shade of burgundy/maroon is what we refer to as a hair colour not found in nature. 7 8 5 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu March 4, 2024 Share March 4, 2024 Quote actually shocked the show has been renewed. Me too. In fact I was hoping Y&R would end this year to top off the 50th anniversary. The four-year renewal decision is nuts. I guess CBS is still determined to have the last daytime soap standing on broadcast TV and apparently ABC/GH aren't blinking. Meanwhile, Y&R just looks cheaper and cheaper, with shrinking sets and GC days which last a week or more to stretch the wardrobe budget. It's sad to watch happen. Quote Sally's shade of burgundy/maroon is what we refer to as a hair colour not found in nature. Yeah and I think that's intentional. When Sally arrived GC already had two prominent redheads, Phyllis and Lauren (three if you count Mariah). IMO Sally's affected hair color helped to distinguish her. It must take a lot of upkeep though, and I wonder how it'll look 10 or 20 years from now. 9 6 Link to comment
Unathletic Club March 4, 2024 Share March 4, 2024 16 hours ago, tinderbox said: I’ve watched this show for years and watch it out of habit. I have come to the point where I FF through scenes/characters/storylines I care almost nothing about. I get through the show in less that 10 minutes now days and I’m actually shocked the show has been renewed. I fast forwarded through Friday's show without stopping once. It seems like there are too many characters and the writers try to keep them all going so there is a lack of continuity. The only character I like is Jack and he is starting to get on my last nerve with his adoration of Prunella ( my pet name for Nicki) and Ashleigh. Does he not remember how they treated Diane>? 11 4 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu March 4, 2024 Share March 4, 2024 (edited) Hey, it's Connor, finally. He looked a lot taller to me. If only Christine could see Danny for what he actually is. IMO she should be like Frozen's Elsa and let it go. Pshht, Phyllis has reached a new level of nutbaggery if she believes Abby owes her any favors. "...Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois." A school no one has ever heard of. 🙄 Seriously? I think Dr. Alcott lowkey insulted Chelsea by being so specific about her education, lol. Shut up, shut up, shut up, Billy! You are not the expert on parenting. Danny was working Christine like a pro. Oh noes, he's leaving in two weeks for his world tour! Gee, what world will the tour be on, Danny, Neptune? Here on Earth there are these newfangled things called cars, airplanes, and telephones which would make distance largely irrelevant if you truly want to be with Christine. Ugh. Sure, Billy, your off-and-on therapy was working real well when you basically showed Chelsea how she could unalive herself from the roof of a tall building. Stop trying to make Adam the 3rd wheel in the situation with Connor. It's you! But Danny, you ARE forcing Christine to compete with Phyllis. You're making Christine prove she's willing to play 100% by your rules regardless of the cost to her self-respect. Jerk. Sigh, Abby, why would you let Phyllis guilt you into giving into her absurd demand to commandeer Society for her date? Whhhyyy? And there's the PSA on OCD. Meh. The audience never saw any indication of OCD-related behavior in Connor. We were just told out of the blue about various things happening off-camera and then presto, Connor received an instant diagnosis. I'm thinking the show should've gone with Autism Spectrum Disorder instead but maybe that's too controversial. Edited March 4, 2024 by Joimiaroxeu 9 3 1 5 Link to comment
MsMalin March 4, 2024 Share March 4, 2024 Danny can just put on his coat of many colors and rock on right out of GC asap as far as I'm concerned 5 5 4 3 Link to comment
Waldo13 March 4, 2024 Share March 4, 2024 I think it’s time for BlueFang🕷️ and Nostrils to take a 3 hr boat tour on the S.S. Minnow with Gillian and the Skipper too. Where they should be blown off course and be stranded on their own desert island. Nostrils Nostrils Nostrils you should go to hell and have the devil shove a pineapple up your nose every hour for eternity. It’s you that has the more of an attitude than Adam. WTF! Danny isn’t leaving for a couple of weeks and BlueFang🕷️insists that she has to rent out Society tonight. I guess BlueFang🕷️still have a few bucks left over from her ill gotten gains from Tucker. What is Abby’s malfunction? Why is she even considering allowing BlueFang🕷️ to rent Society after all that crap she pulled probably causing Abby to loose a lot of money. Nostrils and Adam bonding over therapy sessions 🥱😴. If I remember correctly, Adam’s therapy sessions were only with Sharon. Now that Connor is diagnosed with OCD and there are many different degrees of OCD, let’s see how the monkeys with a keyboard handle the situation. My friend has ODC to where it was very heard for him to function in school but he learned to live with OCD and today he’s a multimillionaire. If I was Christine and Danny, I wouldn’t be strolling by Rexx Ruggs anytime soon. 8 1 4 Link to comment
boes March 5, 2024 Share March 5, 2024 Were you all as entranced by Phyllis's fantasy as I was? Seeing Danny walk to the table and putting that heaping platter of Chef Boyardee canned spaghetti down in front of Phyllis was almost the most romantic thing I've ever seen. The only thing that could have made it even more special would have been if, instead of Danny's special sauce, he'd opened a couple cans of Beefaroni and then taken her for a ride around Central Park. The scent of romance is in the air! Abby might as well call her insurance agent right now because leaving Phyllis alone in her restaurant makes it a total loss, without a doubt. Going by those bags under his eyes, ButtBiscuit packed for a long trip! That heartfelt exchange of the warm fuzzies between him and Adam smelled suspiciously like Danny's special sauce left out just a tad too long. Did you all hear how ButtBiscuit, referring to his past behavior, said he "owns it"? Phyllis says the same thing, a lot - along with her mantra of "I've changed". Why do the perpetrators of bad behavior think that "owning it" means or makes up for a damn thing? It apparently makes these two narcissistic assholes feel really good about themselves but it's cold comfort and no justice to their victims. I'd love to see them "own it" by spending some time behind bars, but the things they've done that would warrant that kind of punishment are almost always things they don't tend to "own". Too bad Adam wasn't recording ButtBiscuit's verbal diarrhea since he finally admitted to trying to kill him. Then he could "own it" behind bars. Show made me hungry. I'm going to see if I can track down some of that fine cuisine Phyllis had Danny dishing up in her fantasy? Yum!! 3 3 9 1 Link to comment
MsMalin March 5, 2024 Share March 5, 2024 ^ right! Phyllis owns her bad deeds except we still haven't seen her doing any community service yet. 7 1 8 Link to comment
MollyB March 5, 2024 Share March 5, 2024 17 hours ago, Waldo13 said: I guess BlueFang🕷️still have a few bucks left over from her ill gotten gains from Tucker. I was wondering where she was getting the money to finance her fantasy. But didn't that money go to pay off some other debt she had? Is she still working for Daniel as a super computer whiz? Community service doesn't pay, but then she's not doing that anyhow. She seems to have a pretty large wardrobe budget. What's her secret? 19 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Sigh, Abby, why would you let Phyllis guilt you into giving into her absurd demand to commandeer Society for her date? Whhhyyy? Assuming that Society is not a fast food chain, I think there would be a Chef running the kitchen and I don't think there is a Chef alive that would appreciate someone else coming in and messing with their kitchen. This isn't the first time this has happened-Assley and Tucker invaded it and left a mess all over. Guess it's ok to walk all over 'the help' if you pay them enough. Also wondering what Phylth's endgame is. The dinner, the dancing, the kissing and a little inandout on the dining room floor? In front of all those windows?! 10 6 Link to comment
MsMalin March 5, 2024 Share March 5, 2024 No Mamie, just no. 1 12 Link to comment
Stpauliegirl March 5, 2024 Share March 5, 2024 Mamie is getting on my last nerve. She has a small investment in CW, but not enough to be making any corporate decisions, so why does think she has the authority to undo the CE W merger? Jill is the majority owner and nothing can be done without her sign off and I’m fairly certain she won’t agree with Mamie. Hopefully Amanda will clue her into what Mamie is up to so Jill can kick her to the curb. 10 6 3 Link to comment
Sake614 March 5, 2024 Share March 5, 2024 That PSA at the end of yesterday’s show was bad. I mean really bad. The awkward line reading, Connor looking angry. Don’t think that’s the message they. Wanted to convey. Meanwhile as others have said, we SAW absolutely none of Connor’s struggles. It just came up on conversation about 3 weeks ago for the first time and it’s been all about Chelsea and Adam boo hoping over their baby boy having OCD. There are far worse things that could;be wrong with him, and it really isn’t out of the real. Of possibility that he would be having troubling dreams etc. the poor kid has totally fucked up parents! in other news, who didn’t see that Jordan would push Seth in front of a car? And now she’s going to head to the ranch where Victor’s crackhead security will probably let her right in. Devon just can’t admit that he might be the problem can he? Nate correctly pointed out that Devon had confrontations with Lily, Nate and Billy. Three separate encounters and Devon is the common denominator. But no, couldn’t possibly be him. He’s the easiest person in the world to get along with. Always supports his coworkers. Only wants what’s best for the company. still not at all clear what Abby thinks she’s going to be doing as a board member? She keeps talking about being involved in the day to day of the company, but that’s not what a board member does. I guess JG was absent when they taught that in school 🙄 10 2 2 3 Link to comment
Js Nana March 5, 2024 Share March 5, 2024 12 minutes ago, Sake614 said: still not at all clear what Abby thinks she’s going to be doing as a board member? She keeps talking about being involved in the day to day of the company, but that’s not what a board member does. According to one website I visited, the responsibilities of a board member in a privately-held corporation are: "A private corporation is one that does not issue general stock for public purchase and maintains all duties and responsibilities in-house. With this sort of arrangement, the board of directors is the supreme governing body of the company. A private board member is chosen by the board itself. Together, this body sets annual budgets, operational goals, ensures funds are available for those operations, and evaluates the job performance of the chief executive officer (CEO)." Doesn't Abby have a conflict of interest when it comes to evaluating the job performance of Chancellor-Winters CEO? 5 8 Link to comment
Js Nana March 5, 2024 Share March 5, 2024 On 3/2/2024 at 1:52 AM, boes said: If it's a hairdo she wants, Kyle and his bouffant are free for the harvesting. Is it considered incest if a woman has carnal knowledge of her former son-in-law? On 3/3/2024 at 5:23 PM, Chatty Cake said: Danny Romalotti and the confused look on his face every time he encounters Phyllis. If we all tune in tomorrow, 3/6/24, we will supposedly witness a big to-do in the Danny/Phyllis goings on. 6 3 Link to comment
Unathletic Club March 5, 2024 Share March 5, 2024 Oh, Seth we hardly knew ye. Why couldn't you have stuck to the plan? If you had saved Nicki from Jordan, I'm sure the Newmans would have been eternally grateful. You could have had the room across the hall from Claire's and a swanky job at Newman. Maybe even be Adam's boss. When you said, "I'm not taking my eyes off you" I had hope but then you went and turned your back to her. In the cozy mystery genre a person who does that is called TSTL (too stupid to live). 2 13 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu March 5, 2024 Share March 5, 2024 Ehh, I did not like hearing Mamie use the word "grooming" in reference to Chance, as if she's decided he has no right to personal agency. Hush, you presumptuous old biddy. "C-suite players can be just as slippery as criminals." Oh, Chance, you sweet summer child. Some of those C-suite types actually are criminals, including your uncle mentor Billy. Uh oh, not sure Seth should've spilled the beans to "Isabel" that he knew who she really was. He took away the Newman's element of surprise against Jordan. But Nina, probably in any company Chance might move to he'd encounter office politics, especially in GC and with his last name. Chancellors have been deep in the business mix ever since Chance's ancestor founded the city. Amanda walked into C-W and Mamie puffed up like a cat, lol. Auntie didn't really know who she was dealing with but Devon and Nate sure did, ha ha. Wait, was Seth going rogue? I didn't think the plan was for him to get Jordan to go meet with Nikki and Victor. They don't want Jordan anywhere near them. Wow, I guess the dive bar must be near Rexx Ruggs. Poor Seth. Jordan lies like she breathes. Yeah, she better hope the car that hit Seth didn't have a dashboard camera because she clearly pushed him into its path. I enjoyed Nate and Devon's scenes today. What is this world?! 🤯 Mamie, YOU are the source of the C-W infighting! Everything has to be torn apart because of you? FOH. Jordan was practically orgasmic when she was putting on her gray beret. What the heck was the hat made of, ambrosia and nectar? Aw, Seth. Gone too soon. Bad cop. She should not have been spreading unverified information about Seth's death, especially over the phone. Hope Nikki doesn't blame herself for Seth's untimely demise and start hitting the vodka again. 6 2 7 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 Well, anything that happens today {and I didn't watch it yet} will beat yesterday's episode. Sorry, but I am totally checked out re: Conner. Don't care. 8 3 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 (edited) Hey, y'all. Did you know today, March 5, is Multiple Personality Day? Per the linked article: Quote The day aims to change common misconceptions and make the disorder well known throughout the world as a valid condition that should be understood by others. A multicolored awareness ribbon resembling a crazy quilt is the symbol of the day. Too bad they didn't have Ashley on today. Lately she seems like she could use a multicolored awareness ribbon. (FYI: Every time I read something on the "National Today" site it feels like it was written by AI. I have to believe a human being would not have been callous enough to compare the DID awareness day ribbon to a crazy quilt.) Edited March 6, 2024 by Joimiaroxeu 10 1 2 1 1 Link to comment
Waldo13 March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 As soon as Seth confronted Auntie Jordan and then turned his back on her, I knew it was over for Seth. It was as plain as the nose on Nostrils face. The one thing I didn’t know was that they serve alcohol at Rexx Ruggs 😉. Other than that there was another mundane day in GC. I would love to see Mariah (Camryn) and Claire (Haley), two Daytime Emmy Award winners, in a few scenes together. It would be a class on how acting should be done. 2 9 Link to comment
Kimboweena March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 5 hours ago, Js Nana said: If we all tune in tomorrow, 3/6/24, we will supposedly witness a big to-do in the Danny/Phyllis goings on. Well, it's not like she can drug him and get pregnant, right? 1 15 Link to comment
Peppermint March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 Didn't see the latest show, but...probably "WTF" The "Oh-so-accomplished Dr." /Chelsea/ Connor talk was surprisingly informative. Of course poor Connor was given a diagnosis of every available OCD symptom except "following paths...tapping/touching items in order ...etc...."...of course, it was only an hour episode, so there is more time to heap on more symptoms. Watching Chelsea's lips, and she did NOT interrupt with questions every few minutes [SURPRISE !!] . Connor was quite poised and non sullen, for a tween. Good talk. The Billy/ Adam waiting room convo was also surprisingly calm for a "I hate you and admit to disastrous car wrecks that changed the course of your life ". "Imma shit, you're a shit" . Everybody gots therapy, everybody gots better. Nina's "Mommy talk" with Cricket was SO spot on. And SO disregarded. That was ME screaming when the first thing Cricket said to Danny was " But Phyllis...." OH SHIT, YOU IDIOT !!" But Cricket did get a smooch out of it all. This so serious show needed the comic relief of the Phyllis & Abby idiocy. Phyl is coocoo for cocoa puffs, and poor Abby is a baby daughter "people pleaser" so of course Abby will cave...I want Romolatti pasta !! The PSA was a good idea gone very wrong...The actor who represented Connor should have had a much larger part [ it was HIS illness after all} instead of standing dumb while the adults preached. Water's boiling, time to drop the pasta... 2 7 5 Link to comment
Denize March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 (edited) 13 hours ago, MollyB said: Assuming that Society is not a fast food chain, I think there would be a Chef running the kitchen and I don't think there is a Chef alive that would appreciate someone else coming in and messing with their kitchen. It could also be a health code violation. I was always bothered when Kyle would go into Lola's kitchen, pick up things with his fingers and eat them while leaning over a tray of food for her patrons. Edited March 6, 2024 by Denize 16 Link to comment
Denize March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 On 3/4/2024 at 3:39 PM, MsMalin said: Danny can just put on his coat of many colors and rock on right out of GC asap as far as I'm concerned Has Mr. Technicolor Dreamcoat worn anything but head-to-toe black since he arrived back in town? Like Victor, he often wears his black overcoat indoors, which looks odd. 10 2 1 Link to comment
MollyB March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 (edited) 17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Bad cop. She should not have been spreading unverified information about Seth's death, especially over the phone. I tend to nod off while I watch so let me see if I got the timeline right here: Seth completely goes off script and confronts "Isabelle" with her lies and then somehow thinks he is going to haul her ass out to the raunch for her comeuppance. Izzy wants some air and he follows her outside to keep an eye on her but wanders off to take Drinkki's unfortunately timed call. Seizing the moment, Izzy shoves Seth in front of a speeding car that apparently drives off after smushing Seth. Izzy runs back into the bar, frantic for someone to call 911 (although she does have a phone) but takes the time to tell the barkeep that Seth wanted to kill himself because he done Nikki Newman wrong and he (the barkeep) must call Nikki right away! Then Bad Cop calls Nikki and tells her the tragic news without even verifying with the witness (who is now absent and donning a new persona) what the actual facts of the case are. She takes the word of the barkeep, who has taken the word of the frantic woman who has been boozing it up in his bar for some time and is now suspiciously absent. This whole scenario seems just a tad rushed. Then we see Nikki's reaction to The Call and I know she will find a quart of Wodka to down and when Jordan gets to the raunch Drinkki will use her breath and a Bic to flamethrow Jordan into oblivion. Dracarys! Oops. I dozed off again. Edited March 6, 2024 by MollyB 2 1 10 Link to comment
Sake614 March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 gee, how convenient that Jordan just happened to find a full can of gasoline behind the dive bar. And get to Victoria’s house to start a fire, thinking she and Claire were inside. She’s gonna be mighty disappointed to learn they’re still very much alive. then we have Phyllis drowning her sorrows in a bottle of wine, being comfortEd by Abby. Phylth repeats that it WASN’T a competition with Christine but is now and vows to go after her and make her sorry. In the hands of a better writer, this would finally be Phylth’s undoing and she’d be written off. As it is, it’s just going to be more of the same wash, rinse, repeat. and Chance, nothing says ‘I’m really into you and want to be a couple’ like getting out of bed and working on your proposal because Devon sent a text that he was impressed. 7 2 3 2 Link to comment
Unathletic Club March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 (edited) Someone should notify the car rental companies in Genoa City to be on the watch for a crazy red-head who may want to rent a car for illegal activities and possible murder. So no one thought it might be a good idea to be watching Victoria's house? OK then. I was pleased to see that GC has replaced Chance with a couple of new cops. Not as cute but hopefully smarter. Edited March 6, 2024 by Unathletic Club added 3 9 1 Link to comment
lightninggirl March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 57 minutes ago, Sake614 said: then we have Phyllis drowning her sorrows in a bottle of wine, being comfortEd by Abby. Phylth repeats that it WASN’T a competition with Christine but is now and vows to go after her and make her sorry. In the hands of a better writer, this would finally be Phylth’s undoing and she’d be written off. As it is, it’s just going to be more of the same wash, rinse, repeat. I cannot stand Phyllis. I also cannot stand Michelle Stafford constantly repeating pretty much every single line she's given, or paraphrasing it and changing one or two words (and it basically sounds the same, over and over). That being said, I HATE THE BUG MORE. God, why does Lauralee Bell have to have a stupid legacy character that we can NEVER, EVER GET RID of when they did Stitch so dirty? There are SO many more characters that didn't deserve their fate when CRICKET wanders around moping and grousing, constantly aggrieved and insulted? They brought back Cole but he's just relegated to "back-up parent." Aren't they going to do anything with him, like isn't there a romance he's supposed to be having with Victoria or something? But no, we get that stupid Bug being constantly dissatisfied by everything and everyone all the damn time. God, I hate her so baaaaaaad. 4 2 2 1 1 Link to comment
pvandal March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 (edited) Zip it Mamie. You are neither a Winters nor a Hamilton. Billy has just as much right to be there as you do. Edited March 6, 2024 by pvandal 6 5 1 2 Link to comment
Crashcourse March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 Some young entrepreneur should make and sell Mamie Wigs for Halloween. I'd buy one. 1 12 Link to comment
Denize March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 23 hours ago, Sake614 said: still not at all clear what Abby thinks she’s going to be doing as a board member? She keeps talking about being involved in the day to day of the company, but that’s not what a board member does. I guess JG was absent when they taught that in school 🙄 Especially when we've seen Jabot & Newman Board members meet only once a decade and they were chosen because they were running successful businesses or organizations themselves. Nobody is expected to quit their day job. 3 hours ago, MollyB said: This whole scenario seems just a tad rushed. Squinty Seth got the bum's rush. I am not sorry to see him go. 9 1 3 1 Link to comment
MsMalin March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 Numb nuts says No Nuts Has there ever been a bigger pussy than Danny Romalatti? 4 4 5 1 Link to comment
Js Nana March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 On 3/3/2024 at 5:23 PM, Chatty Cake said: I’m sick of seeing Danny Romalotti and the confused look on his face every time he encounters Phyllis. I second that. 7 5 Link to comment
MsMalin March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 20 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: crazy quilt is the symbol of the day. Talk about politically incorrect! 😂😂😂 7 Link to comment
MsMalin March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 I find it funny that Connor is the only person in GC who hasn't killed someone yet he is the one compulsively washing his hands. 1 9 2 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 3 hours ago, Sake614 said: and Chance, nothing says ‘I’m really into you and want to be a couple Or ordering French Fries with with mayo! 10 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 Danny taking Christine to his date with Phyllis. This m.f.-er. Officer Padilla, just because someone says something that doesn't mean it's true. Guess you missed police academy class the day they taught about how perps might try to deflect attention. AYFKMWTS? Victor telling the police how to do their jobs. Why should they take DNA and fingerprints just because he says so? Ofc. Padilla should've called in a detective to deal with Victor. Yes, Claire is already figuring Newman stuff out just from scanning the family photos on display in the ranch living room. She and her new uncle Adam will talk eventually, and I can hardly wait. Shut up, Danny. Your scam only works when you don't have to talk to your marks at the same time. Like The Offspring sang, 🎶you gotta keep 'em separated🎶. That said, Christine did look kind of pathetic to me, hanging on to Danny's arm for dear life. Sigh. Aw, yiss. Chance up in Summer's suite being all roguish and flirty. Go get it, playboy! I don't understand why Claire was wasting her time trying to counter Jordan's insane line of attempted reasoning. Oh yeah, because Victor decided to use his granddaughter as bait. 🤬 Ehh, was not a fan of the song playing as Summer and Chance finally got nekkid and took things to bed. IMO it was bland like elevator music. I would've gone with something steamier, say, classic Chaka Khan. Wonders never cease. Danny grew a teenie tiny pair and walked away from Phyllis. Geez, who leaves a jug of gasoline sitting in the alley behind their building? That was trouble waiting to happen even if Jordan hadn't discovered it. WHY WAS CHRISTINE APOLOGIZING TO THAT JERK? Girrrlll, no. Danny's the one who should be making the mea culpas. 😡 Here we go. Phyllis is going to pull another revenge scheme on Christine. Yawn. Victoria's house is on fire. This is my shocked face. Hey, Victor, dontcha love it when a plan comes together? 🙄 4 2 9 2 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 2 hours ago, Unathletic Club said: Not as cute but hopefully smarter. that's kind of a low bar, isn't it? 3 10 Link to comment
Peppermint March 7, 2024 Share March 7, 2024 3 hours ago, MsMalin said: Has there ever been a bigger pussy than Danny Romalatti? My Cat is mortally offended by that statement. 😾 1 1 11 1 Link to comment
Peppermint March 7, 2024 Share March 7, 2024 WAIT, CHANCE !! DON'T BED THE SNOWFLAKE YET !! I haven't finished my review of Genoa City Genealogy . I'm sure it will reveal that these two are half-step-second-cousins-thrice-removed and their offspring will be fatally flawed. Oh, ne'er mind, that's the fate of the all denizens of GC. Carry on, children. 2 12 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie March 7, 2024 Share March 7, 2024 (edited) 42 minutes ago, Peppermint said: My Cat is mortally offended by that statement /dead/ {Biutchie agrees with you| For the life of me I CANNOT see anything worth the catfight Bluetooth and Crick are having over washed out, dopey Danny. And isn't Cricket a little {ahem} old to be a groupie? Blluetooth, please commit a crime so you can go to jail. Or producers, FIRE MS. She's AWFUL Edited March 7, 2024 by One Tough Cookie 3 2 3 3 Link to comment
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