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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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On 2/13/2024 at 1:09 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

(And I'm forever going to be mad at Traci for giving Colleen's heart to Victor. 😒)

Ever notice how a character will have something like a heart transplant or a kidney transplant, or something else lifesaving, and then it's like it never happened - having a heart transplant means being on heavy duty meds, like immunosuppressants, for the rest of your life, and alcohol consumption can interfere with those meds, but Victor, like every other adult character on that show, is always smoothing out the bumps in the road with a glass of booze.

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Will someone onset please introduce Josh Morrow to the wonder that is regular use of Mirolax?  His new AKTing tic, the furrowed brow, scrunched sorta pissed off face he gives everyone just makes me think he needs to lay off the dairy.  Or buy a bigger waist size underwear.  It's not giving him the gravitas he seems to think it does.

Also, having Adam play the dutiful son to that antediluvian relic from Satan's fall and caring brother to the fart master of lower Wisconsin is  excruciatingly boring.  

Maybe Sally's business is in the crapper because too many people got a look at how she decorated Daniel's place and realized home decor is just not her thing.  Maybe she should specialize and only design dominatrix dungeons?

Interior Designer, Know Thyself.

Poor Claire.  Grampaw visited and asked her for a favor.  I assume she's just grateful that he didn't ask her to sacrifice a goat.  Pfft on Victor being like Zeus.  He's far more the Nosferatu type.


Look, Grampaw is here!  



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17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Sally was right, why would she want to be further in debt to Nick? Or why would he want to throw good cash after bad, even if it's like Monopoly money to him?

Is she still running her 'company' out of the Revolving Door Suite in the GC?  If she does have an office somewhere, why are they meeting at CL for business talk?  Buy a freakin' Keurig for crying out loud. How is it any different for Adam to go begging for money than if Sally did?  And, please, Chloe, shut the fuck up!


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Nick and Victor are enjoying playing cat to Adam's mouse. Nicki is not being well-served by her family.  Every time someone mentions "Victor's Security Team having the place surrounded" ... I will pour some Irish Whiskey into my tea.  And have a Happy Hour FaceTime with my best friend.  She watches B & B. 

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Okay so I clearly wasn’t watching when Ashley had this awful car accident that they flashed to today after the fender bender. What happened and why is she so freaked because someone bumped into her limo from behind?

I don’t suppose it ever occurred to Lauren to call the GCPD or FBI or some other law enforcement agency to trace the call while Nikki was talking to Jordan? Nah, much better to just let an alcoholic try to play cat and mouse with her adversary and then call Jack, who walks out on his sister when she’s having a nervous breakdown.

Adam, before you start hounding daddy to bring Sally on board, maybe you should ask Sally if she’s even interested? Just a thought.

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Crap, it was indeed Jordan calling Nikki. Here comes the WTFery.

Jordan's disguise was interesting. I thought she kind of resembled a young Ann-Margaret with a touch of 30 Rock's Liz Lemon.

Victor the overconfident idiot, bragging about his super secret plan to use Claire to lure Jordan into a trap. Meanwhile, Nikki was chatting with Jordan over the phone and making plans to meet. Yo, Vic: Nikki is the bait whether you approve or not. Maybe when you grounded her you should've taken her phone so she couldn't go rogue behind your back.

IMO Jack was right. Tucker didn't break Ashley, she cracked up all on her own because of her longtime tendency to have a tenuous hold on reality.

Lauren said security at the ranch was impenetrable. I don't know how TEB managed to say that line with a straight face.

Adam, what are you doing? Did you forget about the huge dossier Victor had compiled on Sally? He's never going to see her as worthy of anything Newman, because the Forresters and Spencers and Logans ran her out of L.A.

Hey, do the Abbots have a chauffered car or was Ashley in a rideshare?

I can't figure Cole out. He is just too chill. Is he lowkey trying to get back with Victoria and have the family with Claire they missed out on?

Nick basically told Victor he wanted to bring Sally's design firm under NE's wing for her to be Adam's human pacifier. 🙄 Shut up, Nick, you two-faced POS.

Dang, Ashley got hella t-boned back in the day. She might have a dormant case of PTSD.

Seth! And Jordan. 😱😱😱😱 Oh, Seth, you in danger, boy.

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I don’t suppose it ever occurred to Lauren to call the GCPD or FBI or some other law enforcement agency to trace the call while Nikki was talking to Jordan?

I think at one point Nikki said Victor's security people tried to determine Jordan's location via cell phone tower data or whatever but were unsuccessful.

Maybe CBS could have Y&R do a crossover with the FBI primetime show, lol. Those feds have never met a perp they couldn't catch via their cell phone use. That's why the TV criminals typically toss their phones right away but it would seem Jordan's not worried.

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Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍🦍 just can’t take this as an opportunity for Sally if she accepts but he just has to question Adam’s motivation.  

Auntie Jordan avoids all APB’s because she’s unrecognizable in a wig and glasses. I guess glasses is an excellent disguise since it worked for Superman and BlueFang🕷️ 😉.  Is Auntie Jordan in the same dive bar were Nikki drank herself into a stupor?  It must be because Seth is there. 

What if what if is a constant theme in GC. What if Claire has a set back, what if Tucker does this, etc. well I say what if the Queen has balls, she would be King. 

Would Nikki not be stupid enough not to tell Victor of Auntie Jordan’s phone call so he can put extra security on her?  Will the monkeys with a keyboard write for what should happen or for soap opera drama?  WTF!  I guess it will be soap opera drama because Victor wants to use himself as bait Nikki is already bait.  Lauren you’re an idiot. Victor’s security has been breach before but why would they have to look over their shoulder because Victor’s security should be. 

I think that Nikki should start carrying a rock in her pocket. That’s Nikki’s weapon of choice. 

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6 hours ago, MollyB said:

You will be needing rehab more than Nikki does if you do.😉

Regarding Nikki: the make-up artist that's doing her blusher needs rehab. The way her face looks to me now is borderline Heath Ledger "Joker." JG, please don't send her to any AA meetings looking like that! The other participants would never be able to remain sober after taking a gander at her. I had a G & T myself to numb my horror.

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On 2/14/2024 at 7:42 PM, One Tough Cookie said:


On 2/14/2024 at 7:42 PM, One Tough Cookie said:

Come on Tucker and Diane, unleash your hidden agendas--the two of you put me to sleep.

For real, it seems like the writer wants to write corporate intrigue storylines but doesn’t actually know anything about it. So now we wait, and wait, and wait… until he figures out where he’s going. These characters have been treading water for MONTHS now. YAWN

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7 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Okay so I clearly wasn’t watching when Ashley had this awful car accident that they flashed to today after the fender bender. What happened and why is she so freaked because someone bumped into her limo from behind?

Ashley was pregnant with Brad's baby, who they were going to name Robert.  It was late in the pregnancy and Ashley was supposed to be taking it easy, but she went to meet Victor for some damn reason (sorry, I can't remember why).  That's when she had the accident and she lost the baby, and she had a pretty severe breakdown afterwards.  The recent classic episode where she went to the ranch dressed in a bathrobe while Nikki and Sharon were hosting a gala took place during that particular breakdown.  

I might be reaching here, but when Faith's true identity was discovered and she was taken from Ashley, Ashley was on the verge of yet another breakdown.  But Tucker is the one who kind of pulled her out of that one.  So he is aware of her tendency to have occasional breaks with reality and could be using that knowledge to his advantage now.

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Ashley also had a breakdown long before Robert-the-Blanket, when she was having an affair and got pregnant by Victor who left her to go back to his wife Nikki & young child Victoria. Ashley decided to have an abortion instead of becoming a single mother. Victor gave Ashley a cottage as a consolation prize.

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On 2/15/2024 at 1:56 AM, boes said:

Maybe Sally's business is in the crapper because too many people got a look at how she decorated Daniel's place and realized home decor is just not her thing.

My sentiments exactly.

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Jack is whack on crack. These people always pontificate about PeePaw is THEBEST at protecting his family when in actuality his security team suck balls. Like how many times has bad shit gone down on The Ranch due to the ineptitude of TGVNs security team? 😕 

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Poor Jack running around between counselling Ashley and Nikki. He will be the next one to have a breakdown. How in the world does is he running the company?

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On 2/14/2024 at 7:15 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

AYFKMWTS? Victor = Zeus? Victoria = Athena? Yeah, no. I think the Newmans are GC's Borgias at best, and a basic Upper Midwestern crime family at worst. You must be whacked out on the goofballs, JG, to write such nonsense. 🤬

Was this comparison to Olympian gods really made??!!  I can't comment much because I can't watch.  Just can't most days. 
But it sounds as if I should be checking the transcript source for this episode.

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Dear Buttbiscuit;

You listen to me, alright? I don’t give a damn what you think, but the world must hear this. I have my wife’s drinking under control, k? I just let Jagabbott deliver lunch and carry her purse because it is cheaper than paying a butler. I am a savvy businessman, yougotthat? Speaking of business, my two idiot sons proposed folding that damn Spectra woman’s design company into my empire. I will never work professionally with that redheaded whore of Babylon! I let my youngest son believe there was a chance I’d say yes, as cruelty is the whetstone upon which the most lethal daggers are sharpened, k? It was either Attila the Hun or Abe Lincoln who told me that. Grow up in a damn orphanage, craft your own bootstraps from your own bitter tears and pull your worthless ass up by them! That damn Spectra woman does not know anything about hard work, k? You are a damn fool, so you probably don’t realize that the Newman family is much like the Greek pantheon. I am Zeus, if that pompous bag of wind grew up alone and my sweet baby sweetheart is Hera with the thirst of Dionysus! My oldest boy is Achilles if his weak spot was between his ears, and my daughter is obviously Athena. The little farm boy is, I don’t know, Hades. I feel like there might be someone I’m forgetting… maybe there was a flying horsey - a pegasus? Not important! Youhaveanicedaynow.


Piece of Smite

Dear Smite;

Wow. I’m honestly not sure what to do with all that. I feel like a chef who has been handed a blowfish and some beets and told to make chicken parm out of them. Dude… I think you’ve got a couple of pantheons mixed up, sort of? You do have one son who could pass for a Greek god, but the rest of you are more akin to some inbred royal lineage who mercifully will one day fuck themselves and each other out of existence. I guess you could consider yourselves a Genoa City pantheon, but who would give a fuck about emotionally broken dairy deities? I personally don’t enjoy having members of my family sacrificed to keep you jerks upright and breathing. You’re more like Geus, because you’re mean as fuck and shit on everything. Your wife and daughter are both Medusa, able to petrify anyone by gazing down their noses at them. Your big baby Fartacus is like a bizarro world Hercules who fills the Augean stables instead of mucking them out. Pro-tip: Locking your princess in a tower surrounded by invisible yet impenetrable security will never permanently slay the vodka dragon. 

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Was this comparison to Olympian gods really made??!! 

Yep, it happened.

Claire had been reading a book on Greek mythology Victoria gave her. She said how much she enjoyed learning about the dynamics and intrigues between the gods in the Greek pantheon.

Then Claire made the comparison of the Newman family to the Greek gods and specifically drew a parallel between Zeus and Victor. Victoria laughingly agreed and when Claire asked if that meant Victoria was Athena, Victoria replied that she'd been known to throw a thunderbolt or two.

So JG would not only have us see Victor as the omnipotent king but also Victoria as the Goddess of War. Meh. I am however fine with viewing Adam as the God of War. Not sure where that leaves Nick and Abby. 🤔

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3 hours ago, MsMalin said:

How in the world does is he running the company?

Well, this explains the mystery of why there must be so many co-CEOs.  Somebody has to do it.

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Acknowledging the uneven blush contour, and that they want a bit of a haggard look,  I think Nikki's look at the moment is good.  The hair is good and the dress (which I must admit, gives slight Mrs. Danvers vibes) is flattering.  I'm not sure why I like it, but the color is intriguing, the cut is good and the huge belt blends in and isn't jarring (are the wide belts just a frequent fashion choice or part of her bad back?). AND, it's appropriate for February in Wisconsin! Personally, I'd be rocking Mukluks with it in the house, but that's me.

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22 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Seth! And Jordan. 😱😱😱😱

How did Jordan find out that Seth was Nikki's former AA sponsor - she didn't break out of prison in Oregon until after that relationship had ended - and I don't buy the writers explanation that she tracked him down by going to AA meetings.

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1 hour ago, MsMalin said:

is his name Sean

Actually, it's Seth - he's played by Brian Gaskill, whose soap acting history includes All My Children, Port Charles (a General Hospital spinoff), The Bold and the Beautiful, As the World Turns and Guiding Light.

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Adding Abbott to CW is a pure ego trip proposed by Nostrils and Nostrils alone. Jill probably hardly ever thought about it at all. Jill would have asked for this as the merger was formed.  Please tell me how adding Abbott to the company name does anything for CW. Did Nostril actually say that Jill helped build Chancellor?  What did she actually do?  Didn’t she just take over the reigns of  a company that was already widely successful built by Katherine. It’s like Victoria taking the reins, of NE, built by Victor.  

What an ass hole.  Nostrils is late to meet Breathless Mahoney for an afternoon delight because he has a business meeting.  Priorities Nostrils priorities.  It’s amazing that Breathless Mahoney is not a member of the black bra club; but she’s a member of the GC itty bitty titty committee.   

Victor already has the ability to get a message to Auntie Jordan via Nikki but he insists to do it through Claire. 

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Whoa, Ashley. You might want to take a rideshare to the mental hospital.

Gotta agree with Victor, Jack and Lauren seem to be doing Nikki more harm than good with their iffy advice. But I didn't like how Nikki had to keep justifying her decisions to Victor. His ego is so delicate.

"I have it under control." Right. Victor and his security team had no idea where Jordan was. Meanwhile, she was busy crafting another way to attack Nikki, via Seth. What will it take for TGVN to accept he's not the master of the universe?

Funny how neither Nate nor Devon see Mamie's influence in the company name battle brewing at C-W. IMO, if she hadn't been so aggressive in her pronouncements that Jill was a threat to what is only partially a Winters property, Billy likely wouldn't have responded the way he did.

How old is Connor; is he even a teenager yet? The kid so messed up no can figure out what's wrong with him, including an entire team of mental health professionals. Scary.

Not sure why Seth doesn't have his own sponsor.

AFAIC Victoria and Nikki should've stopped arguing with Victor, especially since he was continuing to be openly dismissive of their opinions and desires.

Okay, who asked for a love scene starring Chelsea and Billy? Bleh. Nooner not FTW. 🤮🤮🤮

Pillow-talking Billy said Connor was lucky to have Chelsea. Nah, I think Connor's lucky to have rich parents who can throw an endless amount of money at his problems.

Nikki declared Jordan was being lured into making a fatal mistake. Wonder if that means Nikki will get to kill her? <fingers crossed>

Re the previews: Amanda! Bet she's about to go legal on Devon's CEO a$$. Let's go!

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Victor to Nikki: I will not allow you to be the bait for Jordan. You’re too fragile

Victor to Victoria: using Claire is the only option. She’s stronger than you think.

and how exactly does he know that? And as for her ‘wanting’ to do it, she just wants to be welcomed into the family and thinks this is the way because Victor said she’s family. Once they get Jordan, he’ll turn his back on her before she can even say ,‘you’re welcome.’

chelsea to Billy: I’m so worried about Connor that I really can’t concentrate on work.

Billy: here, let me fuck the worry away 🙄

even if Jill herself proposed the idea of adding Abbott to the company name , Devon would still nix the idea. It’s HIS company. It’s run by HIS family and he won’t do anything to relinquish total control. He brushes off every idea Billy has, by saying ‘he’ll think about it’ or ‘get to it when I have time,’ even though Billy is co-CEO, meaning they share the power. But unless it’s Devon’s idea, or maybe Nate’s, it’s not even worth considering.  

Also while it pains me to say this, Billy is 100% correct that Mamie is the problem and out to get Jill. But once again because she’s Devon’s family, that couldn’t possibly be true.

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44 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Did Nostril actually say that Jill helped build Chancellor?  What did she actually do?  Didn’t she just take over the reigns of  a company that was already widely successful built by Katherine.

Jill has been no mere caretaker of Katherine's plans for Chancellor Industries, she has forged a path for the company to achieve even greater success.

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the huge belt blends in and isn't jarring

Yes, its dark color did fit better with the dark dress. What I dislike about Nikki's big belts is how they usually seem to be holding up her sagging boobs. This time her rack was noticeably not using the belt as a shelf, and in profile was just a tad perky. Okay then.


chelsea to Billy: I’m so worried about Connor that I really can’t concentrate on work.

Billy: here, let me fuck the worry away 🙄

Hee, this reminded me of when MCE (Chelsea) was on All My Children. The character she played went bonkers and was put in a padded cell in a psychiatric facility. Her super secret agent suitor kept visiting her and was allowed to be alone with her in the padded cell. He didn't think anything was wrong that some good lovin' couldn't cure so the two of them would have sex on the soft, puffy floor of the cell. I used to say that he was trying to fcuk the crazy out of her. Good times.

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4 hours ago, pvandal said:

It’s just too clownish. 

I enjoy that CZ is playing Jordan in an over-the-top way! It’s fun to watch her. We all know they aren’t going to kill off Nikki or Victor. There’s no suspense in this. So let’s enjoy watching her have some fun.

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Gonna miss CZ when TPTB on Y&R kill her off. One of my favorite people on the Soaps of my youth. Yeah, the wig and glasses aren't cool, but the entire storyline with Seth and Drinki just sucks.  AA is SO misrepresented here. They are not perfect, but those who need help are far from perfect. At this point it seems just a mockery. Send Nikki to fancy-pants rehab ASAP so she will be safe, phone-less, and vodka-free.. 

I have Deacon Sharpe on speed-dial for you, honey.

Again, who is Amanda gonna represent afterwards ?? Nikki...Claire...maybe a drunk and delusional Ashley ??


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What will it take for TGVN to accept he's not the master of the universe?

That'll be the day.  (RIP Buddy Holly)

I wonder what it might take for EB to stop barking out his lines (which are so obviously read off his cell phone) in such a "damned" belligerent manner.  His scenes are like nails on a chalkboard for me.

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On 2/15/2024 at 10:28 PM, Snaporaz said:

when Faith's true identity was discovered and she was taken from Ashley, Ashley was on the verge of yet another breakdown.  But Tucker is the one who kind of pulled her out of that one.  So he is aware of her tendency to have occasional breaks with reality and could be using that knowledge to his advantage now.

Yes, I think then Tucker was played by Stephen Earl Nichols(Patch and/or Stefan Cassadine for all the DOOL & GH MVPs in here 😎) he wasn't a bad Tucker McCall per se if I remember right, but TSJ has a better handle on the comic, sleuthing snake nature of the character imo 

Also, if Tucker is actually screwing with Ashley on purpose after being the one to help her with her mental state in the past is definitely a low blow. But with that said, this isn't a 100% bad way to villainize a character for a "good" one. After Ashland Locke, the dude that targeted Sharon(legit forgot his name), and now Jordan. The villains on the show are one note and are obviously only drummed up to give the "heroes" someone to effortlessly triumph over, beat up & pile on. Or in Adam's special case where he's perpetually the punching bag. Even with his villain streak long behind him. 

Tucker has layers, has a history with Ashley, and he's actually making gains in his moves against her(how ever tedious & drawn out they may be). Now, I do believe this is only happening because she's an Abbott and not a Newman. But it's still something I guess. 

And Victoria can go fuck herself. She's actually concerned about Victor using Claire & not totally accepting her into the family a whopping 5 minutes after discovering her existence? Can you say Adam you mop-headed, hypocritical bitch?

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And Victoria can go fuck herself. She's actually concerned about Victor using Claire & not totally accepting her into the family a whopping 5 minutes after discovering her existence? Can you say Adam you mop-headed, hypocritical bitch?

Right? This is the main reason I've been waiting for Claire and Adam to meet because at some point I think they'll connect not just as uncle and niece but also as Newman family outsiders. The only small advantage I think Claire has over Adam is that she's Nikki's biological granddaughter and not merely a stepson.


I wonder what it might take for EB to stop barking out his lines (which are so obviously read off his cell phone) in such a "damned" belligerent manner.  His scenes are like nails on a chalkboard for me.

Yeah, he's not even trying to hide that he's reading his lines off the props now. Maybe the belligerent delivery is an attempt to make sure he doesn't look weak because he can't remember his lines anymore. Whatever, I tend to look away when Victor's speaking because the way his eyes move around distracts me.

Also, IMO no Y&R actor is less visually engaged with his scene partners than EB than is. It'd be okay if Victor was characterized as being shy but he's not and never has been. So the other characters just stand or sit there talking to him as if there's nothing off-putting about his behavior. And the audience is supposed to accept it too. Ehhh.

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With all the chaos happening behind the scenes here I want to ask: if this site shuts down where are y’all going? I remember snarkfest (lol, my last interaction there was when I got a long meandering wordy pm about hamburgers and hotdogs and not inviting people to snarkfest). 

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8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Yeah, he's not even trying to hide that he's reading his lines off the props now. Maybe the belligerent delivery is an attempt to make sure he doesn't look weak because he can't remember his lines anymore. Whatever, I tend to look away when Victor's speaking because the way his eyes move around distracts me.

I wish I could look away, but I find that I increasingly need to lip-read his minimal lip movements to figure out what he is saying (I DVR & can't turn on CC after the fact just for him).  He is especially hard to understand when slumped in remote locations like the dive bar and Neil's commemorative bar.  It seems like TPTB have cheaped out with only one boom mike trying to pick up the conversations. The yelling may make what he says louder, but that doesn't make it more intelligible. And his eyes are creepier when he is belligerant!

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6 hours ago, MsMalin said:

^ how do you lipread a mummys 's lips?

It is very difficult, but his attempts to purse or widen or open his lips sometimes hints at one or two of the consonants or vowels. It is like Wheel of Fortune trying to add a couple of letters to the half of the sentence I understood to guess the rest of the puzzle/script. Luckily he often slips in his favourites like "You got that?" and "warms the carcass of my heart" so I don't have to tax my brain the entire time.

I often watch podcasts or videos at 1.25X or 1.5X (when available) to save time and especially at 1.5X lipreading helps with understanding what they are saying. If I turn my back to do something, I cannot follow what they are saying. I can only understand Glaswegian if I am watching the speaker's lips.

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