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S02.E02: Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space

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Liz is forced to put her latest experiment on hold after Rosa begins to struggle with her new life in Roswell. Reluctant to face the truth about his mother’s past, Michael turns his attention to helping Maria, who is dealing with her own family crisis. Elsewhere, Isobel agrees to join her mother for a day of spiritual healing to keep herself distracted. Finally, Rosa turns to Kyle to learn the truth about what really happened the night she died.

Airdate: 03/23/2020

Michael Vlamis and Heather Hemmons - GAHD DAYUM!!!  This show is leaving money on the table by not investing wholly in Michael and Maria - whew.  That kiss was just ... scorching and searing hot.

I was so unprepared for Michael to go in like that, lol.

The show is really hitting some kind of stride - Rosa's anger at being made the villain and having the whole town hate on her and having "Max and his white friends" set her the PoC and town druggie up for murder... that was realistic AF.  I couldn't even be mad at her - it was like her dialogue was lifted right from this board.

Isabel - what the hell... she's trying to abort her baby.  Yikes.

I wish Max would tell Rosa why he can't be brought back - he's stuttered out plenty of dialogue - no reason for him not to say so other than plot.

Edited by phoenics
  • Love 14

The music continues to please. 

I'm sad Rosa drank at the end but I'm not really surprised given all the horrible stuff she learned about her death and how the town perceives her. It's actually a miracle she didn't start drinking right away. 

I like Michael and Alex but I love Michael and Maria and that kiss and scene between them was great. 

I hope we find out what happened to Mama Maria soon. 

Can't Isobel just go to an abortion clinic rather than lick alien poison? That just seems too risky. 

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, jewel21 said:


Can't Isobel just go to an abortion clinic rather than lick alien poison? That just seems too risky. 

Especially since she's already been in the hospital - clearly these Roswell aliens don't have fears about being in hospitals and being "discovered".

That's the ONE thing CaM gets wrong about Roswell.  There is still no urgency.  It's too self-contained.  It's hard to buy the argument that Max and co had to set Rosa up for murder because of their fear of discovery when there is still zero urgency and absolutely no one is breathing down their necks to capture and torture them.  I'm still kinda mad that CaM clearly missed this HUGE part of Roswell - without it the show is worse off.  OG Roswell (plus the books) was almost like X-Files meets 24 in that sense and this show desperately needs some of that.

Edited by phoenics
  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, jewel21 said:

I'm sad Rosa drank at the end but I'm not really surprised given all the horrible stuff she learned about her death and how the town perceives her. It's actually a miracle she didn't start drinking right away. 

They did a good job showing Rosa resisting the temptation to drink but then succumbing to it, as addicts do when they fall off the wagon. The writing is a bit better in general this season, IMO. 

  • Love 7

I'm not a fan of Rosa.  She was acting like a brat well before she knew how the town reacted to her death.  The actress is very good, but they can't write the character off fast enough for me.  

Michael/Maria are hot.  More of them please.  And Michael being a mess is good tv.

Why was ManesDaddy  coding?  Did someone poison him?

I am glad Isobel took a morning-after alien drug.  We don't need a baby (jump the shark).

Max in limbo is getting old.

And the conservative woman with her nail polish remover...that wasn't suspicious at all.  But it looks like we've met Kyle's love interest.

  • Love 5

I feel like the last episode implied aliens have an obviously different internal structure. The last time Isobel was in the hospital, Kyle alone appeared to be in charge of her care (unrealistic, lol, but the way they were framing it). I'm not surprised she is not comfortable going to an abortion clinic, BUT, it begs the question of why doesn't she just go to Kyle to get an abortion? 

That said, I honestly hope her alien abortion pill works, because I am not interested in saddling Isobel with Noah's spawn.

I don't think they've said that Max is refusing to be revived because he is connected to Noah, but it's a plausible theory. He's telling Rosa he is in constant pain and wants to be put out of his misery. I think it's possible to likely that is not the truth, and whatever the truth is, he doesn't think it would stop Liz and Michael from bringing him back, but it's enough for HIM not to want to be brought back. And bringing Noah back in some form too, even as a body snatcher, would not be enough for Liz or Michael to allow Max to stay dead, but Max would not want to bring him back for any reason. 

That said, he probably should've just told Rosa if that was the case, lol, since understandably he isn't currently high on her list of priorities and she likely would go to great lengths to keep Noah from coming back. 

Speaking of Rosa, I feel like this episode confirmed the pilot - Rosa started using because she's mentally ill and was trying to "quiet voices." Max may have cured her physical addiction to opioids, but he can't cure mental illness.

So obviously the person Kyle is interacting with is an alien. 

I kind of respected Alex's NFTG face while his father was having a seizure. His father has never been anything but a monster to him.

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, Cristofle said:

I kind of respected Alex's NFTG face while his father was having a seizure. His father has never been anything but a monster to him.

I love that scene! Alex was ice cold. It was great!

Micheal and Maria's chemistry is off the charts, but they're not going to work for me until I see evidence Micheal isn't using her to get over Alex. She deserves better than that.

On a more positive and shallow note: Heather Hemmens was too freaking hot in the outfit she wore to her Woman as Warrior seminar. Good lord! Legs for days!

  • Love 12

I forgot one line I did not appreciate - Rosa saying Wyatt used to be such a nice guy. I'm sure believing your sister's death is the result of the daughter of undocumented immigrants would mess with your mind and may make you predisposed to dislike undocumented immigrants, but Wyatt would be Liz's murderer it if weren't for Max and he beat Arturo nearly to death. He also casually indicated that he was entirely capable of putting Liz in a box and setting it on fire, he just wouldn't shoot a cop. That is a person who has profound issues and hatred that go way beyond his sister's death. Max, Isobel, and Michael did a bad thing, but suggesting they made Wyatt racist is ridiculous and offensive.

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, Cristofle said:

I forgot one line I did not appreciate - Rosa saying Wyatt used to be such a nice guy. …. That is a person who has profound issues and hatred that go way beyond his sister's death. Max, Isobel, and Michael did a bad thing, but suggesting they made Wyatt racist is ridiculous and offensive.

I would be okay with there being a defining incident —such as the loss of a sibling— causing a teen to enter into a path he would not have otherwise, however, didn’t they characterize Wyatt last season as having been a racist before the “accident”? Or am I misremembering?


  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I would be okay with there being a defining incident —such as the loss of a sibling— causing a teen to enter into a path he would not have otherwise, however, didn’t they characterize Wyatt last season as having been a racist before the “accident”? Or am I misremembering?


I'm not sure; I certainly never got any indication there was any love lost between any of the main characters and Wyatt at any point. Liz never mentioned being surprised by some turnaround in him, having been gone for 10 years. Still, if Wyatt hadn't been as violent and hateful as he had been portrayed to be, I'd be more inclined to swallow this, but the guy has been portrayed thus far as a straight sociopath. He also is portrayed as generally sexist (see: the way he talked to Cam early on). His sister's death made him sexist? Extreme trauma can have a drastic impact on someone, but turning a super nice kid into a hyper-racist, sexist psycho with absolutely no conscience is just not a thing. It makes me feel like Carina maybe likes the actor and is going to try to redeem the character. At the expense of, you know, sense.

  • Love 4

Rosa/Alex and Kyle are the only things I am enjoying this season.

The best part of the episode was Rosa telling Liz off about savior Max.  LOL. 

Maria and Isobel have more chemistry to me than Michael/Maria. 

What an awful outfit they gave Maria to wear. wtf was that.

Maria continues to be a shitty friend to Alex. Same with Liz. Like do either of them bother to acknowledge Alex in this stupid love triangle. Last Maria spoke to Alex was her saying it was nothing and its not happening again. She could at least talk to Alex about it. 

Surprisingly Michael was the one who gave Alex a heads up about Maria even if he was a dick about it. To throw it in his face. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Bobcatkitten said:

Also, what the hell was that outfit Maria was wearing? 

41 minutes ago, backhometome said:

What an awful outfit they gave Maria to wear. wtf was that.

Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking that. 🤣 
I was a crunchy granola, bead-making, Ohm-chanting, commune-living flower-child/hippie of the 60s and 70s and even a bit into the 80s, and I have never seen a shaman in hot pants.
WTH indeed.

Edited by shapeshifter
  • LOL 1
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29 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking that. 🤣 
I was a crunchy granola, bead-making, Ohm-chanting, commune-living flower-child/hippie of the 60s and 70s and even a bit into the 80s, and I have never seen a shaman in hot pants.
WTH indeed.

They are trying to give her a bit of an edge, which is fine. But that just made her look laughable. 

  • Love 1

They put Maria in an effing wetsuit, a WETSUIT. The clothes the wardrobe people put these characters in is sometimes just too much and not in a good way.


9 hours ago, phoenics said:

That's the ONE thing CaM gets wrong about Roswell.  There is still no urgency.  It's too self-contained.  It's hard to buy the argument that Max and co had to set Rosa up for murder because of their fear of discovery when there is still zero urgency and absolutely no one is breathing down their necks to capture and torture them.  I'm still kinda mad that CaM clearly missed this HUGE part of Roswell - without it the show is worse off.  OG Roswell (plus the books) was almost like X-Files meets 24 in that sense and this show desperately needs some of that.


One of my biggest issues with this version of the show. 

The only reason I'm still watching this crap is because Jason Behr is coming and I need to see what they do, or don't do, with him. Though I will say that as much as I hate Rosa, her going off on Liz about Max was great and 100% spot on. Also, I'm not convinced it'll be that easy for Isobel to get rid of that baby.

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Re: how Rosa put it in this episode, I don't think the Pod Squad set out to frame Rosa BECAUSE she was Latina and the child of undocumented immigrants; I think literally her car was the one outside of the mines and Max knew she had been stoned because he'd encountered her earlier. Which does not absolve them of not realizing how badly this was going to go down until it had already happened, and there definitely is a conversation about white privilege to be had there, but if one of the other girls' car had been the one outside and Max had seen that one drunk/high earlier, he and Michael probably would have put that one in the driver's seat. But Rosa JUST found out and it was her corpse that was, you know, violated and set on fire, so her reaction is obviously understandable.


Surprisingly Michael was the one who gave Alex a heads up about Maria even if he was a dick about it. To throw it in his face

There was a post...I want to say on Tumblr, about how we originally thought Alex was ashamed of Michael due him freaking out about Isobel being outside while they were naked in bed early last season, but increasingly it's been feeling like Michael is the one who is ashamed and who actively resents Alex (telling Max "it's just Alex" as if he's the only guy he's ever been attracted to, telling Isobel loving Alex is the worst thing that ever happened to him, etc). And I can't say I disagree at this point. And given that, I think Michael is actually correct that they aren't good for each other, because Michael's overt resentment of Alex and his feelings for him, and his kind of strange take on their history that really doesn't match up with what we've seen, is not something Alex should ever be on the receiving end of in a healthy relationship. Still, I find myself sad for Alex, because I just can't see what he's done to deserve it. He is not his father. He has actually taken some fairly extraordinary steps to try to protect Michael from his father. Also, I think Alex has generally taken the whole thing with Michael and Maria fairly gracefully (although I cannot say the same for his fans on other outlets, ahem) so I can't be mad at him there. 

This is a long and rambling way to say that while I generally like Michael, I am increasingly uncomfortable with his attitude towards Alex and I think they both, but mainly Alex, would be better off staying away from each other. Michael has expressed, as recently as the end of the episode, numerous reasons why he likes and appreciates Maria. DOES he like Alex? At all? As a being with feelings? Because I am not seeing it.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Cristofle said:

Re: how Rosa put it in this episode, I don't think the Pod Squad set out to frame Rosa BECAUSE she was Latina and the child of undocumented immigrants; I think literally her car was the one outside of the mines and Max knew she had been stoned because he'd encountered her earlier. Which does not absolve them of not realizing how badly this was going to go down until it had already happened, and there definitely is a conversation about white privilege to be had there, but if one of the other girls' car had been the one outside and Max had seen that one drunk/high earlier, he and Michael probably would have put that one in the driver's seat. But Rosa JUST found out and it was her corpse that was, you know, violated and set on fire, so her reaction is obviously understandable.

There was a post...I want to say on Tumblr, about how we originally thought Alex was ashamed of Michael due him freaking out about Isobel being outside while they were naked in bed early last season, but increasingly it's been feeling like Michael is the one who is ashamed and who actively resents Alex (telling Max "it's just Alex" as if he's the only guy he's ever been attracted to, telling Isobel loving Alex is the worst thing that ever happened to him, etc). And I can't say I disagree at this point. And given that, I think Michael is actually correct that they aren't good for each other, because Michael's overt resentment of Alex and his feelings for him, and his kind of strange take on their history that really doesn't match up with what we've seen, is not something Alex should ever be on the receiving end of in a healthy relationship. Still, I find myself sad for Alex, because I just can't see what he's done to deserve it. He is not his father. He has actually taken some fairly extraordinary steps to try to protect Michael from his father. Also, I think Alex has generally taken the whole thing with Michael and Maria fairly gracefully (although I cannot say the same for his fans on other outlets, ahem) so I can't be mad at him there. 

This is a long and rambling way to say that while I generally like Michael, I am increasingly uncomfortable with his attitude towards Alex and I think they both, but mainly Alex, would be better off staying away from each other. Michael has expressed, as recently as the end of the episode, numerous reasons why he likes and appreciates Maria. DOES he like Alex? At all? As a being with feelings? Because I am not seeing it.

About Rosa - it doesn't really matter if Max and Co did it to Rosa because her car was there or whether they intended to set up the only PoC - the result is that not only was Rosa branded a murderer, but there is the whole added layer of racist hate that her family has had to deal with since.  She has every right to be angry about that - whether Max and Co intended to be racist or or not.  I don't think they intended to be racist, but intentions in this case just don't matter.  Their white privilege blinded them to how this would play out for Rosa's family.  I still empathize with them (well, based on my love of the OG characters) but it was still an awful thing to do.

Especially since there doesn't seem to be any urgency that they need fear.  That Alex's dad never locked them up even though he's known who they are all this time makes NO sense except CaM didn't want the story to have any urgency.

Which proves she doesn't really get Roswell, imo, but whatevs.

Michael and Alex.  This relationship keeps confusing me because I think CaM retconned them a bit from the pilot.  Plus, the way they started off in that adversarial way that I think was meant to be angry-flirty but just read as angry has bothered me from the beginning.  Well, that and the fact that the whole "cosmic" thing felt forced and unearned... and that typically that goes with Max and Liz and I didn't appreciate CaM snatching what made Max and Liz special in both the books and the OGshow and trying to force it onto Michael & Alex when it just doesn't fit them.  I STILL don't know why they are into one another.  I kinda almost get it with Alex - because he's such a puppy dog and he clearly got the crush on Michael when they were younger and they bonded a bit over music, but ... that's it.

CaM still messed up Max and Liz too and honestly the one couple she got right has been Michael and Maria - which was established in the books and OGshow - she got super lucky that Michael V and Heather H have INSANE chemistry - but we already know it's for naught and that Michael and Alex are going to be endgame even though I still feel like their whole story is forced.  Maria is being set up to be the "safe" choice and when she finds out about the aliens, her overreaction is likely to mess up anything she could have with Michael.  It's too bad - M&M are honestly one of the saving graces of this show for me.  I love their banter.

  • Love 5

Sad to see Rosa drinking, she really tried to keep away from it, but she finally gave in. I can understand why she is so upset about what Max and Michael did, even if I get why they did it. Yeah they were trying to protect Isobel after what they thought was a terrible freak accident, but they also posthumously set Rosa up and that led her family being harassed for years. I dont think they were trying to play any kind of "brown girl kills white girls" story, Rosa was just the most convineint scapegoat based on location if I remember right, but...optics are optics and thats what a lot of people saw. Max did give up his life to bring Rosa back and all, so he is at least trying to make up for it, but I can see understand how angry she is. 

Michael is probably too much of a mess right now to be with anyone, and I dont like his relationships with Alex or Maria are particularly healthy. I still feel like he is using Maria to get over Alex, even if I think he does really like and care about her, and he just hates that he is still so attracted to Alex, and is always pissed at him, even when he didnt really do anything, so he tries push him away, even though thats kind of hard when your both covering up a bunch of alien stuff! 

I freaking loved how cold Alex looked when his dad was coding out, and when he was talking to him in the hospital. He has no reason to care about this asshole, he has been a bastard of a father and a human just about every second we have known him. 

Can Isobel not an an abortion if she is an alien with an alien baby? That seems like a much better option than what she is trying to do.

So this woman Kyle met? An alien right? Who else carries THAT much nail polish in their purse? 

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 4
16 hours ago, Cristofle said:

I'm not surprised she is not comfortable going to an abortion clinic, BUT, it begs the question of why doesn't she just go to Kyle to get an abortion? 

It's an alien pregnancy. Regular abortions don't work on alien pregnancies. That's one thing I've learned from movies and tv dating back to V in the 1980s.

  • LOL 9

I am behinning to thing the whole Rosa's murder coverup was unnecessary, I don't think anyone would have thought Isobel was involved, this show does really lack the urgency the books conveyed, there is no fear, not real fear at least. 

  Am I wrong to feel they have turned Maria into a wacky, kooky unimportant character so it's easier to dismiss and sideline her? The showrunner is as oblivious about the optics of reducing a black character to uncompelling side chick as the aliens were about putting Rosa in the driver's seat. Carina wants so hard to come across as a lgbtq ally, she has no problem shifting focus from Maria, and reduce her role significantly, the worst part is CaM specifically wanted to cast a woc as Maria, her wokeness feels selective, as in look how progressive, I checked all the boxes, forgive my casual misogynoir, I made Maria black! She has no problem taking elements from Liz and Max's connection and giving them to Michael and Alex, she seems to forget who the lead is. About Alex, him saying he would also choose Maria,what was that about? He's gay, that was really weird, is he now bisexual as well?

  • Love 4

The point about a lack of urgency is a valid one - it was somewhat there early on (particularly when Wyatt popped out of nowhere and started shooting when Liz and Grant Green were talking), but it turned out that was all Noah, and then Jesse Manes seemed to have known about the Pod Squad for an indeterminate period of time without acting on anything, and it went off the rails. In both the books and the show, the minute Max saved Liz, the entire group got put in the crosshairs and the government agencies hunting them were actively well funded. 

One part of the Rosa/Liz scene that made me roll my eyes was the story about Liz's mother and the car, and how Rosa would NEVER drive under the influence with other people in the car. Because she WAS driving under the influence that night, when she drove to the mines, and she easily could have killed someone on the way there. That she wouldn't drive with someone she knew in her car isn't that much of a moral victory when she doesn't care about any other person on the road she could have killed. What the Pod Squad ultimately did to her is still SUPER bad and isn't made any less bad because she did indeed drive under the influence; that little anecdote wasn't necessary and wasn't particularly believable. 

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Cristofle said:

One part of the Rosa/Liz scene that made me roll my eyes was the story about Liz's mother and the car, and how Rosa would NEVER drive under the influence with other people in the car. Because she WAS driving under the influence that night, when she drove to the mines, and she easily could have killed someone on the way there

Right.  This doesn’t make sense. It’s not even as a retcon. Move over, Rosa, I think I need a drink too. 

  • Love 3

I am behinning to thing the whole Rosa's murder coverup was unnecessary, I don't think anyone would have thought Isobel was involved, this show does really lack the urgency the books conveyed, there is no fear, not real fear at least. 

  Am I wrong to feel they have turned Maria into a wacky, kooky unimportant character so it's easier to dismiss and sideline her? The showrunner is as oblivious about the optics of reducing a black character to uncompelling side chick as the aliens were about putting Rosa in the driver's seat. Carina wants so hard to come across as a lgbtq ally, she has no problem shifting focus from Maria, and reduce her role significantly, the worst part is CaM specifically wanted to cast a woc as Maria, her wokeness feels selective, as in look how progressive, I checked all the boxes, forgive my casual misogynoir, I made Maria black! She has no problem taking elements from Liz and Max's connection and giving them to Michael and Alex, she seems to forget who the lead is. About Alex, him saying he would also choose Maria,what was that about? He's gay, that was really weird, is he now bisexual as well?

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Bloga said:

I am behinning to thing the whole Rosa's murder coverup was unnecessary, I don't think anyone would have thought Isobel was involved, this show does really lack the urgency the books conveyed, there is no fear, not real fear at least. 

  Am I wrong to feel they have turned Maria into a wacky, kooky unimportant character so it's easier to dismiss and sideline her? The showrunner is as oblivious about the optics of reducing a black character to uncompelling side chick as the aliens were about putting Rosa in the driver's seat. Carina wants so hard to come across as a lgbtq ally, she has no problem shifting focus from Maria, and reduce her role significantly, the worst part is CaM specifically wanted to cast a woc as Maria, her wokeness feels selective, as in look how progressive, I checked all the boxes, forgive my casual misogynoir, I made Maria black! She has no problem taking elements from Liz and Max's connection and giving them to Michael and Alex, she seems to forget who the lead is. About Alex, him saying he would also choose Maria,what was that about? He's gay, that was really weird, is he now bisexual as well?

Exactly - this is why I cannot stand this Oppression Olympics Triangle CaM set up.

Also - I took Alex's comment about Maria as a "she's so amazing, who wouldn't want to be with her" kinda thing.  

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, phoenics said:

Also - I took Alex's comment about Maria as a "she's so amazing, who wouldn't want to be with her" kinda thing.  

Same. And it felt very, "See, we totally love Maria and think she's awesome so can you shut up about how she has no story and her sole purpose is being used as a prop in Michael/Alex's epic love story now!"

I continue to just adore Rosa. She gets so many fun lines but she's also got some substance, too. The actress is quite good, although shallowly I find her mouth distracting. 

I loved Maria's horrible outfit at the Warrior Woman thing. It was just so ridiculous lol. I also loved seeing Maria and Isobel interact. More please!

I wanted to like the new girl because I loved that actress in Grand Hotel but she didn't do it for me. She just came too out of nowhere and it didn't work imo. We'll see how it goes though since obviously she's an alien.

I echo the love for Alex's reaction to Todd (I just call him Todd lol) having a seizure or whatever. 

I loved the Michael/Liz scenes and their scenes continue to be the only time I really like Michael. I like his scenes with Maria since they have great chem but at the same time I know they're ultimately pointless so it's hard to get into them.

I'm kind of already over what they're doing with Max. Either bring him back asap or just get rid of him. Also, does anyone know why Nathan Parsons is going by Nathan Dean now? In the first ep I thought maybe they used that name to kind of keep it a secret that Max was still going to be in the show but that was the name in the credits in this ep, too.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Cristofle said:

The point about a lack of urgency is a valid one - it was somewhat there early on (particularly when Wyatt popped out of nowhere and started shooting when Liz and Grant Green were talking), but it turned out that was all Noah, and then Jesse Manes seemed to have known about the Pod Squad for an indeterminate period of time without acting on anything, and it went off the rails. In both the books and the show, the minute Max saved Liz, the entire group got put in the crosshairs and the government agencies hunting them were actively well funded. 


It also makes Max's death feel less important?  Meaning - on the OG show, Max dying would have significant impact because that would be one layer of protection the rest of them would no longer have.  Like - you could se them being in far more mortal danger because they were still being pursued.  On the OGshow and books, there were almost always DUAL threats - alien and alien-hunter threats that combined created this sense of urgency and weight to nearly every decision they made, no matter how banal.  Like - drinking alcohol, which is problematic if you get drunk for most teens, becomes life threatening for Max because one sip makes him completely drunk and risks exposing them all.

That was part of the charm - seemingly little things could lead to them being exposed.  You would think with Carina's focus on the whole illegal immigrant thing and all the little things one would have to watch to make sure one is not exposed - it's the same with the aliens.  Although the aliens can still hide in plain sight - and on this show it feels like illegal immigrants are in more danger than the aliens.

And that's because Carina didn't write the urgency for the aliens.  In the OG show, Max dying would probably risk exposing them all.  Here it's just ... nothing except Sheriff Valenti (who feels irrelevant).

Half the time I'm happy to see someone revive Roswell and make a new version... the other half I'm angry because the showrunner clearly doesn't "get" Roswell.  It's already clear most of the inspiration for the new show is grounded in the OLD SHOW and not the books, like she just wrote a fanfic

10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Also, does anyone know why Nathan Parsons is going by Nathan Dean now? In the first ep I thought maybe they used that name to kind of keep it a secret that Max was still going to be in the show but that was the name in the credits in this ep, too.

His middle name is Dean, right?  Like Nathan Dean Parsons?  Maybe he changed his stage name.

  • Love 2

Alex being in the military and on their side should have also brought about a more powerful enemy on the government side. Like how when Sheriff Valenti became an ally in the show, they promptly started being chased by the FBI. 

Even Frodd's seizing (Jesse Manes, for all you non-OLTL viewers) which was clearly caused by the woman in the fake blonde wig, I suspect is the same woman who Kyle was talking to (same jeans) and that woman appears to be an alien. Where are the government bad guys, yo? 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, phoenics said:

His middle name is Dean, right?  Like Nathan Dean Parsons?  Maybe he changed his stage name.

Yea, apparently it is his middle name. I just don't understand why he suddenly decided to start using his middle name instead of his last name. ETA: Apparently, for Roswell, he'd been using Nathan Dean Parsons, but then used Nathan Dean for the first 3 eps of this season and then Nathan Dean Parsons for the 4th ep. It's not like it matters but I'm oddly fascinated by this for some reason.

4 hours ago, Cristofle said:

Even Frodd's seizing (Jesse Manes, for all you non-OLTL viewers) which was clearly caused by the woman in the fake blonde wig, I suspect is the same woman who Kyle was talking to (same jeans) and that woman appears to be an alien. 

I don't remember a woman in a fake blonde wig. I really do not pay very close attention lol.

58 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't remember a woman in a fake blonde wig. I really do not pay very close attention lol.

She was walking out as Alex was walking up. Alex looked like there was something strange about her, and it would look strange if that woman Kyle was talking to was wearing a wig, lol.



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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Thanks for the caps, I do remember it now! Good catch because I think you're probably right that she did something to Todd and that she is the woman that was talking to Kyle that is clearly an alien.

I hope that brings on a bigger big bad then.  Because Jesse Manes has been a wimpy villain.

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On I hand I like that there is a leading gay couple in the show but Michael and Maria have more chemistry to me.

This  triangle is silly and putting characters in losing positions, why ruin the sweet friendship between Maria and Alex, and it makes Michael looks like a jerk who is constantly juggling two friends. Just kill this triangle. Let the triangle be Max/Liz/Kyle lol.


Edited by CabotCove
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I kinda skimmed seasons one.. Tho I get the gist of the goings on... I am confused tho what happened at the woman warrior thing ( werewolf guy needs to keep coming back)  tween Maria and Isabel... Its like Maria sensed something... The music changed... I'm wondering if there was a revelation about Maria that I missed.... I thoroughly enjoyed Rosa getting on Liz about saving the white night Max... If the girl who Kyle spoke to is an alien... Does that mean her dad( who's like the dean)  is also an alien.. Or a human who knows like Liz and Kyle etc... 

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59 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

I am confused tho what happened at the woman warrior thing ( werewolf guy needs to keep coming back)  tween Maria and Isabel... Its like Maria sensed something... The music changed.

Yea, it seemed to me like Maria was sensing something. I guess it'll come back up later. Also, I agree that the man that was at the Warrior Woman thing needs to come back. He was so fun! 


If the girl who Kyle spoke to is an alien... Does that mean her dad( who's like the dean)  is also an alien.. Or a human who knows like Liz and Kyle etc... 

I didn't even think about that. I hope he's an alien and that there's like a rival group of aliens to Max/Isobel/Michael or something.

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3 hours ago, CabotCove said:

This  triangle is silly and putting characters in losing positions, why ruin the sweet friendship between Maria and Alex, and it makes Michael looks like a jerk who is constantly juggling two friends. Just kill this triangle. Let the triangle be Max/Liz/Kyle lol.

I hate all triangles with a passion, but I wouldn't believe Liz/Kyle/Max either, mostly because Liz has never seemed that into Kyle. She seems very fond of him as a friend, but she's had a lot of chances to see him as someone she could fall head over heels in love with, and she's given it a hard pass every time (plus, it's kinda pointless - Liz and Max are it in any iteration of Roswell).

Triangles are and triangles using three main characters are worse and I cannot see a good way out of Alex/Michael/Maria where marginalized viewers who often lack for good representation onscreen don't get slighted. 

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5 hours ago, Cristofle said:

Triangles are and triangles using three main characters are worse and I cannot see a good way out of Alex/Michael/Maria where marginalized viewers who often lack for good representation onscreen don't get slighted. 

This is why I struggle so much to understand why the writer went with this triangle.

Although, I guess he just had to have a triangle and knew that one involving Liz and Max would truly never work since, as you said, everyone knows Max and Liz are it. But doesn't the writer go around telling everyone Michael and Alex are it? So what the fuck is even the point of this whole thing? I'm so confused lol.

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

This is why I struggle so much to understand why the writer went with this triangle.

Although, I guess he just had to have a triangle and knew that one involving Liz and Max would truly never work since, as you said, everyone knows Max and Liz are it. But doesn't the writer go around telling everyone Michael and Alex are it? So what the fuck is even the point of this whole thing? I'm so confused lol.

The showrunner LOVES love triangles, so she had to throw in one, I wouldn't put it past her to introduce a new love interest for Liz next season, I think Max and Liz will have some kind of fallout...I think CaM has a very superficial view of diversity and representation,  she screwed up Maria  last season and has owned up to it, what what's done is done, she gets very defensive about the whole bisexual triangle, apparently she has consulted "experts" to make sure it was an accurate representation or whatever, maybe she should have consulted experts last year before making a character black and then push said character off the main story arc. 

   Also, didn't Maria notice Michael's healed hand last season? Then now it's like she didn't see it at all.

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I enjoy the show.. But we've got Two WOC and a gay biracial guy chasing after two white guys.. One a broken mess the other a literal white knight... The one MOC was an evil bastard and was killed after using the body of the main blonde white lady to cause terror... Then there's kyle who can pass for white.. And Rosa whos an addict Smh the optics of the show... Should have me lighting things on fire.. But for the most part I just let it ride... 

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9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Well, when you write it all out like that, damn lol!

Yeah I guess on some level( as its the cw where its so commonplace.)  The WOC chasing after white guys was on my mind.. But until this epi and the convo about it ( and Noah just going full villain in the dreamworld) that all the triggers in me set off

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2 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I enjoy the show.. But we've got Two WOC and a gay biracial guy chasing after two white guys.. One a broken mess the other a literal white knight... The one MOC was an evil bastard and was killed after using the body of the main blonde white lady to cause terror... Then there's kyle who can pass for white.. And Rosa whos an addict Smh the optics of the show... Should have me lighting things on fire.. But for the most part I just let it ride... 

Is the actor playing Alex biracial? I know the character is supposed to be part Native American, but is the actor half Indigenous, like Amber Midthunder, who happens to be enrolled in an actual tribe kn NM, or is he just an ambiguous looking white dude? I was honestly surprised when I saw the actor playing his brother.

1 minute ago, Bloga said:

Is the actor playing Alex biracial? I know the character is supposed to be part Native American, but is the actor half Indigenous, like Amber Midthunder, who happens to be enrolled in an actual tribe kn NM, or is he just an ambiguous looking white dude? I was honestly surprised when I saw the actor playing his brother.

I think TB is at least part indigenous... 

1 minute ago, Bloga said:

Is the actor playing Alex biracial? I know the character is supposed to be part Native American, but is the actor half Indigenous, like Amber Midthunder, who happens to be enrolled in an actual tribe kn NM, or is he just an ambiguous looking white dude? I was honestly surprised when I saw the actor playing his brother.

According to Wikipedia, he is English, Welsh, Czech, Swedish, and Native American (Cherokee).

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On 3/24/2020 at 10:24 AM, shapeshifter said:

They did a good job showing Rosa resisting the temptation to drink but then succumbing to it, as addicts do when they fall off the wagon. The writing is a bit better in general this season, IMO. 

And her reason makes sense, right?  She almost succumbs on her own, but when she remembers that doing so will create this protective bubble around her (deafening Max’s cries), I get it.  In his own Idontmeantodoit way, he is still hurting Rosa. 

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