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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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If Derrick gets his way, Nicole will be gone this week. (Because she's a woman who questioned him, I suppose.) Also, Zach has actually said he's perfectly fine with helping Derrick win. These people! 

I think you're personalizing Derrick's game too much, because Derrick isn't playing this game on a personal-to-me level. Derrick doesn't play personal; he doesn't care who lies to him, because he assumes EVERYBODY is lying to him. In this respect the cop background probably gives him a massive advantage, because this assumption is already an ingrained part of his professional life. Derrick is all about the numbers, first foremost and always. Granted this isn't very exciting to those of us out here in TeeVeeWatcheeLand, but it's working stellar for him so far.

Derrick may very well work to evict Nicole - not because she's a woman, but because she would be a number for the opposition in the event of a previously evicted HG's re-entry into the Game. If/when a HG returns from Jury (most likely Hayden at this point, unless the re-entry comp involved target accuracy in projectile vomiting), the most significant negative impact to Derrick's game would be for an opposition force to coalesce around whatever remains of the core of the only group to mount ANY measurable degree of challenge to him - i.e., the Hayden/Nicole alliance, with Donny as an associate member. So it benefits Derrick's game to eliminate as much of that remaining core as possible.

At its core essence, each season of Big Brother is a story of the manipulation of personal politics - and in THAT sense, Derrick has shown himself to be a consummate politician. He reminds me of the old joke - a politician is someone who can tell you to go to Hell in such a way you're actually looking forward to the trip.

Do I think Derrick is a misogynist? Not really.

Do I think there have been/are misogynists in the House? Definitely, and not all were male.

Do I think Derrick would say misogynistic things to exploit other HG's misogyny for purposes of manipulation? Absolutely.

It would be great if someone could play through an entire season of a "reality show" (ugh, I hate that term) while maintaining the highest standards of integrity and moral incorruptibility, and be rewarded at the end; however, I don't expect that show to be the one called Big Brother. This is the primary reason why, although I root so hard for Donny to win, I don't expect him to win. Derrick's ability and willingness to feign whatever emotions are needed to successfully achieve his manipulation goals are far more likely to be rewarded in the context of THIS game.

I want Donny to win, but I expect Derrick to win. I would dearly live to be proven wrong, however.

LOL. [Frankie's] something else. The delusions are real high in him. Like Caleb levels! 

If Grodner wanted a season of Celebrity Big Brother, she (or Kass, I ain't picky) should've gotten off her lazy ass and recruited a full panel of celebrity or near-celebrity HGs for a season of Celebrity BB. This selection of a single celebrity (or pseudo-celebrity in this case) totally unbalances the entire premise of the show. It's like the old saying about how there's nothing more boring than a town with one lawyer. Want some excitement? Get another lawyer!

Same. And yet, every single summer, here I am. It's a sickness!

But this is SO much nicer than last year's sanitarium....

  • Love 11

I've decided I am with you, @SiobhanJW in hoping Zach takes Derrick out. It would be so hilarious and fitting for Derrick, since he has continually kept Zach for inexplicable/arrogance (and sexist) related probably reasons.


I'm kinda glad Donny's leaving. He's too good for these people anyway and he seems like he needs a break from all these assholes/idiots. Plus, with him and Hayden both in jury I'm sure the anti-Derrick sentiment will really heat up and whoever comes back will target him. I'm hoping though that the rumor that there will be a final BOB between the jurors to send 2 back is true because 2 is better than 1 and it's gonna take a lot to get the fools left in the game to target Derrick.

Let's try and infiltrate the house and put Zach in a corner and smack some sense into him!! Haha or hopefully Donny can just do that.

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But this is SO much nicer than last year's sanitarium....


I liked last year better myself. Yes, there were racists, but they got called out on it in the media every single day and that was lovely to see. I'd love to see the sexism get the same attention some year. LOL, pipe dream, I know. And honestly, last season was more entertaining to me because the people were nuts and there was no one to keep them from showing it every day. Also, there was back and forth between sides which I prefer to watch. And, no shame, the first 3 people that were evicted were men and I loved every second of that!

Let's try and infiltrate the house and put Zach in a corner and smack some sense into him!! 


I'll pitch in for a banner plane!


I can't remember if this was mentioned here or not, but last night Frankie said that it was in everyone's best interest to allow him to get to F2 so that they would have a chance at winning America's Fave. Like wow. Man, Frankie is hilarious.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

To me, Derrick is only committed to Keeping The Numbers, as opposed to any persons in the interchangeable alliance/alliances he's been a part of.  I would love to be able to feel good about Derrick's game play, which has been spot on in many respects.  However, as I have watched his game play out on the feeds I have lost all respect for it because of his attitudes, words and actions..


But that in itself completely smashes the fantasy that Derrick is somehow targeting Nicole because of her gender. Nicole is very clearly not a number to Derrick because their faux-F2 agreement is murky at best.


Derrick does have some true commitments outside of his ever-present strategy to stay in the majority every week. His F2 deal with Cody is named (Hitmen) and appears to take precedence based on Derrick's strategizing. His F3 deal with Cody and Zach (LTA) is essentially over now that Zach has blown up all of their games multiple times. Derrick's told us countless times that the original 5-person alliance (Detonators) and the new 4-person alliance (Quad Squad/The Rationale) were essentially competing and that whichever one won out that week (the former) was the one he was going to stay with while he struck at the other. What's left is a new 5-person alliance with Caleb in place of Christine, which seems to be Derrick's only remaining alliance.


He has other allies: a faux-F2 deal with Nicole, a "relationship" with Victoria that isn't an alliance and that doesn't have a name, and Team America with Frankie/Donny that has a name but that isn't a real alliance, but none of them really come close to the new 5-person deal and to his true F2 alliance with Cody.


I'll pitch in for a banner plane!


I can't remember if this was mentioned here or not, but last night Frankie said that it was in everyone's best interest to allow him to get to F2 so that they would have a chance at winning America's Fave. Like wow. Man, Frankie is hilarious.

Haha yay Banner Plane!!

Frankie is so infuriating!!

I really want. Hayden back In that house to blow it up!!

  • Love 1

If Derrick actually takes Cody to F2 I will be shocked. I think he's a much better player than that and probably not arrogant enough to do it (but he might be). He's taking a goat, most likely Victoria, but maybe Caleb. And good for him, he'll get every vote probably.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm over Derrick due to the "taking food out of my daugher's mouth" bullshit. He took food out of the mouths of Jocasta's children, Brittany's children, and Devin's child, so he can sit down, shut the fuck up, and never say that again.

I fully expect every HG to use any and every exploitative means they can come up with to manipulate the other HGs. I also expect them to attempt to disassemble the manipulations of other HGs whenever it benefits their own game. If exploitative life experiences parallel, then hypocrisy becomes a matter of game play.

That being said - after about the 50th repetition, I'm sick of hearing it as well. After the first month or so of nonstop talking to advance game play, though, I'm not surprised they start getting strapped for new material. :)

I can't remember if this was mentioned here or not, but last night Frankie said that it was in everyone's best interest to allow him to get to F2 so that they would have a chance at winning America's Fave. Like wow. Man, Frankie is hilarious.​


Hilarious, and terrible.  That is some Caleb-level delusional right there!


I do not like Derrick at all, but I'm pretty sure he's smart enough to not take to final 2 anyone who has a chance of getting votes.   He's smart enough to take Caleb or Victoria - people who I think no one on that jury would vote for, even if they hate Derrick.  

  • Love 2
I completely disagree. For one, he absolutely has criticized game play in personal terms, particularity with Brittany (and it had sexist undertones to it for sure). If anyone else cares, I'll bring some Derrick quotes over that are pretty glaringly sexist. Also, sometimes sexism (like racism) isn't overt and just about men calling women bitches.



I care, and I can think of a few examples off the top of my head.  Like the time he said he didn't care who won HOH "as long as they have a penis".  That was an early clue.  There were the many times he egged on Caleb's Amber obsession by saying things like "she's disrespecting you" and "she's making you look like an asshole on national TV."  (I assume that was what Nashville was alluding to, and it is impossible to say how much of that was gameplay, but it really makes me question how he would respond to a domestic dispute call.)  On Friday night he was assuring Zach he would have the votes to stay by saying he had his own, Cody and Caleb's votes and then pointed to a bed where Vic had just been sitting and said "and she'll vote how I tell her to vote".  Not the most respectful way to state that he has a lot of influence with her, which is true, and is also true of him and Caleb.


My mother's second husband was a cop (now deceased, RIP) and he treated her well and wasn't physically abusive and didn't blow up when he was angry, but he was a bully nevertheless.  (And a sexist, but he was old, so I give him a pass on that).

  • Love 10

I care, and I can think of a few examples off the top of my head.  Like the time he said he didn't care who won HOH "as long as they have a penis".  That was an early clue.  There were the many times he egged on Caleb's Amber obsession by saying things like "she's disrespecting you" and "she's making you look like an asshole on national TV."  (I assume that was what Nashville was alluding to, and it is impossible to say how much of that was gameplay, but it really makes me question how he would respond to a domestic dispute call.)  On Friday night he was assuring Zach he would have the votes to stay by saying he had his own, Cody and Caleb's votes and then pointed to a bed where Vic had just been sitting and said "and she'll vote how I tell her to vote".  Not the most respectful way to state that he has a lot of influence with her, which is true, and is also true of him and Caleb.


Yes, this.  Also, when people were starting to talk about whether to keep Brittany or not, he said that if someone (I think Cody) saved her, she'd be licking his balls.  When Zach made a similar, but less far offensive comment about Christine, Derrick quickly shut him down and told him that he was disrespecting Christine's husband.  Then, when Brittany came to Derrick and complained that she was being targeted because she wouldn't flirt with Cody, he suggested that she "get on that."

Edited by forgetmenow
  • Love 13

I'm not gonna get mad at Derrick for playing the game well, nor do I believe that the way he behaves in the house is the way he would outside. As an undercover police officer, he's more than likely used to setting aside his own personal views and saying/doing things he normally wouldn't in order to fit in and accomplish a goal. Those guys do whatever it takes to survive. Right now his goal is to win $500k in a house full of frat boys, etc where even the women have laughed at forming an all-women alliance. This is very much a numbers game as well as a manipulative game, he's taken the time to find out what makes everyone tick and how to get them to do what he wants for the most part. I don't think he took food out of Devin's, Brittany's or Jocasta's kid's mouths; Devin blew his own game up, Brittany messed up by talking about her BMW, etc... Jocasta didn't even play the game unless her game was to be conveniently sick. He's seen that most of the cast feels that certain people "deserve" to win based on need and other factors so when he gives that line to Zach, it's because he knows it will reign him in.


Caleb cast himself as a "romantic cowboy", he actually reminds me a bit of that episode in Friends where Joey "drank" a gallon of milk in 10 seconds, where Joey's resume pretty much said he can do all these accomplishments he actually can't do. I hope he watches himself on the show, gains some self-awareness; gets professional help and grows up.


I don't feel bad for Donny, Nicole, etc because they played a too safe game for the most part. They shouldn't be mad at anyone but themselves really for the way things are working out. Donny said he got tired of hearing these people talk weeks ago? Well, it shows. Derricks has put a lot of effort into building a relationship with most of the house. He doesn't jut follow people around and try to get information like Frankie did, he has it good in that most people go to him and then he quietly (as in no shouting necessary) handles what comes up.


The only two I'm disgusted by are Frankie and Christine. I hope they're not really like that in real life. I don't wish anyone's marriage to fall apart but Christine really needs to think about how she's hurting her husband because that's just vile to me.

  • Love 4

It's crazy! BB12 is probably the only other season I remember with absolutely no change in power ever, but at least there were crazies that season that provided some fun feeds. This season has had maybe 2 entertaining nights and that's about it.


I'm trying desperately to come up with two entertaining nights from this season. Clearly, Devin's Bomb Squad meeting in the HOH room ("Deny, deny deny! Even though all eight of us are in a room, we are not in an alliance,deny deny deny!") and subsequent house meeting/cry fest about how he has a daughter. The other was the night Zach flipped his shit after being a HN for eight hours? I think I missed that one. I had hoped that the BS meeting/house meeting was going to set the tone for other wacky shenanigans for the season, but no. Denied. Thanks again, Derrick.



Derrick may very well work to evict Nicole - not because she's a woman, but because she would be a number for the opposition in the event of a previously evicted HG's re-entry into the Game. If/when a HG returns from Jury (most likely Hayden at this point, unless the re-entry comp involved target accuracy in projectile vomiting), the most significant negative impact to Derrick's game would be for an opposition force to coalesce around whatever remains of the core of the only group to mount ANY measurable degree of challenge to him - i.e., the Hayden/Nicole alliance, with Donny as an associate member. So it benefits Derrick's game to eliminate as much of that remaining core as possible.


But this is SO much nicer than last year's sanitarium....

I don't think he's actively thinking that they need to evict Nicole because she has a vagina, but I think that tone was set early on. So far, five women and two men have been evicted, and Devin would have stayed longer if he hadn't been a little cray cray and "Not without my daughter!" (sorry, I don't think the daughter jokes will ever get old). It's hard to say with the female houseguests they casted this season whether they would have made it further. Amber was screwed by Caleb's obsession, I'm still not sure why Brittany seemed to be public enemy #1 for awhile there, and Joey, Paola, and Jocasta have just... been there. But there have been tones of misogyny from the men through some of those votes to my ears and eyes. Obviously everyone sees it differently, and my views have probably been coloured by previous seasons. I expect the misogyny now. If the ants are the 17th HG, misogyny is the 18th HG and wins every year.

Believe it or not, if given a choice between re-watching last season or re-watching this season when it's over, I'm already pretty sure that I would choose last season. Horrible people, horrible things being said, but wart-chewing and all, it was entertaining. And this is a TV show. It's supposed to be entertaining. The only thing I've found entertaining about this season's broadcast shows is seeing the comps played out and the commercials throughout the week that claim "The house has flipped! Alliances shifting! Cowboy stalking!" when we only get one of those and the other two get a quick, "Hey, should we...nah, never mind, we have the numbers."


Haha yay Banner Plane!!

Frankie is so infuriating!!

I really want. Hayden back In that house to blow it up!!


But would he? Would anyone? You have to figure that some combination of Nicole, Donny, and Victoria is going in the coming weeks, barring any amazing Veto or HOH wins (I'm ignoring BotB because they wouldn't put up two targets together). A jury member came back last season when there were four of them. So chances are two more people to jury and then a comp to get back in... and they have next-to-no allies. One. Probably Victoria. Assuming Hayden comes back, the numbers are still against him, Derrick will say he's not trustworthy because of how he tried to flip the house, and Hayden gets a six day vacation from the jury house and Jocasta's poop stories. The returnee angle was probably just to ensure the producer's pet comes back if he was voted out. Whoever comes back will be fucked if Derrick is still in the house.

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It's like she came into the house with the sole hope of riding someone else's coattails. She keeps saying she needs to be able to trust someone 100%. Why? That's the dumbest thing you can do in this house, especially with this group of people.

I've noticed that a lot of people have this problem on BB being completely separated from people whom they know and trust in a way that is pretty much unparalleled in "real life." It's especially true for young people, which is one of the problems with having a cast that skews so young. I doubt that Nicole, Victoria, and Zach, in particular, have ever made a major life decision on their own. They've probably made relatively few "major life decisions" period. Now they're in an environment where every decision plays into their chances of winning $50-$500K and they can't talk it over with anyone they trust in their normal lives. So they end up latching onto whatever individual(s) and group that they can, hoping to fall back into their real life pattern of being guided and protected by people who genuinely care about them. Frankie, Derrick, and Donny, in contrast, are much more comfortable keeping their own counsel and that's a huge advantage in the game, both strategically and emotionally. Frankie likes lots of attention, so he likes to have people around and "liking" him, but he's not really emotionally dependent on their approval or support. Nicole and Vic can't handle the idea of anyone being mad at them, talking badly about them, or making them look "stupid" on TV and they, like Zack, desperately need someone they can trust to tell them what to do. The same applies to Christine and Cody to a lesser extent and Derrick uses that emotional neediness to control all of them in different ways.

  • Love 14

I thought it was gross when Christine was running her fingers back & forth up Cody's arm. I mean it wasn't once or twice. It was like a good half hour. I think even the cameramen were transfixed by it. I couldn't tell if Cody wanted to pull away or not. Although, he does love all of the girls fondling him. I think he's used to it outside of the BB house, too. I do wish he would leave though. I literally get drunk every night during the literally drinking game. And, I mean that literally. LOL!!

  • Love 4

I'm not gonna get mad at Derrick for playing the game well, nor do I believe that the way he behaves in the house is the way he would outside. As an undercover police officer, he's more than likely used to setting aside his own personal views and saying/doing things he normally wouldn't in order to fit in and accomplish a goal. Those guys do whatever it takes to survive. Right now his goal is to win $500k in a house full of frat boys, etc where even the women have laughed at forming an all-women alliance. This is very much a numbers game as well as a manipulative game, he's taken the time to find out what makes everyone tick and how to get them to do what he wants for the most part. I don't think he took food out of Devin's, Brittany's or Jocasta's kid's mouths; Devin blew his own game up, Brittany messed up by talking about her BMW, etc... Jocasta didn't even play the game unless her game was to be conveniently sick. He's seen that most of the cast feels that certain people "deserve" to win based on need and other factors so when he gives that line to Zach, it's because he knows it will reign him in.


The thing for me about Derrick is that out of all of the houseguests, he has always seemed to be the most aware that he's not in a frat house but rather that he is being watched all of the time (i.e. his constant shoutouts to the feedsters and his cautions to other houseguests about using certain offensive words, like r****d).  He would be best served, in real like and even in the game, by conducting himself accordingly.


The original poster can correct me if I'm mistaken, but I think the point of saying that he took the food out of other players' children's mouths is not that that actually happened, but that he has as much right to make that accusation as they did.  Which, of course, is none at all.

Edited by forgetmenow
  • Love 3

The best Christine/Cody moment happened last night in the living room. Christine was on the couch, Cody face planted near her crotch across her lap and she was rubbing his back both under and over his shirt. Cue the cameramen zooming in and out on her wedding ring. Christine practically pissed herself laughing at something Cody said while Nicole and Donny sat there kinda stone-faced. Cody gets up and leaves, and Donny turns to glare hardcore at the back of Christine's head. I don't know if it was because of the Cody snuggling or her uncontrollable laughing, but Donny was having none of it. The camera zoomed right in on him, too. Then I was the one practically pissing myself laughing. He really doesn't like her it seems and that one heated glare seemed to speak volumes. 

  • Love 13

The way I see Derrick is like this: there's the character he's portraying to the house guests (so he can fit in with the frats), who he's portraying to the audience (the TA player that wants to look good) and lastly, who he is outside of the show (father/husband). I think he tends to compartmentalize which i why I also stated that as an undercover police officer he probably tends to put aside his own personal views and does/says things he normally wouldn't to accomplish his goal. 


I never said that his accusations were right or that I agree with them, just that I admire his game play and he's doing whatever it takes. The difference to me between when those other three said it and when he did is that he's playing a smarter game than them so even though when he makes those statements it does annoy me, I can't fault him because he's making it work for him. He knows who to say that to. I didn't watch but I thought he agreed with Cody that people only deserve to win if they play the game and he's definitely playing.

  • Love 1

I think Derrick is kind of an asshole who is playing a great game. Just in case anyone wanted my two cents.

So Caleb is supposed to work on Christine while they're gone to backdoor Nicole. That is something I'd actually like to see. I think the boy is a total nut job, but sometimes he makes rational, thought out arguments, and it's kind of eerie. Like a switch has gone off in his brain. And then someone mentions Amber, and it all goes out the window, and he's back to being a nut job.

Poor Donny. He probably is perfectly fine going to the jury house at this point. While I think part of it is due to his own introverted, quiet personality, I don't think he ever had a chance with this group. If he ends up America's favorite, I'm hoping the cameramen are my friends and get close ups of Frankie and Derrick's faces, among others.

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 9

Quote from Peach:

So would I. Banner saying: America hates Frankie but loves Beast Mode Cowboy.

Just to mess with their heads.

My best case scenario is Derdick makes it to the final three or four and gets cut by Cody or Zach.

That would be great. Or imagine if Nicole by some Miracle makes it there and they cut him to keep her. Lol

The one thing I didn't like about Derrick when Frankie was reveling all his secrets was him kinda giving him a hard time about lying about it and how everyone here is who they say they are. There wasn't a need for him to say that, and it just pissed me off cuz he was lecturing him about it and he's hiding something.

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 3

I watch a lot of golf (yeah, I know, I know), and it is so funny to hear Jim Nantz having to give the Big Brother promos in his Mister Rogers voice.  They just played a commercial for tonight's show, and the BoB set looks like a football field, and Zach was featured in a positive way.  


It was football themed: 

Announcer: Tonight...

Cody: Let's go baby!

Announcer: With this gridiron challenge, a little unnecessary roughness just might be necessary

Christine: Hold on!

Then interspersed with random shots of houseguests wrestling throughout the season including Victoria and Derrick (?) throwing flour (?) on each other, Zach shoving Caleb (in a playful way), Nicole and Hayden in a pillow fight, Frankie wrestling with Zach and Cody in bed and giving the thumbs up to the camera, etc


Cut to Zach in DR yelling: I LOVE IT!

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I'd like to throw in my two dollars and fifty cents thought...


I like Derrick's game, but he doesn't know when to rein it in.  He takes it one step too far when he bashes another houseguest for no reason, and makes stuff up.  I like a game where the players 'spin' what someone else says, and then 'imagines' what they might be thinking.  There's no reason to invent things.  A real power player would manipulate the truth, not ignore it.  I think that's the way the politicians and media pundits do it.  

I get that this has become a 'bro house' and for that reason the women are on the outs no matter what.  I'm willing to believe that isn't the way the guys are on the  outside.  When the guys are together their energy creates a lot of 'bro-ness'.   I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt on that aspect.

Yet - the way the Amber/Caleb thing went down - very not cool.  I didn't feel much for Amber's game in any event (when she was HOH she let others write her speech for her), but someone should have stood up for her.  You'd like to think a cop would be the one, but I'm not going to ding him on points for that.  I will ding him because he piled on...he encouraged Caleb's delusions and made it seem it was Amber's fault.  That was irresponsible for any person.

I think he wants to stay with the numbers and makes sure he's in a position to go where the numbers take him, but I think he's decided he wants to play with the guys.  He never had any intention of being in an alliance with Nicole and Hayden.  It would have been a smart move on his part (because I want Frankie gone) , but he screwed it up - seemingly on purpose.  I felt betrayed!! :) 


I'd love to be a fan of Christine, but I don't get why she lies all the time.  I don't think straight up lying is the best way to go.  At least one thing you say has to be true.  To someone.


I'm a fan of Nicole.  I don't know why people don't like her.  I really do. 


I haven't watched the feeds too much in the last couple days - after Frankie's announcement, he became insufferable and I couldn't bear to watch them lie about Nicole.  Frankie is pretty bad.  I felt really sad for him the other day when he knew he was alone and he was formulating his Dan Funeral.  He was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, shifting back and forth on his feet, alternately fluffing his pink hair and putting on his makeup.  I just thought about being 31 and wanting to be famous and doing anything he could to stay young.  That seemed sad to me.  

I know his family and friends love him so that's good, but from what I've seen he seems like a mean person.     


I have a soft spot in my heart for Zach.  He really is like a puppy dog.  I know he's been an ass and said terrible things, but he's emotionally honest.  He had this idea that he'd come in the game and be the villain, but he can't help wearing his emotions on his sleeve and wanting to play and play and play with all his friends.


I don't understand Donny's game.  He's really smart and nice, but he knew he was the oldest one there and would be on the outs.  I haven't seen him try to DO something - to take his fate into his own hands.  That confuses me.  


I want to believe Cody would prefer to play more of a Nicole type game (a little bit of challenge win, a little bit of wheeling and dealing, and loyalty to an alliance), but he's one of the bros so he's playing that route.  Along with many others of you, I literally don't understand why he feels the need to stroke and be stroked.  A  lot.  Literally, one minute he says he's not into one of the girls, and the next minute, he's rubbing their arm or hugging them or playing with their hair.  I have a feeling he's in for a lifetime of misunderstandings when it comes to women.  Literally.


Caleb is a piece of work and I don't like some of his behaviors.  But, he's definitely made some good points here and there.  He's loyal to the alliance.


Victoria has my name so she's ahead on points already.  I think she's a good person and she knows how she wants to play the game, but it's not working out the way she expected.  Although, I'm not entirely clear what she expected or what her game play strategy is.  I wish she had healthier ideas of what constitutes a beautiful family.


Phew - thanks for letting me get that off my chest!!!!

  • Love 15

So Caleb is supposed to work on Christine while they're gone to backdoor Nicole. That is something I'd actually like to see. I think the boy is a total nut job, but sometimes he makes rational, thought out arguments, and it's kind of eerie. Like a switch has gone off in his brain. And then someone mentions Amber, and it all goes out the window, and he's back to being a nut job.

Well, if they are given liquor, he just might pull it off. I hoping not. I really want to see Nicole survive long enough for Hayden to come back.

  • Love 2
I don't understand Donny's game.  He's really smart and nice, but he knew he was the oldest one there and would be on the outs.  I haven't seen him try to DO something - to take his fate into his own hands.  That confuses me.

Donny just isn't a very good player. He seems like a great guy and he's good in the sense of being smart and observant about what's going on in the house, but he's not good at coming up with strategies to advance his game and thwart those he correctly identifies as threats. In a different season Donny might have hooked up with other players who were better at strategizing and done better in terms of having an impact on the game. He's also been hurt by the double HOH twist, which has made it nearly impossible to shake things up even when someone like him wins HOH.


I think Derrick is an excellent player, but he's been greatly helped by this particular combination of hamsters. That's not his fault and it doesn't diminish the good work he's done, but things might be different if there were at least a couple more players who were more of a challenge for him to control or isolate. The many sheepish hamsters this season have basically had no strong shepherd to follow besides Derrick or one of his minions. There's no other game in town. Derrick has done a lot of great work to create those conditions, but it's been tremendously helpful that Frankie is the second most strategic player. Frankie has decent game skills, but he can't touch Derrick in terms of reading and influencing people and Frankie is 1000X more obvious than Derrick and significantly more concerned with bullshit like building up his brand and his show biz career. Derrick is all business all the time, which is great for his game but makes him kind of a boring "character." In addition to finding him boring (outside of his mad manipulation skills), I don't like him much as a person so I'm not a fan, but I do give him credit for excellent game play.

  • Love 6

At this point I want Donny to be voted out so he can go relax in the jury house and win America's Favorite. As much as I'd like to see him persevere and trump all these people, I think this whole thing is weighing too heavily on him and he deserves a break. Then I want Hayden to come back, and have him, Nicole, Zach and Victoria team up and boot the rest out one by one. Then it would just be hilarious if Victoria won. So that's my BB dream. Make it so universe!

P.S. If it weren't for the runner up prize money, I would like to see Derdick and Victoria make it to the end and then have Victoria win.

  • Love 5

I cannot, for the life of me, understand these people saying things like "you're taking food out of my daughter's mouth" or any variation thereof.  I'd feel so stupid making that remark because the people you're talking to are playing the same game and wanting to win the money just as much as you.  Does one expect everyone else to back off and stop playing their game so you can win because of stupid remarks like that?  It just doesn't compute!


Between making alliances, naming those gazillion alliances, and worrying about being America's favorite, it's no wonder these people are being picked off one by one.  If they would concentrate on the purpose of the game, maybe they'd see Derrick for what he is and actually do something about it.  As much as I don't like the guy, he is playing a great game, and his training and background have helped a great deal in his ability to snow just about every person in the house.  As for his "true F2 alliance" with Cody?  Cody isn't going to be sitting in that seat next to him in the finale; mark my word, "just sit there and look pretty" Victoria is going to have that honor. 

  • Love 6

I care, and I can think of a few examples off the top of my head.  Like the time he said he didn't care who won HOH "as long as they have a penis".  That was an early clue.  There were the many times he egged on Caleb's Amber obsession by saying things like "she's disrespecting you" and "she's making you look like an asshole on national TV."  (I assume that was what Nashville was alluding to, and it is impossible to say how much of that was gameplay, but it really makes me question how he would respond to a domestic dispute call.)  On Friday night he was assuring Zach he would have the votes to stay by saying he had his own, Cody and Caleb's votes and then pointed to a bed where Vic had just been sitting and said "and she'll vote how I tell her to vote".  Not the most respectful way to state that he has a lot of influence with her, which is true, and is also true of him and Caleb.


My mother's second husband was a cop (now deceased, RIP) and he treated her well and wasn't physically abusive and didn't blow up when he was angry, but he was a bully nevertheless.  (And a sexist, but he was old, so I give him a pass on that).


There's not a single part of that that's sexist, not even a little. They were in an all-males alliance, he manipulated Caleb so that he could use him to benefit his game (and he did), and Victoria DOES vote how Derrick tells her to vote because they have a bond. Were Nicole and Christine sexist when they played Caleb the exact same way with respect to Amber?

Is Valencia up and crying yet?

I had a dream last night that the HGs had a movie luxury comp and Frankie and Christine got to watch The Giver while Meryl Streep was downstairs giving an acting masterclass. When Frankie came back to find Meryl had gone he sobbed uncontrollably, yelling over and over "I WAS IN MAMMA MIA, TOO!"

  • Love 2

I want to see someone nominate Derdick and say it's because they WANT to take food out of his daughter's mouth. I could see Zach doing it.


Also, just to throw my two cents in, I agree that the statements;  "as long as they have a penis", "she's disrespecting you" and "she'll vote how I tell her to vote" all qualify as sexist. And yes, women can be sexist too, even towards other women.

Edited by TexasChic
  • Love 11

Lurker here coming out to get some opinions. I'm not concerned with how or what Derrick uses to play the game. (Although when - not if, cuz we all know he HAS to see himself - Frankie watches this season, he will see what acting really looks like.) Derrick has played a great game from the beginning. He's so smooth and flying under the radar (IMO) that except for Donny and possibly Hayden, no one sees what a puppet-master he's been. I would like to think that Cody maybe has some idea, because he's mostly been about the game, even during the Mogul's reveal. But I haven't seen anything overt to say for sure, but I'd love him to cut Derrick at the end with a "you thought you had me fooled" speech at F3.

I haven't really seen Derrick say much about who to vote out based on who might come back. Hayden coming back in will definitely shake things up, especially if Zach goes next week and Zach runs his mouth, which we all know he will. But is Derrick playing the scenarios in his mind and considering who can do the least damage? Here's my question though: has Derrick been TOO much under the radar? Unless he starts transitioning his game to actually winning some comps, from the outside as another player, he's playing a floater game. I think right now Derrick deserves to win, but we see everything; other players don't.

  • Love 2

There's not a single part of that that's sexist, not even a little. They were in an all-males alliance, he manipulated Caleb so that he could use him to benefit his game (and he did), and Victoria DOES vote how Derrick tells her to vote because they have a bond. Were Nicole and Christine sexist when they played Caleb the exact same way with respect to Amber?


Sexism is just allowing another's gender to dictate what you think of them and how you treat them.

  • Love 1

I would like to think that Cody maybe has some idea, because he's mostly been about the game, even during the Mogul's reveal. But I haven't seen anything overt to say for sure, but I'd love him to cut Derrick at the end with a "you thought you had me fooled" speech at F3.

Ha! Like that's going to happen.

I don't understand Donny's game.  He's really smart and nice, but he knew he was the oldest one there and would be on the outs.  I haven't seen him try to DO something - to take his fate into his own hands.  That confuses me.  

At this point in the game I tend to regard Donny as more of a BB scholar than a BB player. He reminds me of some of the more "ivory tower" professors of my college days. In their chosen field they could recite volumes of facts, examples, styles, etc., etc. Only problem was they'd never actually had to put all this knowledge to practical use IRL. If there was a college degree course on BB, Donny would probably breeze through to his Ph.D - but he has next to no feel on how to implement his knowledge in a practical Game setting. He started out good, straight out of the BB Playbook: "Step 1: In the first few days, pick a smart savvy player and form a F2 deal." Donny choice of Devin could be considered either poor or unlucky, however - take your pick - and he was never able to recover.

Right now you can tell he's already conducted a mental dissection of this season - knows exactly who has been doing what, who's doing it now, and what they're likely todo in the future - and is attempting to pass on this information to Nicole. Donny talking to Nicole kinda reminded me of Master Splinter sitting like Buddha on a rock talking to, say, Michelangelo - except Michelangelo was more receptive, and Master Splinter had a better spinkick. :)

I cannot, for the life of me, understand these people saying things like "you're taking food out of my daughter's mouth" or any variation thereof.  I'd feel so stupid making that remark because the people you're talking to are playing the same game and wanting to win the money just as much as you.  Does one expect everyone else to back off and stop playing their game so you can win because of stupid remarks like that?  It just doesn't compute!

They're not saying it to the HGs they see as competition for the F2 chairs. Those comments are meant for the poor schmucks who will be sitting on the Jury, and looking for reasons - sometimes ANY reason - to pick one Finalist over the other.

  • Love 6

Sexist is not only discrimination based on gender, it's also attitudes & behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender. Examples would be 'keeping a woman in her place' or 'doing a woman's thinking for her because she's not smart enough to think for herself'. The comments; "She's disrespecting you" and "She'll vote how I tell her to vote" fall into this category. The fact that these comments were proceeded by "I don't care who wins HOH as long as they have a penis" make it that much more incriminating. In addition, these statements have never been used in reference to the men. They have said things like, "I have Caleb in my back pocket", but that isn't the same as "He'll vote how I tell him to vote". I think there is definitely some misogyny (the hatred or dislike of women or girls) afoot. 

  • Love 18

I believe I read in the overnight feeds that Frankie (after being told Nicole made some remark about Ariana) that Ari's followers would "deal" with her.  So glad his soul his clean now that he shared his truth.

Oh damn. NOW I would be scared. What the hell does he think they're going to do? Give her a severe taunting on Twitter? Break into her house in the dead of night and give her really really bad makeovers? Enquiring minds want to know!

  • Love 4

I agree that the frat guy mentality is sexist even if the women on the show seem to agree with it and not stand up for themselves. I also agree that Derrick has made sexist statements and that it was wrong of him to encourage Caleb in regards to Amber. I hope that in real life when he is not playing a character basically in order to win $500k that he would not behave in such an irresponsible and deplorable way. I am trying to give him the benefit of a doubt just as I am trying to give Zach the same as a lot of the things he says are disrespectful even though it's done in a semi-comical way. I didn't see anyone, though, not even Donny stick up for Amber so I'm not just going to blame Derrick for that. Quite frankly I don't see how anyone involved in this show should be proud of the way that was handled.


I know this is old but in regards to Caleb saying he's not the "brightest crayon in the box", I don't blame him for that, I think depending where you're from that is said in different ways. To me, brightest also makes sense since crayons are used to color and are best when bright and not dull. Sharpest works, too, I'm not too picky so long as it makes sense and I can understand it since I realize those sayings have a ton of variations.

  • Love 3
I don't think he's actively thinking that they need to evict Nicole because she has a vagina, but I think that tone was set early on.
Sexist is not only discrimination based on gender, it's also attitudes & behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender


Exactly.  Derrick has consistently acted in a very sexist manner - he never truly consults with women about strategy, and never wanted women in his alliance.  He talks down to some of the women and seems not to respect them as individuals.  Moreover, he comes across to me as seeing women as needing a man (usually him, but not always) to protect them, to calm them down, to put them in their place, and other similar sexist things.  Sexism doesn't have to be as overt as "Hey, stupid woman, go make me a sandwich" - in fact, it often is much more subtle than that, and that is when it can be seriously harmful, because it's easier for people to deny it or blind themselves to it.  

  • Love 17

At this point I want Donny to be voted out so he can go relax in the jury house and win America's Favorite. As much as I'd like to see him persevere and trump all these people, I think this whole thing is weighing too heavily on him and he deserves a break. Then I want Hayden to come back, and have him, Nicole, Zach and Victoria team up and boot the rest out one by one. Then it would just be hilarious if Victoria won. So that's my BB dream. Make it so universe!

P.S. If it weren't for the runner up prize money, I would like to see Derdick and Victoria make it to the end and then have Victoria win.

I hope Frankie does not win America's Fav based on his sister. If I were in the house & he "confessed" who his sister was, it would not effect my game or what I thought of him in the least. It wouldn't change the facts.

All of this stuff with Frankie lately - building himself up as such a big 'star' in the outside world, while famewhoring off his sister - takes me back to the original "Mighty Ducks" movie with Emilio Estevez; when the dbag old coach thinks he's telling him off for trying to go against him. 


I hope Zach (or someone) flips out again and yells something like this at Frankie, while he's in the middle of another "I'm a media mogul and my sister is a super famous recording artist - look at me!!!" spiel:  


"You're not even a has-been;  you're a never-was."

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 2

The main thing that has me against Derrick is when he says stuff like "Donny is a major schemer" and "Nicole is a pathological liar", granted this whole thing is a game, but where or where can anyone tell Derrick where Donny had a scheme going?


Or he just repeats it often enough that everyone else drinks the koolaid?


ETA how much do you think that all of Victoria's "hair" costs?

Edited by njbarmaid
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