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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Man, last season I was frustrated that people (mainly Helen) were constantly saying it was "too early to make a move" and that "now is not the time" to actually target the power players, but this is even worse. It's not just too early to target Derrick, people aren't even considering it! This is so insane to me.


I'm surprised Caleb would agree to throw something and appear "weak", but I'm guessing this is all for Amber in some convoluted way. It feels weird to root for him here, but I really want Zach, Nicole and Donny to be safe this week. 

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Apparently Frankie is going to tell everyone his sister is Ariana sometime soon. He told Victoria that she will be really excited when he tells her something, that he plans on telling everyone and it's not game related. Imagine if he tells them thinking they'll all kiss his ass when in reality none of them even know who she is and it's just like crickets. That'd be amazing.



I would LOVE that! If Zach or someone was like, "…and my brother is Peyton Rance..??? We already knew you had a sister, Frankie." Or if Victoria was like, yeh I know..DR told me I couldn't say anything. 


But still, since Victoria really likes Ariana, I feel like Frankie would only tell her if he thought she had a deciding vote that would send him out or if she was HOH and he didn't want to go up. Basically it will be completely game related. 

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Apparently he wants to tell them that he's there for his charity. Yeah I don't think they are all going to care. Lol.

Listening to what he's telling Caleb about how Frankie is playing for a "group" of people and how it's something good that he wants to share, I don't think he's going to bring up Ariana at all. However, if Victoria stands up and says something about it...

Caleb hilariously keeps trying to one-up Frankie, like always. Frankie says he's playing for more than just him, Caleb: "Oh, me too." Frankie says he's been bleeding from the ass for the past twenty minutes. Caleb: "I have watery diarrhea." Sorry, Caleb, not winning this one. I'm waiting for someone to share a skydiving story, just so Caleb can say, "I jumped out of a plane, too, but my parachute didn't open."

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Honestly, while Frankie coming clean about Ariana won't help him, it is an interesting move. Let's face it, the people who come on this show are a bunch of famewhores (with a few exceptions), and I know many of them always think they'll go on to bigger and better things. Caleb in particular, the nut job. I truly believe one of the reasons Boogie won his season is because he had those restaurants and was partners with Ashton Kutcher, and the other HGs wanted to stay on his good side so they could go hang out with the "stars" afterwards. I can see Victoria and Caleb salivating about hanging out with Ariana afterwards.

But it's fun seeing Frankie panic.

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I don't know why he'd think Victoria would be especially excited to hear about his charities. LOL she wouldn't give a fuck!

By what he said to Caleb a bit earlier, I'm starting to wonder if he's gonna out TA actually. Which would be truly wonderful, so it probably

won't happen.

I don't think it would be wonderful. Everyone would just go after Donny.

Heh. The HGs in the kitchen were talking about their activity bracelets, and how Derrick's was rating higher right now because of how he uses his hands while talking in the DR. Christine jumps in with "Yeah, they're going to mock me for my hand movements in there". Well, we're mocking and judging you for your hand (and foot) movements on Cody, but she was close!

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Caleb hilariously keeps trying to one-up Frankie, like always. Frankie says he's playing for more than just him, Caleb: "Oh, me too." Frankie says he's been bleeding from the ass for the past twenty minutes. Caleb: "I have watery diarrhea." Sorry, Caleb, not winning this one. I'm waiting for someone to share a skydiving story, just so Caleb can say, "I jumped out of a plane, too, but my parachute didn't open."



This makes me laugh.  He's that Kristin Wiig character Penelope. 



Apparently he wants to tell them that he's there for his charity.

Cue someone saying that must be nice and that they have to play for themselves and their families.   I just don't see how that helps.

Edited by vb68
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I don't think it would be wonderful. Everyone would just go after Donny.


They already are!


I just want drama. I don't care enough about anyone to care about people going home. I like Donny and Victoria, but they aren't going to win anyway, so I don't care when they go.


Basically, and I've said this before, all I want is something, ANYTHING, to happen that will make Derrick's road to the win at least a bit harder.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I hope the BoB is conducive to something really hilarious.  Like Frankie in a harness hanging helplessly in the air while Caleb sits there yelling at him.  Or a puzzle where every time Frankie puts a piece, Caleb knocks it on the ground.  This could be really, really funny... but I should not get my hopes up.

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I think Frankie telling about his sister would only help with Victoria because she is a fan of Ariana. Does anyone know if Ariana is in college? He told Nicole earlier in the game his sister went to Muhlenberg were I think Frankie went to school. If he told anyone else that it might hurt him because people might wonder what else he is lying about. I actually would not mind if Frankie was evicted and came back because if he goes out unanimous he would blame Derrick/Cody/Zach. Now that I think about it Derrick's game could blow up with this twist just like Amanda's game was blown up by Judd coming back.

It is! He even said he's gonna shout "THIS IS FOR AMBER!" when he sits down in the middle of the comp. LOL.


I am confused by this, isn't he under the impression that he is the reason Amber was sent home?  Because Beast Mode King of the House wanted her gone?


I'm expecting at least two "Who is that?"s, Donny for sure, maybe from Derrick? And I'm hoping for a lot of "Well, he doesn't need the money" when he leaves the room. Oh, and Caleb will ask Frankie to set him up with his sister. If only...

That would sure be my reaction, or just a blank stare.

I am confused by this, isn't he under the impression that he is the reason Amber was sent home?  Because Beast Mode King of the House wanted her gone?


But he only wanted her gone because of Frankie's horrible, disgusting lies! LOL.


ETA: I'm getting so scared that BOB is late because they're changing it so it's an individual comp. They were apparently still working on it only like an hour or so ago. I doubt they could change something this quickly, but I feel like they'd do it to save Frankie. They won't let us have nice things!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Caleb, Derrick, Nichole and Zack are ripping Frankie apart in the HOH room.   Caleb is blaming Frankie for Amber's eviction.  


Caleb (practicing what he'll say to Frankie):  Frankie, do you know what integrity means?  


Thalia:  He might, but I'd be shocked if Caleb knows how to spell it. 

Edited by Thalia
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Seriously, the BotB can't happen soon enough. I'm dying over Caleb's plans for the comp, and all the ways he's going to screw Frankie, and all the things he's going to say. If he actually goes through with it, this is going to be one of the funnier comps. Especially if Frankie is left danging in the air.

But he only wanted her gone because of Frankie's horrible, disgusting lies! LOL.

ETA: I'm getting so scared that BOB is late

because they're changing it so it's an individual

comp. They were apparently still working on it

only like an hour or so ago. I doubt they could

change something this quickly, but I feel like

they'd do it to save Frankie. They won't let us

have nice things!

How would that even work, though?

I don't see a way that it would work as an individual comp. The whole point of the competition is to work in pairs.

Even if each person did something individually, I assume they would score people in pairs.

Edited by Sara2009
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How embarrassing for Christine that even Victoria knows all about this plan and she doesn't.


Zach is so done with Frankie. It's hilarious. I wonder if his mom is OK? She's been working the Zankie angle hard on twitter.


ETA: @Sara2009, they've already done an individual BOB. The chess one. Although even then you could sabotage your own partner.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Apparently, Frankie had Nicole lie to Caleb about something Amber said/did. Or in Nicole's version, Frankie "forced" her to lie to him. She told Caleb this last night, and now he hates Frankie. I have no idea what the actual lie was, but I do remember some drama that week involving Nicole being told to say something about something. I don't know, it's all so stupid, but it was brilliant in getting Caleb to do anything to evict Frankie.

I mean I hope you're right, but Frankie is the fave this season and I'm afraid they're gonna do whatever they have to to save him.


Although, the fact that a jury member is coming back makes me think maybe they'll let it happen and he'll just come back.


ETA: @Katesus7 it was the lie about Amber trying to form an all girls alliance.

Edited by peachmangosteen

ETA: I'm getting so scared that BOB is late because they're changing it so it's an individual comp. They were apparently still working on it only like an hour or so ago. I doubt they could change something this quickly, but I feel like they'd do it to save Frankie. They won't let us have nice things!

Probably more likely Production is trying to delay the comp start as long as possible to give time for the sabotage plan to unravel, for Frankie to find out, or both.


Probably more likely Production is trying to delay the comp start as long as possible to give time for the sabotage plan to unravel, for Frankie to find out, or both.

Pretty sure they already planted the thought in his brain.  Earlier Frankie went to DR, came out and asked Caleb if he was planning on throwing it.  Unlikely to be a coincidence.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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You know, if they really wanted the plan to fail, all they had to do was bring Derrick in DR and talk him out of it. He could've ended it because he controls all. So, now I'm thinking they're willing to let this happen and they'll just make sure Frankie comes back.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Actually, Derrick was called to the DR earlier and was in there for a very long time. Everyone thought it meant the comp was about to start. When he came out, I honestly expected him to start to flip the script, but so far nothing. Honestly, between Donny and Frankie, I think BB would rather keep Donny.

Edited by Katesus7
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I don't think the BOB is happening today. I think the poster who mentioned a selfie-taking contest upthread was onto something - that's totally what they're changing this competition into. I'm guessing they'll have to pair hashtags with selfies, or maybe take selfies at a certain angle and the HG who comes closest to the desired angle wins immunity for the team. Frankie will slay it and Christine will remain the HoH and she will invite Cody up to her room and they will touch eachother's hair and talk about farts and Donny will go home.


Not paranoid.

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Have any of hamsters said out loud why hasn't Derrick never been nominated? It's pretty impressive that he hasn't but the houseguest are really dumb.


I know that Donny, Christine, and Nicole have all brought up how Cody and Derrick (and Frankie) have never been nommed, but then they don't do anything about it. LOL.


BOB will definitely be today. They never go off schedule. Plus they have to do POV tomorrow. I guess maybe it's just gonna be a very late comp. It's almost gonna have to be after BBAD. That starts in 3 hours, so I doubt they have enough time to get it in before.

Isn't it at all possible that Zach is totally faking his animosity toward Frankie? Would he really turn this quickly? I can see Zach doing this to stir up drama and to get closer to his real target which is Derrick. Zach is no dope.

I hope during next Thursday we get to see Jill Rance and Joan Grande meeting up for the first time.

I think Zach isn't faking it. He does seem genuinely upset at what he's been told about Frankie, hence his intense anger and bashing of him to others. He was crying in the rock room earlier today when he was by himself, and I think it's because of Frankie but who really knows. Nonetheless, he is definitely angry, but what I appreciate is that he isn't being fake to Frankie's face and he's letting him know that he's angry at him. Unlike most people he fakes with in the house (Victoria, Nicole, Caleb), he's showing all his cards, which is why I do feel like it's absolutely genuine. 


I just need Frankie to pull him aside when he's calm, tell him about Derrick and Cody's betrayal, find someone to back his story up somehow (possibly Caleb?) and have Zach take that information in on who he's trusting right now. I do think that once this is all over, Frankie and Zach will be close friends (I can tell by the way they've treated each other, backstabbing aside) but I think their relationship in the game is broken unless they find a way to fix it. But outside of this game, they will be absolutely fine, especially with their families stanning hard for the two of them. 

I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out that the second Caleb finds out about Ariana Grande his scorched earth policy toward Frankie will change. He wants a music career, doesn't he? And Ariana G is hot looking. He will immediately have visions of red carpets and limos dancing in his head. He would think he'd stand an excellent chance of getting to be her date at awards shows. Amber who?

Edited by TimWil
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Forgetmenow, that would funny. Someone would say, "Everyone raise your hand if you have a final 2 deal with Derrick?" All hands would be raised and everyone would look at Victoria & say, "You too?!?!?!" LOL!!!


And, then the guys from production come marching out of the DR, followed by AG, Zingbot and Baby Zingbot, all of whom have a hand raised.

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Just walked by a cab here in NYC and there was a roof ad which read "Ariana is Coming." It was for the MTV Awards on the 24th. I guess she really is a big deal.

There's already speculation that the other HGs might not believe Frankie. I doubt that. If he provides full disclosure of his intent to use all his BB money on charities then it's assumed he's basically telling them he can't win it all. And so they'd tend to believe he really does have a famous sister. He didn't lie about what a success his grandfather was. You'd think from that alone they'd figure he doesn't need to win the big money.

It will be so much fun watching Caleb suck up to him once he knows about Ariana. Victoria will be adorable in her reaction, too, but I strongly suspect she's known for a long time.

I stand by my opinion that Zach is faking his animosity towards Frankie. It's a brilliant move.

Oh I agree it's nice someone in the Big Brother house is noticing even if its a year later.

Oh, they noticed. It's the reason she was targeted. That's always been my theory anyway.


On another note, is it the norm to have fish on BBAD? I decided to tune in and all I get is fish.

Edited by TexasChic
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