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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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This is a dream! Amber was just telling Cody that if she wins POV she'll take down Christine/Jocasta so they can put Donny up.


Damn, I was about to respond to badsamaritan that that dream really IS a dream because five would get you ten that if Amber could eliminate anyone in the house, she'd eliminate Donny because she's so clueless and now you tell me she actually explicitly said that. Hilarious. 

It really wasn't that bad. I mean, it definitely is bad game play, but Christine and Nicole are acting like he called them whores or something! He called Nicole a 'dingus froot loop' and compared Christine to Jenn City. Christine and Nicole are worse when they shit talk people behind their backs!


Lol.  I'm totally going to start calling people "dingus fruit loop" and "Jenn City" when I'm irritated with them.

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Is there any chance that Caleb would be the replacement nominee?

Yes.  Right now the plan is to target either Amber or Caleb, most prefer Amber.  If Amber wins the veto and uses it, Caleb would probably be the replacement nominee.  Unless Zach does something random again.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation

Funny.  Brittany was a recruit and didn't really know how to play the game - at first - but of all the females that were cast, she was the one the guys were most 'afraid' of.  And that's why they hustled to get her out yesterday.  Now they can sit back and pick off the rest of the females one by one, occasionally trying to BD someone; ie Caleb - but even that will be a "believe it when see it" thing, considering Cody's lack of courage to do it "because it benefited the alliance more than himself" last week.


The only thing this new situation could prove beneficial to viewers, game-wise, is that the "power sisters" Christine/Nicole have to wake the F up and realize that they're not as high on the totem pole that they once believed they were.  


Joey/Brit/Amber were/are right; [90% of] the guys want the girls (& Donny) out ASAP.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

Funny.  Brittany was a recruit and didn't really know how to play the game - at first - but of all the females that were cast, she was the one the guys were most 'afraid' of.  And that's why they hustled to get her out yesterday.  Now they can sit back and pick off the rest of the females one by one, occasionally trying to BD someone; ie Caleb - but even that will be a "believe it when see it" thing, considering Cody's lack of courage to do it "because it benefited the alliance more than himself" last week.


The only thing this new situation could prove beneficial to viewers, game-wise, is that the "power sisters" Christine/Nicole have to wake the F up and realize that they're not as high on the totem pole that they once believed they were.  


Joey/Brit/Amber were/are right; [90% of] the guys want the girls (& Donny) out ASAP.


If there is one thing I would love to see on the live feeds it would be Christine's reaction.  With the exception of Zach (who really did it to himself) I don't think any member of the "Detenators" have been up on the block.  Like other people have mentioned if the idea is to have them win BoB and take themselves off the block, and if it was a totally foregone conclusion that whatever players you put up against Victoria/Jocasta would win, why not put up two of the guys?  Why isn't Derricks name in the ring?  He is a strong competitor.  Why not even Hayden, who they don't even have an alliance with!  Why not Cody?  He is obviously a strong competitor, he won HoH, and he almost won it on the balance beam thing.  The only member of the Detenators that they are okay with putting up as a "pawn" is Christine....

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The plan was for Christine to go on the block and throw the competition. Christine refused. Zach said he needed to be HOH so he can be the one to back door Amber or Caleb and to keep the blood of the rest of the Detonators hands. When Christine pitched a fit, Zach got pissed because Cody just let Caleb go for the good of the rest of the alliance and Christine couldn't do the same. That's when stuff started spiraling in my opinion.

The plan was for Christine to go on the block and throw the competition. Christine refused. Zach said he needed to be HOH so he can be the one to back door Amber or Caleb and to keep the blood of the rest of the Detonators hands. When Christine pitched a fit, Zach got pissed because Cody just let Caleb go for the good of the rest of the alliance and Christine couldn't do the same. That's when stuff started spiraling in my opinion.

I'm happy to hear stuff is unraveling!  What are the rest of the Detanators telling Christine?


Joey/Brit/Amber were/are right; [90% of] the guys want the girls (& Donny) out ASAP.



If there is one thing I would love to see on the live feeds it would be Christine's reaction.  With the exception of Zach (who really did it to himself) I don't think any member of the "Detenators" have been up on the block.  Like other people have mentioned if the idea is to have them win BoB and take themselves off the block, and if it was a totally foregone conclusion that whatever players you put up against Victoria/Jocasta would win, why not put up two of the guys?  Why isn't Derricks name in the ring?  He is a strong competitor.  Why not even Hayden, who they don't even have an alliance with!  Why not Cody?  He is obviously a strong competitor, he won HoH, and he almost won it on the balance beam thing.  The only member of the Detenators that they are okay with putting up as a "pawn" is Christine....


The thing is that none of the outsiders have recognized the full scope of the operation by the people at the top.  Everyone who has gotten wise to the actions by the majority of the men seems to feel that there is at least one of the men that they can trust and they tell that person who then views them as a threat.  You also have people like Amber and Christine who seemingly have thought (at some point) that they were "in" with the power group and reported on the actions of others who have become suspicious.  Knowledge is power and the power group (especially Derrick and Frankie) seems to get every relevant piece of knowledge.  Also, there are now so few people that those who know they are outsiders don't have the strength to accomplish much (especially since those who are on the bottom of the power group have been slow to realize that they are on the bottom and haven't shown a willingness to jump ship). 

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I'm glad that Zach is stirring things up just for my entertainment purposes but I don't care for him at all. I think there's a good reason he doesn't have any friends on the outside and just hangs out with his 10-year old little brother -- he's a bratty little shit. And out of all the guys, I'd say Zach is right up there in terms of thinking poorly of women in general. He's admitted that he's trying to imitate Dr. Will and that he plans to turn his BB appearance into something big on the outside. I think he finds upset fun when he's the one causing it but just like some of the others in the house, he's acting a certain way because he wants to be famous. I'll laugh my ass off if he gets back doored this week or booted next week. But I don't think it will happen. The girls are going to do a face palm when they realize the other guys who were saying how sorry they are, etc. etc., were all in on everything and knew about Zach's speech. I don't blame Nicole for not realizing but Christine should definitely know by now that nobody in that alliance does anything as an individual. 


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Christine and Nicole won BOB.


Apparently Frankie told Zach to mend all his fences. Let's see how this shakes out.


ETA: Jacosta hurt her knee. Frankie told Zach that'd he'd pick Donny or Hayden to play for veto if he gets to choose as it would give away them working together if he picked Zach. He said that he thinks Donny would use veto on Jacosta if he won. As of today the plan still seems to back door Amber. With this group who knows how long that will last.


ETA2: I have to say Frankie has trained these boys in the art of cuddling with him.

Edited by kellog010

With Nic and Christine winning, I would be shocked if anyone other than Amber or Jacosta walked out the door Thursday. My only hope is Amber winning veto and saving Jacosta, but I'm not pinning any hopes on that. One of the only two remotely likable women will leave, the men will pat themselves on the back for getting out a 'target', while continuing to promise final two with whoever they happen to be in the room with at the time, and I will roll my eyes about five thousand times. Yippee.

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The only way Frankie will BD someone is probably if Amber wins POV and removes Jocasta. At that point he'd almost have to BD Caleb. 


ETA: OK, that's not true, the above is the only way he'd BD Caleb. He'll probably BD Amber is pretty much anyone wins POV. But IDK if he tryuly has the balls to do that since Caleb would be pissed.

Edited by peachmangosteen

It seems like most in the "alliance" prefer Caleb to stay because he's a mindless sheep (vote) as soon as Amber is removed from the equation which is why they shifted focus to Amber. Jacosta would go if no one used the POV. The only wrench is if Amber somehow wins it. This may all change once Derrick puts his word in. A lot can happen from now until Monday.


Hayden, Christine and Nicole are in the Have Not room talking about back dooring Zach so this will be a tense couple days. Zach has to mend those fences so they get back on the Amber hate train. It's a tall order.


Hayden working in they have to get rid of Amber to Nicole.


ETA: I think Frankie just did some damage control for Zach. I'm shocked, he deflected Nicole back onto the Amber hate train with Hayden helping. Said he's going to babysit Zach until POV so he stays calm.

Edited by kellog010


Since the odds of Caleb getting BDed are pretty slim, I really hope it's Jocasta that goes. She's absolutely useless.

I agree.  I'd be worried she'd be paired with a player I want to stay for BotB and drag him/her down so much they can't win it.  I'm fine with Jocasta going.  

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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Does anyone pay for the feeds month by month?  Is it a calendar month or just 30 days from the day you sign up?  I'm anticipating it might be an endurance HOH on Thursday and thought that would be a good day to sign up, but it's July 31st.  I don't want to get charged for July.


Does anyone know if Jocasta was a recruit?  On last night's BBAD Frankie said to her "You're a fan of the show.  You know this game."  And she said yes.

I don't know for sure, but I'd imagine if you buy the feeds for a month on July 31st then you'd be charged again on August 31st, unless you cancel before that.


I think Jocasta applied. She has been watching the show since like season 4 or 5, I think. Which makes her game play even more maddening really.

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Jocasta was just bitching to Frankie and Derrick about Victoria's poor game play in some kind of physical BOB comp.  Which I find HI-larious given Jocasta's generally poor game play.   I also heard her complain about someone crying, since you shouldn't "cry over spilled milk."  Whoa.   


And of course, Victoria walked in while she was being bashed.  I don't think there is any way in the world any of these women can work together.  

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I don't know for sure, but I'd imagine if you buy the feeds for a month on July 31st then you'd be charged again on August 31st, unless you cancel before that.


I think Jocasta applied. She has been watching the show since like season 4 or 5, I think. Which makes her game play even more maddening really.


Wait a minute, she's actually playing the game?!  I'd argue that she's more useless to the game than Victoria.  At least Victoria can win a couple comps, without getting sick or injured.  (I guess Jo does provide sermons and prayers, as well as 'saves' people, so there is that....)


I don't mean to diss her on a personal level, but with as physically ill as she usually is, and now something about hurting her knee in the BOB comp?  It'd be a 'mercy killing' to get her evicted before something really bad happens to her in the house/game.

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Plus, everyone has been crying in this game (Nicole, Caleb, Cody, I'm sure others).

Jacosta is always sick and now she is injured from a physical comp, so criticizing Victoria about that probably is not the best strategy. I think Victoria has a point that America is bored that she is nominated again, I know I am, but they are laughing at her for saying it.


Wait a minute, she's actually playing the game?! 


LOL! Yea, I think it's hard to tell whether she's even playing at all or just playing terribly.


I hope Victoria wins POV. It's not like anything interesting or good is gonna happen unless Production does something anyway, so I just want to see people bitch some more about how useless Victoria is after she wins yet another comp.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Quick question, if someone wins POV and then uses it on someone else, is the original pov winner also safe?  Somehow in my head I was thinking Survivor and if they gave away the immunity that left them vulnerable.


Yes, IF the POV winner isn't already on the block. If the POV winner IS on the block and chooses to use it on the person sitting beside him, then there is a chance they will go home if the replacement isn't voted out instead - and the rest of the house wasn't already plotting to backdoor the replacement. (As in, they wanted the POV used, so they could give their real target the boot). There have been a few instances I can think of, when this happened. I think Brenchel did it - Brendan deliberately used his POV on Rachel, and he was indeed, voted out.

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Derdick is thirsty for Victoria. If I was his wife I would be pretty pissed. He is so gross. He was talking about Victoria giving Hayden blow jobs (he's pressed because he thinks she likes Hayden), that she'll marry an ugly, old rich guy (he's pressed she wouldn't fuck him), and talking about how those guys will have fat ugly ex wives. Listen, you pig faced asshole, look in the mirror you piece of shit. I hate him so much.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 11

I hope Victoria wins POV. It's not like anything interesting or good is gonna happen unless Production does something anyway, so I just want to see people bitch some more about how useless Victoria is after she wins yet another comp.

For real! She's done far more than most of the people in the game. I think she just has a silly, dingy personality, so that causes them to dismiss her. It doesn't mean she's not playing the game in her own way. Wouldn't it be hilarious if she made it to the end, and then revealed her entire clueless persona to be a sham? That would actually be genius! Why hasn't someone done that?

Derdick is thirsty for Victoria. If I was his wife I would be pretty pissed. He is so gross. He was talking about Victoria giving Hayden blow jobs (he's pressed because he thinks she likes Hayden), that she'll marry an ugly, old rich guy (he's pressed she wouldn't fuck him), and talking about how those guys will have fat ugly ex wives. Listen, you pig faced asshole, look in the mirror you piece of shit. I hate him so much.

Gross! He just went into Season 15 territory. I wasn't necessarily a fan, but I'm officially done with him.

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According to Jokers, Zach just told Derrick and Frankie that they are Donny's targets.  If they buy it Donny will be the target either later this week or next if he doesn't win HoH/Veto/BotB.  But it's Zach and with TA they might not believe it.


I don't think Donny ever told Zach who his targets are, he just argued for people to go on that block that haven't been.  I think Zach is just making it up even though I think Donny really would target Derrick and Frankie.


One of Derrick's low points was yesterday when he told Caleb he couldn't let Amber diss him on national tv.  All she had done was refused to talk to him.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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Okay, I'm not sure if y'all know this, but I think Caleb just might be delusional.


Jokers: 07/25/14 06:15 PM

Caleb talks about a missed opportunity (to Frankie and Zach)...
His friend back home has a boyfriend who is Johnny Depp's stunt double. "He was gonna get me in the next Pirate's of the Carribean, like a major line, like in a role, like rockin' with Jonny Depp and his crew, and it was gonna be over a million that I was gonna get paid. But [his friend/connection] got had an accidental pregnancy and messed everything up."



Jokers 07/25/14 06:28 PM

Hayden heads up to HOH restroom to masturbate. 


Just thought y'all might want to know.

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One of Derrick's low points was yesterday when he told Caleb he couldn't let Amber diss him on national tv.  All she had done was refused to talk to him.


Yes, I just watched that 10 minutes ago (I'm just watching BBAD now), if we are talking about the same incident.  I had to rewind it to confirm I heard that correctly,  Caleb tells Amber to chill.  Amber doesn't chill (tells Derrick she's no longer confiding in anyone in the alliance).  So, according to Derrick, she disrespected Caleb.  WTF?


Yes, IF the POV winner isn't already on the block. If the POV winner IS on the block and chooses to use it on the person sitting beside him, then there is a chance they will go home if the replacement isn't voted out instead - and the rest of the house wasn't already plotting to backdoor the replacement. (As in, they wanted the POV used, so they could give their real target the boot). There have been a few instances I can think of, when this happened. I think Brenchel did it - Brendan deliberately used his POV on Rachel, and he was indeed, voted out.


Didn't Marcellus do that, or just decline to use the POV at all?  Or something like that?  (Long time ago)


Derdick is thirsty for Victoria.


I have thought that since the week he was HOH and she kept hanging out in his room.  He was trying to act all casual about it, but I definitely got that vibe. And not only should his wife chew him out about his rampant sexism, I think his employer might want to sign him up for some sensitivity training.


Didn't Marcellus do that, or just decline to use the POV at all?  Or something like that?  (Long time ago)

Yes, Marcellus didn't use the veto on himself and got voted out. It was hilarious.


And not only should his wife chew him out about his rampant sexism, I think his employer might want to sign him up for some sensitivity training.

Definitely. I hope he gets shit at work, which probably makes me terrible, but I don't care. But who am I kidding, he's a cop, this is nothing to them I imagine.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Okay, I'm not sure if y'all know this, but I think Caleb just might be delusional.


Jokers: 07/25/14 06:15 PM

Caleb talks about a missed opportunity (to Frankie and Zach)...

His friend back home has a boyfriend who is Johnny Depp's stunt double. "He was gonna get me in the next Pirate's of the Carribean, like a major line, like in a role, like rockin' with Jonny Depp and his crew, and it was gonna be over a million that I was gonna get paid. But [his friend/connection] got had an accidental pregnancy and messed everything up."



Jokers 07/25/14 06:28 PM

Hayden heads up to HOH restroom to masturbate. 


Just thought y'all might want to know.


Well, Nicole is going to be a jealous hag now....  of Rosy Palm, and her 5 sisters.

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You can't help but laugh at the "Beast Mode Cowboy".  Seriously.  Let's review;


- Served in the army, in Iraq [this is the only thing out of his mouth (so far) that is the slightest bit believable]

- Has a record deal waiting after BB

- Was asked to be on Survivor, Amazing Race, & the Bachelor

- Has a bunch of good buddies that play for the Dallas Cowboys

- Had a friend who would have gotten him a major line-reading in PotC, w/ Jonny Depp; but the dumb ho went and got knocked up

- Was a prison guard, who quit because of prisoner treatment

- And gobs of other great personal experiences


This dude has lived a full life, and a half, at the ripe old age of 26!

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