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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Zach and Frankie spoke privately. The plan is still to get rid of Caleb and if that fails then Jacosta. Frankie wants to lose BOB so Zach is HOH and can do the dirty deed. Frankie is either going to put up Hayden and Nicole or Hayden and Donny. Zach to put up Jacosta and I think Victoria.


ETA: For the first time, every body in the house should get their own bed.


ETA2: Zach told Frankie that if by some miracle Jacosta and Victoria won and Frankie was HOH he had to still backdoor Caleb or the house (alliance) would turn on him. Though I would not be surprised if he rallied to get rid of Jacosta instead. Zach really needs to win this HOH.


ETA3: None of this was run by Derrick yet so don't be shocked if this changes once Derrick gives his .02 cents.

Edited by kellog010

I don't like Derrick personally, but I think he's played a strong game, even if he has been lucky that the outsiders are all inept. Plus, of course, he was helped immensely by a move he never would have authorized had it been presented to him (adding Christine to their alliance). Christine has been the difference-maker so far.  If she was not part of the dominant alliance, she certainly would have agreed to work against the dominant alliance. But since she IS part of the dominant alliance, she keeps the outsiders from ever going anywhere. That said, I don't want to overstate her importance TOO much, as I believe he'd be fine even if she wasn't with him - her being with him just makes it all the more easy.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Yeah, I haven't seen any real work done. Joey, Paola, Devin and Brittany were predictable, easy boots. Again, there was that one day where Zach went off the rails, and that was fun. But the same people having the same meeting every night about how they have to get people who have no game out of the house isn't interesting to me. Although I could possibly compare this group to the Friendship, with probably Derrick in the Maggie role.


I liked watching Maggie control the Friendship (to the point where they occasionally came to her to mediate disputes among themselves).  I agree that the early boots were predictable and somewhat easy which is what they should be if you are controlling the game.  You make sure that your people stay "on mission" and move those who are straying back into place which is what Derrick (frequently aided by Frankie) has done.  Virtually every time someone has suggested something different from what Derrick wants those people have backed down, fallen in line, and acted/voted they way he has wanted.  Players who have this kind of control often forget to continue monitoring their minions.  So far Derrick has not made this mistake and things have gone his way.


Zach asked Hayden who he'd want out and Hayden said "For my ego, Caleb, because I hate him, but I feel like it's a better game move to get out Amber." What the fuck with this guy? Why is he so obsessed with Amber? It's like Caleb levels at this point.


Also, how much do you wanna bet me that if Hayden is nommed he won't hate Frankie/Zach the way he hates Amber? Ugh, Hayden has fallen so far in my esteem.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Yep, it is really weird with the Amber hate by Hayden.  He was making obnoxious faces when she was talking on the live show when julie asked her about the activity tracker.  Maybe it is to appease Nicole?  Maybe she rejected him before the feeds came on?  Group think?  I don't know, but it is quite unbecoming.

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He was making obnoxious faces when she was talking on the live show when julie asked her about the activity tracker. 


I saw that. It's very strange. I feel like it has to be that he wants her and she never gave him the time of day.


Well, Derrick is in with Frankie now, so he'll probably beat any chance of something good happening out of him. He's also subtly planting seeds against Zach. 



Well, Derrick is in with Frankie now, so he'll probably beat any chance of something good happening out of him. He's also subtly planting seeds against Zach.


For me, figuring out the Zach/Frankie game relationship is very hard to do.  I do believe that they have a personal bond, but I'm not sure where that lands versus game bond.  I've always pretty much understood why Frankie went hard at Zach, when Zach lost his mind when Devin was HOH.  He was more than happy to get him out because what he did that week was batshit crazy for an alliance and for anyone standing with him.


Is Zach worth the effort to keep him in line?  Or was Frankie smart to try to cut ties because it was too much effort?  Is Derrick smart to try to cut ties because he's realized how much effort it takes?  Do Frankie and Zach really have a F2 alliance?  We've seen Derrick backing away from the Cody/Derrick/Zach F3?  Does Derrick trust Frankie more now that he realizes Frankie was trying to keep order in getting rid of Zach earlier?


It is not really playing out onscreen in depth, but these questions are in the back of my mind. 

Edited by pennben

Ha, Donny may have unintentionally convinced Zack to put up Christine.  Donny talked to Zack about the people that haven't gone up on the block yet and how they should pay their dues.   Now Zach is going around telling Derrick/Cody that he's going to put her up! 


Derrick and Frankie might yet talk him out of it though.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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Zach's plan is to get out Caleb. I believe Derrick's plan is to get out Amber. Frankie's plan is to have the house still love him. It might actually be interesting to see which plan prevails. Although 98% of it will be these people saying "yeah, yeah, I agree" to each other. It's hard to sift through all of that BS.

ETA: the brain trust of Derrick, Cody and Zach has (at this minute in time) decided that Christine and Amber vs. Victoria and Jacosta would be excellent nominations. Please try to hide your shock at this development.

Edited by Katesus7
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I think a fun thing right now is figuring out who is going on the block and who is the target.  I expect things to calm down shortly.


However, the just giggle factor at the moment is Caleb explaining to Zach that sometimes Amber is on her period which makes her crazy.  Which, of course he would say that.


Also, it amuses me because I am beginning to believe that Caleb is perimenopausal.  #BreastModeCowboy.

Edited by pennben
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Already it's looking like limiting Zach's fight to 20 seconds might be more of a challenge than getting him to fight with someone.

I think a fun thing right now is figuring out who is going on the block and who is the target.  I expect things to calm down shortly.


However, the just giggle factor at the moment is Caleb explaining to Zach that sometimes Amber is on her period which makes her crazy.  Which, of course he would say that.


Also, it amuses me because I am beginning to believe that Caleb is perimenopausal.  #BreastModeCowboy.

That killed me too!  I just have to remember that his momma told him that "Life is like a box of crayons..."

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That killed me too!  I just have to remember that his momma told him that "Life is like a box of crayons..."


Well, I, too, think the poor boy is confused.  He understands that colors can bleed into each other.  And then he knows that women have periods.  And then he puts two and two together and he comes up with "farfegnugen"!  Because that makes as much sense as anything else.

Edited by pennben
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Well, I, too, think the poor boy is confused.  He understands that colors can bleed into each other.  And then he knows that women have periods.  And then he puts two and two together and he comes up with "farfegnugen"!  Because that makes as much sense as anything else.


Well, you know, crayons can be bruised.  Or mashed.  Or is that pickles...?

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As I mentioned earlier, Christine has been a major part of the dominance of the Derrick/Frankie-led alliance, so the fact that they're willing to put her up, even as a pawn, shows a surprising lack of understanding of how important she has been. So it'll be fascinating to see if she actually reacts poorly to such a development. You'd think she'd have to, no? "No, no, Christine, you see that we need you up so that you can win BotB." "Oh, okay, but if that's the goal, then why not put Derrick up?" "Ohh...uhmmmm...well, you see, we don't want to risk losing hi....wait, no, never mind. Pretend I didn't just say that. Uhmmm..."

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The fleet of buses were out in full effect last night. No one was safe from being tossed under the bus wheels. The list of people said to be going on the block has changed so many times I actually don't even know who it really is since Zach is such a wildcard. I don't know if Frankie actually wants Zach gone, they seem to have gotten closer and Frankie seems fond of Zach's insanity. This week will really show if that Final 2 deal is legit or not. When Derrick and Frankie were talking Frankie seemed to be leaning on he didn't want to back door Zach because he said the girls are going to pressuring him to do it. However, Frankie can separate his personal feeling from his game feelings so who the heck knows.


I will say that Zach is perceptive in the fact that he has called Christine out on the fact that she in fact does nothing. Too bad no one will listen. The TA task will be get Zach to argue with Christine in nominations and Zach has already prepared a speech for it. If I were Derrick and Frankie the last person I would get rid of is Zach since he does not care about doing the dirty work for you and is known to be an asshole in the house and he's a vote for you. Plus, he is most of the house's target so that  can buy at least another week.


I don't know how anyone else has not seen that Derrick runs that house with Frankie as a close second. Them being in Team America has solidified that alliance since they seem to exclude Donny from most of the planning and just tell Donny after they decide what to do without asking for much of his input. Those Outsiders should start banding together.

Edited by kellog010
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From Jokers:

4:42 AM Quick summary- Nominations as last decided- FRANKIE: Victoria & Jocosta / ZACK: Christine & NicoleZack plans very insulting speech for his noms, the guys are gonna pretend to be shocked...


Wonder how many more times it will change before the nomination ceremony.

Well imagine that, all women.

Edited by TexasChic
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I wish one of the woman at the nomination ceremony would say, "shocker!!!!" Then start up with "hey! everybody wake up!! The men are in a alliance". They are either too dumb or scared or both to say this. The guys are being way too obvious but it hasn't hurt them at all. Isn't anyone suspicious that Derrick never been nominated?!

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As I mentioned earlier, Christine has been a major part of the dominance of the Derrick/Frankie-led alliance, so the fact that they're willing to put her up, even as a pawn, shows a surprising lack of understanding of how important she has been. So it'll be fascinating to see if she actually reacts poorly to such a development. You'd think she'd have to, no? "No, no, Christine, you see that we need you up so that you can win BotB." "Oh, okay, but if that's the goal, then why not put Derrick up?" "Ohh...uhmmmm...well, you see, we don't want to risk losing hi....wait, no, never mind. Pretend I didn't just say that. Uhmmm..."


I don't think there's a chance in hell Christine will get it. She'll just think it's all Zach, whom she already hates anyway. She thinks Cody is her boyfriend and is totally gonna take her to the end. She thinks she's actually a real part of the alliance. Idiot.


I will say that Zach is perceptive in the fact that he has called Christine out on the fact that she in fact does nothing.

I hate Christine, but I gotta agree with @Brian Cronin that she is actually a very big reason why The Detonators are able to dominate the way they have been. Obviously to them she's just some dumb icky girl who is weak and doesn't do anything, but without her to cut it off at the knees every time it came up, there was a real chance the women could have done something.


I don't know how anyone else has not seen that Derrick runs that house with Frankie as a close second ... Those Outsiders should start banding together.


There are people who knows this. Well, Hayden and Donny do. Honestly, I'm pretty sure they all know it, but they are all very passive players. Which is why they won't bad together. They're playing scared. They wanna wait until the twist is over. What they don't seem to get is that by that time there will be no one left to help them take out The Detonators because they will have all been evicted. Idiots.


And somewhere, when Brittany sees this, she will be yelling at the tv "I told you so".

I don't know why she would since she was perfectly fine with continuing the eviction of all the women. If anyone should be saying "I told you so" it's Joey. All these women should apologize to Joey when they get out for not listening to her. If they had they might have had a chance of winning the game. Edited by peachmangosteen
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So after all the drama between the two of them last night, why did Zach move away from putting Amber up?   Does he want to keep her alive as a backdoor possibility along with Caleb?:


I'm guessing Frankie decided he needed to keep HOH and decide who gets backdoored because Zach is too big a wildcard.

Edited by vb68

I'm guessing Frankie decided he needed to keep HOH and decide who gets backdoored because Zach is too big a wildcard.

That's probably it. Derrick told Frankie he needed to stay HOH and what Derrick says goes so.

I would laugh for day if this plan stays and Nicole/Christine end up losing BOB. It would be so beautiful.

But I imagine this plan will change at least 5 times this morning anyway.

Edited by peachmangosteen


I would laugh for day if this plan stays and Nicole/Christine end up losing BOB. It would be so beautiful.


That would be great because I do not see Frankie backdooring Caleb, which I was hoping Zach would do.


ETA:  I also haven't seen either Nicole or Christine impress in any competitions  enough to think it's a done deal.  Victoria and Jacosta have a lot more practice too.

Edited by vb68

Wait, isn't Zach nominating Nicole/Christine? Did that switch? 


Also, while I really don't care enough to judge (it's her life), Christine's treatment towards Cody is really pretty effed up for a married woman. I'm about as unjealous as a guy can be, but if my wife was treating another guy like that I would still be pissed. We're getting well beyond flirting territory. 

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As of last night, yes, Zach is nomming Nicole/Christine. I imagine that it will change, but hopefully not. And then may they lose BOB and then Zach will be sole HOH and it will be glorious in every way, Amen.


Also, while I really don't care enough to judge (it's her life), Christine's treatment towards Cody is really pretty effed up for a married woman. I'm about as unjealous as a guy can be, but if my wife was treating another guy like that I would still be pissed. We're getting well beyond flirting territory.

I agree. And actually her husband does, too. There's been some twitter drama with him. He's not happy about Christine/Cody. Cody's Dad tweeted him to tell him to follow so he could send her husband a DM. It's sort of hilarious but so awkward. Edited by peachmangosteen
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I just hope Amber is safe this week.

I was hating Derdick a couple weeks ago, but I've come to really respect his game. I don't like that he's running shit and even worse that everyone is letting him. But he's doing it and I have to give him his props. I think comparing him to Maggie, who I feel is underrated and one of the all-time greats, is spot on. Let's see if he can make it all the way to the end and get the win the way she did.

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Wait, isn't Zach nominating Nicole/Christine? Did that switch?

Also, while I really don't care enough to judge

(it's her life), Christine's treatment towards Cody

is really pretty effed up for a married woman. I'm

about as unjealous as a guy can be, but if my

wife was treating another guy like that I would

still be pissed. We're getting well beyond flirting


I think what makes the flirting worse is that she actually seems to have feelings for Cody.

Maggie and Derrick really are similar. Maggie played an amazing game, one of the best ever. Derrick is playing fantastic. Too bad they both kinda suck as people! And they both played games that I just personally don't really respect.

As for Amber, I'd say she's actually got a chance of not being safe. Depending on what eventually happens with noms and then POV. She's a pretty big target for a lot of people, for some unknown reason.

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I think what makes the flirting worse is that she actually seems to have feelings for Cody.

Yeah, that's it exactly. I mean yes, the physical stuff has been getting kind of aggressive, as well, but boy, she sure does seem to me more into him than simple flirting. And it's really kind of bizarre and sad. 

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