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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Relating to a post a few pages back (sorry, couldn't find it) that quoted frankie as expecting his mom to show up with an agent, finally, it would seem Frankie is in this for the sole purpose of getting the exposure required for an agent to take him on. I still don't know if an agent would take him after this summer though. If it were based on live feeds and productions input they'd know he was a high maintenance, talentless, nasty person. If it were based on his 90 day montage of auditions I'd think it would be an even bigger no, because really, as a personality, as an actor, he sucks.


I think having some experience on Broadway and off Broadway on his resume would look better to an agent than being on some 90 day reality show.  If his Broadway background isn't getting any bites, I doubt that his summer hamming it up  and showing his disgusting personality on Big Brother is going to impress anyone.     

  • Love 5

I think they heard someone yell Beastmode but no info on whether it was good or bad. Derrick is using it as an opportunity to blow smoke up Caleb's ass about how America loves him. He wants Caleb to leave at Final 4 being excited about his "guaranteed" AFP money and not be a bitter juror.

That Derrick, he never stops working.

  • Love 5

I think they heard someone yell Beastmode but no info on whether it was good or bad. Derrick is using it as an opportunity to blow smoke up Caleb's ass about how America loves him. He wants Caleb to leave at Final 4 being excited about his "guaranteed" AFP money and not be a bitter juror.

That Derrick, he never stops working.


Ugh, yes!  As has been noted earlier, he just sucks any fun out of a room.  The only legitimate entertainment to be had lately (other than pure Schadenfreude) has been Cody and Caleb's play fighting.  He'll laugh, but he'll always be the one to remind everyone that they have to get back to studying.  He acts like a babysitter who gets paid only if he get the two unruly 8 year olds to do their homework.

  • Love 1

I think they heard someone yell Beastmode but no info on whether it was good or bad. Derrick is using it as an opportunity to blow smoke up Caleb's ass about how America loves him. He wants Caleb to leave at Final 4 being excited about his "guaranteed" AFP money and not be a bitter juror.

That Derrick, he never stops working.

Haha he really doesn't.

I wonder thought if it's Derrick/Cody Final 2 who Caleb would vote for? I'm guessing Cody since he thinks that you should win based on competition wins. Unless in Jury round table discussions he realizes that Derrick has been the mastermind.

But it doesn't matter since Derrick has pretty much everyone's vote. I think questionable ones could be Jocasta and Donny. But Frankie would vote for Derrick I believe.

Edited by SiobhanJW

I think Derrick has Hayden, Nicole, Victoria & Donny and Cody has Christine & Caleb. Would not surprise me at all if Zach voted for Cody. I think Frankie would vote for Derrick. Jocasta I have no clue. Might be a more interesting vote than the 9-0 some are predicting. I think Derrick wins though.

I think Derrick has the Donny vote based on him seeing he was a strong player in the house and thinking Cody was whiny and annoying. I put little stock into the jury house footage on the show.

Edited by AndreaK1041

I think Derrick has Hayden, Nicole, Victoria & Donny and Cody has Christine & Caleb. Would not surprise me at all if Zach voted for Cody. I think Frankie would vote for Derrick. Jocasta I have no clue. Might be a more interesting vote than the 9-0 some are predicting. I think Derrick wins though.

I think Derrick has the Donny vote based on him seeing he was a strong player in the house and thinking Cody was whiny and annoying. I put little stock into the jury house footage on the show.

I agree I think Jocasta is a wild card. But Zach is voting for Derrick. He said to to him before he was leaving, and has said it in several interviews. And in those Jeff Highlights with Zach he was making fun of Cody. He knew before he left that Cody was saying crap about him. So hence why I'm firmly in Zach is voting for Derrick category. Lol.

And with Christine, who knows with what she said about Derrick in the jury interviews would lead us to believe she would vote for him. But your right it could go either way with her since she had a pretty close relationship with Cody. But she knows the game, and if she realizes that Derrick has masterminded this all, then she's gonna go for him as a Superfan. Don't get me wrong Cody has helped but he was to quote Victoria the actual Robin to Derricks Batman!! Lol

Edited by SiobhanJW

Oh yeah, now that Frankie is definitely gone, there is no doubt in my mind that Derrick wins. Caleb is going next, and no matter who wins the final HOH, Derrick makes the final two and easily wins because Victoria and Cody are just that pathetic in the jury's eyes.


And you know, if Cody wins the final HOH, he just might try to evict himself to maximize Derrick's chances of winning.

  • Love 7

Damn me, but if Derrick isn't spreading some of his mist my way.  I've been watching BBAD for the past week, not all of it, but some, and I remember he gave this little side smile to Victoria, when she was bugging him, and he complained, but gave this little "busting your chops" side smile and I thought, aww, that was cute..............................he isn't so bad................


Which is why I would probably be putty in his hands were I in the house and which is why I never, ever, ever could play in the game.   But yeah,  I wouldn't mind him winning one bit.   After all, he has a very hungry and incredibly cute daughter.  


I wish Donny had teamed with Derrick.  That is the only thing that keeps me from liking Derrick more than I do now - they way he shafted Donny and cut him out.   

  • Love 11

I'm not so sure that Cody has Christine's vote, she seemed pretty bitter when asked about him especially after the way she got booed and her reception at the Jury House she may have turned on him. He didn't even give her a sympathy vote, she must be pissed that Derrick's been working his ass off to save Victoria and that her buddy Cody didn't really try to save her. She is probably in self preservation mode right now which means she might vote for whoever he's up against since they're all probably telling her she got played as well as how bad it looked for her to be constantly all over him. How many people in Jury did Cody say Christine was ugly to and how annoying she is?

You're right SiobhanJW. I forgot how anti-Zach Cody was before he left and how he was kind of a dick to him. My mind only remembers when they were bros and then now when Cody keeps saying he misses Zach. Short term BB memory loss.

Haha yeah. Someone told Zach about Cody's hatred of him. Maybe it was Victoria, but Zach seemed kinda bummed about it because frankly it was a little ridiculous. It was like seething hate. And then now he's obsessed with him. I'm guessing because he knows that America loves him. It was very strange I didn't get it. But whatever.

Haha yeah. Someone told Zach about Cody's hatred of him. Maybe it was Victoria, but Zach seemed kinda bummed about it because frankly it was a little ridiculous. It was like seething hate. And then now he's obsessed with him. I'm guessing because he knows that America loves him. It was very strange I didn't get it. But whatever.


I think that it goes back to how unnecessarily unkind Zach was to Nicole, in particular.  Now he has pretty much written of his behavior as Zach playing a character and doesn't seem to hold it against him.

Edited by forgetmenow

I really don't think AFP will happen this year. It didn't happen on the last Survivor season. It also never happened on Season 8 because of the America's Player twist. I hope I'm right because I hate AFP. I hate when contestants try to campaign for it all season on the live feeds cough Adam Poch cough.

  • Love 1

I really don't think AFP will happen this year. It didn't happen on the last Survivor season. It also never happened on Season 8 because of the America's Player twist. I hope I'm right because I hate AFP. I hate when contestants try to campaign for it all season on the live feeds cough Adam Poch cough.

Part of me wants it cuz it would be great to see either Donny, Zach or Nicole get it. But then part of me is afraid if they do it then Ariana fans come out in droves and Frankie ends up winning it. Which isn't a true barometer of AFP.

So I am hoping that either they do it, but no one that was in Team America can win it since they have already won money. Or they just don't do it at all. Or you could have the Feedsters only vote.

I still think they did the votes for TA way to early. If they waited maybe 2 or 3 weeks before they did the voting we would of had prolly Donny and 2 other people. I don't think it would of been Frankie and Derrick.

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 4

I can see the reaction now:

Victoria: "O. M. G. !"

Hayden: "seriously?"

Christine: "I hate him."

Nicole: "Frankie is 31!!!! 3 years older than what he told us!!!!!!!! He's Ooolllddd! He's the enemy! O. M. G. ! This is SOOO shocking! My entire game was based on him being 28!"

Donny: " I'm not sure why anyone would want to lie about their age when there's so many other things to be lying about, but, hey, touchdown!!"

Victoria: "HOW was he able to keep it a secret?!"

Jocasta: "He made it farther than me." Waves finger.

Caleb: "Does THIS mean he isn't even gay?!"

Cody: "dude.....aihhhhhh! I saw the rat!!!!!"

Zach, Caleb, Cody,: "Eeww!"

Derrick: " whaaa?"

Julie Chen: "Also, Derrick is a cop."


Christine:  "That's disgusting."



....... Victoria is washing celery stalks for the salad...with soap. WITH DISH SOAP. And the nasty moldy dirty sponge that they've been using for OGG knows how long to wash dishes. WHAT THE FUCK?!"


THIS is why I love "Big Brother"!


May she run into a French dressed scoundrel on the shoulder of the road in Weston. Walking a cat on a leash.   ;-)


A big ole crow would just swoop down and carry the scoundrel away.

During their "last family dinner" talk last night, Frankie suggested they have their last formal meal as a group on Tuesday evening, and everybody agreed.


I like how they all sit down and have a "family dinner" together.  I know it lessens/removes the drama, but I enjoy watching these people just being together and interacting with each other so much better than last year's hate-fest.  Dull as it can be at times, I still find it interesting.  In fact (and I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this) it's kind of comforting to listen to their voices as I watch BBAD and drift off to sleep.  Don't judge!



Sorry for the double post, but I got my quotes all screwed up.  That's why the following looks stupid too.  I'll do better next time!



QUOTE:  If they only accepted votes on the CBS site (they have a limit), that would deter those who hang out on twitter.  You have to register with CBS to vote so it is a step that may slow people who don't really care.  I can hear them say, fuck that.


REPLY:  Yeah, tweens aren't going to go to all that effort.  I signed up exclusively to vote against that dumbass "play".




QUOTE:  I love how Caleb told Frankie that he is annoying when he eats. Lol.


REPLY:  I would loved to have seen that!  How did Frankie respond?




QUOTE:  How many people in Jury did Cody say Christine was ugly to and how annoying she is?


REPLY:  Cody really said that?  Cool!



I would definitely watch a reality show with Caleb and his brothers.  I wouldn't watch them killing the animals, but that's what mute is for.  I looked up their website and Facebook page and got a kick out of it.  While I'm thrilled that Frankie is going to be disappointed with reality when they get out of the house, I'm sad at how let down Caleb is, no doubt, going to be.

  • Love 1


And you know, if Cody wins the final HOH, he just might try to evict himself to maximize Derrick's chances of winning.



Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!



n fact (and I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this) it's kind of comforting to listen to their voices as I watch BBAD and drift off to sleep.  Don't judge!


You are among friends, I do that too!  


I love that Derrick told Frankie about his eating.  I would love to read the transcript on that.  

But.......  I read that there will be an elimination Monday night, taped for TV.  Does Frankie's comment mean the HGs don't know about the schedule change?

They have no clue.  They don't know the eviction is tomorrow and they don't know the show ends the 24th.  They think it's Sunday the 21st.  Joke's on them!

  • Love 1

But.......  I read that there will be an elimination Monday night, taped for TV.  Does Frankie's comment mean the HGs don't know about the schedule change?



They sense 2 are going but have not figured out that one will be live on Monday.  Their math is off anyway because they think this Sunday is the final show.  I think the Monday eviction is a surprise because they would be talking about it, Victoria would be washing her extensions and there would be a bit of bustle tonight. 

They should get clued in sometime today though when Frankie and Victoria get their suitcases.  They should all have to pack since there is another eviction Wednesday anyway, and it might confuse them into thinking there was a double on Monday or Tuesday.  Anything to get them on their toes!


They may not want them to know.  In a DE the second person leaves and everyone packs their clothes for them and they are sent later.  They also all bring jury house clothes, too.  Or am I confusing Ponderosa!

They should get clued in sometime today though when Frankie and Victoria get their suitcases. They should all have to pack since there is another eviction Wednesday anyway, and it might confuse them into thinking there was a double on Monday or Tuesday. Anything to get them on their toes!

It's possible they don't even tell them. In Season 14 I believe Julie just came up on the screen. I believe someone was in their underwear!!!

  • Love 2

I want so bad for the Frankie blindside to happen.

Because they don't know elimination is on Monday they think they have time... Frankie isn't scrambling yet and the other HGs haven't told him yet. I love that if he goes it's in a non live show. Anything he thinks will air can be edited! I love that he will not be eating the final family dinner together, they can eat another after he's gone!

First post in this forum, so be gentle.  :)


Given his desire for fame but his lack of talent, Frankie should try to get on with WWE.  I'd think they could train him pretty quickly, and he'd make a great heel.  I think the BB audience might tune in to watch Frankie have his clock cleaned.  Ariana could even appear periodically.  It's probably Frankie's best pathway to the fame he desires right now.

  • Love 3

Can you really call someone a “one hit wonder” if they’ve had two No. 1 albums, plus four Top 10 singles (and counting)?


I don't even know what that really means anymore.  Do people buy CD's/albums anymore?  I'm pretty old school, and even I cherry pick the songs I want and download them.  And I think that so much of that, moreso now than ever before has to do with record companies marketing efforts and various campaigns on social media.  If you're a creation of a record company's marketing efforts, it just means that the next one is around the corner because the talent isn't unique, the marketing is what is selling the record.

  • Love 4

The only legitimate entertainment to be had lately (other than pure Schadenfreude) has been Cody and Caleb's play fighting.

I've never been a big fan of The Amazing Race but I would totally watch Caleb and Cody teamed up on that show. Odds are they'd get their geography all confused and end up on the International Space Station or something.


Given his desire for fame but his lack of talent, Frankie should try to get on with WWE.

He's so tiny though! They would snap him like a dried out twig. Nah, I think his future is in gay porn. NTTAWWT.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 18

Jokers. Read from bottom up.


Derrick planting seeds to Caleb for a Frankie blindside eviction. Derrick tells him that Cody is on board NT 
Woofie 226 0    09/14/14 02:06 PM
* Frankie complains about his shorts, according to Derrick. A heated Derrick now wants to blindside him, like Cody wanted. NT


Current state of the house: Hg's have been complaining how hot it is outside. Frankie has been laying out, Caleb/Vic currently 
Woofie 1823 0    09/14/14 02:28 PM
* A Jacosta Holla comes over the loudspeaker.. Derrick "Bothers me everytime I hear her, I picture her punking me off on national tv 
Woofie 2440 0    09/14/14 02:22 PM
* Frankie Caleb in Hoh a few mins ago 
Lbc 3257 0    09/14/14 02:21 PM
* Derrick "We'll talk to Cody and see what he says (about the blindside)" NT 
Woofie 358 0    09/14/14 02:19 PM
* Caleb plans on telling Cody later that Frankie was throwing him under the bus last night NT 
Woofie 201 0    09/14/14 02:17 PM
* Caleb "All Frankie's sister has to do is tweet Vote for my brother for AFV and its over" NT 
Woofie 147 0    09/14/14 02:13 PM
* Derrick tells Caleb that Frankie is trying to set himself up for final 2 NT

Edited by wings707

I refuse to have my hopes up of Frankie being sent packing this week until I actually see it.  We've seen too many times with the plan in place and then something happens.  Still....SO tempted to count my eggs before they hatch.  


I also kind of agree that I'd like to see no America's Favorite Player this season since I don't think it would be a totally fair competition.  However, I also would love to see Donny win it and have Frankie have to deal with that.  I will just have to settle for Frankie putting his name into google once the show is over and just see how loathed he is by America.  

  • Love 4

Eggs counted.  He is going. 

Wait, huh? He insulted Derrick's shorts and that, for some reason, made Derrick mad?!



I think what happened is Derrick is sick and tired of hearing about his damn shorts.  Frankie is constantly talking about how tight they are, the camera caught by balls on the TV show when I won (veto comp) and on and on he goes.  Balls and shorts, balls and shorts.........


Not Derricks shorts. 

Heads up.  Football made the shows run late.  Record the show after BB so you can catch it all.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

Frankie was complaining about his, Frankie's shorts. Derrick wants Frankie to get evicted wearing those shorts so he can laugh at him.


From earlier, since this has been brought up a few times:


Derrick,,,,,he talks too much (Frankie)
Caleb....he said he needed to talk to me
Derrick....yeah he was throwing Cody under the bus.
Caleb.....I(talking about convo w Frankie last night) stressed out I just want to go home he jumps on my back, he touches my butt, being funny. I'm over that stuff! I want to go home.

Edited by willpwr
  • Love 2

This is an honest-to-dog true story. Earlier this year I went into a store that carries CDs and asked if they carry cassettes. My request wasn't so odd ... I still have a cassette player in my car.

Yes, my car is old and so am I.

Wait but did they have them?? Did they know what you were talking about? I'm a '90s child and still call it, "taping something" to record it. As in a VCR. Video killed the radio star...who killed the video star?

  • Love 3

Frankie does have some talent. Can he dance? Yes. Does he have a nice singing voice? Yes. Does he excel in either area enough to stand out in a crowd. NO. Sorry, Frankie, your talents are average at best. Good thing you have your family.


If Derrick does take Victoria to the F2, I hope she wins and the Jury tells Derrick, "Remember when you said if anyone took Victoria to the F2, they wouldn't get your vote?  We felt the same way."

  • Love 5

Will the feedsters get to see the non-live eviction?

Also, I don't think Derrick is truly even considering Victoria for F2. Pretty sure she's next out after Frankie. He needs her in the Jury.

Nope feeds will go down tomorrow morning and will be down until after the eviction episode airs on Tuesday night.

I think Derrick wants Caleb out next because he isn't 100% on taking Derrick to final 2. Victoria and Cody will take him.

Caleb.....I(talking about convo w Frankie last night) stressed out I just want to go home he jumps on my back, he touches my butt, being funny. I'm over that stuff! I want to go home.

I wondered how the guys (not Zach) felt about that. While I don't think any of them are homophobic in any way, I wouldn't have blamed them if they told Frankie that they didn't like it. I don't particularly like people touching me that much or laying all over me all the time. Part of me thinks that they allowed him to be so touchy feely so as not to appear as if they were anti-gay. And also for game purposes. Gotta be a team player for the alliance's sake.

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