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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Thu 11:17 PM BBT Frankie was given a "note" {by DR} that TVGN doesn't like when you perform for them. NT - Dolffie


I wonder if the fine folks over at TVGN meant all of the remaining house guests or just Frankie? ;-)


I don't get this and am not sure I believe it.  How can they tell a house guest how to act?  At one time or another they all perform.  This is confusing.


ETA: Finally got to use "Schadenfreude" in a sentence.  It was worth the wait!


Congratulations one using "Schadenfreude".  Now, can you say "Kerfuffle"?


I will put this season behind me and focus on BB Canada


Where would a person living in, say ..... Tennessee ..... be able to watch BB Canada?


Cootie Taw 


This is what I'm going to name my next cat. 



Ok, I guess I'm dense or something, but could someone explain to me in simple terms why it would benefit Derrick to take Frankie to final 2 with him now?  If he can win the extra $50,000 by winning the game, what does he need Frankie there for?  Because he's sure he can beat him?


Again, I'm confused.


ETA:  I believe they should have told all 3 TA members that if all 3 made it to the end, THEN the winner would get the extra money.  If any of them were evicted, that deal was off.

Edited by slasherboy
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You sure about that? I'm pretty sure they all are pretty damn stupid.

I's clear now that the jury knows Derrick is running the game, but they all seem to think Frankie is pretty up there as well, plus he has won a lot of comps.

The rule was initially that they could tell people that they were on TA, but just not who the other members are. But, obviously, they don't really care about rules and just make shit up as they go along so.

Haha I'm sorry you are right some of them are stupid. Haha but they know who is running the show. They even said it's going to be Derrick v Frankie and who gets to the end with Victoria. So if Derrick strikes first with getting Frankie out I say just have BB write the check for Derrick if he makes the final 2 cuz the jury is voting for him.

They know that Caleb didn't come up with the idea to put up Frankie, they know it's bad for Caleb's game. Nicole was there for the rumblings of him backdooring Frankie the week she left for the second time. So she's gonna know Derrick finally misted him enough lol.

Edited by SiobhanJW

Fair enough, but I think the TA bonus itself is a pretty interesting proposition.  Why did this occur?  What is the objective for this?  I would think the $25K, in and of itself, would be plenty motivation for future hgs to embrace the TA role, and announcing this bonus at the finale will be received with as much negativity as it will positivity.  So, why?  What is driving this?

I'm really confused about this too. As I understand it, if either remaining member of TA wins the grand prize they will add $50K to the prize money. They don't both have to be in the finals. I don't see the point. They were already trying their best to win the game and they've already gotten a significant amount of bonus money. Except for AFP, bonus money from comps or whatever has never been as high as $5K per week. When Eric Stein was AP I think he had to complete 3 missions over 3 weeks to get $5K and he didn't have the option to turn missions down. I don't get the unprecedented showering of the better part of $100K on a particular player just because America (allegedly) voted for him in week two without even knowing what the implications of winning the vote were.


Couldn't the show have used the extra money to make the show more interesting instead of just giving it to the person sucking all entertainment value from the season? It actually pisses me off that, apparently, they had over $100K of extra money to do whatever and this is how they chose to use it. I will be furious if they don't do AFP and ordinarily I don't care at all about AFP. For one thing, it just seems unfair that such a large portion of the bonus money is going to 3 players with a gargantuan share going to one player. At the end of the day, this is a game show and it's more "fair" and "fun" to see more people get prizes and having better prizes for comps would spice things up at least a little. They could have done major things that would affect the game like offering $25K to switch places with someone in the jury or they could have just had more luxury comps with cool prizes or offered prizes as part of the regular comps. They could have given money to the winners of some comps to discourage people from throwing it. They could have hired a mime troupe to come into the house for a day. Anything. I'm starting to believe the conspiracy theory that they are making this the dullest season ever on purpose. The latest evidence is the decision to create a situation where the HGs would spend two days staring at the picture wall in silence. Seriously, who comes up with this stuff?

  • Love 13

This season is so infuriating! Why do I even still care?


I hope Victoria somehow wins veto. But I'm sure Caleb wouldn't even put Derrick up then.


But man, wouldn't Derrick vs. Frankie on the block be fun? Especially now after this extra money bullshit.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

Nope, not most hated of all time.  Frankie could turn that into a badge of honor, and IMO, there are others more deserving of this particular accolade. Andy and Dick come to mind.

Nope, not most hated of all time.  Frankie could turn that into a badge of honor, and IMO, there are others more deserving of this particular accolade. Andy and Dick come to mind.

Aaryn comes to my mind.

Unless you are limiting this to winners, in which case, ok.

Ok, I guess I'm dense or something, but could someone explain to me in simple terms why it would benefit Derrick to take Frankie to final 2 with him now?  If he can win the extra $50,000 by winning the game, what does he need Frankie there for?  Because he's sure he can beat him?


Again, I'm confused.


It all depends on whether Derrick has to be final 2 with Frankie to get the extra $50,000. It appears as though that might not be the case, in which he doesn't have to bring Frankie and nothing has changed strategically. The fact that Derrick is really hung up on this announcement, though, sure does seem to suggest that Frankie has to be there Final 2 for the extra money to kick in. 

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I'm starting to believe the conspiracy theory that they are making this the dullest season ever on purpose. The latest evidence is the decision to create a situation where the HGs would spend two days staring at the picture wall in silence. Seriously, who comes up with this stuff?


Me too. And I'm starting to believe it's punishment for us complaining that they were letting a bunch of racists get away with being racists.


I'm so ashamed I still watch this show.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I cannot even believe that Frankie or Derrick has a chance to win that much extra money.......based on what "America" voted in the second week of the game! Can we please take our votes back. This just seems so terribly unfair. They need to ask "America" if we're ok with this "mission"....which I can tell you that "we" are not.


Great post!!


Here's some interesting distraction news: http://www.buzzfeed.com/rachelzarrell/a-complete-history-of-ariana-grande-being-a-diva#1ow4hu6


It does help ease the ridiculousness that BB is forcing down our throats.

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We're all expecting quite a kerfuffle when the other HGs hear about how a select few are raking in the extra bucks.

ETA: :-p

I expect several of them to go ape shit bananas!!

If there is am AFP I expect it to go to Donny or Zach. Prolly Donny.

Imagine If the powers that be decide to give Zach some money cuz he helped TA win some of theirs! Yeah I doubt it. Lol.

Edited by SiobhanJW

No, this is all a misunderstanding that has gotten out of hand.  Nothing has happened.  All is well and on schedule.  TA gets a bonus if they win.  That is it.  Nothing more.  But this thread will go on for hours responding to posts before the facts became known. 


So?  There's nothing else of substance to talk about and speculating is fun.  I get a kick out of the outrage and excitement, even if it turns out to not be quite as scandalous as originally thought.


What floors me is that I'm sitting here watching reruns of the past 3 shows waiting for BBAD to start.  Summer will soon be over and all these hamsters will scurry back to their own cages and then what will we have to talk about?




As always, YMMV.

  • Love 5

As I'm trying to explain the latest "twist" to my sister (who is enthralled with Utopia & gave up on BB feeds), I've come to realize that this $50g thing makes no sense. I wanna see the actual card with the wording on it. Why would production/AG think this would change anything? "Oh, you won BB16, great! Aw wait, you're also TA? Here's another $50g." Derrick's not stupid so if he doesn't win POV and is more than :30 behind Frankie (winning veto of course), I'm going with they both have to make F2....or wait for Derrick/Frankie to let us in on the joke later.

Why would production/AG think this would change anything? "Oh, you won BB16, great! Aw wait, you're also TA? Here's another $50g."


Exactly. I'm going with ambiguous wording, said to each member: "If Team America makes it to the final 2, you will win an additional $50,000." Is that "you" collective or "you" singular? If it doesn't apply to both of them, that gives Derrick even more of an incentive to dump Frankie -- now he gets an additional $50,000 for dragging his most brain-dead follower along behind him. Unless that's what production wants, it has to be both of them.


Unless production didn't clarify on purpose, and left it up to them to interpret. That would be interesting...make the wrong choice and you lose $50,000. Or more.

Ok, I guess I'm dense or something, but could someone explain to me in simple terms why it would benefit Derrick to take Frankie to final 2 with him now? If he can win the extra $50,000 by winning the game, what does he need Frankie there for? Because he's sure he can beat him?

Again, I'm confused.

I think the only way this changes the game is that Frankie and Derrick now believe either one of them or both of them are the most liked of the season and (going by the amount of money they are getting) possibly of the series.

This is coming on the heels of Derrick saying that the show is giving them pets and other incentives because they are boring and Frankie being upset because the jury came into the house and trashed their stuff, Julie said they failed their mission and one of their alliance members got booed. Both guys seemed to have been feeling down because they read those things as signs that they were out of favor with the audience. Now they believe that they are in our good graces and our good feelings may mean financial rewards.

Here's what I think Derrick would worry about. If one and possibly both of them are favorites, how will his standing change if he keeps working so hard to get Frankie out? Does he look weak if he doesn't take the strong competitor, i.e. Frankie? So now he's trying to figure out how to keep America happy (not vote out another TA player or fan favorite) while still playing to win.

I think the diary room knew it would send this message. I mean Derrick is so focused on playing to the audience that he lies in the diary room. I question why they called Frankie into the diary room first. Was that to make Derrick think America likes him?

Regardless, I think Derrick is just gonna stick to his plan. But it does seem like not so subtle influence from Big Brother that America wants one or both of those 2 to win - not Cody, not Caleb, not Victoria. Yet, if they really implied that, it's a lie!

  • Love 2

They could have given money to the winners of some comps to discourage people from throwing it.


This!  I'm so sick of people throwing comps; maybe with cash incentives they'd all try to win.  It would definitely be a better use of BB money than the lame Team America crap.  I don't know which of Grodner's stupid twists was the worst....Battle of the Block or Team America.  Both sucked!

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I watched the conversation where Derrick and Frankie talked about it and, though I don't remember the exact words, it seemed to me that they said that they don't both have to make it to the end to get the bonus and that the bonus is only for the first place winner. To me, it seemed like Frankie was obviously pushing the "America loves us and they love us together" (an exact quote) thing because he wants to give Derrick incentive to take him to the end/not vote him out this week. I couldn't tell whether Derrick was just going along with it to humor Frankie and give Frankie incentive to take him to the end or whether he was really buying into "TA for the Win!" I guess Derrick was looking pensive for a while afterwards, so he's probably overthinking all the possible scenarios as usual. At the end of the day, I don't see how this will make him keep Frankie if Frankie doesn't win veto. Keeping Frankie actually lowers Derricks chances of getting the extra $50K (and the $500K) because Frankie would arguably be the hardest to beat in F2 and Frankie is most likely to have the balls to cut Derrick if he gets the chance. Derrick is a lock for F2 once Frankie is gone and he would beat any of the other 3 in the F2 vote.

  • Love 2

Squee! Even MORE insight into how Frankie got to be the famewhoring boy he is today.


“I think she does have a little bit of a diva thing going on, I don’t know if that’s just part of the image she wants out there, like ‘I’m a young Mariah, I’m a diva,’ because I remember, I think it was at the AMAs, she came up on the platform, and normally I stand on this side [her left side] to the camera — I had to fight 13 years to get this side to the camera, it’s my good side, but I fought 13 years for this, OK? Little Ariana comes over, I feel like BING, elbow in my side, I’m like ‘what’s going on?’ and they push me to the other side. So I had to be on my ugly side. But I felt like a little bit of a, you know it was like ‘you either get on the other side or we don’t do an interview,’ and I just felt like it’s one thing if it’s Mariah, you know, I’ll get on any side, I’ll bend down, I’ll climb a ladder, whatever it takes to get Mariah to do an interview. But when you’re new on the block, when you’re trying to earn your stripes, you’re young, you just gotta do what you gotta do, try to get a great reputation, try to go overboard to please people.” - Guiliana Rancic


The problem just HAS TO stem with their mother. I mean, come on!

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I also wish that Victoria would finally actually do something in this game and win POV (which, yeah.....she was how many minutes behind last time?) and Caleb puts Derrick on the block. That immediately negates whatever the fuck Grodner is trying to do with this latest nonsense (my personal belief? To desperately try to make TA a "thing", which it hasn't been since the play disaster, or even before that, really). Also, no WAY do Cody and Victoria vote out Derrick over Frankie, and Derrick ends up with his hands clean. Perfect scenario for me.

What is going to happen is that Frankie will win POV, and I will once again tune out for several days. Which....is also fine, quite frankly.

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Just have to say:


Overall I think Victoria's a sweet girl.  I really really do.  Many times, however, when I see her trying to "strategerize", I am reminded of one of my favorite TV quotes of all time:


"Hey, look.  It's trying to think."

-- FBI Agent Albert Rosenfield, Twin Peaks


 I don't think that Amber is sweet, at all. That pathetic impersonation of Amber in Frankie's "play" was nothing but mean and vicious (and not funny or entertaining at all). I don't actually get the feeds, just read about them here and on Hamstertime and Jokers at times, but I had heard how most of the women in the house were jealous of Amber, and that clip definitely cemented that impression on me. It's one reason I would like to see her evicted, although I admit the other Houseguests would be gobsmacked to see her win. But the truth is, Frankie - as obnoxious as he is, is actually working on his game and trying desperately to win competitions. I find Victoria to be as nasty and useless as she is dumb and unaware.

Edited by Stinger97
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My understanding is that Aaryn got engaged recently, and seems quite happy.  She'll have to live with what she has to live with, as do we all, but I'm not sure, even with what she did, that means she can't find (or doesn't deserve) happiness in her life.

 I'm not a goddess or anything, but I don't think she deserves happiness at all. What I remember about her engagement, is that it's to some rich guy coming from a wealthy background (he's not self-made or anything), and all she did was gush over the size and cost of her diamond ring. She's too stupid and unselfaware to change, no matter how much we'd like her to evolve. 


I don't think she deserves happiness, Penbenn.  I don't care how old you are, or how racist your state or parents are, the way she behaved towards Candace was mentally abusive.  I'm sure she is engaged to someone just like her, and they will make racist babies, or if Darwin is right she will just walk off a cliff or be barren.


And I realize that everyone makes mistakes, and most people say things they regret later, but she never regretted a word until she realized that no one liked her or thought her "Sheniqua" impressions were very funny.  


It's nothing against anyone, I just hate the sort of "shrugging shoulders" attitude people seem to have about the things she did in the house. Instead of a person who made racist comments she is now just someone who "made an opinion."  I'm all about live and let live, but I think everyone should and does have a line.  I guess the way she behaved in the house crossed my line, so if she ever crosses my mind (and its normally only when I read about her on these boards) I wish her nothing but unhappiness in her life.


And now, I'm gonna have an Oreo ice cream cookie to celebrate black and white mixing to make something delicious.

 Ha, a Bachelorette reference! I think the public feedback and Aeryn aversion had a lot to do with this season's casting. They were careful not to cast racists or homophobes. Obviously, they're not going to do anything about men expressing disdain.disrespect for women, not until they get a huge public backlash for that, and I'm afraid it's not going to happen. Not when you get people (including other women) defending Rice and protesting that he shouldn't be suspended and Oscar Pistorious getting a little handslap instead of a murder conviction for brutally killing his girlfriend. Not a good day or week or month for women. Big Brother just seems to refect that demographic.

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Cody is going to vote out Frankie. And I don't see Derrick lifting a finger to stop him. Yeah, I'll take this result. Kind of ironic that the worst twist ever ends up sending Grodner's pet Frankie home.....IF it happens. Which it should, and I'll keep thinking it does right up until the second it doesn't.

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