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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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This is so funny. On BBAD, Derrick is trying so hard to "feel out" Frankie and manipulate his choice for f2, and Frankie is being hilariously evasive and cagey. Derrick is using every mind game imaginable and Frankie's lips are pretty much sealed and he is just giving some vacuous and meaningless lip service to it all. 


Derrick actually said whoever takes Victoria to the final 2 would not get his vote. Yet, that is exactly what he is planning to do.

I think Derrick will take Cody for 2 reasons. Cody is easier to beat and Veronica will work for him in the jury to get him votes.

Question for the feedsters, is Veronica still pretending she hates Derrick during the rewind? If so, that has to be SO HARD for her.

And, Victoria, um, well, she's harmless enough but she's been a house plant from Day 1. I don't know how she got cast. I'm guessing they thought she was going to play up the spoiled princess but she didn't ...


I think this is probably why production seems to hate Victoria. I think they get pressed when HGs don't act the way they expected them to. Unless they act racist, then they don't seem to care too much.


Yeah, people say it all the time. It's just wishful thinking when people don't like the top five. No one would ever actually seriously advocate it. You can't just take someone's win away ...


Oh, I would seriously advocate it. I gave up caring about the 'integrity' of the game in like BB8. Production doesn't give a shit, so why should I? For once I'd like them to rig it for people I like instead of the most hated HGs dammit!


This is so funny. On BBAD, Derrick is trying so hard to "feel out" Frankie and manipulate his choice for f2, and Frankie is being hilariously evasive and cagey. Derrick is using every mind game imaginable and Frankie's lips are pretty much sealed and he is just giving some vacuous and meaningless lip service to it all. 


Love it. I'm alone in this, but I hope Frankie wins veto. The only thing left that will actually entertain me is Derrick getting fucked over so I will root for anything that causes that. I'm pretty meh on Frankie winning nowadays anyway. Terrible people win all the time; people I hate win all the time. I just wanna be entertained.


It always seems to disintegrate because someone turns on their own, but this year, with the exception of wildcard players like Zach and Devin (who would not hesitate for one second to turn on their allies), they have stayed together. It may not be exciting to watch, but I think calling their game bad gameplay is not entirely fair.


This is why I can't even get behind all the "wow, they stuck together!" stuff because, no, they didn't. They voted out 4 members when there were people outside the alliance left, so they didn't really stick together. Which is fine, it would be asinine to stick with a 10 person alliance in a 16 person game, but they can't claim they all stuck together. Hell, even The Detonators didn't.


All this leads me to believe that maybe the Jurors knew that they HGs wouldn't have audio so they were trying to be dramatic, cause fights and stuff to make them think that they hate them all. And they aren't all getting along, and that they are a bitter jury?


You're probably right that they were just fucking with them. I love that. Thanks, jury!


Derrick called the panty liners (or were they feminine pads?) "tampons". He's married. He should know better.


I doubt Derrick gives a shit about becoming knowledgeable about women's issues.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

What were they saying? I'm dying to know how the discussion went down.

Caleb did some Derrick-level bullshitting telling Frankie that:

1) Frankie is on the block because Cal/Der/Cod were discussing the possibility of Frankie winning veto and taking Victoria down, then voting out one of Der/Cod. They didn't actually think that he'd do it, just thought that if anyone would do it it would be him (though they totally trust him and know he'd never do that).

2) Caleb didn't want to nominate Cody because Cody's been a pawn several times before. He didn't want to nominate Derrick because Der hasn't gotten to play for HOH two times in a row and it wouldn't be fair to put him up.

3) Caleb totally trusts Frankie and would never want him out, otherwise he would have backdoored him a couple of weeks ago.


Frankie was SHOCKED and HURT that Caleb/the other guys doubt him at all because he's done so much to prove his loyalty. He doesn't care about the money, only about loyalty and honesty. He can't believe that they are still holding his one moment of fear and desperation (when he told Nicole to put one of them up) against him. Cody and Derrick came out halfway through the conversation and basically just agreed with what Caleb was saying.


My big takeaway from the whole thing was that Caleb 100% believes that he will beat Derrick in F2. I think he thinks he would beat anyone because he seems to think that the jury will vote based on who won the most comps and that he won the most comps. He has told Derrick to his face many times that there's no way Derrick would beat him in F2 and, obviously, Derrick always heartily concurs.

  • Love 2

If Frankie gets the boot at the next eviction, and if the crowd isn't allowed to boo at him, they should just sit on their hands and Frankie comes out to dead silence.


I think that would affect him worse than booing.  He would blame booing on the haters, but absolute silence would drive him nuts.

  • Love 6


Frankie was SHOCKED and HURT that Caleb/the other guys doubt him at all because he's done so much to prove his loyalty. He doesn't care about the money, only about loyalty and honesty. He can't believe that they are still holding his one moment of fear and desperation (when he told Nicole to put one of them up) against him. Cody and Derrick came out halfway through the conversation and basically just agreed with what Caleb was saying.


My big takeaway from the whole thing was that Caleb 100% believes that he will beat Derrick in F2. I think he thinks he would beat anyone because he seems to think that the jury will vote based on who won the most comps and that he won the most comps. He has told Derrick to his face many times that there's no way Derrick would beat him in F2 and, obviously, Derrick always heartily concurs.

This makes me chuckle. Oh Frankie thinking he was loyal. Hahahaha hahahaha.

Part of me kinda wants Caleb to take Derrick just so I can see his face when he DOESN'T win!! Lol

  • Love 1

My big takeaway from the whole thing was that Caleb 100% believes that he will beat Derrick in F2.


Since I have (mostly) accepted the reality that Derrick will win, I hope Caleb gets to F3 with him, wins the final HOH, takes Derrick, and then loses. Caleb would be like "Wait what?"


Caleb would be a riot in his F2 speech, I bet. And I assume I'll hate Derrick's F2 speech, so I hope Caleb or Victoria are with him since their speeches will be hilarious.


If Frankie gets the boot at the next eviction, and if the crowd isn't allowed to boo at him, they should just sit on their hands and Frankie comes out to dead silence.


I think that would affect him worse than booing.  He would blame booing on the haters, but absolute silence would drive him nuts.


I think there's a good chance there won't be an audience there if Frankie gets evicted on Tuesday's ep. It won't be live, so I'm thinking they may not have an audience to avoid spoilers. I'm pretty sure that they had no audience back when they did pre-taped double eviction weeks. Frankie would be pissed! But Julie loves him so she'll just kiss his ass, which no.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I think no audience at all would be a real let-down for Frankie. Wonderful! Schadenfreude at its best!   I'm sure he's all prepped to walk through the door to resounding cheers, mug his way to the chair with an open mouthed grin of awe at such an "amazing surprise" of a reception, fawn over Julie and then be blindingly brilliant, but humble, during his big TV interview with her. Depriving him of that would be my second favorite moment, right up there with seeing him booted out.


ETA: Finally got to use "Schadenfreude" in a sentence.  It was worth the wait!

ETA2: I've decided it would be my all-time BB favorite moment.  Gawd I hope we get to see it.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 13

I just do not want Derrick to win.  He is such a backstabber.  He insisted on all those unanimous votes and was crappy to people who were being voted out.  Starting with Brit.  He wasn't as vile as some but he was far from nice and he lied to the fans all the time.  I just cannot stand him.  I also hope they shun him after his big lie.


  • He preyed on Victoria.
  • He is very controlling.
  • He has won very few comps.


I just don.t like the guy.

  • Love 12

I think no audience at all would be a real let-down for Frankie. Wonderful! Schadenfreude at its best!   I'm sure he's all prepped to walk through the door to resounding cheers, mug his way to the chair with an open mouthed grin of awe at such an "amazing surprise" of a reception, fawn over Julie and then be blindingly brilliant, but humble, during his big TV interview with her. Depriving him of that would be my second favorite moment, right up there with seeing him booted out.


ATE: Finally got to use "Schadenfreude" in a sentence.  It was worth the wait!


Yes, he will be dashed not to getting his moment with Julie and his cheering fans.  But I will gladly trade the brief joy of watching his disappointment for his swift elimination next week!  


He will know soon enough and so will we.  His after interviews will be satisfying, say nothing about his arrival in the jury house.  Looking forward to that!   

  • Love 2

I just do not want Derrick to win.  He is such a backstabber.  He insisted on all those unanimous votes and was crappy to people who were being voted out.  Starting with Brit.  He wasn't as vile as some but he was far from nice and he lied to the fans all the time.  I just cannot stand him

I don't mind Derrick. he's not my favorite houseguest ever but I wouldn't mind him winning. This is big brother and in order to win you have to lie and backstab. He has played a very subtle social game, controlling moves without being blatant about it. He never got caught telling different people different things as happens to so many players. Part of this was because they are dumb as rocks but also because he never directly said things, he just planted seeds. Donnie was my favorite but there's no way he was going to win.

I don't feel sorry for Victoria. You know when you sign up for big brother that people will be using and manipulating you. I also think Derek does care about her some. He spent a lot of time last night trying to fix the necklace that she was so upset about being broken. He said to Frankie "you can't tell rhetoria I did this". The nice gestures that people do with out asking for credit say a lot about him. He also came clean with her last night about a lot of things and told her to ask him anything she wanted. Yes I think she's a fool for playing her game to help HIM win ,but hey it's her game


  • Love 8

LOL Wings707 - No, elimination wouldn't be enough for me.  I want to see him ground under the boot heel of public scorn, crushed, eviscerated, reduced to a quivering mass of psychoses, until his only hope is extensive therapy which might rebuild him into a decent human being. 


I will admit part of this is a leftover from Andy winning BB15.  Since I can't take it out on Andy, I'd be happy to condemn Frankie to the same fate. IM(never humble)O, both are over-the-top  caricatures of gay culture who, given their exposure on national TV, reinforce every horribly ignorant stereotype.  Yes, I've known gay men like Andy and Frankie, but they are in the minority, and don't deserve to be lionized in this way. Although I know the fault lies with AG, I'll happily take it out on her chosen minions.


PS:  Can someone please help me push this soapbox back under my bed?

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 8

I think no audience at all would be a real let-down for Frankie. Wonderful! Schadenfreude at its best!   I'm sure he's all prepped to walk through the door to resounding cheers, mug his way to the chair with an open mouthed grin of awe at such an "amazing surprise" of a reception, fawn over Julie and then be blindingly brilliant, but humble, during his big TV interview with her. Depriving him of that would be my second favorite moment, right up there with seeing him booted out.


ETA: Finally got to use "Schadenfreude" in a sentence.  It was worth the wait!

ETA2: I've decided it would be my all-time BB favorite moment.  Gawd I hope we get to see it.

I would totally join you for a Schadenfreude party, but I think I used up my yearly allotment all at once at Frankie's reaction to his "Overwhelming NO."  That was just so damn beautiful.

  • Love 5

LOL Wings707 - No, elimination wouldn't be enough for me.  I want to see him ground under the boot heel of public scorn, crushed, eviscerated, reduced to a quivering mass of psychoses, until his only hope is extensive therapy which might rebuild him into a decent human being. 


I will admit part of this is a leftover from Andy winning BB15.  Since I can't take it out on Andy, I'd be happy to condemn Frankie to the same fate. IM(never humble)O, both are over-the-top  caricatures of gay culture who, given their exposure on national TV, reinforce every ignorant stereotype.  Yes, I've known gay men like Andy and Frankie, but they are in the minority, and don't deserve to be lionized in this way. Although I know the fault lies with AG, I'll happily take it out on her chosen minions.


PS:  Can someone please help me push this soapbox back under my bed?



Julie's after interview is VERY brief so it would not have been that satisfying.  What you want to see would require cameras following him around after he is out.  BUT! But, his need for media attention is so acute that he will be reaching out to talk to the world.  Interviewers will not have to hunt him down.  We will know! 


Keep the box out, it will save you from having to pull it out again tomorrow. ;-) 

  • Love 1

I understand the hatred for Derrick.  I am not a big fan, but this game is not awarded to who played the nicest, because then it should have been Donny.  The nicest gets fan favorite most of the time, or  the one most likable.  I applaud Caleb for putting up Frankie on the block because I know he wants Frankie's "connections" to get him a music contract, a celebrity girlfriend and maybe even the lead in a revival of Oklahoma or better yet, Grease.  So for him to go against him is a thing of wonder to me.  And it isn't such a bad move for him either IF Frankie does not win Veto.  Now if he were to get rid of Derrick at some point, that would be another great move, but he won't, because he thinks he will win against Derrick.


But I will not have a problem with Derrick winning.  He just seems to be losing it a bit now from what I have been reading.  He certainly will be unhappy if Frankie wins veto.   I do get tired of reading about him eating so much humble pie though to get him to the final two.  That is - well distasteful - to me.  So, Derrick, go out there today and win the veto.  It will up my respect for him as a competition player.


And I have to say that this game is so much more pleasant to follow as I do not like anyone particularly who are left.   I don't love seeing people I like get ignored or minimized.   Oh yeah, and Christine is gone.   She seemed fine to me in the jury house.  They just showed the choice bits for our viewing pleasure, but I honestly think by now she is doing fine in jury.  In fact, everyone seemed to be doing fine in the jury house.   Oh, but just between you and me - I can't stand Zach!   Never could.   But to each his own favorite.  

  • Love 5
Since I can't take it out on Andy, I'd be happy to condemn Frankie to the same fate. IM(never humble)O, both are over-the-top  caricatures of gay culture who, given their exposure on national TV, reinforce every horribly ignorant stereotype.



I have a profound issue with this sentiment.  Gay men and lesbians come in all degrees of the masculine/feminine spectrum.  If Andy and Frankie fall into the over the top category that's their prerogative.  They do not reinforce horribly ignorant stereotypes, bigots do that.  If AG prefers the over the top gays that's her issue, it's definitely not Andy's or Frankie's.  I'm thinking of the little gay boy or lesbian who's over the top in a small town, watching these over the top HG's getting along with everyone else.  It must make them feel better about themselves and their future.  


Now Andy and Frankie's personality defects, of which there are many, offend someone, I'm more than ok with that!


Fly your freak flag high!

  • Love 12


They do not reinforce horribly ignorant stereotypes, bigots do that.

True, dat, Sugarbaker!  I know I'm "shooting the messenger", but I'm so tired of these programs casting the far end of the bell curve.  It's the same thing with Victoria's "Princess" image.  Or the dumb jock thing. But they're

not the personal lightening rod that Andy and Frankie are for me.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 1

They will have an audience. But usually for those evictions it's CBS employees. So if Frankie does get evicted on Tuesday he will prolly come out to no boos. And I'm sure Julie will be easy on him. Asking Zankie questions I'm sure, I hope she doesn't say to him that "when it was good, it was the best showmance our show has ever had" (I choked on my water when I heard her say that to Zach haha). She will probably ask him about Caleb stabbing him in the back. Maybe she will say well you stabbed your best friend in the back, what goes around comes around. Probably not. But a girl can only hope. They will tread lightly with him, don't want to upset Ariana's Army. Barf. Even if Julie is easy on him, America won't be. It'll

be interesting to see how he handles this all.

I'm also curious to see if Zach will still be friends with him. He was rather positive about him when he left the house. Accepting that it was a game and he did what he had to do. But he doesn't know the extent of how personal Frankie got about stuff. That will be interesting too.

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 1


I have a profound issue with this sentiment.  Gay men and lesbians come in all degrees of the masculine/feminine spectrum.  If Andy and Frankie fall into the over the top category that's their prerogative.

I agree with this so much. It's not their job to be representatives of their sexuality, no more so than it's a straight individual's job to represent all straight people. I have a big issue with this line of thinking too.

Edited by Dilandau
  • Love 7

Oh, but just between you and me - I can't stand Zach!   Never could.   But to each his own favorite.  


You're not alone, elainemarie33 - Zach was one of my least favorite HGs. But variety is what makes the world go round! Or something like that.


Sort of on topic - could someone tell me when veto is expected to be played. This altered schedule has me a bit discombobulated. Thanks!

  • Love 2
He [Derrick] preyed on Victoria.​



I disagree with this; I haven't seen any behavior from Derrick that I would consider predatory.  Victoria is young and a little naive, but she is not a complete moron.  I've said it before, and I firmly believe it: she never cared that much about winning the money.  She wanted to have the experience and have some fun and be on TV.  Yes, Derrick has manipulated her a bit, but he also seems to genuinely like her.  And she seems willing to help him win the money because she genuinely likes him.  I'm probably just reacting to the work "preyed" because to me, it connotes some nefarious intent, and I don't think Derrick has set out to do anything to harm Vic, rather than be sure she doesn't win the money over him.  

  • Love 11

You're not alone, elainemarie33 - Zach was one of my least favorite HGs. But variety is what makes the world go round! Or something like that.


Sort of on topic - could someone tell me when veto is expected to be played. This altered schedule has me a bit discombobulated. Thanks!



If it is going by the normal schedule Veto Comp is played today so I don't see any reason to postpone that since we are getting a foreshortened week. 


Somewhere in this thread is a post I considered saving, and regretfully didn't.  It spelled out the week.  I will continue to look for it but someone may come by who knows.  

  • Love 1

I think:


Sunday September 14th - 8:30 PM

Tuesday September 16th - 8:00 PM (Eviction - Final 4)

Wednesday September 17th - 8:00 PM (Eviction - Final 3)

Friday September 19th - 8:00 PM

Wednesday September 24th - 9:30 PM



So this Sunday we will see a clip show and nomination ceremony.  Boring

Monday and Tuesday feeds cut out.

Tuesday- luxury comp clips and jury trashing house, veto comp, votes and eviction.


Does this sound right? 

Edited by wings707


So this Sunday we will see a clip show and nomination ceremony. Boring

Monday and Tuesday feeds cut out.

Tuesday- luxury comp clips and jury trashing house, veto comp, votes and eviction.

Does this sound right?

I don't think so. This is what I gather.

Sunday. Winner of HOH, Jury Luxury Comp, Noms.

Tuesday- Veto Comp, Ceremony. Eviction. (All pretaped)

Wednesday- Final 4 HOH and Veto Ceremony. Live Eviction. Then I'm assuming First of the 3 part Final 3 HOH comp begins live:

Friday- Clip show? (Maybe instead of just the final 3 doing it, they will interview the Jury for clip show as well).

Finale- We crown the winner.

I'm assuming the feeds will go out either Monday night or early Tuesday morning and we won't get them back until after The Live episode on Wednesday.

  • Love 1


So this Sunday we will see a clip show and nomination ceremony.  Boring

Monday and Tuesday feeds cut out.

Tuesday- luxury comp clips and jury trashing house, veto comp, votes and eviction.


Does this sound right? 


Found this:


Big Brother 16 Schedule – Remaining Episodes:

Sun, Sept 14, 8:30-9:30PM ET/PT – Nominations & Jurors’ visit episode

Tue, Sept 16, 8-9PM ET/PT – Special Eviction & Power of Veto episode – F4 revealed

Wed, Sept 17, 8-9PM ET/PT – Live Eviction show – F3 revealed

Fri, Sept 19, 8-9PM ET/PT – Special episode

Wed, Sept 24, 9:30PM-11:00PM ET/PT – Season finale – 90 minutes

What am I supposed to do with myself for 36+ hours???? I kid, I kid - pretty sure I'll manage juuuuuust fine.

Haha I know!! My friend and I who both watch the feeds are like what?? Are we supposed to now do normal life things??? Haha. Maybe it's a good thing. It will help us since less then 2 weeks no more live feeds at all. So this is a bandaid being pulled off slowly!! Lol

We can all make it through together!! :)

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 2

I hope someone here can help me. I clicked on the "Highlights" section of the Live Feeds and began to watch Caleb tell Victoria about the Bomb Squad last night (in HOH room). I managed to listen to Caleb drone on and on BUT couldn't make it past the ten minute mark. Here are my questions: Did Caleb tell Victoria that Derrick was a member of the Bomb Squad beginning on Day 2? If so, how did she react? Does Caleb actually know the Bomb Squad doesn't exist and that it became The Detonators weeks ago? He was not officially invited to be part of The Detonators, was he? Was it Caleb who actually started the Bomb Squad? Thanks.

I realize many of the houseguests' heads swell a bit when they become HOH and they develop some sort of swagger BUT Caleb is the absolute worst. Just watching him sit in that HOH bed and deliver this news to Victoria was mind boggling! OMG!

I would love for the Veto comp pics to be varied in some way from the ones originally shown or I hope they're upside down or that they see the negatives only. Anything to make the comp be more difficult than it was before.

I'd LOVE for Frankie to win if only to watch Derrick, Cody, and Caleb's heads explode. I'm serious!!!

Edited to respond to post from below.

Is it possible that the producers informed Frankie (and now Derrick) that their TA rat/mouse challenge didn't count because they've rewound the game?? That could be why Frankie is upset and why he's hoping that Derrick "crushes" it when in the DR.

Edited by tinderbox
  • Love 1

from Jokers:

Fri 12:49 PM Frankie out of DR, checks out his face in window (mirror)then to SR

Fri 12:50 PM Frankie in KIT "oh my god". Holding back from crying, appears upset after DR session

Fri 12:50 PM Frankie to SR for oatmeal, paces, seems to be crying and upset as he goes into the kitchn


Wonder what's going on? More....?


Fri 12:51 PM Derrick called to the DR

Fri 12:52 PM As Derr is called to DR Frankie whispers to self Go Derr-Go get your a$$ up there

Fri 1:00 PM Derrick called to the DR again. Frankie says to crush it

Wow  Frankie seems to have a burn on about Derrick.


Edited by Skycatcher

Whoa, thanks for that update.  I have been out and happy to come back to a shred of something.  



I would love for the Veto comp pics to be varied in some way from the ones originally shown



They have been told that the colors will be different.  I bet it is going to be very difficult and more than just color changes.  

Edited by wings707

From Jokers:

1:35 PM Derr and Frankie talking in WC. Apparently DR has told them that if they are in the F2 together the winner will get a $50K bonusprize ($550K total) due to Team America.



W. T. F. I really really really hope this is not true. I guess they're trying to make the finale slightly interesting by adding this incentive to freaking keep Frankie.

Oh seriously, even more:


From Jokers:

1:37 PM Derrick in BR & Frankie enters Der: no pressure, its unbelievable (they hug)
Frankie: They love us
Der: it doesnt change anything, we still gotta get there
Frankie: oh I know that but more so than ever this is like
Der: affirmation
Frankie: affirmation that they seen all how hard we worked



NOOO. You did not work hard at all! We don't like you! Arrrgghhh.

  • Love 6

From Jokers:

1:35 PM Derr and Frankie talking in WC. Apparently DR has told them that if they are in the F2 together the winner will get a $50K bonusprize ($550K total) due to Team America.

W. T. F. I really really really hope this is not true. I guess they're trying to make the finale slightly interesting by adding this incentive to freaking keep Frankie.

Oh seriously, even more:

From Jokers:

1:37 PM Derrick in BR & Frankie enters Der: no pressure, its unbelievable (they hug)

Frankie: They love us

Der: it doesnt change anything, we still gotta get there

Frankie: oh I know that but more so than ever this is like

Der: affirmation

Frankie: affirmation that they seen all how hard we worked

NOOO. You did not work hard at all! We don't like you! Arrrgghhh.

I want to cry. I cannot deal. Why wouldn't they give the 2nd place person 50K why just the winner?

From Jokers:

1:35 PM Derr and Frankie talking in WC. Apparently DR has told them that if they are in the F2 together the winner will get a $50K bonusprize ($550K total) due to Team America.



W. T. F. I really really really hope this is not true. I guess they're trying to make the finale slightly interesting by adding this incentive to freaking keep Frankie.

Oh seriously, even more:


From Jokers:

1:37 PM Derrick in BR & Frankie enters Der: no pressure, its unbelievable (they hug)

Frankie: They love us

Der: it doesnt change anything, we still gotta get there

Frankie: oh I know that but more so than ever this is like

Der: affirmation

Frankie: affirmation that they seen all how hard we worked



NOOO. You did not work hard at all! We don't like you! Arrrgghhh.


Oh, this is SO DISTRESSING. 

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