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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Derrick subtly shading all these idiots every time he calls them this and they have no idea!


I found a really good article on Derrick's game. It made me appreciate it more, yet at the same time reminded me just how much I don't respect his game and don't think it's that good. And I still hope he loses.

Personally I can't agree.I'm not saying he's admirable as a human being, or that his "game" makes compelling viewing, but the part of me that ultimately takes the show literally that it's all a game, is astonished at how dominant he is.  So I respect it on that level, while withholding judgment on how (and if) that impacts him as a human being (we just don't know, since his in-game persona is really all we ever see--he doesn't break "character" really--even his statements where he says someone he's getting out of the game is "nice" are just surface level compliments).


His game could indeed explode in the jury house, and there's nothing he can do about that. The others being such sheep swings both ways, in that when he's not around to manipulate them the next biggest voice may control the others (that would be Donny or a newly enraged Christine, I think), so they could all do the "even though he outplayed us we resent him too much" thing and not vote for him.  That's the one weak-point in his game, but really there's nothing he could have done to prevent that, because if he HADN'T made these people into total sheep, then at some point with wildcards like Beast Mode Cowboy, Zach Attack and Mr. Grande around, he would have gotten on the wrong side of things, I think, and one of them would have done something to explode his game sooner.  So he HAD to put them on leashes and manipulate them (and that's a game that never would have worked if people like Hayden, Donny and Nicole were his alliance).

Edited by Kromm
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I think part of why they didn't cast any credible opponents for Derrick is the need to differentiate this season from last season. This year, they'll probably get a decent family man as a winner, instead of a horrible troll in Garanimals. However, surely they could have found another decent person with somewhat the same skill set as Derrick, to make it an actual horserace. Bonus points if it's a woman. A woman with some skills could have rallied a female alliance, even with the group of dunderheads in this current cast. That would have been an exciting game, watching things actually be fought for, people changing sides, two times the manipulation. But I do think that they asked them if they would rather win the money, be famous, or be loved, and only Derrick actually answered that he wanted to win the money. Frankie, Caleb, Zach, possibly Paola chose famous, maybe Amber, and the rest chose be loved. Just one other person actually hungry for the money and this would be a different season.

  • Love 1

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they wanted a season where an alpha male type won. Because, to be fair enough, the typical format DOES hurt alpha males. I don't think it is a big deal for alpha males to be at a disadvantage, since all it requires is better game play and they can still win (The Brigade's season, Dan's season) but yes, the deck is normally stacked against alpha males, so this year, BB decided to heavily stack the deck in their favor plus then throw in a terrible female cast just to make sure. And even THEN, there was a chance that it would not have gone this exact way if it were not for Devin's moronic decision to add Christine and Amber to the male alliance (plus, there is the chance that Team America also played a role). 


So we had a terrible twist designed to make guys play together, we had more horrible than normal female casting, we had a second dumb twist that might have played a role AND we had one of the odder BB moves I've ever seen (going against his own SIX PERSON alliance to add TWO MORE people to make an EIGHT PERSON alliance, which is already insane, but then you add in the fact that he had not even VETTED his additions first!!!) to give us this specific result. Because of that, I just can't truly respect any of these remaining players in terms of overall BB gamesmanship. In this particular house, with all of these particular advantages, Derrick clearly has played the best game so far (with Frankie pretty damn  close due to his strong play in the competitions) but the situation is so specific that I just can't give anyone too much credit. The Brigade were boring as shit, but they competed and won in a typical BB season, which made that achievement exceptional (boring as hell, but still exceptional). 


Alpha males have a hard time in games like Big Brother and Survivor because in real life, others will typically allow them to do whatever they want because others know how to pick and choose their battles since they're used to dealing with those types of people. So alpha males typically don't deal with others who dissent very well because they're used to getting their way; that's why they're the alpha. Alphas don't do well because they've never had to adhere to the needs or desires of others typically, only their own. They have difficult times thinking outside of themselves, though there are exceptions.


Look at Dr. Will, Dan, and Boogie. All three have won the show and I would say it's safe to argue that all three are alpha males. However, Dr. Will's occupation requires that he be mindful of other people's needs or desires. Same with Dan. Dan's a coach and a teacher, both require leadership skills and alpha mentality to run a team or classroom effectively. But those roles also require a lot of awareness of others' limitations, skills, and psychologies. Boogie? Not really. He owned a bar and restaurant during both BB2 and BB7: he knows how to look out for himself and his business, but being a business owner can also require a lot of shrewdness and self-involved decision making which don't necessarily take into consideration the well being of others. Not to mention Boogie is just an absolute egomaniac. It's why he lost early twice.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders

A woman with some skills could have rallied a female alliance, even with the group of dunderheads in this current cast. 

Are you sure?  Because really that never happens.  It's a horrible disappointing myth to have even semi-confirmed, but on most competitive reality shows we don't really ever see more than 2 or 3 person all-female alliances, and even those usually explode.

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Derrick was pretty much the only one who came into the house hungry for the $500K and willing to work hard to get it. Being on TV/getting show biz opportunities afterward was at least equally important to most of the others.



Great point.  I think a few of them thought it would be fun and an easy way to make a few grand, and several of them just wanted to be on TV. But Derrick has been focused on the money, and only the money, from day one.  All the more reason to stop casting models/ actors/ social media moguls/ famewhores, and to start casting real people again.


Thanks, Brian Cronin for the analysis about the dual HOHs.​  Food for thought for sure.  Hey, look - Big Brother is a social experiment after all!  We just have to create the deep issues ourselves, rather than watch them play out in the house.  

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Fair point with the hypocrite label. Honestly I think in most cases almost all the players are hypocrites or exhibit hypocritical behavior. Sometimes it drives me insane and sometimes I let it go. Depends on if I generally like the person or not. Which makes me a hypocrite as well!

Not necessarily. Depends a lot on what goes into why you do or don't 'like' a person game-wise, doesn't it? :)

I generally think a lot faster than I can type (more a commentary on my lousy typing than my mental prowess), so I'm probably not communicating my thoughts on the subject clearly - and looking back on what I originally typed, I think I way oversimplified the matrix of relevant issues; part of the strategic game is directly tied to a player's social activity, so a clean-cut division between the two can't be made.

I might try exploring that more in depth later, but this post is already getting too long. :)

I thought the dog would be there by now. I was assuming they didn't do the veto ceremony today because they'd have the dog. Speaking of the ceremony, how hilarious that they showed it on the feeds. Production has straight-up stopped giving a fuck!

Did the pet question specifically say it applied to this season, or might TPTB already be looking ahead to BB17?

Just a quick reply/clarification on my part - I may be wrong, but I don't think Derrick was saying that he would put his dogs before his child. Just that if someone were to tell him he had to get rid of his dogs if he wanted *more* children, he wouldn't. Perhaps he doesn't want any more kids. Anyway, he likes his pugs, so I likes him. :-)

More kids may not be an option. Jana said in this podcast she had significant health issues during her pregnancy. Human child-wise, they may be one-and-done.

I agree with you and everyone else saying that Frankie will be grabbing that dog as soon as he can and soaking up (hogging) as much of the camera time as possible. I could not even stand watching him holding Jordan's dog an SOBBING during the proposal thingy. GAH!

Wonder how long it took them to dry off the dog.

Looks like they may already have a pet:


2:01 PM Derr is quiet and Frankie asks if he's ok. D says he's hurting... Frankie assumes it's about his finger. He should get it wrappedagain. D said they told him to put Neosporin on it. Frankie "F that"
Now they are talking about a fly in Caleb's coffee cup. Derrick wants to save it. Caleb "i'll save it if it gets out of there"


2:07 PM They are saving the fly. It swam in coffee for 30 minutes, has been cleaning itself off. Caleb has it on his finger. "You got it"Seems like they have a pet fly now.
Frankie "I used to be scared of bugs until I started studying them."

Vic comes into BY. Now Cody is up & in BR.


"I used to be scared of bugs until I started studying them" - Are they sure Caleb didn't say that?


  • Love 3

That was a great article. I think another thing keeps Derrick out of the realm of the greats is I don't get any joy or love of the game out of Derrick, the way I did from Dr. Will or Dan, or even fellow cop Tony on this past season's Survivor. The idea that he's going to game as hard as he can, for love of the game. This is an assignment to Derrick, something he has to grudgingly do to earn his family $500K. He started playing for entirely personal reasons, which has made his game personal. Everyone who doesn't do what he says is trying to starve his daughter. He wants to be rewarded for being the best person with the most noble motives, and as a result, has completely sucked all the joy out of the game. He's kept around joyless people (i.e., Victoria) to further his goal, and has made the season joyless. He doesn't even love the thrill of competition -- like Rachel or Janelle. It's this laser-focus on a paycheck he doesn't even need.


Dr. Will and Dan had their eyes light up when describing their strategy (or manipulations), and engaged viewers with them. Derrick doesn't even seem to want to be there. He doesn't like strategy, he doesn't like competitions, he doesn't even seem to like many of his competitors. He just likes money. He's not a vile person, but he's also not a rootable TV character because of it, and to me, it keeps him out of the GOAT (hee, greatest of all time) conversation.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 15

I have no idea what the context for this was, but it has had me in stitches for several minutes now.  It is spooky, but weirdly funny.



Exactly!  It's just game, game, game, game, game, bashing Donny/ Christine/ whipping boy of the day, game, game, game.  And yet, for all that talk, they never actually DO anything interesting in the game.  They talk for hours upon hours about strategy and "big moves" and whatnot, and in the end, they just stick to the same old original boring game plan.  


I've taken to playing a "what if" game in my head, like.. What if all the women hadn't so craptastically shut down Joey's idea of a women's alliance?  And then I try to play out the whole season in my head.  It's like a really bizarre version of fan fiction, and it has been much more interesting than these feeds lately.


The other night, the guys were talking game (of course), and they admitted that the dual HOH twist is the only reason they're all still there, because it encouraged people to nominate weaker players instead of challenge threats.  We've all been saying this for weeks, but I hadn't heard the HGs discuss it before, and it got me wondering - when this twist was planned, did the show runners not realize this is what would happen?  Or is this what they *wanted* to happen?  And if the latter, WHY???  


I've been trying to figure out how the dual HoH twist could have made the game better.  If the Battle of the Block had somehow forced the HoHes and nominees to work together instead of working to oust the HoH who nominated them, it may have been more interesting.  The original HoHes would nominate super strong people, possibly even those aligned with them, to hopefully win the Battle of the Block, but if they lost, they would risk losing those same strong allies.  Like maybe the winning HoH/nominee combo would decide which of the other nominees would come down and the HoH takes the nominee's place on the block.  I don't know, I haven't really thought it through and people who apparently do this for a living DID choose the format, but I didn't hate the twist, just wish it would have worked better/differently and didn't encourage people to throw competitions.

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I seriously wonder if Derrick will win, because we have had the benefit of seeing his entire game, while the houseguests who are voting on the winner, haven't. So many of them think Frankie is running the house, and Derrick isn't a thought in their minds. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought he was a floating coat-tail rider.


I agree, I'm starting to doubt that Derrick will win if he's in the Final 2 as well.  Think about it, these houseguests haven't done anything logical or smart all season,  Also, as we have seen, we can't have nice things this season.  A Frankie win would fit in perfectly with this craptastic season.

Just a quick reply/clarification on my part - I may be wrong, but I don't think Derrick was saying that he would put his dogs before his child. Just that if someone were to tell him he had to get rid of his dogs if he wanted *more* children, he wouldn't. Perhaps he doesn't want any more kids. Anyway, he likes his pugs, so I likes him. :-)


No, I agree with you. I didn't have the impression Derrick would put his dogs before his child at all. I was more responding to the post I made. I liked that he cares for his dogs. I strongly believe that commitments to animals are made for life, and you have to find a way to make it work despite difficulties. Dropping off an animal at a shelter is not an option for me.

Now for something funny! Caleb said his pet peeve was people smacking their lips while eating!!! He must have been going bonkers. He specifically named Frankie and Derrick as offenders. He has great self control. That's all I can say.

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RE: DERRICK   JeesussCripes, you would think he was the one-legged football player that ended up winning the game with a three point field goal if he wins. Look at the competition thru the whole season. Such a pathetic bunch of dopey sheep.


Truth be told, it would be no different than anyone of us going to the local insane asylum, playing BB and winning.


The biggest laugh would be if creepy demented Frankie beat him.........hmmmm he would be haunted by that for the rest of his life.

Edited by dimo
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Did the pet question specifically say it applied to this season, or might TPTB already be looking ahead to BB17?

Nvm - just saw on HW they only get the pet for one day.

Probably a good thing.

The BY artificial turf would probably aggravate the hell out of any dog who was out there more than a couple of hours.


I agree, I'm starting to doubt that Derrick will win if he's in the Final 2 as well.  Think about it, these houseguests haven't done anything logical or smart all season,  Also, as we have seen, we can't have nice things this season.  A Frankie win would fit in perfectly with this craptastic season.

To me it seems that Derrick is the Varys (Game of Thrones character) of this season, the morally ambivalent eunuch whispering in the ears of others and slyly getting his way. Varys' power in part comes from the fact that he's not a threat - he'd never attempt to seize the Iron Throne for himself. To last as long as he has, Derrick has in some ways "neutered" himself in the game (although ironically his HOH was responsible for taking out one of the most hyper-masculine players, Devin - but it was never a he-man showdown, Derrick shrouded himself behind the House's Will.)


I really hope Derrick makes it to the Final 2 just to hear his speech (which I agree he's been practicing from Day 1.) Can he really convince the jury that he's not a ghost, a goat, a hanger-on - that it's all been an expert masquerade? Revealing his true identity as an undercover cop will definitely shock and awe the jury, but it definitely backfire (as so many have pointed out.)


I've taken to playing a "what if" game in my head, like.. What if all the women hadn't so craptastically shut down Joey's idea of a women's alliance?  And then I try to play out the whole season in my head.  It's like a really bizarre version of fan fiction, and it has been much more interesting than these feeds lately.

I also wonder how some of these people would have done in last year's cast. I think Caleb is very malleable - would he have gone along with all of the racist/homophobes from last season, or stood up to them?


I'm always fascinated by each season's house culture. It's not typically set by the winner of the game, but by the biggest bullies. Last year Aaryn and Amanda determined the environment, opening the floodgates and saturating the house with racist/disturbingly sexist comments and behavior. How would Frankie, this season's biggest bully, have fared?

Edited by Orangepop
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How is the dog being brought in? They can't just leave it in the storage room lmao. Or maybe they can.


When they had all those pugs, the hamsters went out to the back yard and it was just full of them. Tons of pugs.  It was great!



Frankie will go nuts over the dog. He was holding Jordan's dog. I think he likes dogs.


You guys are correct.  I was incorrect.  



What if the dog tries to snatch Victoria up and carry her away like that crow did?


I thought you were going to say what if the dog tries to snatch Victoria's extensions?  THAT would be something to see!



Rat ate 'em.


Don't you mean "crocodile"?


Frankie blows.

  • Love 1

I think another thing keeps Derrick out of the realm of the greats is I don't get any joy or love of the game out of Derrick, the way I did from Dr. Will or Dan, or even fellow cop Tony on this past season's Survivor. The idea that he's going to game as hard as he can, for love of the game. This is an assignment to Derrick, something he has to grudgingly do to earn his family $500K. 


Damn, you hit the nail on the head. Derrick is completely joyless about the game. Honestly to me he seems to never have any fun. It's hard to watch. Also, for me, nothing he ever does has any genuineness to me and so that makes it super hard to root for him.


Just saw this on Joker's: "Derrick telling Cody how he's mad that the DR asked him if Victoria was 'going in for the kiss' last night when in reality she was just talking game. He said 'Why the eff would they even say that? They must be bored.' Derrick wonders if that is what they are showing, that it's weird."


Interesting. Maybe they are preparing a Victoria/Derrick supercut for the show. I mean if they're gonna do it for Christine/Cody, they should for Derrick/Victoria. Something to fill up the boring eps at least.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

Just saw this on Joker's: "Derrick telling Cody how he's mad that the DR asked him if Victoria was 'going in for the kiss' last night when in reality she was just talking game. He said 'Why the eff would they even say that? They must be bored.' Derrick wonders if that is what they are showing, that it's weird."


Interesting. Maybe they are preparing a Victoria/Derrick supercut for the show. I mean if they're gonna do it for Christine/Cody, they should for Derrick/Victoria. Something to fill up the boring eps at least.

That's pure strategy on Derrick's part. Cody has made it abundantly clear how unsettled he is at the notion his and Christine's relationship has been portrayed in a negative light. If Derrick can plant in Cody's mind the notion Derrick is getting tarred with the same brush, that's another reason for Cody to want Derrick sitting beside him at F2.

  • Love 2


Derrick wonders if that is what they are showing, that it's wierd." Interesting. maybe they are preparing a Victoria/Derrick supercut for the show. I mean if they're gonna do it for Christine/Cody, they should for Derrick/Victoria. Something to fill up the boring eps at least.

I agree. Derrick may not be making the moves on Victoria, but he's emotionally and verbally petting her, well aware that she's becoming dependent on him. I think it's not too much to say she's in love with him. Of course he pumps the brakes on her affections because he's married - but just enough to make him unattainable. And knowing Victoria, that makes her crush even harder.


Derrick knows damn well what he's doing and he should be called out on the show for fanning the flame of virginal Victoria's affections.

  • Love 4

That's pure strategy on Derrick's part. Cody has made it abundantly clear how unsettled he is at the notion his and Christine's relationship has been portrayed in a negative light. If Derrick can plant in Cody's mind the notion Derrick is getting tarred with the same brush, that's another reason for Cody to want Derrick sitting beside him at F2.


That may be and the simultaneous truth is, he is genuinely upset that DR may be fucking with his edit to create something that is not going on.  Just watch, we will see him distance himself from her until she is gone and he will push to evict her even if Frankie is on the block. Could this be a DR strategy?  Oh dear, I just paused (again) as this hit my brain.  I usually do not get caught up with the apparent or imagined manipulation by production but I am succumbing.  

  • Love 1

I with you regarding Derrick's game as joyless. Dan and Will really seemed to love playing. Derrick comes off as I'm here, played, where's my money. He never let us inside his mind. He was too busy playing everyone that he forgot to have fun.

I think this is why this season blows. Derrick had such a control over everyone and the game that it became boring like him. There was no fun. No push and pull. Sure there were some fun players. Zach. But it became pretty dull without him. Frankie? Even if he was not so disgusting, he couldn't save it. Derrick could not let go of the control and have fun.

Derrick, you ruined the season. Hope you enjoy your $500k as much as I enjoyed you.

Yeah I'm bitter.

  • Love 11

Maybe we won't be getting the Dog until after Wednesday? It was like that with the Have Not food where they would get it on Friday following the vote. Maybe the same goes for the Dog. Possibly get it on Saturday or Sunday. If they don't have an eviction on Wednesday and just rewind and play HOH then they would have POV on Friday and they could get the dog Saturday. But I guess the same could go for if they have an Eviction Wednesday cuz they would play the next HOH on Wednesday night or wait until Thursday and then they would just shift everything back a day.

I think I'm a bit too in to this whole dog situation. Which is really sad cuz clearly nothing else is happening.

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 3

To me it seems that Derrick is the Varys (Game of Thrones character) of this season, whispering in the ears of others and slyly getting his way. Varys' power in part comes from the fact that he's not a threat - he'd never attempt to seize the Iron Throne for himself. To last as long as he has, Derrick has in some ways "neutered" himself in the game (although ironically his HOH was responsible for taking out one of the most hyper-masculine players, Devin - but it was never a he-man showdown, Derrick shrouded himself behind the House's Will.


I really hope Derrick makes it to the Final 2 just to hear his speech (which I agree he's been practicing from Day 1.) Can he really convince the jury that he's not a ghost, a goat, a hanger-on - that it's all been an expert masquerade? Revealing his true identity as an undercover cop will definitely shock and awe the jury, but it definitely backfire (as so many have pointed out.)


I also wonder how some of these people would have done in last year's cast. I think Caleb is very malleable - would he have gone along with all of the racist/homophobes from last season, or stood up to them?


I'm always fascinated by each season's house culture. It's not typically set by the winner of the game, but by the biggest bullies. Last year Aaryn and Amanda determined the environment, opening the floodgates and saturating the house with racist/disturbingly sexist comments and behavior. How would Frankie, this season's biggest bully, have fared?


the comment you made about in comparison to last year really interested me I think Nicole,Caleb,Christine and Brittany would have had a good ol time last year. Honestly if it wasn't for last year pc nightmare I think some of the comments made about Frankie ,Jocasta, Amber and Devin would have been different. Christine and her whole scary black man thing with Devin was weird , some of Brittany comments were a little funny also .  Nicole even said something silly like Aaryn was just misunderstood. I wouldn't put it past her dumb blonde ass to make dumb ass comments about people of other races she seems sheltered and has very little life experience.  I would love to throw her and Christine in the hood because if a crybaby like Devin can have you in fear then  I guess these too ugly broads would be petrified seeing some black men in the hood lol


Also I still think Caleb is a racist piece of shit , him having a creepy obsession with a mixed race woman does not mean he is not racist. I never understood this train of though of people having interracial relationships = they are not racist  that is really silly line of thinking seeing as white racists have been fucking blacks since we stepped foot in America.


His obbession and the way he seem to treat Amber as if she was his property was really odd and creepy as hell . Yet nobody seem to comment on that women basically laughed at Amber so I was happy  when Nicole the punk bitch and her ugly ass friend Christine the with got  eliminated lol they both deserved it and seemed to be bitter as hell a black girl was getting all the attention from the men. While Cody said Nicole needed proactive to be attractive and Christine lol the bitch knows she is ugly


Cody is the most attractive man she can get  and she clung to him like the thirsty little troll she is

Edited by teezy
  • Love 2

I am loving this analysis of Derrick's game as joyless. I had never looked at it like that before. It's so true, and it's also eating at him. Caleb and Cody were randomly chatting about nothing and every time Derrick talked, it was game. He is not enjoying it at all, but he is winning. It's just a lot of work for him.

Frankie was trying to convince Caleb today that Derrick is a threat because he is a "family man" and he would get votes because people are sympathetic to his family. It's true, and I can't believe it took almost 3 months for someone to say it out loud.

  • Love 4

Would that be Frankie?

that is an insult to rat's


Frankie is..... shit I don't know what he is I just know if I could take an eraser and erase his ass off my tv screen I would lol.



Frankie is like a cockroach in a nyc apartment building , no matter how many times you spray his ass, stomp on him, poison him, burn him etc thae motherfucker just want lay down and die dammit


I've been wanting him to get voted off since the time Nicole and Donny's dumb ass put Jocasta up on the block for the thousandth time but they were too scared and put up easy targets like jocasta and amber

I am loving this analysis of Derrick's game as joyless. I had never looked at it like that before. It's so true, and it's also eating at him. Caleb and Cody were randomly chatting about nothing and every time Derrick talked, it was game. He is not enjoying it at all, but he is winning. It's just a lot of work for him.

Frankie was trying to convince Caleb today that Derrick is a threat because he is a "family man" and he would get votes because people are sympathetic to his family. It's true, and I can't believe it took almost 3 months for someone to say it out loud.

you would think Derrick was poor the way he keeps making comment's about needing the money and playing for his family looking at majority of these contestants they all seem to be privileged white people with Donny ,Devin and Amber added in to throw in some diversity. This show pisses me off because it looks like none of these fools need the money shit you have me competing for half a million dollars I would make sure America was entertained thse fake ass model/actor wanna be's are boring as hell and this season has been dry so far.


Not one of the cast acted like they was playing a game for $500,000  if you put everyday people with student loans,  and shitty low paying jobs this game would have gotten bloody in week 1 literally.


Big brother keeps casting these lame ass over privileged college frat boys who apply to every reality show job on the circuit trying to find their 15 minutes of fame.I wish they would cast real everyday people for once

Edited by teezy
  • Love 10

To expand on my agreement with Derrick being joyless, which I did not realize until now because you are all brilliant...

There have been a few times where Derrick has laughed really hard, and they were at childish things: when Nicole gave Zach a wedgie and just last night when Cody nearly sharted playing pool. I thought, oh that's nice he's laughing hard. But I guess the reason is because it's so rare. Interesting.

I don't think he is necessarily a joyless person in life, just that he has been on the clock for months and he just needs a vacation.

Edited by AndreaK1041
  • Love 4

Seems like they've figured out that football is on Thursday, which is why the live show is Wednesday, but they also think the veto comp will air on Wednesday, and Julie won't show up until 8:30 eastern time, so I guess they haven't figured out that the veto stuff will air on Tuesday.  And now, they all think former houseguests are coming in to have a special, never-before-seen comp, and they're trying to guess what the comp and reward might be.  They need to brace themselves - they're not getting anything fun out of this!  Just a whiny Frankie, I imagine.  


ETA: Ha ha ha ha ha!  During this conversation, one of the theories was that there'd be some vote about which former houseguest each of the current houseguest's game resemble.  Frankie: Maybe I'm like Janelle...  SHUT UP, FRANKIE.

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 2

So, it literally took the houseguests over half an hour to finally notice the message. Cody thinks the twist is that the finale is on Sunday. Oh, Cody, if it only could be.....


As for Derrick, he does seem to be the only one not taking it as a vacation and, maybe, taking it more like a job. I've seen him laugh a few times, a lot of it being probably fake and some of it being genuine. He really does deserve the money after all this, because he has worked nonstop since at least week 2, with saving Zach. It may be a boring season, but that's only because Derrick is only playing the game against himself. Well, there was Frankie for that two hours he was being targeted, and Zach's entertainment but that wasn't exactly game play. I do think Derrick could be better if he was challenged by, well, anyone. Imagine if he had been in last season. Even though last season sucked balls, Derrick playing against Amanda, Andy and Aaryn could have been hilarious. 


I really do enjoy Derrick but I wish he was more lively and was more willing to take some risks for us viewers. I'd love some actual fun twists this season but I understand why Derrick wants to play it safe. He's already got the money just out of reach until the finale. I don't think he'll be nominated until there is no other choice. Nobody has even considered putting him up and I'll say that's pretty impressive. He's playing it safe, it sucks for us, but it's good for him. 


But yeah, I've stopped watching the live feeds because I knew how bored I would be.

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Has Derrick even tried to convince Caleb to keep Victoria this week?  If not, is it because he's ready to cut her loose, or because he's really confident that the noms won't count because of the button, and he doesn't want to show his hand yet?  If only I could count on a reliable DR session from Derrick to tell us what he's thinking...

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Has Derrick even tried to convince Caleb to keep Victoria this week?  If not, is it because he's ready to cut her loose, or because he's really confident that the noms won't count because of the button, and he doesn't want to show his hand yet?  If only I could count on a reliable DR session from Derrick to tell us what he's thinking...


I believe Derrick genuinely likes Victoria - but Vic in the JH is a vote for Derrick, so....

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Wow teezy, you hit that nail on the head about these guys playing for half a mil. Wouldn't you see more desperation and hunger for the money if you really really need it. They are in there laying around acting like it's they're summer vacation, bonding and last night on BBAD Victoria sitting on the outside couch running her fingers through Cody's hair very provocatively for over an hour had me shaking my head in confusion. WTF! This is one crazy bunch following Derrick to the end all the way. All your posts are very interesting and pretty much on target.

that is an insult to rat's


Frankie is..... shit I don't know what he is I just know if I could take an eraser and erase his ass off my tv screen I would lol.



Frankie is like a cockroach in a nyc apartment building , no matter how many times you spray his ass, stomp on him, poison him, burn him etc thae motherfucker just want lay down and die dammit


I've been wanting him to get voted off since the time Nicole and Donny's dumb ass put Jocasta up on the block for the thousandth time but they were too scared and put up easy targets like jocasta and amber

you would think Derrick was poor the way he keeps making comment's about needing the money and playing for his family looking at majority of these contestants they all seem to be privileged white people with Donny ,Devin and Amber added in to throw in some diversity. This show pisses me off because it looks like none of these fools need the money shit you have me competing for half a million dollars I would make sure America was entertained thse fake ass model/actor wanna be's are boring as hell and this season has been dry so far.


Not one of the cast acted like they was playing a game for $500,000  if you put everyday people with student loans,  and shitty low paying jobs this game would have gotten bloody in week 1 literally.


Big brother keeps casting these lame ass over privileged college frat boys who apply to every reality show job on the circuit trying to find their 15 minutes of fame.I wish they would cast real everyday people for once

I'm sorry' I don't know how to quote right


he doesn't want to show his hand yet?

 That's my guess, Turtle. I'd love it if he'd vote out Cody tho.



Wouldn't you see more desperation and hunger for the money if you really really need it.


kathybgd, the thing is, Cody and Caleb both need it. I think they think it's just fine if they don't win. They think they can cash in on fame after the game is over. And we all know that ain't happenin'. lol

Aw damn.  I think Frankie may have just screwed up bigger than he knows.  From Joker's:


Mon 5:57 PM BBT 5:40 pm Caleb, Cody & Derrick talking about how Frankie was saying they shouldn't take Derrick because jury will vote for him because he's a family man.
Der "the guy's getting so nervous he's using my f'ing kid as an excuse now. I was like, 'should I take offense to that? Because i'll lose it right now'"
Cody "he's using it so Caleb doesn't take you."
D "I told you last night what he was saying ...he's like 'Caleb's going to do well, Cody's gonna do well, he's just trying to turn us against each other."
Caleb says he talked about if Frankie won a bunch of comps jury would probably vote for him. Frankie was like "well we don't know how jury is going to vote" He was like "Derr's the last family guy here, he has a wife and kid at home..."

Derrick is pissed. "that's good well hopefully he wins the veto because if he doesn't, he's not going to find out. How 'bout that?"
Caleb "Money."
Derr "If I win the veto, he's going home. I give you my word. On my family. How's that for family?? ..unless he's HOH" and Frankie walks out right then ...Derr switches to conspiracy theories.


Frankie just trained Derrick's crosshairs squarely upon... Frankie.


Would a Yippee!!! be out of order?

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Caleb honestly believes with all his heart that if he doesn't make final 2 that he win will America's Favorite. It's so delusional it's actually kind of sweet. Has Caleb tipped the scales? It's like he took the Bless His Heart condescension and turned it into Bless His Heart the loving sentiment.

Eta: If Caleb is telling Derrick that Frankie is saying that, Caleb has also trained his sights on Frankie. Frankie has to win out to make the Final. He has a really good chance to do that, but he's on his last leg and I'm so very pleased. Btw, he knows it too. He said as much in one of his HoH soliloquies over the weekend.

Edited by AndreaK1041


Mon 5:57 PM BBT 5:40 pm Caleb, Cody & Derrick talking about how Frankie was saying they shouldn't take Derrick because jury will vote for him because he's a family man.

Der "the guy's getting so nervous he's using my f'ing kid as an excuse now. I was like, 'should I take offense to that? Because i'll lose it right now'"


This is one of the reasons why I kind of hate Derrick.  He put his kid in play with the whole 'taking food out of my kids mouth!' ploy, now that someone is finally calling him on it, he flips it around like it's some kind of outage to mention his kid.  I know, gameplay, but it just feels dirty.  If either one of these guys had any brains they would notice it and realize that they're being played. 


In my BB world, Victoria makes it one elimination further than Derrick just to watch Derricks head explode, then Frankie is out just because he's Frankie, and Cody and Caleb are F2...because they're the only ones left? Meh, I have no one to root for here.

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