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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Interesting live feed action:  Frankie and Caleb discussing Christine's Boo-ga-palooza:


Frankie:  "If that happens to me, I'll have to be institutionalized for the next seven years."


Sooo....who wants to help me roll out a kickstarter campaign for a fleet of flying banners over the house with 'BOOO...FRANKIE!'

  • Love 14


Frankie:  "If that happens to me, I'll have to be institutionalized for the next seven years."


As the famous grumpy cat would say: "Good."




Seems silly given that I don't even think he likes any of the people in the house. Would you want Frankie in your engagement photo? (overwhelming no)


Ew. Just that. Ew.

Edited by housecat
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Jokers:  5:50pm  Derr, Vic, Frankie talk in HOH about Cody/Chris. Derr says Vic hangs out with him. She calls it a big bro/sis relationship. She says Cody/Chris was a sexual relationship. Derr says he is not up with Vic until 4am alone. It was the way she looked at him. Vic: the way she touched him. Obviously you form a friendship but.. Frankie: If Cody touched me that way I would go for it. But even this makes Frankie uncomfortable. He says he would not do that."


Yeah, right; like there's any sexual, inappropriate or disgusting behavior that would make Frankie uncomfortable.  Funny comments from a person who gropes, grabs and tries to molest every guy in the house.    

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Jokers:  5:50pm  Derr, Vic, Frankie talk in HOH about Cody/Chris. Derr says Vic hangs out with him. She calls it a big bro/sis relationship. She says Cody/Chris was a sexual relationship. Derr says he is not up with Vic until 4am alone. It was the way she looked at him. Vic: the way she touched him. Obviously you form a friendship but..

Please.  If those two were having sex we would have seen it.  I've seen plenty of sex on the feeds - mostly solo (remember Eric? blech)  but the two person kind as well.  Besides, what would Victoria know about it?  By a look?   She's a self declared virgin with a huge crush on a  married man. 


The horrific possibility of a Frankie win kind of reminded me of when I was horrified that Amanda would win last year and then an even worse person took home the cash.  Ugh.   But then I often hate the winners. 


This season my fantasy is that Victory lucks into the win somehow.  Not because I like her but because I think it would be hilarious if someone that spent the last 90 days doing her hair and makeup and waiting for a rose ended up F2 and won.  Think how many rhinestone tiaras $500K could buy.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Seems silly given that I don't even think he likes any of the people in the house. Would you want Frankie in your engagement photo? (overwhelming no)


I highly doubt it's their engagement photo. CBS.com has video of Jeff ring shopping, Julie announced that both Jeff and Jordan would be on the show and have an announcement. Jordan knew this. They had to have been engaged before today. 


This backyard/on camera proposal is just for CBS/Big Brother/fans and probably money. 

After reading about Christine's exit interviews I no longer feel bad she got booed. She is such a vile, stupid person. 


I am appalled they're giving them a dog. They don't deserve it! I'll totally watch the feeds for the first time in weeks though when it arrives.

If it's a male dog I'm sure Frankie will be humping it's leg. Poor puppy!

  • Love 5


/These feeds are boring.


Yup. Keep me company, Turtle? *sigh*



i can't stand that perverted-obnoxiously self-aggrandizing Frankie. If he wins, my only option to regain my sanity will be to lead a CRUSADE to make sure he builds those schools in Africa...........who's in?


I'm in dimo. 100%.



If it's a male dog I'm sure Frankie will be humping it's leg. Poor puppy!

Ugh. You're probably right burgerbitz. :/

Edited by housecat
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They have been doing dishes for 30 minutes.  Even having to hand wash everything, how in the world does it take 30+ minutes to do dishes?  Apparently, every cup, plate, and fork in the house was dirty, and some of the dishes were totally disgusting.  And, Jeff told them that the house stinks, which I'm guessing was what spurred them to actually do a real scrubbing.  


ETA: I'm here for you, housecat.  Nursing an injury and so hanging on the couch this evening, driving myself nuts by watching these fools wash dishes.


ETAA: Good lord, Derrick and Caleb are cleaning the rock room, and they found more dishes in there.  Cody and Frankie and Vic have taken to just throwing them away, they're so nasty.  I can't even imagine how it must smell in there.  



Edited by Turtle
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Caleb and Cody were just in the golden button room for a while, hilariously doing various martial arts-type "attacks" on the button.  It's been one of the most amusing things I've seen all season.  Of course, Frankie came in for a bit and ruined it, but it was mostly really funny.  Caleb even caught a fly!  And they tried to stop the countdown, but couldn't figure out to do it.  All in all, a fun few minutes, especially compared to how much boring crap we've been subjected to.  

Dog is leading bunny in the voting, 79% to 21%.  Voting (for live feed viewers only) ends at roughly 9:00 a.m. PST on Monday. Hope Caleb doesn't try and commandeer the poor dog to show everyone what a great dog trainer he is. Still, it should be entertaining for there to be a dog in the house for a day.


Wonder when the HGs will find out about the change in scheduled airings for the coming week?

Caleb and Cody were just in the golden button room for a while, hilariously doing various martial arts-type "attacks" on the button. It's been one of the most amusing things I've seen all season. Of course, Frankie came in for a bit and ruined it, but it was mostly really funny. Caleb even caught a fly! And they tried to stop the countdown, but couldn't figure out to do it. All in all, a fun few minutes, especially compared to how much boring crap we've been subjected to.

It was pretty funny. I chuckled.

I still don't understand how Grodner or whoever thought that this twist at this point in the game would make things interesting. How?? Have they met Caleb?? Of course he was going to push that button. And how does making a boring week, where the only possible drama coming from Caleb and Frankie conspiring to vote Cody out, even more boring because it doesn't even matter make for more interesting TV? Or Cody winning the veto and possibly Derrick being out on the block becomes absolutely meaningless. They might as well just say "The latest twist on Biiiiig Broooother - nothing matters! No need to watch!"

Have less than zero interest in any Jeff or Jordan announcement.

I'd like to be worried about Frankie winning, but I'm just not worried about Frankie winning. He's playing Janelle's game right now, and there will always come a time where he doesn't win that comp he needs to win. And after the edit he's gotten the past week or so? No longer think he's production's favorite. I don't see any possible DR "whispers" in his future.

Just wish Caleb didn't back down only an hour after his firm agreement with Cody and Derrick to backdoor Frankie. Although that was probably the best bit of gameplay Frankie has done all year, which was to get into Caleb's head both before his meeting with Cody and Derrick (who were both 100% on board with getting rid of Frankie at that point) and right before the POV meeting.

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Frankie continues to be The Worst.  They got some Swiffer mops, because they asked for them (I told you - they're really cleaning!), and so now of course Frankie is sitting in the bathroom watching Cody use the mop, and he's doing an impromptu commercial for Swiffer.  "That is so amazing.  And the pivot head, the way you can just get in to all the corners, it's really just great."  You just know he's doing it hoping that there will be a TV segment about them cleaning, and maybe he can get some Swiffer money.  He's such a fame-seeking piece of shit.  Shut up, Frankie.  

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I'm trying to still care, I really am - but all I want to see is jury house footage. I just don't care about the remaining people. I'll finish it because there really isn't anything else to watch in the Summer, but I simply can't bring myself to care about who wins at this point. The new personalities are the only thing that draw me in to this show, but with this year's predictable results, that may not be enough for me after this season.

  • Love 7

I've said it before, but... do we really trust these people with a pet? I mean, I'm surprised that Cody can dress himself in the morning. Caleb takes one shower a week. Now we're giving them something that's gonna depend on them to feed and water and exercise it? Okay then. 


Do we know if anyone is afraid of dogs? Because that could be at least mildly entertaining.

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I'm trying to still care, I really am - but all I want to see is jury house footage. I just don't care about the remaining people. I'll finish it because there really isn't anything else to watch in the Summer, but I simply can't bring myself to care about who wins at this point. The new personalities are the only thing that draw me in to this show, but with this year's predictable results, that may not be enough for me after this season.

Same I'm rooting for Derrick but I've just about given up. I cannot stand Frankie, how anyone In the house hasn't started throwing things at him everytime he talks his beyond me. They are very paitent people.

I can't remember do we only get Jury Footage on eviction nights or is it possible for us to get some the other days??? Come on we want Jury footage and we want it NOW!!!

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So, maybe I've missed something?  Has Frankie said he'd fuck a dog if it emitted the right pheromones?

oh no, Frankie made a comment about how lesbians choose to be lesbians, but gay men have no choice in the matter, not because of genetics, but because of pheromones.  So since, according to Frankie, a mans sexuality is tied to his response to certain pheromones I'm assuming he would have sex with the dog if it gave off the right scent.


The reference was old, so what little humor there was in the joke has probably been severely diluted.

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Fri 7:47 PM BBT Cody looking at a cup in the sink shouts "What the f--k is that!" and says "we live like animals!"

Notice the look of shocked surprise which totally failed to cross my face.

Fri 9:01 PM BBT Caleb finds Donnie's overalls and brings them into the SR with some of the other forgotten items of Christines for production to return.

Holy cow. Miracles can still happen after all. Thank you, God.

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oh no, Frankie made a comment about how lesbians choose to be lesbians, but gay men have no choice in the matter, not because of genetics, but because of pheromones.  So since, according to Frankie, a mans sexuality is tied to his response to certain pheromones I'm assuming he would have sex with the dog if it gave off the right scent.


Well, Frankie was wrong about lesbians, but I don't know that it leads to the conclusion that gay males are into beastiality.  There are a growing number of studys on human pheromones.  I assume that is what he was talking about. 


If we want to examine stereotypes, I'd assume the redneck would fuck an animal before Frankie would.  And, then, I'd be an ass for assuming, as they say.

Edited by pennben


I don't think the 'joke' has anything to do with Frankie being gay. He's just skanky. Period. :)


God bless you, but I think it has everything to do with Frankie being gay....read the thread, no one has talked about "skanky", they are talking about a male liking a male dog.. 


I'm old, so maybe I'm wrong, but that is just how I see it.  Maybe next week they will bring in a pussy cat for Cody. Do folks think Cody is going to fuck a cat?


The only thing I'm excited about is that there will be a puppy on the feeds!!!

Edited by pennben

Well, Frankie was wrong about lesbians, but I don't know that it leads to the conclusion that gay males are into beastiality.  There are a growing number of studys on human pheromones.  I assume that is what he was talking about. 


If we want to examine stereotypes, I'd assume the redneck would fuck an animal before Frankie would.  And, then, I'd be an ass for assuming, as they say.

Where did I use "fuck"? I said hump his leg. Bit of a difference. What i meant was that he's all over all of the guys, so why not a dog? I was mistaken in the post I'd made much earlier that got you riled, Pennben, about Caleb & Colton from "Survivor". I mixed up the names and had forgotten about Caleb's death until you reminded me and I felt very badly about it. I felt bad when he passed and then it completely slipped my mind. I apologized. I think this board is for everyone and people shouldn't be attacked for saying something. If everyone were the same & had the same opinions, it would be a very boring world. I don't think I said anything that was wrong and I refuse to be made to think so. 

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What i meant was that he's all over all of the guys, so why not a dog?


That's why I responded.  If you don't get why, well, you don't.


Burgerbitz, I hope you keep posting.  We are not going to agree on this topic, and you will never post anything that changes my mind, but we may on others.  Let's just play on!  Whether we agree or disagree here and there.


PS, I know you never said "fuck", I wasn't talking to you about that.

Edited by pennben

I'm old, so maybe I'm wrong, but that is just how I see it.  Maybe next week they will bring in a pussy cat for Cody. Do folks think Cody is going to fuck a cat?




Depends.  Is it a male cat or a female cat?


Did anybody notice Frankie last night after he took a shower.  He had his towel slung SO low around his waist that I could almost see the end of his happy trail ... if he had one.  I was just waiting for it to fall.  He was preening and prissing around so much, and kept looking at himself to check out his own body.


I hate Frankie.

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Frankie just claimed he was a "Broadway star." Uh huh. I guess being the fourth replacement as Sky's third friend from the left in Mamma Mia! is akin to being a Broadway star according to Frankie. He also danced in the annual Broadway Bares event. I have a feeling he got the least amounts of $$$ shoved into his jockstrap.

They just mentioned Nick and GM. Frankie is neglecting to mention he's interviewed Nick for his stupid YT channel. I bet the reason is he had sex with Nick.

Edited by TimWil
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That's why I responded.  If you don't get why, well, you don't.


Burgerbitz, I hope you keep posting.  We are not going to agree on this topic, and you will never post anything that changes my mind, but we may on others.  Let's just play on!  Whether we agree or disagree here and there.

I guess I must be simple then. I won't post anymore. I lived with an abusive father and we had to walk on eggshells and not say anything wrong to get him going, so I try to avoid that in my adult life. I don't want to upset anyone or hurt anyone in any way. Although, I'm sure I'm more upset than anyone that reads my drivel. Enjoy the show everyone. I'll still be reading the posts for all the great insight from all you witty people.  ;-)

Of course it's Frankie's fault. Subject of the argument was...? Hello...? Beuller...?


He also danced in the annual Broadway Bares event. I have a feeling he got the least amounts of $$$ shoved into his jockstrap.

I expect all that loose change would be very cold.

Ok y'all, I'm out for the night - got Dragonboat races tomorrow!!! Y'all play nice!

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I lived with an abusive father and we had to walk on eggshells and not say anything wrong to get him going, so I try to avoid that in my adult life. I don't want to upset anyone or hurt anyone in any way


I'm disagreeing with you on this one particular subject of gays and reality tv.  That's what we do on the boards.  I'm not going to agree with your opinion about Frankie and dogs or your other thoughts about proper gay behavior, but that's it.  I may agree with something you say tomorrow.   


I am sorry that you had an abusive father, that hurts my heart.  But, I'm just a poster with an opinion that disagrees with you (albeit somewhat consistently on this topic).  You have no reason to fear me or my words, they are just my opinions....they are a dime a dozen and have no more merit than yours.  I'll stand by mine, you stand by yours. 

Edited by pennben
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Seriously what the fuck is happening on my favorite board? Kiss and make up! We should be able to snark at Frankie without consequence, yes? He is disgusting and yes, I think he'd go after a cat or a bunny or bird or whatever they put in the house. Not because he's gay, but because he's Frankie. The WORST.

Is Cody romotely miffed at being nominated? Even if it's meaningless, I'd be a little annoyed if I were him.

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